The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
The Single-Incision Palatal Harvest Technique: A Strategy for Esthetics and Patient Connfort
Eduardo R. Lorenzana, DDS, MS* Edward P. Allen, DDS, PhD** The use of connective tissue grafts for root coverage and ridge augmentation is a proven, effective treatment modality. Complications associated with the palatal donor site can arise because of incomplete primary closure ofthe palatal wound or sloughing ofthe overlying tissue. This article presents a new technique for the atraumatic harvesting of connective tissue grafts from palatal donor sites. The main advantage of this single-incision technique is the pnmary closure ofthe palatal flap, resulting in less pain and sensitivity and fewer postoperative complications. A review ofthe technique and its indications, rsvonale, and limitations is presented. (Int J Penodontics Restorative Dent 2000;20:297-305.)
'Private Practice, San Antonio, Texas. "Clinical Professor, Baylor College of Dentistry—Te.xas A & M University System; Private Practice, Dallas, Texas; and Adjunct Professor, University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. Reprint requests; Dr Eduardo R. Lorenzana, 4871 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, Texas 78229. e-maĂœ;
Periodontal plastic surgery comprises a number oftechniques for the management of soft tissue deficits and deformities.^ Among these are insufficient clinical crown length, asymmetric gingival margins, improper gingival margin relationship, localized alveolar ridge deficiencies, the exposure of unerupted teeth, and localized marginal tissue recession.-^ Of these, gingival recession is a long-recognized condition that has been addressed in the literature via a variety of surgical techniques. The primary concerns regarding the presence of gingival recession include marginal tissue irritation, root surface sensitivity, root caries, esthetic concerns, and tooth loss. Recent advances in techniques and materials have resulted in significant improvements in both predictability and esthetics. Grupe and Warren^ first reported the treatment of gingival recessions using a lateral sliding flap procedure. This procedure, however, was limited by the amount and thickness of adjacent donor tissue. Bjorn'^ was the first to report the transplantation of epithelialized palatal grafts
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for the purpose of augmenting the zone of keratinized gingiva. Coverage of denuded root surfaces with free soft tissue autografts was not considered possible with any degree of predictability until a series of articles published by Miller^'*^ reported that complete root coverage was possible in 90% of Class I and II recessions using a citric acid root biomodification technique and free soft tissue autografts. The principal shortcomings of the epithelialized graft, however, were the presence of a painful, open palatal wound and a "tire-patch" appearance of the grafted sites. Edel^ was the first to address these concerns by obtaining connective tissue for the augmentation of keratinized gingiva. The use of connective tissue grafts for root coverage was first mentioned by Langer and Calagna in 1982,^ with the chief advantages being the presence of a bilaminar blood supply, a minimal palatal wound, and improved esthetics.'^''^ The first clinical study using connective tissue grafts for root coverage was reported in 12 cases published by Raetzke^^ in which 80% mean root coverage was obtained. Since then, the predictability and consistent esthetics of connective tissue grafts have been well documented.^''"^^ Comprehensive review of the literature indicates that greater mean root coverage has been reported with connective tissue grafts than with any other root coverage technique.^^ Since the introduction of the connective tissue graft, numerous techniques have been reported for
the harvesting of donor tissue. A popular method has been the use of a partial-thickness trapezoidal palatal flap followed by connective tissue harvesting and suturing of the donor sj^e 7,9,17 j|.^jg ^ypg Qf palatal flap
benefits of this technique in clinical practice are discussed.
design has been prone to sloughing and delayed healing.'''^' Raetzke'*-' described the use of a semilunar incision design for the harvest of a connective tissue graft "wedge" together with a small band of palatal epithelium. Others have used specialized blade instruments to similarly obtain connective tissue via parallel incisions.^^ Both techniques require substantial palatal thickness to avoid sloughing of the overlying palatal tissue, and complete primary closure of the wound cannot predictably be obtained.
Case 1
Recently, a new technique was described forthe han;esting of a fullthickness periosteal connective tissue graft from the palate.^'^ In this technique, an incision is made perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth, followed by a second incision parallel to the long axis of the teeth and 1 to 2 mm apical to the first incision. A small periosteal elevator is then used to obtain the graft. This technique decreasesthe chances of sloughing of the palatal flap, but may result in a significant void at the donor site, often requiring long periods to repair secondarily. The purpose of this article is to describe a modification of this technique that employs only a single incision for the han^/est of a full-thickness connective tissue graft." In addition, the indications, rationale, and
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Method and materials
A 51-year-old Latin American woman presented to the Baylor College of Dentistry Department of Periodontics for the evaluation of recession on the maxillary right second premolar A review of her medical history revealed that she had been diagnosed with WolffParkinson-White syndrome, for which she required daily verapamil (isoptin, Knoll). Her other medications included hormone-replacement therapy (Premarin [WyethAyerst] and Provera [Upjohn]), loratadine (Claritin, Schering) for seasonal allergies, and calcium supplements. The initial examination revealed a 4-mm Miller Class I recession^'-' on the buccal aspect of the maxillary second premolar (Fig 1) that was sensitive to thermal variation and was of significant esthetic concern. There were minimal probing depths and approximately 2 mm of attached gingiva apical to the recession. The exposed root surface was carefully planed and burnished with citric acid for 30 seconds. The recipient site was prepared in the manner previously described by Allen.^^ Briefly, partial-thickness flap dissection is extended well into the vestibule to allow passive coronal positioning of the flap. The amount of tissue excised coronally is equal to the
Fig 1 [left) Case 1. Maxillary right secor^d premolar with a 4-mm Miller Class I recession. Fig 2 (right) SpZ/t-th/cĂeness recipient bed preparations.
amount of coronal positioning ofthe flap desired.
