First City Connection
News and Information for Residents and Businesses in the City of Leavenworth, Kansas
Fire Department
3600 S. 20th Street
913-682-3346 (admin calls)
Police (Admin calls only)
Justice Center, 601 S. Third 913-651-2260
PoliceAnonymous Clue line
Sewer Emergencies (24 Hours)
Service Center/ Streets/Trash info
790 Thornton St. 913-682-0650
Human Resources
100 N. Fifth St. 913-680-2637
Public Works/ Engineering
100 N. Fifth St. 913-684-0375
Inspections and Building Permits
City Clerk’s Office
100 N. Fifth St. 913-682-9201
Planning/ Community Development
100 N. Fifth St. 913-680-2626
Tenant Landlord Issue Resolution (913) 364-5840
Parks and Recreation
123 S. Esplanade
Convention and Visitors Bureau
100 N. Fifth St. 913-758-2948
Public Library
417 Spruce Street 913-682-5666
From the Desk of
Mayor Holly Pittman Leavenworth City

Holly Pittman Mayor 913-449-891 holly.pittman@firstcity.org

Nancy Bauder Mayor Pro Tem 913-675-7166 nbauder@firstcity.org

Jermaine Wilson Commissioner 913-617-3667 jwilson@firstcity.org

Edd Hingula Commissioner 913-775-0635 edd.hingula@firstcity.org

Griff Martin Commissioner griff.martin@firstcity.org
Happy New Year! In 2025, there are so many things to celebrate about Leavenworth. After completing our City’s first dedicated pickleball courts at Buffalo Bill Memorial Park in 2024, our Parks and Recreation Department plans to add shade structures and a new building for restrooms and a concession stand in 2025.
In 2024 we completed a nearly $3.1 million project on Kansas Highway 7/Fourth Street through downtown Leavenworth. This new modern road is a vast improvement in our infrastructure and helps showcase our historic downtown. In 2025, the City budgeted $2.2 million for major street repairs throughout the community as part of our Pavement Management Program. Construction of a new Fire Station 3 and a Wastewater Treatment Facility administrative building are already underway.
We’re incredibly lucky and grateful in Leavenworth to have such outstanding employees. Working for the City of Leavenworth is an excellent way for our community members to build a career.
At City Hall we have three new leaders that will be highlighted in this newsletter to help lead us forward. In 2024 we celebrated the retirement of Andy Brooks, who retired as a Battalion Chief and Fire Marshal after 25 years of service to the First City of Kansas. Brooks noted at his retirement that his job at the Fire Department gave him a direction early in life and an opportunity to serve. We also named Andrea Cheatom, our Planters II Manager, as Employee of the Year for 2024. You can read about her on the next page.
After watching City employees cleanup after one of the biggest snowstorms of the decade, it’s obvious to everyone in Leavenworth the dedication and expertise of our staff. We received so many compliments from residents and businesses about our snow clearing operations, and they were much appreciated. Earlier this month on the New York Times website, photos from local photographer Arin Yoon showed our beautiful First City of Kansas digging out of a snowstorm. It was an idyllic set of photos that included Leavenworth’s snow-covered historic downtown decorated with Christmas wreaths, a local farm and children playing in the snow. We love seeing our special community celebrated around the globe.
Thank you for making our 2024 amazing – we’re looking forward to an awesome 2025.

Holly Pittman, newly selected Mayor of Leavenworth, celebrating businesses with Leavenworth Main Street Director Haley Shaw.
COVER PHOTO: Children ages 3-6 learned basketball skills as part of "Bitty Basketball" in 2024.
Planters II
Manager named Employee of the Year for the City of Leavenworth
Andrea Cheatom, Housing Manager for Planters II, has been selected as Employee of the Year for the City of Leavenworth for 2024.

