Birthday card mom

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Happy y a d h t r i B

. . . a n e d l A








Virtuous Woman Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies‌

She seeks wool, and flax, and works willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants’ ships; she brings her food from afar. She rises also while it is yet night, and gives meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. She girds her loins with strength, and strengthens her arms. She perceives that her merchandise is good: her candle goes not out by night. She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

She stretches out her hand to the poor; yea, she reaches forth her hands to the needy. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Aldena, You Are a Vir`tuous Woman!!!

Tributes from your Grand-Children

My Inspiration

Strong, beautiful black woman, Carved by the hands of God I only hope that one day; I’ll glimpse the paths you’ve trod. Decked with eyes that have seen endless sunsets Gentle hands that never grow cold, Ears that listen earnestly; And lips that speak wisdom untold. She is courageous, yet humble, Bold, yet gentle and graceful; The paradigm of a dedicated black woman, So industrious and so faithful. She is talented and ambitious Always striving to do her best; A woman like no other, She is truly blessed.

I look to her for motivation; She has always pushed me to aim higher. Not only is she a grandmother to me But a role model, who continues to inspire. Love you Grand-ma!

d e r i p s in r u o Y Keri…

GRAND-mother When I was much younger, I used to wonder why they called you grand. But the older I grow, the more I know. And at last! I understand. You are thoughtful, patient and loving As only a grandmother can be. Caring for me, so diligently, You are really quite grand indeed! When I am with you, we always have fun, You make me feel like I’m your special one! It shows through your hugs and the kindness in your smile; Yes! I’m so thankful that I’m your grandchild.

Love you Grandma - Cay


A special, one of a kind woman‌ The best person you could ever meet, my everything. I know for sure, because she covers me with her wings. She makes me smile all the time and don’t give her an inch because she will take a mile. She is a special, one of a kind woman. She is bold, daring and sweet. After so many ups and downs she is still on her feet! What a strong woman? I want to be just like her. It can be no one--but Aldena Witter.

Love you Grandma;


So special Grand-ma

My grandma is special in every way She makes me smile every day. And she is always there for me, Especially in my time of need. She was the one I ran to, When I didn’t know what to do, And she is the one who is always there, When no one else seems to care. Love you Grandma; Kahayne

Love is‌ LOVE is what you believe in your heart. It might be hard to believe in true love, but love is something that you see, feel and believe grandma. Our love for you is from the bottom of our hearts.

This is what your name means to me:

A is for attractive L is for loving and loyal D is dedicated E is for endurance N is for natural and nice A is for always !

We will love you always Grandma

Lajay & Kayla

God’s Treasure

It’s not the things that can be bought, That are life’s richest treasure, But rather, the little gifts from the heart, That money cannot measure. A cheerful smile, a friendly word, Or even a sympathetic nod Are priceless little treasures From the storehouse of God. For thoughtfulness and kindness and love are never sold. Yet they are the most valuable things in life, for which no one can pay, And the giver finds rich recompense, In giving them away. And who on earth gives more away, and does more good for others Than understanding, wise, selfless, and loving Grandmothers.

Grandma, you are definitely one of God’s treasures Love you, Jodi

Loving Memories Whenever I think of you, A smile grows across my face, As I remember the things you taught me, Like always to say my grace. I remember sitting in your lap While you read the bible out loud, And to hear me sing a gospel song, It made you so very proud. You have encouraged, mentored and guided me Told me to aim to be the best that I can be And whenever my mom troubled me I would always run to you Because the love you showed me was really true You were my first teacher in more ways than one; For me to learn and understand was your inspired plan. And let’s not forget the poem I wrote to tell u how I felt When I heard you were leaving, Something inside me began to melt. Grandma you are special to me, unlike any other You were more to me than my mother’s mother You were more than a best friend My sweet darling grandma The love I have for you will never end I wish that you prosper as you work hard in the States Keep being you and keep the faith.

