Ian Boyne Commemorative Magazine

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Tributes The Art of B-eing The Measure of the Man


We Called Him Friend

Than Life...

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ian anthony boyne, cd

Favourite Quotes






2 TRIBUTES FROM Leaders: Past & Present


9 Media Icon Par Excellence 10 11 12 14 16

Jamaica Information Service RJRGleaner Communication Group Pelican Publishers Professor Trevor Munroe Press Association of Jamaica




24 His First Calling… Minister & Man of God 25 26 28 29

Poem - Patrick Michael Haynes Pastor Boyne Awaits His Glorious Call Church of God Int'l HQ Infographics - Church Record



31 The Art of B-eing - Kelly-Ann Boyne



The Measure of the Man - Meleisa Witter Boyne's Barber Remembers the 'Shaves' We Called Him Friend - OMS Ian Boyne Joyously Shared the Best of Himself - Gordon 'Butch' Stewart 41 Social Media Weighed In

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Tributes from Leaders: Past & PresentT S

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Tribute from

Tribute from

His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KStJ, Governor-General

The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, MP, Prime Minister

Lady Allen and I join with Jamaicans and friends across the world in expressing our shock and sadness at the passing of a national icon, Ian Boyne.

Jamaica has lost a true patriot of unquestionable integrity, character and passion with the passing of veteran journalist Ian Boyne. His extensive knowledge on matters political, social and religious was evenly matched with an endearing spirit and personality throughout his decades of crossing multiple media platforms with professionalism. He approached every subject matter, personal interview and written piece with the same fervor and balance regardless of the controversy and public opinion. As one of the most experienced journalists, speech writers and television talk show hosts in Jamaica, his career spanned administrations and superceded the normal coinage of political affiliation and partisan bias which gained him enviable respect from even his detractors.


There was a strong bonds of friendship between us at both a professional and a personal level. We will always be grateful for the sincerity of his friendship and the support and encouragement we received from him. We have every reason to believe that in both life and death, he is worthy of the many accolades which he will be receiving in the days, months and years ahead. We trust that the respect and appreciation being so generously expressed will bring some measure of comfort to you and the family. Ian has spent a lifetime in serving others and his legacy will long remain to inspire generations of Jamaicans. We pray God’s comfort and blessings on you at this sad time of separation.


My personal interaction and friendship with Ian found him to be not only the consummate communicator, but also a gentleman and scholar filled with an unending vault of knowledge. On behalf of my family, the Government and the people of Jamaica I extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Margaret, their children, the entire media fraternity, especially the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) and his church membership of which he was a leader. I know I speak for all Jamaicans from every walk of life that Ian Boyne and his stellar contribution to the communities and people all across the nation and beyond is a significant loss and he will be greatly missed.

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Tribute from

Tribute from

Dr. Peter Phillips, MP Leader of the Opposition, President, People's National Party


We, in the People’s National Party, like all Jamaica, are deeply shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Ian Boyne. Over many decades, Ian Boyne has enriched Jamaican journalism and maintained the highest traditions in the profession. Through it all, he has exemplified a love of country and carried a deep concern about quality of life of the ordinary Jamaican people. He was able to, in a socially polarized and publicly divisive environment, maintain good relations with all segments of the Jamaican society, regardless of political and social status. In so doing, he was able to epitomize what it meant to be a true Jamaican. Ian Boyne was not afraid to ask searching questions, without being disrespectful. He was able to capture the passions of the Jamaican people, without allowing those passions to expose them to ridicule. His contribution to Jamaica and the development of the nation will not be erased and we applaud him for his outstanding work.

Honourable Olivia Grange, CD, MP Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment & Sport


With the death of Ian Boyne, Jamaica lost one of its most impactful practitioners in the field of journalism. His passing came as a great shock to me although we all knew he was seriously ill. I certainly was only anticipating his recovery. Ian Boyne was gifted with nimble intellect which he had brought to his roles as a long-time newspaper columnist, the host of Jamaica’s longest television running programme of its kind, Profile, the Deputy Executive Director of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) and as a speech writer of class for prime ministers and other ministers of government. I will always feel proud of the fact that I was very much among those with whom Ian shared his idea for Profile and that I was in a position to influence the approval for the programme to be broadcast. We must also always remember that despite the demands made on his time by his journalistic pursuits he had the capacity and was so devoted to his religious beliefs that he also became a full time minister of religion early in his life.

The PNP, and I in particular, offer condolences to his family, his colleagues and the wider journalism fraternity. 4 | Commemorative Magazine ■ Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony Boyne, CD

In 2008, Ian deservedly was awarded National Honours, the Commander of the Order of Distinction (CD) and recognised in various other ways for his contribution to journalism. I have always admired Ian Boyne and his depth and vastness of what he did for the people of Jamaica by way of his journalistic abilities. He was truly a prolific writer and a dynamic interviewer. I will miss him dearly. I express my sympathy to his wife Margaret; his daughters Kelly-Ann and Brianna; son André; his relatives; his congregation; his friends; the JIS; the RJR/Gleaner Communications Group and the entire media fraternity. In the words of Ronnie Oldham, Excellence is the Result of Caring more than others think is Wise, Risking more than others think is Safe, Dreaming more than others think is Practical, and Expecting more than others think is Possible. Ian Boyne was excellent.

Tribute from

Senator the Honourable Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth & Information


The Ministry of Education joins in paying tribute to the late Mr Ian Boyne, journalist par excellence. Mr. Boyne was a hard-working, versatile, consistently excellent and intellectually gifted journalist. His television programme, Profile, has been a remarkable source of inspiration to countless Jamaicans and it was my privilege to be a guest a few years ago. Since my appointment as Minister of Information, Ian has provided me with good counsel and sage advice when requested. His encouragement to work smarter propelled me to be even more creative with my time. Ian Boyne has become the embodiment of the hopes and aspirations of the average Jamaican. His profound influence has crossed conventional political and social divisions with the country. I am proud, though sad, to offer tribute to this exemplary son of Jamaica. His resoluteness, geniality and generosity of spirit inspire those of us who follow him. If each of us could adopt just one such attribute from Mr. Boyne and apply it to our everyday life, our country would be a better place. I extend deep condolences to his wife Margaret, children and bereaved relatives. I also wish his extended work, church and social family God’s grace in their time of sorrow. May his soul rest in peace.

