Winnipeg Wednesday, November 9, 2016
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America Votes
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton steps away from a voting booth after voting at Douglas G. Griffin School Tuesday in Chappaqua, New York. AFP/Getty Images
A gender gap with a capital ‘G’ Non-collegeeducated white men flock to Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the first woman president produced a gender gap with a capital “G” — but the noncollege-educated white men flocking to Donald Trump had a lot to do with it. Tuesday’s election was on track to produce one of the largest gender gaps since 1972, when the first national exit poll was taken. The gender gap for Clinton — the difference between the number of men who voted for her and the number of women
who voted for her — hit 13 percentage points in preliminary results of exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research. Clinton’s support among women was roughly even with the support that women gave Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. The bigger factor in this year’s wide gender gap: less-educated white men, who favoured Trump far more heavily than they did Republican Mitt Romney in 2012 or GOP nominee John McCain in 2008. Trump, who once famously declared that he loved the uneducated, got plenty of love from white voters who never graduated from college: He got 7 in 10 votes from non-collegeeducated white men and 6 in 10
votes from non-college-educated white women. Clinton, meanwhile, got the support of less than a quarter of white men without a college degree; Obama, by contrast, drew about a third of their votes four years ago. Clinton did make some inroads with college-educated white women. Just over half supported her, while four years ago just over half of that group had backed Romney. Other findings from the exit poll: MILLENNIAL MAGIC Clinton managed to hang on to the millennials who were such a big part of Obama’s winning coalition. Young people age 18-29 supported Clinton over Trump by nearly as strong a margin as their support of Obama over Romney in 2012.
Those between 30 and 44 also were much more likely to support Clinton than Trump. Trump won the favour of those 45 and over. Holding their noses Americans held their noses as they picked between Clinton and Trump: More than half of voters cast their ballots with reservations about their candidate or because they disliked the others running. That was true both for those backing Democrat Hillary Clinton and those supporting Republican Donald Trump, the exit polls showed After a long, hard-fought campaign, just 4 out of 10 voters strongly favoured their candidate. That’s a marked shift from 2012, when about two-thirds of voters said they were voting because
they strongly favoured their candidate. The prospect of a Clinton or Trump victory was downright scary to plenty of voters: Seven in 10 Clinton voters said they’d feel scared by Trump victory; 6 in 10 Trump voters felt the same about a Clinton win. Women’s issues vs. email issues After all of the sound and fury over Trump’s treatment of women, it turned out the issue bothered half of all voters a lot — and women were more concerned about it than men. About 6 in 10 women were bothered a lot, compared to about 4 in 10 men, the exit poll found. The partisan divide on the issue was stark: More than 8 in 10 Clinton voters were bothered
a lot by the GOP candidate’s treatment of women, compared to about 1 in 10 Trump voters. It turned out voters were somewhat less concerned about Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state. That issue mattered a lot to about four in 10 voters, including about 9 in 10 Trump voters. Less than 1 in 10 Clinton’s supporters were bothered a lot. TO BE HONEST ... Neither Trump nor Clinton gets bragging rights when it comes to honesty. About 6 out of 10 voters said they don’t view Clinton as honest and about the same share felt the same way about Trump. Does anyone think both of these candidates are honest? That number was in single digits. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
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4 Wednesday, November 9, 2016
America Votes
Clinton campaign ponders President ‘We can smell the win,’: Campaign manager
An unexpectedly excellent showing by Trump in states around the country turned the U.S. presidential election into a tense Tuesday cliffhanger, with numerous key states too close to call at press time. The early results showed a nation driven by racial and geographic divisions, and they belied polls that suggested a comfortable victory for Hillary Clinton. By 9:30 p.m., it was clear that an astonishing Trump upset was highly possible — though he still needed several states to go his way. A Trump victory would give immense power to an erratic, never-elected Republican businessman whose behaviour and policy positions have alarmed much of the world and who would face no organized opposition in Congress. Republicans retained control of the House of Representatives and appeared likely to keep the Senate. Trump managed to eke out a lead in Florida, one of his must-win states, on the strength of high white turnout in rural counties. He won Ohio, where he had led for much of the past month, and North Carolina, where polls had shown a dead heat. “Absolutely buoyant,” Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told Yahoo News. “We can smell the win.” Clinton, vying to become the first female president, carried Virginia and New Mexico, where
she had been expected to win. She still had a path to victory as of 10:30 p.m., but her so-called “blue wall” in long-Democratic northern states had dissipated in the face of what appeared to be a Trump wave. Clinton and President Barack Obama had called for a comprehensive rejection of Trumpism — his disparagement of women and minority groups, his disdain for democratic norms, his rage. Instead, it appeared the best she could hope for was a squeaker of a victory. Trump was dominant with rural and exurban white voters, compensating for a surge in Hispanic support in favour of Clinton. Win or lose, his competitiveness was a remarkable achievement for a candidate who has outraged much of the country. To pull it off, Trump needed upset wins in states where he had long trailed — some combination of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nevada and New Hampshire. His initial numbers in most of them looked better than most polls had forecast, with Michigan particularly worrisome for Clinton. Mathematical models, crunching polling data, had given the former secretary of state, senator and first lady anywhere between a 70-per-cent and 99-percent chance of winning. By 9:30 p.m., the New York Times forecast was down to 50-50. By 10 p.m., the forecast gave Trump a 63-percent chance. Clinton held her “victory” party at a New York City convention centre with a glass ceiling, a metaphor for the gender barrier she had hoped to break. But the mood turned glum fast.
