cardinal techsource
links from your library | November 21, 2011
Memonic Memonic is a service which allows users to clip and save any content on the web. It is available across a variety of platforms, from browsers to iPhone. It requires no download or installation. To use, simply sign up for an account and then drag the Memonic bookmarklet to your browser’s toolbar (below the address bar). This will add a button to your browser which you can then use to save clips of content. Memonic also allows users to print, email, and share clipped content. This is a great site for research projects and online reading. Memonic Tour
Free Summarizer Free Summarizer allows you to instantly summarize any text into a manageable size with the click of a button. Simply copy and paste text from anywhere - a website, article, etc. - into the box on Free Summarizer’s website. You can choose the number of sentences you’d like to receive. Free Summarizer will then generate a summary of that length and allow you to copy/paste or email the summary. This is a great tool for teaching summarization skills or making text more manageable for readers.
APPitic APPitic is an app rating service provided by Apple Distinguished Educators. These educators select and review apps to determine which subjects, grade levels, and instructional strategies they fit. You can browse apps by any of these criteria, which are categorized as Themes (subject area, as well as skills within those subjects), Multiple Intelligences, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. If you are looking to use iPhone apps in the classroom, this is a great resource. APPitic Home