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Tribute from

Tribute from

Mr. Bruce Golding, Former Prime Minister

The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, ON, Former Prime Minister


We know that our sojourn on earth is short and that the future is guaranteed to no one. Yet when death comes to our loved ones, there is a finality that rips at our hearts. Time, we know, will be the healer of all this hurt, and the glorious memories of laughter and time spent together will bring comfort to those who mourn. My memories of Ian are many and very fond. His advice was generous and always given with the genuine intentions and gentleness that were the hallmark of the giver. This remarkable Jamaican has left us a proud legacy of discipline, professional excellence, hard work, determination, wholesome values and healthy attitudes. I am still pained by his untimely death. However, even as we mourn our loss, let us keep his family in our thoughts and prayers. We can only begin to imagine the unspeakable void that remains with his dear wife, Margaret and his children. I extend to them my sincere condolences. I also extend my heartfelt sympathy to his colleagues at the Jamaica Information Service especially those in the Editorial Department with whom he worked daily. I know he will be missed by the Team at JIS TV who benefited immensely from his guidance. As we celebrate Ian today, let our energies of positive living and care, that so exemplified his life, serve to strengthen, fortify and comfort his family. May his soul rest in peace.


For more than three decades, Ian’s commentaries and insightful interviews were a staple for almost everyone with an interest in current affairs and human interest stories. His intellectual depth, vast knowledge and analytical skills were extraordinary. He held strong views and beliefs without being intolerant of those held by others. He would attack what he considered to be a fallacious argument without attacking the character of its source. He never allowed his biases to undermine his objectivity. His life story is a template for discipline, diligence and determination in the pursuit of personal development. He had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and he was ever so eager to share that knowledge with others. He was always guided by the strength of his faith but without the bigotry that so often afflicts believers. Ian Boyne has left a huge legacy not just for journalists but for all Jamaica. He has also left a huge void for which there certainly will be substitutes but never a perfect replacement. Gone too soon…….much too soon.

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His intellectual acuity made him an ideologue in the field of building our social capital and yet a pragmatist who realized that the treatment of our social maladies required that alchemy which is grounded in our cultural roots and current reality.

Tribute from

The Most Honourable Percival James Patterson, ON, OCC, PC, QC, Former Prime Minister


Ian Boyne entered the field of journalism in January 1975, at the tender age of 18. By virtue of his hard work, passion, dedication, lucid style of writing and his mastery of the electronic media, he became an icon in the praxis of his craft. Ian's quest to contribute to national development found him giving years of service as the deputy chief executive officer at the Jamaica Information Service (JIS). There he was fully immersed in policy conversations and formulating presentations for persons at the highest levels of government. He was able to serve successive political administrations as his commitment to Jamaica was first and foremost. He mastered the art of separating news reports from opinion pieces and handled any appearance of conflict with consummate ease. Having criticised the prime minister of the day in an article on the Sunday, he would be helping to guide his boss through the presentation of a national broadcast the following day. He would always start off by asking, "Did you see my article yesterday?" while throwing his head back as he rocked with laughter.

His forthright feature articles in the Sunday Gleaner were compulsory reading and invariably dictated the topic for public discourse throughout the week to follow. Never afraid to express a strong view on any burning issue, no matter how contentious or controversial, Ian believed in the power of the mind that was informed by the latest research and writing before the pen or the mouth can be meaningfully engaged. His thirty-year running TVJ programme, Profile, was never confined to the famous and powerful. It embraced those who, like him, had lifted themselves from simple beginnings and by their diligent and steadfast application risen to the top, thereby serving as a source of motivation for others. Ian's deep and abiding belief in the power of faith and his yearning for increased religious knowledge led to his conceptualization of the television programme Religious Hard Talk. His impact on religious discourse will be among his lasting legacies. The profession of journalism has lost one whose contribution to critical thinking never waned. Despite his prolific production, Boyne maintained the highest professional standards. His balance and sincerity could never be impugned. As we seek to promote and secure the very best for our rock, we pray that his family will be strengthened by the fact that his quintessential contribution to national dialogue will remain in the template for future generations.

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I was destroying the socialist cause. It was not until I started my regime as Prime Minister, after 1980, that he really understood and accepted my political beliefs and form of government. The wonderful aspect of this was that acceptance of my views did not cause him to abandon some of the critical underlying platform of socialism. His span of knowledge and understanding simply became broader. I always marveled at such a mind and felt that he had a God-given message to talk to people with the conviction this was the way to peace and prosperity.

Tribute from

The Most Honourable Edward Seaga ON, PC, Former Prime Minister


In the history of social, political and civic organizations it is almost impossible to find one person who can perform without a display of bias. This caused Former President of the United States, Harry Truman, to request that his advisors find him a one handed economist because all the advice he was getting was “on one hand …..and the other hand”. Ian Boyne, obviously would not get along with President Truman because he was most definitely had views and opinions spanning both sides of any issue or argument. In ordinary life such a mind is almost impossible to find. But that was Ian Boyne.

His soul will carry no hang-ups because it is perfectly balanced and in peace. I shall miss him immensely as one I truly admired as a prime believer and idol of honesty. May his wife and family accept his passing as a divine call to another place.

From time to time we had private and confidential talks on different matters. Naturally, the one I enjoyed the most was when he told me that his father who was a tailor operating in West Kingston, used to get furious when he saw my name painted on walls during elections around where he worked. This greatly offended his father’s political sensitivity as a devout member of the PNP. Young Ian Boyne was caught up in some of that frenzy when he became involved with the University of the West Indies in the 1970s. He confessed to me that he found himself in a hot-bed of anti-Seaga bias in which he was involved because

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Media Icon Par ExcellenceT S

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RJRGLEANER GROUP Pays Tribute to Ian Boyne


an Boyne was loved and respected by the RJRGLEANER family for over three decades.

