REFERENCES NOTES; Q or CRSQ = Creation Research Society Quarterly, Published by the CRS, Box 28473, Kansas City, MO 64118, U.S.A. Creation Matters is a supplement to the journal. E or CENTJ = Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, Published by the Creation Science Foundation, Box 6302, Acacia Ridge, D.C., Qld 4110, Australia. ICC = (Proceeding of) International Conferences on Creationism. There have been three conferences - 1st. in 1986, 2nd. in 1990, 3rd. in 1994. The papers are published by the Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., 362 Ashland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15228, U.S.A. SECC = Proc. Sixth European Creationist Congress, Evangelical College, Amersfoort, Holland. 16-19 August 1995. SF = Science Frontiers - a synopsis of scientific articles edited by Wm. Corliss - See Appendix 9. * = Recommended ************************ Ager, D. 1973 The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record Macmillan London. Ager, D. 1995 The New Catastrophism Cambridge Un. Press. Airy, G. Proc. Roy. Soc. London v 20 p 35 Akridge, G.R. 1979 “Venusian Canopy” CRSQ v 16 n 3 p 188. Akridge, G.R. 1980 “The Sun is Shrinking” ICR Impact No. 82 April Akridge, G.R. et al 1981 “A Recent Creation Explanation of the 3° K background Black Body Radiation” CRSQ v 18 n 3 p 159-162 December Akridge, G. R. 1982 “The Expanding Universe Theory is Internally Inconsistent” CRSQ v 19 n 1 p 56-9 June
Alfven, Hannes. “Cosmology: Myth or Science?” Ch. 1 p5-14 in Yourgrau, W. Cosmology, History and Theology Plenum Press 1977 N. York. Allais, M. 1959 “Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered?” Aerospace Engineering v 18 p 46 September 1959 and v 18 p 51 October 1959 Allais, M. 1998 “Michelson-MorleyMiller: The Coverup” and “On My Experiments in Physics” 21st Century Science and Technology Spring. Allen, R. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning Dover N.Y. 1963 (First published 1899) Ancil, R. “The Limits of Human Thought and the Creation Model” CRSQ v 20 n 1 p 30-39 June 1983 Archer, G. A Survey of Old Testament Introductions Moody 1964 Armitage, M. “Internal Radiohaloes in a Diamond” CENTJ 9(1) 1995 p 93-101 Armstrong, H. “An Attempt to Correct for the Effects of the Flood in Determining Dates by Radioactive Carbon” CRSQ 2/4:28-30 January 1966 *Arp, Halton C. 1987 Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies Cambridge Un. Press. Ashe, G. Mythology of the British Isle Methuen 1990 Aspden, H. 1969 Science without Einstein Sabberton Publications, Box 35, Southampton SO16 7RB £20. (Superseded by his Physics Unified but containing material not repeated in the later work) Aspden, H. 1972 Modern Aether Science Sabberton *Aspden, H. 1980 Physics Unified Saberton Aspden, H. 1982 “The Ether - an Assessment” Wireless World October p 37-9.
Astronomy , News, October 1995 p 29-30 Austin, S. 1986 “Mount St. Helens and Catastrophism” Proc. 1st ICC 1986 Austin, S. 1988 “Grand Canyon Lava Flows: A Survey of Isotope Dating Methods” ICR Impact pamphlet No. 178 April Austin, S., (1994) Baumgardner, J., Humphreys, D., Snelling, A., Vardiman, L., and Wise, K. “Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model of Earth History” 3rd ICC Avila IV, F. "Is the Precession of Mercury's Perihelion a Natural (Non-Relativistic) Phenomenon?" 1st ICC 1986 p 175-18 6. Bailey, E. et al “Franciscan and Related Rocks, and Their Significance in the Geology of Western California” Bull. 183 San Francisco: Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology 1964. Barbour, J. and Bertotti, B. “Gravity and Inertia in a Machian Framework” Il Nuovo Cimento 32B(1):1-27, 11 March 1977. A reprint appears in Bouw’s “Geocentric Papers”. Barnes, T.G. 1972 “Young Age vs. Geologic Age for the Earth’s Magnetic Field” CRSQ v 9 n 1 p 47-50. Barnes, T.G. 1973 “Origin and Destiny of the Earth’s Magnetic Field” I.C.R. Technical Monograph No. 4. Barnes, T.G. 1981 “Depletion of the Earth’s Magnetic Field” I.C.R. Impact Article No. 100, October. Barnes, T.G. 1983 “Earth’s Magnetic Age: the Achilles Heel of Evolution” I.C.R. Impact Article No. 122, August.
