Breakdowns are good for you Rev. Dr. Robert J.K. Law and Malcolm Bowden A unique manual on True Biblical Counselling for Ministers and Laymen The authors claim
that all non-organic “mental illnesses” are basically due to self-centredness and self-pity. Dr. Robert Law worked in psychiatric hospitals and when he became an Anglican priest he realised that the root cause of the problems of the numerous people he counselled was self-pity. When he pointed this out to them, almost all agreed and then rapidly improved. He drew up a chart showing how all problems stem from self-centredness that could develop into self-pity. This generates deep guilt which is covered up by adopting various behaviours such as schizophrenia and depression. The authors examine these two major classifications and show that they are wrongly diagnosed as “illnesses” which allow patients to reside in psychiatric wards sheltered from the normal stresses of living. Considerable evidence is presented to show the inadequacies of present day psychiatric treatments and psychotherapeutic counselling and that schizophrenia can be cured simply by training patients to take increasing responsibility for their actions without drugs. In one case a complete ward of schizophrenics was returned to the community, fully restored to normal social life with very few relapsing. Prisoners have similarly been returned to society by this method. All such successful results have been completely ignored in this country. A method of True Biblical Counselling (TBC) is set out and practice cases given. Psychiatry, Freud, psychoanalysis and Christian use of secular theories are criticised. The authors contend that the church should return to counselling its members using TBC and not commit them to secular treatments. Essential and challenging reading for all Christians in the conduct of their daily lives for it reveals the pride, self-centredness, self-pity and hidden motivations we all have in some degree that are the root cause of damaged relationships between people. xii+262 pages + Refs + Index: 215x135mm: 10 b/w charts and drawings: 4 colour cover, stitched binding: ISBN 0 9506042 5 9
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"BREAKDOWNS ARE GOOD FOR YOU" A few of the subjects dealt with Three basic propositions. Self-pity and self-centredness. Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Psychology. The anti-Christian bias. Dr. Law's chart of “Mental illness” behaviour - and its explanation. Biblical Counselling and Reality Therapy - the vital difference. Some major successes in Glasser's “Reality Therapy” counselling - Ventura School for Girls; Veteran’s Psychiatric Hospital (where they were working towards discharging all their schizophrenic patients with minimal relapse); Western State Hospital. Is True Biblical Counselling too “confrontational” and “judgmental”? Replies to criticisms of Biblical Counselling by Christians. Final authority of the Bible. Secular theories from a godless viewpoint. “Mental illnesses” examined; medical aspects of “mental illnesses”; Schizophrenia and psychiatry - an examination; The “dopamine hypothesis”; Is it genetically inherited?; “Multiple Personality Disorder” examined. The inadequacy of psychiatrists - as proven by one of their own number! Depression - three published articles examined showing selfcentredness and self-pity as the real cause. The 5 R’s - Responsibility; Repentance; Restitution; Reconciliation; Rebuilding on Christ. Who should counsel? The danger of playing “God” in human relationships. Who should be counselled? Evasion of guilt - The “magic wand” - The “rubber stamp”. Frequent excuses - “It's the fault of my personality”; “I can't do it”; “I’m only human!” SPECIFIC PROBLEMS - Schizophrenia; Hallucinations and “hearing voices”; Depression. Loneliness. Fear, Stress and Anxiety. Overcoming panic and phobias. Depression; the rage in depression; threats of suicide. Shyness. Perfectionism. Losing face. Problems in the workplace. The raising of children; The “broken homes” excuse. Drug taking. Marriage; male responsibility; importance of tolerance in the relationship. How mankind should reflect the perfect relationships that exist within the Trinity. True Christian “agape” love. Problems in the church. The legal situation of counselling. The mature Christian. The balanced Christian. Self-counselling for the reader with problems. How to kill worry - with a sharp knife! How the Christian should handle personal problems. Seven cases for practice. An examination of Biblical characters and how God dealt with them. Bible verses for counselling
