Food & Drink Processing & Packaging - Issue 39 2022

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BMCPA outsourcing flourishes in the food and drink sector

METTLER TOLEDO New x-ray inspection system

PREMIUM PIPING SYSTEMS From stainless steel to lead-free silicon bronze, SANHA® offers a wide range of quality pipes as well as press and solder fittings up to 168.3 mm.

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Please mention FDPP when responding to items in this issue.

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NON-INVASIVE up to 6 logs STERILIZATION Juices & wines, or honey & creams keeping its properties unchanged with our Pulsed Electrical Fields (PEF) simple to operate two-stage multi-paramater system. For piloting & small production to sterilize most common bacteria. It has an option for the PEF assisted juice extraction from vegetative cells or can combine any of two processes above. It has the industry broadest set of variable pulse parameters to fit all major processes: 5-500Hz rep. rate, 2.5-50µs positive rectangular pulses at 5-50kV/cm el. fields, 2-3kW, a timer, scope controls of pulse shapes. + HELP TO REACH YOUR STERILIZATION GOALS.

Practical Intense Pulsed (UV) Light

R&D system to sterilize up to 6 logs samples of foods and packaging from common and UV resistant bacteria, spores and fungi by using its optimal for each case pulse parameters covering most of applications: Pulse rates 1-4Hz, a timer, pulse energies 250J and 500J, 1-2 kW, one or two IPL flash lamps with the highest pulse intensities for R&D PL systems. THIS SYSTEM ALLOWS TO FIND STERILIZATION PARAMETERS for our customized Tunnels with Intense Pulsed Light.

Pulsed Light (PUV) and PEF customized processes & systems to sterilize or modify various solid, liquid or powdered food products have been developed / delivered by wek-tec with its cooperating German companies since 1996. Obtained results have been published & referenced in scientific and industrial publications, see info. #1: the use of Pulsed Electrical Fields (PEF) systems for all cases aside simplest filtered fruit juices requires a process development followed with adjusting a PEF production system. Indeed, while the basic PEF process is known since decades as stretching bacterium till its eruption by sharp pulsing electrical fields, yet each practical case requires overcoming specifics which diminish the process effectiveness even down to nothing. The advantage of our customization is in employing very broad pulsing parameters and using the latest available improvements to PEF chambers as it is shown on the adjusting page. #2: Intense Pulsed UV (IPUV) - Pulsed Light (IPL) sterilization processes & systems: We are also very experienced in those since we are ones of its first developers: respective pioneering articles were published in 1992-1994 and then in 1999-2001 by Dr. Wekhof alone and with his coauthors (info). Our charts on the left are used to find IPUV (IPL) regions with optimal ratios of UV energies to its costs and to determine if those are superior or not to the continuous UVC light, or to PEF or to non-invasive IR.

#3: Sanitation and/or modifications of nutrition powders with UV light: The lab R&D Vortex system partially shown on the left is the vortex type system where a nutrition powder is moved around a UV lamp by a forced air enriched with the Nitrogen gas. This and some modifications of this system were used for our customers. Our acquired data show good prospects of this approach. Wek-tec offers this system for long-term rent at a customer site as a DONATION to any university or a government agency which will be interested to get it.

In a week after getting your requirements you will receive our proposal.

GEA offers best practice solution for improving chicken product yields Food processors know that with margins under pressure every dollar counts. Balancing production costs, yields and product quality all whilst keeping consumers satisfied is not an easy job, which is why leading technology provider GEA will be showcasing its Signature Chicken solution at show in Frankfurt, at the 2022 IFFA exhibition, May 14-19. Initial customer trials and inhouse

Central to the MultiJector is GEA’s Time-in-Meat precision technique, based on the specific combination of stroke height and injection cycle time, both optimized for each product type.

are cooked, roasted or smoked in GEA’s CookStar GEN 3 oven, a highly accurate piece of technology which cooks each product on the line evenly and rapidly without drying out the product so that juiciness is retained. Central to the MultiJector is GEA’s Time-in-Meat precision technique, based on the specific combination of stroke height and injection cycle

a new concept, it’s the unique

time, both optimized for each product

combination of specialist equipment

type. Thanks to the Time-in-Meat

and know-how GEA is offering that

technique, the needles stay in the

processes. *

allows the increased yields.

product longer during injection, which

Specially developed with universally

First, the GEA MultiJector uses

popular chicken products such as

advanced injection technology, which

are significantly increased, and higher

wings and fillets in mind, the Signature

achieves a more uniform distribution

efficiency and yields can be achieved.

Chicken process works on the basis of

of marinade or brine, locking it into the

This automated injection system

moving from a tumble-cook process to

core of the product. This means that

uses a high-density injection pattern

an inject-tumble-cook process as best

tumbling time later on can be reduced.

with GEA OptiFlex 2mm needles,

practice. Whilst this is not necessarily

Then, after tumbling, the products

allowing for a more even distribution

comparative tests of the process have reported yield increases of up to 10% when compared with traditional

6 FDPP -

leads to better brine uptake. As a result, product quality and consistency

of brine throughout the product.

Moving on to the cooking stage, GEA’s

During the first stage of cooking,

Combined with low injection pressure,

CookStar GEN 3 oven brings to the

humidity is introduced to the products,

brining or marination time is reduced

process a unique and highly specialized

bringing additional moistness, but prior

method of cooking and is the only

to being fully cooked, the products

industrial oven of its kind currently on

pass through the impingement phase,

the market. The CookStar cooks with

which carefully dries the surface of

greater precision than its predecessors,

the meat, preparing it for roasting

using combined horizontal and vertical

without drying out the core. The

hot airflow in a patented impingement

entire cooking process is quicker than

zone, for an even distribution of airflow

traditional processes and results in

across the width of the belt. This

more succulent chicken with a more

and moisture retention is optimized meaning reduced post-injection purge. No overnight holding time is needed with this method, which also means that the need for handling and storage is reduced. The technique is highly accurate, and

means that all products are rapidly

attractive, richly browned color.

customers that trialled this powerful

and equally cooked at the same time.

Customer trials based on the CookStar

injection equipment at GEA’s testing

The two-direction airflow also reduces

GEN 3 resulted in yield improvements

facility reported an increase in yield of

overall cooking time, allowing for

up to a further 3-5 percent.

up to 5 percent on average against their current processes.

increased throughput.

To put this into perspective, according to GEA an extra one percent of yield can be equivalent to approximately one million dollars profit for food processors. So overall, GEA’s Signature Chicken solution can bring total yield increases of up to ten percent depending on the product. The process results in chicken which is more succulent for consumers as well as being more profitable for food processors. Visitors to the 2022 IFFA show in Frankfurt on May 14-19 will have the opportunity to learn more about GEA Signature Chicken where they can find out about how the system can be used for optimal yields. For more information visit

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Celebrating the best in UK manufacturing and engineering excellence and innovation The UK remains a global force for engineering and manufacturing; driving innovation, leading on the industrial agenda, the green economy, industry 4.0 and being at the forefront of the response to the global pandemic, however in a post-Covid and post-Brexit world, Britain’s standing, and its future, will require engineering and manufacturing to grow and strengthen. Manufacturing and Engineering Week covers the entire product lifecycle from design, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance and seeks to celebrate the sector sharing successes and future insight, raising critical discussion and is a destination for professionals to source products and services in order to keep them competitive. The week will feature 4 Live co-located events take place at the NEC Birmingham from 8-9 June 2022, covering a range of sectors including Aerospace, Automotive, Food and beverage, Motorsport, Energy & renewables, Pharmaceuticals, Space and FMCG with a particular focus on SME’s and OEM’s strategy.

MANUFACTURING EXPO – Created specifically for manufacturing process and management professionals to keep up to date and discover the technologies and equipment to ensure the

Manufacturing and Engineering Week covers the entire product lifecycle from design, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance efficient running of the manufacturing site. From site management and legislation through to maintenance, materials handling and streamlining, attendees will have the opportunity to attend how to sessions and discover new supplier connections to improve productivity, reduce costs and be more

Provides the UK’s engineering community with practical advice to streamline and optimise future engineering. From R&D, AI, automation, instrumentation, materials through to testing and measurement, attendees will have the opportunity to hear invaluable content and meet suppliers driving the industry forward.

MAINTEC – Maintec is the longest standing exhibition dedicated to the maintenance,


reliability and asset management


the event has continued to meet the

For future-thinking design engineers

covering industrial, buildings & supply

to hear from those who are breaking

chain maintenance engineering and

engineering boundaries. Here, the UK’s

provides an opportunity to source the

design engineering community can

very latest technology available on the

connect directly with leading suppliers


from design services, electronics,

Visit the event websites for more

components, embedded design through to testing and measuring to drive

8 FDPP -


industry. Throughout its 40-year history, needs of the maintenance engineer


efficiencies and propel the future of

Free to attend. Register now at

design engineering in the UK.

Free to attend

Register now: 1 pass 4 events

Manufacturing the future Celebrating the best in UK manufacturing excellence and innovation

• •

Inspiring keynotes, exclusive interviews and debates on Net Zero, digital transformation, skills gap, brexit, cyber security and more CPD accredited case study led workshops Showcase of Britain’s market leading suppliers of the latest products and services

There has never been a more important time for our sector to pull together, to create a shared agenda, help promote and encourage manufacturing and engineering innovation and see our sectors grow. Manufacturing and Engineering Week will do exactly that and I am delighted that MAKE UK are a partner for this groundbreaking event.” _ Stephen Phipson, CBE, Chief Executive, MAKE UK

Premier Partner

Part of

Audit, Tax & Advisory Partner

Supported by

Innovation Zone Sponsor

Co-located with

Find out more at


5 Ways Pump Kits Can Eliminate Manual Handling, Reduce Risk and Improve Efficiency Ensuring a production process meets all the

controlled systems where units dispense

staff yet with sufficient controls in place to

requirements for food safety regulations

set amounts at the touch of a button.

prevent users from inadvertently damaging

is one of the main challenges facing any food manufacturing business, however one of the most often missed opportunities are investments into automating part of production to improve safety, reduce risk, wastage, increase accuracy or eliminate manual handling. The North Ridge bespoke food grade pump kits are often a solution to this. Designed to accommodate a variety of process requirements from thin to viscous liquids, an all encompassing solution is designed to accommodate individual client needs when the budget is not available for a fully automated food production system. It also allows users to take advantage of the 2021 Tax Super Deduction for 130% allowance on capital investment.

Why and Where to use a pump kit Pump kits are often used within the food industry for 4 reasons: 1. Eliminating the use of buckets and manual handling within food processes to improve safety, reduce risk and eliminate spillage 2. For accurate repeat batching and dosing of chemicals, or flavouring’s for consistent recipes and ensuring good quality with thorough cost control

We have built units to handle liquids from

the pump.

Toffee Sauce at over 100°C, to alcohol’s,

Transfer from Low to High Risk Zones

flavouring’s, apple slices and molasses.

Automatic sensors to remotely control

Processes that pump kits can be built to assist with include:

Multipurpose Compact unit for Smallscale Batches Often an entry level unit, a small batching pump with speed control for varying dispensing rate to allow a multitude of

pumps, detecting when fluid is needed to be dispensed into high risk areas where forklift movements are prohibited and personnel movements restricted.