He has consistently, at a very high level operated in print, radio, television and generated interaction online and in social media for his vast body of work. We salute him for the breath of his journalistic endeavours. His 34 years writing for the Gleaner was the anchor of his service of excellence to Jamaican readers through his well-researched and articulated columns. We salute Ian’s work through Religious Hard Talk which ran for many years on RJR 94 FM before becoming the only radio and television simulcast of its kind in this market – then being an engaging TV only show. However, the most empowering of his work seemed reserved for the more than 1,500 interviews on Profile. Thirty-one years of unearthing the best qualities in us and inspiring us. His easy going style generated stories of successes, triumphs and goodness from among us. We will remember also Ian for being self-confident and affable, encouraging and engaging. We were all important

to him and each felt like a special member of his big cast of friends and colleagues.

and we in the RJRGLEANER Group are thankful you did.

You did more than “Profile” among us Ian, you touched our lives positively

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of Dear


mongst his extraordinary achievements, are three well written, motivational books. Ian's first book, Profile of Excellence: Strategies for Extraordinary Achievement from 25 Years of Interviewing Remarkable People, was co-authored by Glenford Smith and in many respects was Smith’s brainchild. The publication provides models of achievement and excellence, along with pillars of success mirroring the lessons learnt from interviewing


successful and influential people from around the world during his 30year reign as host of his television programme Profile. Ideas Matter: Journey into the Mind of a Veteran Journalist soon followed. This literary work was a compilation of some of his favourite In-focus articles which represent his academic reflections on history, politics, current affairs and socioeconomic issues affecting Jamaica and Jamaicans.

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Pryceless Journey, the autobiography of ShellyAnn Fraser-Pryce is yet to be released. In October 2016 when he ‘announced’ this latest work, the Observer reported him saying the following: "Working with Shelly-Ann on this project has been one of the highlights of my career...

“Shelly-Ann is a truly remarkable athlete and human being. She is the complete package." Having spent one year conducting interviews to write the book, Boyne says he left each interview session with her feeling “energised, exhilarated and inspired." We look forward to the release of this publication which will undoubtedly be just as inspiring as his other works. Pelican Publishers is very honoured to have been chosen by Boyne to be the publisher of his works. The relationship spanned several years and we worked together to launch his two publications as well as obtain commendation to be the local publishing arm for the third (which is yet to be officially released). In addition to being his publisher, Ian Boyne knew he could call on us for various graphic designs and we still take pride in the beautiful banner which graced King’s House for Profile’s 30th Anniversary celebration. Without a doubt Pelican has lost a preeminent author and friend. Commemorative Magazine ■ Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony Boyne, CD | 13

An Abridged Version of the Presentation made by Professor Trevor Munroe, Executive Director National Integrity Action

at theLaunch of IDEAS MATTER

… we are launching a book reflecting the work of one of the Caribbean’s most outstanding journalists… The subtitle of the book is “Journey into the Mind of a Veteran Journalist”. This journey is fascinating as we traverse the three hundred and thirty pages, the six sections and over 60 pieces written by Ian. They reveal a very special type of mind. A mind with a boundless interest in the diversity of the human experience; a boundless interest in all facets of life – interest in religion and philosophy, international affairs and foreign policy, in dancehall, arts and culture, in Jamaican politics and in a vast range of socio-economic and governance issues. They also reveal a mind with a truly unique breadth of reading and capacity to synthesize complex ideas and varied experiences. I ask you, as you read this book: what other mind can you think of that would penetrate, dissect and analyse, drawing on relevant reading, the life of Pope John Paul II, Alton Ellis, the King of Soul, Mutabarukka, Obama, Ronald Reagan and not to leave out present company, Portia Simpson-Miller, P.J. Patterson, Eddie Seaga and Bruce Golding? What other mind can you think of, with equal facility, that explores Christianity and atheism, the world of sex, guns and greed and of course, the arena of values and culture and their relationship to economic programs and public policy? One could say that this is the mind of a dilettante, were it not the case that Boyne deals with each of these and many other topics with depth and with familiarity with most recent writings, well beyond the visitations of the dilettante.

And reading this book we journey into a mind not only characterized by diversity of interest and breadth of reading. We have here a mind, needed more and more in the contemporary realities facing Jamaica, the region and, indeed, the entire human race – that is, a mind capable of extraordinary balance, devoid of one sidedness, impervious to seeing reality as black and white. Rather we have a mind which grasp that all phenomena are shades of grey, that in every positive there is negative and in every negative there is positive. Ian Boyne is a truly dialectical thinker, as the philosophers would say. Or as we in Jamaica would say, a truly non-tribal personality. One able to pick sense out of nonsense and, conversely, to discern nonsense in what appears to the naked eye as incontrovertible truth. ... But is Ian, with all this balance falling into the trap of many intellectuals, falling prey to the risk of many so called objective analysts? With so many “on the one hands” followed by “on the other hands”, what is his position? Or does he have a position? Remember, we only have two hands. Is nihilism where he ends up? No – not at all, Boyne takes definite positions. After the balanced analysis, the independent thinking... Boyne is critical of abuse of police power, is empathetic with terrible conditions which people in the inner city have to face, but he is absolutely firm on what he describes as dog heart criminals. “The terrorist and criminals have become emboldened from the conflicting signals in the society, and from the incessant verbal and psychological attacks against the security forces made by the wellmeaning but misguided persons who think they are protecting human rights” (pg. 280).

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Of criminals, Boyne in unambiguous. “A way has to be found to drive fear into them. We are not the ones who should be afraid… let the politicians set the example by giving names to the police” (pg. 284). Clearly, on the fundamental questions, despite, I would even say flowing from, “on the one hand” and “on the other hand” Boyne takes a definite position. There can be no question that the times in which we live require journalists like Ian to take scholarship to the masses. For being a pioneer in this endeavour, we have to be grateful to Ian Boyne and thankful for this publication being launched this evening. I ask you to join me in extending warmest congratulations to one of the Caribbean’s finest journalists… Commemorative Magazine ■ Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony Boyne, CD | 15


he Press Association of Jamaica joins the rest of Jamaica in expressing shock and sadness at the passing of veteran journalist, Ian Boyne, C.D.