Each year, the City employee committee selects an “Employee of the Quarter” among staff. This year, four outstanding employees were selected: Steve King, Dennis Skaarland, Joanna Fuimaono and Andrea Cheatom. From this list, the Employee of the Year is chosen. Cheatom began working for the City in 2007 as a Housing Intake Specialist. She was promoted in 2017 to Housing Manager. Planters II is a 10-story public housing apartment building for residents who are elderly or medically-certified disabled. Cheatom was nominated for her dedication to the department and the City as a whole. She worked to implement new procedures to reconcile the fee accountant’s books. This year when auditors selected Planters II for an in-depth audit, it was completed successfully.
Roberta Beier, Finance Director for the City, said that the audit passed with flying colors. “Andrea was helpful and demonstrated an eagerness
to learn and to make sure she was following my new required processes properly,” Beier said. “Andrea was never deterred. From the outset she recognized the value in improving our processes and was 100% on-board. We have now successfully transitioned to our new procedures and are reconciling with fee accountants every month.”
The program is known throughout Leavenworth as a well-maintained building. Cheatom was also recognized for her attention to detail, concern for the welfare of her staff as well as the Planters II residents.
“I am impressed with Andrea,” Beier said. “I believe she is one of the hardest-working, most dedicated employees the City has. Her hard work, attention to detail, and concern for the welfare of her staff and residents make the Planters II Program the success that it is today.”

Keep up to date on City of Leavenworth information
Find information and updates directly from the City of Leavenworth, Kansas, on our social media sites and website, www.leavenworthks.org. Information is also available on Channel 2 for Spectrum cable subscribers in the City of Leavenworth.

Andrea Cheatom, Housing Manager for Planters II, is named the Employee of the Year for 2024 by Mayor Holly Pittman and City Manager Scott Peterson.
Low income seniors who qualify can apply for program that waives sewer and refuse fees
The City of Leavenworth’s Senior Rebate Program will waive monthly sewer and refuse charges for persons 62 or older who meet these qualifications:
• Must be 62 years of age of older at the time of application
• Must be the primary occupant of your residence
• Water bill must bear applicant’s name
• Must reside within the City of Leavenworth
• Meet income limits for the entire household
Residents may sign up at the City Clerk’s Office,
Leavenworth City Hall, 100 N. 5th Street. Applications will be accepted February 1 through April 15. Income verification for the year 2024 from all sources is required, such as income tax returns, Homestead Claim, Social Security Statements and 1099 forms. The program requires reapplication each year to verify income and qualification. Applications submitted after April 15, 2025 will not be considered. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 913-682-9201 if you have any questions.
Community Development Block Grant program provides support for low income homeowners
The City of Leavenworth Home Repair Program provides up to $13,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for minor home repairs to qualified homeowners within Leavenworth city limits. An additional $1,000 could be awarded for radon mitigation. The Home Repair Program benefits low to moderate income homeowners with safe, healthy and sustainable housing. This program receives its funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is subject to HUD guidelines. Qualifying for the program begins with completing the Home Repair Application and calling the Community Development Coordinator to make an appointment for submission. Applicants must be within the HUD income limits and occupy the home they are seeking to repair. Homes are subject to environmental review for qualification. Potential repairs may include, but are not limited to, HVAC, roofing, plumbing, electrical and water heater. This program does not replace windows.
A lien must be signed stating the homeowner will reside in the home and not change title for three years. At the end of the three years, the lien is released and no funds are owed.
Throughout the process, the City’s Community Development Coordinator works closely with the City’s inspectors, contractors, and the homeowner to ensure the repair of a safe and healthy home. Do you have questions or want to know if your particular circumstances qualify? If so, please call 913-680-2627.

At left is a heater that was replaced in a home as a result of the Community Development Block Grant program. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help low income homeowners in the City of Leavenworth.

Grinchy Kiss

Dog licenses available Feb. 1, 2025
City requires tags and registration for all dogs 4 month of age and older that reside in the City of Leavenworth.
The 2025 renewal licenses are available February 1, 2025. Current licenses must be renewed no later than March 31, 2025. The fee is $10 for spayed/neutered.
$20 for unaltered dogs. Late Registration begins April 1, 2025. Late fee is $10 in addition to the regular fee.
Proof of rabies vaccination is required if it has expired since your dog's last renewal. Dog licenses may be obtained from any of the following locations:
n Animal Control, 2019 S. 3rd Street
n City Clerk’s Office, 100 N. 5th Street
n Deb’s Riverview Kennels, 1400 S Esplanade Street
n Dog + Cat Clinic, 1001 N. 7th Street
n Kansas Country Store, 728 Cherokee Street

