Miami Kids Magazine issue 702

Page 11

• Learn CPR. It could save a life.

• Are Old “Popular ” Phrases Always True?

• Affordable Care Act

Summer Camp Guide #1 Sponsored by

• Santa’s Workshop, followed by the

of the Elves

FEBRUARY-MARCH 2023 NUMBER 702 11 13 15 40 32 38 PAG. PAG. PAG. PAG. PAG. PAG. Parenting
Valentine’s Gift Guide Social Community Feature Celebrating Valentine’s Day Learning to Love Ourselves! Branches is celebrating its 50th anniversary. 22 PAG. The Story of Cherubino
PAG. 24
Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 6
Readers’ Choice Award

Welcome, 2023!


During December, New year, new goals, and on page 6 you will have a great article on how to teach your kids to set realistic goals as individuals and as a family!

our readers had a chance to vote for their favorite business based on their value and service in many different categories. In this issue, we are revealing the winners! Congratulations to all of you!

We started this first issue of the year with a super interview and also on the cover page Ron Magill, the very well-known American wildlife expert and Communications Director at Zoo Miami. Don’t miss the interview on pages 20 and 21, and also the behind the scenes pictures and videos coming up on our social media pages.

Love is in the air, and on the cover page, we wanted to introduce you to a brand we LOVE. “Cherubino” an European brand now in the USA impressed me as a mom for the quality of their pieces. As parents, we are always looking for the comfort of our children and Cherubino is here to bring comfort to their everyday life. Read a full interview on pages 22 and 23 with Renata Doralieva CEO of the brand.

As requested by many parents, our best and most complete guide for the summer, Summer Camp Guide number I sponsored by iSwim Academy on pages 22 and 23.

February is the month of love and we have a Valentines Gift Guide for the entire family. In March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day and we have some ideas of activities to do with the family.

How can we love others if we don’t love ourselves? Check out this beautiful article on page 11 by our talented writer Diane Landsberg. And if we talk about love, nothing better than rewarding our loved ones with a significant present. Check out page 38 “Valentine’s Gift Guide” with many cute ideas for the entire family! Remember that you can always create something with your own hands! Stay tuned for some ideas on our social media pages and newsletter!

We are proud that during the month of January, we were able to give away a toiletry basket that includes a hand sanitizer, face mask, hand soap, towel, and a toothbrush to one reader per day on our social media pages. We hope that while having the virus around, we maintain social distancing and keep washing our hands and taking the respective precautions.

If you want to prepare in advance on where your children will go for camp this year,our good friend Nick Bevilacqua and ISwim Academy will deliver one more time our Spring and Summer Camp Guide I on page 24. Get ready and start learning with the best options in town.

I send much love to you and your family, and thank you for reading our magazine!

Cheers to all of us, we are here for you, stronger than ever and ready to provide you with great articles, keep planning great events, and continue with our mission to integrate exceptional kids into society!


Karla C. Richey

Karla C. Richey


Enrique Chavez Pincilotti


Enrique Chavez Pincilotti



Diane Landsberg

Diane Landsberg

The American Heart Association

The American Heart Association

Coach Nick Bevilacqua

Coach Nick Bevilacqua

Nelly Lusich

Nelly Lusich

Maruja Campojo


Nelly Lusich

Ingrid Menendez

Sara Pattison



Karla C. Richey

Nelly Lusich



Claudia Del Castillo

Karla C. Richey



Lucia Galeano

Claudia Del Castillo



Enrique Tubio

Enrique Tubio



Noor Barakat


Jhonn Rivera


Jhonn Rivera


Kenneth & Valeria Richey

WWW.MIAMIKIDSMAGAZINE.COM © 2023 Miami Kids, LLC. All rights reserved. Issue 702. Miami Kids™ Magazine is published bimonthly in the USA. Reproduction in whole or in partial without written permission is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisements.
This is our first issue of the year, and we are very proud to start the year by announcing the winners of the Readers Choice Awards.
Happy 2021! We are super excited for this new year with much hope and expectations for good things to happen for all of us!
The vaccines are here! We are happy that our elderly and first responders are getting the vaccine and soon most of us are going to get it also.
WWW.MIAMIKIDSMAGAZINE.COM @MiamiKidsMagazine @MiamiKidsMagazine © 2021 Miami Kids, LLC. All rights reserved. Issue 502. Miami Kids™ Magazine is published bimonthly in the USA. Reproduction in whole or in partial without written permission is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisements.
Miami Kids Magazine February - March 2021 6 @MiamiKidsMagazine @MiamiKidsMagazine Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 8

Celebrating Valentine’s Day Learning to Love !


The next holiday coming up is Valentine’s Day. It is when we express love for our spouses, parents, children, friends, and everyone else. This year I would suggest you express love to yourself. I am not suggesting you become a Narcissist (frequently attached to politicians). Self-love means accepting yourself as you are. As a parent, practicing self-love is a wonderful example to show to your children. If our children experience self-love, they can also experience self-worth and self-esteem. When all these positive concepts are in place, positive self-directed behavior will surly follow. This can help ensure that they are less likely to become a target of bullying and display their good character not to bully others. What better gift of example can you provide as a parent to teach self-confidence and self-compassion for oneself and others.

Something to think about…. How many times have you looked at your reflection in a mirror and said out loud or thought, “I hate my hair. Look at this ugly pimple, dark circles, wrinkles. I look so fat in this outfit. And too often, much worse! If a friend walked up to you and stated anything like this to you, they would no longer be your friend. So it is important that you stop saying these hurtful

things to yourself and focus on self-love, which motivates you to make healthy choices in your daily life.