People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s election night event at the Ja
“So this isn’t fun,” Jon Favreau, former speechwriter for President Barack Obama, wrote on Twitter. Stock markets tanked on the early results; investors have made clear their preference for Clinton stability over Trump’s promise of radical change. Trump’s election may precipitate a global crisis of confidence. But much of America rejected the global consensus. Trump, who was widely considered a laughingstock when he launched his candidacy with a rambling speech in June of last year, defied the odds and the pundits again, just as he said he would. Trump thrilled millions of white voters with his outragecourting refusal to be “politic-
ally correct,” his vow to restore a bygone era of American glory, and scorched-earth attacks on elites, Muslims and immigration. The former reality television star managed to stay in the running despite an incessant stream of scandals, gaffes, lies and insults that would have sunk any traditional politician. And he did so while running far fewer ads than Clinton and without the benefit of Clinton’s firstrate get-out-the-vote operation. He was thriving on the strength of his persona and message alone. Clinton asked voters to choose “love and kindness” over “all of this hate-filled rhetoric, all of these insults and scapegoating, and finger-pointing and insult-
ing.” She ran as the candidate of diversity, prudence and civic harmony, begging moderate Republicans to temporarily put aside party to save the country. She was hoping to win with the so-called “Obama coalition”: African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians; young people; and collegeeducated white people. “What you’re seeing is the rise of the Clinton coalition,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon told CBS. “Hillary Clinton has not just reassembled that Obama coalition but actually expanded on it.” There were worrying signs, though, that black turnout had fallen from the heights of the Obama era. In exit polls, Clinton remained unpopular with a ma-
jority of the voting public. And it seemed that Trump’s oft-repeated mockery of the polls had merit. He outperformed predictions in states from the deepest south to the Canadian border. Florida, as usual, was particularly close, whipsawing from a narrow Clinton lead to a narrow Trump lead as results came in from different counties. The state’s divides mirrored those of the nation more broadly. “Her margins in the urban areas are basically records. His margins in exurban areas are basically records. It is a pretty crazy map here,” Steve Schale, Florida director for Obama’s 2008 campaign, wrote on Twitter. Trump’s rhetoric and past
America Votes
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5
Republicans on track to keep House control Republicans held onto a key Senate seat in Florida on Tuesday as their hopes of protecting their narrow majority rested on a handful of states that were toss-ups until the end. Incumbent GOP Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida won re-election over Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy. The outcome was not unexpected since Murphy had been abandoned by his own party in the final weeks of the campaign, but polls had
tightened heading into Election Day. Rubio won as GOP incumbents around the country faced energized Democratic challengers trying to oust them in costly and caustic battles shadowed every step of the way by the polarizing presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. As polls closed Tuesday evening, GOP Sen. Rob Portman of
Ohio won a second term, as expected. Battleground Ohio was forecast early on to be one of the most competitive Senate races, but Portman ran a strong and disciplined campaign against former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland, and Democrats long ago abandoned hope they could prevail in the state. Democrats held onto seats in Connecticut and Maryland, where Democratic Rep. Chris
Van Hollen will replace the longest-serving female senator, Democrat Barbara Mikulski, who retired. But in GOP-held North Carolina, Missouri and New Hampshire, it looked like it could go either way as voting progressed. The races were also close in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Nevada, the one Democratic-held seat that was hotly contested this election. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
acob K. Javits Convention Center Tuesday. AFP/Getty Images
helped Clinton win the votes, if not the affections, of a substantial number of white professional women who usually vote Republican. An NBC early exit poll showed her up 51 per cent to 43 per cent with college-educated white women, a group Mitt Romney won over Obama in 2012. And Clinton benefited from a boom in Hispanic voting that was missed by many of the pre-election polls. Trump, whose signature policy pledge was a giant wall on the Mexican border, ended up being challenged by voters with family ties to Mexico. Voting lines were long around the country, an indication of intense voter interest in a surreal race that centred on emotional
questions of personal and national identity. Exit polls had voters reporting they were sad, anxious and angry. In its final weeks, the wild campaign veered from surprise to surprise: the leak of a 2005 tape in which Trump appeared to say he had groped women without their consent, an FBI announcement of a new investigation into Clinton’s emails, a subsequent announcement that the investigation was over. Trump did not sound during the day like a confident candidate. In an unprecedented series of interviews during the voting, he said the system was “rigged” and that “you hear so many horrible stories” about voting fraud. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE
World reacts to American election China Chinese state media outlets are casting the U.S. election as the embodiment of America’s democracy in crisis in contrast to China’s perceived stability under authoritarian rule. The state-run Xinhua News Agency says the campaign has highlighted that, in its words, “the majority of Americans are rebelling against the U.S.’s political class and financial elites.” The official Communist Party newspaper People’s Daily says in a commentary that the presidential election reveals an “ill democracy.” MEXICO The Mexican peso has fallen sharply against the U.S. dollar as early returns show a tight race for the White House. Financial research firm FactSet says the currency is currently
trading at 20.45 to the dollar. The Bank of Mexico’s interbank rate stood at 18.42 at the end of Tuesday’s trading day. The peso has closely tracked the U.S. presidential race during the campaign, hardening when Clinton’s chances are seen as bullish and weakening when Donald Trump is seen as rising. Trump has threatened to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and vows to build a wall along the United States’ southern border and force Mexico to pay for it. JAPAN Japanese are tweeting about their interest in the U.S. election, and retweeting developments, though not everyone is happy. One Twitter user complains: “The U.S. presidential election is the only thing I can see on any channel!” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
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6 Wednesday, November 9, 2016
America Votes
Election Day Digest George W. Bush votes ‘none of the above’
Luke Simcoe
Metro | Toronto George W. Bush didn’t beat around the bush when it came to his voting record Tuesday. As the polls closed, the former Republican president confirmed he declined to vote for Donald Trump, instead leaving his presidential ballot blank. Spokesman Freddy Ford told the media that Bush, who served as president from 2001 to 2009, voted “none of the above” for president but supported Republican candidates in congressional and local races.
The rebuke was not unexpected. Bush’s father, former president George H.W. Bush, was quoted as saying he would vote for Hillary Clinton, and no member of the Bush family endorsed or supported Trump. Former first lady Barbara Bush actually criticized Trump in February, calling his derogatory comments about FOX News host Megyn Kelly “unbelievable.” Bush’s brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, had been considered a frontrunner for the Republican nomination before he was outflanked by the Trump campaign during the primaries.
Memes mirror Canada’s U.S. election feelings
photos getty images & the associated press
End of an ugly affair Voting machine break, fights at polling stations and a shooting Long lines, malfunctioning machines, a Trump campaign lawsuit, allegations of voter harassment and a shooting that locked down two California polling stations — for American voters on Tuesday, an ugly and messy election season came to an ugly and messy end. Fears of widespread electionday violence failed to materialize on Tuesday, though Californians endured a few tense hours after gunfire erupted near a polling station in Azusa, a city 40 kilometres east of Los Angeles. The shooting forced the lockdown of two polling stations but police said late Tuesday that it was unrelated to the election and they still had no motive. The gunman and a male victim in his 70s were killed, with two other people injured; at least one of the
victims was also on their way to vote, the Los Angeles Times reported. But outside of Azusa, U.S. voters encountered more typical polling station dramas: long lineups, malfunctioning machines, assorted annoyances and isolated pockets of voter harassment. The day did begin, however, with a Donald Trump trademark: a lawsuit. Early Tuesday, the Republican candidate’s campaign filed a lawsuit in Nevada — one of several states that allows early voting — alleging that voters were allowed to cast their ballots past deadline last week. In Nevada, people standing in line when the polls close at 8 p.m. are allowed to cast their ballots. The Trump campaign is alleging, however, that election officials violated state law by allowing people to join the line even after the cut off time. The lawsuit — which was quickly rejected by a Nevada judge — was widely perceived as an attempt to suppress Hispanic voters in an important swing state. The polling station
