2020 College for Kids Summer Camps

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Registration Begins Jan. 29 at 8 a.m.

Go to mccneb.edu/c4k.

New Classes in north and south Omaha


2020 COLLEGE FOR KIDS CAMPS TUITION Preschool Activites...............$59 per week (Ages 3-5, must be toilet trained) High Fives..................................$59 per week (Entering kindergarten in the fall) All other classes.....................$35 per week Each College for Kids class in this section is held for five days (Monday through Friday). You may register for a maximum of three classes per week. Any 5-year-old who has completed kindergarten may be enrolled for a class for 6-year-olds. Students enrolled in Preschool Activities or High Fives must be dropped off and picked up at their classroom each day. These classes end at 11:45 a.m. each day. A code will be given to the parent at the time of drop off. Whomever picks up the child must have the same code each day. NEW! For an added level of security, students enrolled in classes held for ages 6-11 will be walked outside by their teacher, for pick up, each day. Parents/guardians will not need to come into the building for pick up. Staggered pick up times are below. If it’s raining, students will be inside the main entrance for pickup. 11:55 a.m.: 10-11 year-olds Noon: 8-9 year-olds 12:05 p.m.: 6-7 year-olds If your child is walking home from a location, you must complete a release form in order for them to leave without an adult. This can be done on the first day of camp at drop off or online at mccneb.edu/ceforms. See MCC staff to complete the form.

CAMPS FILL UP QUICKLY REGISTER EARLY. See what your child is up to this summer. follow uS!






8116 PARK VIEW BLVD., LA VISTA - JUNE 1-5 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK347-91 20JUK630-91 20JUK627-91 20JUK212-91 20JUK410-91 20JUK367-91

Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Beach Days Roller Coasters and Rockets

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK410-92 20JUK367-92 20JUK347-92 20JUK630-92 20JUK627-92 20JUK212-92

Beach Days Roller Coasters and Rockets Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK627-93 20JUK212-93 20JUK410-93 20JUK367-93 20JUK347-93 20JUK630-93

Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Beach Days Roller Coasters and Rockets Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11


1100 DEERFIELD BLVD., BLAIR - JUNE 1-5 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-80 20JUK633-80 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK627-81 20JUK347-81 20JUK367-81 20JUK629-81 20JUK631-81 20JUK626-81 20JUK628-81 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK626-82


20JUK628-82 20JUK627-82 20JUK347-82 20JUK367-82 20JUK629-82 20JUK631-82 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK629-83 20JUK631-83 20JUK626-83 20JUK628-83 20JUK627-83 20JUK367-83 20JUK200-83

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Colorfully Creative Math On the Move Roller Coasters and Rockets Incredible Edibles Simple Machines Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Colorfully Creative Math On the Move Roller Coasters and Rockets Incredible Edibles Simple Machines Incredible Edibles Simple Machines Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Colorfully Creative Roller Coasters and Rockets Babysitting Basics

AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 11-plus


506 N. 162ND AVE., OMAHA - JUNE 8-12 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-10 20JUK633-10 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK626-11 20JUK628-11 20JUK629-11 20JUK045-11 20JUK212-11 20JUK630-11 20JUK367-11 20JUK632-11 20JUK410-11 20JUK627-11 20JUK631-11 20JUK200-11 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK410-12 20JUK627-12 20JUK347-12 20JUK631-12 20JUK626-12 20JUK628-12 20JUK629-12 20JUK045-12 20JUK212-12 20JUK630-12 20JUK367-12 20JUK632-12 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK212-13 20JUK630-13 20JUK367-13 20JUK632-13 20JUK410-13 20JUK627-13 20JUK347-13 20JUK631-13 20JUK626-13 20JUK628-13 20JUK629-13 20JUK045-13

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Crazy Chemical Concoctions Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Weather Wonders Beach Days Colorfully Creative Simple Machines Babysitting Basics Beach Days Colorfully Creative Math On the Move Simple Machines Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Crazy Chemical Concoctions Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Weather Wonders Crazy Chemical Concoctions Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Weather Wonders Beach Days Colorfully Creative Math On the Move Simple Machines Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Explore with LEGOS Incredible Edibles Mini Med School

AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 11-plus AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11

