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Brasil SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS The beauties of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul will surprise you DESTINATIONS Discover the main attractions and plan your trip TO DISCOVER BRAZIL IT’S TIME The country offers a perfect blend of nature and culture that are capable of pleasing even the most demanding travelers











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Believe me, once again Brazil is ready to receive a high volume of international tourists, which has been deeply affected by the pandemic. The main cities in the country have been preparing themselves and now awaits the return of visitors from abroad. And there is no shortage of attractions to be explored.

Brazil has one of the largest sets of historical and cultural heritage in the world, according to Unesco, occupying the 12th position, standing out for its beautiful landscape and unique architectures. There are several historical centers that can mesmerize anyone and everyone. Want some examples?

Ouro Preto (MG), Diamantina (MG), Goiás (GO), Olinda (PE), Salvador (BA) São Luís do Maranhão. All of them are equipped with colonial architecture, influenced by Europeans, with lots of baroque characteristics and gold in their structures. These places were the stage of great historical events that marked Brazilian culture.

Nature is also part of the country’s history. Brazil has, for example, the Serra da Capivara National Park, composed of rocks and cave paintings that can tell you more about the expressive testimony of the ancient inhabitants of Latin America. Located on the Argentinean border, there is also the Ruins of São Miguel das Missões, which has the collection of sacred sculptures of the Seven Peoples of the Oriental Missions, founded by the

Society of Jesus, during the Jesuit Guarani Missions in the world.

The country’s capital is also a MUST visit place. Known for its urban and architectural structure made by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer, the monuments Memorial JK, National Congress, Itamaraty, Palácio da Alvorada, Palácio do Planalto, bring beauty and movement to the city.

Those looking for more reasons to plan their visit to Brazil can also consider the Amazon Forest or the Pantanal. And also the paradisiacal landscapes of the Northeast region, such as Lençóis Maranhenses or the beaches in Fernando de Noronha, among many others.

The concern with sustainability is still growing year after year. Brazil increased by 42% the number of beaches and marinas certified with the Blue Flag, the largest global award dedicated to the management of beaches, marinas and tourism vessels.

In other words, if there is still any doubts about visiting Brazil, just forget about them. As you will see in the following pages, Brazil surprises those who visit it and official data shows that 95.4% of international tourists who visited our country intend to return sometime. So, embark on this journey with an open heart and prepare to live one of the most incredible experiences of your life. There is only one danger: to fall in love!

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A publication of the Editora Mercado & Eventos Ltda

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OFFICIAL NAME: Federative Republic of Brazil

GOVERNMENT SYSTEM: Federative Presidential Republic PRESIDENT: Jair Bolsonaro

CAPITAL: Brasília

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Portuguese LOCATION: South America CURRENCY: Real (R$) (BRL) AREA: 8,516 million km2 POPULATION: 212.6 million CITIES: 5,570

DIVISION: Brazil is divided into five regions with 26 states, plus the Federal District (DF).

BIGGEST CITIES: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Manaus and Brasília



OFFICIAL WEBSITES: www.brasil.gov.br and www.turismo.gov.br



TOP 5 MAIN MARKETS THAT SEND TOURISTS TO BRAZIL IN 2021: 1. Argentina 2. Paraguay 3. United States 4. Uruguay 5. Chile


National tourism ended the first half of the year with a R$ 94 billion revenue, representing a growth of 33.5% compared to the same period in 2021. The numbers are from a research conducted by the

Tourism Council of the Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP), based on data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

ISOMETRIC BRAZIL MAP INFOGRAPHIC Northeast North Southeast South POPULATION 212 million AREA 8.349.320 km² CURRENCY Real Brazil Central West Brasilia It is the capital of Brazil

Mato Grosso

All of this awaits you


Discover Mato Gro o

Welcome to Mato Grosso, a state of rare and diverse wonders. With an approximate area of 903,207.050 km2 (IBGE,2020), which houses an estimated population of 3,567,234 people (IBGE, 2021), Mato Grosso is the third largest state in the country by area. It has a privileged location, in the Geodetic Center of South America, and borders Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Goiás, Bolivia, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso do Sul.

Its capital Cuiabá, one of the 141 municipalities in the state, is the gateway to local tourism and also the starting point for an amazing travel itinerary through the region.

In Mato Grosso, in addition to the Araguaia Valley, you will know three of the leading Brazilian biomes: Amazon, Pantanal, and Cerrado. Such diversity makes this one of the few places on the planet with such natural wealth.

Besides excelling in the production of cotton, corn, soybeans, sunflowers, and cattle breeding, Mato Grosso is one of the largest freshwater reservoirs in the world. The state adopted the zero-tolerance policy for illegal deforestation, which helped ensure the protection of 62% of the territory and made it an example of balance, environmental preservation, and economic development.

Great not only in proportions, but in cultural diversity, Mato Grosso is the territory of many peoples, among them, the indigenous people, who were its first inhabitants, and those who established roots and here they met, mixed, and currently, combine traditions, habits, beliefs and unique customs that will move you.

Get to know Mato Grosso The perfect destination to travel with family, friends, or even on Business.

Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Pantanal Event Center - Cuiabá - MT
A paradise in the heart of Brazil
2 | Mato Grosso - All of this awaits you!
Photo: Mario Friedlander Church of St. Benedict - Cuiabá - MT

Cuiabá and Várzea Grande

Gateways to state tourism

The state capital, Cuiabá, with more than 300 years, is a historic city, surrounded by old mansions, churches, museums, and secular buildings, such as the Rio Museum and the old war Arsenal, today, Sesc Arsenal. In addition to having unparalleled points, such as the Caixa d’água Museum, the Casa do Artesão, the Palace of Instruction, and the Stone Museum.

On the streets of the capital, you can go on a gastronomic tour, get to know the historical center, and visit libraries and art galleries. Cuiabá is a mixture of the traditional and the contemporary, of Bohemian and arousal.

From this city, you can go to the four tourist poles of the state. This is where your journey through this paradise in central Brazil begins.

When crossing the Cuiabá River Bridge, leaving the capital, we find Várzea Grande, the second largest municipality in the state by population, where the Marechal Rondon International Airport is located.

Baptized as an industrial city, it has religiosity in its traditional festivals, as well as gastronomy, crafts, and tourist and cultural attractions.

Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Palace of Instruction - Cuiabá - MT Photo: Rodolfo PerdigãoSECOM MT Arena PantanalCuiabáMT Photo: José Medeiros International airportVárzea GrandeMT
MT SEDEC – SEADTUR – Mato Grosso’s Government | 3
Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Cuiabá


Feel incredible experiences in one of the largest floodplains on the planet

The Pantanal has approximately 230.00 Km2, of which 40% is in Mato Grosso. In this biome, the rain cycle totally changes the landscape. In floods, animals seek high areas, and in the ebb, fish attract birds. This is when the nestlings appear and life hatches in the biome.

To get to know the Pantanal, it is essential to visit the Transpantaneira Park Road, one of the largest points of appreciation for wild animals, such as alligators, tapirs, tuiuiús, and their nests.

In this Mato Grosso biome, you will have the opportunity to appreciate bays, rivers, corixos, and thousands of species of plants, animals, and birds. You will have unique experiences of observing flora, fauna, and wildlife such as the Jaguar.

One of the great differentials of the region is that most of the lodgings offer tours, whether by boat,

horseback, or adapted cars, which makes the stay very pleasant and interesting.

For more intimate contact with local culture and habits, it is essential to include the cultural manifestations of the Alto Pantanal in this itinerary. Here you can enjoy typical festivals, such as the masked dance and the Cavalhada, along with the sound of the Cururu instruments and the rhythm of the Siriri dance.

One of the most common activities in the Pantanal is sport fishing, that is because this pole is privileged with the diversity of fish, rivers, and affluents.

On your vacation, at your leisure, or for your amusement, enjoy all the beauty of the Mato Grosso Pantanal.

4 | Mato Grosso - All of this awaits you! Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Jaguar Watching - Cárceres-MT


The perfect place for you to adventure and challenge yourself

The Cerrado takes 38.29% of the territory of Mato Grosso and expands to the depressions from Upper Paraguay to the Parecis Plateau. Ideal for ecological tourism, this center is surrounded by landscapes that invite you to bathe in waterfalls, thermal waters as well as dive and float in crystalline waters. All of this is possible because Mato Grosso is one of the states that has one of the largest volumes of fresh water in the world, with numerous waterfalls, canyons, valleys, and waterfalls.

For those who seek adventure, it is possible to practice rappelling, rafting, buoy cross, tree climbing, river sup, ducking, zip lining, and highline, as well as hikes that lead to viewpoints, caves, and much more.

The Cerrado also provides coexistence with Quilombola communities and indigenous peoples in environments full of culture, where you will experience rites, dances, and the unique gastronomy of the region.

And, for those who come to work, this region is prepared to welcome you. The Mato Grosso Cerrado has hotel infrastructure as well as space for events and entertainment.

You will find natural scenery, museums, historic churches, and restaurants with the delights of local cuisine, ideal for leisure time.

To relax and enjoy the scenery, sport fishing is another good option. And you don’t even have to go that far. From inns to health resorts, from the capital, it is possible to reach several structured areas for this activity.

The Cerrado is also attractive, for its mystical and energetic power, possessing a combination of fantastic stories of extraterrestrials, and locations known for their archaeological sites and cave paintings. Mato Grosso is full of mysteries!

Get to know all of these paradises. Discover the Mato Grosso Cerrado and its emotions.

Photo: Acervo SEADTUR Enchanted Aquarium - Nobres-MT Photo: Rafael Daige Marques - SECOM MT Blue Lagoon - Primavera do Leste-MT
Government | 5
Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Serra Azul WaterfallRosário Oeste-MT
– Mato Grosso’s


Connect to the sounds and sensations that nature offers

The Amazon has an approximate area of 5.1 million Km2, of which 550 Km2 are to the north of the Mato Grosso territory, with an extensive area composed of dense forests, immense rivers, and conservation areas. In this region, the Cristalino State Park, with 184 thousand hectares, is highlighted for housing more than 600 species of animals, birds, butterflies, reptiles, mammals, and also the rare white-faced spider monkey, the park’s symbol primate.

Traveling through the Mato Grosso Amazon is to disconnect from the hustle and bustle and live unforgettable experiences in places like the Xingu National Park and indigenous villages.

Another option is rural tourism, which presents a green economy, with small producers that wel-

come visitors who want to go hiking, to trails, and observe the Amazon fauna.

In the midst of so much nature, the Mato Grosso Amazon provides cozy environments with accommodations and restaurants. With auditoriums, specialized companies, and an airport, this region has the ideal infrastructure for holding business meetings and events.

When it comes to culture, the northern region of the state is highlighted by the Natural History Museum, the Recanto das Orquídeas nursery, and the Pedra Preta archaeological site. Not to mention the excitement of activities such as sport fishing in immense rivers, such as Teles Pires, and the sensation of seeing breathtaking waterfalls and rivers.

Visit this preserved refuge and discover that Mato Grosso goes far beyond what you can possibly imagine!

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- All of this
Photo: Marcos Vergueiro Salto Dardanelos - Aripuanã-MT
Mato Grosso
Photo: Mario Friedlander Etnia Erikpatsa

Include the mysteries and beauties of Araguaia in your next travel itinerary

Due to the great Araguaia River, which has in all its extension about 2.115 Km2, the Araguaia Valley is one of the tourist centers of Mato Grosso that, for its rich fauna and beautiful natural landscapes, attracts people from all over Brazil who seek contact with nature and beautiful freshwater beaches.

