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Index 1470 man 195-6 3°K background radiation 52 54 56 217 516 3 dimensions 321 360 days 413 415 “666” 433 443 7th day 18 -------------------Aberration (star) 504 Abraham 20 70 72 112-3 152-3 169 176 177 180 419 432 Academic mafia 469 487 ACLU 254-5 Acupuncture 334 Adam 15-7 21-24 34 60 66f 70 92 96 102 120 122 176 181 212-3 228 307-9 312 317 417-8 Aether 447f 461 486 503 512-4 517-8 - drag 486 505-7 African Eve 120f Agassiz, L. 397 Ager, D. 352-4 Agricola 142 AIDS 487 Airy’s “failure” 505-6 514 521 522 Akhenaton 150 163 Akridge, G. 52 203 217 Allais, M. 486 506 511 Alice in Wonderland 252f Alcohol 92f Alfred, King 126 Alfven, H. 221 477-8 484 Amarna 163-4 Amalekites 160 403 America 20 33 79 105 115-6 119 169 188 228 235 253f 259f 312 382 397 468 491 521 Ancil R. 280-1 Anderson, Sir Robert 262 265 269271 276 Andrew, Prof E. 257 Anglo-Saxon 126 193 Antarctica 385-7 396-7 Anthropic principles 325 Apocrypha 434 Aquinas, T. 286

Arab 107 110 112 117 491 Ararat 20 28-9 403 405 Archer, G. 19 171 Argyll, Duke of 268 Armstrong, H. 75 200 364 522 Aristobulus 140 Aristotle 286 498 Ark 6 15 20 26-28 94f 224 228f 278 310 319 415 443 Arp, Halton. 43 51 54-56 133 221 480 482 515 Arviragus 132 133 135-6 141 Asah (Heb.-made) 35 Ashe, G. 132-3 139 Ashkenase 108 110 Asimov, I. 235 Aspden, H. 56 452 465 485-7 507 518 520 Assyria 94 98 103 104 165 169 183f Asteroids 17 72 317-8 379 380 413-4 Astrology 416 Astruc 18 Augustine, St., of Hippo 38 39 502 Augustine (RC) 102 124 133 144f Aulus Plautius 135 Austin, S. 372 399 Australia 110 121 Aveling, E. 275 Babel, Tower 30 80 97-9 101f 153 231 376 417 422 Babylon, 4 20 96 98 129 183 188 422 - captivity 103 426 Babylonians 94 98 104 165-9 183 Bacon, Sir Francis. 287-8 376 Bacteria 24 Baigent, M. 129 Ball lightening 486 Bangor 143 145-6 Barah (Heb.-created) 35 Barbour, J., Bertotti, J. 509 Barnes, T. G. 200-3 206 217 236 376 378 388-9 456 489 Baronius 131

Index Barr, Prof. J. 37 41 Barr “effect” 516 Barrow, J. 313f Bartley, James 181f Basil 38-9 Battelle Institute 305 Baumgartner, J. 381-2 Bayliss, T. 287 BBC 257 Bears 122-3 Bede 145 Behemoth 187 Bellarmine, Cardinal 501-2 Benard cells 380-1 384 Benveniste, J. 346 Beowulf 187 Beresovka 84f Bergson, H. L. 332 Bering Straight 106 116 Berosus 183 Berthault, G. 395-6 Besant, Annie 129 Bethlehem 6 7 423 425-6 Big Bang 2 40 44 52f 55-58 217 284 480 515-6 520 Billelo, Prof. J. 244 246-7 305 Billingsgate 126 Birge, R. 296-7 Birs Nimrod (Birsippa) 30 422 Black holes 52 448 Black smokers 392 Blackett, Prof. P.M.F. 473 Blake, William 133 Blavatski, Madame 129 Blood 6 312 319 342 Bluer. P. 434 437 441 Boadicea 127 132 141 Bode’s Law 317-8 Boettner, L. 287 Bohr (atom model) 489 Bolas stones 118 404 Boltzmann, L.E. 463 466 - constant (cdk) 289 Bombadier beetle 187 Boomerang 119 Born, Max 462 Bouw, G. 64 150-1 218 426 485 488 494 500 503 506 517-521


