Summer 2023
First City Connection
Page 2 - New RideLV transportation service begins in Leavenworth April 10
Pages 4 - 5 Trash carts, changes in trash pickup coming to all residential customers
Page 7 - Crime drops 18% in Leavenworth
Page 7 - Hours for Paper Shredding, Brush Site, Large Item Drop Off for April 22 Citywide Spring Cleanup.
Page 14 - Summer pool hours, swim lessons Page 16 - Special events
Cover photo: Commissioners from the City of Leavenworth and Keith Rickard of The Guidance Center get a first look at the new RideLV vans. See page 2 for details.
Kansas |

Leavenworth City Commission
Jermaine Wilson Mayor 913-617-3667

Desk of Mayor Jermaine Wilson
As your Mayor, I am humbled to work with you and for you, as we grow forward as a community. We will continue to create a local government exemplifying the best in serving residents with care, compassion, and consideration. We will continue to unite as a community and serve and meet the needs of our residents. As the First City of Kansas, we want all to feel welcome, valued, and appreciated. We believe in investing our community because you are worth the investment.

As we are springing forward in 2023, I’m happy to announce some great things coming soon to our community. First thing to mention is Leavenworth City Public Transportation, RideLV. This program is available to everyone. At the City of Leavenworth we truly believe that transportation should never be a barrier to success - from employees who need a ride to work, veterans who need to access medical care or anyone just needing groceries. RideLV is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and transports anywhere within the City of Leavenworth.
Our First City is full of great family events. I enjoyed attending the First City Film Festival in March. For many years, this event has brought independent filmmakers to Leavenworth to share their stories with a local audience. The festival also provides regional and local films a chance to show in front of a juried competition. It was exciting this year to see young people in Leavenworth included in the student films shown. My children and I had a fabulous time at the Saint Patrick's Day Parade, organized for the last 40 years by a local committee dedicated to making this a fun and familyfriendly event.
The Richard Allen Cultural Center and Museum hosted an Easter Egg Hunt March 25 at Cody Park, an amazing event and great resource for our community.
Later this summer, the City of Leavenworth will fully open its
new Splash Pad at Hawthorn Park, 1100 Ohio Street. This will be a great way for kids to cool off this summer.
Havens Park and Stubby Park added new restrooms over the winter. This summer, we'll add on to the new trails on the west side of Havens Park, extending the paved trails to Shawnee Street.
On May 27, our community will celebrate Melissa Etheridge. We're proud of our twotime Grammy Award-winning, Academy Award-winning rock star. She has been so generous with her time and talents to the people of Leavenworth and we'd like to celebrate her.
Upcoming items to look for later this year include a potential partnership with Big Brothers, Big Sisters to help mentor atrisk youth in the Leavenworth community. We're also planning roughly $2 million in street repairs as part of the 2023 Pavement Management System.
I want to thank all our residents for making Leavenworth your home. We welcome all new families into our community.
Camalla Leonhard Commissioner 913-683-9255 cleonhard@firstcity.orgRideLV - transportation for everyone begins April 10
A citywide program, RideLV Micro Transit, is beginning in April 2023. This program, supported by the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority and operated locally by The Guidance Center, will provide on-demand transportation upon request to locations within the Leavenworth City limits.
Information about the transit vans:
n Costs are a flat $2 rate. This means $2 per person, per ride.
n Anyone is eligible to ride.
n Rides are limited to locations within the City of Leavenworth city limits.
n Vans will operate 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. The system has been designed as a demand-response operation in which riders use an app to request a ride. Service delivery and dispatch will be provided by the Guidance Center. The initial transportation fleet will consist of 3 vans.