Ian’s contribution to the field of journalism as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service, a columnist with the Jamaica Gleaner and host of Television Jamaica’s programmes, “Religious Hardtalk” and “Profile”, is well documented.



Veteran Journalist Ian Boyne

The iconic “Profile” achieved a record as one of the country’s longest running programmes when it recently celebrated 30 years on air. It gave hope to, and motivated thousands of young people to believe that they too could achieve their dreams, regardless of their circumstances. Ian served the journalistic fraternity with pride, passion and consummate professionalism. He was respected by politicians on both sides of the aisle, being recognized as fair and balanced even as he told his truth.

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His meticulouslyresearched columns for the Sunday Gleaner were required reading for many Jamaicans, whether they agreed with him or not, and garnered for him on several occasions the Press Association of Jamaica’s Morris Cargill Award for Opinion Journalism, which he won in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2009. He had strong opinions on a wide range of issues, and was never afraid to turn the spotlight on his beloved profession, and critique us strongly, if he felt it was warranted. At the same time, Ian will also be remembered by young journalists as one who was quick to give advice and encouragement, and his ready laughter would put others at ease as they benefited from his wealth of experience. The Press Association of Jamaica extends its deepest condolences to Mr. Boyne’s family, friends and colleagues on the loss of a giant of our profession.

Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony


, CD

Sunrise: March 13, 1957 | Sunset: December 18, 2017

National INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE National Stadium Complex, Kingston

Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 10 a.m. Officiating Clergy: Pastor George Ramocan | Pastor Bill Watson | Pastor Pedro Hall Moderator: Ms. Fae Ellington, CD | Organist: Mr. Othniel Lewis | Interment: Dovecot Memorial Park, St. Catherine

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9 30am

– 10:10am


Musical Prelude The Jamaica Regiment Band


10 : 10am

10: 28 : 00am

Musical Tributes

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. 2 Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. 3 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth. Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings, all mine, with ten thousand beside.

Noel Ellis Jabez Elder Gaja Junior Sinclair Ernie Smith Glacia Robinson

Invocation Deacon Clive Clarke

T 10 : 30am – 2 : 00pm

Welcome & Acknowledgments Ms. Fae Ellington, CD, Moderator


Holy City – Kevin Williams, Ana Strachan (with JCF Choir, Dwight Richards on Trumpet, Othniel Lewis on Keyboard & Paulette Bellamy on Strings) Opening Sentences His Excellency Seth George Ramocan, Pastor, Church of God International, Jamaican High Commissioner to the UK Processional Hymn

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Thomas O. Chisholm, William M. Runyan

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever will be.

Tributes: Nation's Leaders His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KStJ, Governor General The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, MP, Prime Minister Dr. Peter Phillips, MP, Leader of the Opposition Honourable Olivia Grange, CD, MP, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, ON, Former Prime Minister Tributes – Close Associates Dr. Glen Christian, OJ, OD, JP Dr. Ken Bird Tribute in Song Mrs. Janielle Goldburn: Joy

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Tributes – The Church Church of God Int'l - Pastor Bill Watson Fellowship Tabernacle Jamaica Umbrella Group of Churches Church of God Int'l – Deacon Christopher Hendricks Dr. Clinton Chisolm Tribute in Song Rondell Positive Tributes – The Media Mr. Cliff Hughes, CD Press Association of Jamaica - Dionne Jackson Miller RJRGleaner Group - Gary Allen Jamaica Information Service - Chorale Jamaica Information Service - Donna-Marie Rowe Tribute in Song Jermaine Edwards Tributes – The Family Mr. André Skeen Ms. Brianna Grant Mrs. Margaret Boyne Prof. Michael Boyne Hymn

He Leadeth Me Joseph H. Gilmore, 1862, William B. Bradbury, 1864

He leadeth me! O blessed thought! O words with heav'nly comfort fraught! Whate'er I do, where'er I be. Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.


He leadeth me. He leadeth me. By His own hand He leadeth me; His faithful foll'wer I would be, for by His hand He leadeth me. 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea, Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me. 3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, nor ever murmur nor repine, Content, whatever lot I see. Since 'tis my God that leadeth me.

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4 And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the vict'ry's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee. Since God through Jordan leadeth me.

Tribute in Song JCF Choir - I AM by David Clydesdale First Lesson Mr. Bruce Golding, Former Prime Minister Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (KJV)

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Second Lesson Dr. Barry Davidson, CD Chief Executive Officer, Family Life Ministries Hebrews 11:13-16, 24-27, 39-40 (KJV)

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

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Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

Tribute in Song Kevin Downswell Offertory Hymn

Blessed Assurance Words: Fanny J. Crosby, 1873 ; Music: "Assurance," Phoebe Palmer Knapp, 1873

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.


This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour, all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour, all the day long. 2 Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. 3 Perfect submission, all is at rest I in my Saviour, am happy and blessed, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

Blessing of the Offering Brother Kenneth Campbell Tribute in Dance

HAVEN ​(2017) Choreography: Kerry-Ann Henry Music: The Prayer - Arr. by Ewan Simpson Performers: NDTC Singers and Musicians led by Kaydene Gordon and Joshua Page Dancers: Kerry-Ann Henry, Gillian Steele and Rachel Walter 22 | Commemorative Magazine ■Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony Boyne, CD

Tribute in Song Ken Boothe: Speak Softly Now Profile of the Man Ian Boyne Ms. Kelly-Ann Boyne Sermon His Excellency Seth George Ramocan, Pastor, Church of God International, Jamaican High Commissioner to the UK Prayer for the Family Deacon Stephen Scale Benediction Pastor Pedro Hall Video Presentation Ian Boyne, the Man The National Anthem JCF Choir (accompanied by the Jamaica Regiment Band) Recessional Hymn

It Is Well With My Soul H.G. Spafford, P.P. Bliss

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.


It is well (it is well), with my soul (with my soul), It is well, it is well, with my soul. 2 Though Satan should buffet, Though trials should come, Let this blessed assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. 3 My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 4 And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul.