Bow and arrow 118 Boyer, T. 489 Bradley, J. 292 304 504-5 Brahe, Tycho 500 Bran 135 137 140 147 Bretz, J. 352-3 Britons 110-1 119 124f British Israelite Federation 102-3 108 110 127 130 141 British Museum 411 Brittany 144 Broglie, duc de 467 Brontosaurus 187 312 Brown, W. 84f 209 218 378 382-3 389 395 Brutus 108 119 124f 134 Brutus Stone 124-5 Buchner, L. 275 Buckland, W. 397 Buddhism 285-6 Bullinger, E. 152 416f “Butterflies wingbeats” 323 Cabbalism 23 129 428 435 442 Cadush, P. 302 Caesar, Julius 9 125 127 130 134f 137 342 Cain 25 72 248 Cainan 175-6 Calendar, Jewish 64 Callahan, J.J. 475-6 Calvin, John 25 39 287 500 Camphill Trust 334 Canaan 152-3 156 161 180 Canaanites 160-1 163 177 180 184 Canterbury 133 144 Cantor, M. 476 Caractacus 135f Carbon dioxide 79 80 92 343 Carbon 14 (dating) 74 75 92 198f Carlisle 127 Carnac (Brittany) 412 Carnivores 16 Carrington, C. 203f Carroll, Lewis 252-3 Cassini, J. 292-3 Cassini J.D. 503 Cave-men 114 116



CDK 6 7 18 21 73 75 78-9 82 195 200 216 227 234 244 291f 375 379 383 487 521 523 Celts 108 111 116 128 130 144 Cepheid variables 51 Ceram, C. 98 119 Chalk 394-5 Chalmers, Dr. Thomas 33 Chaos theory 277 323 Chaplin, Charlie 468 Chariots (Brit) 125 130 134-5 Charron ring 510-1 Chernevsky, A. 491 Chesney, Lt. Col. 422 Chichester Stone 138 China 67 79 96 98 107 114 115 120 188 379 Chlorus, Constantinus 143 Christ 5 7 60 103 105 108 127 129 134 171f 181 284 298 419 430f Christadelphian 228 Chromosomes 13 66 71-2 77 120 231 Chronology 278 171f Chrysostom 38 Church layout 128 Classifications, animal 13 Claudia (Brit. Princess) 124 136 138-9 Claudius (Emp) 127 135-7 141 Clay 356f 367f Clock paradox 448 459-460 479 Clone 67 Coconuts 105 Coal 199 347 358 371f 393 403 COBE 57 Coelacanth 192 Cold dark matter 58f Columba, St. 128 143-5 Columbus, Christopher 116 493 Cometesimals 26 49 50 74 82-3 88 Comets 17 49 219f 318 425 Conglomerates 357 366f Constantine the Great 142f “Constants” (cdk) 297 305 Continental drift - see Plate tectonics Continental fit 376f

Cook, M. 197 204 210 222 225-6 391 Cooper, W. 102 103 108 111 112-3 114 119 124 126 137 146 183-4 187 192-3 282 Copernicus, N. 498f 501-2 Coral 245 Coriolis effect 508-9 Corliss, W. 323 367 390 397 410 482f Cosmic constant 510 Cosmic rays 11, 17 43 74f 198-9 221 307 456 484 Courville, D. 116-8 149f 411 Cowling, T. 202 Cox, D. 359 362f 395 397f Creation Science Movement 258 260 312 472 483 Credibility 247 Cretans 280 Croft, L.R. 260 268 275 Crowley, A. 129 Crucifixion 413 Culdee 128 Cunobelinus 141 Custance, A. 102-3 106-8 110-3 119 124 283 Czysz, P. 492 Daily Telegraph 68 Darwin, Charles 12 194 253 259f 282 470 481 Darwin, Emma 265 268 272 Darwin, Francis 267-8 272-6 David (King) 25 163-4 426 Davis, E.E. 182-3 Davis, J.J. 434-5 Dawkins R. 60 257 282-3 494 Dawson, C. 331 Day (Heb.-Yom) 11 37-8 Day-age 33 36 Days of week 422 Dead Sea scrolls 9 171 Deaf 22 Death 16 77 Declaration of Independence 169 “Delphi Technique” 255-6 Denny, T. 260 266 268 271 Deucalion 94