In addition to being the destination of great beach festivals, Araguaia, for its wide variety of fish, such as Pirarucu, Pirarara, Piraíba (Baby Fish), Matrinxã, and Peacock Bass, is also the scene for sport fishing competitions. In the surroundings of the rivers, it is still possible to glimpse flocks of birds and animals such as the Amazon River dolphin.

When it comes to the cultural memory of the region, one of the main sights is the historical and Cultural Museum, which contains an archaeologi-

cal wing and ceramic pieces from the Old Cemetery of the Carajá people. As a matter of fact, in this region, it is possible to experience the traditions of ethnic groups, such as the Tapirapé, Txucarramãe, and Carajá.

Araguaia is a mixture of Legends and mysticism that attracts researchers, esotericists, and ufologists from all over the world. One of the characteristics of the region is the belief that there are portals to other dimensions. In Araguaia, there are many options for exciting tours.

With great touristic potential, Araguaia is host to several events, including events focused on ufology and even agribusiness. This region has great infrastructure in chains of hotels, inns, and restaurants, as well as an airport, which makes a direct connection with the state capital.

Connect with nature and the energies of Araguaia. Rediscover Mato Grosso and all its experiences!

Photo: Acervo SEADTUR

Photo: Acervo SEADTUR Government | 7
Índia Xavante-MT SEADTUR – Mato Grosso’s
Orla de São Félix do Araguaia-MT
14 Touristic Poles
TOURISTIC POLES ATTRACTIONS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Traditional Peoples Villages Airport Beaches Beaches PANTANAL Cáceres Barão de Melgaço Poconé Santo Antônio do Leverger 38 39 40 41 Primavera do Leste Rondonópolis Tangará da Serra Várzea Grande 34 35 36 37 Cuiabá Chapada dos Guimarães Diamantino Jaciara Lucas do Rio Verde Nobres Nova Mutum CERRADO 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Juína Juruena Matupá Paranaíta Pontes e Lacerda Porto dos Gaúchos Sinop Sorriso Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AMAZÔNIA Alta Floresta Aripuanã Campo Novo do Parecis Canarana Colíder Juara 1 2 3 4 5 6 ARAGUAIA Água Boa Alto Araguaia Barra do Garças Cocalinho Luciara Nova Xavantina Querência Porto Alegre do Norte Santa Terezinha São Félix do Araguaia Vila Rica 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 R T L G BR 163 BR 364 BR 364 BR 364 BR 070 BR 174 BR 158 BR 158 BR 163BR 174 22 6 20 24 19 4 13 2 7 8 9 10 35 14 36 15 AMAZÔNIA POLE AMAZÔNIA POLE PANTANAL POLE 38 33 29 1 25 26 ARAGUAIA POLE 18 Amazonas Goiás Tocantins Bolívia Mato Grosso do Sul Pará Rondônia CERRADO POLE 5 10 E H N 21 16 P 3 RioAraguaiaRioGarças Rio Araguaia Riodas MortesRioTelesPires RioTeles Pires Rio Cristalino F I 17 O S U 12 34 11 32 23 31 Centro Geodésico da América do Sul Arena Pantanal Aeroporto Internacional-VG Véu de Noiva Lago do Manso Rafting Aquário Encantado Cidade de Pedra Lagoa Azul Chalana Tour Jaguar Observatory Baía de Chacororé Memorial Rondon Serra do Roncador Domo de Araguainha Birdwatching Ruínas da Matriz/Festa do Congo Cachoeira Dardanelos Rio Teles Pires Cachoeira Salto das Nuvens Usina de Sinop Cachoeira Serra Azul ACCESS AND GET TO KNOW THE BEAUTIES OF MATO GROSSO SEDEC Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Econômico descubramatogrosso.com.brdescubramatogrosso SEDEC – Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Econômico SEADTUR – Secretaria Adjunta de Turismo Fone: 65 3613-9300 | 65 3613-9339 | promocao@sedec.mt.gov.br
Photo: SEADTUR Collection

Mato Grosso do Sul is located in the Midwest region of Brazil and is one of the main adventure and ecotourism destinations in the country. Among its attractions, there is Bonito/Serra da Bodoque na and the Pantanal.

To get there, it is possible to go directly to Bonito Regional Airport (BYO), which is 13 miles from the city center, arriving on Gol and Azul flights, from São Paulo (CGH) or Cam pinas (VCP). Those leaving Campo Grande, 30 miles away, need to travel about four hours by car, van or bus.

The Serra da Bodoquena region has many unmissable attractions, such as Abismo Anhumas, with its 72-meter-long rappel descent into a cave. Face your fears and just go. After all, inside the cave, the sce nario is unbelievable!

Certified diving professionals can explore the flooded cave, and for the general public, floating is the best option. Either way, fun and security are guaranteed!

Don’t forget to put on the itine rary the contemplation of the rock formations at Grutas de São Mi guel and Gruta do Lago Azul and see the wonders that nature has formed over thousands years.

Take advantage of your visit to the Serra da Bodoquena region

Bonito and Serra

Photo: André Patroni

and swim in Lagoa Misteriosa, a cave with a submerged area, who se depth is unknown. The attrac tion is located in Jardim, 47 km from the center of Bonito. It is also in this municipality that the Buraco das Araras is located, a place whe re there is an abundance of birds.

The Bonito/Serra da Bodoquena region is also home to the Prata, Formoso and Sucuri rivers, as well as some springs. The resorts, whe ther municipal or private, offer food, adventure and safety equip ment, in addition to being inserted in stunning landscapes.

Another challenging option is ab seiling in the Boca da Onça water fall, a breathtaking attraction, with a descent of 90 meters high!

Want to go further? So take note of these tips: kayaking and stand up paddle, boiacross, tree climbing with dry and wet zip lines, quad and sla ckline rides. You can find all of that in the Bonito/Serra da Bodoquena region.

Finally, the local cuisine is also an attraction on its own. Try the boneless Pacu na Brasa, the Mo queca de Pintado or the alligator meat served breaded. The options are mouth-watering and will cer tainly make your trip even more unforgettable.

Serra da Badoquena

Photo: André Patroni Photo: André Patroni Photo: André Patroni


Divulgação Marketing - VisitMS

Part of the largest floodplain on the planet is in Mato Grosso do Sul. The Pantanal is a paradise for ecotourism lovers and an essential area for the balance of the environment. The bio me is home to about 230 species of fish, 650 of birds, 80 of mammals and 50 of reptiles.

On the destination, the main at traction is the contemplation of the fauna and flora in the Pantanal farms, whether in Corumbá, Miranda and Aquidauana. Highlight activities are photographic safari, night focus safari, birdwatching, in addition to 4x4 tours, river cruises and horseback riding.

And how to explain the sensation of seeing jaguars, the colors of macaws, herons, tuiuiús and spoonbills, or even anacondas and alligators? With a diverse scenery, the Pantanal can be visited throughout the year, presen ting a unique landscape every season.

From January to February, the flood is favorable for boat trips. From March to April, birds arrive, with hot weather and possibility of rain at the end of the day. From May to July, it’s the period of low tide, where the days are drier and the nights are col der, however, what stands out is the abundance and variety of birds.

Between August and September, there is the birth of the young ani mals in the nests and the flowering

of the Ipês, which gives a nice color and beauty to the natural scenery. In this period, many reptiles can be seen and temperatures show sudden changes. Towards the end of the year, the warm weather from October to December is perfect for seeing the chicks coming out of the nests, a spectacle of nature!

Combine each experience with the culture and the cuisine of Pantanal and don’t miss the guitar jam ses sions. Sport fishing also stands out, attracting tourists from all over the world, who can seek, catch, photo graph and release beautiful speci mens of Pintados, Cacharas, Doura dos, Pacús, Piraputangas, Peacock bass among other species that can be found in the rivers of Mato Gros so do Sul. It is worth mentioning that sport fishing can only be carried out between March and October.

The gastronomy is also worth men tioning and among its typical dishes, there are Pacu à Pantaneira, Caribéu, Macarrão de Comitiva and Quebra -Torto. The Pantanal is also a place for adventure and there is the possi bility of biking, trekking and camping - which in addition to entertaining, also promote environmental educa tion, with a focus on preserving the ecosystem. It is really worth explo ring this natural paradise.

Campo Grande

Capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande has a lot to offer, starting with the largest freshwater aquarium in the world, the Pantanal Biopark. The attrac tion is located in an area of 19 thousand square meters, with 5 million liters of water, in a circuit with 31 tanks and 281 species. The focus of the attraction is to educate visitors.

You should also go to the Parque das Nações Indígenas, in the heart of the city, where the Museum of Contempo rary Art (Marco) and the Museum of

Dom Bosco Cultures are located. The park has 119 hectares and is very popu lar for outdoor exercise.

Don’t forget to pay a visit to Morada dos Baís, a historic building that serves as a cultural and gastronomic space, as well as Orla Morena, Horto Florestal Park, Casa do Artesão and Mercadão Municipal, a mandatory stop for buying spices and tasting the famous “pastel de jacaré”, a type of dough stuffed with alli gators meat.

In terms of history and culture, Cam

po Grande is the result of the mix be tween southern people, with Japanese, Paraguayans, Arabs, among others. This miscegenation is very present in the Central Fair, considered a local Cultural and Intangible Heritage.

The Central Fair is also the stage for the Fish and Soba Festival, where the best of the state’s cuisine is displayed. The space contains more than 20 res taurants, in addition to more than 100 establishments selling everything from clothing to delicacies. Don’t miss out!

Photo: Alexis Prappas Photo: Alexis Prappas

Costa Rica

Located in the north of the state, Costa Rica stands out for its biodi versity and vocation for ecotourism. The destination is ideal for practicing extreme adventure sports, such as hi king, abseiling, rafting, zip-lining, tree climbing and bathing in waterfalls, and one of the options is the Salto do Sucuriú Municipal Natural Park, three kilometers from the city center.

It is also worth visiting the Nas centes do Rio Taquari State Park and admire the canyons, cave paintings and petroglyphs in caves dating back 11,000 years. On the western edge of the Brazilian Central Plateau, the park offers a remarkable view of the sun set, which is without a doubt a spec tacle on its own!

To cool off from the high tempera tures, the Parque Natural Municipal da Lage contains a natural spa com posed of natural pools, as well as pools with water slides and a small canyon with jumps, caves under ro cks and trails within the well-preser ved forest.

And don’t leave Costa Rica without first passing through the Senhor do Bom Jesus Chapel, where one of the greatest local tales, the “Santo Fu jão” tale, comes from. The tale was named after a sudden appearance of the image of Senhor Bom Jesus in the old chapel, just after it had been inserted in a new chapel. Tale says that the movement of the image only stopped after they cut the feet of the Saint.

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Photos: Divulgação


A treasure located just over 300 kilome ters from Campo Grande. We are talking about Alcinópolis, one of the most untou ched places in Brazil and home to archaeo logical sites such as Serra do Barro Branco, with springs around caves and rare birds; the archaeological site Gruta do Pitoco, known for its mysterious underground passages that lead to cave paintings; and the Arco da Pedra site, with inscriptions that have never been deciphered.

Alcinópolis draws attention for its numerous caves and cave paintings, canyons, wild animals and exuberant landscapes. The practice of hiking, trails, extreme sports are the main attractions for tourists.

It is worth including a visit to the Serra do Bom Jardim Natural Monument in the itinerary. You can go to the Nascentes do Rio Taquari State Park, where the Cânion do Engano and the macaw nests are lo cated as well as Serra do Bom Sucesso, which is home to rare plants, and a visit to Templo dos Pilares Municipal Natural Park.