The Facts But what are the results which can be achieved by utilizing pump kits?

liquids being handled from Milks, Creams

From an assortment of recent projects, we

and Jams to thin sauces. This unit often

have found plant operators have secured

removes the need for manual container

the following results:

tipping, and when supplied in conjunction with a flowmeter will ensure dispensed amounts are accurately measured.

Barrel & IBC Emptying

• Transfer Rate has been increased by up to 300% within the same or shorter time frame. • Reduction in risk of injury. As 51% of

Pumps to dispense from IBCS or 205L

injuries within industry are due to

Drums safely from liquids ranging from

manual handling or slips & trips and with

alcohol’s requiring ATEX certification to

an average fine of £145,000, less capital

pharmaceutical grade hygiene for creams

has been placed at risk.

or tomato puree that can extract up to

• The average container extraction rate

99% of a containers contents, leading

from IBC’s, drums and barrels has

to less wastage, lower disposal costs

increased to 99%, improved from 92-

and improved return on investment. If

95%, meaning an extra 4-7% return on

recipes are made from multiple liquid

investment of each container dispensed

sources, having the right pump will ensure consistency in your results.

• Users have experienced a payback of less than 12 months.

Trolley Mounted for porting between Processes

Whether the fluid is a thin alcohol, viscous

Pumps are located on a small versatile

that can be designed to meet your needs.

portable trolley enabling them to be

Whether you have just an idea or an exact

wheeled between tanks, or stations for

prescribed system, we can build a unit to

quick easy dispensing of multiple products.

suit your needs.

Mobile with onboard controls for Viscous or High Temperature Liquids

For Further information and examples

Processes for Pump Kits Various versions are available to allow

Trolley mounted units with onboard


small-scale operators to automate simple

controls to control dispensing rate, with

bespoke-service or speak to us on

batch operations or fully automated

mechanisms to allow use by unskilled

01773 302 660.

3. To speed up dispensing of chemicals, flavouring’s or mixtures, improving process efficiency 4. Automating transfer from a low risk container storage areas of plants to a high risk cooking and packaging area

10 FDPP -

oil, molasses or fat we have a pump kit

of pump kits and how we may help you,

We’re pump specialists, so you don’t need to be

Sanitary Pumps Engineered for Your Process Optimise performance with specialist support

Whether you’re dealing with clogging, separation, downtime, or other issue it’s costly. Time wasted troubleshooting and lower production mean missed targets and less profit. A sanitary pump is the solution but choosing the right one feels like stepping into a minefield. You know what you need it to do but with so many options, it’s difficult to know which is best for your process and parameters. + + + + + + + + +

Accelerated stator wear Clogging Changes to fluid consistency Clean-in-place and sterilise-in-place hygiene issues Crushing of sensitive products Inconsistency in finished product Inaccurate transfer of flavourings or ingredients Liquid separation Seal wear or failure

We’ve been engineering sanitary pumps for sectors such as distilling, brewing, food manufacturing/processing, and more, for 20+ years. We understand industry-specific processes and know what it takes to optimise performance through better-suited pump design - giving you complete peace of mind.


Our expert engineers understand your process and guide you through the options, so you can confidently select the most suitable sanitary pump.

Want to optimise performance sooner? Speak to one of our specialists.

+44 (0) 1773 302 660 |

EXAMPLE PRODUCTS: + Abrasive mixtures + Creams, milk & ice cream + Edible oils & fats + Fish & meat + Fruits eg. cooked apples, plums, berries, grapes + Grains & seeds + Pastes & purees + Syrups, juices & alcohols + Vegetables & peelings + Waste eg. trimmings, packaging & offcuts + Sheer sensitive liquids + Solid laden or viscous mixtures

Canning line at Fiddlehead Brewing Company

Fully automated Beer can rejects emptying and pressing at Fiddlehead Brewing Company, USA For over ten years, the American

In scenic Shelburne, Matt Cohen

also in specialty beer stores in the

Fiddlehead Brewing Company near

opened the Fiddlehead Brewing

northeastern United States.

Burlington, Vermont, has been

Co. in 2011 on just under 300

brewing and selling specialty wheat

square meters. Since its founding,

beers, pilsners, and Indian Pale Ales.

the company has grown steadily,

2022: to produce 90,000 barrels of craft

In the US, the brewery is renowned

and Cohen has not only had to

beer. To make this possible, Fiddlehead

for its craft beer range and its

expand the physical footprint, but

has made massive investments in

commitment to the community and

also massively increase production

production, streamlined production

the environment. Now, Fiddlehead is

capacity. Fiddlehead now produces up

processes, and increased productivity.

once again highlighting this reputation

to 10,000 cases of beer per week on

The goal is now within reach. At the

with a PUEHLER drainage press that

a brewing area of over 3,000 square

heart of the brewery is the 60-barrel

optimizes the recycling process of its

meters. The beer is not only available

brewhouse and a 24-head rotary filler

canned beer.

in the company’s own tap room, but

that fills up to 250 cans per minute.

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The brewery has set high goals for

Rejects are now automatically ejected from the conveyor belt, so that the rejected cans end up directly in the hopper of the E.200.


Rejected cans before compaction

During the canning process, it occasionally happens that cans are underfilled, overfilled, or otherwise out of spec. To meet the brewery’s quality standards, these cans must be removed from the production line. In the past, company employees spent several hours per shift manually opening and pouring out beer cans. This work was not only

Beer cans in the hopper of the E.200 can press

The fluid is disposed of after the compaction


Rejects are automatically ejected into the hopper, but can also be hand-fed

Aluminum can pressed disc with 200 mm diameter

and easily integrated into the existing

flows through a screen into the drain pan

canning line.

and is then disposed of. The discharge

With this task in mind, Fiddlehead

Rejects are now automatically ejected

reached out to WEIMA. Since the end

from the conveyor belt, so that the

of 2021, a drainage press of the type

rejected cans end up directly in the

By integrating the PUEHLER E.200,

PUEHLER E.200 has now expanded the

hopper of the E.200. However, manual

Fiddlehead not only saves tedious

brewery’s machinery. The press drains

loading is also possible at any time via

manual labor, but also frees up valuable

and compresses the beer cans that do

the curved hopper. The cans are then

storage space. The aluminum cans in

not conform to specifications, while

compacted with the aid of the hydraulic

pressed form are also optimally usable

the employees can devote themselves

press cylinder. A metal plate that can be

for recycling.

to more urgent tasks. As a plug-and-

moved down hydraulically serves as the

play solution, the can press was quickly

pressing resistance. The drained beer

monotonous, but also costly and timeconsuming. “Efficiency is particularly important to us, but we also want our employees to enjoy their work. Emptying the cans was very time consuming and we knew there had to be a better solution for this process.” Jon Moorer, Production Manager, Fiddlehead Brewing Company

pipe ejects the compressed discs with a diameter of 200 mm.

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15” Stainless Steel IP69K Touch Panel PC Ideal for demanding food processing and packaging applications our fully stainless steel 15” IP69K (front & rear) rated Touch Panel PC provides the perfect HMI solution.



Trusted worldwide for superior product inspection and contaminant detection.

The PC has a 15” 1024x768 resolution, 400 nit brightness TFT LCD with an integrated “True Flat” multi-touch PCAP touch which allows for a completely flat display fascia. At its heart is the Intel® Atom™ J1900 Quad-Core, 2.4GHz processor, 8GB of system memory and a 128GB 2.5” HDD/SSD, plus its Intel® HD graphics engine ensures fast, crisp video graphics. Connection to peripheral devices and network comms can be made via its 6 x USB and 2 x RS232 ports plus 2 x LAN ports, all waterproof and supplied with IP69K rated 2M long cables. Physically the unit measures 400 x 325 x 58mm, weighs just 4.5kg and has an operating temperature range of -20°C ~ 70°C. Craft Data Limited Tel: 01296 332000

Anritsu systems deliver performance, reliability and low total cost of ownership. Plus, we back our longlasting equipment with unparalleled service and support.

Over 175,000 installations worldwide. Discover what you’ve been missing. Learn how to advance your product quality and operational efficiency at

16 FDPP -

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07/01/2022 12:08

Direct Part Marking for Food Production Equipment Universal Marking Systems manufacture a range of low cost, easy to use marking systems for permanent marking on a wide range of metal food processing equipment. Electrochemical marking is ideal for both promoting brand awareness with logo marking and enabling complete traceability as part numbers, serial numbers, data matrix, can all be marked in seconds. Mark directly onto the metal surface of the component or product with a high contrast black mark ideal for stainless steel and other metals. There is no deformation of the surface of the material so it is ideal for marking food processing equipment. The equipment used has a small footprint and is easily portable so suitable for marking both during the manufacturing process and also for equipment in situ on a production line. The mark has proven very durable even after repeated clean down routines. Using our Windows based stencil software, data can be manually input via the keyboard, a barcode scanner or imported from a database. It is easy to use and operators can be up and running in minutes. Electrochemical marking is also ideal for marking data on nameplates to be fixed to food equipment. The easy to use yet powerful software enables both template layouts with logos, boxes and shapes as well as variable data to be marked directly onto the component all

Using our Windows based stencil software, data can be manually input via the keyboard, a barcode scanner or imported from a database. lines, pressing equipment, cutlery, food safety equipment, weighing, inspection and packaging equipment, deli machines

right products for your application, get the best mark and are always on hand to answer any queries you may have. We will have our range of electrochemical marking equipment, lasers and dot peen machines on show at MACH 2022 on stand 19-438 from Monday 4th April to Friday 8th April at the NEC, Birmingham. If you are planning to visit MACH do please come and see the systems in action and to

in one operation.

to name a few.

We have supplied systems for a wide

Universal Marking Systems have been

variety of applications including marking

manufacturing in the UK for nearly 60

stainless steel equipment, automated

years and supply everything you need to

for more information or to see our other

machinery, conveyor systems, brewing

get started for electrochemical marking.

marking solutions including dot peen,

equipment, dairy equipment, mixers and

We offer full support from enquiry to

laser marking and subcontract laser

blenders, sandwich making production

after sales support to help you find the

marking services.

take away your own marked sample. Please visit , email or call 01420 565 800

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The Technology Behind

THE WORLD’S BEST SPRAY DRIED POWDERS Spray Dry Nozzle Technology Improves Powder Quality, Safety & Reduces Risk & Costs Spray Nozzle Engineering, a New Zealand innovation success story spanning three decades, continues its development Drive, through Industry Engagement Globally, with its latest Click and Dry Hygienic - No Bearding Spray Dry Nozzle Technology; just the latest in a long history of Safer Spray Drying Nozzle Innovation. Hot on the Heels of their break through Industry Safety standard releases of Axial Compressive Sealing Technology, easy clean-instant install Anti-Drip Check Valve Technology and of course Longer Life Nozzle Hardware assembly systems. As the “Name behind the Name” on some of the World’s Largest Dairy, Protein & Powder Plants, This the Annual Introduction of New Technology by Spray Nozzle Engineering Ltd, to enhance a system many realise as Cutting-Edge, further highlights the company’s market leading reputation in Safer & More Hygienic Production of Spray Dried Powder and its close partnership between not only New Zealand & Asian Dairy & Protein Powder production companies; but also their growing customers in the Northern Hemisphere. The latest version

of Spray Nozzle Engineering’s proven Click&Dry Nozzle Technology brings about a change in the Milk & Protein Powder Drying Spray Dry Nozzle delivery system, not seen for decades. Not only does this latest innovation benefit dairy companies on powder quality and safety, but also their bottom line, by reducing both operating costs and down Spec Powder Outcomes. The Nozzle also makes the Spray Drying Process Safer while delivering easier Cleaning and Hygiene outcomes. “We are constantly working with our industry partners to produce new nozzle products that help make improvements to their business,” says Stuart Morgan of Spray Nozzle Engineering. Working closely with Industry partners helped us develop the Worlds first true code compliant nozzles, then came the first nozzle with 2 year Hardware warranty, then smooth bore hygienic flow path designs and more. “Our Research and Development Sales Technical Team, helped design the first Click & Dry nozzle system over the last two decades, helping to improve not only efficiency, but more importantly