Index Diamond 368 Diffusion 309 310 Dima (mammoth) 84 Dimensional analyses 318-320 Dillow, J. 70 73-4 84f 92 Dingle, Prof. H. 456 478-480 485 Dinosaurs 27 187f 248 312 319 400 414 - nests 400 404 Dinud 145 Diocletian 143 Disbelief 6 Disintegration (geol) 364f Disraeli, B. 110 253 DNA 13 66 75 77 120 121 320 Documents (historical) 101f Dodwell, G. 177 180 407f 414 Dogs 120 Dolphin, L. 291 305 312 Domesday Book 133 Dorsey, N. 296 Downe’s syndrome 72 Downwarping strata 368 “Drama of the universe” 9 61 524 Draper, J. 493 Drosnin, M. 438f Druids 114 124f 141 144 147 Drunkenness 92f 108 Dust, micrometeoric 218f Dyslexia 104 E=mc2 307 457 464 Ear (human) 484 Earth 45 46 219 234 278 316 493f - bulge 208 508-9 - cooling 209f 234 - rotation 206 503 507 518-9 - tilt 317 406f Earthquakes 159 352 355 364 414 484 Earthquake (Uzzaiah’s) 159 Ebla 99 100 Eclipse 242-3 317 - experiments 449-452 456 462 469 483 Eddington, A.S. 320 Eddy, J. 205-6 236f Eden 16 19 20 24 77 Egypt 20 28 124 129 149f


Eichorn, J. 18 Einstein, Albert 235 246 307 325 442 445f 485 492 495 510 521 Einstein, Elsa 471 Einstein, Mileva 470-1 Elder, I. 125-7 129 130 Electro-magnetism 71 73 Elephant 121 181 319 Eliot, T.S. 330 Elmendorf, R. 510-1 Elohim 18 19 Emerson, R.W. 428 Encyclopaedia. Britannica. 30 76 98 99 125 131 141-3 168 190 219 255 374 379 443 516-7 521 Engels, F. 472 Enlightenment 313 Entropy 16, 17 Enuma Elish 98 Enzymes 343 346 Equidistant Letter Sequences 427 438f Erastothenes 168 493 Erosion 222f 356f Eskimos 105 107 Essen, L. 453 460 463 469 Establishment 55 243 324 330-1 346 354-5 453 469 480 487 Ether 11 82 Eudoxus 412 Euphrates 19 29 Evangelicals 4, 5 Eve 16 17 20 23 66-7 69 77 82 102 120 181 Evolution 1 33 168 494 Evolution Protest Movement 258 277 472 Exodus 99 149 152-4 158-9 161 171 177 180 403 Expanding earth 383 Extra-terrestrial life 59f Fall 15 17 18 21 23 24 37 213f 309 Fange, E. 116 402 Faraday, M. 288 - disc 203



Fegan, J.W.C. 260-1 265-9 271 274 276 “Felix” 266-271 Fertile Crescent 20 29 106 Faulstich, G. 62-5 Feynman diagram 479 Findhorn Community 129 334 Fish survival 231f Fitzgerald, G. 447 Firmanent 72-3 518-9 Fiseau experiment 461 Flat Earth 493-4 Flood 5 11 12 15 16 18-20 24-26 30 31 34 37 38 71 73-4 90 96 98 102f 112 117 149 177 193 198200 224-5 228f 246 278 307 352 354f 397-8 408 413 415 481 - sequence models 74 399f Floodgates of heaven 72 Flood stories 31 73 94f 104 229 Flying clocks experiment 449 453-5 456 514 “Folk Science” 183 206 235 Folk tales 94f Forster, R. 38-41 249 Fossils 123 196 350f 368f 384 4001 Foucalt’s pendulum 494 507-511 Fountains of the Deep 19 25 71 81 83 356 382 404 413-5 Frangos, A. 520 Frazer, Sir J. 99 Freemasonry 23 129 168-9 287 French Academy of Science 463 French Revolution 18 Freznell drag 506 521 Freud, L. 150 280 282 468 Fundamentalists 270 “Gaia” hypothesis 258 333-4 336 Galaxy 43f 308 - spiral arms 214f - walls 516 Galileo Galilei 498 500f Gandhi, M. 129 468 Gap theory 33f Garner, P. 182 212 Garstang, J. 160f

