Safe, Warm, Well: Directory of Resources and Assistance in MEA

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Safe, Warm & Well
Directory Support and Assistance Available
: For more information visit:


There is a cost-of-living crisis across the UK resulting in unprecedented pressures on people already in poverty. Despite some support by Government, many people in Mid and East Antrim will have to make tough decisions about when they can afford to heat their home or make nutritious food.

Within our Borough, we have strong and proud communities, with a tradition of helping each otheras well as supporting themselves.Mid and East Antrim has a range of voluntary organisations offering practical support, and signposting regarding issues such as financial difficulty, isolation, mental health. Many of these organisations included in this bookletfocus on providing support to the most vulnerable individuals and families.

Debt Advice/Management services within Mid and East Antrim Borough Council 2

Electricity and Gas suppliers/Switching suppliers 4

Critical Care Registers 5

Saving for Home Heating Oil 6

Energy efficiency grants, Heater Lending Scheme 7

Energy Efficiency advice 8

Food Budgeting/Shopping 11

Assistance with Food 13

Assistancefor families 14

Looking after Carers 16 Relationship Support/Mental Health 17

Contents PageNumber
Loneliness/Social isolation 18 Age Friendly 20
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Leisure, Exercise & Activities 20 Support for Employment 22 Emergency Helplines 22


Advice/Management Services withinMid and East Antrim Borough Council

Individuals may fall into financial difficulties for a variety of reasons. Beloware some contacts and links that willhelp provide advice for anyone who may be struggling to pay bills or manage debt.

MidandEast Antrim Community AdviceServices (MEACAS)

One stop shop in helping to meet the needs of the community by providing free, independent and quality advice to local people.

T: 028 9600 1333

E: (please include name and contact number in email)

Head Office

4Wellington Court


BT43 6EQ

Monday – Friday 10am - 4pm

11 Antrim Street


BT38 7DG Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm

2 Station Road

The Market Yard Larne BT40 3AA Monday – Friday 10am - 4pm


Membership–led organisation consisting of over 30 different helplines and support services operating across NorthernIreland. Website:


Provides information on topics such as Energy, Food, Transport and Personal Finance. Excellent for price comparison prices in relation to energy prices. Freephone: 08001216022

Email: Website:

IllegalMoneyLendingCampaign - Campaign highlighting the dangers of illegal money lending and howlenders prey on the most vulnerable inour society. For information/advice visit -

Turn2Us– a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. For information/advice visit -


NIDirect–HelpwithHealthCosts- most Health Service treatment is free, although there can be charges for some things. Depending on your circumstances, you might get help with the cost of some treatment, services and items. If you're on a lowincome, you may be able to get help with health service and travel costs. For information/advice

MaketheCall-aimsto ensureindividualsand householdsacrossNIare receivingall the benefits, support & services to which they and their families areentitled.

For afree Needs Assessment or help to complete an application form,pleasecontact Make the Call on:

Telephone: 0800 232 1271 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Text ADVICE to 079 8440 5248 Visit: Email:

MoneyHelper - free, impartial help that’s quick to find, easy to use and backed by government. Online, over the phone or face-to-face, they can give you clear money and pensions guidance and point you to trusted services, if you need more support.

Open to everyone, MoneyHelper can help people clear their debts, reduce spending and make the most of theirincome. For further information visitWebsite: Telephone: 0800 0113797


Christians AgainstPoverty(Phone – 0800 3280006)

MoneySavingExpert -

Benefit Advance if you have made a newclaim for benefit and are in financial hardship while you wait for your first payment, you may be able to get an advance to afford things like rent or food.

DiscretionarySupport – you may be able toget help towards short-term living expenses, buying/repairing/replacing basic household items, travel expenses and rent.



Electricityand Gas Suppliers/Switching Suppliers

As energy costs rise so too will household bills in relation to electricity/gas/oil. To help ensure you are on the best supplier/tariff please see company details below, along with advice on switching suppliers.

