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October is

Breast Cancer

Awareness Month October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - a collaboration of national public service organisations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working together to promote breast cancer awareness, share information on the disease and provide greater access to services. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness about the importance of screening and the early detection of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, with approximately 50,000 women and 400 men diagnosed with the condition every year. Breast cancer is also amongst the most common cancer in the UK. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is dedicated to raising awareness and educating individuals about breast cancer throughout the year. Please join in any fundraisers, programs and events promoting awareness and raising funds to support the fight against breast cancer.


The ‘Jolie effect’ on breast cancer? Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie says she decided to go public about opting to have an elective double mastectomy to “encourage every woman” to think about their own risk of breast cancer. The 37-year-old was told by doctors that she had an 87% risk of developing breast cancer without this radical treatment because of genes she inherited from her mother. Jolie explained that her mother fought breast cancer for nearly a decade and died at the age of 56. While most women will not have the same access to expensive private medical care as Jolie, testing for high-risk breast cancer genes is available in many developed health systems around the world.

“ The ‘Jade effect’ The NHS in the UK offers free testing to anyone who could be at high risk because they have a strong family history of the disease.

Jolie hopes that by speaking out about her own experience more women will get tested. Jolie is not the first celebrity to change women’s attitudes to cancer. In 2009, 27-year-old reality TV star Jade Goody announced that she had terminal cervical cancer. In the year of Jade Goody’s illness, more women attended cervical screenings and her death in March of that year sparked a massive increase in the number of women coming forward to be

screened for this cancer. Robert Music, director of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, said: “We saw an extra 400,000 women going for screening, that’s a rise of 12%. It had a huge effect. When Jade was diagnosed as terminal, the news was in everyone’s living rooms twenty-four-seven. As a charity, we saw a 300% increase in demand for our services at the time.” This came mostly from young women with whom Jade’s story had struck a chord. Sadly, the Jade effect was short-lived, says Robert Music. Screening rates fell back down again a year later and have remained so. Dr Richard Francis of Breakthrough Breast Cancer says we may well see a ‘Jolie effect’ for breast cancer. “It may raise awareness among women, which is important. There are many different types of breast cancer and that is not something that is really appreciated. It’s often seen as one disease. We do not want

For women like Angelina it’s important that they are made fully aware of all the options that are available, including risk-reducing surgery and extra breast screening. Most cases of breast cancer are not caused by inherited genes, but around one in 500 people carries a gene that puts them at high risk. Surgery to remove both breasts can slash this lifetime risk down to about 5%. Dr Richard Francis of Breakthrough Breast Cancer

women to be scared or worried but we do want women to be aware.” He said it was important to remember that BRCA gene faults were rare and in most cases linked to family history. “For women like Angelina it’s important that they are made fully aware of all the options that are available, including risk-reducing surgery and extra breast screening. Though Angelina decided that a preventative mastectomy was the right choice for her this may not be the case for another woman in a similar situation. We urge anyone who is worried about their risk of breast cancer to talk it through with their doctor.”

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Breast cancer risk can be predicted using new technique A new way of predicting a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer has been developed. used to predict the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, US, have produced a statistical formula that calculates a woman’s risk of developing the disease over a 10 and 20 year period. The technique, which examines their age, number of children they have, diet, lifestyle weight, use of contraception and whether they have had hormone treatment, could help doctors identify patients who need to undergo more regular screening. The technique, this is outlined it he journal PLOS Medicine, can also be

In a trial involving almost 122,000 women, the scientists found that the risk of developing breast cancer in women older than 50 ranged from 1.57 per cent to 21.78 per cent over a 10 year period. The risk ranged from 3.64 per cent to 35.11 per cent over 20 years. The scientists found that they were able to accurately predict those that developed cancer, particularly for those with breast cancer. Dr Ruth Pfeiffer, who led the work, said: “These models might assist in clinical decision making related to the risks of these cancers. Using risk models to select individuals for screening or other interventions usually requires

high discriminatory accuracy. Well calibrated risk models, even those with modest discriminatory accuracy, have several public health applications. These include designing cancer prevention trials, assessing the absolute burden of disease on the population and in sub groups and gauging the potential absolute reductions in risk from preventive strategies.” The research has been welcomed by cancer research charities who say it should help make it easier for clinicians to identify women most at risk of cancer. The NHS Cancer Screening Programme said it had no immediate plans to use mathematical models to help identify patients who need more regular screening.