ANCHOR POINTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 17007 N. HWS CLEVELAND BLVD., BENNINGTON JUNE 15-19 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-30 20JUK633-30 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK627-31 20JUK212-31 20JUK628-31 20JUK347-31 20JUK410-31 20JUK626-31 20JUK631-31 20JUK632-31 20JUK629-31 20JUK045-31 20JUK630-31 20JUK367-31 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK629-32 20JUK045-32 20JUK630-32 20JUK367-32 20JUK627-32 20JUK212-32 20JUK628-32 20JUK347-32 20JUK410-32 20JUK626-32 20JUK631-32 20JUK632-32 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK410-33 20JUK626-33 20JUK631-33 20JUK632-33 20JUK629-33 20JUK045-33 20JUK630-33 20JUK367-33 20JUK627-33 20JUK212-33 20JUK628-33 20JUK200-33

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Explore with LEGOS Math On the Move Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Simple Machines Weather Wonders Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Explore with LEGOS Math On the Move Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Simple Machines Weather Wonders Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Simple Machines Weather Wonders Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Explore with LEGOS Babysitting Basics

AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 11-plus


18414 SUMMIT DRIVE, GRETNA - JUNE 22-26 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-20 20JUK633-20 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK626-21 20JUK323-21 20JUK045-21 20JUK367-21 20JUK410-21 20JUK630-21 20JUK631-21 20JUK632-21 20JUK627-21 20JUK212-21 20JUK629-21 20JUK200-21 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK627-22 20JUK212-22 20JUK629-22 20JUK347-22 20JUK626-22 20JUK323-22 20JUK045-22 20JUK367-22 20JUK410-22 20JUK630-22 20JUK631-22 20JUK632-22 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK410-23 20JUK630-23 20JUK631-23 20JUK632-23 20JUK627-23 20JUK212-23 20JUK629-23 20JUK347-23 20JUK626-23 20JUK323-23 20JUK045-23 20JUK367-23


Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Experiment with the Brain Mini Med School Roller Coasters and Rockets Beach Days Minute to Win It Challenge Simple Machines Weather Wonders Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Babysitting Basics Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Math On the Move Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Experiment with the Brain Mini Med School Roller Coasters and Rockets Beach Days Minute to Win It Challenge Simple Machines Weather Wonders Beach Days Minute to Win It Challenge Simple Machines Weather Wonders Colorfully Creative Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Math On the Move Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Experiment with the Brain Mini Med School Roller Coasters and Rockets



AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 11-plus AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11


HICKORY HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1307 ROGERS DRIVE, PAPILLION - JULY 6-10 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-50 20JUK633-50 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK627-51 20JUK628-51 20JUK045-51 20JUK044-51 20JUK626-51 20JUK212-51 20JUK629-51 20JUK632-51 20JUK410-51 20JUK630-51 20JUK367-51 20JUK200-51 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK410-52 20JUK347-52 20JUK630-52 20JUK367-52 20JUK627-52 20JUK628-52 20JUK045-52 20JUK044-52 20JUK626-52 20JUK212-52 20JUK629-52 20JUK632-52 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK626-53 20JUK212-53 20JUK629-53 20JUK632-53 20JUK410-53 20JUK347-53 20JUK630-53 20JUK367-53 20JUK627-53 20JUK628-53 20JUK045-53 20JUK044-53

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Colorfully Creative Explore with LEGOS Mini Med School Travel and Explore Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Weather Wonders Beach Days Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Babysitting Basics Beach Days Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Colorfully Creative Explore with LEGOS Mini Med School Travel and Explore Celebration of Nations Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Weather Wonders Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Incredible Edibles Weather Wonders Beach Days Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Colorfully Creative Explore with LEGOS Mini Med School Travel and Explore

AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 11-plus AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11

See what your child is up to this summer. follow uS!


2112 N. 30TH ST. (THIRD FLOOR) - JULY 20-24


9081 WEST CENTER ROAD, OMAHA - JULY 13-17 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-70 20JUK633-70 9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK627-71 20JUK628-71 20JUK629-71 20JUK045-71 20JUK347-71 20JUK367-71 20JUK044-71 20JUK632-71 20JUK410-71 20JUK626-71 20JUK212-71 20JUK630-71 10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK347-72 20JUK630-72 20JUK367-72 20JUK044-72 20JUK410-72 20JUK626-72 20JUK212-72 20JUK628-72 20JUK627-72 20JUK629-72 20JUK045-72 20JUK632-72 11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK410-73 20JUK626-73 20JUK212-73 20JUK632-73 20JUK627-73 20JUK629-73 20JUK045-73 20JUK630-73 20JUK628-73 20JUK367-73 20JUK044-73 20JUK200-73

