Mathematical Physics (group 6 subject) CAO Code: MH101 | CAO Points 2021: 338 Minimum entry requirements for Mathematical Physics in MH101: recommended minimum O3/H7 Leaving Certificate Mathematics. For full details about entry requirements see p. 42.
>>Mathematical physics, or theoretical physics, is the study of the
fundamental laws of nature that govern our existence; from the interactions of quarks and gluons through the properties of metals and the aerodynamics of flight, to the evolution of stars and galaxies. >>Many of the technologies we now take for granted have their origins
in fundamental physics research, including PET scanners, lasers, Wi‑Fi and the world wide web. >>Theoretical physics challenges our deeply held notions of what the
world is like, and has led to developments in thinking from philosophy to genetics and neuroscience.
Course structure 1st year
2nd year and Final year
BA Bachelor of Arts – Mathematical Physics as a Single Major, Double Major, Major/Minor or Minor
>>Double Major, Major/Minor or Minor: Mathematical Physics and 1 of your 1st year subjects in 2nd & 3rd year >>Single Major option 1: Mathematical Physics with 1 of your 1st year subjects in 2nd year and Mathematical Physics only in 3rd year >>Single Major option 2: Mathematical Physics only in 2nd and 3rd year (60% required in 1st year Mathematical Physics to take this option) >>Optional 10 credit Elective in 2nd year (see p. 13 for details)
Erasmus/Study Abroad option after 2nd year
1st year
2nd year
Final year
>>Space‑time >>Force >>Newton’s laws >>Quantum physics >>Einstein’s special theory of relativity >>Angular momentum >>Conservation laws
>>Electricity and magnetism >>Vibrations and waves >>Vector calculus >>Mechanics of Lagrange and Hamilton >>Special theory of relativity >>Computational physics >>Thermal physics
>>Quantum mechanics >>Statistical physics >>Particle physics >>Physical cosmology >>Solid state physics >>Fluid mechanics >>Quantum information science
Mathematical Physics and another subject to degree level. >>15 credits of Mathematical Physics >>Choose 2 or 3 other subjects including Critical Skills from the groups available (maximum 1 subject per group - see p. 45 for compatible subjects)
For MH101 subject groups table go to p. 45
Possible topics