Safety in the Drying Process; reducing pre-mature parts failure and costs for Dryer Operators. The latest introduction of a world first ‘No Bearding’ Safety Nozzle Cap System, is thanks to our Technical Teams’ focus on continuous improvement through innovation and close collaboration with our customers; listening to their current nozzle problems and offering proven design solutions with truly World leading Technology. It makes the process of Drying Powder with Nozzles Safer, by eliminating product build up on nozzle cap, which is a potential fire hazard, and this will allow longer production runs times; improving profitability and reducing cost and risks. It’s a win- win situation for our customers drying difficult products.” The New World first nozzle cap design has been put through its paces, both in the lab at Spray Nozzle Engineering’s regional testing facility, and onsite in Powder Dryers for live testing on a variety of difficult products. The results when compared with current nozzle caps in the market showed significant reduction of build-up on the nozzle cap on difficult to dry-sticky and viscous concentrates. The Dryer Teams confirmed that powder quality was not affected during testing

including the patented High-Pressure Axial Safer Sealing System, Hygienic Smooth Flow Path Internal Nozzle design, Guaranteed Hardware Anti Thread Seizing Nozzle Hardware design, and now the new ‘No Bearding’ Safety Nozzle Cap screw in No Weld Upgrade to existing Click & Dry systems. This new nozzle cap meets technical requirements designed to reduce product build up on the nozzle and give longer running, less scorched particles and less risk of dryer fires. but enhanced, and said they looked forward to being able to use Spray Nozzle Engineering’s latest Technology on both Infant Formula, oil based products, fat filled whole milk powders, non- dairy proteins, flavours, yeast and more, all easily sprayed through one single robust nozzle cap profile design. “After a comprehensive testing phase of trials on site with one of our partners in the dairy powder production industry, we are excited to see the positive results the new nozzle has consistently produced with extended run times reducing processing costs. We also expect that it will benefit plant protein, and non-dairy flavour spray dry industries of which also see the same issue with spray nozzle cap build up. We couldn’t be more thrilled to see our Latest Technology at the forefront of cutting-edge world leading powder production quality and safety improvements,” says Stuart Morgan. The company has a long-standing history in innovation, specifically in the dairy industry, and has recently invested in a new ‘Laser Droplet Analyser Lab System’ in their CFD Tech Centre, to further assist both OEM and End User Clients. The droplet analyser has been something Spray Nozzle Engineering has used extensively when developing its Nozzle products. However, having the latest version of Malvern’s state of the art analyser to work in addition with extensive in-house testing, allows their



concepts to be taken to market quickly to meet powder production seasonality requirements, quick Technology Turn Around is something Spray Nozzle prides itself on. This is something Spray Nozzle Engineering has always considered when preparing new products for release and the ‘Non- Drip Full Flow Nozzle - ‘AntiDrip Check Valves’ (Drip-Pro), another world leading idea, is an example of this. “For the last 15 years we have been at the forefront of designing safer, more hygienic, longer lasting and cost reducing nozzle systems. Pioneering and patenting a better system for High Pressure Spray Dry Nozzles now sees us at the fore front of Nozzle Technology and design. For anyone running any type of Drier with any powder type, anywhere in the world says Stuart and his Team. “We are excited to see our collaboration with industry partners,continue to grow. Solving common but critical industry wide issues on Driers, through Innovation and co-operation has been a longstanding value within our business, and our close work with Powder & Quality Technologists, Drier Safety Teams, Operators and OEM’s alike, ensures that our product Innovation helps them run longer, safer and more efficient; and continue 25 years of Click & Dry Spray Dry Nozzle and Check Valve Technology development for the future. Spray Nozzle Engineering has a list of world firsts

Spray Nozzle pioneered online Drier Operator SOP Training materials, Special Low Impact Tools to reduce parts breakage and costs, and premium wear resistant component materials that can be cleaned in acid and caustic alike. Recently the company solved the problem of dripping nozzles in dryers with its latest patented Drip-Pro Spray Dry Nozzle Check Valve System reducing contamination and cleaning. This system allows the user to easily install the Anti Drip Valve at any time without modification or welding. For more information on Spray Nozzle Engineering innovation and product range visit or email the team via

Ishida strengthens support for Poland and CEE region The Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)

this growing sector and, importantly,

“Establishing our presence in Poland

region is a key growth engine for Ishida

providing sales and support for Ishida key

will see Ishida positioned to bring our

and forms part of a wider EMEA strategic

account customers and channel partners.

‘best-in-class’ capabilities closer to our

plan. Continuing to build on existing sales and support capabilities established in

“Our goal is to ensure Ishida invests

the neighbouring Czech Republic, Ishida

alongside our key global customers as

Europe has now announced the opening

they build and expand their operations,

of a Poland office located in Katowice. Poland provides one of Europe’s largest

the target markets notably being the poultry and meat sector, as well as

customers and deliver unrivalled support.” Mr Cairns said that with automation now an increasing market driver, Ishida’s innovative approach towards customer centric solutions, coupled with the strength of its in-depth engineering

poultry and meat markets and Ishida’s

ensuring local support for all customers,”

investment is targeted towards enhancing

explained Mike Cairns, Ishida Europe

provide clear differentiators for the

the company’s local capabilities in

Sales Director.

company in the poultry and meat sector.

20 FDPP -

and project execution capabilities would

Establishing our presence in Poland will see Ishida positioned to bring our ‘best-in-class’ capabilities closer to our customers and deliver unrivalled support.” “Our business has evolved quickly and effectively over the last two years to address the many challenges now faced within our core market sectors,” he commented. “Having an extensive channel partner network that is able to meet the needs of our customers is imperative for Ishida. Our activities will complement those of our existing distributors who will continue to serve and support Ishida’s core products.”

FDPP - 21

Flowmeter Solutions for High-Speed Batch Dosing Titan Enterprises has published a white paper reporting on an investigation into the use of electronic flow meters in highspeed batching processes. High-speed batch dosing in filling lines, typically seen within the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, is a modern process that increases production throughput and efficiency, as well as saving on cleaning costs associated with traditional batching processes. Historically, small turbine flowmeters have satisfied markets where reasonable volume batching is used, such as beer wall dispensing or ultra-pure water dispensing. These flow measurement devices have excellent response times and are highly effective for low viscosity dosing systems. However, turbine flowmeters do have moving parts within the flow line which can limit the life of the flow device due to mechanical wear and tear. Mechanical devices also require hygienic cleaning which

Through its on-going customer-focused R&D, Titan is optimising its flow meter product line to develop solutions for OEM customer applications and general industry systems.

adds to downtime and associated cost

device, the Atrato®, to resolve these and

Through its on-going customer-focused


achieve a cost-effective solution for high

R&D, Titan is optimising its flow meter

accuracy, rapid batch control.

product line to develop solutions for

For processes requiring high-speed

OEM customer applications and general

integrated batch dosing, ultrasonic flow

Significant increases in high-speed

meters, such as Titan’s Atrato® flow

batching performance were shown

meter, provide an easy-to-clean system

using the Atrato® ultrasonic flowmeter,

To read the full article on High-Speed

with no moving parts. However, as with

together with bespoke AI learning

Batching, visit https://flowmeters.

all electronic flow devices, there is a

software, and an appropriate system set-

trade-off between response time and

up in laboratory conditions.


Neil Hannay, Titan’s Senior R&D Engineer,

For further information on the Atrato®

Titan’s white paper highlights some of

said “Our Research and Development is

ultrasonic flowmeter please visit

the issues raised when using electronic

driven by helping our customers address

flow meters for high-speed batching.

challenges within their process systems.

ultrasonic-flowmeters/. To discuss an

The aim of the investigative trials was to

This could be enhancing existing

optimised flow measurement device

determine the optimum results for high-

technology and performance, trialling

for your liquid dispensing application

speed (at sub three second) batching

different materials and characteristics,

please contact Titan Enterprises on

using an electronic flow meter that can

or designing new flow measurement

+44 (0)1935 812790 or email

be achieved with an accuracy higher than

devices to meet specific customer needs

±0.5%. Titan worked with their ultrasonic

and liquid flow conditions.”


22 FDPP -

industry systems.

7 + ( + 2 0 ( 2 ) 9 ,6 & 28 6 3 8 0 3 , 1 * 6 2 /8 7, 2 1 6

Kecol have over 25 years of experience in handling all types of viscous products in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics markets, as well as general industrial applications.

A sample of products we already pump… ᅚHoney ᅚPetroleum Jelly ᅚMascara ᅚSauces ᅚLanolin ᅚLip Gloss ᅚEssences ᅚEye Ointment ᅚMeat Paste ᅚParaffin Wax

T: +44 (0)1746 764311 E: W:

ᅚFace Scrub ᅚTeething Gel ᅚTomato Puree ᅚMedical Adhesives ᅚVeterinary Creams ᅚFruit Paste ᅚToothpaste ᅚMalt ᅚJam ᅚWax

Hall 4.1 Stand C043

Transformer Manufacturers & Wound Component Specialists Express Transformers & Controls

We still work tirelessly to supply

(2015) Ltd is a UK based design and

trusted components and look forward

manufacturing company specializing in

to another seventy years fulfilling our

custom transformers, chokes, reactors,

customer’s needs.

resistors and other coil wound products.

At Express Transformers & Controls

Express Transformers & Controls Ltd was

we manufacture a wide variety of wire

formed in 1953 in a 3000 square foot

wound products from transformers to

factory in Croydon, Surrey.

bespoke coils all of which are designed and manufactured in house. The scope

Eleven years later in 1964, the company

of our manufacturing capabilities can be

expanded and opened another factory at

split into two broad categories.

Picow Farm Road, Runcorn, Cheshire; this one had 6000 square feet of production

Firstly, we manufacture a standard In 2022 the company is still going

range of single phase transformers

strong with many of its highly skilled In 1981 the company expanded further

and power resistors suitable for panel

and long serving staff producing the

and the decision was made to close the

building applications.

same quality products. Although the

Croydon factory and enlarge the Cheshire

management team may have changed

Our single phase transformers

factory to 20,000 square feet in part to

the company’s ethos of manufacturing

range from 50VA up to 5kVA and

accommodate the southern production

the best possible products and achieving

the power resistors ranging from

and also the increase in business the

high customer satisfaction has been

50 watts up to 750 watts. Although

company was experiencing.


we do have a standard range of


24 FDPP -

voltages and resistances we can, on

Just as wide ranging as our product

request, manufacture to suit customer

experience is the range of industries we


provide products for. In the early days of the company our specialism lay in supplying transformers, chokes and power resistors to the lift industry, something we still do today. Over the following decades, as the quality of our products became recognised, we moved into supplying products to the scientific industry including universities. Further industries we are currently associated with include oil & gas, medical, mining, construction, rail and drives & controls.