Funding for the RideLV Micro Transit has been provided by a series of grants from state resources and funding from the City of Leavenworth. RideLV received a grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Multimodal Transportation Bureau, Section 5311: Formula Grants for Rural Areas. The grant provided $266,655 in grant funding for operations, $219,545 was also funded for the vehicles. The City of Leavenworth provided a required matching local source at $81,996; and the Commission approved this amount for three years out of the economic development portion of the Countywide Sales Tax. The City of Leavenworth approached The Guidance Center, a local behavioral health clinic, about partnering with them and the Kansas Department of Transportation to provide the City of Leavenworth's first-ever modern public transportation service. The Guidance Center has been providing transportation to its behavioral health clients for more than 30 years, making the local clinic a logical partner for the City. The Guidance Center's experience with grant management, hiring, driver training, safety
ASK the City Manager
practices, drug testing and vehicle maintenance will allow the program to run smoothly and efficiently. The Guidance Center Board of Directors and Administration see this as an additional service they can provide to the citizens of Leavenworth. Ridership will include everyone needing transportation in the community, regardless of whether they receive services from The Guidance Center or not. There are two options to schedule a ride. Potential riders can call The Guidance Center’s dispatch line, 913-7589443, or download an app, “Iris – A RideKC Partner” on Google Play or the Apple Store. Currently users of the Iris App will see the Kansas City service. After April 10, users will be able to select “Leavenworth” as a zone within the service.
Rides will not connect to Kansas City at this time.
(Cover photo: Community leaders with RideLV vans in March - Commissioner Edd Hingula, Mayor Jermaine Wilson, Commissioner Nancy Bauder, The Guidance Center Director Keith Rickard and Commissioner Camalla Leonhard, not pictured Mayor Pro Tem Griff Martin. The vans are part of a new Micro Transit program available to everyone this spring.)
Do you: Have a question about a City project? Want to know how different City operations are funded? Want to share your ideas? If you have questions about the City, ask City Manager Paul Kramer, or call 913-680-2600.
Fire Department 3600 S. 20th Street
913-682-3346 (admin calls)
Police (Admin calls only) Justice Center, 601 S. Third 913-651-2260
Police - Anonymous Clue line 913-682-2583
Sewer Emergencies (24 Hours) 913-682-1090
Service Center/Streets/Trash 790 Thornton St. 913-682-0650
Human Resources 100 N. Fifth St. 913-680-2637
Public Works/Engineering 100 N. Fifth St. 913-684-0375
City Clerk’s Office 100 N. Fifth St. 913-682-9201
Planning/Community Development 100 N. Fifth St. 913-680-2626
Tenant Landlord Issue Resolution (913) 364-5840
Parks and Recreation 123 S. Esplanade 913-651-2203
Convention and Visitors Bureau 100 N. Fifth St. 913-758-2948
Leavenworth Public Library 417 Spruce Street 913-682-5666
Trash Talk: 2023 to bring updated City of Leavenworth trash service
The City of Leavenworth has a Solid Waste Division that collects trash from customers on a weekly basis. Starting in the summer of 2023, single-family residences will receive a trash cart provided by the City for the purpose of trash collection.

City staff and elected officials heard positive feedback regarding the use of trash carts from our residents and other municipalities, and are looking forward to a cleaner and more efficient trash collection service. Our community-based Solid Waste Citizens Task Force and the City Commission have led the way in discussions about how best to update the City's trash collection service. We understand there will be many questions about the change in service. Our staff are here to help.
What if I don’t want to use a trash cart? You do not have to use a trash cart. Residents can choose whether to use the trash cart or trash bags. In the spring, you will receive a flyer about the new trash carts. If you would like to opt out of the trash cart system and continue to use trash bags, follow the instructions on the flyer. There will be an opt-out website available for residents who do not wish to receive a trash cart, or wish to receive a trash cart in a smaller size. Starting in 2023, all trash must be contained in bags or the new trash carts. See our Large Item Trash policy (below) or call the Municipal Service Center at 913-682-0650 to schedule a Large Item Trash pickup for items that cannot be contained.
What should I do if I am interested in using a trash cart? You do not need to do anything. You will receive a flyer in the spring with information. This program is optout, so each residence who chooses not to opt out will receive a trash cart.
How will the City of Leavenworth pay for the new trash cart program? The initial purchase of trash carts and modifications needed to our existing trash trucks are funded through the American Rescue Plan Act. There are no additional user fees associated with the initial purchase of carts or the modification of the existing trash trucks.
When will I receive my trash cart? Delivery is expected in the summer of 2023. We will have more detailed information on City of Leavenworth social media and the website as this program progresses.
(Continued on next page)
New: Updated Large Item pickup for the City of Leavenworth
Large Item Trash: The City is no longer picking up piles of trash or debris left at the curbside that are not bagged. Please contact the City’s Municipal Service Center in advance to schedule a Large Item pick-up, 913-682-0650. Large items are picked up Fridays. Residents should call before noon Thursdays to get on the Friday list.
Large items include the following:
n Mattresses and box springs
n Furniture
n Bicycles
n Large grills, yard mowers and yard appliances that are drained of fluid
n Riding mowers
n Metal items or kitchen appliances (empty of debris or food)
n Anything weighing more than 60 pounds. Large items should be on the curb by 7 a.m. Friday morning the day of scheduled pick-up. Please leave Large Item Trash a few feet away from vehicles parked on the street. Try to leave items away from power lines. Residential addresses in the City of Leavenworth are limited to one large item pickup per month per year, totaling 12 pick-ups per year. Limit 2 items per scheduled pickup please. The City of Leavenworth does not pick up commercial construction debris.
As a reminder, the City is no longer picking up piles of trash or debris left at the curbside that are not bagged.
(Continued from previous page)
Is the cart the property of the City of Leavenworth or the residence? The cart is the property of the City of Leavenworth. Please do not take the trash cart with you when you move to a different address. The City is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the carts. However, the city will charge owners or occupants a fee for any necessary repair or replacement because of the owner’s or occupant’s abuse, misuse or neglect of the cart. The replacement fee for each cart is commensurate with the cost of replacement.
What will the trash carts look like? The trash carts are a lightweight fabricated material with a lid, large wheels and handlebars that make the carts easy to move. Two sizes will be available.
I live on a crowded street with lots of parallel parking. How will I fit my trash cart? Carts are to be kept near a garage or primary residence. On trash collection day, you would wheel the cart and place at the edge of the street. This can be at or near your driveway.
What can I put in the trash cart? All regular household trash can be placed in the cart. The City requests that items like concrete, bricks and dirt not be placed into the cart as their weight may damage the cart. Household trash should be bagged and placed into the trash cart. Loose items, like a pizza box or small scraps of wood, can be placed into the cart without bags.
What if I need more than one trash cart? If you require additional trash to be picked up, the City will continue to pick up trash placed in bags, in addition to the carts.
Can I leave my trash cart at the street during the week? No, the carts should not be left at the curb until 24 hours prior to the day of collection. Please return the cart to within approximately 3 to 5 feet of your residence on the same day trash is collected.
Will the City continue to deliver trash bags? The City of Leavenworth is ending its trash bag delivery program. A dramatic rise in cost of trash bags was a major factor in the City’s decision to conclude the program. Trash bags can still be purchased at the City Clerk’s office at Leavenworth City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Street. Trash bags are $7 per roll. Available only while supplies last.
The City of Leavenworth strongly encourages recycling to help reduce the amount of trash in your daily trash pickup and in the local landfill. The Recycling Center is selfservice drop-off at 1720 Lawrence Avenue and open 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
The Solid Waste Division team receives some of the most positive citizen feedback in the City of Leavenworth. Residents have let us know that they appreciate a City-led trash collection system. The new trash collection style is not intended to change our staffing.
For many years, the Solid Waste Division team picked up piles of trash like these left along the curb in 2022. While a popular service, whole-house clean-outs like these contributed to slower collection times for the entire City and additional safety risks for staff.