There is also the Morro da Tigela, which is located in a complex of hills where photographic safari is carried out for the sighting of birds and animals of the cerrado. Ecological hikes are also encouraged to appreciate and absorb the uniqueness of the landscape and its massive waterfalls.


Minister of Tourism guarantees that foreign visitors are positively surprised when visiting the country

believe that we have everything to achieve the same numbers as the pre-pandemic scenario, and why not, exceed them. We are, in fact, also prepared to exceed the expec tations of foreign tourists. Within this strategy, the federal govern ment transformed Embratur into an international promotion agency, so that we can promote Brazil more and attract an increasing number of international tourists. Our country brings together the most diverse op tions for those looking for travel and tourism experiences, whether in the nature, sun and beach, gastronomic, cultural, among others. We have op tions and destinations for all tastes.

M&E - Is air connectivity a problem that needs to be solved to attract more international visitors?

A country prepared to receive in ternational tourists. This is how the Minister of Tourism, Carlos Brito, sees Brazil today. “We are on the right path and ready to receive visi tors from all over the world, conso lidating Brazil as a trend destination for international tourists”, he says. According to him, it is unacceptable that a country like Brazil, which has hosted the World Cup and the Olym pics, remains for decades without registering a significant increase in the number of foreign visitors. Che ck out the full interview below.

MERCADO & EVENTOS - Has Brazil already overcome the impacts of the pandemic and is it 100% ready to receive international tourists?

Carlos Brito - In 2020, as a result of the pandemic, international tourist arrivals fell by 66%, from 6.3 million in 2019 to 2.1 million in 2020. In other words, Brazil stopped recei ving 4 million tourists. The closing of borders has impacted global tou rism, not just in Brazil. But, now, we are experiencing a moment of resumption of travel in the country, with numbers that demonstrate that pre-pandemic levels are very close to being reached on the domestic scenario, which also impacts the

attraction of international tourists. Our international air network is al ready operating at about 70% of the capacity observed in 2019. Recently, we had the announcement of the re sumption of flights between Rio de Janeiro and Atlanta, in the United States, as well as flights departing from Manaus and Belém to , also to the United States. We are on the right path and prepared to receive tourists from all over the world, con solidating Brazil as a trend destina tion for international tourists.

M&E - Is the number of interna tional tourists who visit Brazil and then return on new trips large?

Carlos Brito - According to the Tou rism Statistical Yearbook of the Mi nistry of Tourism, 95.4% of inter national tourists who visited our country intend to return. Thus, I

Carlos Brito - We are working toge ther with the airlines so that we can increasingly strengthen our connec tivity, after all, without connectivity there is no tourism. We are aware of the difficulties that the entire sector has gone through, but new flights are being announced throughout Brazil. From now on, we expect only positive news, with tourism growing more and more and airlines showing interest in increasing their air ne twork, counting on the support of the Federal Government to make this a reality.

M&E - What message would you give to English tourists who have not yet had the opportunity to visit Brazil?

Carlos Brito - Upon arriving in Bra zil, they will be sure that our country exceeds the expectations of any fo reign tourist. When it comes to Eco tourism, there is no other country better than ours.

We are on the right path and ready to receive visitors from all over the world, consolidating Brazil as a trend destination for international tourists

Minister of Tourism, Carlos Brito Photo: Eric Ribeiro
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Country expects to end 2022 exceeding the mark of four million international tourists

Brazil already presents consistent results that demonstrate the recovery of international tourism. In the first six months of this year alone, the coun try received 1,222,536 foreigners with tourism visas, a number way bigger than the entire year of 2021. And if it depends on the work of the Brazilian Agency for International Tourism Pro motion (Embratur), the future will be even more promising. This is what the organization’s president, Silvio Nasci mento, guarantees.

Check out the whole interview below.

Mercado &Eventos - How will Brazil participate in the next few days, during the WTM?

Silvio Nascimento - We have increasin gly invested in international fairs and our stand in WTM London is just over 400 meters long. We brought an im portant group of co-exhibitors with us. Embratur is prioritizing the sun and be ach, culture, gastronomy, ecotourism, nature tourism, adventure and sport segments.

M&E - What do tourists from Europe look for in Brazil? What is the profile of this tourist?

Silvio Nascimento - They seek the sun and beach segment, but mainly Ecotourism, Adventure Tourism and of course, our cul ture. The European visitor has this profile very focused on nature and culture.

M&E - What is the most important part of participating at these big international fairs, including WTM?

Silvio Nascimento - In this moment of recovery, when people are beginning to look more carefully at longer trips, being at fairs selling our products and destinations is strategic and fundamen tal. In the first semester, Embratur had its own stand at six major events: Fitur (Madrid), ANATO (Colombia), BTL (Por tugal), BIT (Italy), IMEX (Germany) and Fiexpo (Panama).

Together, the actions add up to a business expectation of around R$ 16.5 million. In addition, the Agency also carried out public relations ac tions in five of these six fairs, which yielded more than 400 attendances, with more than 100 articles published about Brazil’s participation in the events and a Return on Investments

(ROI) of around R$ 4 million.

M&E - Brazil received more than 6 million foreign tourists before the Co vid-19 pandemic. What is the expecta tion regarding the total number of foreign visitors to the country at the end of 2022? How soon will we be able to get back to the 2019 level?

Silvio Nascimento - Brazil already pre sents consistent results that demonstra te the resumption of international tou rism. The country received, in the first six months of this year alone, 1,222,536 foreigners with tourist visas, a number greater than the entire year of 2021 (596,745) and about 660% more when compared to the same period in 2021 (161,142) .

Undoubtedly, this performance is also the result of the international pro motion work that the Agency has been

doing, combined with the Brazilian po tential, which occupies the third posi tion in the world in natural attractions and the tenth in cultural attractions (according to Davos Economic Forum 2022), in addition to the structuring a more competitive and adequate busi ness environment.

When we speak the name of Brazil around the world, everyone has an ima ge or a reference in their heads linked to our country and, many times, without ever having been here. This is where Embratur’s work emerges to show Bra zil’s vocation to receive foreign visitors, whether for leisure or business. After all, Brazil is multiple and, at the same time, unique. Embratur expects to at tract, this year, 4 million foreign tourists to Brazil, according to GlobalData, and recover, in the first half of 2023, the 2019 levels.

When we speak the name of Brazil around the world, everyone has an image or a reference in their heads linked to our country and, many times, without ever having been here. This is where Embratur’s work emerges to present Brazil’s vocation to receive foreign visitors, whether for leisure or business. After all, Brazil is multiple and, at the same time, unique

President of Embratur, Silvio Nascimento
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A 630 km coastline of incomparable beauty with several seaside sports options, the State of Rio has always been the gateway to tourists looking for more leisure and fun in Brazil.

The Mountain Region has its own culture, lower tem peratures, waterfalls and natural beauties. Costa do Sol stands out with its popular beaches and cities well-known


Rio de Janeiro is a large Brazilian seaside city, famous for the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the statue of Christ the Redeemer at the top of Corcovado, and the Su gar Loaf Mountain, a granite peak that you can climb with cable cars. People who visit the destination can party in the neighborhood of Lapa and still take beautiful photos in the neighborhood of Santa Teresa.

In addition to the most famous beaches, you should also visit Prainha and Macumba beach. For surfers, the tipwith no margin for error - is Arpoador beach, which has a large rock from where you can see the sun setting between the amazing Morro Dois Irmãos.

For those who like sports, visiting Maracanã, one of the best-known football stadiums in the world, and Porto Maravilha, are mandatory tours. Porto Maravilha, by the way, now houses the new cultural and entertainment at tractions for cariocas and tourists, such as the Museum of Tomorrow, AquaRio and Yup Star, the largest Ferris wheel in Latin America.

by tourists, such as Búzios and Arraial do Cabo. Costa Ver de enchants for its ability to unite crystalline waters with large mountains of the Atlantic forest in several cities, such as Angra dos Reis and Paraty. Vale do Café impresses with all its history and culture from the rich coffee production on its historic farms.

Photo: Bruna PradoMTUR Photo: Luciola Vilella -MTur Photo: Bruna PradoMTUR Rio de Janeiro is one of the most popular state in the country Copacabana Beach is one of the best known beaches in Brazil The Museum of Tomorrow is one of the most popular attraction in the capital The Christ the Redeemer statue is the main postcard of the capital Photo: Bruna Prado Capital: rio de janeiro

The Lagos Region, also known as Costa do Sul is always part of the itinerary of most foreign tourists. Many who visit the region already know that they will find lots of the hidden beauty of the state in the destination. The region is located about 180 kilometers from the capital and breathes tourist air throughout the year.

Those who vist Búzios, invariably, are always looking for a nice and calming place in the sun, as the city has the best and most popular beaches in the entire region.

Búzios is a peninsula with only eight kilometers long, but which boasts 23 beautiful beaches, some conside red the most beautiful in the state. The highlight goes to Geribá, Tucuns, João Fernandes, Ferradura, Ferradu rinha, Armação, Manguinhos, Tartaruga, Ossos, Brava and Olho-de-Boi, a latter reserved for the practice of naturism.


Located in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis is bordered by the Serra dos Órgãos Na tional Park, with its wooded peaks and waterfalls. It is known as a mountain retreat for the capital resi dents. In the center, the Imperial Museum displays the former palace of the 19th-century emperor Dom Pedro II. Nearby, the huge Cathedral of São Pedro de Alcântara houses the mausoleum of the emperor and his wife, Empress Teresa Cristina.

The Imperial City is the safest in the state of Rio de Janeiro and the sixth safest city in Brazil. The Im perial Museum is its main attraction, but the visitor cannot miss the Casa de Santos Dumont and the Rio Negro Palace, a museum dedicated to the memory of the Republic in imperial lands, built in 1889 to be the Baron’s residence of Rio Negro. You should also walk along Avenida Koeler and, finally, visit the Palácio de Cristal.


Municipality located 258 kilometers from Rio de Ja neiro, on the southern coast of the state, Paraty is one of the cities of Costa Verde. This year, the Inter national Literary Festival of Paraty (Flip), one of the most important cultural events in the state, celebra tes its 20th edition, between the 23rd and 27th of November, retaking the streets and squares of the colonial city.

Walking through the streets of the Historic Center is the first thing you should do as soon as you arrive in the city. There you can explore monuments, chur ches and part of the history hidden in each centenary construction.

It is also worth a trip to Ilha do Cedro, or the bea ches of Prainha de Praia Grande and Praia do Sono. The Gold Path cannot be left out of the itinerary, as well as Fazenda Bananal, the Pico do Pão de Açúcar trail in Saco do Mamanguá, and, of course, the para disiacal Trindade, further away from the Center of Pa raty, but an invitation to visit an unforgettable place.

Cassimiro -
Photo: Tiago Freitas -MTur Photo: Rogério
MTur Photo: Wania Corredo -MTur
Paraty is one of the cities of Costa Verde, a perfect place for those who likes sun and historic places Búzios is one of the most visited places in the state Located in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis is considered the Imperial City

Have extraordinary experiences.

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All across this Latin American giant, you will have the most incredible travel experiences. Its beaches stretch for more than 7,000 km, and it is home to 6 different biomes, as well as to unique rhythms, sounds, aromas, and flavors. Come and experience Brazil.

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Located in the Southeast Region of Brazil, the State of São Paulo borders with Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná. The capital is the city of São Pau lo, the largest urban center in terms of population in Brazil.

São Paulo has a diversity of landscapes, services and


São Paulo is for everyone and anyone! It is the per fect place for those who love nature, as well as those who love gastronomy and culture. Known as the finan cial center of Brazil, the capital is a major entertain ment center, and also the richest city in South America.