The single-incision palatal harvest technique Following preparation ofthe recipient bed {Fig 2), the connective tissue graft can be harvested. The first step involves the careful evaluation ofthe dimensions of tissue required for root coverage as well as the availability of donor tissue. Following administration of local anesthesia, a # 15 blade is oriented perpendicular to the palatal tissue surface. A single incision is made to the bone in a horizontal direction
approximately 2 to 3 mm apical to the gingival margin of the maxillary teeth (Figs 3 and 4). The length of the incision is determined by the dimensionsof the graft required, as well as extension for the elevation and removal of the donor tissue. A partial-thickness dissection is then made within the single incision, leaving an adequate thickness of the palatal flap intact to minimize the chance of sloughing of the overlying tissue (Figs 5 and 6). The dissection is carried out as far apical as necessary to obtain the desired dimensions of the graft. The connective tissue with underlying periosteum is then carefully elevated from the palate with the
use of a small Molt or Buser elevator (Hu-Friedy) (Fig 7). Careful manipulation ofthe graft with Corn suture pliers (Hu-Friedy) or other delicate tissue forceps may be required, but care must be taken to prevent compression or tearing of the graft. In the present case, primary closure was obtained using # 5-0 chromic gut suture with a PS-5 needle (Ethicon/Johnson & Johnson) (Fig 8). The use of sutures for closure of the palatal wound is optional but recommended.'''^ Once the graft is harvested, it must be maintained in a moist environment to prevent desiccation prior to transplantation. The connective tissue and periosteal surfaces should
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Fig 3 Initial incision /s made with # 15 blade oriented perpendicular to the tissue surface. Fig 4 (right)
Fig 6
Fig 5 5piit-ffiic)<ness dissection is made parallel to the long of the teeth, leaving the graft attached to the underlying bone with adequate thickness oi the overlying palatal flap.
Single palatal incision.
Sp/it-t/ifci<ness aissect<on.
Fig 7 Atraumat.'c graft elevation ยกjSing a Molt periostea! elevator.
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Fig 8 Primary- closure of donor site is achieved with # 5.0 chromic gut sutures.
Fig 9 Harvested connective tissue graft ยกperiosteum side). Fig 10 [right] site.
Fina/suturing of grafted
Fig 11 (far right) Healing at 5 days foliowing graft harvesting.
Fig 12 (left) Healing at 2 weeks. Note accelerated healing response ofthe palatal wound. Fig 13 (nght) After 15 months, W0% root coverage is maintained.
be readily identifiable (Fig 9), Final contouring of the graft may be accomplished at this time. The graft is sutured to the recipient bed, again using # 5.0 chromic gut suture, and the flap is coronally positioned and
secured with # 5,0 chromic gut suture (Fig 10). At 5 days postsurgery, palatal healing had proceeded uneventfully, with primary wound closure (Fig 11 ). At 2 weeks, palatal healing was
nearly complete (Fig 12). At 15 months postsurgery, root coverage approximating 100% was evident, with no inflammation or sensitivity, minimal probing depths, and a favorable esthetic result (Fig 13),
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Case 2
A 48-year-old Asian woman presented with multiple Milter Class I recessions from the maxillary right canine to the left first premolar that were primarily of esthetic concern to the patient. Her past medical history was noncontributory. Examination revealed minimal probing depths and approximately 2 to 3 mm of attached gingiva apical to the recessions throughout the sextant. At the time of surgery, the recipient sites were prepared by tunneling the papillae using a split-thickness dissection; the connective tissue grafts were harvested bilaterally using the single-incision technique. At lOdays, healing was nearly complete, with minimal postoperative discomfort to the patient. At 9 months postoperative, root coverage was nearly 100% at all sites, with minimal probing depths, no inflammation, and a favorable esthetic result.