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Male Breast Cancer Although it is predominantly women who suffer from breast cancer, it is often overlooked that men can be battling the disease too.

One in 1,000 men is affected by breast cancer and it mostly occurs in those aged 60-70 years old. One man dies from the disease daily, according to the American Cancer Society. Although women are regularly encouraged to check their breasts, groups are hoping to raise awareness with men that they may also be at risk.


They have a higher chance of breast cancer if exposed to radiation, have family history or develop high estrogen levels which are linked to cirrhosis or Klinefelter’s syndrome.

The most common symptom for men is a lump in the breast area – nearly always painless. Early signs can also include lumps in the armpit or collarbone area, nipple discharge, and puckering, flaking or redness anywhere on the breast. Other symptoms can include an inverted nipple, oozing from the nipple and an infected open sore.

In terms of removing the cancer, the most common operation for men is the removal of the whole breast. Sometimes the surgeon also removes part of the underlying muscle if it is close to the cancer.

Here are just a few famous men who fought the disease: Richard Roundtree, the leading man behind ‘70s ace detective Shaft and star of Roots, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993. He is a survivor after a radical mastectomy and several rounds of chemo. This occurred during his career resurgence, starting with a role on Beverly Hills: 90210. He has gone on to star in Seven, The Closer, Heroes, and Speed Racer.

Television announcer Robert Ray Roddy was a vocal fixture on The Price Is Right. There he transitioned from the voice of the show to the host, and was well-loved by those around him. In 2001 he was diagnosed with colon cancer, and he then later developed breast cancer. Before his death in 2003, he became a spokesperson for early cancer screenings. Senator Edward Brooke is known for a ground breaking political career. He broke barriers by being the first black man to be elected to the senate by popular vote in 1966. The three-term Massachusetts senator was the last until 1993, and is still the only African American to be re-elected. He was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, and


since then has dedicated his time to raising awareness to the disease. George Lucas, the well-respected creator of the much loved Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchised is widely rumoured to have received treatment for breast cancer. It is well documented that he is a huge supporter of breast cancer research.

Organo Gold Green Tea Breast cancer trials have shown that drinking Ganoderma Green Tea has helped allay the growth of cancer cells. What makes the difference is the primary ingredient, 100% Certified Ganoderma Lucidum.

Ganoderma Lucidum is a 4000-year-old herb rich in fibres, minerals and other nutrients used in medical remedies as an adaptogenic herb which is proven to regulate the body functions specific to each individual. Extracts of Ganoderma are often used in medical products sold over the counter to try and battle cancer. Ganoderma Lucidum contains more than 200 active elements. Most frequently occurring are Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, Triterpenoid and Ganoderic Essence. These active compounds help in boosting the immune system. They do so by strengthening Lymphocytes and Macrophages – important immunity cells. Triterpenes and Polysaccharides can also enhance the composition of Lymphocyte and Macrophage cells

individually to release Tumour Necrosis Factors (TNF) and Interferon, which further destroy cancer cells. These strengthened immunity cells act to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells and so it may help with the prevention and treatment of Cancer. Ganoderma has been tested, and the results prove that it helps boosts immunity, and fights the good fight against cancerous cells in the body. There are some papers which even show it can slow or cancel out cancer metastasis. See the advert below for many other health benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum. Organic Green Tea.* An exceptionally soothing and flavourful character of Green Tea combined with the healthy benefits of Organic Ganoderma provides a drink rich with anti-oxidants. *NOP organic certified by ECOCERT SA Yves St. Laurent and other several leading cosmetic manufactures are selling 30ml of Ganoderma serum for approximately $250! If it’s good enough to wear, it has to be good enough to drink!!

