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Breakdowns are good for you Rev. Dr. Robert J.K. Law and Malcolm Bowden A unique manual on True Biblical Counselling for Ministers and Laymen The authors claim


that all non-organic “mental illnesses” are basically due to self-centredness and self-pity. Dr. Robert Law worked in psychiatric hospitals and when he became an Anglican priest he realised that the root cause of the problems of the numerous people he counselled was self-pity. When he pointed this out to them, almost all agreed and then rapidly improved. He drew up a chart showing how all problems stem from self-centredness that could develop into self-pity. This generates deep guilt which is covered up by adopting various behaviours such as schizophrenia and depression. The authors examine these two major classifications and show that they are wrongly diagnosed as “illnesses” which allow patients to reside in psychiatric wards sheltered from the normal stresses of living. Considerable evidence is presented to show the inadequacies of present day psychiatric treatments and psychotherapeutic counselling and that schizophrenia can be cured simply by training patients to take increasing responsibility for their actions without drugs. In one case a complete ward of schizophrenics was returned to the community, fully restored to normal social life with very few relapsing. Prisoners have similarly been returned to society by this method. All such successful results have been completely ignored in this country. A method of True Biblical Counselling (TBC) is set out and practice cases given. Psychiatry, Freud, psychoanalysis and Christian use of secular theories are criticised. The authors contend that the church should return to counselling its members using TBC and not commit them to secular treatments. Essential and challenging reading for all Christians in the conduct of their daily lives for it reveals the pride, self-centredness, self-pity and hidden motivations we all have in some degree that are the root cause of damaged relationships between people. xii+262 pages + Refs + Index: 215x135mm: 10 b/w charts and drawings: 4 colour cover, stitched binding: ISBN 0 9506042 5 9

Order from Christian bookshops or if any difficulty direct from the publishers (UK=+£1p+p, Rest of world=£2.55p+p) For latest costs, see website=mbowden.info Email=mb@mbowden.info

Sovereign Publications, 92 Bromley Common, Bromley, KENT BR2 9PF

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