There are many options for dining and nightlife spots. Avenida Paulista, for example, is one of the postcards of the capital and reunites several activities options, such as visiting the MASP (The São Paulo Museum of Art) and the viewpoint in Sesc Paulista. On sundays the avenue is closed to cars and people can walk around and enjoy it as well as practicing sports such as cycling. Paulista Ave nue is the stage for cultural agitators, artists and sellers of all sorts of products, objects and services.

The destination is also home to a rich architecture, with emphasis on the Martinelli and Copan buildings, the colonial-style church known as Pátio do Colégio, The New Museum of the Portuguese Language, and Paulista Avenue itself.

Among the tourist activities, the most common in “Sampa” - affectionate nickname of the city, is to enjoy the restaurants, discover the cultural diversity that can be found in every neighborhoods, such as Liberdade, Moema, Vila Mariana, Vila Madalena, Itaim Bibi, Pom peia and Pinheiros, and enjoy the nightlife, which also extends to the ABC Region.

Currently, a MUST GO place, among so many other cultural and tourist attractions that the city of São Pau lo offers, is the recently reopened Ipiranga Museum. After nine years closed for restoration, recovery of part of the collection and expansion, the Museum reope ned its doors to the public in September 2022, with an exhibition area three times larger than when it closed, back in 2013.

tours. The possibilities range from countryside lands capes, waterparks and thematic/amusement parks, beaches, waterfalls, big cities, museums, events and lots of business, which makes the state the most abun dant destination in Brazil.

Avenida Paulista is one of the postcards of the capital and reunites several activities options The São Paulo Museum of Art is a MUST in the capital The city of São Paulo is home to a rich architecture, with emphasis on the Copan and Martinelli buildings
Photo: Rogério CassimiroMTur Photo: Rogério CassimiroMTur Capital: são
Photo: Rogério Cassimiro - MTur


A great highlight of the State of São Paulo is the city of Campos de Jordão, known as the “Brazilian Switzer land”, because of its architecture, with triangular roofs, that make us feel like we are in the European country.

Be sure to stroll through Parque Capivari, where there are lots of stores, cafes, the Baden Baden brewery and Boulevard Geneve, an alley with half-timbered buildings with a lake, a Maria Fumaça station and a ferris wheel. From there, you can take the cable car to Morro do Ele fante and enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

Be sure to also visit Amantikir, one of the main at tractions in Campos do Jordão. The park is nothing more than a beautiful and well-kept garden with varie ties of plants and a very nice landscape of the moun tains in the region.

The latest and hottest attraction today is the Roman tik Dalen. With free entrance, it has a bridge decorated with umbrellas and also padlocks, Inspired by the Pont des Arts in Paris, for couples who want to ‘seal their love’.


Ilhabela is a show apart, with 60 beaches spread over an area of approximately 350,000 m². The island still has 400 waterfalls that cut through the Ilhabela State Park. The sea in the region attracts tourists in search of water sports. For diving enthusiasts, Ilha bela is a paradise due to the number of shipwrecks.

Another popular water sport in the destination is fishing. The Dusky Grouper is the most common fish in the region. These fish can reach over 15 kilograms - although the average is between 1 to 7 kilograms. There are lots of fishes that can be found and caught all year round.

For those who like more extreme sports, here’s a tip: a Jeep ride on Castelhanos beach. If you like of f-roading, Castelhanos is 22 kilometers long, starting from sea level and reaching more than 800 meters of altitude, with great challenges for Jeeps.


In the countryside, about 315 km from the capital, there is Ribeirão Preto, a municipality with great leisure options, excellent parks and squares, one of the oldest theaters in Brazil, in addition to craft fairs and several brewery, such as Pinguin, the most traditional and one of the oldest, since 1936. The bar is one of the most important tourist attrac tions in the city.

Pedro II Theater is another outstanding tourist-cultural at traction and one of the most important historical buildings in Ribeirão Preto. The place is also among the best theaters in the country when it comes to acoustics. With imposing ar chitecture and beautiful decoration, the building is the main stage for lots of symphonic presentations and operas.

Other cultural and religious spaces worth mentioning are the São Sebastião Metropolitan Cathedral, very be autiful and rich in details, and the Café Francisco Schmi dt Museum.

Known as the “Brazilian Switzerland” because of its architecture, Campos do Jordão is a nice place to relax and enjoy the cold weather Another great tourist attraction in the state is the beaches of the north coast The Pedro II Theater is one of the most important buildings in Ribeirão
Maristela ColucciMTur Photo: Maristela ColucciMTur Photo: Grupo Amigos da Fotografia

Ilhabela Breathe, live and feel the nature 10 REASONS TO VISIT ILHABELA

Everyone knows that Brazil guarantees one of the best experiences with nature in the whole World. However, you may not know that it is possible to experience Bra zilian natural exuberance in one of the most developed states in the country. That’s right! Ilhabela is close to the

main airports, with easy access via safe roads and a high quality hotel chain. As the advantages of this beautiful island go beyond ease, it is a true paradise in the sta te of São Paulo. Discover now the 10 reasons why you should visit Ilhabela.

1- There are more than 40 paradisiacal beaches to enjoy with breathtaking scenarios (or at least that will help you stop and take a deep breath).

2The island is taken over by a lush and rich forest with centenary trees and incredible wa terfalls to fill the eyes, wash the soul and re fresh the body. 94% of the Atlantic Forest is preserved, a true natural home for rare and diverse animals.

3- Ilhabela is the ideal place to practice water sports. Live the experience of diving in paradi siacal places and visiting historic shipwrecks. Also, enjoy the opportunity to take boat trips on beautiful beaches. Watching the island’s landscape from the sea will be an unforgettable experience.

4- Are you ready for adventure? Ilhabela has a privi leged geography with constant winds throughout the year, which is why it is known as the National Capital of Sailing.

5The singing and beauty of the birds are a spec tacle apart. Ideal place for birdwatching. Explo re, observe and photograph rare birds like never before.

6- Speaking of observing animals, in Ilhabela it is pos sible to do Whale and Dolphin Watching Tourism. The famous humpback whales always pass through the destination between the months of June and August. 7

In addition to all the natural beauty of the city, Ilhabela is also a cultural and historical center. Big houses, museums and old buildings add an extra charm to the tour.


- Bon appetit! The flavors of the island are also worth mentioning. Enjoy a gastronomic experien ce filled with caiçara cuisine with an elegant tou ch, in fine restaurants with a privileged view of the sea.

- The comfort of hotels and inns on the island will conquer you. Ilhabela’s extensive hotel chain gua rantees the experience you are looking for. From accommodations that are more rustic integrated with nature to high-end hotels with the best experience by the sea. Everything for you to feel comfortable, wel comed and relaxed.

- Enjoying the city’s events is an invitation for the whole year. With a program always designed for fun, Ilhabela guarantee excite ment for those who visit it with lots of cultu re, sports and gastronomy. Just enjoy!

Foto: SecTur


The State of Minas Gerais draws attention for the beauty of its parks, squares and ecological refuges.

Minas Gerais has always been a key part of Brazil’s economic development, both during the Gold Rush and afterwards, in the immense and well-known coffee plan tations. Today, it is the main piece for those who seek cul


In Belo Horizonte, the options for those who enjoy nature, cultural and historical heritage are endless. There are museums, cinemas, parks, theater, moun tains and observatories to be explored during the day. At night, the “world capital” of bar is always full of be autiful and cheerful people.

‘Beagá’, as it is usually called, has several attractions in its urban landscape, especially the Architectural Complex of Pampulha and Praça da Liberdade. In Pam pulha, one of the main attractions is the Church of São Francisco de Assis, a postcard of the city and one of the nicest piece of work of the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. The circuit is so beautiful and special that Unesco recognized it as a World Heritage Site.

Another outdoor tour tip is the Pampulha Ecologi cal Park. The Liberdade Circuit, created in 2010, is also another important tourist attraction in the capital. You should also visit the Palácio da Liberdade, the House of Cultural Heritage of Minas Gerais and the Academia Mineira de Letras.

ture, history and good gastronomy.

In addition to fitting into several national and worldwide tourism trends, Minas Gerais creates its own trends. Throu gh the year of mining, the intrinsic attributes of what it me ans to be a miner are valued and presented to tourists, enri ching their roots and preserving knowledge and skills.

In Minas Gerais, it is possible to observe beautiful natural landscapes, learn more about the history of Brazil or try the “delicacies” typical of the region Designed by architects, artists and urban planners from Brazil and the world, Belo Horizonte is home to Pampulha Architectural Complex The capital of Minas Gerais has several cultural and historical tours Minas Gerais is also known by its love for soccer Foto: Pedro Vilela - MTur Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur Capital: belo horizonte


Established as a National Heritage Site in 1933 and listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) in 1938, Ouro Preto has been con sidered a World Heritage Site by Unesco since 1980. The city houses the largest architectural ensemble of Brazilian Baroque, preserving several relics.

One of the highlights of the destination is the chur ch of São Francisco de Assis, the most famous of Ouro Preto, and one of the most magnificent examples of Minas Gerais baroque, considered Aleijadinho’s mas terpiece. Just as beautiful is the church of Nossa Se nhora do Pilar, decorated with more than 400 kg of gold and 400 of silver. Amidst the cobblestone slopes that cut across the old Vila Rica, there are still foun tains, chapels, museums and a beautiful colonial hou se that keeps and tells stories from the 17th and 18th centuries – an era of the strength in the state and the Inconfidência Mineira.


Among the best-preserved historic cities in the cou ntry is the peaceful Tiradentes, in the countryside of Minas Gerais. It was in the gold rush that the colonial streets of the city became crowded. Currently, it is the 18th century churches that share the attention with the preserved buildings formed by two-story houses that serves now as restaurants, inns, antique shops and craft stores that light their lamps on the facade at dusk.

The charming setting, which has served as a loca tion for several movies, series and soap operas, also displays an imposing frame - the Serra de São José, with typical mountains of Minas Gerais. Tiradentes is, every day, no longer a merely historical destination to become a cultural hub - for over ten years it has been the backdrop for popular events, such as the Film Fes tival and the Culture and Gastronomy Festival.


60 kilometers away from the capital Belo Horizonte, in the Metropolitan Region, is Brumadinho and one of the most important postcards in the whole state: the Instituto Inhotim, the largest open-air museum in the world and one of the main Latin American Botanical Gardens. Home to one of the most important collec tions of contemporary art in Brazil, the Inhotim gar dens are an international reference in contemporary tropical landscaping.

Moving from art and culture to adventure tourism, be sure to venture out, or just enjoy the panoramic view of the Brumadinho valley, from the paraglider (or paragliding) track located in the Serra da Moeda region.

Ouro Preto was established as a National Memory Heritage since 1933 and was listed in 1938 by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) Tiradentes impresses its visitors with many historical attractions Inhotim, the largest open air museum in the World Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur Photo: Pedro VilelaMTur

The State of Paraná, located in the south region of Brazil, is home to one of the seven wonders of nature, the Iguaçu Falls and the most ecological capital of Brazil, the city of Curitiba. Paraná is a complete destination, with attractions ranging from beaches to large cosmopolitan urban centers, beautiful mountains to imposing waterfalls. The destination has a rich biodiversity and tourist attractions divided into 14 regions.


The capital Curitiba does not disappoint when it comes to tourist attractions. Cosmopolitan, technological and ex tremely sustainable, the destination is a true mecca of cul ture, history, architecture with lots of indoor and outdoor leisure options. Among the main tourist attractions in the city are the Panoramic Tower, which has an observatory at the top; the Ópera de Arame, a tubular steel structure with a transparent roof; the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, the Holocaust Museum, the Egyptian and Rosacruz Museum.