Barnes, T.G. - Electrodynamic theory - CRSQ v21 n2 p56-62 September 1984, v 21 n 4 p 186-9 March 1985, v 19 n 4 p 208 September 1982. Also book Physics of the Future ICR 1985 *Barrow, J.D. and Tipler, J.T. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle Oxford University Press 1986. **Batmanghelidj, F. Your Body’s Many Cries for Water The Therapist Ltd., Henry House, 189 Heene Rd., Worthing BN11. £9.95 incl. p+p. Tel: 01903 236 179. Batten, A. “The Barr Effect” Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Journal 1985 v 77 p 95. Baumgardner, J. 1994 “Computer Modelling of the Large-Scale Plate Tectonics Associated with the Genesis Flood” and “Runaway Subduction as the Driving Mechanism for the Genesis Flood” 3rd ICC p 49-75. Bayliss, T. In a speech at the Inst. of Civil Eng. June 1998. Reported in New Civil Engineer 2.7.98 p21 Beasley, G. “A Possible Creationist Perspective on the Tyrolean (Oetztaler) Ice Man” CENTJ v 8(2) p 179-191 1994 Beekman, G. “Hunt for the Speed of Light” New Scientist 13 October 1933 p 100. Also in Jolly, W. Sir Oliver Lodge Constable 1974. Bergman, J. “Advances in Integrating Cosmology: The Case of the Cometesimals” CENTJ v 10 n 2 1996 p 202-210 Berlitz, C. Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds 1972 Doubleday NY.
References Berthault, G. “Experiments on Lamination of Strata” CENTJ v 3 1988 (Previously appearing in C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t,303, Serie II, no. 17 1986 p 1569-15 74.) Birge, R. “The Velocity of Light” Nature v 134 p 771-2 1934. See also his “The General Physical Constants” Reports on Progress in Physics 8, 90-101 1941 Block, M. 1956 “Surface Tension as the Cause of Benard Cells....” Nature v 178 n 4534:650-651 Bluth, C. “Convection Currents in the Earth’s Mantle: A Mechanism for Continental Drift?” CRSQ v 20 n 3 December 1983 Bonner, P. “Blonds in the Far East and American North West” The Barnes Review 1997 p3-8 *Bouw, G. 1992 Geocentricity Association for Biblical Astronomy. Available from the author at 4527 Wetzel Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44109, U.S.A. In UK from B. Lamb, Quarryside, Castletown, Caithness, Scotland KW14 8SS Bouw, G. 1993A “A Planetary Alignment at the Creation?” The Biblical Astronomer, v 3 n 64 Spring p23-30 Bouw, G. 1993B The Geocentric Papers A collection of papers on geocentrism. Available from ref. Bouw92 Bouw, G. 1995 “Massive Superstrings and the Firmanent” SECC 16-1 9 August p 11-18 Bowden, M. 1981 Ape-men - Fact or Fallacy? 2nd revised edition, Sovereign Publications Bowden, M. 1982 The Rise of the Evolution Fraud Sovereign Publications Bowden, M. 1986 “The Suspect ‘Proof’ of Relativity” CENTJ v 2 p 157-167.