Guard of Honour JIS Family Church Family RJR/Gleaner/JBC Family Pall Bearers

Foyer to the Front of the Sports Centre

Mr. Kavanaugh Campbell Mr. Errol Gardner Mr. Donald Grant Mr. Christopher Hendricks Recessional to the Coach

Mr. Clive Boyne Mr. Glen Boyne Prof. Michael Boyne Mr. Patrick Boyne Coach to Grave

Mr. Derrick Allwood Mr. Solomon Bleary Mr. Clive Clarke Mr. Glenford West

At the Graveside


It is joy, unspeakable and full of glory, And full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, The half has never yet been told.

S By and by when the morning comes, When all the saints of God are gathered home We will tell the story of how we overcome We will understand it better by and by. We gonna walk those streets of glory by and by We gonna walk those streets of glory by and by We gonna walk those streets of glory We gonna sing redemption story We gonna walk those street of glory By and by.

T When I get there, when I get there I will sing and shout, when I get there Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord When I get there.

S Oh what a glory that will be When the ransomed souls we’ll see Oh what a hallelujah band When we meet him in Beulah land What a glory that will be.

T Redeemed, when my burden of sin was high Redeemed, when my soul condemned to die Redeemed, for the price I could not pay, I owe Hallelujah, redeemed.

S Oh, when the saints go marching in Oh when the saints go marching in Oh, Lord, I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in. Commemorative Magazine â– Celebrating the Life of Ian Anthony Boyne, CD | 23

His First Calling... Minister & Man of GodT S

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The Great Reunion Patrick Michael Haynes Lord, my heart has been broken It seems no words can ever be spoken, To take the pain away. If only you allowed him to stay, But we know the prayer he would often pray, To die in your church … in the truth. This was a man serving you from his youth, With dedication, distinction, passion and zeal, Though the fear of losing his faith was always so real. His achievements were great, he worked hard to prevail, He accomplished all he wanted, that this world could avail. But his ambitions were greater, not contained in this world, The Kingdom of God was the prize - his great pearl... The curtains were open, the stage was now set, His life was on show; he never missed a step. A giant of a man, in kindness and faith, A warrior for Christ who would give it to you straight. A true leader and friend who was always there, No matter how busy, he made time to care. An empathetic person, evinced by the lives he touched, God, I don't want to be selfish, but I miss him so much! An intellectual, a theologian, a man well read, He would spend hours researching, before going to bed. One of the most extraordinary persons, I will ever meet, Thank you for the opportunity to learn at his feet. He has been showered with accolades... This precious gift from above. But to be called A man of God, Was the title he most loved. So I will not mourn without hope, Even as tears stream down my face. He has fought the good fight, He has finished his race. When the last trump shall sound and the Lord shall descend, The dead in Christ shall rise first, I will see my Pastor again. I have a date with destiny, that I must certainly keep, To reign with Christ after I awake from my sleep. And when I hear, “Well done…” I know exactly what I will say, “My Lord you gave me the best teacher to show me the way.” Until then, my tears will still flow... right to the very end, As I await the great reunion, with my Pastor and dear friend.

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Pastor Boyne Awaits



e add our hearts to those saddened, agonizing, disheartened and grieving at the passing of our dearest Pastor Ian Boyne. Even though we don’t mourn as those without hope, we are still pained and the tears still flow. We represent the Church of God International, Jamaica, comprising the leadership and diaconate, members, and the frequent visitors of Kingston, Spanish Town, Ocho Rios, Maroon Town and May Pen congregations. We also speak on behalf of our brethren in Christ by way of the various offshoots of the Armstrongite Churches of God in Jamaica and by extension our new brethren who have accepted the truth of the holy days - an acceptance forged by Pastor Boyne’s great and loving work with the Seventh Day Church of God International, St. John’s Road and the Seventh Day Church of God, Windward Road. We acknowledge and appreciate the well wishes and sincere condolences from government officials, the management and staff of the Jamaica Information Service, as well as Jamaicans at home and abroad. Thank you. We find solace in the fact that our Pastor is at rest and time will pass for him as though the blink of an eye as he awaits the call of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our pastor lived a full life. He spent his time well, knowing that the days of man are like grass which withereth at evening. And so he lived among us as one who occupied his time with wisdom, both doing the work of God and making his mark in this world. A world which he knew to be bankrupt - but still had a need for illumination and hope. These he provided through his various journalistic and philanthropic efforts. As a [church] body, as a spiritual family, we created so many wonderful memories. In knowing him our lives have been forever altered and will again... I dread to envision the Feast of Tabernacles without his presence;

but I know he would have wanted us to go on. He knew the work was bigger than him – or any other man. So let us remember the best of Pastor Boyne in these tough times. Cry. Pastor Boyne would have wanted us to cry. In fact, he told us that he expected it! In spite of all we know about the grand reunion, every now and again a memory will cross the window of our hearts, causing tender tears to flow. But keep his memory alive through his most enduring passion - the work for the Kingdom of God. We know death is a path we each must travel. Pastor Boyne has just gone ahead of us; we will surely follow one day. Let us therefore live our lives in light of that fact. Let us love one another and be committed to our great calling. Let it guide our every waking moment. We stand in solidarity with our beautiful sisters – Sister Margaret (wife) and Kelly-Ann & Brianna (daughters) as well as our brother Andre (son). You know our love and support will always be here to surround you in this difficult time. If our loss is so deep, then we can only begin to imagine yours. Know that we are here for you. We thank God for the times we spent with Pastor Boyne, and for those of us who he gave the indescribable pleasure of calling ‘friend,’ we will always treasure the memories we shared. We who have witnessed Pastor Boyne’s tireless dedication to his Master’s work till the very end, can with confidence say: He has fought the good fight, he has finished his race, he has kept the faith. Now there is in store for him the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award to him on that day—and not only to him, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:6 - 8 paraphrased). With this hope and confidence we say farewell Pastor Ian Boyne, we will carry on until… Congregations of the Church of God International, Jamaica

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campaigns. In addition to this was his diligent effort, as a faithful shepherd, to feed the flock under his care. He endeavored to provide good, nourishing spiritual food for the people of God.

