TSAWTB References

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REFERENCES NOTES; Q or CRSQ = Creation Research Society Quarterly, Published by the CRS, Box 28473, Kansas City, MO 64118, U.S.A. Creation Matters is a supplement to the journal. E or CENTJ = Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, Published by the Creation Science Foundation, Box 6302, Acacia Ridge, D.C., Qld 4110, Australia. ICC = (Proceeding of) International Conferences on Creationism. There have been three conferences - 1st. in 1986, 2nd. in 1990, 3rd. in 1994. The papers are published by the Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., 362 Ashland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15228, U.S.A. SECC = Proc. Sixth European Creationist Congress, Evangelical College, Amersfoort, Holland. 16-19 August 1995. SF = Science Frontiers - a synopsis of scientific articles edited by Wm. Corliss - See Appendix 9. * = Recommended ************************ Ager, D. 1973 The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record Macmillan London. Ager, D. 1995 The New Catastrophism Cambridge Un. Press. Airy, G. Proc. Roy. Soc. London v 20 p 35 Akridge, G.R. 1979 “Venusian Canopy” CRSQ v 16 n 3 p 188. Akridge, G.R. 1980 “The Sun is Shrinking” ICR Impact No. 82 April Akridge, G.R. et al 1981 “A Recent Creation Explanation of the 3° K background Black Body Radiation” CRSQ v 18 n 3 p 159-162 December Akridge, G. R. 1982 “The Expanding Universe Theory is Internally Inconsistent” CRSQ v 19 n 1 p 56-9 June

Alfven, Hannes. “Cosmology: Myth or Science?” Ch. 1 p5-14 in Yourgrau, W. Cosmology, History and Theology Plenum Press 1977 N. York. Allais, M. 1959 “Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered?” Aerospace Engineering v 18 p 46 September 1959 and v 18 p 51 October 1959 Allais, M. 1998 “Michelson-MorleyMiller: The Coverup” and “On My Experiments in Physics” 21st Century Science and Technology Spring. Allen, R. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning Dover N.Y. 1963 (First published 1899) Ancil, R. “The Limits of Human Thought and the Creation Model” CRSQ v 20 n 1 p 30-39 June 1983 Archer, G. A Survey of Old Testament Introductions Moody 1964 Armitage, M. “Internal Radiohaloes in a Diamond” CENTJ 9(1) 1995 p 93-101 Armstrong, H. “An Attempt to Correct for the Effects of the Flood in Determining Dates by Radioactive Carbon” CRSQ 2/4:28-30 January 1966 *Arp, Halton C. 1987 Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies Cambridge Un. Press. Ashe, G. Mythology of the British Isle Methuen 1990 Aspden, H. 1969 Science without Einstein Sabberton Publications, Box 35, Southampton SO16 7RB £20. (Superseded by his Physics Unified but containing material not repeated in the later work) Aspden, H. 1972 Modern Aether Science Sabberton *Aspden, H. 1980 Physics Unified Saberton Aspden, H. 1982 “The Ether - an Assessment” Wireless World October p 37-9.

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