Love you always Grandma… Jade

I Love You Grandma! I love you grandma for leading the way, Teaching me about life, work, and play. Being with you, is always fun, We talk about every thing under the sun. I love you grandma, for your support and care, Your inner beauty, is awesome and rare. A very cool grandma, really laid back, Thanks for those times, you cut me some slack. I love you grandma, and am so glad you are here I get excited, when I have you near You have become more than a grandma But rather a friend to me A confidant and and supporter as true as can be.

Love you Grandma‌ Terri-Ann

A Grandmother is... A grandmother is a remarkable woman. She’s a wonderful combination of strength and kindness, laughter and love. She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams, and praises our every success. A grandmother has the wisdom of a teacher, the sincerity of a true friend, and the tenderness of a mother. She’s someone we admire, respect and love very much. A grandmother will always have a cherished place in our memories and in our hearts. She’s someone for whom we want every happiness in return for the joy she always brings. A grandmother is all the dear and precious things in life... When she’s a grandmother like you.

you e v o L dma… Gran mar Ja

Grandmothers are Special! Grandmothers are fun Because they love you a ton Grandmothers are nice Because they are full of surprise Grandmothers are sweet They always bring you many a treat Grandmothers are the best Because they put all your worries to rest I do love you my Grandma

you e v o L dma‌ Gran ris Pa

Tributes from Children & Sons-In-Law

Thank You Mom Mom, without you, there would be no me.Your love, your attention, your guidance,have made me who I am. Without you, I would be lost;wandering aimlessly,without direction or purpose.You showed me the wayto serve, to accomplish, and to persevere. You have taught me everything I know about being a good mother, wife and Christian. I Love, Admire and Respect You. But Most of all, I Thank You.


Mo u o y e v Lo Lavern

To My Mother –

Whose Virtue is Her

Strength There’s nothing like a mother’s love

And that you give the best Your smile, your touch, your reassuring words Put many a fears to rest It is truly remarkable how you have done so much with two little hands For years you have toiled to make ends meet.

What amazes me about you, Mom

Is your ability to bounce right back around No matter how many circumstances arise to test your strength You’ve always won! You are resilient!

Oh the thoughts I have for you When I think about all you have been through “Thank you” just cannot suffice What you deserve is greater that any price.

But I pray that God will

continue to bless you With long life, good health, happiness and peace That he will enlarge your territory And grant your heart a sweet release.

Love you Mom….. Tanesha

My Mother-In-Law You are the mother I received the day I wed your daughter. And I just want to thank you, Mom, For this chapter of my life that you co-authored. You have given me an angel with whom I share my life. You are her lovely mother and she is my darling wife. You used to hold her in your hands, but now I hold her hand. You raised in love a little girl, then gave me a woman.

Bless you; Shannon

M t o s m e t a E e r ver. . G eTh To the greatest woman in the world

Affectionate Loveable Dedicated Empowering Naturally nice Admirable

I’d rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else. I’d rather be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself I’d rather have hard times together, than to have it easy apart I’d rather have you who gave me a heart

Dedicated to the best person I have every known

Mom I must admit that indeed you are the best person I have ever known You carried me so tender until it was time to make my entrance in to this cold and selfish world. You took such great care of me from I was a baby until now even though I am a grown woman who should be able to take care of myself. You always made sure I had food to eat, clean clothes to wear a good education, a firm religious background and that I am always safe. You always want the best for me even though sometimes I think you are too rigid but in the long run I realize it’s best for me and that it pays off. Oh what a wonderful woman you are. Your price is far above rubies. If loving you is wrong I don’t want to be rightIf being right means being without youI’d rather be alone Every night before I sleep I thank the Lord for giving me another day so I can be with you. Cause I’ve never seen another person so beautiful in every way. I thank the Lord I’ve got you.

I love you mom Coleith

I’m Really Glad You Are My Mother! It is not very often that we take the time

To immortalize our love, our respect our admiration... for one so sublime.

