Dr. Guyan Arscott Talks Cosmetic Surgery

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wellness CARIBBEAN


Kids dental health Environmental Wellness with 360 RecyclE The light side of

dr. Henry Lowe

Dr. Guyan Arscott talks

JA $500 UK £4.00 US $5.00 CA $5.00

Cosmetic Surgery

Immerse in tranquility

at Eden Gardens ier Wellness Resort. em pr ’s an be ib ar C e th Wellness Resort & Spa, u in its ly positioned to wrap yo ct rfe pe d an d te ca lo Conveniently luxury. aura of elegancy and

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Have your next function at ease in the art of luxury.

Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited

Editor in chief Dr. Henry Lowe

Editorial & Creative Director Meleisa Witter


Marketing / Sales Clive Aquart Sharon Reid

From a purely economic standpoint, it is definitely more

advantageous to be at our optimum wellness. Not only do we save money as individuals and place less strain on the health facilities, but isn’t it spectacular to be free from pain? Then we factor in our productivity. So much time is lost from work and from spending quality time with family and friends when we are ill. Shouldn’t these things drive us to want to be healthier? Take charge of your life. Be informed so you can make educated

Graphics & Layout

decisions about your health. Understand that ‘wellness’ isn’t

Tamiko Blake

just about working out at the gym or changing your diet. Those

Nicole Williams

are included, but holistic wellness must factor in your financial, spiritual, emotional, social, occupational and environmental


wellness. If any of these are terribly out of balance, it is quite

Patrine Cameron

likely that your wellness will be compromised.

Dominic Cobran

There are professional wellness organizations which are

Alicea James

established just to serve you. Seek out a few to get your

Dr. Herbert Lowe

programme on track. Encourage a family member to join you

Dr. Jessica Lowe

on the journey.

Avi-Ann Miller

Let each one reach one.

Keisha-Ann Sleight

I came across this quote many years ago and found it quite

Claude Wilson

instructive, so i’ll share it with you: “So many people spend

Meleisa Witter

their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” – A.J. Reb Materi

© 2018 Pelican Publishers Limited

Remember, that to be successful in life you need balance.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

To your health, which is your wealth.

or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission from the publishers.


Meleisa Witter

Creative & Editorial Director


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CONTENTS 06 10 12 14

Environmental Wellness - Featuring 360O Recycle

The EHF Schools' Wellness Seminar

wellness CARIBBEAN


Q & A with Young Author Justin Mckay

Mummy Diaries: Kids Dental Health Keisha-Ann Sleight

The Importance of Taking your Pet to the Vet

Dr. Jessica Lowe

The light side of

Dr. Guyan Arscott talks

JA $500 UK £4.00 US $5.00 CA $5.00

Cosmetic Surgery

Hot Water: The Most Inexpensive Medicine?




Patrine Cameron

Improper Food Combinations; Myth Or?

Claude Wilson

When Protein Kills: Understanding Urea Cycle Disorder Alicea James


7 Household Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix

Another Scientific Breakthrough for Dr. Henry Lowe

Drink Your Way to Better Health

Alicea James

Avi-Ann Miller

Dr. Guyan Arscott Talks Cosmetic Surgery Meleisa Witter


12 Things Mentally Strong People Do Dominic Cobran

Mahailia Palmer



Clear Blocked Sinuses Naturally

with 360 RecyclE



Dr. Herbert Lowe

Kids dental health Environmental Wellness dr. Henry Lowe



Constructing for the Disabled






The Light Side of Dr. Henry Lowe

src, Supporting the Nutraceutical Industry

See the Difference...

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WEllnEss A

few months ago, the TV was on in the background and a news feature caught my attention. The focus was on Jamaica - but I was not proud to be Jamaican in that moment. The news anchor reported, ‘...our garbage made its way across water channels and is now in Cuba and other neighbouring islands.’ She went on to highlight, 'people from many, many miles away, having traveled to Jamaica for pristine, white sand, sun and sea are instead welcomed by garbage littering the streets and seas.'

But why should this be the case, when in our midst is a genius, Scheed Cole, who can turn our problematic trash into glorious cash - and in so doing, recycle a lot of our solid waste? Image being able to convert your PET bottles, packaging foam, styrofoam, paper, cardboard, glass, sawdust, and other recyclables into beautiful, functional products. Imagine also, reducing the cost of building your home by 30 to 50 percent because your much cheaper - but soundproof, bullet-proof and acoustically advanced house is made from a combination of plastic bottles, shredded cardboards, newspapers and styrofoam. In addition, the final product will boast great insulation capacity leading to energy efficiency for the homeowner as well as some natural disaster resistant properties.





to expand as more research and development takes place.’ Through his experiments, Cole has created many products. Flower pots, playground elements, partition boards, curb-walls and now housing from materials the typical person considers waste are a few. He asks all and sundry to be his partner by sending them:

Scheed Cole, the founder of 360 Recycle Manufacturing, is the genius behind these innovations. Incidentally, he was not always considered a genius as in his formative years he suffered from dyslexia and was considered ‘a dunce’ by most teachers who were not trained to deal with these illnesses. Today, Cole is a trained visual art educator and scientist in his own right. He was always creative, he will tell you - and his life story warrants that he needed that creativity to survive. Founded in 2015, 360 Recycle Manufacturing is a Social Enterprise, operating from Rousseau Road on the edge of Trench Town and Arnette Gardens. The operation which is predominantly self-funded provides an avenue for training and employment to community members. One disadvantage of the operation is limited funding which hampers its ability to partner 8

with companies and even schools. As a result they lack the capacity to handle homeowners waste as they would want to. Two incubator programmes of which they are a part have assisted with grants. The Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI) programme spearheaded by JN Foundation granted them two machines to process paper and packaging foam. The Climate Change Innovation Center (CCIC) also granted then US$12,000 for various infrastructural and other development work. In addition, as a social enterprise at the heart of what they do, they are able to ask for volunteer help to do more. But a vision like theirs, if adequately supported, could make a huge impact on Jamaica. Says Cole, ‘We are constantly researching new ways to produce from pre-used materials which will other wise end up in the landfills, so expect our product offerings


Shredded Paper

Old Newspaper

Plastic Bottles

Packaging Foam

Foam Lunch Boxes

Pallet Boards

Used Boards


Metals- Construction Steel, 1/4 wire, binding wire, mesh wire




S c heed a nd 3 6 0 R ec yc le Manufacturing have won the National Energy Globe Award for Jamaica, and are now in the running for the World Energy Globe Award.

Mission Statement Our mission is to identify and implement programmes for sustainable development in Jamaica and the Diaspora in the areas of health, environment and education. The appropriate programmes and projects will then be funded by grants from EHF and its strategic partners.


Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in enhancing the quality of people's lives.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION Suite 15, Eden Gardens, 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica. Tel: (876) 927-3040 | Fax: (876) 978-0602 | Email: ehf@cwjamaica.com

www.ehfjamaica.com EHFJamaica |


EHF ScHoolS'

tHE Wellness Seminar Â




ravelling from as far as St. James, students and teachers from eight schools across Jamaica converged in Kingston at the Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa for this year’s Schools Wellness Club Seminar, held in May. Each year the event gets better as the excitement builds within each school. The workshop component was hosted by an exuberant team from Lasco Distributors Ltd. The presenter, Lasco’s sales promoter Ms. Chivel Fitter, highlighted the importance of a healthy breakfast. She also introduced healthy ‘on the go’ products with preparation times of 15 minutes or less. The team had a fully interactive session and treated the students and teachers to various Lasco goodies. Additional sponsors who participated were JP Tropical Foods Ltd represented by Ms. Carol Rodriques. She gave fruits to the seminar participants. EG Wellness Brands was also on hand to provide a healthy breakfast treat in the form of their very innovative yam and sweet potato porridge.

AwArds And recognitions Leading up to the seminar, students from various Wellness Clubs participated in wellness competitions. As such, winners and runners-up of the poetry, poster, and essay competitions were awarded trophies for their outstanding work. Outstanding club coordinators were acknowledged and awarded for their incredible work with the students and within their respective wellness clubs. Servite Primary from the parish of St. Ann copped the coveted title as winner of the Special Projects competition, for their extensive work in their school and community, promoting and encouraging wellness. During the seminar, schools participated in a Wellness Talent competition and ignited the audience with their high quality performances. Servite Primary and Montego Bay High School for Girls were the unanimous winners in the primary and secondary categories respectively. Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35



JUSTIN MCKAY Q & A with Young Author


What’s the most amazing book you’ve ever read, and what made it so? Magnus Chase & the Hammer of Thor (series). [It contains] numerous cliffhangers and stimulates thought and logical rules, as well as builds your vocabulary.


What inspired you to write your first book? Since grade one I thought about writing a book. [however] In grade 4 Mom told me that we have publishers in Jamaica and so I started in earnest. I was also inspired by the Harry Potter series.


What advice would you give to other young writers? Pick an easy subject. Start easy


Any hidden talents? I like to draw. Someday I want to write an awardwinning book series and create an award- winning anime.


Describe yourself in three words. 1. curious 2. talented 3. quiet


Aside from author, what do you want to be when you grow up? Architect and entrepreneur

CWL: What makes you an all-rounder? J M: My natural ability, hard work, commitment, resilience and humility. CWL: What are your favourite, and least favorite subjects? J M: Like: English / Mathematics - concepts CWL: What’s the most amazing book you’ve ever read, and what made it so? J M: Magnus Chase & The Hammer of Thor (series). [It contains] numerous cliffhangers and stimulates thought and logical rules, as well as builds your vocabulary. CWL: What inspired you to write your first book? J M: Since grade one I thought about writing a book. In grade 4, mom told me that we have publishers in Jamaica and so I started in earnest. I was also inspired by the Harry Potter series. CWL: What advice would you give to other young writers? J M: Pick an easy subject. Start easy. CWL: What was the last thing you watched on TV? J M: The Conjuring. CWL: Reading a book or watching the movie version, which do you prefer? J M: The book – as the movie usually lacks the vitality of the imagination one can get from the book (CWL - Hi Five!) 12

CWL: What did you most look forward to when you started high school? J M: Joining the animation society club and the chess club. CWL: Tell us something you hate doing. J M: Nothing practical - having to wake up early on a Sunday morning. CWL: Tell us something you really enjoy doing. J M: Reading CWL: Name a favourite item that you own. J M: Nintendo Switch. I got it from grandma as a GSAT / birthday present. CWL: Any hidden talents? J M: I like to draw. Someday I want to write an award-winning book series and create an awardwinning anime. CWL: Describe yourself in three words. J M: 1. Curious 2. Talented 3. Quiet CWL: Besides an author, what other paths do you want to pursue? J M: Architect and entrepreneur.

To purchase Justin's book Seven Tales of Wizardry: Call 876-356-0203 or email 7talesof@gmail.com Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35


Mommy Diaries

Kids Dental HealtH Keisha-ann sleight

You always knew this, but somehow as a parent, it is brought home even more forcefully that children go through several changes throughout their lives. And as soon as you are about to get comfortable with one change, another comes along, with equal amounts of trials and new things to learn. My daughter is now 7! Yes, 7 whole years have passed. She has exited the toddler stage, and is now changing teeth —nature’s way of saying that she is no longer a baby. So I start my research on what to expect - and one of the first things I learned is that ‘ this may just be one of the many things I will have to deal with regarding her dental health.’ As usual, I’ll share the whole lot with you.



TooTh GrowTh and developmenT Between six and ten months old, infants start to develop their ‘baby teeth’ and by age three majority are present. This set of teeth might be temporary, but that does not negate their importance- they hold the place for permanent teeth guiding them into correct position. At about seven years old, these teeth start to fall out and are eventually re pl aced by p er m a ne nt ones. Unfortunately, my daughter’s teeth changing phase has come with fears I never realized she had. For example, she keeps a loose tooth in until it’s literally hanging on by a strand of dental tissue. She fears the pain and discomfort that comes with this dreaded, but natural occurrence. Despite this uncomfortable process it could get worse for your child if these teeth are not taken care of. Yes, tooth growth and development carry some discomfort, but the pain that comes with cavities can be downright excruciating. And, keep in mind that decay can occur as soon as the first tooth appears.



Kids and CaviTies Colgate.com explains that cavities develop when sugary foods remain in the mouth for a long time. Since bacteria live on the teeth, they feast on these foods eventually eating away at tooth enamel. To help your children protect against cavities, follow these important tips:


Make sure your kids get regular dental checkups.

Restrict your children from eating too much sugary foods.

Ensure they brush their teeth at least twice per day with fluoride toothpaste. This helps to remove plaque- the main cause of tooth decay.

Be sure to floss your kid’s teeth to remove food particles left behind after brushing. There are many child-friendly flossing tools available, or talk to your child’s dentist if you are unsure.

Ensure that your child drinks sufficient fluoridated water; this can reduce cavities by 25%. Please note however, that too much fluoride before 8 years of age - a time when teeth are developing - can cause enamel fluorosis, a discoloration or mottling of the permanent teeth.


Talk to your child’s dentist about sealants; they form an extra barrier between teeth and bacteria. According to the American Dental Association sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80%. Additionally, they report that school-age children who do not have sealants have almost three times more cavities than those who do. This is definitely an option parents should look into.