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall. Colorfully Creative Explore with LEGOS Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Math On the Move Roller Coasters and Rockets Travel and Explore Weather Wonders Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Minute to Win It Challenge Math On the Move Minute to Win It Challenge Roller Coasters and Rockets Travel and Explore Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Explore with LEGOS Colorfully Creative Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Weather Wonders Beach Days Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games Crazy Chemical Concoctions Weather Wonders Colorfully Creative Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Explore with LEGOS Roller Coasters and Rockets Travel and Explore Babysitting Basics

AGES 3-5 5 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11

9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK627-61 20JUK629-61 20JUK628-61 20JUK632-61 20JUK045-61 20JUK630-61

Colorfully Creative Incredible Edibles Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK045-62 20JUK630-62 20JUK627-62 20JUK629-62 20JUK628-62 20JUK632-62

Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Colorfully Creative Incredible Edibles Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK628-63 20JUK632-63 20JUK045-63 20JUK630-63 20JUK627-63 20JUK629-63

Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders Mini Med School Minute to Win It Challenge Colorfully Creative Incredible Edibles

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 AGES 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 11-plus

See what your child is up to this summer. follow uS!






2724 RIVERVIEW BLVD., OMAHA - JULY 27-31 9-11:45 a.m. 20JUK634-S0 20JUK633-S0

Preschool Activities Must be toilet trained. High Fives Entering kindergarten in fall.

AGES 3-5 5

9-9:55 a.m. 20JUK629-S1 20JUK045-S1 20JUK628-S1 20JUK632-S1 20JUK212-S1 20JUK323-S1

Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders Crazy Chemical Concoctions Experiment with the Brain

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

10-10:55 a.m. 20JUK212-S2 20JUK323-S2 20JUK629-S2 20JUK045-S2 20JUK628-S2 20JUK632-S2

Crazy Chemical Concoctions Experiment with the Brain Incredible Edibles Mini Med School Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11

11-11:55 a.m. 20JUK628-S3 20JUK632-S3 20JUK212-S3 20JUK323-S3 20JUK629-S3 20JUK045-S3

Explore with LEGOS Weather Wonders Crazy Chemical Concoctions Experiment with the Brain Incredible Edibles Mini Med School

AGES 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11



Crazy Chemical Concoctions


Ages 3-5, must be toilet trained. Traditional preschool activities will offer a week of learning friendship skills, the four basic shapes, colors, numbers and hands-on, theme-related activities just for preschoolers. There will be songs, stories, snacks, crafts, music and more. There will be a snack each day.

High Fives


Age 5, entering kindergarten in the fall. Includes more advanced activities for 5-year-olds who will enter kindergarten in the fall. Concepts include: days of the week, months, the alphabet, counting, simple math and patterns. We will draw, write, cut and glue, paint and work on art projects. There will be a snack each day.

Babysitting Basics


Learn what to do in an emergency or in case of illness, how to prevent accidents, playing with children of various ages, selecting safe toys and games and how to dress, diaper and feed infants. Upon completion, students receive a certificate from the American Safety and Health Institute.

Beach Days


Enjoy a five-day beach sensory-themed week as we dig into moon sand and create sand slime. Each student will participate in building the strongest floating boat and also create their own jellyfish suncatcher to take home. We will compete in a beach volleyball game and a beach hockey match. At the end of the week, we will conclude with a picnic, making beach bum Chex Mix and an ocean float drink.

Celebration of Nations, Olympic Games


Come together as the world does, by rooting on the world’s best. Explore the world around you as we delve into the 2020 Summer Olympics. We will study the history of the games along with the participating countries. Join in to play games and do activities surrounding our world’s games.

Colorfully Creative


Do you ever wonder how all of the colors in the world are created? Join us as we discover color mixing techniques and recognize color in different areas of life. Bring your creativity and your willingness to get a little messy as we explore color through food, sculpture, paint and other art media.


Bring out the mad scientist within as we learn the principles of chemistry while experimenting with ordinary household items. Come discover how and why ordinary supplies like vinegar, lemon juice, salt, sugar and glue can create bubbling, oozing, slimy substances sure to gross out your parents. We’ll have a world of fun while learning chemistry basics.

Experiment with the Brain


Explore with LEGOS


Incredible Edibles


Math On the Move


Mini Med School


Minute to Win It Challenge


Explore the wonderful world of the human brain. Find out what part of your brain helps you talk, think, smell and feel. Answer questions to find out if you are right-brained or left-brained. We will talk about traumatic brain injury and why you need helmets and seat belts. Design and build a “helmet” for a pseudo-brain (raw egg) and drop it from a significant height to test your design. All age levels will get to dissect an actual sheep brain.

