These groups include school leavers from long-term socio-economically
The Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) promotes higher education as a real option and encourages under-represented groups to enter third level. MAP provides a number of initiatives to remove barriers and to create realistic expectations for educational progression among schools, parents, adult learners and communities who historically do not access higher education.
disadvantaged backgrounds, mature students and students with disabilities. MAP provides access routes and a range of personal, academic and financial supports that enable students to become more independent in their learning, thereby easing the transition from school to university and from university to career. MAP supports for all students include a MAP Academic Advisor in every department, daily MAP advisory drop-in, an extended orientation before and through the first semester and a technology training module to introduce useful educational apps and tools. Visit us online to find out about the entry routes and the supports available through MAP at www.maynoothuniversity.ie/access-office
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