The ImporTance of

taking Your

Pet Vet to the

Dr. Jessica Lowe

You provide a place for them to sleep, and many days you make sure they eat even before you do. You take them to the groomer; buy them good quality food and cute toys to keep them entertained. You do all of these things to keep them happy, so why would you not take your pets to the vet?

Seems like a silly question right? Not quite. Statistics show a decline in regular veterinary visits and a corresponding rise in emergency visits to vet offices, as noted by the Baseline of Health foundation.


Ta k i ng you r pet to t he veter inar ian is just as important as the food you feed them. An annual physical exam is essential foundation in maintaining your pet’s health and longevity. Going to the veterinarian is more than getting them vaccines to protect them from life threatening viruses. It is scary out there being exposed to diseases like Parvo, Distemper, Cornavirus, Influenza, just to name a few. Many of these diseases often lead to an early death for many animals, but they are all preventable with the proper vaccination series.


ParVoVirus I have spent years working in emergency medicine. Countless clients have visited with a cute, new puppy and the same story. "We just bought this puppy and he was healthy when we got him. We took him to the dog park and a few days later he is sick with bloody diarrhea and now doesn’t want to play or even eat or drink." I run blood work and my suspicion is confirmed, the puppy has Parvovirus. I treat the puppy with medicine and fluids for 3-5 days and sadly the puppy does not make it. The family is devastated. The hardest part of this common situation is that Parvovirus is preventable with a series of three vaccines.

heart Disease Annual physical exams include checking your pet’s heart, lungs, other essential organs and body for signs of complications that can slowly progress to shorten their vitality. Many diseases are preventable and those that aren’t are well managed with proper veterinary medical care. In humans, poor dental hygiene is one of the leading causes of heart disease; the same is true for your pet. Routine dental cleanings are imperative to preventing heart disease. Routine blood work shows indicators in the blood for instance, increasing glucose (sugar) levels which is associated with diabetes.



hYPerthYroiDism Many times I’ve seen older cats brought in for eating ravenously but drastically losing weight. The owners are understandably perplexed. Bloodwork again conf ir ms my suspicions - hyperthyroidism. This endocrine disease is easily regulated by medicine. Precious months were wasted since this could have been treated if these pets were getting their regular veterinary checkup. There are early warning signs that your veterinarian can discuss with you to ensure your pet’s health and longevity. Visiting your veterinarian yearly with your pet is an opportunity to get answers you never knew you had questions about. Make an appointment today with your local veterinarian; you might just be saving your pet’s life.




The MosT InexpensIve MedIcIne AlIceA JAMes Our ancestors were able to cure certain illnesses, rid themselves of diseases and alleviate pain without the use of ‘modern medicine’. Is it that the ailments we suffer from today didn’t exist, or were there other ways of treating those conditions? Historical records show that many of the aches and pains that affect us today were around in the times of our forebears.

What we have also learned, is that while they didn’t have fancy healthcare facilities and over-the-counter drugs, they had something far superior. This remedy was created by the Master himself. You use it everyday - just not as medicine. This remedy is water. Add some heat and you have the most inexpensive medicine in the world!




Bacterial organisms which may be found in room temperature or cold water will be eliminated or reduced when water is boiled.



Here are a few of the ailments treated by hot water.

MEnsTRuAl PAin When menstruation occurs, the uterus contracts to shed its lining. Prolonged contraction of the uterine muscles can cause painful cramping. Hot water works by improving capillary circulation, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus due to increasing blood flow, hence easing the pain. Healthline references a 2012 study which focused on women who had regular menstrual cycles; the results were that a heat patch at over 40 degrees Celsius was as effective as ibuprofen.

HOW TO usE: 1. Drink the liquid as warm as you can. This way, your body can make instant use of it without having to use body temperature to warm it up.

2. Dip a rag in hot water and apply the compress to your lower abdomen (or if grandma has one, borrow her water bottle, fill it up and place it on abdomen).

insOMniA A hot water bath relaxes your body and mind. When your body temperature has been slightly raised, then drops slowly, it can promote sleep. Gradual drop of body temperature can make us feel drowsy and therefore we feel more prepared for sleep. A hot bath also diverts some blood from the head to lower parts of our body, reduces brain activity and mimics the pre-sleep state. Twin this with a friction rub and you will fall asleep much more quickly.

Please note: A good hot bath should start at a temperature that is comparable to your body temperature, immerse yourself and slowly increase the water temperature until the highest tolerable limit. Feel free to add some mineral or aromatic herbs or bath salts.

ARTHRiTis PAin The heat makes the joints looser. Bruce E. Becker, director of the National Aquatics & Sports Medicine Institute in the U.S purports that warm water reduces pain and even appears to have a “prolonged effect that goes beyond the period of immersion.� If you suffer from arthritis soak your body in a bath of warm water for about 20 minutes. Ensure that the water temperature is between 92-100 degrees.

COnClusiOn Boiled water is not only a remedy, it contributes to overall wellness. Bacterial organisms which may be found in room temperature or cold water will be eliminated or reduced when water is boiled. As a result, there will be less exposure to opportunistic infections. In addition, hot water increases the circulation to the gastrointestinal tract and decreases the amount of mucous in your sinuses, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, decreasing the ability for viruses, bad bacteria or fungi to grow or infect your body. Sources: Livestrong.com; healthguidance.org





Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix Mahailia PalMer

We sigh as we gather our cleaning tools - gloves, a large bucket of water and two or three different disinfectants — because one type isn’t powerful enough. We mix the chosen disinfectants in water and set to task. Finally, after much determination and sighs of discontent, the monstrous mess ceases to exist and this sigh is of relief! If the scenario above is familiar, then quite possibly, in your undertaking, you did one of two things. One, you exposed yourself and those around you to serious health hazards or two; you just created an ineffective cleaner. There are ingredients contained in most cleaning products that are safe when used alone, but combination with others can render them either TOXIC or useless! Here are some everyday products you should not mix:



Bleach and Vinegar According to Lisa Freedman (good housekeeping.com), bleach mixed with vinegar produces chlorine gas. Yes, the same chlorine gas used as a weapon in World War 1. When inhaled, this can cause vomiting, difficulty breathing, asthma attacks and other respiratory issues.

Bleach and Alcohol Bleach mixed with alcohol creates chloroform, the same chloroform used to make people unconscious. While the chloroform created from this mix won’t render you instantly unconsciousness, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry reports that exposure to chloroform over long periods of time in elevated quantities may damage liver and kidneys. Large amounts of the substance on the skin can also cause sores.