Keep our trash crews safe by using "sharps" containers. Needles and sharp items can be disposed in a container like the one shown above, or a plastic laundry soap dispenser or other hardsided container. Needles should never be placed directly into trash bags or the trash carts.

Major upgrades for parks:

Grant available to help fund business fire suppression, ADA
Havens Park, 22nd and Ottawa streets, has restrooms, a parking lot and new paved trails. In 2023 the trail extension will continue to Shawnee Street.

Willcott Brewing received roughly $11,000 in grant funding from a special City of Leavenworth program, an American Rescue Plan Act-funded Business Improvement and Expansion Grant. This business was able to add ramps and modify restrooms to aid accessibility. Other eligible projects might include adding fire suppression systems such as sprinklers to help meet required 2018 International Building Code. Funding is available from a limited source for the City, so we encourage applying as soon as possible. See our website, "Business Improvement and Expansion Grant" for details or call Assistant City Manager Penny Holler at 913-682-2602.

CDBG Home Repair available to help low income homeowners in the City
The City of Leavenworth Home Repair Program provides up to $10,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for minor home repairs to qualified homeowners within Leavenworth city limits.
The Home Repair Program benefits low to moderate income homeowners with safe, healthy, and sustainable housing. This program receives its funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is subject to HUD guidelines.
Qualifying for the program begins with completing the Home Repair Application and calling City staff to make an appointment for submission. Applicants must be within the HUD income limits and occupy the home they are seeking to repair.
Homes repaired with use of CDBG funds must not be located in the 100 year flood plain and are subject to
environmental review for qualification. This program does not replace windows. Potential repairs may include, but are not limited to, HVAC, roofing, plumbing, electrical and water heater.
A lien must be signed stating the homeowner will reside in the home and not change title for three years. At the end of the three years, the lien is released and no funds are owed.
Throughout the process, the City’s Community Development Coordinator works closely with the City’s inspectors, contractors and the homeowner to ensure the repair of a safe and healthy home. To learn about the program or get an application, contact Community Development Coordinator Julie McKeel, julie.mckeel@
Figures from 2022 show 18% drop in overall crime in the City of Leavenworth
Police Chief Pat Kitchens presented the 2022 Annual Report for the Leavenworth Police Department to the City Commission in March.
Among some of the highlights include:
n 18% drop in overall crime in Leavenworth.
n There has been a drastic reduction of suicide calls in the last five years. (See chart.) Kitchens noted that this is one of the most difficult and dangerous calls to which police officers respond.