Garton, M. 411 Gematria 427f Genesis Flood 11 70 230 399 Genesis Record 9 Genizah 427 Gentry, R. 211f Geocentricity 278 493f 523 - Sciptural support 496f - scientific support 503f Geoffrey of Monmouth 124 126 132 135-6 Gerber, P. 452 520 Gesenius 173 Giants 24f Gilbert and Sullivan 271 Gilgamesh 4 98 100 Gingrich, O. 62-4 Gish, D. xiv 235 Gilliland, R. 237 242-3 Giza pyramid 158 165f Glaciers 397f Glastonbury 130f Glissade 117 162 Gnomons 406f Gnosticism 23 169 435 God of the Gaps 5 Godel, K. 476 481 - theorem 280 Gold, T. 229 374 484 Goldstein, S. 303-4 Golovin, S. 92 Gomer 108 Goshen 156 Gould, S.J. 353-4 Graf-Wellhausen theory 19 Grapes 93 Gravels 356f 365f Gravity field 520 Greece 94 111 119 124 125 129 159 168-170 417-8 423f 498 Greek language 172-3 427f Greenhouse effect 73-4 Greenpeace Movement 334 Greenwich Observatory 62-3 237f Grossman, M. 464 470 475 Geocentricity 278f 523 Gullstrand, Prof. 463 Gunpowder 107

Index Gyroscope 483 Habiru 163 Hadrian's wall 135 Hafele-Keating experiment 449 453-455 514 Haldane J.B.S. 280 Halley’s comet 219 Ham 96 106-7 108 111f 115 160 Hand axe 118 Hansard 287 Hapgood, C. 386 Hasidic Jews 110 Hatshepsut, Queen 164 Hayward, A. 202 244f 304 Hearst, Wm. R. 468 Heartbeats 319 Heath, Edward 148 Heavens 10 Hebrews (book) 259 263-4 270 279 Hegel, G. 336 Helen (of York) 143 Helens, Mt. St. 372 393 Heliocentrism 493f Helium 74 221f Helmhotz, H. 205-6 236 Hengist 144 Henry, Matthew 69 Henry VIII 146 Heracleides 498 Heraclitus 2 Herbs 22 Herodotus 30 Herrmann, R. 520 Hertzsprung-Russell 52 Heyerdahl, Thor 106 Hezekaiah 413 Hibernation 231 Higher criticism 9 171 235 Highfield, R. 471 Hilbert, D. 466 Himalayas 378-9 Hindus 285 Hislop, Rev A. 113 127 129 183 187 Hitchin, F. 412 Hitler, Adolf 148 Hittites 159 163 165 Holy days 20


Holy Spirit 443 Homeopathy 334 346 Hooykaas R. 287 Hope, Lady 259f 428 Hort, F. 434 Howitt, Dr. J. 38 Howorth, H. 397 Hoyle, F. 45 50-1 55 324 Hubble constant 44 51 53 320 Hume D. 229 282 Human fossils and artefacts 402 Humming bird 319 Humour 3 15 250f Hunne, Richard 146 Hutton, J. 33 38 358 Huxley, T. H. 253 376 Hydrogen peroxide 79 Hydrothermal water (HTW) 198 213 232 234 344 358f 383 391 Hyksos 159 160-1 163-4 169 Hypnotherapy 334 Ice 338-340 Ice ages 29 396f - polar 385 397 - caves 397 Idiot savants 22 Imhotep 154 158 India 108 111 121 119 271 378-9 Infinity 476-7 Information field 519-520 Insects, giant 310 Intelligence 21 22 118 312 Inquisition 501-2 Io (moon) 291 303 Iona 128 143-5 Ireland 127-8 143 Iridium 414 Iridology 334 Isaac 20 112 149-153 180 Isaiah 171 496 518 Ishmael 112 Isochron dating 198 Israel (nation) 67-8 103 119 149f Israel (Jacob) 152 176 Ives, H. E. 465 472 475 485 Jacob 152 176 180 425 443 Japan 105-6 114 468 514 “Japanese carcase” 189f