The way to practice self-love is to start by being kind, patient, compassionate and gentle to yourself. Think of it as how you try to treat others, because you care about them. It is a way of showing appreciation and value of them, while paying attention to their happiness and well-being.

A few ways to learn self-love are to accept how you are feeling, retrain your thoughts, admit your flaws and take action to fix them, forgive yourself, learn to say no to others, and practice positive affirmations with your children. I watched a video that had a daughter crying, and her father picked her up with a hug and told her to repeat after him. He said: I am beautiful, I am smart, I am strong, I am special, I get better each day, I am an unstoppable force of nature. By the end, she was no longer crying….but I was! I was so

moved, and after watching that video, I knew I had the topic for this article. So this Valentine’s Day, tell yourself how much you love yourself. Then share it with your family. I can guarantee it will be your best Valentine’s Day ever!

11 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine


Nicole Tetreault, her husband, Brian, and their 2-year-old daughter, Ella, had eaten breakfast and taken a walk. Nicole hadn’t been feeling well since Friday. She’d had a headache and was nauseous. But on Sunday she was feeling better. She’d missed several days of exercising and was eager to get back to the gym.

She joined a late morning class at her fitness club near her home in Alpharetta, Georgia. When she arrived, she noticed a newcomer standing next to her.

During the first few minutes of warmup, before the high-intensity class began, Nicole saw herself in the mirror and thought, “I look tired. I’m not going to push myself today.”

A few minutes later, 37-year-old Nicole picked up a weight for the first set of workouts and collapsed. She shook uncontrollably, foamed at the mouth, and turned purple from the chest up. She wasn’t breathing. That newcomer standing next to her? Former cardiac nurse Jen Boyer. She immediately assessed the situation and started CPR. The fitness instructor, Phillip Thomas, a CPR, and AED instructor, ran to get the gym’s automated external defibrillator and had a co-worker call 911.

Once the paramedics took over, they delivered two more shocks and continuous

CPR at the gym before finally getting a pulse and heart rate. They then transported Nicole to the hospital. In the ambulance, her heart stopped again. Again, it was restarted with a defibrillator.

Doctors placed Nicole in a medically induced coma to give her brain time to heal. She woke up three days later. A nurse came into the room shortly after.

“Good evening!” the nurse said. “How are you feeling?”

“Terrible,” Nicole replied.

“Why am I here?”

“You need to call your husband,” she said. “Do you remember your password for your phone?”

“Yeah, of course,” Nicole answered and recited the code. It was ample proof the medical team needed that she’d overcome her ordeal without any brain damage.

This February is Heart Month, and AHA is encouraging every family in America to make sure at least one person in their home knows CPR. Knowing CPR and being able to perform it is a skill set that saves lives each day. More than 350,000 EMS-assessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year in the United States.

When a person has a cardiac arrest, survival depends on immediately receiving CPR from someone nearby. According to the American Heart Association, about 90 percent of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests die. CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.

She was working out at the gym when her heart stopped.
13 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine


IS CELEBRATING ITS 50th Anniversary.

Branches is a local nonprofit that provides life-changing opportunities for hardworking families and their children to break the cycle of poverty. This year, Branches is thrilled to be celebrating its 50th Anniversary thanks to the support of so many volunteers, donors, and partners.

Branches provides two-generational, longterm, holistic services to children and families at three sites across Miami-Dade County –Branches Lakeview (North Miami), Branches South Miami, and Branches Florida City.

Branches’ three signature programs include:

The Grow Program, which prepares elementary students for lifelong success through enrichment of their minds, bodies and hearts. Students develop a love for learning through after-school academic and enrichment activities.

The Climb Program serves middle and high school students, supporting them to succeed in school and life with a focus on college readiness and career preparation.

It includes intensive SAT/ACT test prep, FAFSA guidance, academic support, character-building opportunities, and a four-year scholarship for post-secondary education.

The Achieve Programs serve children and families on their path to financial wellness and include one on one financial coaching, financial education for children, microbusiness development, transportation solutions, VITA free tax preparation, Community IDs, and emergency services.

You can join Branches in celebrating 50 years of serving children and families at the 2023 Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala on Saturday, April 29th, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the JW Marriot Marquis Miami. It will be a fun and philanthropic night under neon lights with games, dinner, live music, dancing, an online auction, and more. Branches youth are ready to challenge anyone to a game of Mario Kart!

Branches is grateful for the generous support of Trish & Dan Bell, who are serving as this year’s Philanthropic Chairs, as well as Karla

and Scott Richey, who are serving as this year’s incredible Gala Chairs.

The event will also honor Ana Veiga Milton and Cecil Milton of The Jose Milton Foundation with the Trish & Dan Bell Community Empowerment Award for their dedicated support of the South Florida community.

The Gala is Branches’ largest fundraiser for the year and supports the services the organization provides to over 15,000 individuals, including hundreds of students who receive daily after-school enrichment and academic support, plus thousands of adults who receive financial wellness services.

Tickets and sponsorships for the 2023 Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala are available at

To learn more about Branches and how to get involved, visit or email

15 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine


These parents also did not have kids with ten different devices on them where we could track their every movement and even know how many calories they’ve burned today. Our parents did not have that luxury. On the pool deck, I have been told several tall tales about what is true and untrue about when and where I can swim.

What are some tales we still use, even though our kids can google them and see they are not true, just a tool or means of control? Here are the three I hear most, so I decided to ask some doctor friends and clients as well as do a solid internet search for answers. You will not believe what I found… (some of you still won’t believe me!)