Bowden, M. 1989 “The Speed of Light - a Critique of Aardsma’s Statistical Method” (Letter) CRSQ v 25 March p 2078. Bowden, M. 1991 Science vs Evolution Sovereign Publications Bowden, M. 1992 “The Trinity, Love and Suffering” Privately circulated paper. Bowden, M. 1993 Evolution, Revolution and Conspiracy - An exposure of the international anti-Christian forces A privately circulated booklet. Bowden, M. 1994 The Medical Conspiracy - A critical examination of the medical profession in western society. A privately circulated booklet. Bowden, M. 1998 “Reports on the Death of Speed of Light Decay are Premature!” CENTJ v 12 n 1 p 48-54 Boyer, T.H. “The Classical Vacuum” Scientific American August 1985 p 70. Also his “A Brief Survey of Stochastic Electrodynamics” in Foundations of Radiation Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics A.O. Barut Ed. Plenum NY. Bramwell, C. and Whitfield, G. “Biomechanics of Pteranodon” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 267 p 503-581 1974. *Broad, W. and Wade, N. Betrayers of the Truth Century London 1982 Brown, H. 1994 “Mixing Lines Considerations Regarding their Use in Creationist Interpretation of Radioisotope Age Data” 3rd ICC Brown, G. 1978 “European Geophysics” Nature v 275 n 5682 p 694-5 26 October
*Brown, W. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood. Center for Scientific Creationism, 5612 North 20th Place, Pheonix, Arizona 85016, 6th Edition 1995 Bullinger, E. 1981 The Witness of the Stars. Kregel (First published 1893) Burdick, C. 1967 “Ararat: The Mother of Mountains” CRSQ v 4 n 1 p 5-12 June Burdick, C. 1975 “Discovery of Human Skeletons in Cretaceous Formation” in Speak to the Earth. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing p 127f. Also in Q10/2:109 Burdick, C. 1980 “A Critical Look at Plate tectonics and Continental Drift” CRSQ v 17 n 2 September p 111-4 Byl, J. "On the Energy-Mass Equation" Biblical Astronomer Fall 1997 n 82 p 19-23 Cadush, P. Letter in ENTJ v 4 n 3 1981 Caesar, Julius The Gallic War Heinemann 1963 Reprint. Translation by H. Edwards *Callahan, P. Tuning in to Nature Routledge, London 1977 Carr, B., Rees, M. "The Anthropic Principle and the Structure of the Physical World" Nature 12 April 1979 v 278 p 605-612 Carrigan, C. and Gubbins, D. “The source of the earth’s magnetic field” Scientific American, Feb. 1979 v 240 n 2 p 92-101 Cassius, Dio Roman History Loeb Classical Library 1982 *Ceram, C. Gods, Graves and Scholars Gollancz 1954 Chaffin, E. 1987 “A Young Earth? A Survey of Dating methods” CRSQ n 3 p 109-117 December
Chaffin, E. 1990 “A Study of Roemer’s method for determining the Velocity of Light” 2nd ICC p 47-52 Chaffin, E. 1992 “A Determination of the Speed of Light in the Seventeenth Century” CRSQ v 29 n 3 p 115-119 December Chaffin, E. 1994 “Are the Fundamental ‘Constants’ of Physics Really Variables?” 