Vinegar and Baking Soda Vinegar mixed with baking soda is useless since the acid from the vinegar and the base from the baking soda, neutralize each other. The problem here is that, this mixture generates heat; a reaction called exothermic. As such, this combination can cause an explosion if you mix them in a closed container.

Bleach and Ammonia This is another solution that results in the creation of chlorine gas. It is a yellow-green gas that may cause respiratory issues. As was mentioned before, examples of respiratory issues are: violent cough, nausea and vomiting, and upper airway swelling.



different Brands of drain Cleaner Drain cleaners aren’t created equal in regards to its chemical ingredients, informs Alex Berezow contributor of Forbes magazine. He explains that some drain cleaners are acids while others are bases. Mixing these two types of cleaners can result in hot water shooting from the drain.

Bleach and Toilet Bowl Cleaner hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar equals peracetic acid, which has been placed on the hazardous substance list since it has immediate effects after exposure. According to New Jersey’s hazardous substance fact sheet, peracetic acid is highly corrosive. It may lead to severe irritation of skin, nose and mouth, eye damage and lung irritation.



Many news reports and scholarly articles warn about the ill effects caused by mixing bleach and toilet bowl cleaners The chloramine gas that is formed is a strong irritant which causes similar effects like that of chlorine gas. Symptoms may include sore throat, runny nose, and chest congestion to name a few.

another Scientific

Breakthrough for Dr. henry Lowe t

he American Cancer Society estimates that just in the United States, for 2017, there have been about 21,380 new cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Most will be in adults. About 10,590 persons will die from AML. Almost all will be adults.

Acute myeloid leukemia is generally a disease of older people and is uncommon before the age of 45. The average age of a patient with AML is about 67 years. AML is slightly more common among men than among women, but the average lifetime risk in both sexes is less than ½ of 1%. So it was an achievement worthy of the furor it caused, when on Wednesday, July 12, the Prime Minister of Jamaica along with other notable industry and country leaders converged at Eden Gardens Wellness Resort for the announcement that: Jamaican scientist, Dr. Henry Lowe and his team of researchers have developed a drug to treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which was recently granted orphan-drug designation by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).






he FDA, in a letter to Flavocure Biotech LLC (FBL) -- Dr Lowe’s research and development facility located in Maryland USA-- stated that it was granting the company's request for the drug to be designated ‘orphan drug status’ also referred to as ‘orphan designation’ pursuant to section 526 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. For a drug to qualify for orphan designation both the drug and the disease or condition must meet certain criteria specified in the Orphan Drug Act (ODA) and FDA's implementing regulations. The ODA provides for granting special status to a drug or biological product to treat a rare disease or condition upon request of a sponsor.


The drug (trade named Cresorol) is a non-cannabinoid developed from the cannabis plant. Discovering and isolating bioactive and novel molecules from Jamaican medicinal plants to treat diabetes, cancers and HIV/ AIDS is not new to the Dr. Lowe led team. This current achievement, however, could potentially earn Jamaica over 250 million dollars within three years, in the US market alone! In addition, the accomplishment could be a first for someone from a developing country. The process of isolating a bioactive molecule and providing a new drug from scratch, then get it recognised by the FDA - the world’s leading food and drug regulator


and approval agency is no mean feat! CWL salutes Dr. Lowe and his team for the work they did in making this possible. In his keynote address, Andrew Holness, the prime minister acknowledged the great work Dr. Lowe continues to do and promises he will seek to find ways in which to make funds available for this kind of innovation and research in Jamaica.

Flavocure Biotech LLC is owned and operated by the Eden Gardens Group of Companies, and works directly under the Bio-Tech R&D Institute based on the University of the West Indies Mona Campus in Kingston, Jamaica.



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COSmeTiC SURGeRY Meleisa Witter


own Gynaecomastia – more commonly kn ually as 'man boobs'—is a real issue and act our affects a fairly large cross section of nor male population. Fortunately, a mi obs. medical operation can remove man bo Dr. Guyan arscott

i had to wait longer than i had hoped, to see him. But the moment we were ushered in his office, i knew it was worth the wait. Beside his eerie resemblance to one of my most favoured brothers in law, i found it most delightful to learn about cosmetic surgery from Dr. Guyan arscott. He is the fount of knowledge and boasts considerable years of experience as a cosmetic surgeon. aFtEr 32


mORe wellNeSS CONSCiOUSNeSS Building the dialogue from the fact that Jamaicans are now living longer and looking younger at older ages, Dr. Arscott went on to commend the admirable increase in the number of persons taking their health seriously. ‘Across Jamaica, once you are on the road early, you will see people jogging or taking a health conscious walk,’ he noted.

iS COSmeTiC SURGeRY NeCeSSARY? But sometimes that is not enough. Overtime, life leaves its mark on us. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, frequently working late or unavoidable illnesses and accidents can cause persons to become body conscious. In fact, for some women, the perfectly natural process called pregnancy ravages the body.

A professional plastic surgeon will recommend t h e m o s t e f f e c t i ve procedure, which can make a vast difference i n e n h a n c i n g o n e ’s app e a ra nc e, t he re by restoring confidence.

COmmONlY ReQUeSTeD PROCeDUReS Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast enlargement and liposuction are the most frequently requested plastic surgery procedures. Rhytidectomy (lifting procedures) and removing bags from the eyes, changing the shape of the nose and removing batwings – both latter conditions being gifts of genetic inheritance - round out the frequent requests.




More young and middle-aged patients are now seeking procedures to enhance their appearance. Rejuvenation (cosmetic treatment which aims to restore a youthful, revitalized appearance) is particularly useful for persons with weight issues and those who have experienced the ravages of pregnancy. Others still, face medical complications such as cardiac issues from belly fat or stress to the muscular skeletal system, such as back & shoulders, caused by oversized breasts. On the reverse of this, some women experienced development issues and as such, have smaller than usual breasts, which also present significant image issues.





The images represenT before & afTer: 1. abdominoplasTy 2. liposucTion 3. under eye bag removal 4. breasT reducTion 5. breasT augmenTaTion



Non-surgical procedures can work by themselves or compliment surgical ones. Patients find non-surgical procedures appea ling , as there is usua l ly no hospitalization, less pain, less scarring, and quicker recovery. In fact, many cosmetic procedures are performed on an outpatient basis in fully equipped operating rooms under either local or general anesthesia. Recovery times vary depending upon the procedure, but generally, most patients resume their normal activities within two weeks following surgery and there are even procedures that are performed in the lunch hour. These procedures are usually referred to as minimally invasive. These include rejuvenating tired or distorted skin, fillers to reduce or remove facial grooves, lines and wrinkles and lasers for skin toning and tightening.

Wrinkles are caused by over-activity of the facial muscles.

