SECTION 4 THE AGE OF THE EARTH AND UNIVERSE The age of the earth is a crucial cornerstone of the theory of evolution. Without millions of years available for its slow development it could not survive. It is for this reason that Charles Lyell made it the aim of his two volume work Principles of Geology written in the early 1830’s to provide these great periods of time. He wrote that he had deliberately set out to “free the science from Moses”; i.e. Genesis and its record of creation in 6 days (Bow82:94). Within days of the return of the young Charles Darwin from his Beagle voyage, Lyell visited him. It is this writer’s conviction that it was Lyell who suggested to Darwin that he should write about evolution which would make him famous - a proposition that he could not resist. That Darwin did not think about evolution whilst on the Beagle voyage but only on his return can be demonstrated from his notebooks he kept on the journey and this has been acknowledged even by those who sought to prove otherwise (Bow82:42). Thus had Lyell paved the way for evolution by undermining the timescale of Genesis with his books on geology. When the subject of a young earth (i.e. less than 10,000 years old) is discussed with members of the public, there is usually a reaction of incredulity, and one can sometimes sense that they are wondering whether you are quite balanced in your views. So frequently is the age of the earth or universe quoted in “billions of years” that the public are well and truly indoctrinated to think any other possibility as ludicrous. One can only continue to present the evidence in the hope that the young age of the earth will finally break through into the public consciousness. What follows is a brief survey of some of the more impressive evidence. Some subjects have been covered in other books by this author, but for completeness a short outline of them is given below. It is hoped that the cumulative effect will be adequate to convince the more sceptical reader.
1. RADIOMETRIC DATING In many rocks there are small amounts of radioactive materials, the ones most used for dating being Uranium, Thorium and Potassium. As the material decays, usually taking millions of years to do so, it produces a “daughter” element. By measuring the ratio between the original quantity and the daughter element, a measure of the time over which it has decayed can be obtained. The major criticisms of the method has been discussed in my other two works (Bow81:64 and Bow91:114), but I summarise the main points as follows. (a) Assumptions. (i) It is assumed that when the rock rose from the depths of the earth it contained only pure radioactive material. This is a huge assumption, for only a minute quantity of the daughter element with it would give the rock an appearance of great age even at that time. (ii) None of the daughter element is assumed to migrate from the rock or into it from another source. Yet simply running water over a sample has shown