n 2022 marked the fifth year in a row of crime dropping significantly.
n A total of 20,641 reports were taken in 2022, out of this 3,489 reports were taken.
n Part 1 crimes, identified as murder, rape, robbery, assault, theft or auto theft, reduced 5.5% from the previous year. There were 1,494 reported Part 1 crimes in 2022.
n There were 449 reported domestic disturbance cases in 2022. This has mostly reduced in recent years since the re-opening of the Alliance Against Family Violence, a local shelter available for women and children of domestic violence.
n In 2022 there were 494 traffic accidents reported to police. Out of those, 118 were injury accidents and 21 were alcohol related.
n Professional standards investigations are reports made against police officers. They are investigated by Deputy Police Chief Dan Nicodemus. In 2022 there were 7 professional standards investigations. Kitchens also mentioned that although the statistics show positive crime trends, retention and professional growth, how citizens feel about their safety is also relevant.
Suicide calls to the Leavenworth Police Department have fallen significantly in the last few years. A new number, "988" is now available nationwide to help people in a crisis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
"As much data as we have, and some of it is very positive, that's not the only thing that's important to us," he told commissioners. "Equally as important to the data we have is how people feel about the community."
In March, the police department began a new license-plate recognition system that will have 19 cameras throughout the City. It does not have speed radar and will not aid in traffic stops, but Chief Kitchens says the license plate camera recognition will allow law enforcement to track specific license plate numbers associated with a crime. The cameras will be stationary at some of Leavenworth's busiest intersections to help track potential criminal activity leaving and entering the community.
Citywide Spring Cleanup scheduled for Saturday, April 22
the City of Leavenworth map. The City of Leavenworth will provide gloves and trash bags. Contact Melissa Bower, Public Information Officer, for more information about volunteering, or 913-680-2610. For those who don’t wish to volunteer, there are many other services. We encourage residents to take advantage of these disposal times at no additional cost:
• Recycling Center, Pennsylvania and Lawrence Avenues, will be open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday April 22.
Each spring, hundreds of Leavenworth community members gather to remove trash throughout city streets in one day. This year’s event coincides with Earth Day -Saturday, April 22.

The kick-off event begins 8:30 a.m. at Warren Educational Campus, 3501 New Lawrence Road, in the cafeteria. Volunteers who sign up by April 5 will receive a free t-shirt. All volunteers will get a one-day pass to Wollman Aquatic Center.
A sign-up sheet is available on the City’s website for volunteer team leaders to share with their civic groups, scouts, church groups, nonprofit organization, business, military group or individual or family group. Volunteer groups will be responsible for picking up trash in a grid on
• Large Item Trash drop off, Pennsylvania and Lawrence Avenues, will be open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday April 22. This includes items like furniture, tires, scrap metal, appliances, or anything else weighing more than 60 pounds.
• Household Hazardous Waste disposal will be available 9 a.m. to noon at Pennsylvania and Lawrence Avenues. This is for residents to dispose of items that should not go down the drain, such as paint, paint thinners, solvents, oil/ gas mixtures, automobile fluids, herbicides and pesticides.
• Paper Shredding 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at Citizens Federal Savings Bank, 5151 S. Fourth Street and 1 - 2 p.m. at Citizens Federal Savings Bank, 312 S. Fifth St. Saturday April 22.
• The Brush Site, 1803 S. Second St., is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday April 22. The Brush Site is a place for Leavenworth residents to dispose of yard waste, branches, leaves, or other organic materials.
Leavenworth Parks and Recreation Department –Administrative Office
123 S. Esplanade Street
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
(913) 651-2203
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Leavenworth boasts more than 20 parks consisting of 424 acres with 13 shelters, 14 playgrounds, 8 tennis courts, 12 baseball/softball fields, 16 practice soccer fields, 12 game soccer fields (U6-U14), 9 restroom buildings, 77 flower beds, pickleball courts, cornhole courts, batting cages, a splash pad, an aquatic center, an outdoor basketball court, a disc golf course, a skate park, a dog park, a campground and several miles of walking trails.
Park Programs
Legacy Trees - The Legacy Tree Program makes it possible to help preserve the rich history of trees in our parks while commemorating either a person or event. Through this program, old trees are replaced and new areas rejuvenated. All contributions to this program are placed in a Park Special Gift Fund and are only used for the planting of Legacy trees. This program is available for online registration and payment through our website at
Memorial Benches - Another way to honor a person or recognize an organization is through the purchase of a memorial bench with an attached plaque in Ray Miller Park, Landing Park, or Waggin’ Tails Dog Park. The Parks and Recreation Department will install the bench. Cost varies. Email for more information, or find the application form online at
Adopt-A-Park – Looking for a way to make a difference in our community? Consider adopting a Leavenworth city park or other landscaped public area. City staff will provide guidance and some materials for projects. See which parks are available and register through our website at parksrec.
Riverfront Park Campground – Open April 1 through October 31 - This cozy park beside the Missouri River is the perfect place to relax. The campground offers campsites, a bath house with four private units, a boat ramp, a picnic shelter, and a dump station. Please note that this park is adjacent to active train tracks. Also, we recommend our site for trailers less than 32’ long. Longer campers drag across the train tracks. For more information call 913-290-0034 or email campgroundmanager@firstcity. org.