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Local issue 42:The Local Issue 5 9/6/13 4:14 PM Page 27

Clinical Sports Massage is a specialised technique of which GrantisFoster has great Clinical Sports Massage a specialised experience gaining his Masters Diploma technique of which Grant Foster has great within a medical institute, to progress onto experience - gaining his Masters Diploma working at the highest level the within a medical institute, to on progress onto International Athletics Meetings. working at the highest level on the Clinical sportsAthletics massage therapy helps International Meetings. to prevent injuries, muscle soreness and Clinical sports massage therapy helps poor posture while enhancing mobility, to prevent injuries, muscle soreness and flexibility, soft while tissueenhancing rehabilitation and poor posture mobility, exercise performance. flexibility, soft tissue rehabilitation and

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Sucks Spain

Cancer Support Group Coffee Mornings Cancer Sucks Spain started as a Facebook Group for members to chat about their experiences, to offer advice, vent or even scream. It is also for anybody who has been affected by Cancer. We started originally as a group of people on Facebook trying to help and support each other here in Spain. We are now starting twice monthly coffee mornings for members to meet. This group invites females, males, the young and the old, like Cancer we do not discriminate.

Join our facebook group “cancer sucks spain� to find out dates and times of meetings Alternatively email

Everybody needs a helping hand! 45


known to help

prevent breast cancer

Carrots According to a recent study, a natural substance in raw carrots named “falcarinol” can reduce the risk of cancer. Experts believe that falcarinol slows the growth of cancer cells, making cancer less likely to invade. This unique substance is inactivated by heat or cooking, so it is critical to eat raw carrots for falcarinol’s benefits. In addition to falcarinol, carrots are naturally rich in healthy plant pigments called “carotenoids.” Orange “beta-­carotene” is a carotenoid that gives carrots their beautiful orange hue. Numerous studies have suggested that beta-­ carotene might protect against cancer, including breast cancer.

Green Tea Green tea is rich in potent antioxidants called “polyphenols” that protect your DNA from damage and shortening, reduce inflammation, reduce estrogen, and reduce breast tissue density. EGCG, the primary antioxidant in green tea, has been shown to limit the growth of breast cancer cells by inhibiting the cancer’s blood supply. Green tea is much more potent than regular black tea. The recommended amount to consume is 2 to 4 cups per day.

Apples Six medical studies, published in the past year by Cornell researchers, report that apples prevent breast cancer by multiple mechanisms. Specifically, the studies show that natural substances found in apples decrease the number of tumours, 46

size of tumours, and tumour growth rates in animals. The more apple extract the animals were fed, the greater the reduction in cancer. The lead Cornell researcher states, “We not only observed that the treated animals had fewer tumours, but the tumours were smaller, less malignant [aggressive] and grew more slowly.” Remarkably, the researchers found that the most deadly “adenocarcinoma” form of breast cancer was found in 71% of animals not fed the apple extract, but in only 23% of the animals fed the highest dose of the apple extract. The same researchers found new substances in apple skins that also have anti-­cancer activities.

Flaxseed Flaxseeds come from tall, slender flax plants, and have a warm, nutty flavour. About the size of sesame seeds, flaxseeds are packed with fibre and omega-­3 fatty acids. Finely ground flaxseed flour is easy to find year-­round at any grocery store, and can be easily blended into orange juice, protein shakes, or baked products like bran muffins. Supplement pills are also available. Flaxseeds are special for breast tissues, not only because they contain fibre and omega-­3’s, but also special substances called “lignans” that exert protective effects. One animal study documented that flaxseed suppressed breast cancer growth and metastatis by 45%. Human studies have shown that women with breast cancer have much lower levels of lignans in their bodies compared to women without breast cancer.

Fibre Getting more fibre from fibre supplements (powders and pills), cereals, fruits, veggies

(including beans), nuts, and whole grains may not only reduce your risk of breast cancer, but also stop breast cancer progression. Scientists believe fibre may lower breast cancer risk in several important ways. Some studies have found that fibre reduces the amount of cancer-­causing hormones, including reducing estrogen levels in premenopausal women, menopausal women, and breast cancer survivors. A recent medical study found that high fibre intakes were associated with a 42% lower risk of postmenopausal breast cancer when comparing women with the highest amount of fibre consumption to women with the lowest amount. Getting enough is very important, so aim for 30 or more grams of soluble fibre every day. Raspberries, pears and apples are three of the best fibre-­rich fruits. Oatmeal, corn, beans, nuts, and popcorn are tasty ways to get more. Chewable fibre pills are easy. Drink plenty of fluids when eating fibre. Because a high-­fibre diet also helps you lose weight, it is wise to start adding fibre to your anti‐breast cancer regimen now.