See our adoptable cats and dogs at Leavenworth Animal Control, 2019 S. Third Street (behind Price Chopper). We are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays.
n Khaki Hound and Camo, Kitty 4501 Commercial Place
n Lowemont Veterinary Clinic, 33511 Santa Fe Trail
n Roverwood Ranch, 4751 S 13th St #6
If you no longer own a dog or are not a resident of the City, contact us at 913-682-9201 option 9 or via email clerk@firstcity.org to update your record.
Even the Grinch couldn't dampen the spirits of cats and dogs who were adopted by families in 2024 -- aided by a project between Leavenworth Animal Control staff and the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 19. The project allowed members of the public to take photos of their pets with either the Grinch or Santa and bring items needed for the pets. It was also the first Saturday adoption hours since the pandemic began. Throughout 2025, Leavenworth Animal Control has scheduled open hours for adoptions only from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month.
Leavenworth Citywide Spring Cleanup scheduled for Saturday April 19

The Leavenworth Citywide Spring Cleanup is planned for Saturday, April 19. This event will include a volunteer trash pickup. This is an event in which churches, scout groups, businesses, social clubs, service clubs and military groups work together to pick up trash throughout the City of Leavenworth in one day. Groups of volunteers may sign up beginning Monday, Feb. 3. Volunteers get a free t-shirt and one day pool pass to Wollman Aquatic Center for picking up trash. Contact melissab@firstcity.org for information about volunteering. Additionally, there will be a free large item drop off and Household Hazardous Waste drop-off at the Municipal Service Center, 790 Thornton Street. This service is for City of Leavenworth residents only. The Brush Site, 1803 S. Second Street, will be free for City residents to drop off brush. Check the City's website for hours.
City Hall at 100

In December 2024, the City celebrated the 100th anniversary of the building as part of the Leavenworth County Historical Society's homes tour. The building at 100 N. Fifth Street was constructed in 1924 following a voter-approved bond issue. The building was designed by Feth and Feth architects and was completed in 1925. The building had many updates over the years, and City staff work to ensure it will stand for many years to come.

In October, members of the Captain Jesse Leavenworth Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a new plaque to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the United States. It is at City Hall, 100 N. Shawnee Street, in the light court for anyone who would like to see it during business hours. It reads, "Revolutionary War Patriots: This marker commemorates the men and women who achieved American independence. These Patriots, believing in the noble cause of liberty, fought valiantly to found a new nation. 1775-1783."

How to Schedule a Ride:
Android phone users - download our app on Google Play to schedule a ride: https://play.google. com/store/apps/details?id=com.rideco.kcata iPhone users - download our app on Apple Store to schedule a ride: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ id1671636916
Cost: Costs are a flat $2 rate. This is $2 per direction, per rider. If paying with cash, please bring exact amount for fare. Drivers cannot give change.
Calvin Abbott portrayed a news boy in December to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Leavenworth City Hall.
Griff Martin, mayor at the time of the event, and TerriLois Mashburn, Leavenworth County historical Society volunteer, celebrated City Hall's 100th anniversary in December.
New faces of City Hall leadership look forward to Leavenworth's future
The City welcomed three new leadership staff members at the end of 2024.
Scott Peterson
Scott Peterson began in November 2024 as the new Leavenworth City Manager. In his new position he will lead the day-to-day leadership for City staff and serve as liaison to the City Commission. Peterson comes to the City with 12 years of experience working in municipal government.