Shelter Rentals
Shelters - We have 13 shelters available for rent at 7 of our parks. See our chart for parks and amenities. You can reserve and pay for these online through Eventbrite (convenience fees apply). Visit our website at www. for details and the link to online payment.
Leavenworth Landing Park - This scenic park on the Missouri River located by the Riverfront Community Center is available to rent for special occasions. Permit fees start at $15/hour with a $100 refundable damage deposit. Choose the Paddlewheel Plaza or the Railroad Roundhouse close to the front entrance of the park. For more details, go to or email
Haymarket Square - An event venue located at 649 Cherokee. The open-air pavilion is available for rental when not occupied by the Farmer’s Market or the City Market. Contact the City Clerk’s office at 913-682-9201 for availability and more information. If planning a special event open to the public, other requirements must be met to reserve the square.
Restrooms are open March through October in most of our parks. Dougherty and Wollman restrooms open in April.

Riverfront Community Center
Riverfront Community Center
Event Space
123 South Esplanade Street
(913) 651-2132
The Riverfront Community Center is a charming 1880s former Union Depot train station on the banks of the Missouri River. Originally constructed in 1888, this historic depot was restored and remodeled in 1988 as a multifunctional facility. This classic facility provides an ideal atmosphere for all types of special events with picturesque views in Leavenworth Landing Park, located right behind the center.
Event Space
The Riverview Room - Aptly named for its beautiful views of the majestic Missouri River. It is an elegant room that can host banquets, receptions, weddings, or other special events. It also has an adjoining outdoor patio that overlooks the river.

The Women’s Waiting Room - Adjacent to the Riverview Room, this cozy room has a working fireplace, woodpaneled ceilings, and versatile side doors that can be opened to access the Riverview Room. The doors may be closed to offer a smaller space with a view of Leavenworth’s historic downtown.
The Men’s Waiting Room - Impressive 30-foot woodpaneled ceilings soar above the original woodwork and fireplace. This lovely room also boasts a river view to the east and historic downtown Leavenworth to the west.

The Activity Room - This small room downstairs by the basketball gym is perfect for kids’ birthday parties, fitness classes, study sessions, and other smaller events.
Room Fees and Deposits – A 4-hour minimum rental, a security deposit, and a $25 service charge are required to reserve a room. Fees include set-up and take-down of tables and chairs and trash removal. Contact Tammy Metzgar, Riverfront Community Center Manager, at (913) 680-2709 or email her at Also, visit the website at
Event Space
Recreation Activity Scholarship Program for City Residents - Qualifying citizens who live in the city limits of Leavenworth and are currently receiving public financial assistance may be awarded a $100 credit per approved person per year to be used toward certain Parks and Recreation Department programs. For information email Tabor Medill at or call him at (913) 758-6648. You must set an appointment with Tabor Medill before dropping off your application. Applications must be renewed each year by completing a new form and scheduling another appointment for verification and approval.
Sports Officials – Interested in officiating for any of our sports programs? Contact our Recreation Program Supervisor for Sports, Tabor Medill, at or call 913-758-6648.
Field or Court Rentals – The City has 8 tennis courts, 6 pickleball courts, 2 basketball courts, a recreation complex with 5 baseball/softball fields, and 7 other baseball/ softball fields throughout the city. Contact Tabor Medill at to reserve these locations for special use or league tournaments.

Inclement Weather Line – Call (913) 364-5821 for information on game cancellations.
Annual City Tennis Tournament – This tournament is held the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before Memorial Day. Entry fees for singles ($15/event) and doubles ($25/ event). Registration starts April 2, online or in person.

Labor Day Tennis Tournament - The Annual Leavenworth Parks and Recreation Labor Day Tennis Tournament will be held the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of Labor Day each year. This tournament is open to all. Entry fees for singles ($25/event) and doubles ($35/ event). Registration starts July 1, online or in person.
Fall Adult Co-Ed Softball - $315/team - Open to men and women age 19 and over whose high school class has graduated. Requires a minimum of 4 teams. USA (formerly ASA) rules are used. Season begins in August.
Registration is July 1 – 31 at the Riverfront Community Center, 123 S. Esplanade St.
Fall Men’s Double-Header Softball - $315/team. - Open to men age 19 and over whose high school class has graduated. Requires a minimum of 4 teams. USA (formerly ASA) rules are used. Season begins in September. Registration is July 15 – August 15, at the Riverfront Community Center, 123 S. Esplanade St.
River City Community Players Performing Arts Center 500
Delaware Street
The River City Community Players is our local community theatre group. All shows are familyfriendly. Curtain times are 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. for Sunday matinees. Tickets are available online and at the door. Call 913-651-0027 for more information.
Coming Soon:
• The Diary of Anne Frank – April 21, 22, 23; April 28, 29, 30
• Once Upon a Pine (youth show) – June 2, 3, 4
• Oliver – July 28, 29, 20; August 4, 5, 6
• Matilda the Musical, Jr. (youth show) – September 15, 16, 17
• Rumors – October 27, 28, 29; November 3, 4, 5
• A Christmas Carol (youth show) – December 8, 9, 10
Fitness at the Riverfront Community Center
Riverfront Community Center passes
Admission fee includes use of the weight room, cardio room, indoor track, pool during lap and open swim times, open pickle ball gym, and racquetball court. Call (913) 651-2132 or email
Admission fee includes use of the weight room, cardio room, indoor track, pool during lap swim and open swim times, open pickleball gym, and racquetball courts. For general information, call (913) 651-2132 or email