The great postcard of the destination, however, is the Jardim Botânico de Curitiba, one of the most visited tou rist spots in the city, opened in 1991. The Botanical Gar den is made up of an iron construction with 3,800 pieces of glass, which works as a greenhouse for countless plant specimens from Brazil and other countries. In the outdo or area, the landscape is complemented by the charming, well-kept geometric gardens, as well as fountains spread throughout the 245,000 m² park. It is the ideal place to have an outdoor picnic and recharge your batteries in the middle of the urban center.

In fact, there is no shortage of parks and open and gre en areas in the city. In Barigui Park, one of the main ones in the capital, it is possible to find capybaras living by the lake. Tanguá Park is the best place to watch a beautiful sun set. Bosque Alemão also has its own charm, ideal for hiking and relaxing with a nice breeze.

In the architecture and in the local cuisine, it is possible to perceive a strong European influence, which is also re flected in the city’s open fairs, such as the Feira do Largo da Ordem, located in the historic center of the city, which also has numerous options of things to do. Finally, the Ba tel neighborhood is the perfect place to enjoy the nightlife and have a good beer or a nice cocktail in the bars.

The local gastronomy also deserves an attention. It is pos sible to delight yourself with the famous “Barreado”, a typical dish of the coast of Paraná, which is composed of a beef stew cooked in a clay pot, served with manioc flour, banana and rice. Another dish worth mentioning is the ground rib, in ad dition to several recipes made with Pinhão, a seed typical of the region.

Aerial view of Curitiba The great postcard of the capital, is the Jardim Botânico de Curitiba There is no shortage of parks and open green areas in Curitiba Photo: FRenato Soares -MTUR Photo: FRenato Soares -MTUR Photo: Renato Soares -MTUR Capital: curitiba


It is outside of the capital that you will find the grea test heritage and main attraction of the state: the Iguaçu Falls, which in addition to being a World Heritage Site, is also considered one of the Seven Wonders of Nature. The place promotes a complete immersion in nature, with the stunning and huge waterfalls as protagonists. Within the Park, there are also numerous trails and walkways to admire the landscape, as well as boat trips through the waterfalls and even helicopter rides over the Falls.

Located in the Iguaçu National Park, the region around the Falls is also impressive with its great biodiversity: the re are more than two thousand species of plants and four hundred species of birds, in addition to many others that live in the park. Also in Foz, there is Itaipu Binacional, the largest generating plant of clean renewable energy in the world, which offers tours such as panoramic tours and li ght shows on special dates, like Christmas.

Marco das Três Fronteiras, a meeting point between Bra zil, Paraguay and Argentina, is also a highlight of the city, as well as Parque das Aves, the only institution in the world focused on the conservation of birds in the Atlantic Forest.


Another outstanding destination in Paraná is the city of Londrina, the second largest city in the state. Parks, churches and museums are just some of the attractions of the place. The highlight, however, goes to the Coffee Route - which covers Londrina and the northern region of Paraná. For lovers of the delicacy, it is possible to visit coffee farms and delight yourself with the products offe red. The tour also helps to relive the history of the coffee era in the country.

As in Curitiba, Londrina has its own Botanical Garden, with more than 100 species of plants from the national flora. The place still allows walk through its parks and the opportunity to enjoy a delicious picnic by the lake.

You should also include in your itinerary the Igapó Lake - the main postcard of Londrina, the Historical Museum of Londrina and the Salto do Apucaraninha, which houses a 116-meter waterfall in an indigenous reserve.


For those who want to enjoy the beach and sun, the fabulous Ilha do Mel is a Brazilian island located at the Bay of Paranaguá, an important tourist spot in the state. In addition to enjoying the blue waters of the destination, it is possible to go hiking, visit the cave at Praia de Fora, observe the paradisiacal scenery at Farol das Conchas or at the Fortress of Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres, sail with boats to observe the local ma rine life, like dolphins and many more.

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One of the main tourist attractions in the state is the Iguazu Falls Londrina, the second largest city in the state, has several options of parks, churches, mu seums and tourist attractions Paraná still has beautiful preserved beaches, such as the beaches of Ilha do Mel


Rio Grande do Sul offers excellent hotel infrastructure and several options of restaurants that carries the characteristics of the local gastronomy. Mixing urban and natural landsca pes, the state has lots of cultural activities, adventure sports options and beautiful landscapes to be observed.

With temperatures below the country’s average, it is in Rio Grande do Sul that tourists can find a good place to enjoy the


The capital Porto Alegre is one of the most impor tant in the country, full of culture, rich architecture and cutting-edge cuisine, in addition to a harmonious and complementary contrast between the natural beauties of its resorts and the great buildings of the cosmopolitan city.

Affectionately called POA, the capital has one of the most beautiful streets in the world, the Gonçalo de Carvalho street, located in the Independência nei ghborhood. Completely wooded, the scenery is magi cal and guarantees a nice breathe in the middle of the concrete jungle.

Your itinerary around the city should include Praça

cold weather. For this reason, mate, barbecue and wine con sumption are so popular in the state.

However, that’s not all. Rio Grande do Sul also offers seve ral options of rustic and urban beaches, such as Praia Grande, Praia da Cal and Arroio do Sal, among others. In addition, the destination is equipped with port and good air infrastructure, making the arrival at the state really easy.

da Matriz, Usina do Gasómetro and Parque da Reden ção. The Public Market, with more than 146 years of existence, is also a must, as it brings together all the ‘gaucho’ tradition.

For those looking for outdoor walks and contact with nature, the Guaíba River, Parque Marinha Brasil, Moinhos de Vento, Parque Redenção and Farroupilha are the perfect options.

And of course, we can’t help but talk about the culi nary offer. Barbecue on the skewer or on the grill, tasty roasted chicken, lots of beer and mate are part of the gaucho’s daily life and please even the most select palates.

Moinhos de Vento park Your itinerary around the capital should include Usina do Gasómetro, Praça da Matriz, and Parque da Redenção Beira Rio Stadium Photo: Renato SoaresMTur Photo: Renato SoaresMTur Capital: porto alegre Photo: Renato Soares - MTur


The State of Santa Catarina is considered one of the main tourist destinations in Brazil for several reasons. Beautiful beaches and natural landscapes, cultural attractions and amusement parks are some of the options in the state, which is located in the south of the country. The seasons in the region are well defined and influences the activities to be cho sen by visitors.


One of the great gateways for tourists arriving in Bra zil, Florianópolis is known for its many beaches, from the most popular ones such as Jurerê, Jurerê Interna cional, Joaquina and Ingleses, to the more private ones such as Praia do Forte, Lagoinha, Mozambique, Brava, Ribeirão da Ilha and Armação.

Florianópolis also offers many historical attractions, including the sites of the original Azorean settlers, La goa da Conceição and Santo Antônio de Lisboa, which are worth a visit. Throughout the year, there are also several events in the city that deserve to be highlighted for their peculiarity, economic relevance and consisten

In summer, the tip is to visit the state’s beaches. The coastline is 560 kilometers long and has ideal scenarios for the practice of water sports such as surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing and stand up pad dle.

Santa Catarina also offers tours that can involve snow and even whale watching, so it is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Brazil.

cy, such as the National Oyster Festival, for example.

The Hercílio Luz Bridge is the most famous symbol of the capital and is worth a stop at its viewpoint, located at the head of the bridge, from where you can have one of the most beautiful panoramic views of downtown Florianópolis. Praça XV de Novembro, the main point of convergence of the city, is a must see, as well as the his torical buildings in its surroundings.

Other must-visit points are the Florianópolis Public Market, the Morro da Cruz observatory, the Dunes in Joaquina Beach, Lagoa da Conceição and the natural po ols of Barra da Lagoa.

Balneário Camburiú is considered the Brazilian Dubai The destination is ideal for lovers of water sports such as surfing The capital is one of the most diverse in the country Photo: Santur Photo: Santur Photo: Daniel ViannaMTUR Capital: florianópolis

Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal. These are the three biomes you will find in Mato Grosso. Covered mostly by the Amazon rainforest, ecotourism is a very strong attraction in the third largest state in Brazil, with cou ntless crystal clear rivers, abundant fauna and flora, hi gh-quality cuisine and a lot of culture and history.

Among the highlights of the gastronomy are the dried meat, served with green plantains and rice. The chicken with Pequi - a typical fruit of the region, the Mojica de Pintado - a famous fish of the Pantanal and the Broth of


The capital, Cuiabá, is a travel spot that dates back to the 18th century gold rush. With a countryside atmosphere, tasty food, outdoor activities, cultural events, historic buildings, charming little churches, large parks, museums and much more, Cuiabá has a lot to offer to its visitors.

The city is much more than just a gateway to the Pantanal. The destination manages to mix its history quite efficiently, through its numerous buildings with preserved architecture and historical heritage, with modernity and all of the characteristics of an advan ced big city.

In addition, it is possible to go back to the past on a walk along the Orla do Porto, located on the banks of the Cuiabá River. The street preserves a historic landscape with several colorful and charming buildin gs, which also function as bars and restaurants.

Another major attraction of the destination is its parks, especially the Tia Nair Park, which promotes an ecological tour and countless options for leisure acti vities and outdoor sports. There is also the Mãe Boni fácia Park, which offers a green contrast in the midst of the stone jungle and the Parque das Águas, which has a running track, waterfall, cultural presentations and the incredible Water Show - every day at 8 pm.

Piranha, which is just mouthwatering.

With one of the hottest climates in Brazil, the destina tion reaches 107ºF, ideal for those who enjoy a little heat. Plenty of water, light clothes and sunscreen are essentials. Another great patrimony of the state are the indi genous tribes. There are more than 40 ethnic groups in Mato Grosso and, in some of them, it is possible to practice responsible tourism and learn more about the culture, cuisine, clothing and handicraft production of those tribes.

Cuiabá has several parks such as Parque Mae Bonifácia that can be enjoyed during your stay The Orla do Porto, located on the banks of the Cuiabá River, has numerous preserved properties that date back to the city’s horto Pantanal Arena Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Capital: cuiabá


Leaving the capital, we have one of the most po pular places in the state. Numerous sandstone clif fs, rock walls, caves and waterfalls in a breathtaking landscape form can be found at Chapada dos Gui marães National Park. Located 70 km from Cuiabá, the Park is considered one of the main ecotourism destinations in the state and in the country.

The main attraction is the majestic Véu de Noiva Wa terfall. Formed by the Coxipó River with 86 meters of free fall, Chapada’s postcard also has a valley and many cliffs of the hill that complement the landscape and of fer a natural paradise. The waterfall can be seen from a viewpoint. There is also a typical regional restaurant and a souvenir shop store in the destination.


The municipality of Cáceres, which borders Bolivia, is one of the main Pantanal cities in Brazil. It is an ide al destination for those who seek ecotourism and enjoy sport fishing. The destination even hosts the Cáceres In ternational Sport Fishing Festival, which attracts around 150,000 people per edition. As it is part of the Pantanal, you can explore the destination on river cruises, visit an cient farms that offer picnics and horseback riding, you can also kayak along the river or bathe in waterfalls such as Piraputanga and Urubu Rei. However, there’s more. You can still learn a little bit about the history of the des tination at the Cáceres Historical Museum.

The main attraction of the city is the Lagoa da Água Mi lagrosa (Dolina). The place is considered one of the best diving spots in Mato Grosso, with waters that change co lors around the year. The 200-meter high cave houses a lake with crystal-clear waters that change color between blue and green. It is possible to float on site to admire the beauty of aquatic life and the wild nature of the des tination.