3rd ICC. p 143-150 Clarke, C. “Faith and Population in a Declining Civilization” CRSQ v 18 n 2 p 117-8 September 1981 Comins, N. and Marschall, L. “How do Spiral Galaxies Spiral?” Astronomy December 1987 v 15 p 7-23. Cooke, M. 1957 “Where is the earth’s radiogenic helium?” Nature 179:213 26 January Cooke, M. 1966 Prehistory and Earth Models Parrish Cooper, W. 1986 “The Historic Jonah” CENTJ v 2 p 105-116 Cooper, W. 1992 “The Early History of Man - Part 4. The Living Dinosaurs from Anglo-Saxon and other Early Records” CENTJ v 6 n 1 p 49-66 *Cooper, W. 1995 After the Flood New Wine Press Cooper, W. 1996 “Richard Hunne” Reformation v 1 p 221-251. Tyndale Soc. Cooper, W. 1997 Paley’s Watchmaker New Wine Press Corry, L. et al “Belated Decision in the Hilbert-Einstein Priority Dispute” Science v 278 p 1270-1273 14 November 1997 *Courville, D. The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications Vols. 1 and 2, Challenge Books, Loma Linda Cal. 1971. See also CRSQ 12/4:201, 11/1:47, 11/ 4:202, 10/1:74
References Cowling, T. “The Magnetic Field of Sunspots” Month. Not. Roy. Astronomical Soc. 1934 v 94 p 39-48 Cox, D. 1975 “The Formation of Cross Stratification: a New Explanation” CRSQ v 12 n 3 December p 166-173. Cox, D. 1976A “Problems in the Glacial Theory” CRSQ v 13 n 1 p 25-34 June Cox, D. 1976B “Cave Formation by Rock Disintegration” CRSQ v 13 n 3 p 155-161 December Cox, D. 1977A “Kames, Eskers, and the Deluge” CRSQ v 14 n 1 p 47-52 June Cox, D. 1977B “Pillars, Polystrate Formations and Potholes” CRSQ v 14 n 3 p 149-155 December Cox, D. 1979 “Controversy about Ice Ages” CRSQ v 16 n 1 p 21-28 June Cox, D. 1981 “On the Vertical Movements of the Earth’s Crust” CRSQ September v 18 n 2 p 112-116 Cox, D. 1986 “Sandstone and the Flood Environment” CRSQ v 22 n 4 p 158-166 March Cox, D. 1988 “Missing Mineral Inclusions in Quartz Grain Sands” CRSQ v 25 n 1 p 54 June Creation 1994 v16 n3 p44 JuneAugust “Professors: A day means a day”. Creation Science Foundation (Australia) Criswell, W.A. (Ed) The Believer's Study Bible (NKJV) Nelson 1991 Croft, L. The Life and Death of Charles Darwin Elmwood 1989 Crompton, N. “Molecular Biology of Ageing” SECC p 21-28 Cuenot, C. 1958 Teilhard de Chardin Burns and Oates (English translation 1956)
Cuozzo, J. “Neanderthal Children’s Fossils: Reconstruction and Interpretation Distorted by Assumptions” CENTJ v 8(2) p 166-178 1994 *Custance, A.C. Noah’s Three Sons Zondervan 1975 Dalrymple, B. “Can the Earth be Dated from Decay of its Magnetic Field?” Journal of Geological Education, March 1983 v 31 n 2 p 124-132. Daly, R. Earth’s Most Challanging Mysteries 1972 Baker Daniken, von, E. The Chariots of the Gods 1969 Souvenir Press *d’Aubigney, M. The Reformation in England Banner of Truth 1962 Davenas, E., Benveniste, J. et al “Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE” Nature June 1988 v 333 p 816-8. See also Nature v 334 p2 87-291, New Scientist 4 Aug. 1988 p 30-31 Davies, K. 1994 “Distribution of Supernova Remnants in the Galaxy” 3rd ICC p 175-184 Davis, J. Biblical Numerics Baker 1968 (1989 printing) Desmond, A. and Moore, J. Darwin Penguin 1991 Devereux, P. et al “Acoustical Properties of Ancient Ceremonial Sites” Journal of Scientific Explorartion, 9:438, 1995. Also Jahn, R. “Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures” Tech. Report PEAR 95002 Princeton Un. March 1995. [Ref - SF 102]. DeYoung, D.B., “The Water of Life” CRSQ v 22 n 3 December 1985.