was located outside of a Mexican supermarket in Las Vegas, a Clinton stronghold. While election day was largely peaceful, civil rights groups logged a high number of complaints from voters reporting harassment or suppression. As of early Tuesday evening, some 30,000 calls had already been received by a national voter complaint hotline; according to civil rights groups, a large proportion of them were from African-American and Latino voters. According to Election Protection, an organization operating a hotline, voters complained about being directed to the wrong polling places, learning that their names had been purged from voter rolls, being wrongly told to fill out provisional ballots, and being improperly asked for identification or forced to wait in long lines. Voters in Florida also reported people “using megaphones aggressively” and in Jacksonville, an “unauthorized individual” was also found inside a polling station, according to Kristen Clarke, president
of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, during a press conference. There were also reports in Hollywood, Fla. of “aggressive individuals hovering around” voters as the approached polling sites, she added. “Some have turned away because they did not feel able to freely cast (a) ballot.” A few skirmishes were also reported Tuesday. In Michigan, authorities had to break up a shoving match between a Hillary Clinton supporter and another voter supporting Trump. In Florida, an altercation between a male Clinton supporter and a female Trump supporter outside of a Palm Beach polling station also led to the man being pepper sprayed and the woman allegedly punched. Across the country, there were scattered reports of machines that didn’t work properly, including in Durham, N.C., a computerized system for verifying voter registration failed in several precincts. torstar news service With files from Star wire services
A mother moose stares at a car in flames while two calves chill out in an inflatable pool. The caption reads: “How it feels to be a Canadian watching U.S. politics right now.” That’s the tone of the #MeanwhileinCanada hashtag, pages and accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on the day of America choosing a new president. The popular hashtag has been trending on all three social networks throughout election day. Another offering shows a moving van and references Republican candidate Donald Trump. It’s accompanied by an obscene phrase about how he’ll help the moving van industry here. There’s also a man panhandling in traffic with a sign that reads, “Give me a dollar or I’m
voting for Trump.” That caption reads, “How to become an instant millionaire.” Other entries are more tame, like: “I can’t wait to watch the season finale of America”. Other entries are wishing luck: “Wishing our American friends good luck with today’s #Election. Meanwhile in Canada, we’re just enjoying the ride.” Another entry references Trump’s pledge to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It suggests that the bitter American election is benefiting Canadian construction: “Meanwhile in Canada... we’re building a wall along the 49th Parallel (look it up!), and at Niagara Falls, Queenston Heights and Fort Erie.” TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE
This meme with the hashtag #MeanwhileInCanada is giving people on social media a chuckle.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Street collapses in Japanese city core
Parts of a main street collapsed in the heart of a major city in southern Japan on Tuesday, creating a massive sinkhole and cutting off power, water and gas supplies to parts of the city. Authorities said no injuries were reported from the pre-sunrise collapse in downtown Fukuoka, which created a sinkhole more than half the size of an Olympic pool in the middle of the business district. The cause of the collapse is under investigation, Fukuoka officials said, but they linked it to ongoing subway construction nearby. A smaller sinkhole occurred in Fukuoka in 2014 at another location of the subway construction. Fukuoka, a city of more than 1.5 million people, is about
1,000 kilometres southwest of Tokyo. The massive cave-in appeared in the city’s bustling Hakata district, a major business and entertainment centre, with muddy underground water flowing into the hole. The incident prompted the evacuation of some residents in nearby buildings. Officials were concerned that further erosion inside the sinkhole could prompt nearby structures to collapse. “An accident like this is unheard of, one that should not have happened,” Fukuoka Mayor Soichiro Takashima said. “We must prevent secondary accidents, and will do our utmost to restore important infrastructure.” The Associated Press
Canadian Forces veteran Betty Ann Lavallee with her medals as she holds a photo of her son Trevor, a presently serving member of the Canadian Forces, in her home in Geary, N.B. on Saturday. Stephen MacGillivray/THE CANADIAN PRESS
A sinkhole in the middle of the business district in Fukuoka on Tuesday. Sadayuki Goto/Kyodo News via THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Iraq
Investigators dig into mass grave The stench of death drew Iraqi soldiers to the unsettled plot of land freshly liberated from Daesh fighters. When a bulldozer scraped the ground, bones poked from just beneath the surface, along with clothing scraps, garbage bags, human remains swarming with flies — and even a child’s stuffed animal. About 100 bodies, many of them decapitated, are suspected to be buried in what is likely the latest mass grave left by the retreating jihadis, officials said. Investigators on Tuesday began their probe of the site, located near an agricultural school
in the town of Hamam al-Alil. The gruesome discovery by troops advancing on militantheld Mosul fits a pattern in territory retaken from Daesh. The extremist group killed hundreds as it swept across northern and central parts of Iraq in 2014 and is believed to have carried out a brutal crackdown since the Oct. 17 start of an offensive to recapture the country’s secondlargest city. In Geneva, the UN humanrights office said it was investigating if the site was connected to reports about the alleged killing of police in the same area. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
IN BRIEF World body declares last five years hottest ever In a report released Tuesday at international climate talks in Morocco, the World Meteorological Organization said 20112015 was the hottest five-
year period on record. The agency said the report provides a better overview of warming trends and extreme events such as prolonged droughts. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Sacrifices of native veterans honoured remembrance
World wars, Korea saw 500 lose their lives Indigenous people across Canada remembered ancestors and community members who fought and died in war as they marked National Aboriginal Veterans Day on Tuesday. More than 12,000 indigenous people joined the Canadian military in the First and Second World Wars and Korea. More
than 500 were killed and countless more were injured. Veterans Affairs Minister Kent Hehr said more indigenous people served in those conflicts than any other ethnic group, as a percentage of total population. “From the beginning of our country, our First Nations people have fought bravely and boldly and sacrificed a great deal for this nation,” he said in an interview. “Everything from Vimy Ridge through Juno Beach through our peacekeeping missions and today in our armed forces, they
From the beginning of our country, our First Nations people have fought bravely and boldly. Minister Kent Hehr
signed up, served and continue to serve and do our nation proud every day.” Of the Canadian military’s 95,000 full- and part-time service members, more than 2,500 are indigenous people. National Aboriginal Veterans Day has grown since it was inaugurated by Winnipeg’s city
council in 1994, with commemorations across the country. Richard Blackwolf, president of the Canadian Aboriginal Veterans and Serving Members Association, says his group plans to ask the federal government to proclaim Nov. 8 as National Aboriginal Veterans Day. THE CANADIAN PRESS
Trudeau to retrace father’s steps in Cuba
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will retrace some of his father’s most historic footsteps next week when he travels to Cuba and quite possibly meets an old family friend — retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Officially, Trudeau will meet with Cuban President Raul Castro, who took over his country’s leadership in 2008 from his brother, the leader of Cuba’s communist revolution in 1959 and the decades-long antagonist to the United States. Cuba’s ambassador to Can-
ada says there may also be an opportunity to visit with Fidel Castro too. “I think this question has been worked out, and there is a chance. I don’t know how it will end,” ambassador Julio Garmendia Pena said Monday. “I’m sure Fidel would like to meet him, and it would be a great opportunity for him to say hello to a friend of his father, and for Fidel to greet his closest friend’s son as a prime minister.” Fidel Castro has maintained a sporadic public profile since
he formally ceded control of the Caribbean island country, 135 kilometres off the southern tip of Florida, to his younger brother. He has met world leaders, including the visiting president of Portugal just weeks ago, and Pope Francis last year, said Pena. Pierre Trudeau became the first NATO leader to visit Cuba when he touched down on Jan. 26, 1976 with his wife Margaret, and his then four-month-old son Michel in tow. The three-day visit rankled some of Canada’s allies as Mar-