The Recanto Ecológico da Lagoa Azul, also known as the Enchanted Aquarium, is one of the main attrac tions in Mato Grosso. The tourist spot, located in Bom Jardim (Nobres-MT), allows tourists to float in one of the most crystalline waters in Brazil. The turquoise blue lake is six meters deep and it is possible to ob serve typical fish of the region, such as the Dourado, in addition to cooling off in the “natural pool”. The destination is certainly one of the main ecotourism spots and a true paradise for nature lovers.

The main attraction in Chapada dos Guimarães is the majestic Véu de Noiva Waterfall Cáceres is well known for sport fishing The turquoise lake is six meters deep and it is possible to observe typical fish of the region Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Divulgação


Untouched and exuberant nature, ecotourism, adven ture tourism, rural tourism, fishing tourism and much more. The state of Mato Grosso do Sul, located in the Midwest region of the country, is made up of Serras, Cerrado, the largest floodplain on the planet and incre dible scenery that make the destination unique.

The destination is full of natural attractions, such as waterfalls, caves, lagoons with crystal clear waters,


The capital and most popular municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul is Campo Grande. Located in a region of plateaus, the city has a breathtaking view and, due to the reddish color of its lands, it received the nickna me of Cidade Morena. Among the attractions, the lar gest freshwater aquarium in the world, the Pantanal Bioparque, stands out. The attraction contains more than 7 thousand animals of 263 species, including fish, alligators and snakes in its 19 thousand square meters and 32 tanks. The focus of the tourist appara tus is to promote research projects and species con servation while entertaining and educating visitors.

With lively nightlife in contrast to the countryside feeling, the capital has numerous bars, restaurants, parties, museums, parks and monuments, such as the Memorial of Indigenous Culture, a cultural center lo cated within the Marçal de Souza Urban Indigenous Village. Campo Grande is also home to the Parque dos Poderes, where you can find, during a walk, different species of animals such as anteaters, birds and mar mosets.

An unmissable point in the city is the Morada dos Baís, which was listed by the Municipality of Campo Grande-MS for its cultural importance for the capital. The cultural center is formed by a historic building that completed 100 years in 2018 and is recognized as the first masonry townhouse in the city. Morada dos Baís houses the interesting museum Lídia Baís, which brings together personal objects from the fa mily and works by the artist, as well as temporary exhibitions, a space for musical performances and a restaurant.

state parks, caves, sightings of wild animals, among many other must-see sights that make Mato Grosso do Sul a true paradise of nature.

The state also won the title of one of the ten best destinations in the world for sustainable tourism. Rich in culture and history, the destination offers the chan ce to discover more about the development of the re gion since the arrival of the first settlers.

The capital is equipped with numerous parks and green areas The Morada dos Baís is an important cultural spot in the capital, that houses the interesting museum Lídia Baís In 2000, the Pantanal was recognized by Unesco as a Biosphere Reserve Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Capital: campo grande


The Pantanal is a destination rich in fauna and flo ra, influenced by four major biomes: Amazon, Cer rado, Chaco and Atlantic Forest. The spectacle of nature extends to the Serra da Bodoquena Region and was recognized by UNESCO in 2000 as a Biosphe re Reserve, for being one of the most beautiful and preserved natural reserves on Earth.

Currently, the region is one of the most sought af ter destinations nationally and internationally. The re, it is possible to take boat trips and even river cruises, which are a great differential of the desti nation. For those looking for luxury and connection with nature, combined with breathtaking landsca pes, this is the ideal product. It is also possible to go horseback riding and trails to get in touch with the great biodiversity of the Pantanal.


Bonito is also worth mentioning, as it is one of the most spectacular nature destinations in Brazil. Con sidered the ecotourism capital of Brazil, the region has impressive landscapes and activities that involve nature. Among the highlights is the Lago Azul cave, a cave full of stalagmites with a turquoise blue lake that surprises even the most demanding. Flotations for watching fish are also good options, such as Nas cente Azul, Rio Formoso Ecological Park, Rio Sucuri, among others.

For lovers of adventure tourism, it is also possible to practice rappelling in the caves of Abismo Anhu mas, in addition to scuba diving on site. The charming center also has several bars and restaurants that ser ve the main delicacies of Pantanal cuisine, such as the famous alligator meat, one of the highlights of the local cuisine. The city’s tourism is also allied to envi ronmental responsibility and projects that encourage sustainable and ecological tourism. It is still possible to find shops to buy souvenirs and handicrafts to take away as a souvenir of the destination.


It is in Serra da Bodoquena where the main water falls in the state are concentrated, such as, for exam ple, the Boca da Onça waterfall, with a 156-meter high waterfall in the midst of canyons; the Buraco do Macaco Waterfall, the Ghost Waterfall and the Jabu ti Waterfall. Located 60 km from Bonito, within the Serra da Bodoquena National Park – which has more than 76 thousand hectares, it has an exuberant fauna and flora, promoting an immersion in wildlife.

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It is possible to explore the Pantanal through river cruises Diving is one of the most popular activities in Bonito Serra da Bodoquena has the main waterfalls in the state and is a true paradise for ecotourism lovers Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR Photo: Flávio Andre -MTUR


In addition to rivers, forests and exotic animals, the Amazon is formed by a set of ecosystems that in volves the entire hydrographic basin of the Amazon River, considered the region with the greatest biodi versity on the planet and the largest biome in Brazil.

The local culture has indigenous influences from


When it comes to nature, the “Meeting of the Waters (pt: Encontro das Águas)” of the Negro and Solimões ri vers, intangible heritage of Manaus, is one of the most popular tours by tourists and visitors.

Manaus is also home to the Teatro Amazonas, one of the most important theaters in Brazil and the city’s main postcard. The monument has an “art nouveau” style ar chitecture and harmonizes with other nearby buildings, all built during the Rubber Cycle, when the Amazonian capital was the economic center of the country.

Other attractions of the capital that cannot be over

the native people, as well as European and Afri can influences, which is also reflected in the Ama zonian folklore and its traditions, in addition to composing and demonstrating the characteristics of the region as elements of the formation of the Amazonian identity.

looked are the Adolpho Lisboa Municipal Market, the Amazon Museum (MUSA) and the Seringal Museum, as well as The Metropolitan Cathedral of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, the Palácio Rio Negro Cultural Center and the Municipal Clock (recently restored), all in the Histo ric Center of Manaus.

Also noteworthy is the Janauari Reserve, home to the main species of Amazonian flora, such as the water lily and the samaumeira, a leafy tree typical of the Amazon floodplain that serves as a shelter for the inhabitants of the forest.

The “Meeting of the Waters” is a natural spectacle of the Negro and Solimões rivers Manaus is also home to the Teatro Amazonas, one of the most important theaters in Brazil and the city’s main postcard The Rio Negro Palace is one of the most important historic buildings in the state Photo: Ana Claudia JatahyMTur Photo: Janailton Falcão Photo: Ivo Brasil Capital: manaus


Also known as “Land of the pink dolphin”, Novo Ai rão is located about 200 kilometers from Manaus. The territory is home to the Anavilhanas National Park, cre ated with the aim of preserving one of the largest river archipelagos in the world, which has about 400 islands. The Anavilhanas can be accessed by boat, helicopter, se aplane, car or bus.

The Park operates throughout the year offering seve ral experiences. From September to February, the dry season, it’s possible to enjoy the beaches of the river, while in the flood season, from March to August, the scenery is perfect to boat trips.

At any time, however, it is possible to visit the Floating of Botos or visit traditional riverside communities and the Grutas do Madadá, a prehistoric attraction with ru pestrian inscriptions, accessed by a trail.


The largest municipality in terms of territorial ex tension in the State of Amazonas, Barcelos, located 405 kilometers from Manaus, is a city surrounded by water. Known as the World Fishing Capital, its main tourist attraction is, of course, sport fishing, which attracts around ten thousand tourists every season.

Barcelos has the highest concentration of tucunaré fish in the entire Amazon. The largest peacock bass ever caught in history was in Barcelos, with 12,445 kg. Sport fishing is highly valued by its inhabitants and is ecologically correct.

The city, however, is also home to amazing natural conservation parks, such as the Nacional do Jaú and the State Serra do Aracá.

Other tourist attractions in Barcelos are the El Do rado Waterfall, considered the highest free waterfall in Brazil, with almost 400m high, and the Guy Collet Abismo, considered the deepest cave in Brazil.


Parintins, the second most populous municipality in the State of Amazonas, with 116,439 inhabitants, is 372 kilometers away from the capital Manaus. The city is known worldwide for hosting the Parintins Folklo re Festival, considered a Cultural Heritage of Brazil by IPHAN.

The event is an annual popular festival that starts on the last Friday of June, goes until Sunday, and symbolizes an open-air dispute between two groups: the Boi Garantido (red) and the Boi Caprichoso (blue). The event takes place at the Parintins Cultural Center – better known as Bumbo dromo, an amphitheater in the shape of a stylized ox head with a capacity for 35,000 spectators.

At the time of the festival, the population of Parintins al most doubles. There are thousands of tourists from Brazil and the world who enjoys the Garantido and Caprichoso dispute.

In the city, it is also worth visiting the Nossa Senhora do Carmo Cathedral, the Digital Square, the Municipal Market. You can also take a tricycle tour that takes the visitors around the city.

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You can find the Pink Dolphins at Novo Airão Barcelos is known as the World Fishing Capital and its main tourist attraction is, of course, sport fishing The city of Parintins is known worldwide for hosting the Parintins Folklore Festival, considered a Cultural Heritage of Brazil by IPHAN Photo: Mario OliveiraMTur Photo: Ademir ChixaroMTur Photo: Mario OliveiraMTur

Pará stands out for its vocation for Ecotourism, as it covers part of the Amazon Forest. Its territory is marked by regions of Mangrove and Cerrado, in addi tion to having the coast bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. Its formation has a strong contribution from Portu guese, French and Japanese influences.


The capital Belém is a city located in the bay of Guajará. Among its tourist attractions, the Estação das Docas is one of the most popular, a place that houses a gastronomic com plex that has also become a meeting point and sunset ob servation point.

However, the Ver-o-Peso Market, considered one of the oldest public markets in the country, elected one of the 7 Wonders of Brazil, is the postcard of Belém. It brings toge ther the Iron Market, the Fisherman’s Square, the boat dock and the largest open-air market in Latin America, which of fers regional and exclusive spices, food, herbs and medicinal products.

Your itinerary through the capital should also include the Museu do Forte do Presepio, the Mangal das Garças and the Theatro da Paz, a neoclassical building inspired by the Scalla in Milan.

The city is also known for its vocation for religious Tou rism, especially with the Círio de Nazaré, an event that takes place for 15 days in October, when the pilgrimage held on the second sunday of the month happens.

In addition, Pará is home to approximately 31 indi genous ethnicities, which, in part, are responsible for the strong influence on Pará cuisine, which is charac terized by the use of fish and leaves (chicory, corian der, in addition to maniva – ground manioc leaves), hot peppers, local herbs and fruits.

Pará also has a great gastronomic diversity, marked by the mixture of Portuguese, indigenous and African traditions

Belém is a city that combines modernity with the preservation of local indigenous people The Ver-O-Peso Market is the capital’s main postcard Photo: Bruna BrandãoMTur Photo: Bruna BrandãoMTur Photo: Bruna Brandão - MTur Capital: belém


The municipality is known for its thermal waters, waterfalls and diversity of fauna and flora. It is worth remembering that Paraupebas is divided into five routes, starting with the Water Route, which highlights the abundance of lakes, and resorts such as Águas de Maria, 80km from the city centre.

