benton library media center
Benton High School | February 2011
OUR STATS FOR CIRCULATION . . . held steady for the month of February despite the many snow days. Our new books from the fall carried our print circulation. Our circulation stats are on course to reach 15,000 again this school year! We’ve seen a great turnover in the Top 10 Books category every single month this year! This month, we saw a number of old favorites enter the list from the previous Gateway Reader’s Award Nominees. We’ve had some very steady circulation statistics for both new books and the existing collection! Keep showing us your book love, Benton High School!!! --Mrs. Corey and Mrs. Halter
CIRC STATS! FEBRUARY 2011 Total Collection Circulation: 2414
Top 10 Books by circulation
9th grade: 146
Beauty Shop for Re nt by Laura Bowers
10th grade: 298
First Shot by Walter So
11th grade: 255
New Boys by Julian
12th grade: 113
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Unspecified: 1602
Bleach by Kubo
Total Book Circulation: 764
If I Grow Up by Todd
Shiver by Maggie St
Total Hold Requests: 90
DopeSick by Walter
Dean Myers
Total Laptop Circulation: 804
Gone by Lisa McMan
Total Classes in Library: 30
Total Book Checkouts
764 Total New Book Checkouts
Bleach by Kubo
Total New Book Circ: 297
Total Overnight Laptop Circulation: 95
Glass by Ellen Hopk
297 YTD New Book Checkout
Research Statistics for February 2011 DEPT/ TEACHER
FEBRUARY 2011 Acids and Bases: 56 ACT Test Prep: 8
Comm Arts/ Lafascano & Miller
Creating blogs for 9th grade CA classes for blogging about writing/ reading
ICT Literacy CLE: 3B, 5C NETS-S: 1B, 2A, 6A
Edublogs video: http:// 19700347
Avoiding Plagiarism: 4 Budgeting for College: 1 Business Promotion: 96 Career Research: 42
Social Studies/ Sherard
Business/ Musser
Social Studies/ Elder
Book review assignment for DC American History, using databases to find reviews
ICT Literacy CLE: 3A, 3B
Develop a promotional plan for an event, such as sporting events or concerts
ICT Literacy CLE: 3A, 3B
Create a Prezi to display concepts of Supreme Court cases and/or alternative energy sources
ICT Literacy CLE: 5B, 5C
Citing Sources: 18
http:// bookreview
Finding/Citing Images: 1
LibGuide: http:// promotion
Food Webs: 2 Gateway Reader’s Award 2011-12: 14 Genetic Disorders: 3 Gulf Oil Spill: 20 History Book Review Assignment: 51
Investment Project: 12
NETS-S: 2A, 3B
Lit Circles Assignment: 17 Teaching Resources Westward Expansion: 4 TOTAL VIEWS: 359
OUR STATS FOR RESEARCH . . . included great blogging projects with Comm Arts (done at a distance due to a sick day for Mrs. Corey) as well as a book review assignment for history, a promotional marketing assignment for business, and a Prezi for social studies, including both Psychology and Law & Citizenship classes! February was a great month for research!
Our LibGuides cont inue to reach our students and teachers even after assignments are finished! W e’ re gl ad we ca n pr ov id e comprehensive rese arch guides! We *heart* LibGuide s!