For wrinkles between the eyes and above the forehead, frown lines, and crow’s feet, Botox - a well-known product, which works by decreasing the actions of the muscleshas proved to be most effective. Another popular ‘filler’ treatment is hyaluronic gel, known for its safety and effectiveness.

In concluding, Dr. Arscott cautioned, “Whether doing an invasive procedure with standard surgery or non-invasive, nonstandard procedure for rejuvenation, consultation is very important so one can match expectation with reality. For the invasive procedure, the plastic surgeon will compare the probability of complications to the potential outcome. The outcome must exceed, or be in line with expectations of the patients benefits of image and health.“

Facial GroovEs: Before (above) & after

NEW TREATMENT ON THE COSMETIC SURGERY BLOCK Using patients’ tissues in the form of platelet-enriched plasma extracted from his/her blood for infusing into the facial muscle has been received with much enthusiasm in the cosmetic surgery community. It is reasonably ‘safe’, as no ‘foreign’ matter is introduced into the system, thereby lessening potential complications.

BEtwEEn EyEs: Before & after 34

A most effective deliver y of this platelet-enriched plasma is through micro-needling - whereby very small pricks are made on the face and the platelet enriched plasma applied topically. This procedure has shown much promise for treating acne and hypertrophic scarring.


Dr. Guyan Arscott operates from The Plastic Surgery & Family Med Centre. Unit 1-2 Seymour Ave n u e . K g n . 6 , Jamaica

ForEhEaD: Before & after

ConstruCting for the

DisableD Dr. Herbert Lowe

Universally, the term disabled refers to "any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment."



Physical or mental impairments include hearing, mobility and visual impairments, chronic alcoholism, chronic mental illness, AIDS, AIDS Related Complex, and mental retardation that substantially limit one or more major life activities. Major life activities include walking, talking, hearing, seeing, breathing, learning, performing manual tasks, and caring for oneself. We are all at risk of having one or more of these disabilities in our lifetime. And as we grow older our risk will increase. As someone who has lived with the disabled, I have seen first-hand the struggles and frustrations of these individuals due to environmental restrictions. The good news, however, is that things are changing. Individuals, companies and even government organizations are adjusting our environment to accommodate people with disability. The goal is to ensure that goods, services and places of interest are easily accessible. Deciding whether or not a space is accessible depends, of course, on the nature and extent of a person’s disability. However, some basic universal construction requirements are now being mandated as follows: • An accessible building entrance on an accessible route. • Accessible common and public use areas. • Doors usable by a person in a wheelchair. • Accessible route into and through the dwelling unit. Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35


• Light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other environmental controls in accessible locations. • Reinforced walls in bathrooms which can safely accommodate installation of grab bars. • Usable kitchens and bathrooms. Although it can cost a little more (about two percent above the cost of building a regular house) making your current home more accessible does not have to cost much. There are some cost–effective changes that can be made in homes to assist people living with disability.

Clearance: One of the 'pinch points' most often seen is doorways. Design the house to allow wider doors and hallways, plus access between and around furniture and decor elements. Reach ranges: Ensure knobs, shelves, racks, railings and switches are accessible to people of all sizes and physical abilities. Safety: One basic safety device is the installation of grab bars in the bathroom and even in the bedroom. Here are two questions: When was the last time you rehearsed fire-escape plans? When was the last time you did so while dragging a broken leg or propelling a wheelchair? Safety should be a prime accessibility concern. With enough thought and concern for those with disabilities, much more can be done to promote safety, comfort, and independence in homes and businesses for persons living with disabilities. Citation: www.disabled-world.com





SINUSES Naturally Avi-Ann Miller

Sinusitis is one of the most common diagnoses in primary care and is often associated with an upper respiratory tract infection. It is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses; oftentimes accompanying inflammation of the nasal passages, hence the term rhinosinusitis. Sinusitis may present an array of symptoms including, but not limited to, fullness in the face, nausea, sore throat, nasal congestion, reduction or loss of smell, malaise, and headaches. It may result from a variety of factors however the more common causes include viral infections, seasonal allergies, anatomical variations e.g. septal deviation, cigarette smoking, swimming, and dental infections.




Sinuses are hollow air-filled cavities in the skull that are lined by soft tissue (mucosa). They include the frontal sinus (in forehead), maxillary sinus (behind cheeks), ethmoid sinus (between the eyes), and sphenoid sinus (deep behind the eyes). Each sinus has an opening into the nose for free exchange of air and mucus. When the sinuses are inflamed there is swelling of the soft tissue. This blocks the opening leading to mucous retention, which coupled with increased microbial activity unfortunately leads to infection. Sinusitis may be acute lasting less than 4 weeks or chronic greater than 12 weeks.


The majority of individuals with acute rhinosinusitis will get better spontaneously; however, some will develop clearance problems resulting in chronic rhinosinusitis. Unfortunately it is not possible to predict who will progress to chronic disease. Given the locations of the sinuses we recognize how easily daily functioning is affected once the sinuses are inflamed. For these reasons, persons seek ways to alleviate the issue almost immediately. The central theory of treatment revolves around decreasing the inflammatory response to reduce swelling. This promotes drainage and increases aeration of the sinuses, which hastens elimination of infectious organisms and decreases the frequency and severity of recurrences. Treatment may be summed as eradicate infection, decrease severity and duration of symptoms, and prevent complications.



Interventions may be medical or surgical. Surgical intervention however occurs when other available medical therapy has failed to control the infection. Medical treatments include antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, steroids (reduce inflammation), saline, and pain relievers. Since most cases will resolve naturally some individuals seek to assist the process by several natural means:

INCrEaSED FLUIDS Regularly consume water, soup, and pineapple juice. At the first sign of congestion or sore throat from the post nasal drip have a nice warm soup containing onions, garlic, thyme, ginger and pepper. The warmth of the soup when coupled with the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and pepper, mucolytic thyme as well as the anti-microbial garlic is not only soothing it also has a decongestant effect. Water helps to thin the mucous and pineapples contain the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain.

SaLINE SOLUtIONS In the form of drops, sprays or nasal irrigation may prove useful in moistening dry secretions, reducing mucosal swelling, and thinning mucous allowing for easier breathing and mucous expulsion.

HEat appLICatION Water possesses tremendous healing properties. The steam from a hot shower in combination with peppermint oil or menthol crystals as well as a warm compress to the affected areas may provide pain relief and facilitate drainage.

prESSUrE pOINt aCtIvatION Some individuals apply pressure to points such as the bridge of the nose, on either sides of the base of the nostrils and the philtrum to assist decongestion and pain relief.