"BREAKDOWNS ARE GOOD FOR YOU" In The English Churchman (21-28 February 1992) Dr. Law wrote an article with the above title. The following are extracts; “When I left medicine for the Anglican Ministry, I was sent several people who sought Christian counselling. My experiences in several mental hospitals had led me to see that orthodox psychiatry was not all it was cracked up to be. One consultant psychiatrist said to me, “We can’t cure these people, we can only help them to live with their illnesses.” To me that was an admission of failure. Why couldn’t they cure these people, I asked myself? Then it hit me. Perhaps there was nothing there to cure! I began to re-think the whole concept of mental illness and to observe closely what I was really seeing, and not what I was supposed to see as per orthodox psychiatry.” “Whilst curate-in-charge of a church in Edgware in the late sixties, patients were sent to me by various clergy and from ordinary Christians. I studied them carefully and what I saw was so obvious I was amazed it had not been seen before. Actually it had been seen before, because it was there in the Bible; and also it had been acutely observed by many playwrights and novelists. But it had been obscured by the term “mental illness.” “What I saw were people who were self-centred, who had no purpose or meaning in life and who were behaving irresponsibly or sinfully. It was this irresponsible, sinful behaviour that intrigued me most. I confronted them with the fact that they were behaving sinfully and challenged them to accept that fact and to behave responsibly. I told them that it was their own fault that they were as they were. They could not help their situation, but they could help their reaction to the situation.” “To my astonishment, the moment they accepted the truth that their bad, irresponsible behaviour was their own fault, they first felt immediate relief, and then immediate ‘healing’. After all, if it was their fault, then they could do something about. Many admitted they knew it was their own fault and now that they had been ‘found out’ they were only too glad to put things right. In effect they had been brought to say, “I have sinned by my own fault, my own most grievous fault.”? “Suddenly it became clear. These people were not suffering from some illness which the ‘Doctor’ had to come and cure, but they were reacting irresponsibly, and they were covering up their bad behaviour by blaming others and making excuses. Psychiatry had given them the biggest cover-up excuse of all. “I cannot help my sinful, bad behaviour because I am mentally ill.” “A humanist, O. Hobart Mowrer, who was President of the American Psychological Association, in his book The Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion, challenged the Church to get back to its responsible duty of counselling. On p.72 of his book, he declared that psychopathology (which is another term for mental illness) was a moral problem which has gravitated into medical hands by default and complacency on the part of the Christian Ministry.” “On p.60, he demands to know whether Evangelical religion had “sold it’s birthright for a mess of psychological pottage”. [Dr. Law describes the Behaviourist, Freudian, Jungian, Adlerian
and Existentialist attitude to someone sitting on a pin, and concludes;] “The [True] Biblical counsellor says to the patient, ‘You are sitting on a drawing pin. Get off that drawing pin and sit somewhere where we can talk about how you need not sit on drawing pins again!’” As Dr. Law is a qualified medical practitioner, has experience in psychiatry and has counselled many people, he speaks with considerable authority on the subject of “mental illnesses”. He joins the growing number of those critical of present-day psychiatric practice. .................................. REVIEWS OF “BREAKDOWNS ARE GOOD FOR YOU” (OUR INHERITANCE - Winter 1999 p 22 (Magazine of Protestants Today) Peter Gadsden. There are not many modern books that excite this reviewer, this one does; it proved to be compulsive reading, a book that will be read over and over again, so full is it of good sound, practical pastoral theology. .... this book is highly commended. It should be compulsory reading for all students training for the pastoral ministry and is an essential work tool that should be seen alongside the Holy Bible on every pastor's desk, not merely to look good, but well thumbed." THE ENGLISH CHURCHMAN, Feb. 21/March 3 2000, p 8 David Watson. This is an outstanding book, a careful study of modern psychiatry which is weighed in the balances and found wanting.... This book cannot fail to challenge all of us, however young or old in the faith. BANNER OF TRUTH. Issue 441 June 2000. Hywel Roberts (Pastor of Penzance Reformed Baptist Church). This is an extraordinary book on biblical counselling.... The approach may be regarded by some as too confrontational, even judgmental, but it does seem to reach the heart of the matter and deals with the guilt that is associated with self-centredness and self-pity. Patients who are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their actions, and are led in the way of repentance and faith in a spiritual and caring context clearly respond to this approach... Exeter Reformed Minister’s Fraternal. A minister asked to bring the book to the meeting’s attention. He highly recommended it and described it as “powerful..superb book...makes you think.” ----------------------------------Comments by users of True Biblical Counselling Letter from DP - “I counsel unchurched young people who have been out of work but found secular methods were ineffective. I read your book and tested it for three months. I found it a great personal edifier, as well as giving a solid, concise, and refined easy to follow framework, as a basic structure for counselling. The results speak for themselves. In three months God has given me the privilege of counselling ten unchurched, unemployed, people suffering from all sorts of mental illnesses - from depression to non-organic and organic schizophrenia. ALL TEN young people left after ONE counselling session following the TBC method WITHOUT their depression etc.! The two that rejected Christ shed tears of Self-Pity. Those that wanted Jesus shed tears of repentance. Of the ten young people, EIGHT made a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ! Of the eight, FOUR want to start coming along to