Discover the exciting world of LEGOS. Explore engineering, creative writing, math, science and art in a highly collaborative environment. Experience hands-on individual and team challenges. Let’s get LEGO crazy.

Are you hungry? If so, join this class to explore different kid-friendly recipes that will satisfy your hunger. Make and taste a variety of scrumptious snacks. These will be recipes you can make on your own and you’ll even walk away with your own personal cookbook.

This class goes way beyond pencils and worksheets. We will review math skills, play math games and get moving as we solve problems. Did you ever think you could do math and have fun? Sign up for this class and you can see how.

Come and join this fun, interactive and hands-on biology class. We will dive deep into the human body and look at everything stretching from your head to your toes. You will get up close and personal with preserved animal organs and get the chance to learn how our body functions. Many exciting and fascinating experiments await.

Compete head to head in a series of mini games, keeping in mind, you only have a minute to win. Similar to the popular TV game show, you will become a contestant ready to complete a series of unique challenges. After a short practice, you will see who has what it takes to be the Minute to Win It champion.


Roller Coasters and Rockets



Join us in designing and building contraptions that are wild, crazy or simply defy logic. As young engineers, we will construct our own marble roller coasters and super sturdy flying discs, build unique skewer structures and shoot rockets into the sky. It’ll be a blast.

Simple Machines

These camps are sponsored in part by

Note: Due to high demand for our culinary camps, refunds will only be given for registrations that are canceled at least seven business days before the camp begins.


Think like an engineer as you design and create a variety of simple machines. Learn about levers, wheels and axles, pulleys, screws, inclined planes and wedges. Race toy cars down ramps of different heights. Make a twirling helicopter toy and observe how a screw works. Use a fixed pulley to raise a flag. Find examples of simple machines in everyday life.

Travel and Explore


Teleport around the world and experience hands-on cultural experiences in France, French Polynesia, Louisiana, Senegal and Canada. Learn facts about each place and why the French language is important to their culture. We will explore French food, dance to the drums of the islands, celebrate dazzling holidays, create African artwork and compete in our own Quebec festival.

Weather Wonders


Join us on a wild ride of all things weather related. Get excited about exploring the wonders of weather while participating in hands on projects and fascinating experiments. Each day will be a new adventure including clouds, thunderstorms, tornadoes and we’ll even dive into hurricanes.



Discover how exciting it can be getting dirty in the garden. This camp will introduce young and future gardeners to everything exciting about the garden and greenhouse. Each day, you will be introduced to new plants, see new insects, and experience the tastes and smells of the garden. Learn how to plant your own plants, create your own garden and harvest what you grow. The experienced MCC Horticulture staff will lead you for a fun-filled week of playing in the soil and experiencing the bounty of the harvest. (ages 8-12) Fort Omaha Campus, Building 29, 5300 N. 30th St. K059A MTWTH 07/20-07/23 09:00A-02:00P $175 K059B MTWTH 07/27-07/30 09:00A-02:00P $175





Allergies: When registering, you will be asked to list any allergies that your child may have. It is important for us to know this information before camp begins. Note: courses held at the Institute for the Culinary Arts are held in commercial kitchens with allergens present, and while all efforts possible will be made to keep students out of direct contact with allergens, no room can be guaranteed as allergen-free. NEW ONE DAY EXPERIENCE!


This exciting mini-camp is your passport to new cooking techniques and a world of new flavors to experience. Visit hands-on stations where you’ll learn about cookery techniques that are unique to different cuisines of the world, and taste new and exciting foods that will expand your definition of “delicious.” (ages 8-12) Fort Omaha Campus, Institute for the Culinary Arts Building 22, 5300 N. 30th St. K099B W 07/15 09:00A-12:00P $30 K099C TH 07/16 09:00A-12:00P $30 K099A F 07/17 09:00A-12:00P $30


From soups to ice cream sandwiches, this camp is filled with delicious recipes and important skills lessons for young chefs. There will be trips to the garden and pantry to discover the ingredients of the day, and lessons about food and cookery sprinkled with tidbits of nutrition information to fill each session. You’ll work, eat and laugh with ICA’s fun, engaging staff as they guide you down the path to culinary discovery. (ages 8-12) Fort Omaha Campus, Institute for the Culinary Arts Building 22, 5300 N. 30th St. K990A MTWTH 06/08-06/11 09:00A-02:00P $150 K990B MTWTH 06/15-06/18 09:00A-02:00P $150 K990C MTWTH 06/22-06/25 09:00A-02:00P $150 NEW! *RESTAURANT CAMP Prerequisite: Culinary Discovery Camp Here’s your chance to put your culinary skills to the test in a live, guest-centered environment. Spend Monday and Tuesday learning menus and procedure for lunch service, and then prepare and serve lunch, to-order, in the Sage Student Bistro on Wednesday and Thursday. Note: campers may take this class a maximum of two times total in order to allow for more campers the opportunity to attend. Registrations of students who have already done two years of Restaurant Camp will be canceled. (ages 8-12) Fort Omaha Campus, Institute for the Culinary Arts Building 22, 5300 N. 30th St. K625A MTWTH 07/06-07/09 09:00A-02:00P $150 K625B MTWTH 07/20-07/23 09:00A-02:00P $150