It must be noted that sinus infections have the potential to lead to meningitis, abscess in the brain, ear infections, reduced vision, swellings around the eyes, high fever, and severe headaches. While sinus infections may resolve naturally some do not and as such the importance of a visit to your primary care physician cannot be stressed enough. Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35


Drink Your WaY to Better HealtH

Patrine Cameron

Growing up in the lush hills of Mendez and Back Pasture, St. Catherine, my parents used to give us a lot of ‘herbs’ for our morning hot beverage or when we were sick. Unlike my siblings, I loved cerasee. It was bitter to the taste but very good for my skin and cleansed my blood — or that is what I was told, so I drank it. Fast forward to some 15 years later when I have love handles and acne. Coming to the realization that I am definitely not a spring chicken anymore, but more of a rotisserie nature I have made a conscious effort to substitute my daily doses of sweet drinks and sodas with healthy alternatives. 42

Two months ago I was introduced to a nutritionist. Our meeting was brief but impactful. I thought he would suggest meal ideas and spoon-feed me to weight loss and effective dieting. No such luck! But, he gave me something better, a booklet, Fresh Juice Recipes & Menu Planner. It provided many healthier drink substitutes to coffee, soda and alcohol. Next, I’ll share with you some of my favourite juices. For all the recipes listed below, you need only blend and serve. If you prefer a smoothie, just add crushed ice for a thicker consistency.


Mango Lemon Cooler 1 mango ¼ lemon with peel Cut mango away from pit and juice with lemon Garnish with a slice of lemon

Tropical Nectar 1 passion fruit 2 one-inch rings of pineapple 1 small or ½ large papaya 1 nectarine (without pit)

Alkaline Special ¼ head cabbage (red or green) 3 stalks of celery A coworker of mine, Karen, who is a mini-chef in her own right, introduced me to her creation. It is an on-the-go breakfast drink we share almost 3 times a week. It makes for a delicious morning meal. I dubbed it “Work Stamina in a Cup”

Work Stamina in a Cup ½ cup oatmeal 1 cup blueberry 4 tablespoon flaxseed 2 slices of avocado 1 bottle of ensure / 1 cup almond milk Ginger 1 stalk kale ½ a teaspoon spirulina (my addition) I had to make the conscious effort to create a different diet-style; make a lifestyle change. I started by juicing Mondays to Fridays and taking weekends off to eat what I thought I needed, or what I craved. Now, I juice everyday - sometimes more than once, because when I don’t, I feel the difference. Let’s do it together! What’s in your cup? Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35




Improper Food Combinations; myth or ? Claude Wilson

Every Sunday, in Jamaica, the stomach and entire digestive system is placed under severe strain. It matters not the social status and income levels, on the hill or on the plain, town or country, Jamaicans have a feast day every Sunday. It is a matter of culture and tradition.

Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity explains trophology as a nutritional approach that advocates explicit combinations of foods as central to good health and weight loss.

Known or unknown, felt or not, digestive disruption often accompany the Jamaican Sunday dinner. Even as it becomes somewhat battle-hardened, the stomach is often over-taxed by such injudicious food consumption.

traditional Sunday dinner offers, in a single meal, a conflicting medley of foods that should not be eaten together, resulting in improper digestion and unsettled stomachs. The action of digestive juices - acid and alkaline neutralize each other, causing poor digestive performance and indigestion.

Reid, who specialized in eastern philosophy, herbal medicine and natural organic healing describes Nationwide, an elaborate multi-course our western diet as “simplistic and meal that usually takes several hours superficial� directing us to take a to prepare is dished out. The dishes little of everything at every meal. Our typically include rice and peas, yam, Sunday feasting is a constituent of meat potatoes, meats, vegetable salad, and and starch, fat and sugar, vegetable, gravy. Then this is washed down with salad dressing which we habitually carrot, soursop or other fruit juices. drown in sugary drink that places our To top it all off, a dessert of pudding, organs on a path of gradual decline. ice cream and gelatin follows. Like improper fuel in a car, the

Taoists coined the word TROPHOLOGY wh ic h i s t he sc ie nce of food combination. Daniel P. Reid in The



dietary Wisdom Dietary wisdom instructs that protein and starch should not be combined for a single meal. The popular diets of hamburger and fries, egg sandwich, bun and cheese, rice and meat, are food combinations that burden the digestive tract. When proteins and starchy foods are consumed together, the starch digesting enzyme in the mouth mixes with and neutralizes the protein digesting enzyme in the stomach and inhibits optimum digestion. Ultimately, the food passes along the intestinal tract partially digested, creating gas, and with limited absorption of nutrients. Dietary rules dictate that we eat protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese) with vegetables and to limit the intake of starch in the same meal. Common Improper Combinations Starch and acidic fruits a la toast and orange juice Protein and sugar e.g. sugary pastries and cheese Concentrated protein and fats such as meat and butter. Mixed protein foods in the same meal such as meat and eggs, meat and milk, fish and cheese because of the nature of their individual digestion. “Correctly combining foods makes all the difference in the world to proper digestion and metabolism. Without complete digestion, the nutrients in even the most wholesome food cannot be fully extracted and assimilated and used in the body.” The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity. There are dietitians and nutritionists who disagree, saying that most foods, even in an unprocessed state comprise several types of food groups and so our digestive systems were created to accommodate the variety which tends to make up a Sunday dinner. We suggest that you listen to the doctor called ‘your own body.’ Try out the different options and decide which ones your body responds to best. Ultimately, your optimum health is what matters. And health does include peace of mind and contentment.



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Protein Kills Understanding Urea CyCle disorder aliCea James


igh-protein diets such as Atkins, Paleo and South Beach are known to help people all over the world achieve weight loss success. So I’m sure I will be forgiven for being shocked when recently I came across a legit story on Health.com with the alarming headline “…Too much protein can be deadly - Here’s What You Need to Know About the Death of a Bodybuilding Mom.” The story referred to 25-year old Australian, Meegan Hefford—a bodybuilder who was preparing for an upcoming competition. Sadly, Meegan never got the chance to compete. She was found unconscious in her home in June. Two days later, she was brain dead and doctors finally diagnosed her with urea cycle disorder - a rare, genetic condition affecting an estimated 1 in 35,000 adults and children in the United States. Meegan’s death certificate lists “intake of bodybuilding supplements” and “urea cycle disorder” as the causes of death as reported by Australian news source, Perth Now.





Understanding Urea CyCle disorder There are six enzymes in the urea cycle which help to eliminate ammonia from the bloodstream. Ammonia, a toxic waste, is created when protein is metabolized. Normally, ammonia is converted to a compound called urea and eliminated through urination. Urea Cycle Disorder occurs when a mutation causes a deficiency of one of the six enzymes in the urea cycle, resulting in the inability to remove the toxic by product. When this happens, ammonia accumulates in the bloodstream —resulting in hyperammonemia (elevated blood ammonia). Once ammonia in the blood spreads to the brain, it can cause irreversible brain damage, coma and/or death. This was the case with Meegan Hefford. Her mother told Perth Now that the 25-year old had ramped up her gym sessions and was on a strict diet which included taking body building supplements. They also reported that “Half a dozen containers” of protein supplements…along with a detailed diet plan including protein-rich foods like lean meat and egg whites” were found in Meegan’s room.