You have been everything a mother ought to be Then you multiplied it over and over again For the world to see. You are talented and beautiful, so loving and kind Forgiving, gentle, patient; I am so glad you are mine. You turn to gold everything that you touch God in His wisdom, knew you would need it much. I’ll never find another who inspires me as you do And when I’m feeling down; it lifts my spirit to think of you. To know that one could start with nothing And end up where you are Believe me Mom, indeed you are a star! I thank you for everything you have been I thank you for your faith and godliness And resilience within.

You are a wonderful mother; you were a caring wife. Pride, dignity and confidence have characterized your life. I thank God for you Aldena, and I am so very proud to say: “I’m really glad you are my mother” And I’ll show it in every way. God bless you!

I love you Mommy, Mel

My 2nd Mom.. Faithful & Strong! A tower of strength That’s what you are to me A role model of faith; for all to see I was there when things were bad To see the pain that made you sad When everyone around you Had a heavy load As shots rang out on March Pen Road That day I came to drop off Mel Something was wrong; I could tell But you never doubted What God could do And always told me He would see you through I have learnt so much Just by watching you About trusting in God And what he can do I thank God for you always And for the person that you are May His blessings be with you always Whether near or far!

Love you Mom‌. Patrick

The Lady Aldena!!! Hey you lady; yes you... The lady with virtue, classs and confidence. The lady who started out with nothing and have so much. The lady who when I was down, spun me around. Mrs. Splendid, I’m so glad to be a girl of yours. Just thinking of you will last me the years‌. I love you higher than any other love And loving you is a blessing from above. Guess what, these words are not from the Gleaner.

They are from me to you Aldena!

Love you always Mom; Stacey

A mother’s heart is a special place If there is happiness in my heart, it’s because you helped put it there. If there is gentleness in my beliefs, it’s because you showed me how to care. If there is understanding in my thinking, it’s because you shared your wisdom. If there is a rainbow over my shoulder, it’s because of your outlook and your vision. If there is a knowledge that I can reach out and I really can make some dreams come true it’s because learned from the best teacher of all. . . . . . I learned from you.

Love you Mom, Veronica

Love made you do the things you did! How did you find the energy, Mom To do all the things you did, To be teacher, nurse and counselor To me, when I was a kid. How did you do it all, Mom, Be a comforter, cook and friend, Yet find time to be a playmate, I just can’t comprehend. I see now it was love, Mom That made you come whenever I’d call, Your inexhaustible love, Mom And I thank you for it all. Mom, I wish I had words to tell How much you mean to me. I am the person I am today, Because you let me be.


yu Mummy, mi love Orville

A Mother’s Love There are times when only a mother’s love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother’s love Can share the joy we feel When something we’ve dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are times when only a mother’s faith Can help us on life’s way And inspire in us the confidence We need from day to day. For a mother’s heart and a mother’s faith And a mother’s steadfast love Were fashioned by the angels And sent from God above. Mummy, I remember those days in the fields, today I celebrate you as only one who knows your sacrifices truly can.

Love you Mom, Al

You have become a Mother to me Mother, mama, grandma, mother in law. The role you’ve played and continue to play is more than just a name. A mother who loves and cares for her children that’s who you are. And you have done it without any claim for fame. Thank you for giving life to the mother of my child and my lovely wife. May God bless you richly! May he give you patience and add to your patience virtue. May you continue to mentor other women. I found in you an unwavering faith and a firm belief that God is everything. You have become a mom to me, a friend and someone I really admire. Thank you for choosing me as your son, I truly value you...mother.

Your son-in-law Andrew

Mother‌ I Love You A multiplicity of adjectives, Chained to fondest memories Those were created before we were babies Speak explicitly of who you are and what we’ve become Loving deeds epitomize your heart The efforts, pain, the hardships and selfless gains Mother I love you The work you put in is much appreciated The journey you have taken just to make ends meet The many flights, the sleepless nights, Praying by my bedside Mother I love you

As I walked down the aisle flooded with memories of my childhood My eyes filled with tears of the many wonderful years Mother I love you  Woven in the strand of my heart, Is sincere gratitude Grateful I am and will forever be, To be counted among your children Never once did I feel unloved. Mother I love you

Love you Aldena.