Director of Planning and Community Development
"My expertise is managing all the departments and helping them work together - I'm a good communicator and can get my message across effectively." He grew up in the Kansas City area and was inspired to consider local government by a class in urban management at Kansas State University. He was able to intern with a city manager. Following his bachelor's in political science, Peterson obtained a Master's of Public Administration at the University of Kansas. Peterson said he especially looks forward to having the expertise of professional staff at the City of Leavenworth. Some of his goals include encouraging a developer at the Leavenworth Business and Technology Park, filling downtown Leavenworth with businesses and helping develop a longterm plan for the wastewater treatment plant.
Peterson recently moved to Leavenworth with his wife and son and they look forward to being a part of the community.
Kim Portillo
Kim Portillo was hired in December as the City's Director of Planning Community Development. Portillo comes to the City of Leavenworth with 8 years of experience working in City government in Kansas. She holds two degrees from the University of Kansas -- a Master's in Urban Planning and a Bachelor's in Architectural Studies. Portillo grew up in Kansas City, Kansas, and joined the Kansas Army National Guard in 2009 after one year of college to avoid educational debt. Her military occupational specialty was radio communications, security and repair. She deployed for one year in 2011 with the 35th Military Police Company in the horn of Africa region providing security with a Navy unit that built wells and aided locals with animal husbandry. She served the National Guard until 2016. While attending KU and being inspired by a class on sustainability, Portillo was encouraged to consider Architecture and City Planning as a future career. She fast-tracked her career with a program that allowed her to complete her master's degree classes alongside her undergraduate classes. Her first job was working for a low income housing development builder.

Mike Stephan Deputy Director of Public Works
Portillo was encouraged to consider Leavenworth because she liked the military connections and was impressed with the services offered by her department.
"Leavenworth is doing a lot of things other cities our size aren't -- Community Development Block Grant, historic preservation -- by doing it this way, we can have a greater impact on our citizens."
Mike Stephan
While not new to the City of Leavenworth, Mike Stephan was promoted to the Deputy Public Works Director after 7 years as the Project Manager. He comes to his new position with roughly 30 years of experience.
Stephan began his career with an associate's degree, but quickly transitioned to an autoCAD specialist. One of his first jobs was teaching CAD to engineers at Black and Veatch. He then did drafting for a local engineering company and was promoted to constructional observance. He spent roughly 20 years working for a civil engineering firm that did inspections for municipal government.
Stormwater fees began shortly after Stephan arrived in 2018, allowing the City a tool to fund collapsing infrastructure problems creating safety issues throughout the City. He looks to continue these projects.
Stephans' goal is to aid the Public Works Director Brian Faust in supporting its core functions - street repair, wastewater treatment, snow removal, trash removal and many others. Stephan said in his new position, he also looks forward to supporting grantwriting efforts for City engineering projects.

Scott Peterson City Manager
Kim Portillo

Park Programs
Scan QR Code for more information.
n Legacy Trees - $325/tree - The Legacy Tree Program makes it possible to help preserve the rich history of trees in our parks while commemorating either a person or event. Through this program, old trees are replaced and new areas rejuvenated. All contributions to this program are placed in a Park Special Gift Fund and are only used for the planting of Legacy trees. More information and applications are available on our website.
n Memorial Benches - Another way to honor a person or recognize an organization is through the purchase of a memorial bench with an attached plaque in a park of your choice. Location must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department. This department will also install the bench. Cost varies. Email parksandrec@firstcity.org for more information, or find the application form online.
n Adopt-A-Park – Looking for a way to make a difference in our community? Consider adopting a Leavenworth city park or other landscaped public area. City staff will provide guidance and some materials for projects. See which parks are available and register through our website at www.leavenworthks.org/parksrec.

Riverfront Park Campground – Open April 1 through October 31 – This cozy park beside the Missouri River is the perfect place to relax. The campground has 13 pads for RVs, trailers, or tents, a bathhouse with four private units, a boat ramp, a picnic shelter, and a dump station. Please note that this park is adjacent to active train tracks. Also note, we recommend our site for trailers less than 32’ long. Longer campers drag across the train tracks. Fees are $20/night with a $20 refundable key deposit due upon arrival. For more information call 913-290-0034 or email campgroundmanager@firstcity.org.
Parks and Recreation Department Administrative Office
123 S. Esplanade Street Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 (913) 651-2203
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Leavenworth is home to more than 400 acres of dedicated park land. There are over 20 parks, 14 shelters, an aquatic park, a splash pad, a campground, multiple playgrounds, basketball, pickleball, cornhole, and tennis courts, ball fields, flowerbeds, a 9-hole disc golf course, batting cages, a skate park, a dog park, and several miles of walking trails.
Shelter Rentals
Shelters – We have 13 shelters available for rent at 10 of our parks. See our chart for parks and amenities. You can reserve and pay for these online through Eventbrite (convenience fees apply). Visit our website at www.leavenworthks. org/parksrec for details.
Alcoholic Beverage Permit - $20
By City ordinance, alcoholic beverages are prohibited in City parks, except as authorized by Parks and Recreation to Leavenworth County residents with a valid park reservation. Beverage must be an enhanced cereal malt beverage (beer) containing not more than 6% alcohol by volume.

