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benton library media center
Benton High School | January 2011
held steady for the month of January despite the many snow days. Our new books from the fall carried our print circulation. Our circulation stats are on course to reach 15,000 again this school year! We’ve seen a great turnover in the Top 10 Books category every single month this year! This month, we saw a number of old favorites enter the list from the previous Gateway Reader’s Award Nominees. We’ve had some very steady circulation statistics for both new books and the existing collection! We were in school for only 12 days in January, but in that time we checked out 1138 books! That’s almost 100 books a day! We also re-circulated our new books from the fall order 323 times. For the school year to date, we’ve checked out new books 1402 times! Keep reading, Benton High School!!! Let’s make 2011 a great year! --Mrs. Corey and Mrs. Halter
Total Collection Circulation: 2523 9th grade: 238 10th grade: 464 11th grade: 268 12th grade: 125 Unspecified: 1364 Total Book Circulation: 1138
Top 10 Books by circulation
First Shot by Walter So Unwind by Neal Sh
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowl ing DopeSick by Walter Dean Myers The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Al bom Bone, vol. 3 by Jeff
Killed Cartoons by
David Wallis
Total New Book Circ: 323
Strange But True St
Total Hold Requests: 81
Stealing Heaven by Eliza beth Scott
Total Laptop Circulation: 742 Total Overnight Laptop Circulation: 36 Total Classes in Library: 34
Gone by Lisa McMan
n Tr i c ks a n d C ra n k by E l l e n Hopkins
NUMBERS Total Book Checkouts
1138 Total New Book Checkouts
323 YTD New Book Checkout
Research Statistics for January 2011 DEPT/ TEACHER
Acids and Bases: 344 ACT Test Prep: 1
Comm Arts/ Laipple
Creating a research plan for 11th grade AP Comm Arts, session using Skype/Vimeo
ICT Literacy CLE: 1B, 3B, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5C NETS-S: 1B, 2A, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D
Simple Seven Research Process: http:// issuu.com/ melissacorey/ docs/ simple_seven Video: http:// vimeo.com/ 18937284
Avoiding Plagiarism: 10 Budgeting for College: 2 Career Research: 125 Columbus/Globalization: 1 Citing Sources: 20 Finding/Citing Images: 13 Food Webs: 2 Gateway Reader’s Award 2011-12: 54
Science/Jones, Fowler, Reynolds
LibGuide on acids and bases, the difference between them, followed by a mock-up poster of a Wikipedia article about acids and bases
ICT Literacy CLE: 3A, 3B
LibGuide: http:// bentonhs.sjsd.li bguides.com/ acids
Genetic Disorders: 3 Gulf Oil Spill: 15 History Book Review Assignment: 4 Investment Project: 3 Library Info: 5 Lit Circles Assignment: 13 Westward Expansion: 4 TOTAL VIEWS: 631
OUR STATS FOR RESEARCH . . . included two great projects with Communication Arts and Science. One project involved a written research paper for 11th AP Communication Arts classes. Principles of Chemistry and Physics studied Acids and Bases with our LibGuide on the topic and later made a mock-up of a Wikipedia article as an assessment.
Our LibGuides cont inue to reach our students and teachers even after assignments are finished! W e’ re gl ad we ca n pr ov id e comprehensive rese arch guides! We *heart* LibGuide s!