1. “Swimming after eating.”

This is the easiest one to debunk; if this were true, humans couldn’t do anything after eating. If they are overloaded and you’d rather your kid not walk much as you think they may wobble or fall over, then year, no swimming yet. Swimming between bites won’t do much to them if they have a normal day and lunch.

2.“Smells like chlorine means too much chlorine.”

I have been in pools, lakes, creeks, ponds, oceans, bays, and more as far back as I can remember. I was raised long before we could perform an internet search and verify the anecdotal stories our parents and grandparents would use around us to scare us, keep us in line, act accordingly, or at least bend to their will.

This one is more just an understating of science, and as our children remind us of their subjects, some subjects don’t jive with us. For me, it’s English (which is weird because I was born here), but yeah, I couldn’t tell you what a past participle is. I don’t know what a future or present one is either. ;)

You can do a quick little experiment to see how this works: fill up a glass halfway with tap water, put it near the window, in sunlight if you can, and come back in about 30 minutes. Do you smell the “chlorine”? That is because you changed the PH of the water, and now you smell the difference. Don’t ask me what that means for our tap water…

3. “Wet hair, or it’s cold outside, or it’s raining, so I can’t go in the pool because it makes me sick.”

This is just blatantly false. Humans get sick from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and microscopic things—the end.

Of all the myths about a pool, this is my least favorite. Mostly because science has proven this over and over, and it is often the epitome of the disconnect between parent and child. The parent often doesn’t want to parent, so they rely on misinformation to guide their child. Have you ever wondered what will happen when your kid finds out that many of the things you tell them are untrue? That you are a liar…? That you used this information for your convince… No bueno my friends, no bueno. Check yourself and help guide your child. Learn together, grow together, and you will stay together. I believe a family that prays together stays together. What you have to do is adjust your definition of prayer.

I love you all!

Peace and thanks, Coach Nick

17 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine

Affordable Care Act

It had never been so easy to be covered for a pediatric, emergency, maternity, newborn care, surgeries, and much more while keeping premium costs low. Many families are relying on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) more now in these post-pandemic years than when it was launched in 2013. The law is also known as Obamacare and has suffered many changes throughout the years. One of the most positive has been the stimulus of the Inflation Reduction Act, where many policy owners receive a subsidy that covers most of the premium, which allows them to pay less than $10 a month. That’s a great price tag considering that ACA is as effective as high-premium private insurance.

The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) reported that more than 11.5 million people enrolled for coverage starting in 2023, increasing by 18% from last year’s enrollments. But the subsidy is not the only feature that attracts enrollees. A disease or a pre-existing condition is not a factor in being denied coverage. People rejected previously in private insurance are turning to ACA to cover their health insurance needs. Enrolling is as easy as contacting the National Enrollment Center of Las Madrinas de Los Seguros.

305-MADRINAS 305-623-7462
An interview with Renata Doralieva, owner and CEO of Cherubino. Instagramcherubino-world Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 22

Renata, can you first tell us what Cherubino means?

If you simply take the word - Cherubino, translated from Italian it means “an angelic creature, a Cherub, a child with wings”. It does, however, hold another meaning, and it is the one we took as the foundation for our brand - an innocent child, a little angel.

It is our core belief that children are our future, that they are pure, innocent, and infinitely beautiful, and they deserve, unconditionally, only our strongest love and care, and we are here to provide it.

How did Cherubino start?

Our company has been in the textile industry for over 30 years, and our main business, for the longest time, was textile manufacturing itself. From yarn production to fabrics, step by step, the business grew until, at one point, we felt it was time for us to expand into a clothing line. By then, my father and his partner had been asked by customers to take that step for years, so it was a very smooth and logical transition.

We had expertise in the finest cotton fabrics and a strong design team, so the brand was born very naturally. With time, our product categories kept expanding, from a limited line of onesies to the full line of cotton wear for kids 0-10 years that is designed, tested, and manufactured in-house.

The second generation of owners is not involved in every aspect of the business on a daily basis, which gives us control not only over the cost of the product but also over its

Why did you choose comfortable clothes instead of fancy dresses?

We believe that Children should be Children. As cheesy and old school as it sounds, children are our future, and as adults, it is our mission and responsibility to guide them and nurture the right values in them, to support and encourage their curiosity, need for discovery, passion for the world around them: to climb a tree and run with the wind, fall from that bicycle and get dirty in the rain. This is their school of life and, especially when kids are young, it is more important than ever to provide that comfort and freedom to move however they feel like moving. They will have more than enough opportunities to be fancy but uncomfortable when they grow up. Now is their time to be free. And Cherubino’s mission is to support them at every step along the way!

Why is it important to work with cotton fabric?

Today more and more companies, specifically in the kid’s wear market, turn to artificial fabrics like polyester, nylon, and acrylic. Very few parents, especially young ones, realize that these fabrics are entirely petroleum-based. While they do have great functionality, especially in sports and recreational apparel, they have gone through extensive treatments. They contain a long list of chemicals, some of which are dangerous even for adults, leaving alone the gentle skin of babies and kids.

With the rising amount of skin allergies and sensitivities, it is even more important to keep children’s apparel as natural as possible for as long as possible. Alongside linen, hemp, and silk, cotton is a safe, natural material, long-lasting material that absorbs moisture, is gentle for the skin of even a newborn, is

biodegradable as well as recyclable, and last but not least, is more affordable and comfortable than the rest. On very few occasions and only for the age groups of 2T and older, we do use cotton/polyester or cotton/elastane blend fabrics to achieve certain functionality for our products. However, it is our goal and mission to keep any artificial materials at the bare minimum and only if the blend use is paramount to the quality of the product.