Leavenworth Landing Park - This scenic park on the Missouri River located by the Riverfront Community Center is available to rent for special occasions. Permit fees start at $30/hour with a $100 refundable damage deposit. Choose the Paddlewheel Plaza or the Railroad Roundhouse. For more details, go to www.leavenworthks. org/parksrec or email parksandrec@firstcity.org.
Haymarket Square
An event venue located at 649 Cherokee. The open-air pavilion is available for rental when not occupied by the Farmer’s Market or the City Market. City residents or businesses pay $50 per 8-hour session, and non-residents pay $150. Contact the City Clerk’s office at 913-682-9201 for availability and more information. If planning a special event open to the public, other requirements must be met to reserve the square.
Rent a Shelter
Go to: Parks Programs
Pickleball courts at Buffalo Bill Cody Memorial Park
Leavenworth City Parks

Riverfront Community Center

The Riverview Room - Aptly named for its beautiful views of the majestic Missouri River. It is an elegant room that can host banquets, receptions, weddings, or other special events. It also has an adjoining outdoor patio that overlooks the river.

Riverfront Community Center 123 South Esplanade Street (913) 651-2132
The Riverfront Community Center is a charming 1880s former Union Depot train station on the banks of the Missouri River. Originally constructed in 1888, this historic depot was restored and remodeled in 1988 as a multi-functional facility. This classic facility provides an ideal atmosphere for all types of special events with picturesque views in Leavenworth Landing Park, located right behind the center.
The Women’s Waiting Room - Adjacent to the Riverview Room, this cozy room has a working fireplace, wood-paneled ceilings, and versatile side doors that can be opened to access the Riverview Room. The doors may be closed to offer a smaller space with a view of Leavenworth’s historic downtown.
The Men’s Waiting Room - Impressive 30-foot woodpaneled ceilings soar above the original woodwork and fireplace. This lovely room also boasts a river view to the east and historic downtown Leavenworth to the west.
The Activity Room - This small room downstairs by the basketball gym is perfect for kids’ birthday parties, fitness classes, study sessions, and other smaller events.
Event Space Fee Schedule
Room Fees and Deposits – A 4-hour minimum rental, a security deposit, and a $25 service charge are required to reserve a room. Fees include set-up and take down of tables and chairs and trash removal. Contact Tammy Metzgar, Riverfront Community Center Manager, at (913) 680-2709 or email her at tmetzgar@firstcity.org. Also, visit the website at www.RiverfrontCommunityCenter.com.

Harvey Girl Luncheons
Step back into the late 1800s when Fred Harvey was helping tame the west with his train depot restaurants and the Harvey Girls. A lovely lunch is served at the Riverfront Community Center by the Harvey Girls, followed by a brief history of Fred Harvey and the girls. Reservations must be made a minimum of two weeks in advance with a minimum of 20 guests. For more details contact the Leavenworth Convention and Visitors Bureau at (913) 7582948.

Fitness at the Riverfront Community Center
Closed on Major Holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, and Christmas Day. The center closes early on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve Fitness Facilities
Admission fee includes use of the weight room, cardio room, indoor track, pool during lap swim times, open pickleball gym, and racquetball courts. For general information, call (913) 651-2132 or email parksandrec@ firstcity.org.
Indoor Track and Fitness Rooms
Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Open Gym *Hours for gym may vary for special events.*
Open Basketball Gym
*Photo ID required* –Regular Gym Schedule - Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m.; Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sundays from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Scan to visit our Leisure and Fitness activities on the website:

Winter Gym Schedule - Winter schedule runs December through February. In December open gym is Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Sundays from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. In January and February, there is no open gym on Sundays. Open Pickleball Gym Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Toddler Tyme – $2.50/child or $40/20-punch passChildren ages 5 and under are invited to the gymnasium for open play time with basketballs, bouncy balls, tricycles, and other fun toys. Adult supervision required. Offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 a.m. to noon.