garet Trudeau sang to Castro, while Trudeau at one point exhorted, “Viva Castro.” “From a personal point of view, it impressed us that he came to Cuba with his family,” Castro told the CBC National Magazine in an October 2000 interview. “I met that little baby when he came here when he wasn’t even four months old, and he won everyone’s heart.” Two years later, Castro made a stunning appearance at Pierre Trudeau’s funeral in Montreal. The Canadian Press
8 Wednesday, November 9, 2016
City seeks tenants for vacant tower development
Councillor floats idea of Liquor and Lotteries office Stephanie Taylor
Metro | Winnipeg
new police chief SWEARING-IN CEREMONY Danny Smyth is officially sworn in as Winnipeg’s new police chief at the Metropolitan Entertainment Centre on Nov. 8. In his speech, Smyth acknowledged the many women who work in grassroots organizations and said they play a “huge role” in breaking down social barriers. Braeden Jones/Metro WINNIPEG
The City of Winnipeg is still waiting to learn whether a mostly vacant tower attached to police headquarters is in the red. On Tuesday, the planning, property and development committee unanimously endorsed a plan to give Shelter Canadian Properties Limited a shot at redeveloping an 11-storey building at 266 Graham Ave. into commercial space. “It’s a very good first step to get that building reused,” committee chairman Coun. John Orlikow said of the decision. The city purchased the for-
mer Canada Post tower in 2009 as part of a $30-million deal to buy an attached warehouse, which underwent years of renovations — not to mention millions in cost overruns — being converted into the new home of the Winnipeg Police Service. The tower was intended to be resold for $18 million, but officials later discovered it required $20 million worth of repairs — a price tag Orlikow says may change depending on Shelter’s own analysis. The building has sat twothirds empty since the federal government vacated its offices in late 2014, and cost the city millions in missed revenue and maintenance. John Kiernan, director of the planning, property and development department, recommended the city enter into an agreement with Shelter to give them six months to explore what it would cost to renovate the space to make it leasable. No exact design plans were discussed on Tuesday. Orlikow said if it were up
to him, the province would headquarter its Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries offices in the building, despite a recent decision to stay put. “Why not? We’d be more than happy to work with the province. It’s a public good to public good. Maybe the federal government needs something,” he said. Kiernan underlined the building needs major reinvestment, given the fact some features of the 50-year-old structure have reached the end of useful life. Because the tower is connected to the new police headquarters, police assisted with a screening process to weed out any risks of counter-surveillance.. He said residential developments were out of the question due to an inability to control the amount of people moving in and out of the space. “Let’s say someone rents out an apartment, do they have to do some kind of security check each time,” he said.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Cabbie suspended during investigation accusation
Duffy’s taxi waiting on results before further action Braeden Jones
Metro | Winnipeg A Duffy’s Taxi cab driver accused of propositioning a
female passenger for sex has been suspended. In email responses to Metro, company manager Ram Vallu confirmed the driver in question will not drive for Duffy’s until the Taxicab Board (TCB) completes an investigation on the matter. A second driver, alleged to have collaborated with the first to meet the female passenger at her home with a strange man who repeated the offer, is also
off the job. “Duffy’s had been conducting an internal investigation, all information gathered has been provided to the TCB to assist them in their review,” a statement read, adding the board contacted the first driver on Monday around 3 p.m. “Neither driver will be driving for Duffy’s until at least the conclusion of the TCB’s review.” Patricia Nosal, 20, told Metro she took a Duffy’s cab home
early Sunday after a night out with friends. On the way home she said the driver asked her if she wanted to make some extra cash. She declined. Upon arriving at her West End home, Nosal said a male passenger from a second cab parked in front of her home, approached her and repeated the offer. Nosal said she told the man no, went inside her home, and has contacted both the company and police since the incident.
U of W student Patricia Nosal. Lyle Stafford/For Metro
Group crowdsources trail fixes on new map
Anders Swanson believes every- especially wheelchair users or body walking, rolling or navi- parents with strollers require gating this city has “got a little big budgets and a ton of political beef” for part of its trail, bike will, but the map of bugaboos wouldn’t. or sidewalk system. “For the most part they are “It might be tricky to take really simple fixes that can be down barriers at Portage and maddening,” he said. Main, or put up a protected bike That’s why he launched a lane on St. Mary’s, but this stuff new Winnipeg Trails Association is a no-brainer,” he said. (WTA) project to Points curcrowdsource the rently mapped “little fixes” and include a blind plot them on a corner at River It’s also a test to and Main that map. Eventually, the map — cursay, ‘If we can’t could be fixed with a convex rently in a sort take care of mirror on a of beta form to gauge interest these little things pole, or a tight — could grow to do we have our entryway to a path on Granbe more sophisticated, used to priorities straight ite Way could be lobby city coun- in transportation? fixed by pulling cil to make deparking spaces Anders Swanson sired changes, back a bit. or form a Top “Desire lines 10 list. in the dirt are ones you can see “It’s also a test to say, ‘If we right from Google Earth, but can’t take care of these little there are things people walking things, do we have our pri- or pushing along with strollers orities straight in transporta- or riding a bike see… things tion?’” Swanson said. Bigger that can be done and should projects that would benefit the be done right away,” Swanson flow of cyclists, pedestrians, and added. Braeden Jones/Metro
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Support sought for more bus money More bus service and resources for Winnipeg Transit. That’s what Functional Transit Winnipeg is calling for in a new campaign launched Tuesday. Co-ordinator Joe Kornelsen said the city’s investment in transit through capital spending is a good step, but “not great if they can’t operate more.” In a newsletter distributed to FTW members and subscribers Tuesday, he issued a call for people to use a form letter to send emails to Mayor Brian Bowman and their local councillors asking for more
operating funds to improve bus service in Winnipeg. He explained that in 2016, the city’s increase in spending on transit operations was only about 2.9 per cent. The newsletter sent to members claims “this represents only a 0.1 per cent increase to transit operations” after accounting for inflation and growth. Kornelsen’s rallying cry is for an increase to operating funds in the 20 per cent range, “to account for city growth and to make living a transit-oriented lifestyle possible in Winnipeg.” Braeden Jones/Metro
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10 Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Making the river trail great again Architecture
Designs for 2017 warming huts unveiled Jessica Botelho-Urbanski For Metro | Winnipeg
Forget making America great again. On the U.S. Election Day, Paul Jordan, CEO of The Forks Renewal Corporation, joked about making the Red River Mutual Trail great again this winter, with help from six new warming huts designed by architects around the globe. The new huts will join about 16 structures from years past, said a Forks spokeswoman. The trail likely won’t open until around the third week of January, Jordan said. There were more than 100
Sean Kohli, a 17-year-old Nelson McIntyre Collegiate student, designed On the Rails for a class project. Jessica Botelho-Urbanski/For Metro
design submissions this year, from here and away. Expect an ode to trains from a 17-yearold Winnipeg high school student and what looks like a
hollowed-out ice cube from a famed architect based in London, England. Sean Kohli, a Grade 12 student from Nelson McIntyre
Collegiate, designed “On the Rails” as a class project. The boxcar will be mostly made of wood and is “an homage to the junction era of The Forks, which used to be a large rail yard,” Kohli said. He later admitted he was somewhat nervous to be surrounded by so many professional designers. “I’m a 17-year-old without any professional credentials and I’m here with world-class architects,” he said. The Forks invited famous London-based designer Anish Kapoor to design a hut this year. Kapoor’s design for Winnipeg is called “Stackhouse” and looks like a five-metre tall block of ice with a rounded centre where guests can step inside. Three more of the huts were chosen by a blind jury: “Ice Lantern” from Nova Scotia, “Open Border” from the Netherlands and “Greetings from Bubble Beach” from Chicago.
Winnipeg City Council Chamber
Mayor Katz portrait ready to be unveiled on the walls inside the Council chamber,” Jonathan Hildebrand wrote in an email to Metro. Katz served as the city’s 42nd mayor for a decade, ultimately deciding not to run for re-election in 2014, leaving room for then-lawyer Brian Bowman to take the city’s top job. Katz’s legacy includes highprofile real estate scandals, such as a fire hall deal and the purchase and subsequent renovations of a new police headquarters building that remains under RCMP investigation.