Omega-3 Omega-­3 fatty acids are found in oil-­rich fish like salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, lake trout, herring, and sardines. The fish fats supply healthy omega‐3 “fatty acids,” particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish is an excellent source of protein and Vitamin D3 without the harmful saturated fat found in many other meat products. A recent study examining breast cancer risk and omega-3 intake found a substantial risk reduction with increasing omega‐3 and oil-­rich fish consumption in both premenopausal and menopausal women.

Walnuts Grabbing half of a handful of tasty walnuts daily may lower your breast cancer risk. A new breast cancer study suggests that eating just two ounces of walnuts daily prevents breast cancer. Breast cancer­‐prone mice that ate walnuts as part of their diet had a much lower rate of breast cancer tumours. The mice that did eventually develop cancer showed a delayed time before the cancer appeared, and much smaller tumour size compared to mice not eating the walnuts. The study’s lead scientist commented, “These

laboratory mice typically have 100 per cent tumour incidence [occurrence] at five months; walnut consumption delayed those tumours by at least three weeks. With dietary interventions, you see multiple mechanisms when working with the whole food.

Pomegranate Pomegranate is a fruit with juicy ruby-­red seeds. It contains many beneficial antioxidants in the same chemical class as green tea antioxidants. Scientists believe that the numerous anti-cancer substances in pomegranate “team up” to attack cancer on many different fronts including interference with cancer cell growth, cancer cell invasion, and cancer blood supply. In addition to natural chemoprevention effects, pomegranate also has antiinflammatory effects.

Broccoli Consumption of “cruciferous vegetables” has long been associated with a reduced risk of breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer. Broccoli contains a substance called “indole-­ 3-­carbinol” that can actually change your bad estrogen into a good form of estrogen that protects your breast tissues. Broccoli sprouts are also rich in “sulforaphane.” Sulforaphane causes your body to produce enzymes that detoxify free radicals, reduce inflammation, and remove carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer). Laboratory studies show that sulphorane slows or stops the growth of breast, prostate, and other cancer cells. Some early studies in animals have shown promising results. New studies show that broccoli can even cause cancer cells to die.



Beach Training

15-Minute Workout The Spanish summer has ‘officially’ ended, but the weather is still nice enough to train outdoors. This 15-minute workout can help maintain your fitness levels this month without having to spend over an hour daily on the beach or at the gym.



Make th most of e nice wea the ther!

Sand Skip

Skip forward so that you’re jumping and landing on the same foot. Work on leaping as high as possible by driving your knee upward as you push off the ground with your opposite foot. Do five skips on each leg. Sets 2 Reps 5

Shuttle Run

Make three parallel lines in the sand, 5 yards apart. Straddle the middle line with your knees slightly bent and your arms bent so your hands are in front of your thighs. Move to your right and bend at the knees to touch the line with your right hand. Then run to the left and touch the far left line with your left hand. Then return to the middle and continue until you’ve completed four runs to each side. Sets 2 Reps 4


Body-Weight Jump Squat

Place your fingers on the back of your head and pull your elbows back so that they’re in line with your body. Dip your knees in preparation to leap. Explosively jump as high as you can. When you land, immediately squat down and jump again.


Sets 2 Reps 5

Jump and Stick

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, hands beside your thighs. Jump straight up. Land on only one leg with your knees bent, your shoulders slightly forward, and your butt and hips back. Your hands can end up slightly out to your sides and in front of you for balance. Try to steady yourself for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position and jump again. Alternate the leg you land on. Sets 2 Reps 4

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Rare undersea discovery could extend your life by up to 30 years Today, the biggest killers stem as much from our lifestyles as from microscopic bacteria and viruses. One of the worst of these is heart disease, and specifically high blood pressure. It’s a slow, but efficient killer that robs many people of what should be the last 10, 20 or 30 years of their lives.


Part of the reason that heart disease is so prevalent and intractable is that it often requires massive changes to one’s lifestyle, changes that are not easy to make. Everything from radically altering ones diet to implementing serious exercise routines. And while it’s never too late to start, people often realise the true danger only when it’s too late to make the changes and the damage is done.

Now, however, there may be a scientific breakthrough that could have an impact on high blood pressure comparable to penicillin’s ability treat infections or quinine’s effect on malaria.

