Index 1470 man 195-6 3°K background radiation 52 54 56 217 516 3 dimensions 321 360 days 413 415 “666” 433 443 7th day 18 -------------------Aberration (star) 504 Abraham 20 70 72 112-3 152-3 169 176 177 180 419 432 Academic mafia 469 487 ACLU 254-5 Acupuncture 334 Adam 15-7 21-24 34 60 66f 70 92 96 102 120 122 176 181 212-3 228 307-9 312 317 417-8 Aether 447f 461 486 503 512-4 517-8 - drag 486 505-7 African Eve 120f Agassiz, L. 397 Ager, D. 352-4 Agricola 142 AIDS 487 Airy’s “failure” 505-6 514 521 522 Akhenaton 150 163 Akridge, G. 52 203 217 Allais, M. 486 506 511 Alice in Wonderland 252f Alcohol 92f Alfred, King 126 Alfven, H. 221 477-8 484 Amarna 163-4 Amalekites 160 403 America 20 33 79 105 115-6 119 169 188 228 235 253f 259f 312 382 397 468 491 521 Ancil R. 280-1 Anderson, Sir Robert 262 265 269271 276 Andrew, Prof E. 257 Anglo-Saxon 126 193 Antarctica 385-7 396-7 Anthropic principles 325 Apocrypha 434 Aquinas, T. 286
Arab 107 110 112 117 491 Ararat 20 28-9 403 405 Archer, G. 19 171 Argyll, Duke of 268 Armstrong, H. 75 200 364 522 Aristobulus 140 Aristotle 286 498 Ark 6 15 20 26-28 94f 224 228f 278 310 319 415 443 Arp, Halton. 43 51 54-56 133 221 480 482 515 Arviragus 132 133 135-6 141 Asah (Heb.-made) 35 Ashe, G. 132-3 139 Ashkenase 108 110 Asimov, I. 235 Aspden, H. 56 452 465 485-7 507 518 520 Assyria 94 98 103 104 165 169 183f Asteroids 17 72 317-8 379 380 413-4 Astrology 416 Astruc 18 Augustine, St., of Hippo 38 39 502 Augustine (RC) 102 124 133 144f Aulus Plautius 135 Austin, S. 372 399 Australia 110 121 Aveling, E. 275 Babel, Tower 30 80 97-9 101f 153 231 376 417 422 Babylon, 4 20 96 98 129 183 188 422 - captivity 103 426 Babylonians 94 98 104 165-9 183 Bacon, Sir Francis. 287-8 376 Bacteria 24 Baigent, M. 129 Ball lightening 486 Bangor 143 145-6 Barah (Heb.-created) 35 Barbour, J., Bertotti, J. 509 Barnes, T. G. 200-3 206 217 236 376 378 388-9 456 489 Baronius 131