Stephanie Taylor
Metro | Winnipeg Former mayor Sam Katz is making a return to Winnipeg’s corridors of power. Well, at least a portrait of him is. A spokesperson from the mayor’s office said Tuesday that Katz’s portrait will be publicly unveiled on Nov. 16. “It is tradition that portraits of previous Mayors be commissioned, and then are displayed
IN BRIEF Possible Ebola exposure An employee at the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease in Winnipeg may have been exposed to the Ebola virus, thanks to a split in the seam of his protective suit. The lab director said all proper emergency procedures were followed and the risk to the employee, co-workers and the
community is considered to be low. The Canadian Press Correction In the Nov. 8 edition of Metro, the headline for an article on page 6 incorrectly stated the current University of Manitoba strike is the “longest in university’s history.” This is not true. It’s the longest strike this century. We regret the error.
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Words of hope for America
This is the image Metro’s cartoonist drew to sum up her feelings about the campaign. Here’s what she had to say: I did this cartoon thinking about what I believe the priority should be when choosing a government: People’s well-being. Us humans should take care of each other. We should be fair. We should be together. The United States is the most influential country in the world, and whatever happens there will trickle down to the rest of the planet. That’s why my wish for them is that hope and love can prevail, and that they stay strong and work hard on the creation of a happier country. That in turn will help create a happier and healthier world.
You had to see it to believe it
A visual tour of the strangest election in memory curated by Metro photographer Eduardo Lima
FBI director James Comey at the hearing where Trump’s looming presence in Clinton’s personal Khizr Khan, the Muslim father of a fallen it was determined that Hillary Clinton would space was an indelible image from the second American soldier, offers to lend his copy of the not be prosecuted for her email practices. presidential debate. American constitution to Trump.
In a widely mocked Twitter post, Donald Trump At the conventions, Michelle Obama made her digs into a taco bowl from Trump Tower and mark as an orator and Melania Trump made a proclaims, “I love Hispanics!” TWITTER memorable pitch for her husband — allegedly plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s words. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, PRINT
Your essential daily news
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This photo demonstrates the complex role of Latinos during the election, as well as the mainstreaming of conspiracy thinking.
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Green peanut oil, grown in the American South, is a new favourite among chefs, foodies Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Your essential daily news
Prince Harry calls out racism royal family
Scrutiny of relationship compared to Princess Diana Prince Harry condemned the media for subjecting girlfriend Meghan Markle to “a wave of abuse and harassment,” issuing a highly unusual statement Tuesday that confirmed his relationship with the American actress and expressed concern for her safety. Harry’s office said that while the 32-year-old prince understood that there was significant curiosity about his private life, a line had been crossed in terms of media intrusion. Harry said the statement was issued in hopes media driving the story will “pause.” “Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her,” said the statement from Kensington Palace. “It is not right that a few months into a relationship with him that Ms. Markle should be subjected to such a storm.” The 35-year-old Markle is best known for playing paralegal Rachel Zane in the TV legal drama Suits. She has also worked with the United Nations on gender equality and is a global ambassador for the charity World Vision Canada, travelling to Rwanda earlier this year to campaign for clean water. Tabloids in Britain and beyond have jumped on the
What if this holiday season your hamper donation could support jobs, training and a family in need?
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story and speculated about the relationship for weeks, with many commenting on her mixed-race heritage and contrasting her background with the prince’s. The palace said the harassment has “been very public — the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments.” One Daily Mail headline called her a “saucy divorcee.” Another described her ancestors as “a tailor, a teacher and a cleaner in racially-divided Jim Crow South — while his were ruling the British Empire.” One Daily Mirror article linked Markle with an online pornography site, saying clips of her from Suits were featured on an adult site. Harry said the commentators
Actress Meghan Ap has will say this is “theMarkle price she
“This is not a game — it is her life and his.” Statement issued by Prince Harry’s office to pay” and that “this is all part of the game.” The palace said that Harry “strongly disagrees.” “This is not a game — it is her life and his,” the statement said. The scrutiny of the relationship drew immediate parallels to the media scrutiny of Harry’s mother, the late Princess Diana, who died in a 1997 car accident while being pursued by paparazzi. It also invited comparisons to the early revelations that Kate Middleton was dating Prince William. That relationship was also the subject of relentless media attention. But choosing to tackle the issue directly is unusual for the palace, which initially declined comment to reports in the Sunday Express newspaper on the relationship, as per its usual policy of refraining from discussions on the personal lives of the royal family. “It’s a very unusual step, I can’t think of a precedent for it in recent years,” said Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty magazine. “Some would regard this is something he should put up with, but that’s not in his nature.” the associated press
Prince Harry issued an official statement Tuesday stating his concern for his girlfriend, Meghan Markle, after she experienced “a wave of abuse and harassment.” the associated press
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016 15
Angelina Jolie gets full custody of six children celebrity
Custody agreement reached with Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie Pitt has sole custody of her six kids. the associated press
Angelina Jolie Pitt will continue to have sole custody of her six children with Brad Pitt in a joint agreement reached by the actors, a representative for the actress said Monday. The voluntary agreement calls for the former couple’s six children, who range in ages from eight to 15, to continue to have “therapeutic visits” with Pitt for the time being. It is unclear what therapeutic visits entailed, and Jolie Pitt’s representatives could not provide additional details. A representative for Pitt declined comment. Monday’s statement said the agreement was reached more than a week ago, although Pitt told a court on Friday that he is seeking joint custody. Jolie Pitt filed for divorce in September, days after Pitt was involved in a disturbance during a private flight with his family. She cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for the breakup, and an attorney said at the time she filed for divorce “for the health of the family.” The agreement has not been filed in the couple’s divorce, and may not be the final custody arrangement governing the actors’ children.
Pitt and Jolie Pitt reached a temporary custody agreement in late September that included at least some of the same terms — visitation with his children and both sides agreeing to meetings with therapists. “We believe that all sides are committed to healing the family and ask for your consideration during this difficult time,” Monday’s statement said. The actor filed a legal response to the divorce on Friday and sought joint custody of the children. Formal custody arrangements are included in a couple’s divorce judgment, although they are rarely made public in celebrity divorce cases. Pitt’s filing did not include any new details about the couple’s breakup. Pitt cited irreconcilable differences and makes no mention of a prenuptial agreement that will govern how the pair divides their assets. He also cites Sept. 15 as the day of their separation, one day after the alleged plane altercation between Pitt and his 15-year-old son, Maddox. Pitt was accused of being abusive toward the teenager, sources told The Associated Press, but authorities were not notified when the plane landed in Minnesota. Several sources said the incident was being investigated by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, but the agency said it could not confirm whether it was involved. the associated press
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16 Wednesday, November 9, 2016
ROSE REISMAN THE SAVVY EATER THIS WEEK: Have your cake and eat it too, just not of the Red Velvet variety.
When you need to hit that sweet spot, skip the layered cake and opt for the chocolate chip muffin instead.
Ceviche seller claims it’s ‘sharing economy’
Metro Grocery Store Brand Chocolate Chip Muffin Calories 350 Fat 14g Sugar 27g
food legality
Metro Grocery Store Brand Red Velvet Cake Calories 710 Fat 38g Sugar 68g
A California single mom could go to jail for selling ceviche on Facebook . mariza ruelas’ gofundme page
Equivalent to: 34 Old Fashion Plain Timbits in sugar Red velvet has made a big comeback. The dramatic red colour of store-bought cakes and cupcakes comes from food colouring, and they’re topped with cream cheese frosting. The large amount of oil, eggs, butter and cream cheese make this a delicious indulgence, but also a nutritional disaster. This slice of cake contains half your daily calories and fat, as well as the equivalent of 17 tsp of sugar! Believe it or not, a chocolate chip muffin has over half the calories, fat and sugar.
