Newspaper and magazine distribution in the United Kingdom
4.10 Trends in circulation, however, are not uniform across or within sectors in relation to magazines as indicated by the following changes:28 - Declining sectors include teenage magazines, pop and rock music and computing magazines. - Sectors with mixed trends include motoring and men’s magazines. - Sectors with successful new launches include women’s magazines.
Some of the changes to newspapers in recent years are summarised below • Increased volume of newspapers: in recent years there has been a significant increase in the pagination.22 • Increased usage of supplements: from the 1990s onwards, the number of newspaper supplements has increased. These have included titles on lifestyle, finance, travel, education, sport, food, gardening and entertainment.23 • Increased usage of colour in newspapers: most publishers now use colour in parts of their newspapers, particularly for advertising.24 • Changes to the size of newspapers: a number of publishers of broadsheet newspapers reduced the size of their newspapers to tabloid size in or around 2003. The titles which changed included The Times, The Guardian25 and The Independent.