Dillow, J. The Waters Above: The Earth’s Pre-Flood Vapour Canopy Moody 1982. See also CRSQ 15/1:27-34. Dingle, H. Science at the Crossroads Martin Brian and O’Keeffe 1972 Disputatio super Dignitatem Angliae et Galliae in Concilio Constantiano. Theodore Martin, Lovan, 1517 Dorsey, N. “The Velocity of Light” Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v 34 pt 1 p 1-110 1944 Drosnin, M. The Bible Code Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1997. Other books on ELS are - Jeffrey, G. The Signature of God and The Handwriting of God - Rambsel, Y. Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament Dunham, D. et al “Observations of a Probable Change in the Solar Radius between 1715 and 1979” Science v 210 12 December 1980 p 1243-1245 Dyson, F.W., Eddington, A.S., Davidson, C. “A Determination of the Deflection of Light by the Sun’s Eclipse of May 29, 1919” Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society 1923 n 62 p 1-43. Eakman, B. 1990 Educating for the New World Order Halcyon House Portland Or. Eddy, J. and Boornazian A. 1979 “Secular Decrease in the Solar Diameter 1863-1953” Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. v 11 p 437. *Elder, Isabel Celt, Druid and Culdee Covenant Publishing Co. 1947 Ellis, P.B. The Druids Constable 1994 Elmendorf, R. A Critical Investigation of the Foucault Pendulum Pittsburgh Creation Society 1994
Essen, L. 1971 The Special Theory of Relativity: A Critical Analysis Ox. U.P. Essen, L. 1977 “Time Coming and Going” CRSQ v14 n1 June Essen, L. 1988 “Relativity - Joke or Swindle?” Wireless World February p 126-7 Everyman’s Encyclopaedia, Dent 1978 Fange, E. 1974 “Time Upside Down” CRSQ June v 11 n 1 p 13-27 Fange, E. 1984 “The Archaeology of Words and the Alphabet” CRSQ March n 4 p 219-226 Faulstich, G. Letter - private correspondence. Flandern, T. van Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets North Atlantic Books, Cal. 1993 Forster, R. and Marston, P. 1989(A) Reason and Faith Monarch Publications Forster, R. and Marston, P. 1989(B) God’s Strategy in Human History Highland Books. Forster, R. and Marston, P. 1995 Christianity, Evidence and Truth Monarch Publications Frangos, A. “An Insight into the Problems of the Origins of Life and Matter” SECC. Frolich, C. and Eddy, J. “Observed Relation between Solar Luminosity and Radius” Adv. Space Research v 4 n 8 1984 p 121-124 Gallant, R. Bombarded Earth John Baker London Garstang, J. The Story of Jericho 1940 Hodder. 2nd edition 1948 Marshall Morgan and Scott. Gilliland, R. “Solar Radius Variations over the past 265 years” Astrophysical Jour. 15 September 1981 v 248 p 1144-11 55
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Helmholtz, H. “On the Interaction of Natural Forces” Philosophical Magazine (London) 4th Series v 11 p 489 Herrmann, R. Articles on "D-model" CRSQ 22/2:84-89, 22/3:128137, 23/2:47-54. Website Hesser, J. and Shawl. S. Astrophysical Journal v 217 1977 *Highfield, R., Carter, P. The Private Lives of Albert Einstein Faber 1993. Hill, G. “Some Aspects of Coal Technology” Chemical Technology May 1972 p 296 Hislop, Rev. A. The Two Babylons Loizeaux Brothers 1959 *Hitchin, F. The World Atlas of Mysteries Pan Books 1979 Holman, Dr. R. “A Method of destroying a Malignant Rat Tumour in vivo” Nature v 179 May 18 1975 p 1033 Hong, S. et al 1994 “Safety Investigation of Noah’s Ark in a Seaway” CENTJ v 8 (1) p 26-36 Hooykaas, R. Religion and the Rise of Modern Science Scottish Academic Press 1984 (reprint) Hope, Lady Our Golden Key Seeley, Jackson and Halliday 1884 Hoyle, F. 1978 The Cosmogeny of the Solar System University College Cardiff Press. Hull, E. Deacon’s Synchronological Chart of Universal History 1890. Republished by Studio Editions London 1989 and 1991. A large wall chart of Biblical Chronology and History from Creation (4004 BC) to 1990 AD. Humphreys, R. 1986 “Reversals of the Earth’s Magnetic Field During the Genesis Flood” 1st ICC Vol II p 113-126.