See what your child is up to this summer. follow uS!

FREMONT AREA CENTER NEW ONE DAY EXPERIENCE! Bait Shop Biology Explore some of the living creatures you can use to go fishing this summer. See and touch earthworms, minnows and crickets. Participate in fun hands-on activities and create a one-of-a-kind snack that you can make at home. Be ready to learn and have fun as you interact with interesting creatures from the bait shop. (ages 6-9) Fremont Area Center, 835 N. Broad St., Fremont K635A W 06/24 01:00P-03:00P $45 ONE DAY EXPERIENCE! Extraordinary Experiments Join the fun and discover some amazing experiments like learning how to bend water with static, a cola volcano, mini lava lamp, magnet experiments and more. All supplies included. (ages 7-11) Fremont Area Center, 835 N. Broad St., Fremont K617A W 07/15 03:00P-05:00P $45

LA VISTA COMMUNITY CENTER *Art Electric Customize a wooden façade and attach electronics to your art piece to make it light up, play different sounds and move when people approach it. Dive deep into the science of light and sound, learning about how light colors mix and sound travels. Control the functionality of the lights, sounds and motors of your projects by programming them using a special TinkRworks coding app. (ages 6-8) La Vista Community Center, 8116 Park View Blvd., La Vista K072B MTWTH 07/13-07/16 01:00P-04:00P $159 NEW! *Cheer Camp Discover the essential skills to lead the crowd and support your home team. Learn motions, jumps, cheers and chants. As a team, we’ll put together a routine which will be performed on the final day of camp for friends and family. Tuition will include a t-shirt and pompoms. (ages 8-11) La Vista Community Center, 8116 Park View Blvd., La Vista K636A MTWTHF 07/06-07/10 09:00A-12:00P $150

MCC AT DO SPACE - LEADER IN STEM EDUCATION *Adventure in Art Camp Join this fun and exciting environment to nurture your creativity and talent. Explore many types of art, including drawing, painting, sculpture, jewelry and weaving. End camp with an art gallery to display your works of art for your family and friends. Supplies included. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K992A MTWTH 06/08-06/11 10:30A-12:30P $115 NEW! *Camp Invention—Innovators of the Future Imaginations will soar in the all-new Camp Invention® program, Elevate! Campers in second through sixth grade will collaborate in hands-on STEM activities exploring concepts of flight, helping earth’s ecosystems, uncovering the patent process, and building a sports stadium of the future. Every camper gets a take-home working robot. (ages 7-12) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K637A MTWTHF 07/20-07/24 09:00A-03:30P $259

NEW! *Chef School: Science Period Calling all kid chefs and food scientists. Do you like to cook? Do you like to eat? Ever wonder what would happen if you put that marshmallow peep in the microwave? Or how many Mentos it takes to launch a two-liter bottle of soda? If the answer is yes, this is the camp for you. (ages 8 – 11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K638A MTWTHF 06/22-06/26 09:00A-12:00P $189 NEW! *Food Science Camp Who can make plasma lightning shoot out of a grape? Why are Mentos so excitable around soft drinks? All these questions and more are learned firsthand fusing science into senses. Best part is getting to eat your experiments and learn why certain combinations taste better than others. Ever wonder why salted caramel tastes so good, but tuna ice cream is a big no-no? Learning why something tastes good is just as important as how to make it. Good food goes a long way but combined with great fun equals the science of food lab. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K643A MTWTHF 06/22-06/26 12:30P-03:30P $189 NEW! *Chef School and Food Science Camp Bundle Take both Chef School: Science Period and Food Science Camp and receive a discount. Bring a sack lunch. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K644A MTWTHF 06/22-06/26 09:00A-03:30P $329 *Digital Art Use technology to create art. Art and design are a part of our everyday lives. From toys to tech-gadgets to smart phones, homes to digital communities and landscapes, art and the art of digital design is integral in all aspects of our lives. Key concepts in art like symmetry, balance, composition and colors are employed for interactive lessons. Using visual programming and machine learning, 3D design, robots and motion-capture cameras will be used as tools in creating digital art, as well as the being the subject of the art itself. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K056A MTWTHF 06/01-06/05 09:00A-12:00P $189 *Digital Music Instructors with real-world music production experience teach you how to record, mix, edit and produce digital music. Key music production concepts like songwriting and musical arrangement, in addition to learning how to create/modify sounds and even create instruments, program individual soundtracks and layer together for a complete instrumental arrangement. The entire process of making digital music is explored here. The digital music camp culminates with original music product made using everything learned during the camp to be shared with friends and family. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K057A MTWTHF 06/01-06/05 12:30P-03:30P $189 *Digital Art/Music Camp Bundle Take both Digital Art and Digital Music and receive a discount. Bring a sack lunch. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K058A MTWTHF 06/01-06/05 09:00A-03:30P $329