This article describes the modification of a technique previously reported by Bruno,^^ in which blunt dissection was used to obtain connective tissue with periosteum. In this report, the use of parallel incisions, which results in a graft with ^T\ epithelial collar, is replaced with a single-incision technique that results in dense connective tissue without an epithelial collar and primary closure of the palatal wound. Bouchard et aP^ compared the use of connective tissue grafts with and without epithelial collars in Class I and II recessions. While they found no significant differences in mean root coverage with either graft, they did report that by eliminating the epithelial collar, better esthetic results were consistently achieved. On the other hand, they concluded that if large augmentation of keratinized gingiva is required, retention ofthe epithelial collar may be desired.^^ Use ofthe single-incision technique in the present report resulted in grafts without an epithelial collar with excellent functional and esthetic results. In addition, large amounts of connective tissue can be harvested from the palate with rapid healing and minimal discomfort to the patient, as shown by case 2. The use of a single-incision connective tissue harvesting technique is intended to be a natural progression from previously reported donor tissue harvesting techniques. Edel'' first reported the use of a "trapdoor" palatal flap design using vertical incisions to gain access to the
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
underlying connective tissue. While this flap design has gained widespread use because of the relative ease of graft procurement, it is not without complications. Among these are the interruption of vascular supply to the overlying tissue as a result ofthe use of vertical incisions as well as over-thinning of the flap, which also predisposes palatal sloughing
The use of parallel incisions and wedge techniques eschews the use of vertical incisions, v^hich eliminates the possible interruption of the vascularsupply.^'^^^ However, over-thinning of the palatal flap as well as the inability to obtain primary closure of the wound are still disadvantages associated with these techniques. The technique reported by Bruno'^ is essentially a modified wedge technique. To review briefly, a horizontal incision is made to the bone, followed by a second incision that takes an epithelial collar with the desired graft thickness. The incisions meet at the peripheryof the wound, and the graft is obtained via blunt elevation with underlying periosteum.''^ This technique improves on previous reports by not only avoiding vertical incisions, but also by ensuring a more consistent thickness of the palatal flap. This further reduces the possibility of adverse postoperative sequelae. Finally, the use of the single-incision technique facilitates the predictability of primary closure of the palatal wound. This maximizes patient comfort during the early stages of healing, accelerates the healing response at the donor site, and
significantly decreases the likelihood of postoperative complications from the donor site, even when harvesting large amounts of donor tissue. Another possible advantage of this technique and BrunoV^ technique is the ability to obtain new attachment and/or bone formation over the previously denuded root surface. The presence of osteogenic substances in periosteum, such as bone morphogenic proteins (BMP), may induce new bone formation by stimulating the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoprogenitor cells.^^'^^ The presence of BMP in periosteum has been verified in studies using immunohistochemical staining; specifically, BMP-2 derived from free periosteal grafts in rabbits has been implicated in the differentiation of osteoblasts from mesenchymal cells.^^'^^ Periosteum has been shown in both human and animal models to have the capability to stimulate bone formation in a variety of tissues. Ritsila et al^^ reported that free periosteal grafts from the tibia of rabbits were able to induce bone and cartilage formation in the eye and kidney. Cohen and Lacroix^'' found bone formation when periosteal grafts were placed in midline sutures of rabbit mandibles. Free periosteal grafts from the tibia were placed into the maxillary clefts of 11 human patients with resulting bone formation.^^ Smukler et al^^ used free grafts of stimulated periosteum to induce bone formation in intrabony defects. Recently, Lekovicand coworkers^'^'^^ used periosteal grafts obtained via a "window flap" to treat
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mandibular grade II furcations. Reentry revealed significant increases in bone fill when compared to either repositioned or coronally positioned flaps. Kwan et aP^ compared penosteal grafts to open-flap debridement in intrabony defects and found significant gain in clinical attachment and bone fill in sites where periosteal grafts were used as barriers. Previously, new attachment and bone formation in recession defects have been predictably achieved only with the use of guided tissue regeneration procedures.â&#x20AC;˘^â&#x20AC;˘^ However, a case report by Pasquinelli-^^ found new cementum and bone formation In conjunction with the placement of a thick free soft tissue autograft. It is therefore reasonable to hypothesize that new cementum and bone formation may be possible with the use of a known osteogenic tissue such as periosteum. Further research into this aspect of wound healing of the periosteal graft is needed. The technique presented is not without certain fimitations. Since no vertical incisions are used, adequate extension ofthe first horizontal incision is necessary to obtain the desired graft dimensions. The amount of graft material that can be obtained is limited by individual variation of the palatal vault. A recent study carefully measured the thickness of masticatory mucosa in the palate and tuberosity to determine optimal donor sites.-^^ It was concluded that the palatal root of the first molar and the canine area formed the posterior and anterior anatomic barriers, respectively, for the harvest of connective tissue.
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Furthermore, if augmentation of keratinized tissue is desired in conjunction with connective tissue grafting, the technique described by Bruno^^ may be the next logical choice instead of the single-incision technique. A technique that maximizes functional and esthetic aspects of connective tissue grafting and ensures patient comfort during the postoperative healing period has been presented. Its advantages include primary closure and accelerated healing ofthe palatal wound, a decreased likelihood of postoperative complications, improved postoperative patient comfort, and predictable root coverage and esthetics.
Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge Mrs Carmen Banks, who prepared the illustrations for thi s paper, as well as Drs Wilham W. Hallmon and Farhad Eslamboltchi for reviewing the manuscript.
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