Scientists are claiming that they have now isolated unusual ingredients in a rare seaweed discovered by fishermen off the coast of Korea that offer incredible health benefits, including the ability to restore blood pressure to normal levels. Dr. Haengwoo Lee, a renowned biochemist living near Seattle, Washington conducted a massive 15year, multimillion dollar clinical study on these two ingredients. The first is Seanol, an extremely rare seaweed extract from Ecklonia Cava that’s proven to be 100 times more powerful than any land-based antioxidant. That’s because it stays working in your body for 12 hours, compared to land-based antioxidants that work for 30 minutes.

memory, to vision problems, joint pain, mood swings and depression. With that research in mind, Dr. Lee combined Seanol and Calamarine with a high dose of vitamin D to form Marine-D3, the newest supplement in the fight against age-related illnesses and high blood pressure. Also, increasing your omega-3 intake can reduce high blood pressure, and because it’s difficult to get enough omega-3s in foods like fish and nuts, many people turn to supplements. Dr. Lee found that Calamarine delivers some of the greatest concentration of omega-3s known to science, and has been able to formulate it without any fishy burps or aftertaste. Combined with Seanol’s ability to reduce body inflammation, as well as help cells get the nutrients they need to thrive, stay healthy and protected, Marine-D3 is able to boost a body’s entire well being.

RAZY CCRAZY “Its secret is its make-up of special polyphenol antioxidants that are a whopping 40% lipid (fat) soluble,” Dr. Lee explains. “Unlike nearly all land-based antioxidants that are water soluble, Seanol’s protective compounds can get into things like the fatty tissues of your brain and penetrate all three layers of your cells, including the outside, the oil-based cell membranes, and your DNA.” Indeed, Seanol is so powerful, it’s the only FDAapproved Ecklonia Cava marine-algae extract in existence. The second ingredient is Calamarine, a deep-sea omega-3 discovery that delivers 85% more DHA omega-3s to your heart, brain, joints, and eyes. It’s known to combat everything from fatigue and poor



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Protein Powders Which type is best for you? Protein is a necessary component of the human diet. It is used in almost every biological process in the human body. There are many benefits to consuming adequate protein levels, including satiety and muscle recovery. Protein has also been shown to lower body fat mass, lower cholesterol and regulate glucose. However, there are many different proteins to choose from and they all have different properties that affect the body in different ways. One way to incorporate protein in the diet is through protein powders. The market is saturated with protein powders so it is important to know the differences between protein powders and choose what will best fit a person’s needs.

Choosing an animal-based protein powder Animal-based proteins are complete proteins. They are gluten free and widely available. They also tend to be cheaper than plant based protein powders. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of the most widely available animal-based protein powders.

Pick an egg protein if high bioavailable protein is most important to you. Body builders looking to bulk up quickly might choose egg powder unless they have egg white allergies. It is also the best source of protein and has a PDCAAS rating (scale on which protein content is rated) of 1.00, which is the highest rating it could have. As far as proteins are concerned, egg is the protein all other proteins are measured against. It contains all the essential amino acids and a few nonessential amino acids as well. Depending on the quality of egg protein powder, it could be higher in cholesterol than other protein powders. There is little research to show egg protein having positive effects on heart health. It does help increase satiety and help with muscle recovery.

Consume milk protein powder if you are trying to lose weight and improve health by exercising regularly. It is the most nutritious of the animal protein powders and contains many proteins. These proteins range from enzymes to whey protein. It also has a PDCAAS rating of 1.00. Milk protein has been shown to lower body mass and blood pressure in studies. It aids in muscle recovery, but is also very effective in stimulating the synthesis of new muscle protein. It is extremely soluble and will help deliver nutrients throughout the body. Studies have shown that milk protein is one of the best proteins for post exercise recovery and weight loss. One drawback to milk protein may be lactose. For people with lactose intolerance or sensitivity, milk protein powder can cause aggravation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Add whey protein powder to your diet if you are using protein powder to aid in postworkout recovery. It is made from milk and very effective at delivering nutrients in soluble form throughout the body. It is also better than milk protein alone at synthesizing new muscle protein. Whey protein is extremely soluble and absorbed easily by the body. It will absorb quickly as well, which makes it good for post workout. Also, due to its ability to act as carrier for other nutrients, whey protein is a good supplement to take with meals.