What are the symptoms? The National Urea Cycle Disorder Foundation explains that metabolic stressors such as surgery, extreme exercise, extreme dieting, viruses, and high protein intake can result in the body creating extreme amounts of ammonia. This causes the urea cycle enzyme function to become overwhelmed, resulting in severe neurological symptoms. Disorientation, confusion, staggering, and combativeness are some signs of this disease. Unfortunately, these are often mistaken as symptoms of drug or alcohol abuse in undiagnosed persons. In extreme cases people with urea cycle disorder can also suffer from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and display other psychiatric symptoms. 50


Can it be treated?

alternative pathways for removal of ammonia from the bloodstream. Patients often have to take these Treatment options for urea cycle disorder vary based medications 3-4 times per day to ensure optimal on the severity. Generally, a combination of dietary and continual removal of toxic ammonia from the management and drug treatment is often overseen bloodstream. by a team involving a metabolic dietician, nurse, neuropsychologist or developmental specialist and To learn more about this disease, visit the a geneticist/metabolic specialist. Supplementations National Urea Cycle Disorder website, (listed such as EAA, Trio, Cyclinex, I&II and UCD are often below) and read more about it. Also, be sure to prescribed to provide roughly 50% of the patient’s pass on the information to family and friends. daily dietary protein allowance. A variety of calcium and vitamins are also recommended. Research shows that antioxidants might also help in reducing free Research Information radical damage to tissue and brain cells. http://www.health.com/fitness/protein-overdoseurea-cycle-disorders So far the FDA has approved only two drugs for the treatment of urea cycle disorder. These medications http://www.nucdf.org/ucd_symptoms.htm http://www.perthnow.com help to prevent hyperammonemia; they also provide Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35



Taking risks is not for the faint of heart, but it is a necessary crucible for those who really want to become strong.



12 Things Mentally Strong PeoPle Do Dominic cobran

There were several times I felt life dealt harshly with me. When I got the results of major exams, no callback after a presentation that I laboured on, lost sleep and missed out on fun times preparing for and of course, losing the cute girl to another guy because he drove a later model car are a few. At these times, I sometimes thought I’d never bounce back from failure.

my mantra. Let’s face it: we all get to points in life where we are truly tested. Many fail, but there are those who were able to summon the mental strength and not succumb to their circumstance, but go on to succeed. These people tend to have one particular trait in common - they are mentally strong.

Becoming mentally strong is not easy - but it is possible. Here are 12 Overtime, I realized I’d have to things you can practice to become make ‘big man’ decisions and deal mentally strong: with ‘big man’ consequences. So the cliched “when life gives you lemon, make lemonade” became Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35


1. move oN:

spouse or parent or siblings or employer would do something Dwelling on issues will prevent you different, then our success would from moving forward as you are be assured. Mentally strong people mentally trapped in that time and realize that outside of themselves, space. If you want to achieve, take nothing is ever guaranteed. Self the lessons from your experience, reliance for success is always at but you have to move forward. the fore of their thoughts - not Move on! that they don’t accept help or acknowledge circumstances which sometimes conspire in their favour. The Jamaican saying, “pressure But they never leave their success buss pipe” is a universal truth. If to the whims of others. not managed properly, pressure can overcome us. Find the release mechanism for the pressure you are facing before it becomes explosive. Alone time should be used wisely Taking and not give you the insatiable urge risks is not for the faint of heart, to reach for the closest gadget to but it is a necessary crucible for get in touch with the world. Use those who really want to become the time to introspect, sharpen strong. Risk taking helps you to the axe and get important things overcome fears and clearly define done. Practice the art of enjoying what you really want. Just know your own company.

2. release the pressure:

6. eNjoy your owN compaNy:

3. take (some) risks:

that you won’t achieve your dreams by playing it safe

4. embrace chaNge: Once you have stepped out of your comfort zone, you will realize just how great change can be. Get into the habit of seeing change as the catalyst for taking you from where you are to where you want to be. More than just embracing change, you will learn to start initiating it and your whole world will change - for the better!

7. accept mistakes:

Mistakes are part of the process - but lessons are to be learnt. Own your mistake, but focus on solutions.

8. focus oN thiNgs withiN your coNtrol:

Here, I will point you to a timeless adage which is perfect in its simplicity and profundity. It is known commonly as the Serenity Prayer and attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr: ‘Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the Quite often we think - if only my difference.’

5. Never depeNd oN others for success: 54


9. Never allow emotioNs to cloud ratioNality: We are emotional beings, but we are also logical. Reliance on emotions at the expense of logic can result in bad choices. Practice making logical decisions, then taking rational actions even when emotions threaten to undermine your decision.

10. Never settle: Only the best is good enough. Mentally strong people possess the willpower to keep the fight alive until they achieve the ultimate. Settling is never an option because they know they can achieve more!

11. kNow wheN to say No: Knowing when to say no means you’re strong enough to reject toxic situations, or know when you can’t perform a particular task or favour.

12. celebrate the little victories: It may just be a psychological thing - but celebrating small successes remind us that we did something right and lightens the arduous journey. It provides fuel and motivation leading to the next success. The mentally strong have moments of weakness, so if you feel you’re not strong right now, that’s fine. Work on developing some of these habits so that you can start to improve your mental strength. Always remember “the tough times don’t last; it’s the tough people that do!” Caribbean WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #35


: g n I c u d o r t In

f o E d i S t h g i L ThE

E w o L y r n E h dr. s, of Companie p u ro G s n e is den Gard nder of the E f wellness. H o u fo ss e d n n a si u st b ti n g r in the steemed scie aican pionee ent on findin m -b a ll J e h a is is , e e h w s o ration, a g to Dr. Henry L ientific ex plo ncers leadin a sc c s s e u lv o o ri v a v in ses and life’s journey fest yle disea li r fo s re u c and creating llness. na l ealth and we h le b a in a ls and functio st ca ti su u ce a tr u create n cals. d out time to ’s Nutraceuti e n e rv rd ca a e G h n l, e a d s usu with E and Innovating a that industry s a lifest yle’ in a ce ss a e n sp ll is e h ‘w g tin ese ncept of foods, cemen is mantra. Th loped the co e th v e h d it s w a t h n e e ,h consist me, Furthermore the elements v ide wholeso f ro o p st h o ic m h s w e ts v id s on stauran his resort pro en is his focu g y m & spa, re tt , o e rg tr n fo e ce b ss to e lln not rt. Not include a we , restful reso eration of his ic p ll o y e id th n a h g d u n ls a out thro healthy mea ich is borne h w dation. ss e n ll e w tal Health Foun l ta n e m n o env ironmen ir e Env ndation – Th for profit fou