See what your child is up to this summer. follow uS!





NEW! *eSports Apprentice—Streamers and Gamers Whether you want to be the next pro gamer, streamer or game caster, this course will teach you the basics to get started. No longer just a hobby, eSports is the fastestgrowing career for the next generation. In this course, students will develop game-play skills and compete using Black Rocket’s eSports games and apps, learn how to produce commentary for live tournaments, use professional streaming software and, most importantly, practice online safety. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K640A MTWTH 06/22-06/25 09:00A-12:00P $179 NEW! *eSports Camp eSports is a form of competition using videogames. This camp is for those who are beginners wanting to take their gaming to the next level or advanced players looking to learn what’s new in the world of eSports and how to use it to their advantage. This camp is best suited for any player who wants to learn how to start their own eSports team, how to plug into existing teams and how to broadcast their games so that they can find others to play and become a top player in the eSports world. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K641A MTWTHF 07/27-07/31 09:00A-12:00P $189 NEW! *Drone Camp This immersive camp is designed to take children from beginner to advanced on all things drones. From learning the anatomy of drones to how to build/service/program drones and learning FAA rules on flying drones, this class is intended for anyone interested in or already passionate about this new sport/hobby/career. Each student will receive their own drone to learn how to program, fly, repair and ultimately take home. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K639A MTWTHF 07/27-07/31 12:30P-03:30P $249 NEW! *eSports and Drones Camp Bundle Take both eSports Camp and Drone Camp and receive a discount. Bring a sack lunch to class. (ages 8-11) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K642A MTWTHF 07/27-07/31 09:00A-03:30P $399 Fit Kids–Fun, Fitness and Food Using thematic instruction, students will work on age-appropriate gross and fine motor skills, balance and hand-eye coordination with fun games, equipment, music and stories. After they work up a sweat, your child will learn cooking basics, following a recipe and creating healthy snacks for themselves. MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K306A MTWTH 06/15-06/18 09:00A-12:00P $89 (ages 3-5) K306B MTWTH 06/15-06/18 09:00A-12:00P $89 (ages 6-8) Healthy Happy U—For Girls It’s time to get empowered. This class is about motivating girls to find their confidence and inner strength. Participants will be inspired to develop fitness routines they are excited about, set goals while learning the steps to achieve them and learn the importance of embracing healthy habits at this crucial age. Girls will learn to love fitness, cook yummy yet nutritious recipes and make supportive friends—leading them to a lifetime of healthy happiness. (ages 11-13) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K061A MTWTH 07/13-07/16 09:00A-12:00P $89

