How to Schedule Your Day and Your Life Syed mANSOOR Naqvi
Today I would like to share with you: How to schedule your
and now you know how, you will go all the way to 8 hours.
day. Let me tell you my routine. It may guide you to achieve
Every hour working in your office, you have to think about
your goal. When you wake up in the morning you have to
your mentor and how he schedules his or her day.
think about the following: Scheduling the day with a positive attitude can help you to 1. What are you going to wear today?
mingle with your colleagues and once you share your ideas
2. What is the good news for today?
with your colleagues you will get more positive energy. Up to
3. What motivates you to go to work today?
lunch, just review what have you done from the morning until
4. Once you reach the office, the reason which is going to
lunch and what you are going to do from lunch until the
motivate you, to remain at the office
evening. It is very tricky to find a spark during office times
5. Finally by the end of the day, the reason forcing you to go
which will motivate you to work harder. That is the secret of a
back to your place of residence.
positive attitude and positive thoughts.
Let me explain it to you one by one; When you wake up in the
My message to you is: when you spend your time in the office
morning, you are fresh and dressed well and wearing a nice
or in your house you have to be very honest and in a positive
perfume and if you think like today is your first day on the job,
mode. Even if you have bad news you have to deal with it in a
your brain works positively and you immediately start thinking
positive manner. In my life, I plan my schedule with a positive
what new things you can accomplish today
attitude and I plan my week with energy and my month with motivation and my year with an yearly agenda.
Lets take an example so you can understand what I am trying to tell you. If you are working in operations or as a sales
I still remember when I initially started scheduling my routine
person, both of these fields you are thinking about yourself,
- The day, time, year and I still remember today, if I close my
your costumers, and your company.
eyes, what I did each day, week, month and year. This is the way to schedule your day and life
You should divide your day in 8 hours. What you should do in the first hour and what you will perform in the second hour