Church and meeting with God and God’s people! Of the four, ONE has already introduced ANOTHER! One wants to learn to do TBC as he has benefitted so much from it and wants to help others who are in his old position. With other youth workers/young people workers, we have set up a beginners discipling group using TBC. Our church is rejoicing at the effect that TBC is having on people and their problems. I never imagined that TBC would be such an effective means of evangelism.” Letter from a manic depressive of 25 years ...this insight that so much of mental illness is based in our rebellious reaction to our circumstances is basically a great relief and revelation to me. My recent experience has been of a minibreakdown...This whole experience can be seen in the perspective of your book to be fully a self pity “party” and a resentful reaction. Your book was like reading the script of a play after once again going through a breakdown... Thank you personally for helping me understand that I don’t have to go back to the mental health services for help and comfort when I can rely on God, and the Christian Way... In general terms your book is a very strong work, which covers the topic of mental illness and the answers that can be found in the Church, the Word and in God. I totally agree with the reminder from Mowrer that “evangelical religion has sold its birthright for a mess of psychological pottage.” (page 40) The UK Church desperately needs to assist those with emotional problems in a caring and sensitive way. I believe your book will provide the fundamental basis for counselling in the Church and I hope it reaches those who are counselling the family of the Church. I think your chart of self-centredness (self-pity) as the root of Mental Illness behaviour is brilliant and I can, as I have stated, enhance your views as absolutely right. Yours in Christ, Tim Harvey. Nurse in a psychiatric ward - She challenged her patients and was amazed at the number who admitted they were responsible for their behaviour. [BAGFY p.52] Letter; “When I first showed her the cover of Bagfy and pointed to the bottom line question, ‘Is self-pity the cause of “mental illness”? as soon as she read it she looked up and said, ‘I know it is!’” Letter; (Lady had tried to commit suicide) “She picked it up and it opened up at the page where the heading said ‘I’m only human!’ She screamed ‘that’s what I said to you!’ She said, ‘I want this book.’” Letter; “How, I wish we had this book when I was training!” Letter; “I had endless, endless ministry over many years. Your no holds barred approach was what I required.” Email from a young minister in his first appointment. “BAGFY has been so helpful. The man I have been counselling using the techniques has made amazing progress. I was able to face him up to three areas in his life where he was basically selfish...When he came to see me next time he was like a different person. He is regularly reading his bible and now praying for his wife to come to the Lord. He is also attending the church every week. A Depressive - “May I send you my most heartfelt thanks for writing BAGFY with Dr Law. For 8 years I was a miserable, almost utterly self-centered depressive Christian. I was in psychiatric units twice... doctors gave me many different medications to try. I also
received Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and many forms of counselling from fellow fact, I actually seemed to become more depressed... Sometimes I would cut myself... suicide was frequently on my mind... Then I was given a copy of BAGFY. It was this book, alongside a couple of Christians... which God used to turn me around. ...I perceived the Lord's hand of correction but also forgiveness heavily on me. It was as if a blindfold was being removed and I was forced to see myself as God saw me, rather that through my own selfpitying eyes...I am so grateful for the message of BAGFY.. A MARRIAGE SAVED! (May 2007) “Dear Mr. Bowden, ... I read your book, and watched the video, and realized that I was just being self centered, and angry that I was not getting my way. ... Thanks again.” I enquired whether they were divorcing - “Malcolm, First off, my wife and I are getting back...she and my son, are coming back next week. We both realized that we were being self centered, your insights will help us do that.. I would say the book, and its revelation about our nature was definitely the turning point and major reason for our reunion. .. so again many thanks.” From Rev. Dr. X - (April 2008) “Dear Mr. Bowden, A few years ago I read (and utterly adored) your True Science agrees with the Bible, but have only just come across your excellent website. I loved listening to your lecture on depression, which was immensely helpful, and which I am now pointing many others to. Given what you have said there, I wonder if you might be able to help me: I have just learnt that a (Christian) friend of mine is suffering from severe --------. Do you have any material that might help? With many thanks and warmest best wishes for a most appreciated ministry.” (Later) “Many thanks for your email, your wisdom and the time you took to respond..... there is something ironic about the fact that your material on depression and psychology always leaves me especially joyous. I think it is the fact that you are so clear that depression is a departure from the healthy norm that works as a helpful reminder of the joy of being a Christian. So thank you for that.” [Regarding the opposition to TBC and creation books] Given the state of the church in this country, I am not altogether surprised, but that is a condemnation of the church and not your books. It is the difficulty when serving up such strong counter-cultural meat. The people I have pointed to your material have been pastors who have no vested interests; instead, their gospel-concern has meant they seem generally to have received your material warmly (in fact, more often, very warmly). There are a number of people I would be keen to baptise in these waters. Anything you are happy to send could be posted to:----- I must say thank you, not only for the research and work you have done, but for your bravery in holding out our foolish message so clearly when all around I see the wisdom of the world being taught in the church. I am sure that truly biblical counselling has a more popular future. For that I will work and pray. [For more letters of thanks go to]
APE-MEN - Fact or Fallacy? 2nd enlarged editon A critical examination of the evidence highlights the very speculative theories based upon inadequate fossil evidence, and reveals the very dubious circumstances surrounding their discovery. Summary of Contents PILTDOWN. The considerable body of little-publicised evidence which incriminates the Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin. Professor Douglas s accusation. The involvement of the British Natural History Museum. APE-MEN EVIDENCE. The very speculative nature of the evidence of ape men , and the presumptuous way in which this is presented. EARLY HOMO SAPIENS. Their existence in deeper strata than those of ape men . The superficial reasons given for their rejection. PEKIN MAN. A 25 ft. high ash heap, bone tools and other evidence of human habitation of the site virtually suppressed by the experts in China. The appearance and rapid disappearance in 13 days - of ten human skeletons. Details of the later discovery of further human skeletons delayed for five years. Ape-like skulls reconstructed with human features. Investigation of the disappearance of the fossils at the time of Pearl Harbour suggests that they were found by the Japanese and passed to the Americans after the war - only to disappear again. JAVA MAN. Dubois s concealment of human skulls for thirty years. The faking of scientific illustrations by Dubois s supporter, Professor Haeckel. The strange circumstances of the discovery of further fossil evidence of Java man. NEANDERTHAL MAN. The evidence that these were true men suffering from rickets, arthritis and syphilis. THE AFRICAN APE-MEN . The admission by several experts that all these fossils are simply apes with no real human features. OLDUVAI GORGE. L.S.B. Leakey s discoveries examined. EAST RUDOLF. Richard Leakey s 1470 man really a human skull. How this awkward fossil was quietly buried. HADAR (Ethiopia). D. C. Johanson s meagre collection of fossils shown to be only those of apes. LAETOLIL. Mary Leakey s discovery of a 6 million year old footprints are clearly those of human beings. The evidence of human tracks with those of dinosaurs in America. RECK S HUMAN SKELETON. How this was found in the Olduvai Gorge and the devious means by which it was removed from the ape-man scene. CONCLUSION. The inadequacy of the fossil evidence for ape-men. How the scientific establishment suppressed the publication of unwelcome evidence. The basic motive for the belief in the ape-men theories. ÂŁ5+P+P. Demi octavo (215 x 135mm). vii + 257 pages. 66 b/w illustrations Referenced. Indexed. ISBN No. 09506042 1 6. Available direct from the publishers. Go to website