NEW! *Inventors League—Prototyping for the Future Become an inventor of the future. Learn rapid prototyping and problem solving as you conceptualize and design a product to solve a critical global issue. Each day begins with inspirational profiles of young inventors, such as the 11-year-old who coded a robot to find victims of natural disasters. Next, research a problem to tackle in medicine, architecture, the environment or a topic of your choosing. Once your vision is complete, learn how to draft 2D designs, create 3D models and develop a website to pitch your ideas to the class. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K645A MTWTH 06/01-06/04 09:00A-12:00P $179 NEW! *JavaScript Developer Jam Learn programming tools so powerful, they seem like magic. Start by learning an array of core programming concepts with JavaScript by experimenting in a series of digital challenges. Start with programming your first animated memes, then tackle more advanced skills such as interactive 3D experiences and game creation. Projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K646A MTWTH 06/08-06/11 09:00A-12:00P $179 NEW! *Maker Labs: Make Your First 3D Creation Calling all boys and girls who want to be the designers of the future. In this class, if you can dream it, you can make it - create your first action figure, design custom jewelry, make a new toy, learn how to prepare a model for 3D printing and create a design portfolio to showcase your work. Using professional-level modeling software, kids will sculpt, texture and render their own 3D creation. No prior experience is necessary and 3D designs will be available on a passwordprotected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K647A MTWTH 07/20-07/23 09:00A-12:00P $189 NEW! *Minecraft® Redstone Engineers Take the next step beyond simply “playing” Minecraft and become a true Redstone engineer. Expand your Redstone knowledge by constructing your own carnival with a variety of mini-games, roller coasters and attractions powered by Redstone. Learn how to use Command and Structure blocks to incorporate them into your builds. Activate your skills and take your Minecraft structures to the next level. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K648A MTWTH 07/27-07/30 09:00A-12:00P $179 NEW! *Roblox Makers Unlock the power of ROBLOX® Studio, the world creation tool used by real-world ROBLOX® developers. Learn how to build 3D models and create an adventure in your ROBLOX® world. Bring characters to life with unique animations you design. Student-created projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K649A MTWTH 06/15-06/18 09:00A-12:00P $179

NEW! *Rocket Kart Racers: Design a Mario Kart® Style Game On your marks, get set, create. Blast off in making your first 3D Mario Kart® and Crash Team Racing® style game. Design your own tracks and customize your karts and characters. Using a professional 3D game development software, students will combine their creations into their own kart racing game that they can play with friends and family at home. Students can participate in eSports League races against other schools across the country with a chance to have their tracks featured in the Black Rocket master build of the game. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K650A MTWTH 07/13-07/16 09:00A-12:00P $179 *TinkRbot Is your child ready for the exciting challenge of creating their own robot? Students will start by customizing and assembling their own robots. They will incorporate a variety of electronics including DC motors, programmable LEDs and an Arduino mini-computer to bring their creations to life. (ages 8-10) MCC at Do Space, 7205 Dodge St. (second floor) K071A MTWTH 06/29-07/02 01:00P-04:00P $159


*Art Electric Customize a wooden façade and attach electronics to your art piece to make it light up, play different sounds and move when people approach it. Dive deep into the science of light and sound, learning about how light colors mix and sound travels. Control the functionality of the lights, sounds and motors of your projects by programming them using a special TinkRworks coding app. (ages 6-8) MCC North Express, 2112 N. 30th St. (third floor) K072A MTWTH 06/15-06/18 09:00A-12:00P $159

NEW! Science On a Sphere: Meteorologist Camp This meteorologist camp is designed for students who enjoy learning about the weather and who would like to explore a career meteorology. You will receive hands-on experience in reading weather charts and radar; understanding weather fronts, thunderstorms and hurricanes; and ultimately the actual process of making a trained weather forecast. Learning will incorporate Science On a Sphere from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (ages 8-11) MCC North Express, 2112 N. 30th St. (third floor) K652A MTWTH 06/22-06/25 09:00A-12:00P $69 NEW! Science On a Sphere: The Future of Space This camp will explore the future of space the last frontier and is designed for students who are curious about the universe or have an interest in the career of astronomy or space travel. Students will examine the solar system and universe, discover exoplanets outside of the galaxy and even look at the future of space travel from propulsion crafts to warp drives and future implications for humans. Learning will incorporate Science On a Sphere from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (ages 8-11) MCC North Express, 2112 N. 30th St. (third floor) K653A MTWTH 07/06-07/09 09:00A-12:00P $69 NEW! *The Hip Hop Metro Master Camp Don’t miss this rare opportunity to engage in hip hop and its vast history as instructed by MMA competitor and community leader Houston Alexander. Students will learn graffiti art, b-boying/breakdancing, DJing, rapping, fashion and beatboxing, as well as unleashing their own creativity with these hip-hop elements. Live music daily. Each student will receive a certificate of completion. (ages 5-11) MCC North Express, 2112 N. 30th St. (third floor) K647A MTWTHF 07/13-07/17 12:00P-04:00p $99


NEW ONE DAY EXPERIENCE! Bait Shop Biology Explore some of the living creatures you can use to go fishing this summer. See and touch earthworms, minnows and crickets. Participate in fun hands-on activities and create a one-of-a-kind snack that you can make at home. Be ready to learn and have fun as you interact with interesting creatures from the bait shop. (ages 6-9) MCC South Express, 3002 S. 24th St. K635B W 07/15 01:00P-03:00P $45