God bless you! Tashika

Thank You for The Gift of a Caring Mother We have been extraordinarily blessed with a gift That keeps on giving; and brings a spiritual lift To a weary soul in a dry and thirsty land Like the waves cascading, crashing on sun parched sand You have been an undeniably, wonderful personification Of sacrifice, caring, discipline and dedication With pride and dignity you have lead the Witter Team A shiny example, a radiant light beam I know you use your time wisely, for sweet reflection To chart your path forward; to choose your direction I wish for you a special bounty of insight That will guide your decisions, making them right I have many wishes for you; all special and dear For one so deserving; I can’t help but care And hope for pleasant moments and memories to recall And life filled with much goodness; both great and small May the rest of your years be beautiful each and every day May the universe conspire, so you’ll have things your way

May you enjoy unconditional love and perfect happiness May your plans all work out and your labour be bless’d I wish you days filled with lots of simple treasures The gifts of laughter, friendships and all the other pleasures I have been a better person just by knowing you And so many others feel the same way too There are not enough words to rightly express My wellspring of wishes for your happiness But I just had to pause and use this moment to say May God grant you every good thing‌ On this, and every other day!

I love you Mom, Thank you for being that gift! Mel.

we love you M O T H E R


A letter from


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Moments of togethernesss..

Weddings are Major Events..

MOTHER YOU ARE SO SPECIAL! Your eyes, though tired, and have gone long with little rest, Are the eyes that have watched in vigilance through their lowest and their bests. Those eyes have cried tears of joy, fear, sorrow, and immense love, They’re eyes that have closed as you prayed for your children to God above. Your lips, on some days, may seem to stay in a pout, But you were always cautious about the words that would come forth. But those lips are special, they’ve laid out rules, and given advice, They’ve kissed boo boos, said “i love yous,” and “you’ll always be my child.” From your lips came words that your little ones needed to hear, Out came reassurance and comfort when they turned to you with fears. Look down at those hands, though dried out and tired, They’re the hands that first held those precious babies at your side. They’re the hands that have wiped away a countless amount of tears,

They’re hands that have moved mountains through countless years. They’re hands that have held on tight, guiding children as they grow, They’re hands that have released, when it was time for them to go. But that head that aches, look, it lifts up every day, It houses sweet memories and has built the right words to say. It has dreamed big for your family, for those kids you adore, Every day you pick your head up, you’re stronger than the day before. But your ears, though ringing, have been blessed to hear a child’s first words and shouts, They’re the ears that have listened intently to worries and to doubts. They’ve been blessed to hear conversations and laughter in your home. They’re ears that have heard, “I love you, mom” and they remind you you’re not alone. Your feet, at times, seem to drag..slowly here and there, Some days they’re like weights, you feel you’re not getting anywhere. Those feet ache, and it seems, many miles they have run,

But as you stepped forward each day, do you realize what you’ve done? You have set an example, You moved bravely and in faith, With the miles your feet have walked, You’ve shown your children the way. Your heart is feeling tired, and has many times, broken right in half, From the “no!”s and disappointments or the fights you have had. It has experienced heartache, and grief, and stress as it pounds, For when it comes to your children, they’re your heart walking around. But that heart, oh that heart, it’s such a special one, It’s a heart that has strength, it’s a heart that has overcome. It’s the heart that accepted the great role to be a mother An adventure that involves trials and struggles like no other. Unknown were the hardships and sweet joys ahead, But your heart made itself ready for the wonderful road it would tread. Motherhood called you, and your heart took on the call So that heart, oh that heart, mother, is the strongest part of all.

So look in the mirror, and then see what’s within, See the good that you do, and the love that you bring, Look at your strength and your courage, true beauty is what you should see, And know that this, wonderful mother, this is where you are meant to be. Without you Mom, there would be no ‘we’. A Tribute From All Of Us

u o y e v o l We Aldena!

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