Along-side this we also manufacture ferrite transformers and inductors on our Secondly, our in house engineering team

dedicated ferrite winding and assembly

can design custom specific items. We

department. We have been manufacturing

are capable of manufacturing single and

ferrite wound components for several

three phase transformers and chokes up

decades which mean we not only have an

to a power rating of 100kVA. In terms of

excellent skill base but a large range of

voltage rating we can manufacture up

stocked materials.

to 30kV ac, our in-house encapsulation department allows us to encapsulate HV coils in a variety of resins and compounds depending on customer requirements.

One of our current primary focuses is the manufacture of components used in metal detection equipment and packaging machinery in the food and drink sector. Due to our longevity and the recognition of the quality of our products we have acquired customers in Indonesia, China, Brazil, Australia and the United States to name but a few. One aspect of our longevity, which never fails to impress customers, is our master designs database. Here we store the designs of all the products we manufacture with records going back sixty-five years. This means we are able to offer replacement items no matter the age. Due to our long standing relationship with the lift industry the database has been particularly useful for quickly identifying products required for breakdown and repairs. At Express Transformers we take great pride in the quality of products that we manufacture. All our staff are highly experienced and work to stringent quality standards. Contact for sales: Contact for technical queries: 01928 574491

FDPP - 25

ATS launches new jar lidding range for UK food & beverage market ATS Packaging Machinery has extended

the design and installation of bespoke,

its capping solutions for the food and

automated filling and packing lines.

drink sector with the introduction of

“These new machines will add to our

a range of state-of-the-art jar lidding machines.

capabilities in the development of

The new FBL-150, 350 and 500 models

requirements,” commented Richard

provide the fast and efficient automatic

Aitchison, Technical Sales and Product

placement and tightening of metal Twist-

Manager at ATS Packaging Machinery.

solutions tailored to specific customer

Off (TO) and Press-on, Twist-Off (PT) The new range is being supplied

closures onto glass jars and bottles with a vacuum seal. They are suitable for a wide variety of products, including mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, cooking sauces, pickled vegetables, jams and honey. The choice of machines offers the flexibility to handle containers with neck sizes from 27mm to 110mm at speeds of up to 500 jars per minute. They can also be supplied with an accompanying vertical caps sorter-feeder for an all-inone feeding and lidding solution.

These new machines will add to our capabilities in the development of solutions tailored to specific customer requirements, Machinery’s portfolio of packing equipment, which includes capping machinery, bottle unscramblers and

The introduction of the new models

pump and trigger systems, as part of the

further enhances ATS Packaging

company’s complete system offering for

28 FDPP -

by leading food packing machinery manufacturer FBL Food Machinery, based in Parma, Italy, along with their complete range of pasteurisers and filling machines. “ATS’s excellent knowledge of the food industry and the company’s complementary ranges of equipment make them the ideal partner to provide the best sales advice and after sales service and support for UK customers,” said Lucio Cavazzoli of FBL.

The world leader in compaction Orwak Easi UK Ltd are world leaders in compaction and baling technology with over 50 years’ experience and our tailored solutions make significant contributions to effective waste management, sustainable business practices, the well-being of employees, and compliance with environmental regulations. Our aim is to find the ultimate solution that fulfils all of these areas. Choosing an Orwak solution means:

More profit When loose waste is compacted, it means fewer container pickups, fewer trips, and less money is wasted. Furthermore, sorted and highly compacted waste material is a source of income that help you increase your profit.

business! Orwak balers and compactors are designed to fit in to your waste process seamlessly and easily.

More organised

More productivity

Proper handling of waste reduces safety and health risks and contributes to a higher level of job satisfaction.

Time is Money. Less time spent on waste handling means more time for your core

More space Space is always at a premium and you can’t afford to have it taken up by empty boxes, loose waste materials and multiple waste bins and skips. Our balers rapidly reduces the volume and high-density bales require much less storage than loose material. 0800 342 3177




In a hygiene-sensitive manufacturing environment stainless steel components are true all-rounders: easy cleaning, no adhesion of dirt, germs or detergents, permanent cleanliness. They are also corrosion-resistant, durable, temperatureresistant, low-maintenance, hygienic and economical.

Find these products in our full range with more than 70,000 parts in THE BIG GREEN BOOK

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FDPP - 29

Leading Machinery Supplier Worldwide

Food & Beverage Filling - How to cost-effectively upscale your production as demands increase Dean Willis, product expert and Sales Director of Adelphi Manufacturing, addresses the biggest challenges faced by Food & Beverage manufacturers, and solves the most frequent questions being asked...


With over 33 years’ experience in the industry, Dean - what advice would you give to Food & Beverage companies looking to increase production, without overstretching their resources?


The Food & Beverage industry is experiencing exponential growth worldwide, and this is putting pressure on many manufacturers to quickly increase their production throughput. However, upscaling the filling process from semi to fully automated can be a daunting prospect, with many automated filling lines costing in excess of £60,000 upfront! At Adelphi Manufacturing we developed our scalable ‘Response’ range of machinery to solve this very problem. The entry-level Benchtop Filler fits into automated solutions from the same range (pictured below), so you can increase your capacity as needed, without making the initial investment obsolete. You can also seperate the Benchtop Filler at any time, should you need to return to the convenience of smaller batch production.


What about artisanal Food & Beverage companies who operate out of smaller premises is there a viable growth option for them too, which can overcome space restrictions?


Absolutely! In the same way as we saw with mobile phone technology in the Noughties, filling technology has increased in sophistication whilst decreasing in size. A great example is our Monobloc solution - part of the scalable ‘Response’ range - which incorporates both a filler and a capper, in a compact footprint (just 112cm wide x 81cm deep). Maximising the achievable output from your production space is essential in any size of business, to generate the highest revenue possible. Fully processing up to 16,000 containers per 8 hour shift, the Monobloc proves that limited space certainly doesn’t have to mean limited output! the challenging post-COVID, post-Brexit financial Q Inclimate, do you have any advice for businesses consid-

ering taking the plunge and increasing their capacity?


In the latest government budget, a new incentive was announced to help stimulate business investment in the UK. The ‘Super-Deduction’ scheme effectively reduces the purchase price of your new equipment by up to 130%, through additional corporation tax relief. You can reach me using the contact details below if you’d like to find out more.

Adelphi Manufacturing & Pharma Hygiene Products Ltd (part of the Adelphi Group of Companies) are ISO 9001:2015 certified, award-winning, leading Food & Beverage machinery and equipment suppliers worldwide.

+44(0)1444 472300

FOOD & BEVERAGE FILLING MACHINERY PROVEN SOLUTIONS SINCE 1947 • Can your production keep up with new sales opportunities? • Is your team becoming overrun as your business grows? • Are you struggling to fulfil larger contracts, or hesitant to take them on? Try a semi-automatic filling solution, available off-the-shelf for delivery wtih in days... INCREASE REVENUE POTENTIAL: Exceptional filling accuracy of ±0.25% reduces costly product waste

MAXIMISE OUTPUT: Fast filling from a compact machine footprint, for even the smallest site

ONE MACHINE FOR YOUR FULL RANGE: Fill bottles, jars, tubes, vials and more from edible oils to thick nut butters

INDUSTRY COMPLIANT: Hygienic 316L stainless steel construction adheres to FDA & GMP regulations

SCALABLE: Benchtop filler fits into a fully automated line as demands increase, so the initial investment is never obsolete

01444 472300

See for yourself:

BCMPA exhibits for the first time at IFE manufacturing as outsourcing flourishes in the food and drink sector The BCMPA - The Association for

disciplines involved in food and drink

Contract Manufacturing, Packing,

production. The event will reflect the

Fulfilment & Logistics – is excited to

significant growth in demand for these

exhibit for the first time, at this year’s


International Food & Drink Event (IFE), the UK’s largest food and drink show,

The BCMPA will be promoting the huge

which takes place at London’s ExCeL on

benefits that brands, entrepreneurs and

the 21st-23rd March. The show is co-

retailers can gain from the outsourcing

located with IFE Manufacturing, and the

of their contract manufacturing, packing,

BCMPA will be representing its members

fulfilment and logistics projects to 3rd

in the food and drink industry, several of

party suppliers.

whom will also be exhibiting.

More than 30,000 visitors are expected

With just under four weeks to go, this is

at IFE 2022, which provides businesses

the first IFE event in three years, due to

with the perfect opportunity to discover

pandemic lockdowns, and the BCMPA

what’s new, source innovative products,

believes that there will be much demand

understand the latest consumer trends,

within the industry for a face-to-face

and build face-to-face relationships to

event that brings together so many

keep ahead of the competition.

32 FDPP -

At a time when the value of outsourcing has never been more important in the supply chain, the IFE Manufacturing show could not be more timely. Visitors to the BCMPA stand will learn

on its website, which helps retailers,

Imperial Food Packing, Place UK,

wholesalers and foodservice

Storefast Solutions & Universal

professionals in finding the ‘perfect

Flexible Packaging. The BCMPA is also

fit’ for their 3rd party outsourcing

sponsoring a panel session on Monday


21st March at 13.00 with members

Emma Verkaik, Membership & Marketing Director of the BCMPA, sees this as an

The Alexir Partnership, Sauce Shed and independent Food Product Development Consultant, Nick Henson, to discuss the

ideal event for both its members and the

effectiveness of scaling up of production

wider food and drink sector; “At a time

services with contract manufacturers.

when the value of outsourcing has never been more important in the supply chain,

Verkaik added; “IFE provides the

the IFE Manufacturing show could not be

perfect environment for our contract

more timely.

manufacturing, packing, fulfilment

manufacture, to filling, packing and

“It provides all the elements required to

distribution. BCMPA members are now

their solutions to retailers and brand

help businesses grow successfully, as

owners from the UK and abroad. We are

playing a key role across the supply chain

well as giving brand owners and retailers

delighted to be back supporting both our

for many of today’s leading food and

an opportunity to talk to the BCMPA

members and their customers in person

drink brands.

about their outsourcing needs and to find


about the extensive range of services offered by its members, from new product development, formulation and

In addition, the BCMPA will highlight its unique search facility available

potential manufacturing solutions.” Exhibiting BCMPA members include

& logistics members to showcase

Tickets for IFE can be secured online here.

FDPP - 33

Jam manufacturer cuts 20% of pectin from formulation using the Silverson Flashmix A jam and marmalade producer has been able to reduce the amount of pectin in their formulation by 20% and reduce their process times and wastage with the use of a Silverson Flashmix powder/liquid mixer.

Using the FMX50 the consistency and quality of the mix was much better and the process time was dramatically reduced.

The company had previously been using basic agitators to mix the pectin

Trials were arranged at Silverson using

in a 400 litre vessel at temperatures in

a Flashmix FMX50 production scale

excess of 55°C. They were incorporating

powder/liquid mixer to incorporate the

around 20% more pectin than they actually needed for their formulation to account for what they were losing due to agglomerates and partially hydrated pectin sticking to the agitator shaft, blades and the walls of the mixing vessel. After around 40 minutes they were left with a low quality 5% pectin

pectin. The trials were run at ambient temperature and it took around 10 minutes to incorporate and fully hydrate the 5% of pectin that had been added. With the FMX50 there were no agglomerates and no partially hydrated powder sticking to the vessel wall, so

cleaning was minimised and the mixture no longer needed to be filtered after mixing. Using the FMX50 the consistency and quality of the mix was much better and the process time was dramatically reduced. The company would be saving a huge amount of money on pectin by being able to use 20% less pectin for each batch and by not having to heat the water before adding the pectin. The trials were so successful they company purchased the FMX50 for their factory. And now the advantages of high shear powder/liquid mixing can be achieved at Laboratory scale with the introduction of the FMX5 mixer to the Silverson Product range.

solution, wasting 20% of the material they had added as the agitator was unable to break down the agglomerates. This wastage was costing a considerable amount of money and after the mixing process they had to put the mixture through a filtration stage to remove the agglomerates, further lengthening the process time.