Hours: Indoor Track and Fitness Rooms
Monday – Friday 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Open Basketball Gym – Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. Please check our website for updates to added time slots or cancellations. Important - photo ID is required.
Open Pickleball Gym - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Hours for gym may vary for special events. Please check our website for updates to added time slots or cancellations.
Closed on Major Holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, and Christmas Day. The center closes early on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
Indoor Track: The center has a 1/10 mile indoor track that is open year-round during regular community center hours. Daily admission fee or pass required.
See Page 15 for swim schedule at the Riverfront Community Center pool.
Dog Manners and Obedience - $100/dog - Dog trainer
Kim Downing will teach you and your four-legged friend the basic commands. Geared for dogs ages 4 months or older. Must be current on vaccinations. This is a 7 week program. The first week is without your dog. For more information visit Class is held on Saturdays.
Corporate Pass Program: Businesses and organizations can pay a $200 annual fee entitling their employees to purchase fitness facility passes at a discount. Organization identification required. Email parksandrec@ or call Tammy Metzgar at 913-680-2709 for more information.
Cardio and Weight Rooms: Elliptical machines, stair steppers, stationary bikes, treadmills, and weight equipment are available. See “Fitness Facility Policies” for age restrictions.
Basic Ballroom Dance - $40/single or $60/coupleLearn to Merengue, waltz, country two step, Arizona two step, salsa, and cha-cha dance steps and turns that you can do to almost any type of music. For dates and class information, contact Tom Ritchie at urdancrmn@gmail. com, or call Nancy Baker at 758-6629. Class is held on Tuesday evenings.
Fitness Facility Policies
General Use – It is the responsibility of the patrons to ensure they have been properly trained before using the fitness equipment. Improper use may cause serious injuries. The City of Leavenworth is not responsible for injuries or gross negligence.
Age Restrictions – 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian age 18 or older to enter the community center; 11 and under are not allowed in the weight room or cardio room or on
any fitness equipment; ages 12–14 must be supervised by an adult at all times in the fitness rooms; ages 15-17 must have a signed permission form from the parent; ages 60 and over are advised to consult their physician before beginning any type of fitness regimen.
Conduct – No foul language, vulgar music, aggressive or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated. Absolutely no tobacco or vaping products of any sort are allowed in the center. No food
Boxing - $50/month or $10/class - Youth and Adult
Classes available. The one-hour class offered twice a week will include cardio calisthenics, shadow boxing, bag work and basic self-defense. Classes are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays. Youth (ages 5 to 12) starts at 5 p.m. Adult (ages 13 and up) starts at 6 p.m.

Glass Fusing for Beginners - $40/person - Join us for a beginner level class and learn all the basics of glass fusing. In this class, you will learn multiple techniques, terms, styles of art and more, all while creating a project that is yours to keep. Class is held one Saturday morning each month. Check our website for dates and times.
PiYo Live - $5/class or $50/12-punch pass - Join certified instructor Rachel Smith as she combines the musclesculpting, core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility of flowing yoga movements. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Bring your own mat and plenty of water for this fun class. For teens and adults. Class is held Wednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9 a.m.
Yoga for Women - $5/class - Effective Tuesday, April 4, the class will incorporate new topics such as Pelvic Floor Health and Yoga for Menopause, as well as including some chair yoga experiences. Summer topics will include Exploring Yoga through the Indian Goddesses.
Riverfront Tae Kwon Do - Cost is $55/month for the first family member and $35/month for each additional family member - This popular martial art combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport and exercise. Contact Master David Wrigley at 913-683-4315 for information. Class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:45 p.m. for ages 10 -14 and 6:45 p.m. for adults.
Toddler Tyme
Children ages 5 and under are invited to the gym for open play time. Basketballs, tricycles and other fun toys are provided. Adult supervision required. Offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon.
or soft drinks are allowed in the fitness rooms or the gym.
Equipment - Wipe down equipment before and after use. Do not drop or slam weights. Place items back where you found them.
Attire - No cleats or spike shoes of any type (including bike shoes); athletic shoes covering the entire foot must be worn at all times (except in the pool); proper swimwear or workout attire is required.
*New Class* Revelation Fitness - Cost is $5 to drop-in. Punch passes are available for purchase. Join certified instructor, Brooke Ross for Revelation Fitness. A faith-based workout that will train your body, mind, and spirit. The format for this class will include a variety of movement styles including choreographed cardio, kickboxing, strength, and flexibility. The use of drumsticks, hand weights, and mats will also be incorporated at different times throughout the class. Modifications are shown and encouraged, enabling you to customize your movements to the best benefit of your body. Bring your mat, handweights (optional), and water for this energizing and uplifting class. Drumsticks provided. Class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Women and Girls Self Defense – FREE - Learn how to protect yourself with master instructor Peter Rouse. This free program is offered quarterly. Pre-registration is required. Minimum age is 13. Please check our website for dates as they become available. This class fills up fast so register early.
Wollman Aquatic Center 1300 Shawnee Street
Open Swim is 1 - 7:30 p.m. Starting Memorial Day May 29
Open Swim Party Shelter (Day Shelter)
Wollman Aquatic Center has one shelter area inside the pool available for rent during open swim. Renting the shelter allows exclusive use of the space under the canopy. The shelter area is $25 for residents or $30 for non-residents for the day. You will receive a discounted admission rate for you and your guests. Email or reserve online on our website.
After-Hours Private Party
Private, after-hours parties are available on Fridays and Saturdays during the summer months. Fees are $200 for up to 100 people. We can accommodate up to 300 people per event for an additional charge (1-25 people, add $25; 26-50 people, add $50; etc.)
Wollman Aquatic Center Fees
1300 Shawnee Street, Leavenworth, Kansas, 913-682-7946
Resident NonResident
Daily Admission (ages 3 and under) Free Free
Daily Admission (ages 4 and up) $4 $5
10-Punch Pass $35 $45
Individual Season Pass $50 $75
Household Season Pass (up to 4 people)* $120 $180
Additional Household (5 or more people, each)* $25 $30
Little Nemos (kiddie pool for 5 and under) T/TH 9:30 to 11 a.m. only - Fee for swimmer only