The Carajás Route, located in an area of preserved forests, has the Vale Zoobotanical Park as an attraction, which houses about 270 animals, including mammals, birds and reptiles. The Buffalo Route, on the other hand, stands out for its gas tronomic Tourism, as it includes visits to buffalo mozzarella farms.

About 360km from the city of Parauapebas, the indigenous Route promotes immersion in the culture of the Xikrins tri be, getting to know their culture and experiencing activities such as body painting and handicrafts. On the Rota City Tour, the highlight is Centro Mulheres de Barro, which values local handicrafts and the production of art pieces based on archae ological finds.


In its showcase of tourist attractions, Santarém highlights the village of Alter do Chão, with its white sand beaches and green waters that appear in the low months of the Tapajós River. Also worth a visit to Montes Claros and the 19 archae ological sites of the Monte Alegre State Park, that also hou ses dozens of waterfalls.

In Alter, in addition to the wonderful freshwater beaches, it is worth enjoying the carimbó in the central square and tas ting the typical dishes of the region: piracuí cake (flour made from dried fish), aviú (mini freshwater shrimp) and cigar.

You can’t miss the religious Sairé of Alter do Chão; naviga te through the Tapajós River; visit Ilha do Amor (a sandbar that appears in the lower Tapajós River and becomes a be autiful beach); climb the Piraoca Hill (an imposing natural formation in the middle of a almost flat terrain); contempla te the sunset at Ponta do Caruru; and shop at the Araribá store.


Considered the largest fluvial-maritime island on the planet, Ilha de Marajó has 12 municipalities, including Salvaterra and Soure. The activities on the Island ne cessarily includes beaches, streams and the Marajoara culture.

There is a lot to do at the destination. However, the Island is not very popular. In general, the island is a mixture of beach and forest with houses and a very simple lifestyle surrounded by buffaloes everywhere.

It is worth a visit to the Marajoara M’barayó ceramic center, where pieces are made by remnants of the na tive Marajoara tribe. Include in the itinerary the Praia do Pesqueiro, the most famous on the island, which has a good infrastructure. In addition, don’t miss the São Jerônimo Farm. The place raise buffaloes - some used as transportation for the long walks that you will take on the site, where you can explore rivers, beach and mangroves.

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The indigenous people influence translate into crafts and gastronomy of the region Considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Alter do Chão beach is temporary and only appears between the months of August and November Fazenda Sao Jeronimo allows visitors to learn about buffalo farming
Photo: Bruna BrandãoMTur Photo: Bruna BrandãoMTur Photo: Bruna BrandãoMTur

With an emerald sea, Alagoas has 235 kilometers of coastline full of white sand beaches and crystalline waters. The North Co ast is also known as the Coral Coast, as it has the second largest barrier reef in the world, with 130 kilometers highlighted by the green of the coconut trees and the turquoise blue of the sea.

Despite being the third smallest Brazilian state and having only 3.5 million inhabitants, Serra da Barriga alone, where the


Maceió, the capital of Alagoas, has the Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport as its gateway, which refers to the Qui lombo dos Palmares Memorial Park, a place that reconstitutes the scenario of the largest, most enduring and most organized refuge for enslaved blacks in the Americas, where Zumbi dos Palmares, the leader of the resistance, lived in the 17th cen tury. The attraction is located about 88 kilometers from the city center, or approximately two hours by car.

Despite the historical and cultural wealth, it is the sun and the sea that catches the eyes of the tourists. Due to its geogra phical position, the sun rises shortly after 5 am and sets arou nd 6 pm, so the tip is to wake up very early and dive into the green waters of the sea, as in Ipioca Beach, which is 20 kilo meters away from the city center. The beach has an extensive strip of reddish sand, with strong waves and sandbanks. There is also an on-site beach club and a viewpoint, in addition to the home of Marechal Floriano Peixoto, the second president of Brazil and an important figure in the country history.

Another famous beach is Ponta Verde, considered the most beautiful in the city. The tourist spot is a nice option for wind surfing, in addition to floating in the natural pools that forms at slow tide. The beach structure is also a nice feature, with a nice bike path. Cruz das Almas, located 6 kilometers from the center of Maceió, is the stage of local, regional e national surf competitions. The area also has a complete hotel and restau rant chain.

Jatiúca Beach can’t be left out of your itinerary either. Se parated from Cruz das Almas by Lagoa das Antas, it has rough seas and is known for its infrastructure and entertainment of fer. There are several bars, restaurants, hotels, concert halls, stores, galleries and space for sports.

Considered one of the most popular in the entire state, Pa juçara beach also has a good structure of hotels, inns and res taurants and is a great option for families. In addition to the nautical activities, one of the main attractions is its nightlife, with clubs, bars and restaurants.

Quilombo dos Palmares Memorial Park is located, has been visited by almost 7,500 people from 16 countries since it re ceived the title of Cultural Heritage of Mercosul.

Among the tourist attractions, Maceió, the capital, Mara gogi, Japaratinga, Barra de São Miguel, as well as Piaçabuçu, Marechal Deodoro and Piranhas stand out. Alagoas cuisine is a show apart, with many dishes based on fresh seafood.

Maragogi is one of the most popular beach destination in Brazil Considered one of the most popular in the entire state, Pajuçara beach also has a good structure and nice waters Maceió is known for its historical and cultural wealth, as well as its beaches Photo:Marco Ankosqui Photo:Marco Ankosqui
Capital: MACEIÓ
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With the longest coastline in Brazil, Bahia offers 1,200 kilometers of coast and more than 300 beaches, in addi tion to natural and historical tourist attractions that make the state very popular for Brazilians and foreigners. The re are several festivities throughout the year, with em phasis on Carnival, religious festivals and New Year’s Eve. However, there is more. Diversity, history, many pla ces to visit and many cultural attractions to discover


Salvador has several beaches recognized by national and international tourism. Lets pretend you already di sembarked, checked into your hotel, put on your bathing suit and put on your sunscreen. Now, let us get to know the coastal highlights together, starting with Praia da Bar ra. The calming and clear waters are very popular with locals and foreign tourists - always remember this if you have children with you.

As we continue our panoramic trip along the shore, we arrive at Ondina Beach. Its reefs create natural pools, so you’ve know it, right? It is peaceful all day long. And who wouldnt like to spent an afternoon in Itapuã? In the sun that burns in Itapuã? With weak waves, the paradisiacal scenery was immortalized in the songs of the Brazilian artists like Toquinho and Vinícius de Moraes.

Salvador is also home to cultural diversity and carries an undeniable historical background. Pelourinho, consi dered Cultural Heritage of Humanity and listed by Unes co in 1985, is located in the Historic Center of Salvador, characterized by a square surrounded by old houses and churches. Speaking of the historic center, Salvador is now proud of its region, which has been revitalized in the last decade and has gained several attractions, such as Casa do Carnaval, a true immersion in the history and culture of one of the most important festivals for the state and the country.

One of the most popular churches in Salvador is in the neighborhood of Bonfim, more specifically in a place cal led “Sacred Hill”. The Basilica Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim is known mainly for the colorful cloth ribbons that, according to tradition, grant three wishes to those who tie them to their wrists or ankles.

Another attraction of the city is the Elevador Lacerda, National Historic and Artistic Heritage that was built in 1869, with 72 meters high and two towers. The Eleva

make Bahia one of the most colorful and culturally rich states in Brazil. In addition to encompassing different ethnicities, religions, flavors and colors all in one place, Bahia is full of historical context and outstanding cuisi ne. Governors, mayors and secretaries, no matter the management, usually say that there is a Bahia for each one because of such cultural and tourist diversity that exists in the state.

tor was designed to unite the upper and lower parts of Salvador. For those looking for sun and beach, the tip in Salvador is to visit the Farol da Barra (Barra Lighthouse), which houses one of the most famous postcards of the city, as well as the Baía de Todos os Santos, also known as the Blue Amazon, due to the immensity of sea that exists there.

Pelourinho, considered Cultural Heritage of Humanity and listed by Unesco in 1985, is located in the Historic Center of Salvador Bahia offers 1,200 kilometers of coast and more than 300 beaches Photo: Marcio FilhoMTur Photo: Marcio FilhoMTur Photo: Marcio Filho - MTur Salvador has been revitalized in the last decade and has gained several tourist attractions Capital: salvador



For those looking for sun and beach, Bahia offers several options for destinations, from the luxurious and rustic Tranco so, to the beautiful beaches of Ilhéus, there are plenty of op tions. Porto Seguro, Arraial D’Ajuda, Caraíva and Morro de São Paulo are destinations for those who want to know the best of Bahia’s beaches and also have options for historical tours close by. Arraial D’Ajuda, for example, is an internationalized little piece in the middle of Bahia, a village capable of bringing together so many different people, which today coexists with the charm of influences from the four corners of the world.

In terms of beaches, the charm remains untouched in Pi tinga, further away from the center, with bars, inns and tents respecting the rustic and tropical style of the village. It is wor th remembering that in Arraial d’Ajuda, the beach is the set ting for almost all programs, whether it is relaxing, having fun or practicing sports, such as nautical activities, paragliding, quad biking, cycling, trails and kitesurfing. Even in the case of cultural events, such as a visit to Largo da Ajuda and its little church, they have the sea as a backdrop. Another highlight goes to gastronomy, since national chefs and big names of in ternational cuisine have transformed Arraial d’Ajuda into one of the greatest spots in gastronomy aimed to tourists who wa nts to enjoy “la belle cuisine”.

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Photo: Marcio FilhoMTur Apaga Fogo Beach in Arraial d’Ajuda Arraial D’Ajuda is an internationalized little piece of land in the middle of Bahia Photo: Marcio FilhoMTur

Ceará, a state of the Northeast region, is known for its be autiful beaches, which attract the interest of tourists from all over the world. The local culture is the result of the influence of indigenous and Africans, as well as Europeans. Handicrafts are one of the main cultural expressions in the state and are commonly made with leather, straw, clay, wood or sand.

There is also cordel literature and woodcuts, which tell sto ries in the form of verses. The cordel was even recognized as a Brazilian Intangible Cultural Heritage. In terms of parties


Fortaleza has a plurality of tourist options, whether in contact with nature or cultural, there are many attractions. Among the most famous places are Praia de Iracema, Praia do Meireles, Praia do Futuro and the Historic Center.

Theatro José de Alencar is one of the main tourist attrac tions in Fortaleza and a symbol of Ceará art. It is possible to take a free guided tour for about an hour. It is also worth in cluding in the itinerary the Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture, a space that houses the Ceará Culture Museum; Ceará Contemporary Art Museum; a cinema; the Rubens de Azevedo Planetarium and an Amphitheater, where several free performances of the most diverse artistic genres are held.

Praia do Futuro, with its bathing facilities and innumerous tents, has established itself as a mandatory stop for anyone visiting Fortaleza. There is also Praia de Iracema, which is one of the most popular places in the capital. The place has a pier popularly known as Espigão da Praia, where you can watch the sunset.

For those who want to buy handcrafted products, in ad dition to the city’s street fairs, one of the options is to go to the Ceará Tourism Center, where there are fabrics, lace items, bags, needlework and much more. Do not miss the Feira de Artesanato da Beira Mar, a 30 year old spot located outdoors and which has stalls with several products, from clothing to food.

Other alternatives are to visit the Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, the Central Market and the Fish Market, lo cated on Mucuripe Beach, where you can find fishermen’s stalls and restaurants. The option is ideal for those who want to taste seafood dishes at inviting prices.

and nightlife, the Reisado, the Caninha Verde Festival, the Festas Juninas and the Festa da Banda Cabaçal are very po pular in Ceará.