How do you select the designs for the outfits?

Cherubino stands for these 9 qualities: Curious, Humorous, Ethical, Responsible, United, Brave, Innovative, Nature-lover, Optimistic. They are our guiding principles, and they are what we strive to bring to the world and help our little Cherubini become. So every single design needs to incorporate, stand for and promote at least one of these qualities. Every single collection that we bring to the world starts with one or all of these pillars.

Our Spring collection is inspired by Curiosity and the Exploration of two very different but equally exciting worlds.

We invite our Boys to explore the Savannah & Jungle on Earth and fly into Outer space, with a selection of natural patterns, fun, inspiring, and motivating graphics, and a variety of styles.

The Girls, on the other hand, are taking a journey into the world of Art and Selfexpression, where we show Cherubino’s interpretation of the World’s famous art pieces as well as a soft and gentle Watercolor garden pattern that channels the peaceful and harmonious ambiance of the provence.

Why did you choose to expand into the US market?

Unity. It is the United States, it is the country and market that brings the world together and represents it all! We believe in Unity. As second-generation owners, we are children of the world, having lived, studied, and worked in all continents - one has studied in China, one in Europe, and one in the US. As technology is progressing, the world is becoming smaller and larger at the same time; it is more important than ever to understand that we are all the same, we stand for the same values, and, more importantly, we want the same future for our children: one full of peace, happiness, and prosperity. That is why the United States for Cherubino means the world. What better place to find to represent everything and everyone, to represent hope for a brighter future and the opportunity to have it?

23 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine

Sponsored by



iSwim Academy, managed by Coach Nick, is a fun way for children to learn and improve pool safety and swimming. The classes are 30 minutes long and iSwim Academy offers both private and group classes. The academy offers a more advanced workout program for kids focused on swimming. We can come to you, or you can come to us!

Phone: 305-456-0518




Summertime is here, and that means it’s time to start booking your summer camp cupcake & Donut decorating experience to your preschool, school, or summer camp program. Starting at ages 3+ we have a sweet and memorable experience for all.



In our Summer Cooking Camp, we teach your kids to have fun, eat healthy, develop or hone their cooking skills, experiment in the kitchen, improve math and reading skills...all in a fun way, while expanding their culinary palate.

Address: 570 NE 81st Street, Miami FL 33138

Phone: (786) 395-0355

Website: summer-camp/


Do what you love this Summer at ASC! Theatre classes for every age, every discipline and every level! Take part in our most popular summer camp, Broadway Bites, or take private lessons with industry professionals. Enroll in our Conservatory production of The Little Mermaid Jr to be performed at our Black Box, or audition for our student-professional production of The Little Mermaid to be performed at the Arsht Center.



The Junior Dolphins Summer Football Camp allows boys and girls to spend the summer training like their favorite Dolphins players. This four (4) day camp experience allows junior athletes of all levels to strengthen their football skills while learning in a fun and safe environment.



Camp Shirt, coaching by Junior Dolphins Coaches, appearances by Dolphins Alumni (subject to availability), Dolphins preseason game ticket, chance to win Dolphins prizes and giveaways, camp certificate, access to discounted regular-season Dolphins tickets, official camper photo, opportunity to be apart of the pregame warmup for a game.


Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 24


Global Connection International School is proud to offer a fun, interactive Summer Camp experience for children ages 1 to 12. Our spectacular Summer Camp will offer an array of activities for your children to enjoy. Activities include cooking projects, music education classes, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish classes, water splash days, gardening, field trips and more! Join us for a summer full of fun and exploration!

Address: 2401 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129

Phone: (786) 476-2105

Website: www.globalconnectionpreschool. com


The objective of The Village Montessori summer camp is to create a curriculum that engages children in a fun and exciting way while we continue their academic progress in a safe prepared outdoor and indoor environment within a flexible schedule.

Throughout each of the eight weeks the children will have an opportunity to experience the outdoors, do science, re-create inventions, build replicas of wonders of the world, study famous artists, play soccer and a daily Montessori work cycle!

Phone: 305-858-9199 Website: https://www.


White Tiger and Dragon Martial Arts offers kempo karate/brazilian jiu-jitsu/mixed martial arts/kickboxing and self-defense. These classes promote a sense of physical and psychological well-being. The main goal is for students to learn independence and selfconfidence that can be used inside and outside of the dojo.

Phone: (305) 505-4919

Address: 3051 SW 28th St, Coconut Grove, FL 33133


Children ages 5-11can spring into science at Spring Camp: Destination Excavationatthe Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science from Monday, March 20 to Friday, March 24, 2023. They’ll spend their break exploring the museum, watching a Frost Planetarium show, and learning through hands-on science experiments and activities.

Register today! springcamp

Location: Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, 1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami FL, 33132


Is a community of 40 Maine overnight camps and a comprehensive camp-planning resource. Each summer, 20,000+ kids come to Maine Camps to unplug, connect with nature, enjoy daily waterfront activities, have fun, make lifelong friendships, learn new skills, and gain confidence and independence. Maine Camps offer top-notch activities (sports, arts, adventures), instruction, supervision, special events, and memorable trips. Camps for ages 7-17. Coed, all boys, all girls, brother/sister options. Full summer (6-7 weeks), half summer (3-4 weeks), or shorter sessions (2 weeks). Free, expert guidance from our Campcierge®: laurie@mainecampexperience. com or visit:; call: 877-92-MAINE


No other camp comes close to I AM Kids Academy!