Whey can cause gas and bloating in lactose intolerant individuals. It comes in 3 levels of filtration which decreases these gastrointestinal side effects filtration with more filtration (Whey Protein, Whey Protein Isolate, and Advanced Whey Protein Isolate). The higher the level of filtration, the more expensive the product. It can be found at most health food stores and is reasonably priced. 53

Choosing a plant-based protein powder The plant proteins available as protein powders are generally complete proteins. Some are gluten free and all can be considered vegan. They have lower protein content than animal sources, but still have many benefits. Plant protein powders usually require more processing and tend to be more expensive than animal protein powders. Learn the advantages and disadvantages to the most widely available plant based protein powders.

Choose a soy protein powder if you are looking to improve overall health. It is the most popular and well researched. Soy protein comes very close to animal protein in protein content and quality. It has a PDCAAS value of 0.92 to 0.99. Studies have shown that soy protein lowers LDL cholesterol and affects fat metabolism. It also promotes satiety. There have been limited studies showing soy protein having positive effects on cognitive function. Soy contains phytoestrogen, a plant sterol that can mimic the hormone estrogen. Due to this many people have believed that soy products could aggravate breast cancer. New studies have shown that the opposite may be true and soy protein could actually have an effect in shrinking tumour sizes. Soy protein has also been shown to stimulate new muscle synthesis and be effective in post workout recovery, however it can raise estrogen levels and decrease the ability of the hormone lipase to break down body fat. This supplement is not the best choice for men. Soy protein is widely available and reasonable priced. 54

Have hemp protein if you are looking for a high quality vegan protein that is also high in fibre. It is a close second to soy protein in protein quality. The research on hemp protein is young, but has shown promising results. Hemp protein is high in fibre and may have antioxidant properties. It also contains essential fatty acids. Hemp also contains phytoestrogen like soy. Hemp protein is usually sold in blends with other proteins and is not widely available.

Buy a flaxseed powder if you need to increase protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseed is not a protein powder, but does contain high amounts of protein and can be used as a protein powder or with other protein powders. It is high in fibre and contains essential omega fatty acids, mainly omega 3’s. The protein content and quality can vary with flaxseed. It is gluten free. Flaxseed powder is sold in most grocery stores.

Incorporate brown rice protein powder into your diet if you have gastrointestinal issues, but still need a high quality protein powder. It is gluten free and easy to digest. It’s protein content is almost as high as soy protein. Preliminary studies have shown rice protein powder may lower cholesterol.

Pick pea protein powder if satiety is important. It is easily digested and also gluten free. It contains a well-balanced amino acid profile and a high amount of protein. It has a PDCAAS rating of 0.93. Pea protein is very soluble and easily digested. It contains some non-essential amino acids in high amounts as well. Preliminary studies have shown pea protein leads to better satiety than milk protein or whey protein. It is not commonly found alone, but is mostly sold in blends with other proteins.

Understanding quality in protein powders The market contains many protein powders of varying qualities. It can be hard to understand which protein has the highest amount of bioavailable protein or which blend is the right for you. Here are some tips to help you along. Understand what PDCAAS rating stands for. PDCAAS stands for protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score. This score rates the protein based on bioavailability and essential amino acid supply. The highest score is 1.00. Know the difference between isolate and concentrate. Concentrate contains between 30% and 85% protein. It is cheaper and easier to find. Isolate contains more than 90% protein and is more expensive. When purchasing protein powder, be sure to check the label for the percentage of protein to be sure you are getting the best powder for your money.

Check the label when purchasing protein blends. You will want to know how much of each protein is in the blend before you purchase. This should be stated somewhere on the label. If it is not stated, you may want to consider another blend. Know that amino acid powders are not the same as protein powders. Proteins are made up of amino acids and, in order to be a complete protein, they must contain all 9 essential amino acids. Amino acid powders have their functions, but will not do the same thing as a protein powder.


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How to get rid of back fat You use your back muscles in almost everything you do – are you giving them enough attention? Building and maintaining strong back muscles can help relieve and prevent back pain, improve posture, and help you get that toned body.


Pull Ups

Inverted Modified Row

This is the greatest exercise to strengthen your upper back. Because it’s so challenging, I recommend using a band to assist you. Take a circle resistance band and loop it around the top of your pull up bar, and wrap it around your feet. Pull yourself up, hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself back down. Do as many reps as possible. If you can only do one or two that’s fine, just increase by one every week and you’re on your way.