34 FDPP -

The FMX5 is a laboratory scale version of the Flashmix and provides a simple, effective and hygienic means of powder/liquid mixing suitable for small scale manufacturing and R&D work with a typical batch size of up to 10 litres, depending on viscosity. If you’d like to find out more, visit the Silverson website:

Powder/Liquid Mixers From Laboratory to Production Scale

Introducing the Silverson FMX5 Laboratory Scale Powder/Liquid mixer. Silverson can now offer Powder/Liquid mixing solutions to customers mixing from the Laboratory to full scale production. The FMX5 provides a simple, effective and hygienic means of powder/liquid mixing on a laboratory scale and provides an accurate and easy means of predicting the performance of the Flashmix in the laboratory.

For more information please visit: Email: • Telephone: (+44) 1494 786331

Which consumer-product relies most heavily on precision engineering? The first product to come to mind should be daysoft daily-disposable contact lenses Let me explain; daysoft relies on the skilful application of the most advanced manufacturing processes in the world to produce millions of identical contact lenses, time after time. Our unique process produces lenses at half the

cost whilst only using half the plastic compared to any other daily-disposable contact lens manufacturer. All this has been made possible by the development of a unique process

of manufacture based on incredibly advanced precision engineering where the lens is made entirely inside a concave mould of exceptionally high precision.

INPAC TECHNOLOGY The mould precision relies on the absolute accuracy of metal formers which have been cut to give outstanding accuracy and a ‘mirror’ finish using diamond tipped tools in air-bearing lathes to eliminate all polishing. The highest level of precision is not just to ensure the lenses provide great vision but so that they sit comfortably and safely on the human eye making …

every day a comfortable daysoft day Kind regards Ron Hamilton CBE, Engineer, Contact Lens Inventor and Daysoft Founder

© Fergus H Yard 2021. Used with permission.


comfortable, affordable, daily-disposables

Shipped direct to your door by the daysoft Team who made them for half the price using half the plastic and a fraction of the water used by other manufacturers and for just:


per box 32 contact lenses

Data on file showing successful replacement of all major daily-disposable brand covering 700 million daysoft lenses sold into over 90 countries


INEOS O&P Europe announces exciting new application for its Recycl-IN polymer grade range INEOS Olefins & Polymers Europe are today announcing an exciting new application of a new polymer grade to its portfolio of products that comprise of post-consumer recyclates (PCR). The range of recycled polymer grades (Recycl-IN) is growing as INEOS and its partners develop and explore the displacement of virgin polymers with PCR materials. In this latest development, and working closely with the technical team at COVERIS in Winsford, Cheshire, a new stretch-hood packaging film, containing a minimum of 30% recycled material, has undergone a series of rigorous testing and trials at INEOS’ manufacturing facility in Grangemouth, Scotland intended for distribution of INEOS’ palletised polymer resin. These trials have demonstrated that the product integrity and quality is maintained and that the new recycled stretch-hood covering for pallets performs to the same standards as a previous solution made from 100% virgin material. It has been introduced ahead of UK legislation for packaging materials that will require a minimum content of recycled polymers. “This is a significant breakthrough,” says INEOS Polymer Business Manager, Graham MacLennan. “Palletised distribution of goods is increasing and a stretch-hood covering helps prevent waste, damage and loss to products transported in this way. By substituting virgin polymer content with recycled polymers, we are actively working towards our targets to adopt a more circular approach, signalling our clear commitment to using more recycled plastic as a raw material.

38 FDPP -

Our collaboration with INEOS has enabled us to develop a new stretch hooding product with 30% PCR content, without increasing gauge or compromising on performance. Our new product, developed in close partnership with COVERIS, is a clear demonstration of this. Within INEOS we remain committed to Sustainability, to achieving Net Zero in our operations and bringing solutions to the market that enable others in the supply chain to lower their carbon footprints too.” This, and other Recycl-IN polymers, are proving that plastics remain a valuable resource, even after initial use. INEOS O&P continues to pursue technological and engineering solutions to increase the recycled content of the materials they produce, and to demonstrate to customers, supply chain partners and to the wider world that their new range of

with INEOS has enabled us to develop

compliant with UK plastics packaging

Recycl-IN polymers perform to the high

a new stretch hooding product with

tax. This will allow our customers the

standards that they expect.

30% PCR content, without increasing

benefits of palletised transportation

gauge or compromising on performance.

Mike Richardson, Technical Director,

Supporting our vision of NO WASTE

using plastic tertiary packaging without

Coveris Winsford said, “Coveris have

and the wider industry sustainability

extensive experience of producing high

goals, the new solution offsets the need

performance films with significant

for virgin plastics whilst maintaining

recycled content. Our collaboration

full recyclability, as well as being fully

compromising their sustainability and circular economy goals.”

FDPP - 39

Brammer Buck & Hickman and SKF release range of informative resources on bearings in food & drink applications Brammer Buck & Hickman, the

the performance and service life of their

detail at the issues surrounding safety,

UK’s leading supplier of industrial


cost control and sustainability in the food

maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) products and services, has released a range of valuable resources on bearings aimed specifically at engineers operating in the food and drink sector; these include a webinar, a dedicated website section, a product brochure, a guide to the challenges faced in this sector, and several case studies. In the food and drink industry, bearings are faced with some of the most demanding environments to be found, required to perform across a very wide range of temperatures, subject to frequent washdowns and guided by regulations that are becoming ever more stringent; and, of course, there are cost considerations. The choice of bearings therefore requires careful consideration. Brammer Buck & Hickman, which has extensive experience of

A recorded webinar, hosted by Brammer Buck & Hickman and presented by SKF, is available on YouTube on the RubixTube channel. In under 40 minutes, the webinar examines the key issues that impact on bearings in the food & drink sector, with a focus on reducing risk when it comes to food safety. It also identifies bearings that are best suited to this industry and includes a preview of the latest products and technologies due to be released. For those that prefer to digest information in a different format, Brammer Buck & Hickman has produced two new brochures. The first is a product brochure on SKF bearing solutions for the food & drink sector, which covers

and drinks processing sector. Just as importantly, it provides guidance on how to meet those challenges. Both brochures are available to download from the food & drink industry page on Brammer Buck & Hickman’s dedicated SKF bearings section on its website: foodandbeverage. Case studies on real world usage of SKF bearings in the food and drink sector have also been produced. Brammer Buck & Hickman is an SKF Authorised Distributor across Europe and has an in-depth knowledge of the manufacturer’s product range, along with early access to its latest technologies.

the Food Line Blue Range, Food Line

Brammer Buck & Hickman is part of

Deep Groove ball bearings and SKF Fryer

the Rubix group. With turnover of

bearing technology. The brochure looks

more than €2.3 billion in 2018, Rubix is

at the key attributes of these bearing

Europe’s largest supplier of industrial

working with some of the biggest names

units and how they could benefit your

in the food and drink sector, has come

production process. The second PDF is

together with bearings manufacturer

a guide: ‘Top 3 Challenges in the Food &

SKF to produce a range of resources to

Drink Sector…and how to ensure your

For more information, go to

assist food and drink producers improve

bearings meet them’. It looks in more

40 FDPP -

maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) products and services.

REUSED OCEAN PLASTIC Using waste plastic collected by local people from beaches and riverbanks that is then cleaned, broken down and reused to make new transparent packaging

For more information and samples contact us:

+44 (0) 1582 459292

Ultimate flexibility ‘Holistic treatments’ are not usually looked

as considering the whole life costs of

on in the best of lights, but when it comes

operating the machines, together, can

to material handling fleets it really is an

yield surprisingly significant benefits. For

approach that can prove to be a magic

example, managing multiple suppliers


across multiple contracts all with different

Whether your business operates one piece of material handling equipment or hundreds, simply by changing the way

renewal dates is a waste of resource as much as it is a missed opportunity to reduce cost.

you think about your fleet can bring real

Factor in any potential future growth

and immediate benefits to your business.

of your business and the subsequent

How do significant cost savings sound?

increase in demand that this might bring,

Or what about increasing the efficiency of

not to mention any slower periods that

your operation? Maybe easing your cash

may come about due to external factors

flow could help? No? Then I’m sure bringing

and it really does start to become a game

greater flexibility to your business’s ability


to respond to fluctuations in demand has

to ensure it is, at all times, match-fit for your applications. So how do you make all of this a reality for your organisation?

got to be a winner?

If this holistic approach is then supported with innovative product and service

Well firstly, you find the right material

The good news is that by thinking about

solutions that are built to exactly fit the

handling partner for you. The key thing to

your fleet in a holistic way - appraising

unique needs and preferences of your

look for is flexibility, both in their financial

all of the equipment you use, from

operation, then suddenly your material

and contractual offering and in their ability

pallet trucks to lift trucks, or from tow

handling fleet turns into a true asset, one

to supply and support the right equipment

tractors to container handlers, as well

that is not static but continually evolving

for your fleet.

42 FDPP -

Combining dedicated new equipment, with rapidly available short term hire machines within your contract, will give you ultimate flexibility. FINANCIAL AND CONTRACTUAL FLEXIBILITY There is more than one way to ‘own’ your equipment, with an outright purchase being the least flexible of these. The more common contract hire or longterm hire agreements - typically 5 years - allow you to combine the actual acquisition of the equipment with an ongoing service and support level consideration - the truth being that you really do need both. This will almost always work out as more beneficial to your business over time than an outright purchase. The critical difference here between the

back. In fact, the ideal partner should act

invested adequately in their inventory for

proactively here in identifying the need to

it to be there when you need it!

change - and if they are truly committed to maintaining an optimal fleet and putting you the customer first, then they

Don’t be afraid of building some fully refurbished used equipment into the mix


too, it will provide a very cost-effective

Combining dedicated new equipment,

spare trucks if absolutely necessary.

with rapidly available short term hire

solution to low utilisation roles, or as

machines within your contract, will give


contract hire agreement is. Look carefully

you ultimate flexibility. Supplementing a

To ensure each piece of equipment

at how easy it will be for you to change

backbone of ‘owned’ machines with your

is exactly right for its application, the

trucks if they are no longer ideal for their

supplier’s rapidly available short term

supplier will need to have a diverse

application or if they become excessive

hire equipment means you can increase

and comprehensive range of premium

to your requirement. Particularly if

capacity at extremely short notice

equipment as well as the expertise to

that change occurs mid contract. Not

without the inefficiency of holding spare

be able to effectively evaluate and audit

all providers are open to taking trucks

trucks. Just be sure your partner has

your handling environment. Sadly, no

various providers, is in how flexible that

single manufacturer can deliver a full end-to-end range, but the best partner should have a wide enough combination of brands to fully cover all your needs. Additionally, they should be able and willing to identify, specify and customise that equipment to tailor fit exactly to your situation. Whilst of course we believe that the equipment we sell at Impact is the very best in the market place, the thing that really matters is the service, support and FLEXIBILITY you receive from your materials handling partner.