We make a difference every day. With summer programs full of fun and skill-building experiences that last a lifetime. And a team of year-round professionals committed to your child’s success.A characterbuilding curriculum, expertly designed to explore and expand our campers’ innate talents, curiosities, self-esteem and social skills. I Am Kids Academy’s summer will have a lasting impact on a camper’s growth and development for children 1-7 years old!


Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired provides fun and educational summer camp programs for blind and visually impaired youth and their sighted peers. Through a variety of instructional programs, children ages one to twenty-two have the opportunity to participate in community field trips and specialized activities that promote independence and academic development.

For more information, please call Miami Lighthouse Academy@ 786.362.7483


Crayola Experience Home Adventure provides videoguided, interactive activities – all from the comfort of your home.

Each kit features Crayola FUN with:




Order online and we’ll ship all the Crayola goodies, directions and video links directly to your doorstep! Seasonal kits also available while supplies last.

Website: at-home-shop



NFL FLAG’s no-contact rule and team-oriented environment makes it easy for kids to come together, learn football fundamentals, and most importantlyhave fun. With the NEW Tyreek Hill Flag Football league families will love the easy commitment, with teams only meeting once per week (Saturday or Sunday, depending on location) for a total of 2 hours. Spring leagues are available in Florida for boys and girls pre k-8th grade. Registration ends February 19. If your child wants to be active, make friends, and play on a team, flag football is the perfect opportunity. Sign up online at


Summer at Camp Carrollton is a fun-filled, engaging summer program for girls and boys. We provide children with a high quality, safe and fun learning environment. Camp Carrolton offers several unique experiences in both Day Camp and Specialty Camps! • Camp Carrollton Day Camp (Rising PK 3- 3rd Grade) • Camp Carrollton “Design, Build and Sail” STEM Through Sailing Program (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Art Exploration with The Artsy Hippo (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Food for Thought Cooking C.H.E.F with Chef Alexandra Golovac (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Performing Arts with Movement Miami (Rising 4th through 8th Grade). To register visit our website www.carrollton. org.


Kids will experience high-energy fun, athleticism and art expression at Pinecrest Dance Project’s Dance & Crafts Camp! Days will be filled with a variety of dance styles such as Acro, Salsa, Flamenco, Hip-Hop, and Ballroom. Campers will also enjoy arts and crafts, learn theater techniques, and practice make-up and costume design. Ages 5 to 12, Spring from March 2oth to 24th, Summer June 12th to August 18th, Half Day: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Full Day: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 15% discount when you purchase 4 weeks or more. For more information visit our Website:


We provide an innovative way to create a magical fairy-tale experience that helps build princesses selfesteem as well as promote awareness of self-care through pretend play and dress-up.

Address: 1119 NW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33136 Phone: (305) 450-2933


Let’s move with the music! This summer we’ll be learning how movement can improve musical understanding. With multiple camps, we cater to all ages and levels. Each camp will have field trip opportunities such as performances and workshops. Scholarships available. All abilities are welcome.


Phone: (305) 667-4069



At Atlantis Academy, we serve students with unique abilities. We offer a Kindergarten to 12th-grade program for students with small class sizes in a uniquely small, safe environment. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment to enhance students’ academic, social, and emotional growth and to foster a sense of self-worth and selfconfidence. Atlantis Academy also offers Summer Camp programs as well as before and after school care. Please call 305-781-4676 to learn more today!


We have the most interactive, fun, and educational indoor camp in Miami! Our advanced degrees teachers, spacious and clean facilities, and various activities will keep your kid safe, entertained, engaged, and inspired to move and learn. Activities range from Art (Mixed Media), Dance, Music Band, and Music Theater. And parents can join us for a spectacular free show for each camp session. In everything we do, our team’s mission is to offer the highest value and standards of excellence and positively influence and inspire those who wish to be EXTRAORDINARY! (2 locations, Miami Doral), kids 5-2 years old Web page Miami



STEAM Week Spring Camp - March 20-24: Grab your lab coats and beakers as you plunge your way into a week full of exhilarating experiments that will spark your inner scientist. Discover the latest video gaming techniques, design and build your own robot, and make art with our Studio Artist! This camp will have you STEAM-ing with new knowledge and a love for all things science and art.

Ages: 4-10 years

Camp: 9AM - 3PM | $325 for Non Members | $292.50 for Members - Before and Aftercare available


Give your child a SCIENTASTIC SUMMER experience at MODS’ summer camp program, presented by Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. We’ve crafted the ultimate STEM experience for children ages 6 - 12 (grades 1 - 6). Campers will have interactive exploration and hands-on learning opportunities in the coolest camp environment, including a weekly IMAX immersion! Awesome themes abound from Inspiration Takes Flight to Expedition: Dinosaur and It’s Shocking to MODS Magical Camp for Witches and Wizards and more. For dates and pricing, please visit: summercampdiscovery


Calling all creative kids! Fun, inspiration, learning, giggles, and grins await the children this summer at the Kidcreate Studio Art Camps held at the Miami Shores Recreation Center. Our camp is perfect for children who don’t get enough art at school, parents who need a break, and kids who love messy creative fun! This camp will be full of painting, sculpting, drawing, slime, and tie-dying! Your kid will have an art-tastic time! Website camps

25 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine

Miami Kids Magazine

Readers Choice Awards!

During December 2022, our readers voted on our web page for the best overall service and value they received during the year. The readers could choose from many businesses in many categories. And the winners are:


North Broward Preparatory School located in Broward. Where students develop the resilience to tackle any challenge with the tailored support of their teachers.


