Colour Diary

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Colour Diary

A visual diary of the collection of JPEG’s that have inspired me in some way or another. Also thinking about how they could be grouped in terms of visual content, context etc.

H m m m . . .

H m m m . . . Could be nice to work with colour in terms of an entire spectrum or gamut. One way of experimenting with colour could be to look into the different ways its reflected and the light seem to deconstruct.

H m m m . . .

T e a l / G r e e n This is often a colour choice for me, and for this brief I want something that moves away from my comfort zones. However learning more about these beautiful colours, particularly where the exist in natural environments might be a nice pathway.

V i su a l H a r mo ny I feel the harmony between these two images allowed them their own entire page. I want to explore how related two completely separate objects can be just through matching colours.

I will start building up a collection of my own photography explore how these harmonious compositions exist in the urban landscape. Using colour in this sense could also work from a fashion perspective.


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