TSAWTB Introduction

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IMPORTANT NOTE TO READERS REGARDING THIS FREE VERSION OF “TRUE SCIENCE AGREES WITH THE BIBLE” This is a free website copy of my large original printed book “True Science Agrees with the Bible” – 371,000 words, xiv+524 pages, 127 black/white illustrations, 383 bibliography references, Index.

GLOWING REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY READERS Added March 2015 I have a friend who works as a missionary in India, and he sent me this report of the effect of "True Science..." "True Science agrees with the Bible has helped to win yet another soul for The Lord ! A friend in India in an important and influential position invited us to stay for a week in March and I sent him a copy. His flabber was well & truly ghasted to find someone like me, educated and cogent in expressing their doubts about The Party Line ! He now accepts that The Bible IS true and the rest is a natural sequitur. Next step ; baptism for the whole family, him, his wife and a blessing for their soon-to-be born baby. Thank you for your part in that; how many other authors have had the privilege of writing a book that affects other people's eternal destiny ? " September 2012"Once again, may I say thank you for writing your book, 'True Science Agrees with the Bible'. It is one of the most interesting, illuminating and inspiring books I have ever read." S.L. TWO REVIEWS ON AMAZON! BOTH GAVE IT 5 STAR OUT OF 5 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: "A wonderful book: it's actually an encyclopaedia!!, May 20, 2003 By Tihomir Dimitrov (PhD student in Philosophy o... (Bulgaria, Eastern Europe) All the topics are amazing.The most interesting themes are: The Speed of Light; Darwin & Lady Hope; Relativity theory; Long-age theories; The barriers to mass publicity; Alice in Wonderland; Scopes Trial, etc., etc. ONE OF THE BEST SCIENTIFIC-CHRISTIAN BOOKS I HAVE EVER SEEN! Amazing book, August 16, 2008 By M. Cato "Mike" (New Zealand) This book covers a wide range of scientific, and historical topics. Many times in reading this book I exclaimed Wow! out loud. Cram packed with the most amazing information. If you can't get this book on Amazon, try through the authors web site. This is a must read. Much of what we know as 'science' from school and university is just profitable propaganda. This book is an eye opener. EMAIL RECEIVED 4 JULY 2004. "... For the record I am fairly convinced that the Earth is the centre of the universe, for a variety of reasons, and I also happen to think that your book True Science Agrees With The Bible is one of the best books that I have ever read. I am almost continuously rereading it. God bless you and yours, Leigh Durham. THE ENGLISH CURCHMAN 12/19 MARCH 1999 (by Davic C.C. Watson) ...don't be put off by the length of this one. If you have some interest in Apologetics you will find it hard to put down.... With God's blessing this book will do for evangelicals what Professor Rendle Short's The Bible And Modern Research did for your reviewer in the Page 1 of 3

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