Electricity: Current electricity providers in Northern Ireland: Electricity Providers inNI

Website Customer Service number

Contact Email Power NI 0345745545 5 Click Energy 0800107073 2 Budget Energy k 0800012117 7 Electric Ireland 0345600533 5 0800313492 6

SSE Airtricity 0345601909 3 0800028897 2 m

Struggling to pay your bill with Power NI – contact Payment & Accounts Resolution Team – 02890685853 / Email:

Gas: Gas providers in Northern Ireland: Gas Providers inNI

Website Customer Service number

Contact Email Firmus Energy 03300249000 SSE Airtricity 03459005253

Struggling to pay your Firmus Energybill– Email:

ConsumerCouncil Price Comparison – useful for comparing electricity and gas prices

Power toSwitch – provides tools for comparing energy prices and if considering switching from oil to gas



There area number of things to consider when changing suppliers: 

Loyalty isn’t always rewarded. You may get cheaper options by changing supplier.

If you want to stay with your current supplier, ask if there is a better deal

You can switch if you are a homeowner or tenant, as long as you pay the bill.

You may get a better service as competition encourages suppliers to offer a better service such as access discounts as a new customer.

During switching there will be no interruption to your supply of energy.

Hassle free – your newsupplier takes care of any paperwork.

You can switch as often as you like (possible fee for fixed term contract).

You don’talways have to switch supplier – even switching payment method from the same provider can save money.

Critical Care Registers

If someone is dependent on a water supplyor electrical equipment for dailycare then they can sign up to a Care Register. The facility is offered by both Northern IrelandElectricity(NIE)andNorthernIrelandWater(NIWater). If there is a cut in supply, being on the register means that contact details are prioritised by the relevant service supplier. They willalso contact the person ahead of any planned outages advising of the planned length of time that they may be affected insupply in order to allowenough time to make alternative arrangements.

This service is of particular benefit for individuals who rely on medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, home dialysis machines and vital signs monitoring equipment.

For further information on howto register, and details of which services are offered by which company, contact the service provider directly or through the NI Direct page.


Saving for home heating oil

StayWarmOil StampScheme

The ‘StayWarm Saving Scheme’, operated by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and supported by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council allows you to spread the cost of your home heating oilby buying oilstamps at local retailers. For more information visit:

CommunityBulkBuyingOil Clubs

A number of local community groups operate community oil buying clubs. By coordinating orders for domestic heating oilin an area, the clubs areable to negotiate discounts with the oil suppliers by buying in bulk. The clubs are a great way of helping communities make home heating oilmore affordable. The following clubs operate within MEA:

Braid Oil Club T: 07824 860 083

Glenravel Oil Club T: 07856 335 221

Larne Oil Club


THE NI Oil Buying Network negotiates on behalf of behalf of clubs with savings made passed on to allmembers.Within MEAthe following club operates:

Bannvale (Ahoghill, Bellaghy, Lavy, Portglenone CoAntrim/ Co Derry)

For more information

Oil Price Comparisonwebsites

Consumer Council – NI Home Heating OilPrice Checker

Boiler Juice -

Cheapest Oil -


The Northern Ireland Oil Federation has also partnered with PayPoint to introduce a pre-payment scheme for home heating oil.

The scheme allows customers to make regular payments throughout the year rather than pay a lump sum at time of delivery. Those participating in the scheme will receive a swipe card which can be used to make payments towards home heating oil at participating shops.



Several grants are available to improve the energy efficiency of the home:

Affordable WarmthScheme

The AffordableWarmth Scheme is one of the Department for Communities tools in tackling fuel poverty. The scheme is delivered in partnership with local councils and Northern Ireland Housing Executive to specifically target areas of severe and extreme fuel poverty. Councils have been provided a list of properties to target and to be eligible for the scheme an occupier must be an owner occupier or privately renting and have a gross annual household income less than £23,000 (which includes most benefits).

You may be eligible for a number of energy efficiency measures such as insulation and heating measuresthrough this scheme.

For further information contact Council’s Community Health andWellbeing Team on T: 02825 633394.


These grants are provided by private companies and can help with the cost of:


new heating boilers and controls

energy efficient lighting

Each grant has its own eligibility criteria and you need to be on a lowincome to qualify for many of them. The grants open in April/May each year

Boiler ReplacementScheme

The scheme, provided by fundingfrom the Northern Ireland Executive, offers owner occupiers a grant of up to £1,000 to: 

Replace inefficient boilers with energy-efficient condensing oilor gas boilers  Switch from oilto gas 

Switch to a wood pellet boiler It is available to those who earn less than £40,000 a year with an inefficient boiler of at least 15 years and is dependent on total gross income. The scheme, administered by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), is targeted at householders who do not qualifyfor otherGovernment energy-efficient improvement schemes, making them vulnerable to fuel poverty.

