SECTION 5 REPLIES TO CRITICS There are many books critical of the creationist viewpoint, and an unwarranted amount of space could be devoted to refuting them. We will therefore limit our examination to only three works; an anti-creationist publication, a group of Christian evolutionists and a Christadelphian scientist. It might be wondered why these critics should be answered, particularly the Christians, so publicly. If one reads these three works, the most striking common feature is their superior attitude. Their writings have greatly damaged the faith of many sound Christians in the reliability of the Bible and therefore need to be corrected. They have made their criticisms in public and therefore need to be answered in public. Paul deliberately rebuked Peter openly (Gal.2:14) because the error he was committing (withdrawing from the Gentiles) was visible to all.
SECTION 5.1 A SECULAR CRITIC: MOORE’S ARTICLE In this section, we will reply to the objections raised in a special issue of the American periodical Evolution/Creation, No. XI Winter 1983. Despite the seeming balance one might have expected from its title, it is strongly anti-creationist in its stand. The particular issue consisted of only one long 39 page article by Robert A. Moore entitled The Impossible Voyage of Noah’s Ark which was devoted to ridiculing that event. The introduction to the article is interesting as it portrays the thinking of the editor and thereby of the periodical in general: To many, it will seem bizarre that, in this age of scientific advancement and sophisticated biblical criticism, it would be necessary to provide a point-by-point scientific refutation of the story of Noah’s Ark. Knowledgeable people are well aware that Genesis 1 through 11 is not scientific or historical but largely mythical, metaphorical, poetic, theological and moral. All people are not knowledgeable, however. Recent Gallup surveys reveal that 50% of adult Americans believe that Adam and Eve existed, 44% believe the earth was created directly by God only ten thousand years ago, and 40% believe that the Bible is inerrant. No doubt an equally large percentage believe in Noah’s Ark. Thus, he dismisses 50% of his fellow countrymen and women as being without “knowledge”. That many of this ignorant group would have degrees and doctorates yet still believe the Genesis record is accurate is not even considered. He insists that they are all “not knowledgeable” - i.e. “ignorant and uneducated”! Within the article there are many objections, some trivial and simply mud-slinging against creationists which will be ignored. Some, however, should be replied to as they are valid objections that some creationists may have difficulty in answering. I give a summary of these criticisms and each will be examined. I would here mention that Woodmorappe has also refuted Moore’s criticisms in his “Noah’s Ark: A feasibility study” (WoodJ96). He shows that the conditions in the Ark were perfectly practical.