NEW! Science On a Sphere: Climatologist Camp This climatologist camp is designed for students who are passionate about the scientific study of climate. Students will take a macro look at the Earth’s climate from creation to the impacts on today’s environment. Study climate change and global warming, pollution and human activity, as well as analysis of the various climates around the world. Learning will incorporate Science On a Sphere from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (ages 8-11) MCC North Express, 2112 N. 30th St. (third floor) K651A MTWTH 06/29-07/02 09:00A-12:00P $69

*Code Breakers Calling all future coders, programmers and designers. Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star. Whether you want to be a Silicon Valley CEO or the high school student who just made $1 million dollars for programming in her bedroom, this course has the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. (ages 8-12) MCC South Express, 3002 S. 24th St. K378A MTWTH 07/13-07/16 01:00P-04:00P $179 *TinkRbot Is your child ready for the exciting challenge of creating their own robot? Students will start by customizing and assembling their own robots. They will incorporate a variety of electronics including DC motors, programmable LEDs and an Arduino mini-computer to bring their creations to life. (ages 8-10) MCC South Express, 3002 S. 24th St. K071B MTWTH 07/27-07/30 01:00P-04:00P $159

How to Register Visit mccneb.edu/c4k (kids), mccneb.edu/c4t (teens) or call 531-622-KIDS. Payment is due at time of registration. We encourage early registration. Camps fill up quickly. Waiver of Liability Form A waiver of liability form must be completed for each student and submitted before the start date of the camp/workshop in order for your student to attend any College for Kids or College for Teens program. MCC assumes no liability for accidents that occur while participating in College for Kids or College for Teens classes and provides no funds to cover medical costs. A link to the wavier of liability form will be sent to you in your registration confirmation email and will be available online at mccneb.edu/ceforms. Age policy College for Kids camps/workshops are for ages 3-11, unless otherwise noted. Ages are listed in each description. Children under 3 will not be admitted. All children must be potty-trained. College for Teens camps/workshops are for ages 12-17, unless otherwise noted. Ages are listed in each description. Refund policy Cancellations made by MCC are fully refunded. Full refunds will be issued to students who withdraw from camp/workshop at least one business day prior to the camp start date. Full refunds will be issued to students who withdraw from culinary camps at least seven business days prior to the camp start date. No credit will be issued for any camps/workshops dropped on or after the camp start date. To withdraw your registration, call 531-MCC-5231.

Photo release Metropolitan Community College reserves the right to take photos of summer camp/workshop participants for promotion. Your registration serves as permission for use of photos that may be taken. Allergies It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify us of any allergies that a student may have. It is important for us to know this information before camp begins. Please note, courses held at the Institute for the Culinary Arts are held in commercial kitchens with allergens present, and while all efforts possible will be made to keep students out of direct contact with allergens, no room can be guaranteed as allergen-free. A link to the allergy form will be sent to you in your registration confirmation email and will be available online at mccneb.edu/ceforms. Accommodations If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in any program or activity, contact Disability Support Services at 531-MCC-3841 as soon as possible in advance of the program for consideration of your accommodation request. It is helpful to receive accommodation requests at least 10 days in advance of a program. With less advance notice, it may be difficult to meet needs of interested members. Learn more about MCC Disability Support Services at mccneb.edu/dss. Transportation Students and their parents or guardians are responsible for all transportation arrangements. Pick up and deliver your students at assigned locations.

locations not shown on map: DODGE COUNTY

Fremont Area Center

WASHINGTON COUNTY Blair Public Library

• Deerfield Primary, 1100 Deerfield Blvd., Blair • Aldrich Elementary School, 506 N. 162nd Ave, Omaha • Anchor Pointe Elementary School, 17007 N. HWS Cleveland Blvd., Bennington • Aspen Creek Middle School, 18414 Summit Dr., Gretna • Hickory Hill Elementary, 1307 Rogers Dr., Papillion • Oakdale Elementary, 9081 W Center Road, Omaha • Bancroft Elementary, 2724 Riverview Blvd., Omaha

Applied Technology Center Fort Omaha Campus Silver of Oz


MCC North Express MCC South Express

Elkhorn Valley Campus MCC at Do Space

In your neighborhood

La Vista Community Center

Sarpy Center


Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium South Omaha Campus


Registration begins Jan. 29, 2020 at 8 a.m. Go to mccneb.edu/c4k or register by phone at 531-MCC-KIDS (5437). PAYMENT DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. Metropolitan Community College affirms a policy of equal education, employment opportunities and nondiscrimination in providing services to the public. To read our full policy statement, visit mccneb.edu/nondiscrimination.

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