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A defence attorney in California says his client doesn’t deserve criminal charges for taking orders through Facebook to sell homemade ceviche. San Joaquin County Deputy Public Defender Benjamin Hall said Monday that his client is part of a new, shared economy that’s evolving through social media. Prosecutors say Stockton resident Mariza Ruelas — a single mother of six — could spend up to one year in jail for using a Facebook forum to sell specialty dishes. Hall said his client used a hobby to create community and bring people together around food. Kelly Daniel of the local pros-
ecutor’s office, however, says Ruelas’ enterprise was more than a hobby. Daniel says she lacked the proper business license and health inspections that protect people from serious illness and even death. Prosecutors offered Ruelas 80 hours of community service to settle the case — which she’s refused. The mother of six children says on a gofundme website she created that she never dreamed a weekend hobby with her daughters could turn out so badly. Ruelas and her public defender could not be immediately reached by for comment. the associated press
LIQUID ASSETS Brand ambassador spreading word and wine When it comes to listing dream jobs, being a brand ambassador for a winery is close to the top. Who wouldn’t want to travel the globe hosting tastings and talking up the juice? Rocio Osborne lives that kind of life. A sixth-generation member of Spain’s Osborne vino dynasty, her passport gets more use than a corkscrew at a wine bar. Over dinner last week Rocio shared stories of her family’s long history and how they turned Rioja’s Bodegas Montecillo, a winery acquired more than 40 years ago, into one of the wine world’s most recognized brands. The 2011 Crianza ($13.10-$17.99) is made with 90 per cent Tempranillo aged in oak barrels for 18 months. Its balanced, jammy red fruit is incredibly foodfriendly, making it a wine to keep in mind for holiday meal pairing. Prices reflect range across the country. May not be available in all provinces.
Your essential daily news
A graceful, drama-free ride review
Refreshed Pathfinder is comfy, easy
Road tested
Jodi Lai
the checklist | 2017 Nissan Pathfinder THE BASICS Engine: 3.5L V6 Power: 284 hp and 259 lb-ft of torque Transmission: CVT Fuel Economy (L/100 km): 12.1 city, 8.9 hwy, 10.5 combined Price: Starts at $32,498, $48,398 for top trim
LOVE IT • Comfortable drive • User-friendly • Huge cargo capacity LEAVE IT • Brakes could be better
The most important remark I heard when driving people around in the Nissan Pathfinder was, “Wow, this is comfortable.” People who remember Nissan Pathfinders from back in the day remember the truck-based-SUV that, while capable off-road, was a brute and not at all easy to drive anywhere civilized. This 2017 Nissan Pathfinder, which has just been refreshed, is still built on a unibody platform, something it looks like the SUV will do for the foreseeable future. Why will Nissan stick to unibody? Because no one actually takes their Pathfinder off-road anymore — this is a crossover aimed at families who need space and a bit of capability, not a military-grade tank. During my time with the seven-seat Pathfinder, I used it to take a day trip into wine country, visit an outlet mall, ferry around my parents, pick up some pumpkins, and take a few bags of clothing to a donation depot. The worst conditions it saw was a gravel road. But that’s not to say the Pathfinder has gone completely soft. Although there is no option to lock the car in lower gears, the Pathfinder should be able to eas-
ily handle most eventualities like a snow storm, dirt trail to the cottage, or drive across a field to get a Christmas tree. Through a three-mode drive selector on the center console, you can choose to drive only the front wheels for maximum fuel efficiency, you can let the car decide where the power is needed in auto mode, or you can lock the rear differential for more challenging conditions. The SUV also has a hill descent mode, which is like cruise control for driving down steep hills. It keeps the car at a crawling speed so if you are off-roading, you don’t have to modulate the brakes or throttle; all you’d have to take care of is steering and making sure your wheels are pointed where you want to go. The most standout aspect is how comfortable it is and how easy it is to drive in an urban environment. I had no difficulty navigating the three-row SUV around condo parking garages, with the steering light enough at slow speeds to make tight turns effortless. A top-down 360-degree overhead view is displayed on screen when reversing or can be turned on at parking lot speeds, which makes things a lot easier. Even parallel parking was effortless because of that camera. Sitting in the cushy driver’s seat, you have a commanding view of the road, even with the thick A-pillar making for a pretty big blind spot. Rearward blind spots are not a huge issue, as blind-spot monitoring and large windows and side mirrors help alleviate the stress of driving such a large vehicle.
“That is a privilege a lot of people fought for ... Everyone should vote”: Dwane Casey encouraged his American Raptors to cast absentee ballots
Hats off to Laine NHL
Penguins come back to edge Oilers Conor Sheary scored twice, in- his fifth of the season. Cam Talcluding the winner with 1:42 left, bot made 27 saves but couldn’t to lift the Pittsburgh Penguins make a two-goal lead stand up. over the Edmonton Oilers 4-3 Pittsburgh got the late lead on Tuesday night. when Edmonton forward Benoit Evgeni Malkin and Carl Hage- Pouliot’s clear attempt smacked lin also scored for Pittsburgh off Sheary and into the net. while Matt MurThe Penguins ray stopped 25 Tuesday in Pittsburgh won their fourth shots in his straight and refirst home start mained unbeatsince Game 5 en in regulation of the Stanley (6-0-1). Cup Final. SidCrosby, a twoPenguins Oilers ney Crosby was time MVP and Stanley Cup held without a point but helped begin the se- winner, and McDavid, the playquence that set up Sheary for er most likely to one day replace the go-ahead goal. him as the face of the NHL, tried Edmonton star Connor Mc- to downplay their first ever meetDavid assisted on all three Oilers ing. Penguins coach Mike Sulligoals, more than holding his own van joined in, saying he wasn’t against Crosby, his childhood going to feed the “drama” by idol. Jordan Eberle scored twice intentionally matching the two and Patrick Maroon picked up players. The Associated Press
Jets rookie tallies his second hat trick of season Patrik Laine took over the NHL lead in goals with the second hat trick of his rookie season Tuesday night and Mark Scheifele is now the league’s points leader after the Winnipeg Jets defeated the Dallas Stars 8-2. Laine, who also had an assist, now has 11 goals and 15 points. Scheifele had a four-point outing with two goals and two assists, propelling him to 18 points, one more than Edmonton’s Connor McDavid and Chicago’s Artem Anisimov. Marko Dano, Andrew Copp and Adam Lowry also scored for Winnipeg (6-7-1) while Nikolaj Ehlers, Nic Petan and Tyler Myers each had two assists. Copp also added a helper. Patrick Eaves and Tyler Seguin scored for Dallas (4-6-3). Connor Hellebuyck made 28 saves in his third straight start for Winnipeg. Dallas netminder Kari Lehtonen was replaced by Antti Niemi after Laine’s third goal. He had let in four goals on 11 shots. Niemi finished with 16 saves. Winnipeg’s second shot on net was Scheifele’s eighth goal of the season at 3:06. Laine then deflected defenceman Ben Chiarot’s point shot for his first goal of the night at 8:46 of the opening period.