If you think you may be eligible, call T: 0300 200 7874 or register by E:

Visit NI Direct to find additional information.


This scheme, operated by Council, provides a temporary heating solution for households in need of boiler replacement or without a working heating system.


For more information on this scheme contact Council’s Community Health and WellbeingTeam on T: 02825 633394.

WinterFuel Payment

If you areaged 60 or over you may get aWinter Fuel Payment to help payfor keeping warm in winter. This can be between £100 and £300 depending on your situation.

Find out if you are eligible for this payment and howto apply


Heat the person,notthehome

Many households struggling to afford their energy bills may have no choice but to reduce the amount of energy they use by cutting back on heating their home.Whilst this has its own issues, the following information provides advice on keeping warm if you’re at the point of having to cut back on your heating.

Before cutting back on your heating please consider:

Not heating your home properly can contribute to damp issues andfrozen pipes if the weather is cold, which can result in hundreds of pounds of damage. The Energy Saving Trust recommends ventilating rooms and having the heating on to some degree during winter. It has full help onfixing damp and condensation, as well as other ways to save on energy at home.

It may be dangerous for older people, or those with asthma and other health conditions. If indoubt, consult your GP and followtheir advice.

Rent your home? Check what your tenancy agreement says about heating. Some landlords stipulate you must turnthe heating on regularly, or keep the home at a minimum temperature.

Devices to help you warm up

There arelots of devices available which are lowcost to use such as heated gloves, electric over blankets, heated slippers. These are generally charged by USB.

Layer up your clothes

Wearing the right clothes can make a huge difference when living in a cooler house. Layering up keeps you warmer than 1 heavier layer –

The baselayer sits directly against your skin and should be close-fitting to lock in heat and take away sweat from your skin. Avoid cotton if possible, as it traps moisture and will cool you down over time. The cheaper alternative options tend to be synthetic fabrics, such as polyester or nylon.


The midlayer -Wearing a second layer will help trap warmth your baselayer hasn't managed to keep in. A lightweight fleece can be a good option. Alternatively, you could opt for a second T-shirt, and wear afleece or jumper as your third layer.

The outerlayer - For those doing outdoor activities, this is usually a waterproof layer to protect against the elements. You won't need a waterproof indoors (hopefully), but if you'renot warm enough in your base and midlayer, you could add an extra jumper or jacket over the top. For extra warmth, a padded/insulated jacket could be a good option.

Eat regularlyand have at least one hot meal a day

The NHS says eating regularly will help keep you warm, and you should have one hot meal a day. It also recommends drinking hot drinks regularly. To cut down on electricity when usingyour kettle only boil enough water for the amount of liquid you need (ensuring the element is covered) or boil a full kettle and fill a flask to keep the hot warm for a numberof hours.

Keep your feet warm

It's said that if yourfeet are cold, the rest of you will feel cold too.Wearing slippers can be essential to staying warm inside, particularlyif you have hard floors. Slippers that enclose your feet will keep warmth inbetter and aresafer to wear.

The Energy Saving Trust also recommends putting down rugs or carpets to help your feet stay warm. The key is to place them where you stand often, such as next to the bed. A bathmat can also be handy, to avoid bare feet on a coldbathroom floor. Make sure any new rugs aren't a trip hazard – you can buy separate 'anti-slip' mats or underlay to go underneath and prevent accidents.

Choose the right socks, and consider changing them during the day. If yourfeet start to feel cold later in the day it couldbe because your socks have been absorbing sweat. Swap them for a fresh, dry pair, and your feet should start warming up again.

Put your feet up when you’re sitting down - the floor is usuallythe coldest part of the house.

Warm up by moving around

Gentle exercise can help you stay warm, so try and move around once an hour. Be aware that more strenuous exercise will make your body sweat to try and cool you down, so it's not an ideal solution if you just want to warm up.

The A– ZofEnergyEfficiency Advice

Ask for advice on how to improve the energy efficiency of your home Budget for your fuel bills by using the OilStamps Saving Scheme

Close the curtains after dark to keep the heat in Draught proofing your home will reduce heat loss by ~15%


Energy efficient lightbulbs could save you up to £55 per year and switch off any lights that aren’t needed

Fix dripping taps – a dripping tap couldfill half a bath in a week

Gadgets and appliances left on standby account for approx 6% of household energy bills

Have a shower instead of a bath and try to restrict your shower to 5 minutes

Insulating cavity walls and loft will greatly reduce heat loss from your home

Just boil enough waterfor a cup of tea or coffee – there’s no need to fill the kettle each time. (Make sure the element is covered.)

