Monthly Report December 2015

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Monthly report Diciembre

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General Exchange Performance Plan Achievement %

General Exchange Performance Relative Growth %

OGCDP Performance As our focus in December was to consolidate our results in MA and RE, the sign ups number fell drastically. The Summer Marketing Campaign was ended on December 20, and after that there was little movement in our promotion channels. It was planed, because we wanted to guarantee that the interested people was engaged and decided to go, but even though the results were not as we expected. On the other hand, we started January without new subscriptions and now we must hurry to promote our opportunities and still generate Eps to realize in the following months.

Plan achievement Plan


160 140 120 100 80

60 40 20 0 Sign ups




OGCDP Performance Plan achievement Plan

The last interviews of the semester were held, but since there wasn’t so many sign ups, consequently this number also dropped. Another problem we found was the fact that the more closer we got to the end of the year, less working members in Montevideo we had. Nevertheless, the conversion between interviews and Matches was positive and some of these interviews are pipeline for more RE in February.


160 140 120 100 80 60 40

20 0 Sign ups




OGCDP Performance Plan achievement Plan


160 140

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Sign ups




11 Matches represent the half of the Matches done last year in the same month. Even though in 2015 we managed to grow our results and have more movement in other months, previews the end of the year, we recognize that we were slow due to lost of talent capacity and fast-responding mindset: it was easier to rest if we compare to 2014 and the hurry for results in December since the previews months didn’t generate many results. On the other hand, we grew in Realizations, since the results from the last months are starting to show up now when the EPs start to go abroad. We plan to review our actions and plan a late Summer peak to February and March, in order to still grow our results during our mayor exchange peak.

IGIP Performance Plan Achievement Plan


7 6

5 4 3 2 1

0 Meetings




In IGIP there’s a general lack of results during December. We feel that the market was in an on hold status, closing balances and defining next directions for 2016, and we couldn’t manage the situation in order to have positive benefits for AIESEC. Even so, we had 2 available opportunities and our efforts were a lot directed to Match them. Luckily, we could concrete a MA in the first days of January and another Uruguayan company is receiving a North American trainee this week. Since we weren’t getting answers from the market, we tried to at least organize ourselves the best to start 2016 with everything we got, and the Board of Vice-presidents composed of the 2 Local VPs and the National MCVP had several working times to clean our data base and set new strategies and market segmentation to work this year.

Membership Performance In December we had our national conference DriveCo during the first days. The 3-day conference was very important to generate a stronger identity between the elected Local EBs and the MCEB, and start the strategies definition for the next year. Members and Leaders had different spaces to understand better AIESEC and their connection with the organization. We faced several logistical challenges before and during DriveCo, but we could manage them in the best possible way and the conference report is already available for the network and our partners. During December also we had the 1st round of MCP 16.17 Elections, from which we couldn’t have an elected President. This meant that a 2nd round was opened and during the last days of December we were receiving applications for the role. Another important event of this month was the International MCP Summit, held in United States, where Uruguay was represented by the current MCP.

Team Monthly Priorities



Team Monthly Priorities



Profit and Loss statement •


Pesos UYU

Dollars USD



Profit and Loss statement •

Profit and Loss statement •

Profit and Loss statement •

Profit and Loss statement •

Profit and Loss statement •

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