4 3
Patrik Laine of the Jets scores past Stars goaltender Kari Lehtonen on Tuesday night. John Woods/The Canadian Press
Tuesday at MTS Centre
8 2 Jets
Dallas outshot Winnipeg 14-5 in the first and were on the power play heading into the second period after Scheifele was called for tripping. Eaves used the man advantage to score his third goal of the season when he redirected a Devin Shore shot past Hellebuyck at 1:30 to make it 2-1.
Winnipeg responded with four straight goals in the second. With nine seconds left in a Seguin penalty for hooking, Laine scored his fifth power-play goal of the season by digging out his own rebound in front of Lehtonen at 6:51. Laine made it 4-1 just over three minutes later with his third goal at 10:07. The 18-yearold Finn recorded his first hat trick on Oct. 19 with the gamewinner in overtime against Toronto. After hats were cleaned off the ice, Scheifele and Dano each
scored on the power play for a 6-1 lead heading into the third. It was only the third time this season the Jets have held a lead going into the third. The Jets head out on the road for back-to-back games against Arizona on Thursday and Colorado Friday. The Stars travel to Calgary for a game on Thursday. Newly re-signed Jets defenceman Jacob Trouba skated with the Jets Tuesday morning, but didn’t play. He told reporters he’s rescinded the trade request he and his agent had made public when he failed to report to training camp. The Canadian Press
Cubs president named MLB executive of the year Theo Epstein has been voted The Sporting News Major League Baseball Executive of the Year for revitalizing the Chicago Cubs. Balloting by 56 bigleague executives took place before the postseason. The Cubs led the majors with 103 wins during the regular season and beat Cleveland in a seven-game World Series last week for their first title since 1908.
Hawks make losers of Cavs Dennis Schroder scored a career-high 28 points and the Atlanta Hawks handed the reigning NBA champion Cleveland Cavaliers their first loss of the season, 110106 on Tuesday night. Cleveland (6-1) trailed 9681 early in the fourth quarter but Kevin Love converted a three-point play with 25 seconds remaining to get within two points. Kent Bazemore’s jumper from the corner with seven seconds left put the game away.
The Associated Press
The Associated Press
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Wednesday, Wednesday, November March 25, 9, 2016 2015 19 11
Cook returns to his kitchen ALPINE SKIING
Looking back
Podiums the primary focus in Canadian’s return to health
Cook last visited the podium at the World Cup Finals in March 2015 when he claimed gold in the super G.
Vincent Man
Metro | Canada The season’s first super-G race can’t come soon enough for Dustin Cook. That’s because the Canadian alpine skier is confident he has what it takes to earn the podium’s top spot. “I’m ready to go and I’m ready to fight for the win,” Cook recently told Metro. “That’s why I’m there, I’m not there for any other reason.” The 27-year-old will compete in the super G — his specialty — at Lake Louise, Alta., on Nov. 27. He will also take part in the downhill the day prior. Cook’s belief in his ability stems from all the training he has endured over the last year, and not the competition — or lack thereof. In October 2015, Cook tore the anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments in his right knee
IN BRIEF Pacers’ George given $15K fine for kicking ball Indiana Pacers forward Paul George has been fined $15,000 for inadvertently kicking the ball into the stands during a victory over Chicago. The NBA announced the fine Tuesday. George appeared to be upset Saturday night when no foul was called after he took a shot. He kicked the ball after drawing a foul on the Bulls’ ensuing possession. The Associated Press
Penn State paid out $93M in various sex abuse cases Penn State’s latest audited financial statements show it has settled with one more sexualabuse accuser of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, bringing the total payout to $93 million to 33 people. WJAC-TV reports the statements show the university has paid nearly $20 million in legal fees relating to internal investigations in the past two years and its insurers have paid $30 million relating to the scandal. The Associated Press
Dustin Cook is healthy again after suffering leg injuries on the eve of last season. JOE KLAMAR/AFP/Getty Images
as well as an adductor in his left leg during a training run just days before the start of the season. The season-ending injury was “not that fun,” but a blessing in disguise. “I mean, an injury is never a fun thing to do or go through but honestly I think there were a lot of positives,” Cook said.
“I got to do a lot cool stuff that normally I wouldn’t get to do: have a normal life, see friends, explore some opportunities at home…. And I learned a lot about myself and how much I can work.” Among those opportunities was being more hands on during fundraisers and charity events in
the Ottawa region and his hometown of Lac-Sainte-Marie, Que. Giving back to the tight-knit community of skiers back home was important for Cook because it was there where he gained the push to become a world-class ski racer. “I have such an unbelievably strong support network up
there,” said Cook, whose resumé includes a silver medal at the 2015 world championships. “They do everything they can and I try to give back as much as I can. “We’re in the process of creating a bursary to identify younger athletes in the area and help them on their way. There’s some really cool stuff happening there.” Though he had multiple projects drawing his attention, Cook still had a focus on his return to skiing. With the advice and support from training partners and fellow Canadian Cowboys in Manny Osborne-Paradis and Erik Guay — “fortunately and unfortunately, they’ve had a lot of experience with injuries” — he was encouraged to regain his form. Cook went one step further by dedicating himself in the gym. “I feel a lot stronger than I was before,” he said. “I spent eight
months in the gym so I hope I’m a lot stronger than I was before. “You might as well make the most of a bad situation. I think we did that and now I feel super strong on snow so it worked out well.” In his first taste of action since the 2014-15 season, Cook competed in a giant slalom race last month in Soelden, Austria. His time wasn’t fast enough to earn him a second run, but he said it was a great “mental training exercise.” “It felt totally normal to be in the gate and in that atmosphere again and see the crowd and the competitors,” Cook said. “In the long run it will be an invaluable tool.” This season also marks the latest world championships in St. Moritz, Switzerland, from Feb. 6-19 — a big motivator for Cook to be on top of his game. Three months from the event, he says he’s already “just refining little things” and has high expectations. “I’d be disappointed if I was only top 10. I have higher goals for sure,” Cook said. “But with the amount of training I have, I feel like I’m pretty dang close to where I left off. “I feel good and want to be back on the podium where I feel I belong and go from there.”
NCAA Football
Clemson juniors to get senior treatment Clemson quarterback Deshaun Watson, tailback Wayne Gallman and receivers Mike Williams and Artavis Scott are heading to the NFL after this season. Coach Dabo Swinney said Tuesday that the four juniors are graduating in December and have informed him this would be their last college season. The group will be honoured at Senior Day on Saturday when the thirdranked Tigers (9-0, 6-0 Atlantic Coast Conference) host Pitt. “All those guys are planning on moving on,” Swinney said. “Definitely want to honour them while we have an opportunity to do it. They’ve earned that.” The group has been essential in Clemson’s rise into a national championship contender. Watson became the first player in the Football Bowl Subdivision to throw for 4,000 yards and run for 1,000 yards last season as the Tigers won an ACC title, were ranked No. 1 in the country and reached the national championship game where they lost to Alabama. Gallman set the school’s single-season rushing mark with 1,527 yards. He has run 634 yards and eight touchdowns this season. Williams was a 1,000-yard receiver in 2014 but missed last
Account MAnAger, new Business DevelopMent Metro Winnipeg is looking for an experienced, energetic and motivated sales professional to join our dynamic sales team in Winnipeg. Reporting to the Sales Manager, the successful candidate will utilize creative strategies to customize a broad range of advertising options, both in print and online. The successful candidate will leverage an innovative mindset to support clients in achieving their business objectives while also achieving company set personal monthly and annual targets.