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(1) Time and the Speed of Light - A New Interpretation January 1995 (2) A New Theory on the Behaviour of Light February 1996 (3) Reliability of Relativistic Effect Tests on Airborne Clocks February 1996 Kenyon, Sir Frederick Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts Eyre and Spottiswood 1941 Kenyon, K. Diggin up Jericho 1957 Earnest Benn Kerr, R. 1991 “Coming up Short in a Cru st al Qu est ” S ci en ce 254:1456-1457 Kerr, R. 1993 “Looking deeply into the earth’s crust in Europe” Science v 261 p 295-7 16 July *Koestler, A. 1976 The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar empire and its heritage Hutchinson *Koestler, A. 1986 The Sleepwalkers Reprint Penguin Books Koontz, R. “The Creation of Eve” CRSQ v 8 n 2 p 128-9 September 1971 Korff, S. “Effects of Cosmic Radiation on Terrestial Isotope Distribution” Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union 35:105 February 1954 Koster, J. “What was the New Zealand Monster” in Oceans November 1977 p 56-9. Article and photos repeated on website Krauskopf, K. Introduction to Geochemistry McGraw Hill 1967 Kukla, G. and Zijderveld, J. “Magnetostratigraphic Pitfalls” Nature 266:774 1977 Kulling, S. Are the Geneologies in Genesis 5 and 11 Historical and Complete, that is, without Gaps (booklet) ImmanuelVerlag, Riehen, Switzerland 1996
References Lammerts, W. “On the Rapid Formation of Beaches and a Graded Seri es o f F l at t ened and Rounded Stones” CRSQ v 11 n 2 September 1974 p 101-3. Laskar, J. “The Chaotic Obliquity of the Planets” Nature v 361 p 608 1993 Lee, J. “Hydrothermal Vents at Deep Sea Spreading Ridges: Modernday Fountains of the Deep?” CRSQ v 29 n 1 p 13-18 June 1992. Lewis, C.S. Miracles Fontana 1966 Lister, R. Old maps and Globes Bell and Hyman 1979 Lockyer, J.N. The Dawn of Astronomy Cassell 1894 Lubkin, G.B. “Analysis of historical data suggests Sun is shrinking” Physics Today Sept. 1979 v 32 p 17-19 Lynch, A. The Case Against Einstein Philip Allan (London) 1932 Lyttleton, R. “The Non-existence of the Oort Cometary Shell” Astrophysics and Space Science 1974 v 31 p 385-401 1974 “Magsat down: magnetic field declining” Science News 28 June 1980 v117 p407. Malcolm, D. 1988 “Humanism and Modern Mathematics” CENTJ v 3 p 49-58 Malcolm, D. 1991 “Einstein’s Contribution to Relativity” CENTJ v 5 n 1 p58-69 Malcolm, D. 1994 “Helium in the Earth’s Atmosphere” CENTJ v 8 n 2 p 142-147 Mammel, L. Net astro reference; Group - net.astro: From lew@ihuxr.UUCP (Lew Mammel . Jr.): Message-ID: <795@ihuxr.UUCP: Date Rcd - Fri. 2-Dec-83 23:40:50
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www2 - 0/faqs/old-earth.html www3 - www4 - www5 - www6 - www7 - tentribe.html www8 - ~codes/report.htm www9 - ~codes/tests.htm ............. X1 Details of hydrogen peroxide treatments may be obtained from International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation, Box 61767, Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas 75261. For Grt. Britian, contact Sovereign Publications. X2 Details of hydrogen peroxide ingestion - contact Sovereign Publications