Benton Library Monthly Report - April 2011

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benton library media center

Benton High School | April 2011

OUR STATS FOR CIRCULATION . . . were slowing down in April 2011, due mainly to Spring Break and the library closing for a few days so that our librarians could attend the Missouri Association of School Librarians’ spring conference! However, we reached a great milestone this month! We surpassed 10,000 book checkouts for the year! This is huge considering our physical collection only numbers 7,000 print volumes! That means that (statistically) it’s likely every book checked out at least once this year! However, many of our books check out hundreds of time every single year, especially the newest books in our collection! Keep it up in May, Benton High School! -- Mrs. Corey and Mrs. Halter

CIRC STATS! APRIL 2011 Total Collection Circulation: 2841 9th grade: 187

Top 10 Books by circulation

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

10th grade: 440

Twisted by La u ri e H a l s e Anderson

11th grade: 305

Shaman King by Hi

12th grade: 25

First Shot by Walter So

Unspecified: 1865 Total Book Circulation: 836

Muchacho by Louann


e Johnson

Total New Book Checkouts

If I Grow Up by Todd


Gone by Lisa McMan


If I Stay by Gayle Fo rm

Total Hold Requests: 96

Shaman King by Hi

Total Laptop Circulation: 946

Shaman King by Hi

Total Classes in Library: 58

Total Book Checkouts


royuki Takei

Total New Book Circ: 444

Total Overnight Laptop Circulation: 43



royuki Takei

royuki Takei

674 YTD Book Checkout



Research Statistics for April 2011 DEPT/ TEACHER





Acids and Bases: 22 ACT Test Prep: 5

Science/E. Nash

Frog deformities in the Midwest researching causes, results, examples, etc. and creating a Wikipedia-style article on Wikispaces

ICT Literacy CLE: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 6B

LibGuide: http:// frogs

NETS-S: 3A, 3B

Avoiding Plagiarism: 6 Budgeting for College: 3 Business Promotion: 5 Career Research: 3 Citing Sources: 36 Finding/Citing Images: 24

Comm Arts/ Steeby and Michaud

Personal identity project - researching information about oneself on the Internet

ICT Literacy CLE: 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 6C

LibGuide: http:// personaljourne y

Frog Deformities Project: 274 Gateway Reader’s Award 2011-12: 25 Lit Circles Assignment: 22 Medieval Job Fair: 570 Personal Identity Project: 696

Social Studies/ Shavnore and Rushing

Medieval job fair researching various jobs both males and females held during the Middle Ages

ICT Literacy CLE: 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5B NETS-S: 3A, 3B

LibGuide: http:// medieval

OUR STATS FOR RESEARCH . . . included great projects centering on frog deformities, personal identity, and medieval jobs! For the Personal Identity Project in Comm Arts, students were surprised by how much information was available about themselves online via search engines like and! April was a month full of great projects! --Mrs. Corey

Primary vs. Secondary Sources in Comm Arts: 96 TOTAL NEW GUIDES: 3 TOTAL VIEWS: 1822


Our LibGuides cont inue to reach our students and teachers even after assignments are finished! Our newest guides also received hundreds of views throughout the month! WOW!

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