Japhet 29 96 103 107-8 111 115 163 Jastrow, R. 1 Jehovah 18, 19 JEPD 18 171 Jericho 118 160f Jerusalem 20 62 131 164 172 433 425 470 Jesus 6 99 127 131 133-4 185 259 430 432 435 492 Job 10 31f 43 116 187f 419 438 496 Jonah 181f 435 Jones, A. 230-1 Joseph of Arimathea 130f 142 Joseph 154f 169 180 Josephus 28 104 116 130f 142 152-3 160 169 170 175 403 Joshua 160-1 163 413 Jowett, G. 130-1 Julius Caesar 9 Jupiter (planet) 46 48 219 220 291 296 288 304 314 425 Jupiter (god) 108 Kamp, Walter van der 494 Kantor (experiment) 460 Karnak 410-1 Kelly, P. 127-9 453 514 Kelvin, Lord. 208-210 288 296 320 - (temperature) 52 54 56f 88 316 Kennedy, J. 439 Kenyon, K. 117 161f 164 Kepler, J. 215 425 500-1 509 Khazars 110 Kibbutzim 68 Kimberlites 368 “Kind” (Baramin) 12, 13 14 27 230 King’s Highway 130 Kirilian photography 334 Knight Templers 129 Kobe earthquake 390 Koestler, A. 110 498f Koldewey, R. 30 Koran 286 Korff, Prof. S. 74 Krakatoa 160 414 KTB project 354-5 Kuiper disc 220-1

Kulling, S. 175f Language 22 104 Laplace, P-S. 44-6 50 Laser gyrocompasses 513-4 La Tene culture 132 Layard, Sir A. 98 Leakey, R. 195-6 478 Lemurs 121 Levi, Eliphas 129 Leviathan 187 Lewis, C.S. 7 101 280-2 328-9 331 Liberal theology 4, 5 Lieske, J. 304 Life-spans 70f Light 10f -speed of 43 195 509 513 - see also CDK Lindow man 127 Linnaeus, C. 12 Linus 124 136-140 Loch Ness 189 Lockyer, Sir Norman. 410 Lodge, Sir Oliver 462 473 506 Loess 89 Logic 281-4 286 Lomnitz’s Law 379 384 London 127 130 London City Mission 267 269 Lorentz, H. 447 456-7 461-2 4656 475 485 Lower criticism 9 171 Lucis Trust 334 Lucius 125 132-3 142 Luther, Martin 500 Lyell, C. 33 38 41 194 352 397 481 Mach, E. 462-3 - principle 452 508-9 Madagascar 380 414 Magi 425-6 Malcolm, D. 476-7 481 Mammel, L. 303-4 Mammoth 84f 382 397 399 Manetho 149 173 176 Manilius 408 Manuscripts 9 Magma (cooling) 370-1

Index Magnetic field 6 195 488 519 - of earth 17 77-8 199f 387f - spinning 488 514 - sun’s 388 - reversals 377-8 387f Maps (ancient) 384f Marcus, U. 443 Marduk 30 98 Marinov, S. 487-8 507 Mars 45 46 59 64 150 210 219 425 498 Marsden, P. 38-41 249 Marseille 130-2 Martial 138-9 Marx, K. (ism) 275 282 472 Marxism 280 332 Mass media 256f 468-9 494 522 Massoretic text 70 171f 278 427f 438 Mathematics 22 325f 348 474 495 Maynard-Smith, J. 257 326 Maxwell, J.C. 288 324 - equations 244 456 461 465 Meat 16 Medawar, P. 329 Menai 141 Mendel, G. 252 Mercury 45 46 62f 236 239 240 242 - perihelion 449 452 456 509 Meteorites 17 27 74 404 414 425 Methuselah 25 Meyer, Stanley 491-2 Miao people 96 115 Michelson, A. 292 297 - -Morley experiment 445-7 456 462 464 477 481 487 492 506-7 512-3 521-2 - -Gale experiment 512 514 521-2 Mid-Atlantic ridge 377 382 389 392 Migration - animals 121f - men 101f Milankovitch theory 396 Miller, D.C. 506-7 520-521 Minkowski, H. 475 Missionaries 283 Mitochondria 120-1 Mizraim 153 Molen, M. 398-9