Keep the hot water cylinder no hotter than 60°C – that’s hot enough for any householduse

Laptop computers use approx 15% of the power of a desktop and monitor

Make sure that food is cooled to room temperaturebefore putting it into the fridge or freezer

Never leave the fridge door open longer than necessary and keep the freezer well filled

On colder days, instead of turning up the thermostat, set the heating to come on a little earlier and stay on longer when needed

Powering the clock on a microwave can use more power than heating your food –turn it off when not in use

Quick tip: boilwater in the kettle and pour it into a saucepan to usefor cooking pasta or vegetables – saves time and energy

Radiators should not be covered by curtains, blocked by furniture or used to dry clothes

Service your boiler regularlyto ensure its working efficiently

Turning your thermostat down by 1°C can cut your heating bills by 10%

Use the half-load or economy programme if not filling the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher

When buying newappliances, choose ones with the best energy rating

Vulnerable people, including older people and those with chronic disabling conditions, should keep their living room at 21° C

Xtra help is available – ask your local Council for details of current grants and schemes


Young children and babies are particularly vulnerable to the cold Zzzzzz comfortably in a ventilated bedroom heated to 18° C /64°F-

Food Budgeting/Shopping


1. Planaheadandwriteashoppinglist-plan your menu aroundfoods you already have and write a shopping list of what foods you need. By writing a shopping list you reduce the chance of making impulse purchases - those little items you don’t need but which often find their way into your trolley. You also are less likely to waste food.

2. Lookoutforoffers anddeals- there are always offers available in supermarkets but when is an offer a bargain?Will you use it? It’s onlya bargain if you will use it. Most supermarkets provide unit pricings on shelf labels so look at the price per 100g or 100 mls to helpyou work out what’sbest value. Bigger isn’t always better nor are multibuys.

3. Watchoutformarketingtraps-shops employ subtle marketing practices that try to steer you towards certain products or parts of the store. Colourful flowers, fruit and vegetables as you enter make you feel happier and more relaxed which may make you slowdown and spend more time in store. The smell of food cooking can make you feel hungry and encourage you to buy more.

Bread and milk are often at the back of the store so you have to walk past everything else to get to the essentials. Offers at the end of aisles tend to be ones which have a good profit margin and may not be as good a bargain as they seem - shop down the aisles, where you cansee all the available options and make an informed choice.

Products with higher profit margins are placed ay shopper eye level – look up and down for better bargains. Colourful price tickets drawthe eye towards ‘offers’. Impulse buys tend to be placed near checkouts.

4. Join loyaltyschemes- loyalty card schemes can save you money – some allow you to build up points which can be exchanged for vouchers or money off at the tills. Some allowyou to trade your points for better rewards. Bring your loyalty cards with you each time you shop – it maynot seem like you’re saving much but it all adds up.

5. Shopandeatseasonally- know which fruit and vegetables are in season. Retailers tend to discount UK fresh produce when it’s in season as there is more availability. Food not in season has to travel further so will cost more.

6. Get fruitandvegfromthefrozenaisle -the frozen aisle tends to be an overlooked part of the supermarket. As well as tending to be cheaper, frozen fruit and veg is just as healthy as fresh.


7. Trytheworldfoodaisle - another overlooked aisle is the world food aisle. Here you can find commonfood items in unfamiliar packaging that are often cheaper –soy sauce, rice, lentils, etc.

8. Buy‘ownbrand’-supermarket own brands are normally less expensive and better value than branded version. Check the top and bottom shelves for cheaper options.

9. Time yoursupermarketshop-don’t go shopping when you’re hungry – you’re more likely to spend more. Shopping in the evening could save you cash - as closing time approaches, supermarkets tend to discountfresh items.

Remember it is important to eat well in order to keep healthy. Some tips that you could followare –

1. Eating regular meals willhelp keep your energy levels up during winter.

2. Hot meals and drinks help keep you warm.

3. Plan your meals and keep your diet as varied as possible.

4. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to boost your immune system.