David Posnac Gilborim Program

Provides programs for those with developmental disabilities. Participants will learn life skills, be creative, build strength, confidence, and coordination, socialize and make friendships.


My Little Owly

Provides newborn essentials almost as dreamy as that new baby smell. The boutique feature unique and designer clothing.


Ransom Everglades School

RE students learn to ask hard questions, think critically, and collaborate across disciplines. They benefit from a nearly 120-year tradition of experiential learning.


Global Connection


I Am Kids Academy

I am kids Academy is born from the passion of educators and mothers with the idea of providing a safe and nurturing environment


Florida Blue

Florida Blue provides several resources to make your life as a caregiver a little easier.


Pizza Spris

Global Connection

International School focuses on “active learning”, or learn through play, to obtain the child’s joy of learning.

Spris is an authentic Italian pizzeria cooked in a brick oven. They are very passionate about what they do and never lose sight of one of the most important parts of the food business…always have fun!

Students at Atlantis Academy
Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 32
Students at White Tiger & Dragon


SuperCuts with different locations. They offer us specialized attention with a variety and specialty from cuts to hair colors- all at an affordable price.


Anais Salon and Spa

They’re more than just another nail bar, ANAIS is personal service from head to toe.

BEST SCIENCE MUSEUM-MIAMIPhillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science.

Ignite your curiosity at Miami’s only planetarium, aquarium and science museum.


Miami Children’s Museum

Miami Children’s Museum is dedicated to enriching the lives of all children by fostering a love of learning through play and enabling children to realize their highest potential.


They support all family structures, creating a culture of hospitality where diversity is celebrated.


Zoo Miami

Zoo Miami is proud to be an active leader in many global wildlife and environmental conservation initiatives.



LEGOLAND Florida Resort is a multi-day vacation destination built for kids! Located in the heart of Central Florida.


Sky Zone

Around the United States, Sky Zone is a space to move, create and be yourself. And there’s enough room for everyone.


Gymboree Play and Music

Gymboree Play & Music is the global leader for developmental play, music, and art classes for parents and children ages newborn to five.


ISwim Academy

Swim Lessons for Babies, Children, Teens, & Adults · Learn to Swim in 5 30-Minute Classes

· Competitive Swimmer Training · Individual & Group Swim Lessons.


Greater Miami Youth Symphony

Greater Miami Youth Symphony is an inclusive year-round, multi-tiered music training program. offers beginning music classes on most instruments of the modern orchestra.


Miami Fine Arts Academy

MFAA has been a passionate advocate of the arts, providing hundreds of students with quality education. MIAMI FINE ARTS ACADEMY offers piano lessons, guitar lessons, violin lessons, and more.


Davie Ranch

The Davie Ranch is a unique equestrian facility. They have created a beautiful ranch atmosphere where families and friends can relax and enjoy nature.


White Tiger and Dragon Martial Arts

White Tiger & Dragon Martial Arts in Coconut Grove, they’re proud to offer adults and kids the opportunity to learn essential selfdefense techniques and skills.


Real Food Academy

The Real Food Academy offers various services to introduce you and your family to healthy food choices and the joys of cooking with real (unprocessed) ingredients.

BEST SCIENCE SUMMER CAMP -Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science.

When school’s out, Camps at Frost Science bring science-learning to life while building memories that will last a lifetime.


Xtreme Action Park

Xtreme Action Park, now in South Florida with exciting attractions and event spaces including Go Kart Racing, Bowling Lanes, Arcade Game Room, a Trampoline Park, Roller Skating Rink and more.



A state-of-the-art adult and family-friendly entertainment center, built with the idea of combining engaging attractions, a dynamic atmosphere, and a full restaurant.

BEST FAMILY RESTAURANT Flannigan’s Flanigan’s is a laidback family-run restaurant anchored by a commitment to exceptional food and drink, warm hospitality, great value, and good fun.


Miami Atlantis Academy

The mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment to enhance students’ academic, social, and emotional growth and to foster a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.


Dr. Bob

Provides specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a “child-friendly” environment. Dr. Bob Provides Gentle Treatment for Tongue-Tie and Lip-Tie.


American Pediatric Dental

When it comes to dental care for your children, American Pediatric Dental makes kids feel comfortable, providing gentle experienced care.


Nicklaus Children’s Hospital

Nicklaus Children’s Hospital offers worldrenowned pediatric medicine for children of any age. Find the proper care at Miami’s premiere pediatric hospital.


Joe Di Maggio

As a full-service hospital, they treat minor illnesses, trauma-related accidents, and some of the most complex medical conditions.


Pediatric Associates Pediatric Associates’ mission is to enhance the lives of all children, their families, and communities by delivering the highest quality of pediatric healthcare and service in a compassionate and healthy environment,


Baptist Hospital

Caring, comprehensive maternity services offered to expectant and new mothers at many Baptist Health South Florida hospitals.


Coconut Grove Laundry

Coconut Grove Laundry offers full-service Dry Cleaning, Laundry, Alterations, Leather, Wedding Gown, and Rug Care. Personalized service at a reasonable price.



EdFed is a member-owned cooperative dedicated to providing members with quality, affordable financial services.

33 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine

Pérez Art Museum Miami

Spend the day with family at Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM)! Kids can explore the expansive modern and contemporary art collection with PAMMport. PAMMport brings art to life with a scavenger hunt “artventure” for young learners, and the young at heart. Learn more at

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

Ignite your curiosity at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, Miami’s only planetarium, aquarium and science museum! Interactive exhibitions, animals and cutting-edge technology are all part of the adventure ahead. Open daily and located in Downtown Miami, Frost Science is a museum for all ages and interests. Learn more at

HistoryMiami Museum

Journey back in time at HistoryMiami Museum, a Smithsonian Affiliate located in downtown Miami! Hop aboard a 1920s trolley or dress up as a pirate and learn up to 10,000 years of history all in one place. HistoryMiami Museum connects people by telling the stories of Miami’s communities, individuals, places and events.