In spite of the heavy load of his secular career, Ian charged ahead with the good-news message of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, planting the seeds of truth and watering the crops of firstfruits for God’s spiritual harvest. He relentlessly proclaimed the Word of Truth through public debates and evangelistic

He will be sorely missed by many in and outside of the Church of God. May he rest in peace as he waits for that Day when the Lord descends from heaven, that Day when, for the people of God, death is swallowed up in victory.

an Boyne was quite the evangelist for Jesus Christ. He was results-driven over many decades in his secular career and in doing the Lord’s work on the island country of Jamaica. He was well respected among many. Anyone of any notoriety or fame who visited the island was interviewed by Ian on his TV program Profile, which was one of two shows he did on a weekly basis and was the longest running seasonal show on local TV. He was also heavily involved in forming opinions through his op-eds that he wrote on a weekly basis and which were well received and embraced among political operatives, including the Prime Minister of Jamaica.

Ian Boyne was a gifted servant of God, a good steward, and both a student and teacher of God’s Word. His sophistication in his expositions of theological and philosophical matters was exceptional. He was an able exegete of Scripture and a skilled apologist, a good workman who had no reason to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15). His was surely one of the sharpest minds of the Church of God movement of modern times.

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Family ManT


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The Art of B-eIng

Kelly-Ann Gail Boyne ... the sun peeps through the sliver of curtain silhouettes...as lashes flutter in a stretch towards the new day’s moon... the paradox of nature’s cacophony is interrupted by the mellifluous notes of the Stylistics.... as the notes waltz through the door left ajar for the voice of her Father to waft in to wake her like the delectable notes of a cup of Folgers... emotions punctuated by the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup is replaced by... You are to me the Star of my TV Show...

To be asked to pen a tribute to a being whose Be-ing cannot be encapsulated by the finite construct called language, may be the greatest disservice I will ever do to my father... But I must try my best to manoeuvre within the constraints of our finite be-ings... I surmise that Be-ginnings must have Endings... but if I were to say that Be-ing at

Then all the world would know....

His End-ing has not challenged my entire Be-ing.... I would be truly Ly-ing.

Why I love you so....

We Are Boynes.... B-eing is supposed to B our forte.... So how then do I continue B-eing? I have ruminated deeply on what would constitute B-eing.... and because He won’t be able to hear this tribute at this time....my words are for us who have been left behind to B... So.... What does it mean to B (oyne)?


My father always had the opportunity to migrate, but his mandate was always to B-e amongst the minority who stayed to B-uild Jamaica. In fact two of the other loves of his life, his mother and sister migrated to the United States in his early years. Break-Fast was an amalgam of Stylistics, Chilities, Ken Boothe, Alton Ellis, Temptations, Manhattans, Beres Hammond... and truly the list is inexhaustible.... It was the true Break-Fast of Champions.

To B-uild the Jamaican spirit was a divinely appointed task for him....and I dare say he executed it beyond all expectations.... He would often boast...as him did well ‘boasy’ as we Jamaicans say, that he has the longest running, non-seasonal TV show with a single

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host, and that not even Oprah or Larry King could keep up with him. So you know when all FIVE Prime Ministers attended the 30th Anniversary of Profile at King’s House.... ‘him glad bag did well buss!’... Dad was a B-uilder.


Dad spent a lot of time reading philosophy and theology, not only because he was a devout Christian but because he, in very practical terms, understood the importance of the undefeatable mind and was often times heard to say, ‘Likeability is more important than Intellect...’ He was always concerned about the social deficit rather than the economic deficit as he understood the importance of the effect of Purpose on Profit. He was a holistic B-eing. In that regard, therefore, he himself marinated stoicism in the tenets of Christianity... and every morning he would recite his affirmation.... “There is nothing that can happen today, Lord, that you and I can’t work out.”.... that was the proverbial Folgers in His cup.... Though a flawed B-eing (as we all are) ...he embodied the B-eatitudes....by exercising his B-Attitudes. Dad embodied B-attitudes.


For before the foundation of the earth the Lord chose Ian and Sharon Boyne to usher into this realm Kelly-Ann Gail Boyne. Some relationships are for a season, and some are for a reason. That relationship was for both. In a letter I recently received from Aunty Rosie that was written by my father to his mother in 1984 (just one year after my birth) he said .... “Kelly is the greatest blessing... Sharon is a very faithful wife, and totally devoted to me...” Mom (affectionately called Tunkie), dad loved you

from his own place of love. I had to learn that hard lesson myself and that is when my healing commenced. I have always said ... the greatest gift my parents gave me was to introduce me to God. He, the true Life-Giver shared His Glory with my Earthly Life-Givers... who both continued to give life to me through the darkest moments of my own B-eing .... I, my mother’s “one cocoa dat full basket”, her Tubby....

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I, my father’s, Black Swan of an Undefeatable Mind and Spirit, his Tubby... Dizzy, of whom I am B-gotten.


Although I am sure he annoyed the Life out of her and purposely poked and provoked her....he was her B-est Friend. You would often times see them snickering at each other, sharing private jokes and private moments.... And I knew...my father had truly found his friend... Aunty Mar....thank you.... for being my father’s B-est Friend. Your loss differs from mine but I join you at the intersection of pain and hold your hand as we enter on a journey of Dinner-less Saturday nights...Play-less Saturday Nights... A Duet that was once a Trio.... but God binds us... and he, He fills our empty places like the Japanese who fill broken jars with gold... So let’s continue laughing, because we'll have lots to laugh about when we see Dad again. Dad was her B-est Friend. Dad, you said I was the Star of your TV show, but you were the Star of my Universe... and just for you I will continue to B (all when mi find man and get married, I will always B a Boyne)...

He was a biological b-rother and a b-rother in Christ. Many evenings were spent counselling others. Many sleepless nights as sleep eluded him when he was riddled with deep concern for the wellbeing of others. Aunty Rosie was one of the greatest loves of his life... his other Tunkie... Dad was a B-rother.

B-est Friend

So, my humble request of you is that you continue to honour my father by B-eing.... Live your B-est life... Love in your B-est way.... and Laugh from your B-elly (like dad did and I do!)... So.... let me let you in a little secret... Whenever dad was ready to conclude a conversation he would always say, “All the best. All the Best. All the Best," which meant, 'pack up yuh tings and gwaan...'. Well today I don’t mean the same thing… but All the B-est Dizzy.... See you soon. Love you forever and a day.