Molmutius 126 130 Moloch 161 184 Monasticism 128 Montgomery, A. 312 Moody and Sankey 269 271 Moon 14 17 49 63f 206f 210 218 317 407-8 496 - capture impossible 49 Moons 48 Moore, J. 260f 428 Moore, P. 43 Moore, R. 228f 235 Morgan, Rev. R. 126-7 131 135-7 140 Moriah, Mt. 20 Morris, H.W. 9 11-2 39 70 206 235f 254 370 399 425-6 Morrison, A. 23 129 334 Morton, G. 195-6 373-5 383 Moscow 99 111 Moses 11 18 22 28 31 38 72 100 150 158-9 169 171 175 194 435 437 Mountains 376f 383-4 400 Muon particles 449 455-6 Murray, W.R. Scott 454-5 457-8 475 Music 115 Muslims 20 22 285-6 Mutations 76 NASA 492 512 Nations 29 Natural History Museum, British 332 Navahoe Indians 105 Neanderthal 32 115-6 224 Nehru, Pandit 129 468 Nelson, Byron C. 96f 232 Neolithic 28 New Age Movement 129 258 286 333-4 336 New Bible Dictionary 30 173 New Testament 99 Newman, J. 488-490 Newcomb, S. 407 409 Newton, Isaac 149 166 217 288 322 413 445 448-9 456 473 481 500 503 509



Neptune 45-6 48 220 318 Nero 433 Neutrinos 52 205 240 Nevins, S. 222-3 Nicaragua 22 Nickel, J. 325 Nimrod 30 113 187 Nineveh 94 98 183 435 Noah 6 19 20-1 25-6 29 29 37 70 92 94f 102f 108 120 122 180-1 228f 435 Nobel Prize 292 463 470 490 506 Noorbergen, R. 409 Norman, T. 291 302 305-6 358 484 North pole 70 Oard, M. 334 355 375 390f 396 404 Occam’s Razor 495 Ocean chemicals 246 226f 354 Oil 225 229 Olber’s paradox 308 Olduvai Gorge 404 Omega point 258 329 330 332-3 Omri, King 103 Oort (cloud of comets) 55 219f Open University 272 Origen 38 39 Origin of Species 12 Oronteus Finaeus 385-7 Orthodox Church 142 Osmosis 6 309 310 Oxford debate 253 257 Oxygen 78f 310 312 338f 391 396-7 Oysters 16 Ozanne, C. 175 177 180 428f Ozone 17 75-6 Pais, A. 449 462-468 Palisades Sill 370f Paluxy River 187-8 Paley, W. 264 268 282 314 Panin, I. 262 428 434 437 Pantheism 336 Papal authority 142f Parkinson, J. 236 238-242 Pascal, B. 288 Patriarch’s life span 6 Patrick, St. 143-4 Patterson, J. 491

Paul St. 131 139 140 228 416 419 Pauli, W. 462 Pekin Man 330 Peleg 31 104 106 112 180 376 403 415 Pendragon 134f Pendulum 483 507-8 510-1 Pentagon (U.S.A.) 492 Pentecost 105 Peter, St. 134 138 Peterson, E. 82 104 Petrie, Flinders 124 166 170 “Phaeton” 17 221 414 Pharaoh’s names 154 Phoenicians 163 Photosynthesis 310 Picts 110 124 135 144 Pilate 131 Piltdown fraud 328 330-2 Piri Rei 386 Pisa, Tower of 501 Planck, M. 463 465 - constant 297 485 517f Planet - alignment 62f - distances 45 - orbits 46 - rotation 49 - unstable 217 Plasma fusion 486 Plate tectonics 70 112 180 310 354-5 376f 382-4 388 Plautius, Aulius 135 Pleiades 43 419 424 Plenum 486 518 520 Plesiosaur 188f Pluto 46 49 217 220 318 Poincare, H. 462 464-6 476 Pole (N and S) 70 Polonium 210f Poor, Prof. C.L. 449f 461-2 469 473 Population growth 104 223f 232-3 Potassium argon 194 377 390 Powell, C.D. 67f Poynting-Robertson effect 219 Praemunire 146-8 Preconceptions 279 280