5. Stock up on tinned and frozen foods, so that you don’t have to go out too much when it’s cold or icy.

6. Drink more milk and eat more dairyproducts. These boost your immune system and help prevent colds.

For more tips and advice onfood budgeting and food wastage,


BBC Good Food - Love Food HateWaste -

Iceland-10%discountforover 60s everyTuesday To redeem the discount, senior shoppers will need to showone of the following – Senior Bus or Rail card  Driver’s License Local CharityShops
can also reduce howmuch waste you produce by shopping in charity shops.
area range of charity shops across
variety of great quality second
Mid and East Antrim offering a wide
from winter coats to help you stay warm to
for children.

Assistance with Food


There area number of Food Banks throughout Mid & East Antrim Borough Council area.

If you need help, there is a referral system to get your Foodbank Voucher. Foodbanks work with local referral agencies to provide you with the most appropriate help.

Referral agencies for your local Foodbank and information about their opening times can be found by using the contact details and website links for the foodbanks listed below.

Ballymena Foodbanks:

Green Pastures Church, 1 Faith Avenue, The Gateway, BT42 3FF

The Peoples Church, Fenaghy Road, Galgorm, Ballymena, BT42 1AQ

Ballymena North: Ballyloughan Church, DouryRoad, Ballymena, BT43 6JE Number: 028 2542 2543

Website :

Email :

High Kirk Presbyterian Church Foodbank 65-71 Thomas Street, Ballymena, BT43 6AZ Number : 02825644834

Email :

Larne Foodbanks:

Craigy Hill Methodist Church, Brustin Brae Road, Larne, BT40 2HS

First Larne Presbyterian Church, Inver Road, Larne, BT40 3BW Number: 028 28277530 Website : Email :

Carrickfergus Foodbanks

75Woodburn Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 8PS Number: 07515559409 Website: Email:

Storehouse Carrick Elim Pentecostal Church

1 Northlands Carrickfergus

Number : 028 9336 3150


Whitehead Storehouse

Balmoral AveWhitehead Carrickfergus BT38 9QD Number: 07596 213763


MEACommunityHub incorporating the Affordable Food Club and Affordable Café available from 1st December 2022. For membership information, in the first instance, please contact MEACAS on 028 96 001 333.Website for registrations to follow.


Community Fridges are a platform for sharing surplus food, they are not means tested and are open to all. Community fridges have flexible opening hours as they are subject to surplusfood availability while stocks last.

Locations in the Mid and East Antrim areaLarne – The Promenade (behind Larne Leisure Centre) Email :

Carrickfergus – Eden Allotment Gardens, 42 Beltoy Road

Email :

Islandmagee – Islandmagee Community Garden, Ballystrudder Road

Email :

Support for Families


Baby Banks help to encourage and support those struggling with practical issues of having a newbaby/toddler in the form of nappies, wipes, clothes etc. These aim to help relieve poverty, redistribute quality resources so reducing parental stress and improving the lives of children.

Baby Banks in the Mid and East Antrim Borough Councilarea includeCarrickfergusBabyBank: Open Door Center,32 Bridewell Drive, Carrickfergus, BT38 8JW Number : 028 9335 5527 Email:


The increased cost of living has a huge effect on families, particularly children. Increased costs can prevent some children from having the same opportunities as others which can have a physical and mental impact on children.

Beloware some services which can help address these issues:


Tax FreeChildCare(NIDirect) – if you work and your children are under 12, you might be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare. This can help pay for approved childcare.


For information or advice visit -

Children andYoungPeople’s Strategic Partnership

Thiswebsitehasarangeofusefulinformationandorganisationswhocan help.

The Cost of Living Crisis resource – click the link below- provides details of targeted resources & support for families & children struggling with the current cost of living crisis. This document is live and willbe updated regularly.

Cost of Living Resource – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) (

Local Support-


75 Main Street, Larne BT40 1HH

43 Fairway, Larne BT40 2BG Number : 028 2827 6044 Website :

Sure StartBallymena

Ballykeel Business Centre, 18 Crebilly Road, Ballymena BT42 4DN Number : 028 2564 3555

Sure StartCarrickfergus

Horizon Sure Start, c/o Sunnylands Primary School, Sandes Court Entrance, Carrickfergus, BT38 8JJ Number : 028 9335 9734


Mid & East Antrim Community Advice Services can assist with providing most primary and secondary schooluniforms, these uniforms are new or pre-loved in various sizes.