Deshaun Watson Getty Images
season with a serious neck injury. He leads the Tigers in receiving this year with 52 catches for 754 yards and five touchdowns, Scott led Clemson in catches the past two seasons with 76 as a freshman in 2014 and 93 the next year. He is second on the team this season in receptions with 38 for 329 yards and three scores. The four have kept the Tigers’ offence humming along this season, although not at the levels of last fall. Swinney said the juniors will take part in solo runs down Clemson’s hill into Memorial Stadium as is the practice for seniors. “They’re more seniors to me than some of the seniors,” Swinney said of his junior stars. “We try and honour the guys whose intentions are they’re not going to be back.” The Associated Press
• Actively prospect and generate new advertising revenue, both in print and online • Achieve and exceed allocated sales targets • Support various Special Feature and Custom Publishing opportunities • Assist clients with building their brand and/or generating awareness about their products, events and/or services • Build and maintain strong relationships with new clients • Respond to client queries and follow-up on all client calls and emails • Develop and present persuasive presentations • Log daily sales activity into CRM
REQUIREMENTS OF THE POSITION: • 2 years of demonstrated success in a similar role • Some relevant post-secondary education • Dedication to achieving extraordinary results Excellent oral & written presentation, communication and negotiation skills • Excellent time management skills, highly organized, detail oriented, efficient, ability to meet tight deadlines, ability to set priorities and manage daily tasks • Creative and collaborative • Proficient in Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook • CRM experience is an asset • Strong sense of accountability • Must be a team player
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20 Wednesday, November 9, 2016 RECIPE Baked Fried Chicken
Crossword Canada Across and Down photo: Maya Visnyei
Ceri Marsh & Laura Keogh
For Metro Canada Toss chicken into buttermilk in the morning and you’ll get crunchy yet tender results come dinner time. Ready in 1 1/2 hours Prep time: 60 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Serves 4 to 6 Ingredients • 1/4 cup buttermilk (or add a tsp of vinegar to regular milk and let it sit for 15 minutes) • 1 garlic clove, minced • 8 or 9 chicken pieces (thighs and drumsticks) • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat bread crumbs • 2 Tbsp fresh thyme • 1 1/2 tsp lemon zest • Salt and pepper to taste
Directions 1. Combine the buttermilk and garlic together in a shallow pan container. Coat the chicken pieces thoroughly and cover with plastic wrap. Place in the fridge to marinate for a half an hour or up to over night. Turn the chicken pieces over at least once while marinating. 2. Preheat the oven to 400 F. 3. Mix bread crumbs in a bowl together with the thyme, zest and salt and pepper. 4. Dredge chicken pieces in the bread crumb mixture and place them on a baking sheet. Press bread crumbs onto the meat if some falls off. 5. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes until the outside of the chicken is deeply golden and the meat is cooked through. for more meal ideas, VISIT
Across 1. Prefix to ‘dextrous’ (Skilled at right/ left hand use) 5. Tickled throat toot 9. Basket-making fibre 14. Exhausted 15. Financial-related, briefly 16. Sales pitch 17. Dentistry fear, __ canal 18. Tip to ‘tion’ (Car’s key spot) 19. Tea Leoni series, “__ Secretary” 20. Excess oil skincare product 23. “__ Got Tonite” by Bob Seger 24. Ladies wear specialty sizes 25. __ and lightning 27. Fare vehicle 28. John and Jane 29. World’s biggest desert 32. Quebec locale historically a mining town 37. Departed one’s bio 38. Willowy 40. Angel’s adornment 41. Headquarters: 2 wds. 43. In disagreement: 2 wds. 45. Sidewalk bugs 46. Eyrie as Aery = __. sp. 47. Resort island of Spain 51. Concern 55. Throughout 56. International
car rental company with locations across Canada 58. Accent that should appear above the ‘n’ in El Nino 60. Break 61. Paperback’s ID 62. Bill __ & His Comets
63. “Do __ others as you would have...” 64. 1971 Joni Mitchell album 65. Zzzzz ...loudly! 66. Mr. Trotsky 67. Mr. Rogen Down
1. “That’s _ __!” (End-of-filming exclamation) 2. Canuck symbol 3. Boris __, Montrealborn conductor 4. Detailed, as embroidery 5. Giller Prize winning novel by Can-
It’s all in The Stars Your daily horoscope by Francis Drake Aries March 21 - April 20 Competition, especially in physical sports, will be strong during the month ahead. You want to outdo someone at his or her own game.
Cancer June 22 - July 23 Disputes about inheritances, shared property, taxes and debt will be your focus in the month ahead. Someone at work will be supportive of you.
Libra Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 You will put out a lot of energy in the next month into having fun. Expect to be involved in the arts, the entertainment world and sports events.
Taurus April 21 - May 21 Your ambition is aroused during the next six weeks, which is why you want to show the world what you can do. This is good, but don’t be a threat to bosses and co-workers.
Leo July 24 - Aug. 23 For the next month, you’ll need patience when dealing with others, because fiery Mars is opposite your sign. This can make you impatient, critical and judgmental of others.
Scorpio Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 In the month ahead, your home scene will be chaotic. Visiting relatives and residential moves or renovations means you have to be more patient with family members.
Aquarius Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 Fiery Mars is in your sign for the next six weeks, making you forthright and proactive. That’s why you will get so much done. Look out, world!
Gemini May 22 - June 21 You want to travel and break free of restrictions in the month ahead. However, you can use this same energy to study and explore avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
Virgo Aug. 24 - Sept. 23 During the month ahead, you will work hard, long hours. Your focus, endurance and stamina will make you the leader of the pack!
Sagittarius Nov. 23 - Dec. 21 Your ability to use your words to get what you want will be amazing during the month ahead. It’s a strong time for those of you who sell, market, teach and act!
Pisces Feb. 20 - March 20 Many of you will work behind the scenes or alone during the next six weeks. This is wise. You will get more done this way.
THE HANDY POCKET VERSION! Get the news as it happens
Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 You will work hard in the coming month to earn money, because you’re motivated! One of the reasons for this could be that you are spending a lot as well.
Yesterday’s Answers Your daily crossword and Sudoku answers from the play page. Download the Metro News App today at
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by Kelly Ann Buchanan
adian writer Rohinton Mistry: 3 wds. 6. __ Boson, ‘The God Particle’ 7. Anglo-Saxon toiler 8. Canadian apple 9. ‘Real’ suffix 10. Lay eggs, as a salmon
11. __ over (Helped out in the interim) 12. Bequeath 13. “__ Gantry” (1960) starring Burt Lancaster 21. __-TASS (Russian news agency) 22. Comedy Network’s new satirical news show premiering tonight, November 9th, 2016: 2 wds. 26. Function 28. Sees someone 29. Pre-Lah musical note 30. “The Wonder Years” actress, Olivia d’__ 31. That guy 33. Barbecue servings 34. Little bit 35. Former 36. Emergency message at sea 39. City in Turkey 42. __ of soap 44. Field covering, on a rainy baseball day 47. Stowed sweater snackers 48. Tweety-like 49. Jiggly dessert 50. Harmony 51. Basil/pine nuts sauce 52. Supermarket lane 53. “Life __ __ a Dream” (Beyonce documentary) 54. “Buffalo Stance” singer Ms. Cherry 57. Melody 59. Middle
Conceptis Sudoku by Dave Green Every row, column and box contains 1-9
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