Riverfront Community Center passes
Admission fee includes use of the weight room, cardio room, indoor track, pool during lap and open swim times, open pickle ball gym, and racquetball courts. Call (913) 651-2132 or email parksandrec@ firstcity.org.
city limits and Fort Leavenworth
Dog Manners and Obedience - $100/dog - Dog trainer
Kim Downing will teach you and your four-legged friend the basic commands. Geared for dogs ages 4 months or older. Must be current on vaccinations. This is a 7-week program. The first week is without your dog. For more information visit www.yourbestdog.com. Class is held on Saturdays.
Basic Ballroom Dance - $40/single or $60/couple - Learn to Merengue, waltz, country two-step, Arizona two-step, salsa, and cha-cha dance steps and turns. For dates and class information, contact Tom Ritchie at urdancrmn@ gmail.com, or email parksandrec@firstcity.org. Class is held on Tuesday evenings. Minimum of 3 couples required for class to be held.
PiYo Live - $5/class or $50/12-punch pass - Join certified instructor Rachel Smith as she combines the musclesculpting, core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility of flowing yoga movements. This class is suitable for all fitness levels, teens and adults. Class is held Wednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9 a.m.
General Use – It is the responsibility of the patrons to ensure they have been properly trained before using the fitness equipment. Improper use may cause serious injuries. The City of Leavenworth is not responsible for injuries or gross negligence. All visitors age 16 and older must present ID at check-in at the front desk.
Age Restrictions – 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian age 18 or older to enter the community center; 11 and under are not allowed in the
weight room or cardio room or on any fitness equipment; ages 12–14 must be supervised by an adult at all times in the fitness rooms; ages 15-17 must have a signed permission form from the parent; ages 60 and over are advised to consult their physician before beginning any type of fitness regimen.
Conduct – No foul language, vulgar music, aggressive or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated. Absolutely no tobacco or vaping products of any sort are allowed in the center. No food
Revelation Fitness - Cost is $5 to drop-in. Punch passes are available for purchase. - Join certified instructor, Brooke Ross for Revelation Fitness! A faith-based workout that will train your body, mind, and spirit. The format for this class will include a variety of styles including choreographed cardio, kickboxing, strength, and flexibility. The use of drumsticks, hand weights, and mats are also incorporated. Modifications are shown and encouraged, enabling you to customize your movements to the best benefit for your body. Bring your mat, hand-weights (optional), and water for this energizing and uplifting class! Drumsticks provided. Class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Stroller Strong Moms - Their mission is to “Sweat Like a Mother” (SLAM), providing moms a unique, fun, challenging total-body workout to bring women together, not only as moms, but as athletes who show their children that your body is the greatest instrument you will ever own. Led by Wanda Aviles, each class will include a warm-up, running or walking with fitness stops, core strengthening and stretching to close. For more information contact Wanda at rangerwanda@gmail.com or call 864-723-4227. Classes held Monday-Friday mornings at the Riverfront Community Center from November through March.
or soft drinks are allowed in the fitness rooms or the gym.
Equipment - Wipe down equipment before and after use. Our staff disinfects all the equipment once each day. Do not drop or slam weights. Place items back where you found them.
Attire - No cleats or spike shoes of any type (including bike shoes); athletic shoes covering the entire foot must be worn at all times (except in the pool); proper swimwear or workout attire is required.

Riverfront Tae Kwon Do - Cost is $55/month for the first family member and $35/month for each additional family member - This popular martial art combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport and exercise. Contact Master David Wrigley via text only at 913-683-4315 for information. Class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. for ages 10 -14 and 6:45 p.m. for adults.
The Indoor walking track at the Riverfront Community Center, 123 S. Esplanade Street in Leavenworth, Kansas, is great for runners and walkers to use -- particularly during inclement weather in the winter months.