Get into a pushup position with a weight in each hand (pick a dumbbell that fits your fitness level). Next, place all of your weight on your left arm, picking up your right arm to your side, holding the dumbbell. Keep your abs engaged the entire time, and make sure your hips are squared to the ground. Go for 10-12 reps before repeating on the other side. As you get stronger you can use heavier weights.

You’ll need a secure bar that you can hang from. With your feet on the ground, knees at 90 degrees and back straight, as shown. Keeping your core tight, pull up with your arms to lift your chest to the bar, hold for 2, then lower back to start. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. As you get stronger, you can try to walk your feet out into a straight line in front of you.

Reverse Fly

Try these with a small weight of 2-5 pounds (whichever is most comfortable.) Sit on the edge of a chair (or exercise ball if you have one available) and lean forward from your waist, keeping your back straight. Your arms should be relaxed, palms facing each other, holding the weights. Next, raise your arms up and out until your weights are at shoulder height. Return to start and do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.


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Revolutionary Training System Look Your Best Fitness & Lifestyle studio brings a highly effective personalized training method to Marbella, which uses smart technology to deliver the best results. Their exclusive studio in Puerto Banus offers fast, targeted, effective personal training. It combines muscular stimulation technology (EMS), a gentle and bespoke 20 minute workout and nutritional advice for maximum results. Just one 20 minute session is equivalent to 90-120 minutes in the gym, so it saves time, reduces impact on joints, activates muscles and makes clients feel great. Research shows that this training is significantly more effective than a conventional fitness workout, because the impulses combined with exercise activates 90% of muscles. Without straining tendons or joints amazing results can be achieved no matter what your age, fitness level or health. EMS technology can be tailored to the goals of the individual, such as to burn calories and lose weight, reduce cellulite or improve endurance and strength for peak sporting performance. Studies have also shown that it is an effective way to combat back pain, help people to recover from injury, treat incontinence and it has even been used for cardiac patients to regenerate neurohumoral, inflammatory and skeletal muscle and significantly improve their wellbeing and quality of life. Look Your Best have brought together a combination of this cutting edge technology, highly qualified trainers and an exclusive environment to help people achieve their goals, safely and with maximum privacy. What is EMS? EMS is a method of stimulating muscles using light and painless electric impulses. It has been in development for over 60

100 years for the rehabilitation of patients after injury and illness to allow muscle building with limited movement. This was later applied to professional sports to allow elite athletes to improve their performance, now it has been combined with personal training and effective exercises for the best results to date. How does it work? The body suit replicates the natural principal of our central nervous system sending electrical impulses to control our muscle action. Whilst this is happening a personal trainer guides you through low-impact exercises for highly effective training results in a short time. A personal trainer controls each muscle group and the intensity of training according to individual goals. It is so effective as 90% of the muscles are activated simultaneously and the muscle contractions are more intense than can be achieved through exercise alone. The agonist and antagonist muscles work simultaneously and deeper muscle groups are stimulated. Research shows that a 20 minute muscle stimulation training session (EMS) is more effective than a 90-120 minute conventional session of weight training. Look Your Best is located in Calle Ramon Areces, Marina Banús, Edificio III Local 3, Puerto Banús and they are offering 25€ trial sessions when you quote LS2013. Visit for more information and to book.

This revolutionary body forming equipment • Saves time by allowing all muscles to work simultaneously
 • Achieves optimal body fat through strengthening, burning calories and fat removal
 • Activates and builds muscles using strategically placed electrodes combined with effective exercise • Balances out the muscular system by working weaker areas to rebalance and strengthen the body and improve posture
 • Firms and tones skin and reduces cellulite through improved blood circulation • Relieves back pain by strengthening the spinal column
 • Minimizes impact on joints by stimulating the muscles directly
 • Offers anti-aging fitness and lifestyle concept for men and women including the hard to reach deep muscle layer which protects our skeleton and improves stability

The ultimate training system Train for only 2x20 minutes per week to achieve your goals n Fat burning and weight loss n Body toning and defined muscles n Improving strength and endurance n Anti-aging fitness and lifestyle concept n For men and women n Qualified personal trainers


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