The Messenger | August 2019

Page 8


My heart explodes with joy and appreciation of what we were able to be a part of, and even more excitement to be a part of the change for years to come.

Jambo, friends, and Asante Sana for all the support you have given to international mission trips. Just a couple months ago, I couldn’t fully comprehend what I would be embarking upon when I agreed to participate in a 17-day mission trip to Kenya. But now, my heart explodes with joy and appreciation of what we were able to be a part of, and even more excitement to be a part of the change for years to come.

I have always loved mission work, but have only participated in local mission work. Although I have loved serving my neighbors in need, I struggle with the notion, ”Am I putting a Band-Aid on a problem, or am I really making a difference?” I will tell you this was never a doubt when in Kenya. We have been in a long-term partnership with the Maua Methodist Hospital for years (this was our 17th year to bring a mission team from MDUMC). We work year-round with those at the hospital to keep the mission alive and figure out what is needed next. My first day in Kenya, I knew I was a part of something bigger, something constant and something that was truly making a difference. Our days in mission were split into two communities. We spent a week in Maua where we built a house for an AIDS orphan and his family, conducted a medical camp in a remote part of Kenya with the help of the hospital staff and nursing students, and assisted in installing a security system at the Maua Hospital. We also had many side projects we participated in around the area. These included organizing a library at the local technical school, visiting patients we have developed relationships with in past missions, delivering blankets to infants and children at the hospital, assisting the chaplain in her patient consults, observing surgeries, and helping with personnel at the hospital. From Maua, we made our way to a town outside of Nakuru to visit an orphanage. We had 3 days to love and care for 17 of the most beautiful children God has ever created. Although the odds were stacked against them in their younger years, we got to witness their lives now thriving. The team has watched many of these kids grow from toddlers to university students. I can’t wait to see these 17 kids change the world! We spent our last three days as a team in awe of what we had witnessed on the landscape of the Masai Mara. Although a three day safari was an amazing experience, the part we all cherished the most was knowing we were continuing our MDUMC mission to Love God and Love Neighbor. Every year we journey to Kenya, the stories get more impactful, goals are met, and new visions are cast. Asante Sana for your support and prayers!



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