Address: 101 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33130


Miami Children’s Museum

Come play, learn, imagine and create with the museum’s 17 interactive galleries as well as daily programming for the whole family. All our activities and exhibits promote exploration within the arts, culture, STEM, wellness and our local community.

The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami (MOCA)

MOCA North Miami presents contemporary art and its historical influences through exhibitions, educational programs, and collections. Inspired by its surrounding communities, MOCA connects diverse audiences and cultures by providing a welcoming place to encounter new ideas and voices, and nurturing a lifelong love of the arts.


The Bass

Museum of Graffiti

Superblue Miami

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens

Jewish Museum of Florida

Flamingo Gardens

Bonnet House and Gardens

Butterfly World


South Florida Science Center and Aquarium

Norton Museum of Art

Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

Boca Raton Museum of Art

Henry Morrison Flagler Museum

Lion Country Safari



Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Miami Seaquarium

The Wolfsonian

Lowe Art Museum


Museum Of Discovery and Science

Get connected to inspiring science with a visit to MODS in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Discover stimulating STEM activities, exciting exhibit exploration, super science shows, wild animal encounters, and mind-blowing Makerspace activities across 150,000 square feet of interactive fun. Experience a spectacular IMAX documentary film on the largest screen in south Florida. For more information, please visit

Xtreme Action Park

Experience indoor go karting, laser tag, roller skating, bowling, VR games, escape rooms, glow-in-the-dark mini golf, interactive theater XD Dark Ride, an RC racetrack, a ropes course adventure above the arcade room with over 100 arcade games. Then, refuel at the Pit Stop Kitchen and full-service bar.

Young at Art Museum

Historic Stranahan House Museum

Coral Springs Museum of Art

Crayola Experience

Discover the magic of color at Crayola Experience, Crayola’s premier, one-of-a-kind family attraction! Dozens of hands-on, creative activities and a full day of fun awaits families in Orlando, Florida. Bigger, brighter and bolder than ever, the colorful adventures of Crayola Experience help kids and adults alike explore art and technology, express their creativity and experience color in a whole new way.




• CREATE MELTED WAX SPIN ART and MORE Website: orlando

Peppa Pig Theme Park

Just steps away from LEGOLAND® Florida Resort, the World’s First Peppa Pig Theme Park is the ultimate day of play for preschoolers, featuring six oinktastic rides, six themed playscapes, and a splash pad perfect for jumping in “muddy puddles.”

Website: https://www.peppapigthemepark. com/florida/


LEGOLAND® Florida Resort is the ultimate vacation destination for families with kids. Located 45 minutes from Orlando and Tampa, the resort includes a theme park inspired by popular LEGO® brands and characters, LEGOLAND Water Park, three themed accommodations, and Peppa Pig Theme Park, the ultimate day of play for preschoolers.


Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 34

Amazing Parties

Amazing Parties offers event planning and coordination services in the world’s party capitalMiami! We aim to create unique events that leave a lasting impression on you and your guests. Our event specialists will work closely with you to design, plan, and execute events tailored to your desires, needs, and budget. Whether a small gathering or a grand gala, our team will integrate color and texture with a sophisticated style to once-in-a-lifetime events. We will handle all of the event details, from event concept, decor, linens, furniture rentals, and audiovisual to event coordination and entertainment.

Phone: 786-344-2966

Gaylord Palms

Treat your loved one to a romantic getaway at a 4-star hotel in Gaylord Palms Resort. Have dinner at one of our delicious restaurants, or book a spa day. Get lost in our immersive atrium and make new memories with us at Gaylord Palms.

Call 1-407-586-0000 for more information.


Pamper your loved ones with a cut, color, or blow-dry at Supercuts! Gift cards are available at any location. Find a salon near you.


Sobel Westex

Adult Disney fans and design mavens alike can now bring home the chic sophistication and whimsy of Disney Resorts - without hopping on a plane.

Sobel Westex brings carefully-crafted, luxurious yet affordable, hotel quality linens, pillows, bedding, and towels to the home. Disney Resorts Home includes 4 artfully designed 5-7piece bedding collections with 4 corresponding throw blankets. Each product in the collection comes in sleek, reusable cotton canvas packaging.

Available at

Pink Porcelain TLC Leggings and Back

Bralette for women and girls by Terez

Our flattering high rise, super-soft Pink Porcelain TLC Leggings are all about comfort. Made especially for lounging or low-impact workouts, these leggings have an elastic-free waistband. Our Pink Porcelain TLC Y-Back Bralette has a scoop front and Y-back straps for carefree styling. Wear this bra for light workouts or whatever makes you feel comfy.

Market price: Pink Porcelain TLC Leggings

$102, Pink Porcelain TLC Y-Back Bralette $71, Girls Pink Porcelain Leggings $58, * Girls Pink Porcelain Sweatshirt: Our super-soft Girls Pink Porcelain Sweatshirt features dainty florals. Pair it with the matching legging or your favorite bottom. Girls Pink Porcelain Sweatshirt


Available at

Doc Popcorn/Dippin Dots

The Dippin´Dots / Doc Popcorn experience offers a perfect fusion of deliciously warm popcorn and refreshingly cold ice cream treats. Great for any kind of event, party or celebration, your guests will love our variety of irresistible snack options: sweet, savory, warm, cold, crunchy, creamy, refreshment. It’s just the perfect choice!