"THE RISE OF THE EVOLUTION FRAUD" An exposure of the conspiracy 2nd Enlarged Edition 2008 This book demonstrates that evolution was promoted for many years before Darwin, his Origin of Species only appearing at the right time. Charles Lyell - the man behind the scenes. Charles Lyell provided millions of years for evolution in his Principles of Geology . His stated intention of destroying the Mosaic account i.e. Genesis. He quickly befriended Darwin when he returned from the Beagle voyage and the circumstantial evidence is that it was he who suggested to Darwin he should write about evolution. Darwin had no thought of it before then. The Beagle voyage Throughout this voyage, Darwin was far more interested in geology than biology. He did not think of evolution whilst visiting the Galapagos and seeing the various beaks of the finches. This was pointed out to him by the ornithologist entrusted with his collection after he had returned to England. He made many such (false) claims in his biography which he wrote late in his life. The X-Club. This was a small group of only 9 people holding all the important positions in the British scientific establishment who conspired to force the theory upon the nation. They ensured that only evolution would be taught in our universities. Examples of the present-day barriers facing creationists for promotion etc. The so-called first day sell out of Origin of Species .This was only the normal prepublication booking by agents. In fact, the book did not sell well, but it was the constant promotion of the theory that eventually brought it to the public s notice. The Huxley-Wilberforce debate at Oxford. This was far from being a victory for evolutionists. Huxley did not really challenge Wilberforce with his monkey jibe. The powerful propaganda machine run by evolutionists has claimed this defeat as a victory and a turning point for their campaign. The links between Evolutionists and Revolutionists. The Lunar Society consisted of a mixture of evolutionists and those who supported the French Revolution. Several links between well know evolutionists and revolutionists are traced. The political aims of the conspirators; The thrusting of evolution on to the unwitting public was only a part of the wider aim to destroy the church and the monarchy by the upcoming revolutionary rich who found their influence blocked by the church and Establishment figures of the day. The moral implications. The repercussion of the acceptance of the theory of evolution are demonstrated in living conditions and the quality of life of those anti-Christian nations that have adopted the theory uncritically. ............................................................................................................. Foreword by Henry M. Morris. Malcolm Bowden has placed the whole subject in a new perspective..a book that can make a vital contribution...I am pleased and honoured to commend it to the thoughtful study of readers everywhere. ........................................................................................................... ÂŁ5+P+P. 222 pages, 26 b/w illustrations, referenced, 4 colour cover, ISBN 0 9506042 7 5. (EAN 978095060 4275. Available direct from the publishers. Go to
SCIENCE VS. EVOLUTION by Malcolm Bowden 2nd enlarged edition Have you ever been faced by an evolutionist with a barrage of seemingly irrefutable "facts" with which he supports his viewpoint - and wished that you had some counter arguments? If so, this book will more than fulfil that need. The book is a very comprehensive examination of the evolutionist's evidence and sets out clearly the many errors, inherent weaknesses and inadequacies it contains. Avoiding scientific jargon and with many explanatory diagrams, the counter evidence is presented in an easily understandable style. The layman will be able to refute, with sound scientific facts, the arguments put forward so confidently by evolutionists. Just a few of the subjects dealt with SECTION I - GEOLOGY. The geological column criticised; Archaeopteryx and horse evolution fallacy; summary of fraudulent ape-men "missing links". SECTION II - BIOLOGY. Life by chance is impossible; Dawkins fallacious computer programme; complexity of simple cells; the "Mars" rock - the financial reasons behind its "discovery". Whales, and some recent faked pictures; bird migrations. SECTION III - PHYSICS. Radiometric, C14 and many other dating methods are grossly inaccurate; the poor original tests used to date the geological column. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS. The decrease in the speed of light and its effects Radiometric dating - Astronomical observations - Biological effects. SECTION IV. THE RISE OF EVOLUTION. The propaganda of evolution; Evolutionist s catch phrases; the myths of evolution. APPENDICES. 1 - Archaeopteryx - is it a fake? 2 - The Piltdown Hoax; an update. 3 - Kettlewell s shoddy Peppered Moth experiments. 4 - A list of 28 deceptive stratagems. An analysis of Dawkin s tricks of the advocate s trade in his book. REVIEWS ..a tour de force.... he has risen to every challenge... and yet he has done this in language and concepts accessible to the intelligent non-scientist." Nick Mercer, London Bible College. " is left wondering how any self-respecting scientist could possibly believe in evolution after reading this book." Dr. A.J. Monty White. "... his practical approach explodes many evolution bubbles." Literary Review. "He is adept at uncovering false analogies, straw men and the special pleading by which evolutionists deceive a gullible public." David Watson, English Churchman. ÂŁ5+P+P. xiv +191textpp, 92,000 words, 42 b/w illustr., ref. index. Order from publishers. Go to Sovereign Publications 92 Bromley Common, Bromley Kent BR2 9PF