Index Predestination 10 17 524 Premier Radio 2 Price, McCready 408 Prisoner’s dilemma 326-8 Provisors, Statute of 146 Psalms 416 432 496 Pteranodon 193 311 Pterosaurs 187 311 Ptolemy 168 495 498f Pumpelly, R. 364 Puritans 133 287 Puthoff, Hal 491-2 Pyramid 154 157-9 165f Pythagoras 482 Quantum theory 11 308 310 467 478-9 482 489 520 Quasars 54f 308 514-6 Queen of England 320-1 Rabin, Yitzhak 438f Races (development) 120 Radiesthesia 334 Radioactivity 18 74f 201 204-5 210f 234 240 296 306-7 309 Radiometric dating 194f 296 305-9 352 375 Rainbow 29 91 96 Rameses 154 158 Rationalism 279f Red Sea 159 160 Red-shift of light 44 51-56 159 165 216 308 320 514-5 518 Reformed theology 5 287 523 Rehoboam 165 Reilly, S. 255 Reincarnation 284 Relativity 52 245 445f 485 487 489 492 495 509 510 513-5 520 Rib, Adam's 23 38 66 Richards, F. 411 Riemannian geometry 245 448 470 473 475-6 Robson, G. 268 Roche’s limit 88 207 Rock ice 89 Rockefeller, J.D. 468 Roemer, Ole 291 293 296 303-4 306 Rohl, D. 149f


Rolleston, F. 416f Roman 116 125 128 130 132 134f 174 Roman Catholicism 113-4 133-4 138 142f Rosevear, D. 175 258 260 Rosicrucianism 129 287 Rothschild, Lord 468 Rousseau, J.J. 337 472 Royal Astronomical Society 409 Royal Society 287 331 462 Rufus Pudens 131 138-9 Rusch, W. 250 366 Russell, Bertrand, 325 476-7 Russell, Prof. J. 494 Russia 67 78 110-1 Rutherford, E. (Lord) 462 473 Sagnac experiment 460 512-4 5212 Salt 90 231f 343 354 365 Samaritan Pentateuch 172f Sand 356f 361f Satan 23 33 34 101 129 Satellite, geosynchronous 511-2 Saturn 46 48 425 Saul (King) 160 163-4 Saxons 110 124 126 144-6 193 Schema 431 Scheven, J. 372 374-5 399f Schliemann, H. 119-120 Scientific American 203-4 Scope’s trial 253f “Sea People” 159 Seaman, W. 124f 131 134 140 Second Law of Thermodynamics 11 17 Seconds, “leap” 209 Sediments 355f 367f Seeds 234 Seismic records 354f 380-2 384 Seiss, J. 416f Selfridges 468 Sephardic Jews 110 Septuagint 111 152-3 171f Setterfield, B. 13 54 196 200 217 244-5 291f 358-9 379 408 410 412 414 419 456 484 521 Sex roles 67f



Shaeffer, F. 286 Shaftesbury, Lord 269 Shakespeare, Wm. 174 423 Shaw, Bernard 468 Sheba, Queen of, 164 Shem 96 106-8 112f 163 180 Shinar 29 Shishak 149 165 Shrodinger’s cat 478 - equation 485 Shuker, K. 189 190 Siemens, Sir W. 170 Sin 14 337 Sirrush 188 Slichter, L. 208-9 Sloane, P. 268 272 Smith, B. 2 Snelling, A. 218 359 378 394 Snow 340f Snow, E. 284f Snow, R. 235f Sodom 32 Sofia, S. 238f Sojourn of Israelites 150-3 174-7 Solomon 20 22 100 164 169 172 Sons of God 24f Sothic List 153 South pole 70 Sparks, Brad 150 152-6 158 413 415 Spurgeon C.H. 2 Stanford Research Institute 291 293 305 312 358 Stanton, R. 358f Stars 14 45-6 80 217 307-8 313 416 - age 52 217 - binary 516 - distance 51 - streaming 507 - trepidation 408 412 Stecchini, L. 168 Steidl, P. 215 221 236 Steiner, R. (schools) 334 Stone age 28 31 Stonehenge 114-5 406 411-2 Sun 12 14 44f 48 51 219 292 307 316-7 407 416f 445f 452 493f - creation on 4th Day, 14 308 497