Contact Mid & East Antrim Community Advice Services (MEACAS) Number : 028 9600 1333

Education Authority- Free SchoolMeals andUniformGrants


£16,190 or less

 Income Support  Income Based
Allowance  Income Related Employment and Support Allowance  Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit 
can apply if your son or daughter is infull-time education and if you are in receipt of one of the following
Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of

Universal credit and have net household earnings not exceeding £14,000 per year

Applications can be made online by following the link

Forfurther information,parentscancontact the MealsandUniformService –Phone: 02890418044 Website:

Email: Monday - Friday 9am – 4:30pm


SupportFundsforStudents - Hardship funds provide financial help on a discretionary basis to students facingfinancial difficulties. You can applyif you’re a registered full-time or part-time higher education student, or if you’re doing a postgraduate course at a Northern Ireland higher education institution. For further information,

Looking after Carers

Having caring responsibilities can lead to increased costsfor an individual.

CarersNorthernIreland – provide an advice and information service for carers and professionals, dealing with a range of issues such as carers benefits, community care and services for carers.

58 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6PJ 02890439843

CarersCo-Ordinator–NorthernHealth&SocialCare Trust – helps carers by providing information, advice and resources for carers. They provide information and support to carers in the Northern Trust area, promote training to empower and support carers, as well as gathering information about the needs of carers.

Route Complex, 8E Coleraine Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BP 02827661210

Crossroads Care NI – not for profit organisation dedicated to supporting, serving and strengthening carers and those with care needs.


432 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3GY 02891814455

Relationship Support/Mental Health

The increased cost of living may put a strain on people’s relationships and mental health.

Lifeline 0808 808 8000


3rd/4th Floor 3 Glengall Street, Belfast, BT12 5AB 02890323454

Women’s Aid(ABCLN)

Naomi Centre, 2 Cullybackey Road, Ballymena, BT43 5DF 02825632136

Womans AidLarne

75 Main St, Larne BT40 1JE 028 2563 2136


Unit 6, Lancasterian Street, Carrickfergus, BT38 7PR 028 9335 1199 The Cithrah Foundation – Providing support and individuals and families in crisis


Unit 3 Hawthorn Office Park, 39a Stockman’sWay, Belfast, BT9 7ET 02890310891 / 08088010722

Men’s AdvisoryProject(MAPNI)

5th Floor Glendinning House, 6 Murray Street, Belfast, BT1 6DN 02890241929


5Wellesley Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6DG 116 123 / 03300945717

Here2Help App


Downloadable app for your phone – information on a range of organisations who can help.

Search Google Play store or Apple’s App store.

Loneliness/Social Isolation

Financial hardship can increase levels of loneliness/social isolation.


The Loneliness Network in Mid and East Antrim brings together Northern Health and Social Care Trust, and other statutory, voluntary and community groups to help combat loneliness by connecting people. Information on all organisations throughout Mid and East Antrim Borough which are involved in the loneliness network is available at: Loneliness Network Listing | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

ChattyBenches: In Mid and East Antrim the ‘Chatty Benches’ are brightly painted yellowand have a plaque with a unique QR code linking users to useful information on the Loneliness Network. To date benches can be found in:

Shaftesbury park in Carrickfergus

Town park in Larne

BetweenWellington street and Church Street in Ballymena

Peoples Park , Ballymena

Maine RiversideWalk, Cullybackey

Portglenone Marina

Whitehead Railway Garden – on corner of Edward Rd and Victoria Ave

Ballykeel, Ballymena

Larne Promenade

Ahoghill Park

Sentry Hill, Ballymena

ChattyCafés: The idea of a Chatty Café is to encourage venues to designate a tableand make it available as a ‘chatty table’ where customers can sit if they are happy to talk to other customers. Our local Chatty Cafes are:

Blessings Coffee Shop, Cullybackey

The Salvation Army, Main Street, Larne

The Prom Café, Larne Leisure Centre

Barbara Anns Home Bakery, Larne

The Lunch Box, AEL, Larne

The Clocktower Café,Carrickfergus

Delaceys Bakery, Carrickfergus

Café Rima, De Courcey Centre, Carrickfergus


Ballykeel 1, Moving Forward Breakfast Club, Ballymena

Café Riva, Larne  The Oasis, Larne Elim Pentecostal Church

MidandEast Antrim Agewell Partnership(MEAAP)–

Is a local inter-agency based partnership aimed at improving the lives of Older People aged 50 years and over, living in the Ballymena, Larne & Carrickfergus areas. Contact them to find out more about the supportavailable. Broughshane House, 70 Main Street, Broughshane, Ballymena, BT42 4JW Number : 028 2565 8604

Email : Website :

Men's ShedMen's sheds arenon-profit local organisations that provide a space for craftwork and social interaction.