The gastronomy is rich and makes massive use of fish, all kinds of seafood, dried meat, cheese, cassava manioc and lots of seasoning. When visiting Ceará it is mandatory to tas te dishes such as couscous, baião de dois, moqueca, cashew sweets, rapadura and, of course, tapioca. The typical drink Cajuína is also found in great abundance in the state.

Among the most famous places in the capital, there are Praia do Meireles, Praia de Iracema, Praia do Futuro and the Historic Center Fortaleza has a plurality of tourist options, whether in contact with nature or culture, there are many attractions Praia do Futuro, with its bathing facilities and innumerous tents, has established itself as a mandatory stop for anyone visiting Fortaleza Photo: Jade Queiroz Photo: Jade QueirozMTur Photo: Jade QueirozMTur Capital: fortaleza


The Rota das Falésias (Falésias Route) has almost 200 kilo meters of beaches. All the way from Fortaleza, it is possible to pass through Aquiraz, Cascavel, Beberibe, Aracati and Icapuí, arriving close to the border of Rio Grande do Norte.

Aquiraz offers a rich historic center and the famous Beach Park. In Beberibe, the great attraction is the beach of Morro Branco with the tour of the Labyrinth of the Cliffs. The quick walk through the colorful walls of the cliffs can be done wi thout a guide, but it is worth hiring one, listening to the sto ries of the region and getting to know the colorful sands up close.

Located in the city of Aracati, 185 kilometers from Fortale za, is Canoa Quebrada, which attracts tourists from all over the world for its beautiful landscapes and the fun nightlife on the famous Broadway Street. The last stop is Icapuí, the land of lobster. Border between Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, the region is formed by three main beaches: Praia da Ponta Grossa, Praia da Redonda and Praia da Peroba.


The city of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, in Ceará, is known for having one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Je ricoacoara. Surrounded by dunes and coconut trees, it has a blue crystalline water and pleasant temperatures, ideal for lovers of nautical sports. Pedra Furada, with an arch carved by the sea in the rocks, and Duna Pôr do Sol, are the main tourist attractions of the place.

Located inside the Jericoacoara National Park, Jeri is about 300 kilometers from Fortaleza. Praia do Preá, 17 ki lometers from the main village, has more favorable winds for the practice of windsurfing and kitesurfing. In addition, the beach also has a good tourist structure. The crystal cle ar waters of “Lagoa Azul” and “Lagoa Paraíso” makes them the most visited in the city.


Located in the south of Ceará, the region of Cariri is known mainly for its religiosity, its culture and its handi crafts. Cariri is home to Father Cícero’s land: the munici pality of Juazeiro do Norte, which is 491 kilometers from Fortaleza and is the second largest city in the state. Tho se who seek to learn the religiosity of the land of Father Cícero, the “Padim Ciço”, the greatest spiritual leader of the people from “sertão”, can follow the “Caminhos dos Romeiros” and visit Colina do Horto, where his entire tra jectory and life story is represented in the museum.

The garden is located three kilometers from the city of Juazeiro do Norte and comprises the statue of Padre Cí cero, the Living Museum of Padre Cícero, the Church of Senhor Bom Jesus do Horto and the access trail to the Holy Sepulcro (2,650 meters).

Chapada do Araripe is a vast area of vegetation that houses a national forest, an environmental protection area and a geopark. For those who prefer a scientific and pedagogical itinerary, full of archeology, geology and pa leontology, it is possible to travel the paths of the expedi tion “Unraveling Prehistory” and find records of up to 110 million years, in the Araripe Geopark.

Located in the city of Aracati, Canoa Quebrada is known for its beautiful landscapes and the fun nightlife on its own Broadway Street

The city of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, in Ceará, is known for having one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Jericoacoara

The region of Cariri is known for its religiosity, as it is home to the spiritual leader Father Cícero, the “Padim Ciço”

Photo: Jade QueirozMTur Photo: Jade QueirozMTur Photo: Nadim MalufMTur


in part

The northeastern state of Maranhão is

the Amazon Rainforest and the beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. Can it we find a diversity of incre dible fauna and flora, white dunes, mangroves on its coast, the largest in Brazil, and the savannah to the south.

Bumba meu boi is a popular folklore dance that is very striking in São Luís. The dance revolves around the legend about the death and resurrection of an ox. Bumba Maranhense received the title of Cultural Heri


In addition to diving in the best and most popular bea ches in the capital - São Marcos and Calhau - and taking nautical tours along the coast of São Luís, the visitor has much more to discover on land. The Historic Center, considered a World Heritage Site by Unesco, holds the largest architectural collection of Luso-Brazilian origin in Latin America. In the historic area there are many op tions for walking tours, including several museums and churches, alleys, staircases, squares and mansions.

The truth is that the island of São Luís is full of attrac tions for all tastes. How about taking a nautical tour and watching the sunset in an unforgettable way? The most famous among tourists and locals is on the waterfront. São Luís Pôr do Sol Musical, is a great option for lovers of good company, a good snack and good music.

For the summer of 2023, the Tropical São Luís Festival is already scheduled, with local bands and lots of joy.

tage of Brazil from the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN).

The beaches of Maranhão boast, at the very least, a different, unique and exotic tropical beauty, with great potential for leisure activities, recreation, sun and beach tourism and ecotourism. Main natural at traction and tourism inducer in the state, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is the perfect destination for those who seek adventure and contemplation of nature.

In the historic area there are many options for walking tours, including several museums and churches, alleys, staircases, squares and mansions The Historic Center, considered a World Heritage Site by Unesco, holds the largest architectural collection of Luso-Brazilian origin in Latin America The state of Maranhão is formed in part by the Amazon Rainforest and the beaches along the Atlantic Ocean Photo: Douglas Júnior Photo: Douglas JúniorMTur Photo: Douglas JúniorMTur Photo: Douglas JúniorMTur São Marcos and Calhau are the most popular beaches in the capital formed by Capital: SÃO LUÍS

Rich cultural identity. Natural Beauties. Exquisite cuisine. More than 185 kilometers of beaches. A hospitable people. This is Pernambuco, which invites all European and foreign tou rists to truly “Pernambucar” and discover everything the state


“I came back, Recife. It was nostalgia that took me by the arm.” One of the great Brazilian singers and songwriters, Alceu Valença, immortalized the capital of Pernambuco in his music. In the song, Alceu tells a little about Recife’s culture, such as the Frevo power, and highlights precisely the nostalgia he has for Recife. So this is the first tip: if you are going to visit Recife, get ready, because the longing to come back is very strong. It really is a captivating city. The re, the sun rises very early, an invitation to enjoy beaches, rivers, green areas and historic buildings.

The beaches most sought after by tourists in the re gion are Boa Viagem and Pina, which have shores with many coconut trees, in addition to a sea of warm, gre enish waters. From Boa Viagem to Recife Antigo, which has Rua do Bom Jesus as a reference, Recife has a lot to surprise. There are churches, colonial houses and mu seums that keep the rich history of the state. The me tropolis also has an infinity of restaurants specializing in seafood and a lively nightlife, rocked by the rhythms of Pernambuco. Gastronomy is a separate chapter, with typical elements, including seafood, beef jerky, green beans, the aforementioned roll cake, coalho cheese, among others.

We have one last tip. To the sound of frevo, maraca tu, afoxé, samba, pop and so many other rhythms that characterize the unique diversity of Brazilian culture, plan to discover the Carnival of Recife. For more than a month, the city celebrates the Carnival Cycle, honoring its cultural traditions. There are more than two thou sand presentations distributed in more than 60 carnival centers. The highlight of Carnival, of course, could not be different: the gigantic block of Galo da Madrugada, which literally drags millions of Pernambucans and tou rists through the streets of downtown Recife as soon as the sun rises. It is normal to wake up very early to enjoy the most famous block in the city. In addition to it, there are parties spread throughout the city, such as Pátio de

has to offer. Pernambuco is a place of beach, sun, heat, coconut trees, high quality gastronomy, cul ture and a lot of history in a single place. The fla gship are the beaches, but the truth is that from the coast to the Sertão, the state offers an attrac tive combination of cultu re and modernity.

Pernambuco breathes, lives and always reinforces its tra ditions and customs. Whether it’s Carnival, June festivals or even in low season, no matter what time you decide to visit the state, you’ll certainly be enchanted by the rhythm of Fre vo, Maracatu and the taste of the delicious roll cake. From the capital to the countryside, the destinations offer natural beauties, gastronomic and artistic riches characteristic of all the people of Pernambuco, starting, of course, with the ca pital Recife.

São Pedro, Marco Zero, Praça do Arsenal da Marinha and Avenida Guararapes. Considered the biggest blo ck in the world, Galo da Madrugada always parades on Carnival Saturdays.

Pernambuco is rich in culture, art, gastronomy, history and beautiful beaches Boa Viagem beach Photo: Bruno LimaMTur Photo: Bruno LimaMTur Photo: Bruno LimaMTur Recife Antigo is a good place to learn more about the history and culture of the state Capital: recife


With a tropical clima te, Rio Grande do Norte has vegetation predomi nantly belonging to the Caatinga, in addition to formations of Mangro ve, Restinga and Atlantic Forest. It was colonized by European immigrants, especially Portuguese, French and Dutch, as well as indigenous nati ves and African populations, influencing the local culture.

Located in the Brazilian Northeast, Rio Grande do Norte is a state with about 3.5 million inhabitants distributed in 167 municipalities, many of which stand out for tourism. With an area of 52,809 square kilometers, the state borders Pa raíba and Ceará.


As we mentioned above, there is no shortage of at tractions in the state capital. Forte dos Reis Magos is a military building built in 1949 to protect the Portu guese who were in conflict with the French and the Indians. At the site, which is on the banks of the Po tengi River and is also the city’s first construction, it is possible to find artifacts from the time when it was active.

You cannot miss the Mercado da Redinha, which is located on Praia da Redinha, at the mouth of the Potengi River, and which is considered an intangible heritage of Natal or even the contemplation of the sunset during the catamaran ride on the same river. On Pirangi beach is also the largest cashew tree in the world. It has an area of approximately 8,500 square meters of canopy and produces about 2 and a half tons of fruit per harvest.

In the West Zone, there is the Costa Branca, a re gion that is home to virgin beaches, where the vege tation of the hinterland meets the sea, colored by the dunes and cliffs. Among the highlights are Soledade beach, in the oil prospecting area. It has a different look, a result of the constant burning of gases from oil exploration. At night, the fire torches become a tourist attraction.

Close to Ponta Negra, Barreira do Inferno, the Brazi lian Air Force Base, is the first in South America for ro cket launches and draws attention for its vibrant red tone at dawn, which reflects the sun’s rays into the sea. The name was given to the cliffs by local fisher men. The attraction is on Rodovia RN 063 Km 11, in the city of Parnamirim, in the Metropolitan Region of Natal.

The city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is the birthplace of postcards such as Morro do Careca, located on Ponta Negra Beach, Barreira do Inferno and Forte dos Reis Magos. The city is also home to Parque das Dunas, the second largest urban park in the country. The attraction is also recognized by Unesco as an integral part of the Brazi lian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve.

Forte dos Reis Magos is one of the main attractions of the state The city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is the birthplace of postcards such as Morro do Careca, located on Ponta Negra Beach With a tropical climate, Rio Grande do Norte stands out for its amazing beaches Photo: Frankie MarconeMTur Photo: Ney DouglasMTur Photo: Alex RegisMTur Capital: natal
7 –9 March 2023 · itb.com

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