The Brewers Journal May~June 2021, iss 3 vol 7

Page 60

But for someone as hands-on as Clarke, such a role would have always been a tough gig. “Helping out creating a recipe is fine. But I would want to be tasting the beer in tank, before packaging and then after packaging, too,” he smiles. “Dealing with that remotely wouldn’t have worked for me, I’d probably find myself camping out at the brewery to see the job through!”


f you had come to me at the start

all achieved at Hawkshead and plan for

Seeing the job through from start to finish

of last year and said you were

the future.”

is one such achievement he can look back on from his time at Hawkshead.

planning to open a new brewery I would have called you crazy!”

Gay adds: “We were deeply involved

laughs Matt Clarke. “But here we

at the brewery, Matt especially. Both

And with Lakes Brew Co Clarke,


us, and our children, have grown with

alongside Michelle Gay, Steve Ricketts

There’s a saying that goes along the lines

Hawkshead so it was tough for that to

and Paul Sheldon he’s embarked on a

of ‘What’s the point in having a mind if

change so quickly. But these things hap-

whole new project once more.

you’re not prepared to change it’.


And for Clarke, his partner Michelle

Clarke says that their children were

the company you’re working for, it’s

Gay, and countless others, these last 12

not only familiar with the brewery

sometimes easy to forget why you’re

months have resulted in a great deal of

surroundings but amusingly, probably

doing it,” explains Gay. “These last months

unprecedented decisions being made.

better networked than most brewers

have allowed us to take a step back and

across the land. Peers he conversed with

remember why we loved the industry in

and observed during the last year.

the first place.”

role of marketing manager at the Lake

“I had no plans to step away from beer.

For the trio, that was being involved in

District-based business.

These last 12 months have allowed me

a business that makes a product that

“When you’re so involved in a role, and

Clarke was formally the head brewer at Hawkshead Brewery, while Gay held the

to see how all of these business are

people enjoy. And starting their own

The duo were two of the most

adapting and reacting to the challenging

brewery would of happened even

recognisable faces at the much-loved

situation they are all in,” he explains.

sooner, however certain restrictions

brewery. They were also among 12

“It’s been a unique time to be putting

slowed the progress somewhat.

members of the team that were made

together a business plan, that’s for sure.” “Until October Matt wasn’t even allowed

redundant in April 2020, just as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.

Before settling on the idea to open

to look at a beer!” laughs Gay.

their own brewery, Clarke assessed the For many, the decision by Hawkshead’s

potential for other head brewer roles

But that is in the past and the ball is now

owners, Merseyside-based Halewood, to

across the industry.

well and truly rolling with Lakes Brew Co. Finding the ideal site took some time,

shed part of the team also stripped much of the brewery’s identity, too.

“People were reaching out to me from all

as it often does, but the team now has a

corners of the UK,” he says. “It’s amazing

4000sqft facility to call their own, located

But let’s be clear, Clarke and Gay are

how many businesses need help. But

in the heart of Kendal on the Mintsfeet

not dwelling on the past. What’s done

then, I’m not new to this and I know how

Industrial Estate.

is done, and alongside Steve Ricketts,

much hard work is involved in running a

the former managing director and Paul

brewing business.”

“It has good access and doesn’t require us to think creatively when it comes to

Sheldon, former financial controller, at Hawkshead they now have a brewery to

Clarke also considered the possibility of

getting kit through the door,” says Clarke.

call their own.

offering industry consultancy.

“It has a nice high roof, too, so we can

Welcome Lakes Brew Co.

“There is a real skills shortage out there

increase our FVs to 20bbl if needs be.” because there isn’t the biggest skills pool

On the brewhouse side, the trio have

“It’s been an interesting 12 months. Not

to draw from. Breweries got in touch,

opted for a 16HL system from SSV

just for us, for everyone,” says Clarke. “It

often looking for help mentoring and with

Limited with plans to initially brew two to

has given us time to reflect on what we

recipe creation.”

three times a week





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