$1 $1
Replacement Cards for Season Passes $5 $5
*Season passes drop to 1/2 price after July 31.
Aquatic Facility Regulations
Children 9 and under must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult age 18 or older. Proper swim attire is required. No thongs, cut-offs, “sagging” or suits with belts, buckles, or rivets. No street clothes will be allowed past the breezeway. Improper conduct or profane language will not be tolerated. No glass containers, food or beverages except water will be allowed in the facility. Swim diapers are mandatory for non-toilet trained persons. Management reserves the right to refuse admittance to or eject from the center premises any person failing to comply with these and other posted health and safety regulations. For a full list of regulations, go to our website at
Open Swim Daily from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
*Friday mornings in June are reserved for swim meets and swim lesson make-up sessions. Friday mornings in July are reserved for lifeguard training and swim lesson make-up sessions.*
Accessible Swim
This is a swim time 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Fridays set aside for individuals with disabilities and their families and staffed by lifeguards. Enter using zero-depth pool feature or use our water wheelchair. Wollman Aquatic Center is equipped with plenty of shade structures and accessible restrooms, a family restroom, and shower. Fees in chart for Wollman Aquatic Center.
Summer Swim Team – The Leavenworth Riptides is a recreational youth swim team. During the summer season, the Riptides compete in the East Kansas Swim League with 9 other teams ages 5 - 18 years. Coaches teach skill development, improving stroke mechanics, and fun. Swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted. Registration begins March 1. Eligible for scholarship use. Check our website ( parksrec/page/summer-swim-team-riptides) and Facebook page ( for more information and up-to-the-minute details.
Little Nemos
The swim time is at Wollman Aquatic Center and is reserved for children 5-years and under with an adult. Only the youth pool is available for this program. Only $1 per child, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Private Swimming Lessons
Based on availability, private lessons will be offered with the group lesson schedule. Sessions 1 - 4 and will meet Mon-Thur each week for a total of 8 times per session during the 9 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. time frame. Email nbaker@ to schedule. Private lessons are $20/class ($160 total per session), semi-private lessons (2 students) are $30/class ($240 total per session).
Aquacise - This popular water aerobics workout is a swimming blend of cardio and resistance training, and may incorporate resistance tools such as buoyant water weights and noodles. One Aquacise pass is valid for all Aquacise classes. Passes may be purchased at the Riverfront Community Center’s front desk and do not expire. Classes are offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Also on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. Cost is $5 per class. Punch passes are also available.
Water Walking - The water provides resistance, making your muscles work harder to move forward. At the same time, it provides buoyancy, helping reduce strain to your joints. This 45-minute class is offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 10:05 a.m.. Cost is $4 per class or $40 for a 10-punch pass.
American Red Cross Lifeguard Training ClassStudents will be certified in Lifeguarding, CPR, AED and First Aid. Student must swim 300 yards non-stop using front crawl and breast stroke and retrieve a 10 lb brick
Riverfront Community Center Lap Swim Schedule
123 S. Esplanade St.
Fees on Page 12. Beginning May 27, 2023 Closed July 24 – 28
- 12:30 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - noon
Sunday Closed
Lap swim rules - No one under the age of 14 may be admitted into the pool during lap swim unless authorized by the Aquatic Supervisor. Lap swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool, unassisted, using the front crawl. Available on a first-come, first served basis.
from 9 feet of water. Student must attend all classes. Minimum age is 15. Cost is $180 for residents or $200 for non-residents. Online registration and payment is available (convenience fees apply). Check our website for dates as they become available. parksrec/page/american-red-cross-lifeguard-training.
Aquatic Physical Therapy at the Riverfront Community Center Pool:
o Preferred Physical Therapy, LLC on Friday mornings. Call 913-727-2022 or visit them at 712 First Terrace, Ste. 101, Lansing, KS.
o Select Physical Therapy on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Address is 100 E Kansas St Suite C, Lansing, KS. Call 913-758-0283 for more information.
American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Group Lessons
- Certified instructors will teach children, teens and adults in a supportive environment in which to learn and obtain skills. Students must be registered for TuesdayThursday sessions by noon the Friday before the session is scheduled to begin, and by noon on Wednesdays for the Saturday sessions. Cost is $40 per child for residents or $45 per child for non-residents. Families with 3 or more children will pay half-price for the third and subsequent children in the same household. Check the website at for a detailed description of each level available and a current schedule of dates and times being offered.
Calendar of Events
Arbor Day Celebration – April 28 - On the last Friday in April, Parks staff plants a tree to honor a local individual or group. Tree planting time and location will be announced on the City’s website.
Touch-A-Truck – May 3 - 10 - 11:30 a.m. at Leavenworth Landing Park, 301 S. Esplanade St. Free. Bring the kids to this free event and see the many kinds of trucks working in and around our community. Kids get a hands-on opportunity to explore, crawl through, and even honk the horn of the hard-working big rigs of the City and surrounding communities. Stop in the gym at Riverfront Community Center (south entrance) and check out the toys, music and free popcorn. Then walk across the street to the C.W. Parker Carousel Museum for free rides.
Dad and Me Campout – June 10 - 11 weekend campout at Wollman Aquatic Center, 1300 Shawnee St. Fees: $25 for one tent with one adult and one child; $5 for each additional guest in the same tent. Join us for a night under the stars the second Saturday in June. Pitch your tent in the grassy area and then enjoy an evening of swimming, s’mores, and games. Breakfast is served the next morning. Limit 20 tents. Charge is based on an average 4-person tent, about 60 square feet. Event starts at 8 p.m. Saturday night and end at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning.
*New Event* Christmas in July Bazaar and Flea Market – July 15 Riverfront Community Center, 123 S. Esplanade St. Free admission for shoppers, fees below for vendors. This new summer market will host a variety of vendors, all in air-conditioned comfort at the Riverfront Community Center. Vendors will be selling new and/or gently used items. Our last event included items such as homemade crafts, toys, jewelry, beauty products, and some fantastic artwork (including dragon eggs). General admission is free. Vendor spots sell out fast, so register early for your spot. We have booths available in the gym, on the track, and in the activity room. City residents may register starting May 1, and non-residents starting June 1. Fees: Booth with electricity is $25, Booth without electricity is $20.
Family Night at the Dive-In – July 22 - 9 p.m. at Wollman Aquatic Center, 1300 Shawnee St. Keep cool with us on a hot summer night. Join us for the 3rd annual family night Dive-In Movie. Food will be available for purchase, so please, no outside food or drinks inside the
Sign up for the Camp Leavenworth 5K through beautiful downtown Leavenworth. The festival is September 22-23 and signups for the 5K begin soon. Look online at for information.