HarryvilleMen's Shed Unit 4, 20 Antrim Road, Ballymena, BT42 2BJ Contact : Denver McMeekin, 07968-860567

Portglenone Men'sShed 61 Main Street, Portglenone, BT44 8HP Contact : Micheal McCarney, 028 2582 0150


Shaftesbury Cross, Carrickfergus BT38 8LL

Contact : Brian Sheilds, 07765232392 InterEthnic ForumAims to help ethnic minorities within Mid & East Antrim Borough Council area integrate, and to promote their cultures in the local community. 20William Street, Ballymena, BT43 6AW Number : 028 2564 8822

Email : /

Here2Help -

Here2Help has been developed by a local initiative from people who want to make the range of services and support available to anyone in crisis. The aim of the app is to provide quick tofind helplinesfor users toget support instantly and also a wide range of links to reading materials that can help people in a time of need.

The #Here2Help app is now available and FREE to download from Google Play Storeand the Apple iTunes App Store for your smartphone ortablet device.


Local libraries provide events, designed to encourage peopleof allage groups to interact and make connections through their common interests. Some event


examples are ‘Tea and Newspaper’ and ‘Knit and Natter’. Find out more about the events offered at your local library offers using the contact details orlinks below.


5 Pats Brea, Ballymena, BT43 5AX

Number : 028 2563 3950

Email : Website : Ballymena Central Library (



26 Pound Street, Larne, BT40 1SQ Number : 028 2827 7047

Email :

Website : Larne Library (


2 Joymount, Carrickfergus, BT38 7DQ

Number : 028 9336 2261

Email : Website : Carrickfergus Library (

Age Friendly

Mid and East Antrim Borough has been awarded membership of theWorld Health Organisation Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities, strengthening our public commitment to being an Age Friendly Borough.

Representatives from community, voluntary and statutory organisations, as well as interested individuals will work together to help ensure that our older people are active, respected and supported in their community.

If you are interested ingetting involved with Age Friendly MEA please get in touch by contacting Helen McClean, Age Friendly Co-ordinator Number : 028 2826 2353

Email :

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Leisure, Exercise & Activities

Being active can help to improve people’s physical and mental health. There are a number of different options throughout the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council that you can take advantage of –

Free LocalParks/Walks

Carnfunnock Country Park - 182A Coast Road, Larne, BT40 2QG

Carrickfergus Mill Ponds – PrinceWilliamWay, Carrickfergus, BT38 7HP

Diamond JubileeWood – Slaughterford Road, Whitehead, BT38 9JR

ECOS Centre Nature Park – Kernohans Lane, Broughshane Road, BT38 7QA


Oakfield Glen and BashfordslandWood – Red Fort Park, off Marshallstown Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 9TH

The Peoples Park - Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6JA

Local Playgrounds-

To see a full list of playgrounds located throughout Mid and East Antrim check out our council webpage. There areloads of free options for a fun day out Play | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council| Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Leisure Centres –

Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena

Number : 028 2563 3382

Email :

Larne Leisure Centre Number : 028 2826 2497

Email :

AmphitheatreWellness Centre, Carrickfergus Number : 028 9335 8342

Email :

PARS(Physical ActivityReferralSchemes)

Referral system onto the Scheme by a GP or Health Professional. A free 12-week fitness programme which offers a positive introduction to gettingmore active. It is designed to help participants develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to improve their health and wellbeing.

NI4KIDS – platform that focuses on parenting, health, education, family lifestyle, fantastic competitionsand what’s on for families.

Unit 2 Channel Wharf, Old Channel Road, Belfast, BT3 9DE 02890020129 /



Support for Employment


and East Antrim supports a wide variety of programmes to help people build skills and gain employment. Find out more on our website: Employment and Skills Support | Midand East AntrimBorough Council
03448 920901 NorthernIrelandWater Waterline 03457 440088 Floodingincidentline 0300 2000100 Gas Smell/Emergency 0800 002001
03457 643643
While many people are spending more time at home, it is important to knowwhat to do in an emergency situation. Keep the following numbers to hand in case you need them. HousingExecutive
(Customer Hotline) DfiRoads 03002007899 (24hours) Includingsnow/ice

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