- shrinkage 205f 236f 278 - cooling 17 330 Supercritical water - see Hydrothermal water Supernova 425-6 - remnants 217 Surtsey 392-3 Surveys (polls) 228 235 Syphilis 32 Tabernacle 22 Table of nations 29 Tacitus 9 130 135-7 Tarshish 111 Taylor, I. 209 224 287-8 Taylor, Dr C. 152 Teilhard de Chardin 258 328 333 337 Tell 117 Tell Mardik 99-100 Templars, Knight 129 Temple, Jerusalem 22 149 165 169 Ten tribes of Israel 103 110 172 184 Telomeres 77 Tesla, N. 485 490-1 Texts 171 Theosophy 129 334 Thirteenth tribe 110 Thompson, W. - see Kelvin, Lord Tiffin, A.W. 265f Tifft, W. 51 308 310 Tigris 19 29 Tillich, Paul. 336 Tilt of earth 82 165 177 180 406f Time 10 509 Times newspaper 462 473-4 Timothy 139 Tin 131 134 Tipler, J. 313 335 337 Titulus 139 Tompkins, P. 166-8 Totnes 124 Toothed wheel 292 Tozer, A.W. 286 Trains, moving (relativity) 457-8 Transport constants 6 73 309f Tree of Life 16 77 Tree ring dating 199

Index Trinity 281 286 430 435 Troitskii, V. 217 298 306 Troy 117 119 124-5 Truth 2 3 8 23 56 247-8 492 349 355 456 472 480 492-3 498 522 523 Tunic Cross 134 Turin Shroud 443 Turner, D. 473 479 485 521 Twin paradox 448 459-460 Tyler, D. 200 395 Tyrolean Ice Man 225 Ultra-violet light 317 Uranium(238), 194 210f 322 Uranus 46 48 49 408 Uzziah 159 Ussher, Archbishop 70 174-5 206 Vail, Isaac 70 van Allen belts 76 Van Flandern, T. 17 49 220-1 318 414 Van Till, A. 206 235f Varshni, Y. 54 514-6 Varves 395-6 Vegetarianism 16 18 Velikovsky, I. 149f 411 413 Venus 45 46 49 62f 82 150-1 425 Vikings 116 Virus 24 Viscosity 6 309-312 366 379 383 Voltaire 18 Void 11 Vrient (map) 387 Wales 124 126 135f 142-6 Water 314 338f 354 360 Water vapour canopy 12 17 70f 92 193 200 413 415


Watson, David C.C. 28 37 39-41 174-5 257 Websites 312 - see also refs. Wellhausen, J. 235 Wesson, P. 378f 383 388 Westcott, B.F. 434 Westminster Shorter Catechism 286 Whitby, Council 144-5 Whitcomb G. 11-2 33 70 370 399 White, A.D. 493 Wilder-Smith Dr. A.E. 66 257-8 Williams, P. 440 Wilson, C. 99-100 Wilson, Robert “Dick� 19 Windows of heaven 25 83 Wine 92f Wireless World 455 487 Wise, K. 212 Wiseman, P. (Day theory) 33 36 Wood, Bryant. 161 Woodmorappe, J. 27 195 228 233 351 394 Woods, A. 20 Wonderly, D. 245 247 249 World Council of Churches 129 World wide web 56 World Wildlife Fund 334 X-Club 331 X-rays 43 71 307-8 316 485 Yeats, W.B. 129 Yedomas 89 Yellowstone Park 393 Yom (day) 4 37-8 York 127 143 Young, D.A. 370f Young's Concordance 174 Yucatan 380 414 Ziggurat 30 103-4 Zionism 129 Zodiac 30 416f Zukov, G. 479

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