Instagram: @dippindotsdocpopcorn.


TikTok: dippindotsdocpopcorn.mia

Secret Garden Travel Dollhouse Set with Dolls and Furniture by HearthSong Toys

A fairy dollhouse perfect for on-the-go imaginations! Our Secret Garden Travel Dollhouse suitcase showcases beautiful, fully colored artwork and contains 2 winged wooden fairy dolls and wooden tree-trunk furniture to match. Take it along with you for a perfect day trip to your Fairy Godmother’s house!

Age: 3+

Price: $49.98

Available at


Miami Kids Magazine February-March 2023 38

Rainbow Hideaway Canopy by HearthSong Toys

Imagine a rainbow oasis perfect for play and dreaming. Okay, open your eyes, because it’s *real*. Bright LED string lights attached at the top lend a sparkle to the room (three AA batteries required, not included). Enjoy reading, playing, dreaming up adventures with friends—absolutely everything under the rainbow.

Age: 3+

Price: $64.98

Available at


Philbin By GUND

Philbin is ready to give his friends a big bear hug! These classic 12” bears in brown shades feature cute paw pad accents & a curious expression that is sure to melt your heart! Philbin will be your cuddly companion and a beautiful addition to any room! Surface-washable.

MSRP: $25 each | Age: 1+ | Available on in Chocolate and Beige


Baby, Kids and Teens Clothing for Colourful Childhood. We simply provide the comfy, happy clothes with inspiring motifs to help in this endeavour with a passion for comfort, the best materials, and a love for children, fun designs that celebrate the global heritage of all children. At Cherubino, we believe that children should enjoy their childhood to the fullest through play, and feel confident to pursue their dreams.


P.Lushes Pets: Gem Stars by GUND

P.Lushes Pets are the one and only fashioninspired plush collectibles. Each 6” designer chic plush pet is made with stylish fabrics, luxe finishes and sassy personalities.

Gem Stars, the most precious collection of P.Lushes Pets, features 12 brilliantly bejeweled characters, one for each month of the year with their respective gemstones as noses.

Gift kids a Gem Star based on their birthstone or choose a pet that exudes all the love, like Scarlett Smooches or Callie La’Pooch.

Collect all 12 Gem Stars and the entire collection of P.Lushes Pets to start their collection.

MSRP: $12.99 each | Age: 3+ | Available on

Decadent Valentine Gift Basket by Simply Chocolate®

Say “Be My Valentine” with this decadent selection of chocolate favorites. This sweet basket is brimming with Black Forest cherry bark, chocolate bridge mix, a milk chocolate heart pop, chocolate-covered pretzels, chocolatecovered Oreo® cookies, chocolate-covered cherries, cookies & crème white chocolate grahams, and more.

Price $59.99

Available at

Instagram: @Simplychocolateco


Our Love Personalized Jumbling Tower Game with Wood Case; by®

This classic game includes 54 wooden blocks, two dice and arrives in a customized wooden case that can be laser engraved with any three lines of text.

Age in case it is recommended: Not for use for children under 3 years old

Price $52.99

Available at

Instagram: @Pmallgifts

Tea Party

An exclusive TEA PARTY BOX - a fun-filled set with everything you need to create the perfect party atmosphere for your little princess! With 13 pieces of elegant floral décor designs, this party decoration kit is the ultimate box to turn your home into the setting for a picture-perfect tea party. More cost-effective and environmentally friendly than buying individual decor and kitchenware, our tailored boxes contain all the kids Valentine’s party decorations in one handy kit so that all you have to do is let the celebration begin! Save 10% when buying this box instead of individual supplies.

Price $162


Muttsy by GUND

Muttsy is an adorable 14” Labrador puppy waiting for his forever home! One of the most popular breeds in America, this pup has what it takes to be your BFF. His cheery grin, shaggy brown fur, long, floppy ears & relaxed pose make him ready for snuggles! Surface-washable.

MSRP: $30 | Age: 1+ | Available on GUND. com

BBOP Inflatable Buddy Bumper Balls, Set of Two by HearthSong Toys

Nonstop moving, laughing, bumping, and bouncing…what more could you ask for? Kids have a blast with these giant wearable balls with openings for the head, legs, and arms. Our set of two Buddy Bumper Balls doubles the excitement. Great for birthday parties or backyard fun!

Age: 6+

Price: $59.98

Available at


Pink TLC Leggings and Sports Bra for Women and girls by Terez

Our flattering high rise, super-soft Terez Pink TLC Leggings are all about comfort. Made especially for lounging or low impact workouts, these leggings have an elastic free waistband. Our Terez Pink TLC Sports Bra features a low neckline and barely-there finishing for effortless wear. The dual-layer fabric is supportive enough for everyday styling and light workouts.

Market price: Terez Pink TLC Leggings $94, Terez Pink TLC Sports Bra $67, Girls Terez Pink TLC Leggings $55, Girls Terez Pink TLC Y-Back Bralette $42

Available at

39 February-March 2023 Miami Kids Magazine

Santa’s Workshop Followed by the Parade of the Elves

On December 4th, we celebrated our traditional Santa’s Workshop, followed by the Parade of The Elves in partnership with the City of South Miami.

Hundreds of people attended the event and enjoyed playing with snow, making arts and crafts, taking pictures, and greeting their favorite characters.

A special thanks to our sponsors Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, EDFED, South Miami Police, South Florida PBS, Health Channel, and Florida Blue.

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