cardinal techsource
links from your library | September 19, 2011
Now You Can Watch TechSource! Would you rather WATCH and LISTEN to the weekly tech tools rather than READ? Watch a screencast video made with - is a content curation site that allows users to create guides on any topic using articles, websites, and links from around the web. Students can create their own information “portals” on a given topic as an assignment or collect links during research. Teachers can search for relevant portals and find interesting articles for Eyes Past Print readings. Currently in beta, does require an invitation request to create an
Sample Scoop.It Portal: Environment Topics on Scoop.It - is a site which allows users to create an embed code for any website or document so that it can be embedded into a website just like a YouTube video. You can upload files directly from your computer or embed pre-existing websites. You can also add mark-up to your embed, including notes, highlights, and drawings. is a great resource for adding content to course websites or the
How-To Video:
EmbedItIn from EduTecher
Bag the Web - Bag the Web allows users to “curate” content they find on the web into “bags” that can contain links, videos, media, and other content. Users can also link their bags to other relevant bags to create a network of information. You also have the ability to share bags (via link) or embed bags into a website (via embed code). This is
Sample Bag from Bag the Web: Health Videos - Bag the Web