Your Tubby.

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Family PicturesT


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Tributes from FriendsT


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The Measure of the Man Meleisa Witter


he Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I was on my way to work and my head grew light and I felt a heat in my belly as someone called me to say, “Mel, I heard something about Ian, is it true? I think you should check with his family.” And in that moment I knew... I knew that one of the two most important persons in my life ceased to exist on this side of the great divide. It is said that the two most significant days in one’s life are the day one is born and the day one discovers his purpose for being born. I credit Ian Boyne with the latter. Destiny had brought us together eight years ago and our zeal for the truth and God's way brokered a friendship which weathered many interesting storms.

counsel. For wise were your words, biblical your anchor and philosophical your thoughts. It hurts to know I will never see you dancing in godly ecstasy as the praise team leads out It is Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory. It hurts to know... And so I cried. But I refuse to mourn as one without hope, as in so doing I would dishonour your memory, what you have taught us and all you lived for. I consider myself fortunate to have been called your friend and your confidante.

'The only dream I have remaining to be fulfilled is to die in the faith,' was a mantra of his. And so on Monday, December 18, 2017 my friend, my pastor, my mentor became one of the few persons who succeeded in ticking every item on his bucket list - even in death. But even as I contemplated that, my tears gushed forth unchecked. They were selfish tears; but that made them no less painful. You won't ever sit in that second chair to the front right of the pew. You won’t laugh that hearty, uproarious laugh when someone skillfully sneaks in some humour in a message. You will never anticipate and diffuse the seemingly deep questions of your opponents. You will never call to say, ‘I'm just checking in on you...’ You will never.... The list could go on forever. And in spite of my resolve that I'd rather lose you to death than to Satan it still hurts. It hurts to know that you survived five heart attacks only to succumb to death after. It hurts to know that the ticks on the WhatsApp message I sent you will never turn blue. It hurts to know that I will never be able to go to you for

Your humility and commitment to truth, valour and decency were the vanguards of your existence. You cherished knowing that you were right, but could live

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many who knew and loved you, are just some. Being larger than life, of course you had detractors. Heck, the Christ did too… But even those who did not have the testicular fortitude to stand up to your A-type personality have to grudgingly admit that you were the best in so many ways. You perfected discipline.

with being told you were wrong. You had a generosity of spirit, which was endearing. An apology, no matter how egregious the wrong, was never refused. And when you forgave, you tried to forget. Even long conversations would invariably end with a word of gratitude for the time spent and the value of the discussion and would then still be followed up with a quick message saying, ‘Thank you for speaking with me...’ In you, I had a great example of things I'd read in the bible such as: See a man diligent in his work, he will not stand before mere men, he will stand before kings (Proverbs 22:29). You taught me that I could live a life of unwavering commitment to the truth I held dear my quest for salvation, and still succeed in this world. You taught me that Christianity was not the lot of the poor and disenfranchised only, but by following biblical principles of self-control, respect, denying gratification and hard work, all of this world’s goods could be gained, even as we lived for the Kingdom of God. One can only imagine your gruelling hours. You made institutions of everything you touched and now leave in your wake huge gaps to be filled. JIS, the Church of God International, The Gleaner’s In-focus, Sunday & Tuesday slots at TVJ, speech writing for government officials and other figureheads, books being written, and without a doubt your home and the hearts of so

Your self-sacrifice was second to none. You were the last one to leave church almost every Sabbath after service, for forty-five years. You became the model for servant leadership as you stood with the poor and lowly as easily as you sat with the prosperous and lofty. You did your best to dispense counsel and discipline without fear or favour. You tried to live what you believed. You were a stellar example. And I know if you could do it again, you would change nothing. That was the measure of the man you were. I loathe to think that all those thousands of books you read and the thousands of interviews hosted and the millions of bits of information absorbed will never again stand up to the challenge and scrutiny of your detractors, or even those who just respectfully wanted to engage the best. You lived as one who understood the transience of our time here. You recounted on numerous occasions the impact Herbert Armstrong and his book The Seven Laws of Success had on you. And so you wasted no time – making your mark and living a full life. Full of hard work, yes, but also full of love and laughter and music and fine dining and fine clothing. You had a penchant for beauty and quality and you earned the right to access and enjoy them maximally. My dear pastor, friend, counsellor, confidante, author, … the path you have taken is one set for all mortals. Having gone on ahead of me, I won’t envy your rest. But I do anticipate that day when next we meet, when we will be clothed in immortality never again to part. This article was first published in The Gleaner, Monday December 25, 2017

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A Cut Above The Rest



Remembers The 'Shaves'


e had seen the profile and had heard the unmistakable laughter time and again, but he had not met the media man behind the lens.

"He had a full head of black hair and some thick sideburns, something from the '50s or '60s, so I recognised him the minute he walked in. I took off the sideburns and gave him a more modern look," Dexter Dacres recounted of his 1997 first meeting with Ian Boyne at the Upper Cut Barber shop in Pavilion Mall. Upper Cut would shutter its doors in 2005, forcing Dacres to relocate to Cruz Barbershop, upstairs Pavilion Mall, but by then, the relationship with the renowned journalist had blossomed into a friendship. "He normally comes in every two weeks, but if he misses the fortnight, I call to make sure he comes for the third week. We communicate directly, and he's never been too busy to take my call. Even without a haircut being due, we discuss other matters. We talk for hours once the time is available. My credit will finish, and he would call me back and we just chat," Dacres shared. Dacres pointed out that his unwillingness to take a break from work over the years did not go unnoticed by Boyne, who often encouraged him to go on vacation. "He worked continuously, so him telling me to take a vacation was memorable, and in recent years, I've started to take a two weeks or so. I remember he met

my two sons and immediately began to encourage them to do well in school. He also met my wife, and I met his daughter, who he would speak about with such fondness," added Dacres. The veteran barber explained that Boyne would also participate in stirring conversations in the barbershop, stating that "his haircut usually takes 15 to 20 minutes, but once the conversation ripe, that gone out the window". According to Dacres, Boyne would also ask him to relay public feedback on his two television programmes, Profile and Religious Hardtalk. The veteran media practitioner would receive his last haircut on Wednesday, December 13, around 1:30 p.m. In recounting a time before 1997, a time when Boyne appeared on television with the fuzzy, almost jet-black hair, Dacres saw a larger-than-life figure, a perfectionist. Twenty years, countless conversations, and hundreds of haircuts later, and that is not the case said Dacres. "He's human just like us. He's not perfect. The fact that he couldn't drive a car shows you that, and he had some really nice cars. I don't like to limit things, and while he wasn't perfect, we're not likely to see another like him, at least not in my lifetime. I called him Ian, not Mr Boyne, and he called me Dexter, so I haven't lost a customer, I lost a friend."