FDPP - 43

CSB to highlight ERP’s role in meeting latest food industry challenges Solutions for the digitalisation and automation of factories to meet the food industry’s latest challenges will be the central theme of industry specialist CSB-System’s stand (1600) at this year’s IFE Manufacturing exhibition, at ExCeL, London later this month. As well as the need to meet the highest demands in terms of freshness, quality and speed in the production and

Experts on the CSB stand will explain how the effective use of IT for planning and optimising production can deliver traceability while at the same time reducing costs and maximising efficiencies.

delivery of food products, companies today also need to ensure complete

senior management are fully connected

traceability throughout their supply

at all times and that transactions

chains. Experts on the CSB stand will

between the consumer, the retailer

explain how the effective use of IT for

and the producer can be more easily

planning and optimising production can


deliver traceability while at the same time reducing costs and maximising

CSB will display its portfolio of ERP

solution. In addition to commercial and enterprise resource planning tasks, these systems facilitate monitoring of machines in real-time as well as the planning of complex production processes, and ensure quick and seamless traceability. The efficient use of such technologies enables businesses to deal more easily with challenges such as the availability of raw materials and also offers opportunities to further accelerate and automate production processes and open up new digital distribution channels. Focusing on the factory IT of the future, CSB’s experts will be available at the


systems for the food and beverage

The incorporation of a comprehensive

specifically designed for small

EPR system supports the development

companies, Factory ERP for production

of the smart food factory, with the

facilities of corporate groups, and

system ensuring that the shop floor and

Industry ERP as a complete end to end


44 FDPP -

industry, including its Basic ERP

exhibition to explain networked and automated technologies for the smart and resource-friendly production of food.



Label up to 140 packs per minute

Guaranteed uniformity

ESPERA NOVA Always one step ahead of the competition


Real-time label visualisation to control print quality

INSPIRON SYSTEMS LTD are leading suppliers of weighing, labelling and inspection systems and we have over 25 years' experience in this field. We offer a free consultation, advanced after sales technical support and training for all users. Granby, the renowned producer of Sausages in Dublin recently upgraded their Weigh Price Labellers to the new ESPERA ES-R. "Everyone at Granby, both management & operators, are extremely impressed with the ESPERA Nova systems which have advanced our labelling capability to a much higher level than we ever had before" Eoin Kavanagh, Managing Director Granby Ltd.


Compact, High-Speed and Precise: Mettler-Toledo’s new x-ray inspection system for small, single-pack products The X34C delivers a unique x-ray solution to the market: cost-effective inspection of individual packs and bars, immediately after flow-wrapping or pack sealing Mettler-Toledo Product Inspectiontoday launches a new x-ray inspection system, the X34C, that is designed specifically for the detection of contaminants in small, individual packaged products at highspeed.

On the hardware side, the X34C can be configured to meet customer requirements, including with an airblast reject system to remove contaminated products at high speed.

with many high-speed flow-wrapping machines and pack sealers used in the confectionery sector for packing individual products. This combination of speed and compact footprint is currently unique in the market. Precise Performance: the optimised focal distance of the 0.4mm diode detector and 100W Optimum Power Generator maximises the probability

that the X34C can be installed into

of detecting small contaminants and

The X34C x-ray inspection system is

production lines where space is at a

helps to reduce the False Reject Rate.

based on three key design principles of


Because the power and contrast levels

compactness, high-speed and precision:

of these components are automatically High-Speed Capabilities: the X34C can

optimised for each application, the

Compact Footprint: the system has a

operate at 120 metres per minute,

system does not always need to run at

footprint of just 700mm in length, which

making it possible for the first time

its full 100W output, delivering power

includes an integrated reject. This means

to keep product inspection aligned


46 FDPP -

“We are expecting that manufacturers

The X34C shares many of the same

protection, with IP65 also available for

of small confectionery products

features and advantages as other

manufacturing environments which

and snacks will love the high-speed

models in the Mettler-Toledo Safeline

require a higher level of dust protection.

inspection that the compact X34C gives

range of x-ray systems. These include

Customers with cooler ambient factory

them, as improved detection sensitivity

the easy-to-use operating software,

temperatures (less than 30 degrees

allows the technology to inspect and

including ContamPlus™, that both the

Celsius) can choose Active Cooling

standard X34 and X36 systems use,

through a fan system, which can improve

with automated product set-up reducing

the environmental performance of the

the need for operator training, while


reject single bars at fast speeds straight after they exit the flow-wrapper. This not only reduces waste, because a single bar rather than the entire multi-pack can be rejected, but it also enables the manufacturer to maintain high levels of productivity at this critical point of the production line,” said Mike Pipe, Head of Global Sales & Product Management, Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection. “For manufacturers, who are typically hard-pushed to fit new equipment into existing lines, the small footprint of the X34C means they can benefit from outstanding levels of contaminant detection and productivity without too much disruption to their operation.

increasing production up-time and product safety. These aspects serve to

In summary, the Mettler-Toledo Safeline

reduce the Total Cost of Ownership.

X34C is a fast and effective vertical

In addition, the X34C can be

contaminant detection of individual

connected to Mettler-Toledo Product

products within a defined application

Inspection’s ProdX™ data management

set: flow-wrapped confectionery,

software, which supports supply

snack and cereal bars and small bakery

chain digitalisation, compliance and

packets. Manufacturers producing these


products will benefit from its speed,

On the hardware side, the X34C can be configured to meet customer requirements, including with an airblast reject system to remove contaminated products at high speed. Maintenance functions are simplified through easy

x-ray inspection system, optimised for

enhanced detection sensitivity and compact footprint, whether they are multinational organisations with multiple factories, or SME-sized operators with a single production line. In addition, they will enjoy the ease of use and proven robustness and reliability that Mettler-

Plus companies can feel confident

access to all parts of the system

that their brands are protected due to

from the front. The x-ray system

the X34C simultaneously completing

has been designed to operate in a

comprehensive product and packaging

range of working environments. It is

For more information, visit

quality checks.”

rated at IP55 as standard for ingress

Toledo Safeline X-ray systems are already renowned for.

FDPP - 47

The value of water as a production factor The availability of water for industrial production has been taken for granted for many years and in most countries. Climate change is putting an end to this. Even though water is still cheap compared to its value, it becomes precious as soon as production output is affected due to shortages. The current situation: in many cases industrial effluents have to be treated before being discharged into the sewage system. Reusing water is often not economical for factories because the specific costs per cubic metre of treated

Reusing water is often not economical for factories because the specific costs per cubic metre of treated wastewater is higher than for fresh water. considered, not the full treatment costs. To complete the picture, the risk of pro-duction losses due to water scarcity must also be taken into account. 2. The quality of fresh water is often

more economical to treat only single side streams. The treated effluent from one production line may be sufficient for another process or at least for cleaning trucks or for sanitation. This reduces the invest-ment costs for effluent treatment as well as the operation costs because the hydraulic load is reduced. 4. Another side effect may be material recovery from treatment residues or concentrates. This may reduce material purchasing costs or become another source of income.

higher than what is really needed in

5. Industrial effluent treatment and

production. Many production processes

utilisation can be done with compact,

However, this calculation is not entirely

do not require potable water. It is also a

customised side stream plants that

correct for several reasons:

waste to use potable water for sanitary

offer all flexibility production lines and

purposes. Therefore, it may not even be

effluent characteristics demand for.

necessary for a water recycling process

Ideally, these plants are modular and

to achieve potable water quality.

can easily be extended as the production

wastewater is higher than for fresh water.

1. Industrial effluents must be treated in any case, so these costs already exist. For a cost comparison with fresh water, only the additional costs to achieve

3. Instead of an end-of-the-pipe full

the required water quality should be

stream effluent treatment, it may be

48 FDPP -


Industrial Effluent Treatment & Utilisation

Light At the End of The Membrane The trying times over the last few years, have proved challenging to the food and drinks sectors for the continued operation of their manufacturing and production facilities. With ever increased lockdowns on travel, WEHRLE have been able to provide remote support to their existing and new clients, as well as develop enhanced support packages using augmented virtual reality. This new system has been used to provide day-to-day process stability support, as well as provide technical supervision for the installation and commissioning of new facilities across the other side of the globe. We have continued to help our clients meet and improve on their sustainability goals, using tailored inhouse technologies, for the generation of renewable energy and recycled water and WEHRLE continues to provide, local engineering support through its global engineering network. WEHRLE are a 160-year-old family run business, located in Southwest Germany. Its UK division is based in Bloxham, Oxfordshire and has been operating for over 20 years. Should you require further information please contact: or visit our website.

NSK Life-Lube® bearings improve the reliability of vegetable washing operations The food industry demands many

To overcome these issues, increasing

which is a thermoplastic polyester

prerequisites of its bearings, not least

numbers of vegetable processing

(PBT) housing that provides corrosion

long service life, high-speed capability,

facilities are identifying NSK’s Life-

resistance and eliminates any risk of

hygienic operation and robust

Lube® series as the optimum bearing

contamination from painted or coated

sealing technology. Without these

choice for demanding applications

surfaces. The housing also features

attributes, food plants will incur higher

such as washing systems.

nitrile rubber seals to prevent the

production downtime, both of which

Life-Lube® bearing units comprise

cleaning chemicals from repeated

impact upon bottom-line profitability.

two key components, the first of

washdown procedures. In comparison

maintenance costs and unscheduled

50 FDPP -

ingress of contamination and water/

Ideal for any operations where contact with process fluids is unavoidable, NSK LifeLube® bearing units are available in bore sizes from 20-40 mm. significant downtime and reduced production. The company would often have to change its bearings every six weeks. NSK performed a bearing failure analysis and application review as part of its AIP Added Value Programme. In particular, NSK conducted a process mapping exercise of the carrot washing operation, identifying problematic areas for the bearings. The analysis revealed that the ingress of hard-particle contamination and washdown fluids were significantly reducing bearing life.