Now everyone knows the passionate-about-his-cause, intense Dr. Lowe. But Henry is not all work and no play - I think. So CWL went to find out - does he listen to music? What does he do in his spare time (if he has any)? We leave him to answer these questions and more. When getting dressed to go to work I think of the interesting challenges that lie ahead and formulate ideas how to deal with them. I never go a day without the teas and supplements I have created. My favourite singers are Harry Belafonte (Folk Ballads) & Sparrow (Calypso) One of the few questions I have never received an answer for is will I be able to accomplish the challenging goals I have set for myself? My favorite snack is Trail Mix. When I'm feeling stressed I quickly try to forget the stressors. On a typical Saturday night you'll find me - depending on where I am - watching a good movie, or having a drink and a social chat. My guilty pleasure is one-more-than-I-should-have glass of red wine. 58

My favour ite produc t / creation is Alpha Prostate Formula 1 – the first nutraceutical supplement I developed which received acceptance among lay people and industry practitioners both locally and overseas.

When in need of peace and quiet I find a quiet space and think about next steps in my scientific research.

The most relaxing vacation I ever took was a cruise to Northern Europe in which I The best life lesson I ever experienced things I had only learned was how to overcome read about – but which became severe challenges which seemed pleasant realities. impossible at the outset. When I can't fall asleep I If I could have dinner with blank my mind. anyone in the world it would be my wonderful wife Janet.



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Because your family depends on you


prostAte Alpha Prostate Formula 1 is a supplement made from a unique blend of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals enhanced with Saw Palmetto, Lycopene and Pomegranate, along with the main extract, the Jamaican Ball Moss. These herbs are all traditionally used to enhance prostate health and urinary function. It took ten years of research activity (anti-cancer research); and eight (8) plants to create this unique formulation. Every plant required significant scientific work as to determine their anticancer activity as well as general prostate care properties. Each main ingredient used in the formulation of Alpha Prostate Formula 1 is a star in its own right. However together, they have produced a best seller product in the Eden Gardens Nutraceuticals lineup. Ball moss has shown activity against various cancers and eradicates cancer cells in three ways;



is known to:

1. Induce cell apoptosis (automated cell death). 2. Anti-angiogenesis activity (prevents growth of blood vessels to the tumour). 3. Kinase inhibition (where ball moss inhibits the activity of blocking cancer cells). •

Saw Palmetto extract assists with urinary problems associated with an enlarged prostate and is also anti-inflammatory. Lycopene is derived from tomatoes and shows significant anticancer activity, and so does Pomegranate. Vitamin D3 is implicated in preventing cancer cell development, and Vitamins C & E are antioxidants that play a role in reducing free radicals in the body,which are known to cause cancer. L' Alanine is an amino acid which plays a critical role in building proteins, protecting the prostate glands and reducing prostate enlargement. Minerals (sodium and potassium) transport signals across the brain, and Zinc assists with general health and well-being.

Enhance prostate health Improve metabolism Assist in the treatment of overactive bladders Help with cancer related issues and eradicate cancer cells Men, your family depend on you. Why risk your life or the quality of your life when two tablets a day can make so much difference? As always, we encourage a responsible approach to health, so first speak to your health professional, then visit us at 44 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5 or your nearest health food store or pharmacy and start the journey to better prostate health and longer life.


For over 20 years I have been taking products to mitigate against the risk of Prostate Problems. Four years ago, I discovered Alpha Prostate. It contains all the key ingredients in the product I was taking as well as ball moss and some other ingredients. I have since replaced the previous product and I am now taking Alpha Prostate. I would recommend Alpha prostate to all men - who should be concerned about developing prostate problems. Errol Miller, Professor

AlphA prostAte FormulA 1



src, supportiNg the




raditionally, Jamaicans have been known to rely on the medicinal value of our abundant flora; utilizing herbal preparations as remedies for ailments, topical treatments for pain and inflammations and including them in meals. Plants such as the Coralita and Dr. Johnson bush have become household names in some communities where they are regularly utilized for the treatment of diabetes, sinusitis and colds respectively. Wishing to preserve the value of this aspect of our culture, the Scientific Research Council (SRC) through its research and product development programmes, has been making positive contributions towards the growth and development of a respected and sustainable local Nutraceutical industry.



The SRC develops and evaluates functional foods such as flavoured water and herbal teas...

Small and Medium Enterprises. From investigations conducted on over 100 local plants used in traditional medicine, SRC was able to confirm anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of over 40 endemic plants specific to treatment of various ailments.

and joint fatigue and antimicrobial is associated with wound healing as well as general health and wellbeing. The SRC develops and evaluates functional foods such as flavoured water and herbal teas, and low glycemic index foods such as locally grown tubers.

Out of this activity a database pertaining to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory potency of these plants was established. Information from this database is useful in guiding development of nutraceuticals With its plethora of medicinal plants, product, cosmeceuticals or other value Jamaica is in an ideal position to develop added products. In addition to evaluating value added products and tap into the for anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory immense profit associated with this levels, the SRC is also able to assess for industry. With R&D as its core, the antimicrobial activity in plants and SRC’s role in this industry is critical products. as verification and validation of plant extracts and derived products for their These are intrinsic qualities associated health benefits are essential for the with nutraceuticals. Antioxidant potency building of the Jamaican nutraceutical is an indicator of the product’s ability to industry. combat free radicals which are associated with cellular damage in the body and This activity has facilitated the is important in the treatment of many development of businesses through diseases such as cancer and aging. creation of nutraceutical products for Inflammation is directly related to pain

The Council also provides support to MSME’s with the provision of services for production of nutraceuticals (including functional foods) through our pilot plant facility. We also have an Encapsulating Manual Filler Machine, which can fill approximately 11, 200 capsules per day. This machine is available for rental to entrepreneurs within this industry.

Known for their holistic medicinal properties, nutraceuticals have seen increased attention in recent times with more persons seeking natural alternatives as possible treatments for ailments including lifestyle diseases. This has helped to propel the rapid growth of the Global nutraceuticals market, which according to Allied Market Research’s online publication, “is expected to reach $302,306 million by 2022 from $184,092 million in 2015”.

For entrepreneurs who wish to explore the varied possibilities and opportunities associated with the nutraceutical field, the SRC stands ready to support through research, training and development of value added food and personal care products.



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