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This article was first published in The Gleaner

we called him




e join the rest of Jamaica and the diaspora in mourning the loss of one of our best sons. The news left us ambivalent. On the one hand we were glad we do not share the regret of so many who wait until the passing of someone truly deserving of admiration to say it. Because we did. We found so many occasions, to say to our dear friend Ian We think you are great"; "We think you are wonderful"; "We know you are human and suspect you have flaws, but nevertheless, you are a blessed human being. You are a friend! On the other hand, we are truly saddened at his passing - yes; but we especially regret that we were not able to execute what we (Ian, Owen, Milton and Stephanie) agreed would be called the Ian Boyne’s Profile Legacy Project. We who remain, agree that we should not allow the project to pass with him. And so in the near future as this project is shaped, we will `PROFILE’ it daily through excellence - ours, and those who will benefit in memory of Ian. And even as we share Ian's hope and aspirations to be reunited in a time to come, we submit this tribute in loving memory of one who truly earned our respect and admiration. Like so many others, our lives are some way better off for knowing him. Sleep in peace Ian. The good you have done and the legacy you have left will live on. From Stephanie, Owen, Milton

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Ian Boyne Joyously Shared the best of himself


Butch Stewart

am at an unbelievable loss for words to express my deep sense of shock and personal grief over the untimely passing of journalistic icon and friend, Ian Boyne.

I have followed his career from the early 1980s when he worked for then Industry Minister Douglas Vaz and witnessed his phenomenal growth over the years as a journalist, interviewer, intellectual thinker, and just an affable and decent Jamaican human being. When he interviewed me on his personality television show Profile on several occasions, I got to see up close the depth of Ian Boyne's knowledge of the Jamaican persona and his skill at unearthing information I had not even planned to divulge. I admired his uncanny ability to debate and dispute an array of issues, sometimes disagreeing with the

opposing views, but never with rancour or malice. In the same vein he transcended political partisanship, allowing Jamaicans of various persuasions to share his vast scholarship and to appreciate the complexity of many current local and international affairs, as he dissected them across print, radio, and television platforms. To say that I will miss Ian Boyne is a gross understatement. His passing is a huge loss to journalism and Jamaica. In expressing condolence to his wife, Margaret, and family, as well as the journalism fraternity, I would urge them to always remember the stellar career and the wonderful personality of a man who joyously shared the best of himself with his country. Rest in peace, Ian.

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This article was First published in the Jamaica Observer

@Cordel Green: “He held a neutral space in a polarised environment. He leaves a legacy which will serve as a solid guidance and foundation of reliable quality and substance.” @realshellyannfp: My heart is heavy ... R.i.p Ian Boyne!!!

Social Media weighed in

Alicatj2011: We cry, but we mourn not for we know what God has promised his faithful servants. Missing my dear pastor #IanBoyne See you soon.

@Champyonbabii: Bwoy Ian Boyne’s death has shaken up the entire Jamaica, i swear I feel like a close family died, he was such an inspiration to many and he will truly be missed #ProfileInHeaven #IanBoyne jah know star

Kyym_Savage: Just like your life, your death has left an impact. Journalism will never be the same in Jamaica. We have hundreds of future journalists who are building a dream around your profile, because you inspire our people. Walk good....#Rip #IanBoyne

@karendmadden: Even Jamaica’s dancehall referenced Ian Boyne. Man crossed every walk of life.

@DwayneShane: #IanBoyne made every ghetto yute and poor yute wanna achieve big things... being on Profile was seen as the culmination of everybody’s achievements... #WalkGoodIan #JamaicaMourns Jamaica Business Development Corporation: #JBDC is deeply saddened by the loss of veteran journalist Ian Boyne. He has inspired many lives including that of our entrepreneurs. Your legacy will live on.

Shey Smith: What an inspiration @ChrisgayleCg: The impact of Ian Boyne on this Jamaican you have been to me, an society has no limits. His programme profile was a entire nation, and even people “ray of hope” for many and inspired every “jack beyond the Jamaican borders. You man” in some way or the other. Easily the have been a stalwart of Truth and a true most articulate person I have watched leader in Christian thought and life. You will be on TV over the years. missed by your family, friends, congregation, and the many members of God’s church whom you have inspired over the years from around the world

Andre Huie: I have a profound and @jovanthony: deep respect for this man. It saddens Newspapers were me that he is gone and I never had the not delivered to my little chance to meet him personally. His television Red Hills community and every program Profile which ran on TV for over Monday morning, at recess, right after 30 years, was one of my favorites. His devotions, one of my first duties was to guests inspired many and his line of head to Edwin Allen’s library for Sunday questioning was impeccable. A hard Gleaner and straight to #IanBoyne’s piece. working Jamaican journalist with Books for me to know and read. a rich legacy. RIP. #ianboyne. @yaneekpage: I can’t even process the magnitude of this loss for Jamaica. Devastated. Rest well Ian Boyne

E@SujaeBoswell: We have lost a bank of wisdom and compassion. Ian Boyne was truly a great and humble giant, each of our conversations was laced with profitable advice. He definitely characterized a profile of excellence.

H@PressSecOPM: Still in shock. A man with such grace and poise and a teacher to all of us. I admired him and his work so much. RIP #IanBoyne. I will miss you

Thank You We express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and well-wishers for your kind expressions of sympathy during this time. Your prayers and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Heartfelt appreciation to the numerous persons whose unwavering support and assistance have been a blessing to us.

The Boyne Family

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