In effect, the lubricant of the standard bearings was washing out, leading to premature failures. The expert team of NSK specialists recommended Life-Lube® bearing units featuring Molded-Oil inserts, with a subsequent trial demonstrating vastly improved bearing life. No failures had occurred after a year of operation. The vegetable processing company is now enjoying significant annual cost savings, with reduced downtime and maintenance, as well as increased productivity. Ideal for any operations where contact with process fluids is unavoidable, NSK Life-Lube® bearing units are available in bore sizes from 20-40 mm. To ensure design flexibility, housings come in various types, including two-bolt, fourbolt, pillow block and take-up units.

with standard bearings, users of Life-Lube® units can reduce or even eliminate the annual costs associated with maintenance and downtime. The stainless-steel insert of the LifeLube® series features NSK’s proprietary Molded-Oil cavity, which contains a lifetime of lubricating oil and polyolefin resin so that no re-lubrication is required – again reducing maintenance costs. Among a growing number of food plants enjoying the benefits of LifeLube® bearing units is a premium vegetable processing company. The facility was previously experiencing frequent bearing failures on a highvolume carrot washing line, causing

FDPP - 51

New oil-free compressor eliminates contamination risk and reduces costs for food & beverage producers The safety of food and beverage production in the UK is set to take another step forward in 2022 with the introduction of next generation oil-free compressors from leading industrial compressor brand, ALUP, which have also been designed to reduce operating costs. From the packaging of eggs to baked goods and brewing to vegetables, the need for pure compressed air is a critical part of the production process, to ensure the safety of products from ‘farm to table’. With increasingly stringent legislation surrounding health and hygiene in the food and beverage supply chain, ALUP’s new OF 20-75 line of oil-free rotary tooth compressors delivers class zero 100%

levels of air purity demanded by food and

approved Oil-Free distributor partners,

oil-free air and eliminates the risk of any

beverage producers.


contamination. As well as the enhancements to product

“With food and beverage producers

As there is no lubrication in the

safety, the launch of oil-free technology

facing increased energy costs, as well

compression cycle of the machine,

enables food and beverage producers to

as pressure to achieve safer and more

ALUP’s oil-free technology delivers

save time and money by removing the

sustainable production, the use of

‘Class Zero’ compressed air, that is

need for regular monitoring, cleaning,

oil-free technology offers a significant

and maintenance of oil filters, thereby

advancement in more environmentally-

contributing to lower operating costs.

friendly compressors, that avoid risk to

certified* to be 100% free of any traces of oil or other contaminants, which meets the stringent BRC (British Retail

products, expensive product recalls and

Consortium) Global Standards, as

With energy costs accounting for up

well as the Food and Beverage Grade

to 70% of the total operating cost of

Compressed Air Best Practice Guidelines

a compressor over a five-year period,

issued by BCAS (British Compressed

ALUP’s variable speed compressors in

“ALUP remains committed to improving

Air Society). Innovations made by ALUP

its oil-free models match the supply and

efficiency and commercial value across

replace previous generation oil-injected

demand of the air. As the food production

the food production sector, so our new

compressors, that rely on downstream

industry generally has a constantly

OF compressors feature ALUP’s latest

filtration to achieve the required high

fluctuating requirement for compressed

Airlogic² Touch controller with integrated

air, selecting a variable speed drive

ICONS, which provides monitoring

compressor to meet a differing air

and control capabilities to maximise

demand profile can reduce overall energy

compressor reliability and performance.

consumption by as much as 35%, on

This also helps producers to schedule


optimum service windows, predict

Commenting on the launch of its oil-free compressors, Mark Keen, Business Line

52 FDPP -

brand reputation, as well as delivering a lower total cost of ownership.

any risk of failure and measure overall machine health.”

Manager at MultiAir UK & Ireland, which

supplies ALUP machines via a network of



OF SERIES 20 -75 V 100% Oil-Free Air | Class Zero | Low Cost of Ownership Energy Efficient | Superior Build | Compact and Quiet


Smart Storm Designs and Installs Bio Augmentation Treatment Plant for a Popular Northern Brewery The Company Founded in 2013, this Northern Brewery is based in Yorkshire and combines centuries old regional brewing values, with a progressive approach to ingredients and techniques, to produce the highest quality beers. Brewing is across 2 sites, with a 2nd larger brewery established in 2017 to accommodate the increasing popularity of their beers. A new effluent treatment system was needed that could handle the increased capacity required.

T: +44 (0) 1422 363462

The Project The effluent wastewater contains solids from the brewing process and sugars, creating high COD levels. Smart Storm designed a complete effluent treatment system to address these ‘consent to discharge’ parameters:- Lamellar clarifier to drop out solids (1) - pH balancing with acid and caustic (2 & 3) - Bio Augmentation with strains of bacterium specifically designed for brewery effluent, reducing the Chemical Oxygen Demand (4)

The Effluent Treatment System uses Smart Storm’s own range of intuitive monitoring instruments to allow accurate monitoring and enable continuous treatment of the effluent from the brewing process.


The Outcome - Laurence Dowson Operations Manager “It was a pleasure to see the project through from Design to Installation, ensuring that current and future levels of wastewater will be environmentally compliant”.

Evidence of environmental compliance is critical and Smart Storm’s systems provide accurate flow measurement for billing purposes and effluent compliance.


(2) (4)

Contact Smart Storm for all your Trade Effluent needs!


Gastrace from ESS the ultimate tool in food grade gases monitoring Fast, accurate detection of contamination in Food Grade Gases. Food grade gases are subject to highly stringent control measures and the likelihood is that these controls will tighten. GasTrace from ESS offers the perfect solution for monitoring impurities in food grade gases. With low parts per billion detection limits and a response time of just 120mS all results are in real time. GasTrace is capable of monitoring up to 64 individual contaminants in gases such as CO2 and N2, and has the capability for automated operation from up to 64 sample points with time and date stamped individual data files for each. The ability to provide fully quantitative measurements in real time gives you the assurance that the gas you are using in food and drink packing is free from harmful impurities and reinforces the quality control that you need. | 01606 49400

54 FDPP -


The JDN Mini Food Grade is an air hoist specifically designed to meet the requirements of the food and beverage industry. This includes a motor housing of uncoated cast aluminium, along with stainless steel components. The motor is lubricated by a physiologically safe fully synthetic special grease. The chain lubricant is food grade approved. ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE

• Corrosion resistant • Resistant to high levels of humidity • Easy to clean • Suitable for high pressure cleaners • Ex-proof YOUR BENEFITS

• Decrease of the total costs of ownership (TCO) • Safe processes in the production • Availability 24/7 • Easy and quick maintenance direct at the operation site

CONTACT US JDN UK | | +44 (0) 1224 722 751


Air Knives

Enclosure Coolers

Air Nozzles

for blow off or drying

for all location ratings

for targeted blow off

Effectively blow off water and debris from bottles, cans, films, sheets, packages & conveyors

Keep electrical enclosures cool, clean and protected

Up to 25 times more blow off power

High velocity, laminar air curtain Available in 6-24” lengths

265 - 1465 watts of cooling capacity IP 66 & ATEX certifications in Zones 1, 2, 21 & 22

More efficient blow off reduces operating costs by up to 80% Reach tight spaces Reduce noise levels by as much as 60%

Reducing Energy Usage up to 50% for Industrial Sectors To mark the new year, Wanner International has announced that it can reduce the total energy usage by up to a half for some industries that rely heavily on pumps for their processes. The company is focusing on the importance of reducing energy consumption in the wake of COP26, and wants to highlight that it is playing its part in making a more sustainable future a reality. Wanner provides pumps for a range of industries across the globe, from oil and gas, through to food production, chemical and pharmaceutical production.

pumps, and squeezing carbon out of the

displacement action and minimal

Of course, it can’t on its own solve the


internal losses achieve high efficiencies

carbon crisis, but what it is doing is

from pump shaft to hydraulic power;

examining every pump it manufactures,

Choosing the right pump technology

this combined with the wide range

helping customers reduce energy usage

can have an effect on energy usage.

of flow rate controllability ensures

by careful placement of Hydra-Cell®

The Hydra-Cell® pump’s true positive

optimum energy usage.

56 FDPP -

Alternative pump technologies with inherent internal losses, which get larger as internal parts wear, start to become lower in efficiency as the discharge pressure goes above 10 bar and only gets worse with increasing pressure. Some of Wanner’s Hydra-Cell® pumps have been reliably operating in the field for a quarter of a century plus, which again frees resources that can be devoted into improving sustainability. Considering that some industries in which Wanner operates, such as oil and gas, are shifting heavily into renewables, the flexibility of the Hydra-Cell® pump to handle many different liquids coupled with its high energy efficiency and reliability has a large role to play in reducing the carbon footprint. Paul Davis, Wanner International’s managing director commented: “Switch on your TV and you will see climate disasters around the world taking lives, homes, livelihoods and destroying ecosystems. From soaring temperatures causing wildfires that

South Asia. Around the world, everyone is being affected by climate change. “And everyone needs to be part of the solution. We are dedicated to enabling our customers to save energy, to save resources and we hope that with our leadership, they will follow this example across the whole of their supply chains.”

ravaged Greece and Australia to

unprecedented levels of rainfall that


led to severe flooding in Germany and


Wanner provides pumps for a range of industries across the globe, from oil and gas, through to food production, chemical and pharmaceutical production.

FDPP - 57

EMBELIA, first European distributor to obtain ISO 15378 certification ISO 15378 is the most exacting quality

comply with customer requirements

additional requirements were gradually

standard specifically intended for

and applicable legal and regulatory

deployed to all our processes both in

primary packaging suppliers to the

requirements, by engaging in a

terms of infrastructure, traceability,

pharmaceutical industry. EMBELIA, a

continuous improvement process which

organization, training, and most of all using a risk-based approach.”

major player in packaging, active in the

aims for excellence. Its scope covers the

design, development, distribution of

design, manufacture (GMP) and logistics

complete primary packaging solutions:

of primary packaging items for medicinal

Stéphane Vigier, General Manager

containers, closure accessories,

products. It includes criteria concerning

of EMBELIA, says: “The ISO 15378

decorations and associated services,

manufacturing batches and their

standard is very exacting. This

is the first distributor in Europe to

traceability, control of environmental

certification rewards the magnificent

obtain this certification. Beyond the

conditions (cleanliness and hygiene),

work done by our teams on a daily basis.

pharmaceutical industry, this level of

validation of critical processes and

It is a guarantee for all our customers

know-how and requirement will benefit

risk management. The pharmaceutical

beyond those of the pharmaceutical

all EMBELIA’s customers whatever their

industry expects their primary packaging

industry and for all our customers’

sector of activity, cosmetics, beauty,

suppliers to comply with this standard.

customers, be they patients or critical

wellness, food supplements, CBD, parapharmaceuticals, etc.


The aim of the ISO 15378 is to ensure

Stéphane Hourdin, Quality Manager

patient safety. Certified companies must

at EMBELIA explains: “The project

demonstrate their ability to consistently

was initiated in 2019 based on the

provide products and services that

quality system in place: ISO 9001. The

58 FDPP -

consumers. We bring them real and lasting security. The fact that we are the first in our field to obtain this certification is naturally a source of pride for the whole team.”

IMA has been providing customers with the finest measurement and analysis solutions since 1991–utilising the latest technology and innovation available.

Our aim is to work with our customers, combining our expertise with our customer’s knowledge of their operations, to provide bespoke measurement solutions for that company’s needs. We specialise in improving measurement and process efficiency for a range of applications and processes, here are just a few: • Ultra-fast gas chromatography for gas and liquid concentrations • Oil on water leak detection • Steam water analysis and sample systems • Oil in water • Dew point • Relative humidity, and • Watercut measurement Ad dre ss:IMA LTD, 1G S apper J or dan R o ssi P ark , Baildon , B D17 7AX Ph on e:+44 1943 878877 Em k We bsit e:

NDC Technologies’ measurement systems enable food manufacturers to increase processing efficiencies and product quality NDC Technologies works closely with leading food manufacturers to enable them to better control product quality and improve process performance. In several food industries, such as snack foods, breakfast foods, biscuits, cookies and crackers, NDC’s nearinfrared on-line gauges and at-line food analyzers are fit-for-purpose solutions, delivering high-accuracy and robust measurements that are trusted for process optimization and control.

