July Lifestyle 2021

Page 10


TIPS from the

PRO How to Prevent the Dreaded Chunk By Joanna Coe, Director of Instruction

The dreaded chunk shot might be one of the most embarrassing misses in the game of golf. And why does it have to happen after bombing a tee shot right down the middle? If you struggle with “the chunks,” the following tips might be exactly what you need to get back on track! ◆





Ensure you are shifting your weight and rotating into your lead leg (left leg for the right-handed player). You should feel 95% of your bodyweight on your lead leg when you finish your golf swing. Some players struggle to transfer their weight to lift the ball off the ground by falling backward. Trust the loft on the club. Drive, shift, and rotate into the lead leg.

You will rarely find yourself with a level, perfect lie when you play golf. A downhill lie can certainly sneak up on you if you're not looking for it. Be sure to walk around your golf ball and assess your lie. For a downhill lie, play the ball slightly back in your stance, match your shoulders with the slope, and increase pressure on your lead foot. The ball will launch lower and roll more. Swing down the hill and never lean backward on a downhill lie!

Make sure you hinge from the hips, and your arms are hanging underneath your shoulders. If you are crowding the ball, your arms don't have enough room to hang and swing around your body, causing a chunk.

If the ball position is too far forward with wedges or irons, you could contact the ground first. You can easily check this by taking a practice swing and seeing where the club hits the ground relative to your feet. The club should hit the ground in the middle of your stance with an iron; ideally, the lowest point of your swing should be on the target side of the ball.

TRANSFER your weight


July 2021

ADJUST for the downhill lie

CHECK your posture at address

CHECK your ball position

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