Aquacise - Aquacise tones and sculpts your body with no impact to your joints. This popular water aerobics workout is a swimming blend of cardio and resistance training, and may incorporate resistance tools such as buoyant water weights and noodles. One Aquacise pass is valid for all Aquacise classes. Passes may be purchased at the Riverfront Community Center’s front desk and do not expire. Classes are offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 9 a.m. and afternoons at 1 p.m. Also on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. Cost is $5 per class. Punch passes are also available.
Water Walking - Join Lori Mathews as you discover the benefits of water walking. The water provides resistance, making your muscles work harder to move forward and provides buoyancy, helping reduce strain to your joints. Changing your water walking routine keeps it interesting while allowing you to work different muscles as part of the exercise. This 45-minute class is offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:05 a.m. Cost is $5 per class or $50 for a 10-punch pass.
American Red Cross Lifeguard Training ClassStudents will be certified in Lifeguarding, CPR, AED and First Aid. Prerequisite: Student must swim 300 yards non-stop using front crawl and breast stroke and retrieve a 10 pound brick from 9 feet of water. Minimum age is 15. Cost is $180 for residents or $200 for non-residents. Online registration and payments is available at www. leavenworthks.org/parksrec/page/american-red-crosslifeguard-training. Online convenience fees do apply. Check website for next available dates.
American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Group Lessons
Certified instructors will teach children, teens and adults in a supportive environment in which to learn and obtain skills. Students must be registered for Tuesday Thursday sessions by noon the Friday before the session is scheduled to begin, and by noon on Wednesdays for the Saturday sessions. Cost is $45 per child for residents or $55 per child for nonresidents. Families with three or more children will pay half-price for the third and subsequent children in the same household. Check the website at www.leavenworthks.org/parksrec/page/swim-lessons for a detailed description of each level available and a current schedule of dates and times being offered. For questions, call 913-758-6635.
Private Swim Lessons available. Call 913-758-6635. $40 for a 30-minute class or semi-private $50 for 30 minutes.
Aquatic Physical Therapy – Two therapy offices offer aquatic therapy at our indoor pool - Preferred Physical Therapy, LLC, call 913-727-2022 or visit them at 712 First Terrace, Ste. 101, Lansing, KS. Select Physical Therapy, call 785-230-4490 or visit them at 100 E. Kansas St., Lansing, KS 66043.
Riverfront Community Center Lap Swim Schedule
123 S. Esplanade Street, Leavenworth Kansas
See page 12 for fees. Days Times
Monday 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Riverfront Community Center Open Swim - The Riverfront Community Center is available for open swim when Wollman Aquatic Center is closed. Stop at the front desk to pay the cashier and sign in, then join the fun on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Check our website for more details. Call 913-758-6629 or email parksandrec@ firstcity.org.
Open Swim Schedule
Friday - 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Saturday - 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday - 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lap Swim Rules - No one under the age of 14 admitted into the pool during Lap Swim unless authorized by the Aquatic Supervisor. Lap swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool, unassisted, using the front crawl. Available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Flotation Devices - In order to keep all patrons safe while enjoying the pool, only noodle floats may be used. No other toys or floats allowed unless during class times. An individual with special physical or mental need may use an approved Personal Flotation Device. This must have prior approval from the Aquatic Supervisor.
Riverfront Community Center Indoor Pool Parties
The Riverfront Community Center pool is available for birthday parties and special events. Prices vary for these events. Please contact parksandrec@firstcity.org or call 913-758-6629 for available times.
Leavenworth, Kansas
Recreation Activity Scholarship Program for Residents
Qualifying individuals or families who live in the city limits of Leavenworth and are currently receiving public financial assistance may be awarded a $100 credit per approved person per year to be used toward certain Parks and Recreation Department activities, such as fitness facility passes, swim programs, and youth sports. For information email Tabor Medill at tmedill@firstcity.org or call him at (913) 758-6648. You must set an appointment with Tabor Medill before dropping off your application. Application forms are available online at www.leavenworthks.org/ parksrec. Applications must be renewed each year by completing a new form and scheduling another appointment for verification and approval. Minimum copay of $10 per program registration is required.
Sports Officials – Interested in officiating for any of our sports programs? Contact our Recreation Program Supervisor for Sports, Tabor Medill, at tmedill@firstcity.org or call 913-758-6648.