International food manufacturers are realizing immediate value with NDC’s new Series 9 on-line gauge. multi-component measurements of moisture, fat/oil, protein, degree of bake and other constituents. Stable, ultra-accurate measurements coupled


with high-performance capabilities

International food manufacturers are

process at peak efficiency, deliver

realizing immediate value with NDC’s

the highest quality products and

new Series 9 on-line gauge. This

maximize KPIs. Series 9 is easy to

next-generation solution is designed

use and maintain, and adaptable and

for process optimization, allowing

scalable to meet current and future site

production plants to perform single- or


60 FDPP -

enable manufacturers to operate their

INFRALAB PROVIDES AT-LINE FOOD ANALYSIS NDC’s InfraLab at-line analyzer provides fast, precise measurements of moisture, fat/oil, protein and degree of bake in single- or multiple-component configurations. It’s intuitive and easy to use, requiring no special skills to operate. Analysis can be performed in less than 5 seconds, delivering substantial savings through cost reduction from routine sampling. More representative sampling enables you to enhance product quality and consistency. Measurements are robust and reliable, and not affected by product and ambient changes such as temperature, relative humidity and factory lighting.

Are you batch mixing in vessels and frequently changing recipes ?

Are ingredient inaccuracies caused by human error or poor repeatability from dosing/filling equipment creating high product losses ?

Are frequent clean downs between recipe changeovers leaving you with restricted production hours ?

An innovative in-line continuous precision dosing and mixing concept 2 3



1 Transfer




PCM Group UK ltd specialise in supplying fluid handling solutions tailored for the food industry. We can offer innovative technologies which can offer the following advantages : • Smaller footprint of equipment will free up valuable floor space • Reduce cleaning times and cleaning chemicals • Curtail ingredient losses during recipe changeovers • Precision ingredient dispensing offers further cost savings • Dispensing rate can adapt to the production rate offering greater flexibility • Reduce human errors




Our wealth of experience in the food industry will cover many of your concerns such as : • Handling viscous ingredients with delicate solid particulates • Gently converying shear sensitive products • Abrasive slurries causing premature wear to processing equipment • Plug and play skid mounted systems engineered to integrate seamlessly into your existing processes • Friendly and knowlegable customer support staff are always here to help with all types of queries • Aftersales support to minimise equipment downtime and optimise maintenance regime


+44 (0)1536 740 200

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WASTE2FUNC builds platform to convert food waste into bioplastics and biosurfactants WASTE2FUNC, a European BBI-JU funded project has been granted a 6,7 M€ budget to build a platform to efficiently collect food waste from agriculture, food industry, supermarkets, auctions and restaurants. These food wastes are currently often discarded, left on the field or incinerated and thus show no value. They will become valuable raw materials to be converted into bioplastics and biosurfactants, with applications in cosmetics, household – and personal care products. This conversion process uses industrial biotechnology. The project brings together 12 partners

WASTE2FUNC will contribute to a more sustainable industry by using renewable resources and by its circular approach. will decrease CO2 emissions by at least 20%, increase value from waste 2-10 fold and create jobs for the primary and downstream sector in Belgium and Europe. Currently, food waste flows, such as fruit and vegetables that don’t meet

rot on the field, are discarded or even incinerated, which leads to unnecessary CO2 emissions. WASTE2FUNC can offer a solution to this problem. Project Coordinator Sofie Lodens explains: “These emissions can be avoided by using these streams to convert them in to high-value products. TripleW, an Israeli/Belgian SME and Ghent University together with the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant have developed technology to convert mixed batches of food waste into functional ingredients, more specific lactic acid and

from 5 countries, including SMEs, large

the standards or bad batches from food

microbial biosurfactants respectively,

enterprises such as Croda, Evonik

processing companies that no longer

that can be used for the production of

and Ecover, research institutes and

can be sold, often don’t have a potential

bioplastics and personal- and home care

agricultural associations. The platform

end-use route. Consequently, they just

applications respectively.

62 FDPP -

WASTE2FUNC will build a logistic

Twelve partners from five countries

of establishing a biorefinery in which

platform to collect the agricultural and

including several SMEs and three large

functional molecules can be made

food waste and will demonstrate the

industries are involved to convert the

from all this collected food waste in a

conversion technology at large scale. ”

collected waste into functional molecules

sustainable and economically profitable

to be applied in market products. Sofie

way. These functional molecules can

Lodens explains: “TripleW already started

subsequently be used as building blocks

their lactic acid production batches in

for bioplastics and as ingredients in

their demonstration plant on the site

cosmetics, in biological detergents

of Group Op de Beeck in Kallo, Belgium.

and in numerous other applications.

Ghent University and Bio Base Europe

WASTE2FUNC will contribute to a more

Pilot Plant recently established the

sustainable industry by using renewable

spin-off company “Amphi-star” to bring

resources and by its circular approach.

The first challenge is the establishment of the logistic platform allowing efficient collection of food waste streams without end use. To this end, the project will develop a registration website/app that can be used to register food waste flows from the agriculture and food industry for collection by a waste collector. Farmers will be intensively consulted on how the project can make the collection of such food wastes worthwhile for them and what compensation should be given in return and thus look into a new revenue model for farmers. In addition, consultations will be held about the

their technology for the production of microbial biosurfactants to the market.”

This will decrease CO2 emissions by

The functional ingredients produced

at least 20% compared to the current

within the project, will then be tested

production processes of these molecules

and evaluated in end products by large

and increase value from waste 2-10

companies such as Evonik, Croda and

fold and create (high-tech) jobs for


the primary and downstream sector in

availability of these waste streams, both

The ultimate goal at the end of the

among farmers and the (food) industry.

project is to understand the potential

Belgium and Europe.

FDPP - 63

Benefits of New Jar from Berry Stack Up A new stackable jar from Berry Global

The jar provides safe and easy handling

offers a valuable space saving solution

for consumers. After use, it is ideal as a

on retail shelves, through e-commerce

storage container and can be recycled

channels and in the home. At the same

where appropriate recycling facilities

time, the jar provides excellent consumer


convenience, and its effective product

This latest design underlines Berry’s

protection, reusability and recyclability

expertise in devising solutions in line

enhance its environmental profile.

with customer requirements, as John The innovative design of the 500ml

Richardson, General Manager of the

Staka jar incorporates a 63mm recess in

Berry Corby facility, explained:

the base into which the accompanying 63mm cap, also from Berry as part of a complete container and closure solution, fits snugly. This allows the jars to be easily stacked and remain very stable.

For food manufacturers and processors, the wide mouth of the jar ensures easy filling.

“Many of our customers have approached us recently, keen to develop stackable jars for all sorts of products from spices and sauces for our food clients to lubricants in the commercial

The cap itself can be specified in a

For food manufacturers and processors,

variety of colours, while the eye-catching

the wide mouth of the jar ensures easy

‘square round’ design of the Staka jar is

filling. Its multilayer construction also

ideal for labelling or sleeving, creating

allows hot filling and delivers effective

For more information on Berry’s wide

excellent brand identity and individuality

product protection for an extended shelf

range of packaging solutions, visit

on shelf.

life that helps to minimise food waste.

64 FDPP -

sector, so we feel confident that there is a need for this design.”



Waste plastic bottles, bags & containers are collected from beaches and riverbanks by local people who are paid for their services – these are taken to local centres for sorting and the recycling process begins.

Coastal regions are an increasingly important source of waste plastic. Every year millions of bottles are collected and reprocessed to make plastic containers, bottles and products that can be used and recycled over & over again.


in 2021 introduced Biojet®. In simple terms, this is Retran® with an additive that stimulates and accelerates the biodegrading process.

One of the most exciting developments in the plastic packaging industry is our ability to access and reprocess the post-consumer waste found on our beaches, riverbanks and along the perimeters of our oceans.

Whilst both of these products have been hugely successful, we recognised that even more needed to be done. Bell have worked throughout the pandemic, to identify reliable sources of plastic derived from the ocean. In simple terms this is “Reused Ocean Plastic”.

Unfortunately, plastic is now seen as a bad product – yet out of sight, beneath the surface of our oceans, there are millions of tons of other waste packaging made from glass, paperboard and metal that do not float and therefore cannot be seen.

The polymer used to produce the new packaging is being sourced from companies who organise local communities to collect plastic waste from beaches, riverbanks and ocean perimeters. Generally, these are communities who do not have the infrastructure for waste management but by paying local people to collect the plastic and deliver it to recycling facilities, the problem is reduced.

Plastic has become a key focus on social media and in television documentaries, with politicians and supermarkets looking for ways to enhance their green credentials and promote a greener world. There can be no excuse for rubbish being discarded into the environment and Bell are one of the first companies in Europe to endorse and support the collection and recycling of these materials. In 2019 Bell launched Retran® - a polyester-based material containing a minimum 70% recycled content. The credentials of this material are very high – pharmaceutical and food grade, with excellent clarity and full certification. The product has been hugely successful and nearly 80% of our customers around the world have switched to this exciting new product. The 70% recycled content meets the new plastic packaging tax being introduced in April 2022, however Bell recognised the need to keep moving forward and

As we have all seen, there are large quantities of plastic waste floating in the sea. If we can help to collect and reuse some of this waste, and turn it back into useful products, then we are taking a significant step forward towards a better global environment. The new material has been extensively tested and meets the minimum strength requirements of our processes. It has excellent optical qualities and our testing to date reports that there has been no difference in the performance of the new material, compared to Retran®, Jetran® or Biojet® packaging. Bell Packaging have started converting Reused Ocean Plastic for our forming and insert divisions, with tubing & boxes to follow in 2022. Samples and more information are available from our offices in Luton.

+44 (0) 1582 459292

Vogelsang launches RedUnit XRL260 industrial grinder for high throughput quantities Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG has further developed its RedUnit grinding system and launches the RedUnit XRL260, its largest industrial grinder up to date. The new RedUnit reduces large quantities of solid materials in a short time and is therefore ideal for processing abattoir waste, food waste and recycling materials. Two geared motors, each with up to 37 kW, ensure high throughput performance of up to 100 m3/h. Lateral service hatches – part of the new Vogelsang service concept – offer direct, simplified access to the rotors. In addition, it is now easier to remove foreign bodies, since the fill area of the machine no longer requires elaborate clearing. “Our customers in the meat-, food and recycling industries need a high performance grinder for reliable, flexible processing of even large quantities of material. For example, during the current widespread bird flu in Germany, many

Two geared motors, each with up to 37 kW, ensure high throughput performance of up to 100 m3/h.

culled animals had to be destroyed

for companies to even further enhance

quickly; the RedUnit XRL260 proved

their process efficiency with our new

to be a real problem solver here,” says

industrial grinder.”

Harald Vogelsang, CEO of Vogelsang

during maintenance or replacement. One person can demount the ripper rotors independently. Removing the feed and discharge systems is unnecessary. Vogelsang thus has boosted the system’s availability and cut the downtime of the machine to a minimum. Support feet, a filling shaft or a system solution for easy integration with existing installations are also available as additional options.

prioritizing factors like throughput,


cleaning, maintenance and downtime

The RedUnit’s core features two ripper

XRL260-800, XRL260-1200 and

during development, we make it possible

rotors, which are each driven by their

XRL260-1600 with various blade sizes.

own motor. Users can individually guide

All models feature continuous height

the rotation direction and speed of the

adjustment. The RedUnit XRL260-1600

respective rotors. If materials block

is the biggest grinder in the series with

GmbH & Co. KG. Furthermore: “By

the rotors, they reverse and the foreign bodies can

a floor area of 1.80 x 3.60 meters. Customers can borrow this model to test

be removed through the

it in their business or rent it on a long-

lateral hatches. Moreover,

term basis.

the hatches offer direct,

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The grinder is available in the sizes

You can find an explanatory video on

easy access to the rotors. As

the new product and more information

a result, the latter are easy to reach


with the associated installation tools



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