pool area. Space is limited to the first 250 people. For this event, flotation devices are welcome. Cost is $6/person in advance or $7/person at the gate. Gates open at 9:00 p.m. and the movie begins at 9:30 p.m.
*New Event* Adults Only Dive-In Movie – July 29 –9:30 p.m. Wollman Aquatic Center, 1300 Shawnee St. This special event is just for adults (21 and over). Bring your favorite float and cool off while watching our feature presentation. Cost is $6/person in advance or $7/person at the gate. Gates open at 9 p.m. and the movie begins at 9:30 p.m.
Annual Doggie Splash! – Wollman Aquatic Center, 1300 Shawnee St. Bring your canine companions to the annual Doggie Splash at Wollman Aquatic Center. Cost is $5 per dog. Proceeds benefit the Waggin’ Tails Dog Park. Tentative date planned for Saturday after the facility is closed for the season. Schedule available on our website.
*New Event* LV Art in the Park – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday Aug. 26 at Stubby Park, 1501 S. Fourth St. Leavenworth Parks and Recreation and LV Arts, Inc., partner to present LV Art in the Park at Stubby Park. This special event, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., celebrates creativity through art making, imaginative play, live performances, and more. This event unites artists throughout Leavenworth County and beyond to provide a day of art and play for the entire community. LV Arts, a local art-based nonprofit, promises to provide innovative, educational and entertaining opportunities for all ages.