Youth Sports programs are available year round in Leavenworth. Check us out online at leavenworthks.org/parksrec
Field or Court Rentals – The City has tennis courts, outdoor pickleball courts, basketball courts, a recreation complex with baseball/softball fields, and 7 other baseball/ softball fields throughout the city. Contact Tabor Medill at tmedill@firstcity.org to reserve these locations for special use or league tournaments.
Inclement Weather Line – Call (913) 364-5821 for information on game cancellations.
Spring Adult Co-Ed Softball - $380/team - Open to all men and women age 18 and over whose high school class has graduated. Requires a minimum of 4 teams. USA (formerly ASA) rules are used. Season begins in April. Registration is February 1 – 28, in person at the Riverfront Community Center.
Spring Men’s Double Header Softball - $380/teamOpen to men age 18 and over whose high school class has graduated. Requires a minimum of 4 teams. USA (formerly ASA) rules are used. Season begins in April. Registration is March 1 - 31, in person at the Riverfront Community Center.
Youth Baseball and Softball – $50/player – discount for third child - Leagues for boys and girls ages 5 through 13 (birth date as of May 1 – no exceptions). Children MUST play in their appropriate age group. Season runs June through the second weekend in July. Registration is March 1 – 31. Late registration is an additional $25/player and ends April 15. Eligible for scholarship use. Scholarship does not cover late fee.
Annual City Tennis Tournament – This tournament is held the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (when needed) before Memorial Day. Participants must live or work in the Leavenworth County area or be a former champion. Entry fees for singles ($15/event) and doubles ($25/team/event). Registration begins in April, online or in person.
Calendar of Events
Daddy & Me Sweetheart Tea – February 2 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Little girls, 9 and under, and their daddies or big brothers, uncles, grandfathers, etc., will enjoy an afternoon of fun and refreshments.
Come to the Riverfront Community Center dressed in your best and have a photo taken with your favorite date. You may pre-register online at www.leavenworthks.org (convenience fees apply) or in person at the Riverfront Community Center. No event-day walk-ins accepted. Cost is $35 per couple, $6 for each additional guest.

Arbor Day Celebration – On April 25, 2025, Parks staff will plant a tree to honor a local individual or group. Tree planting time and location will be announced on the City’s website. www.leavenworthks.org/parksrec.

Easter Festival and Egg Hunt - Join us at 10th Avenue Park for this free event. Easter festivities including games, activities, face painting, petting zoo, bounce houses, music, food vendors and of course the Easter Bunny! Bring your Easter Basket for the Egg Hunt. If you find a Golden Egg, turn it in to the Parks & Recreation table for a special prize! Specially geared for children 12 and under. Event starts at 1:00 p.m., and the egg hunt begins at 2:30 p.m. sharp.
Touch-A-Truck – May 7 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Bring the kids to this free event at Leavenworth Landing Park. Kids get a hands-on opportunity to explore, crawl through, and even honk the horn of the hard-working big rigs of the City and surrounding communities. Stop in the gym at Riverfront Community Center (south entrance) and check out the bounce houses, toys, music and free popcorn. Across the street, the C. W. Parker Carousel Museum will host free rides.
Dad and Me Campout - Join us at Wollman Aquatic Center for a night under the stars on June 14. Pitch your tent in the grassy area and then enjoy an evening of swimming, s’mores, and games. Breakfast is served the next morning. Limit 20 tents. Charge is based on an average 4-person tent, about 60 square feet. Event starts at 8 p.m. Saturday night and end at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. Fees: $35 for one tent with one adult and one child; $5 for each additional guest in the same tent.
River City Community Players
The River City Community Players is a local community theatre group at the Performing Arts Center, 500 Delaware Street. All shows are familyfriendly. Curtain times are 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. for Sunday matinees. Tickets are available online and at the door. Call 913-6510027 for more information.