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Grambling State University Standard One Compendium

R1.3 Instructional Practices


Alignment to National Standard: Standard R1.3 Instructional Practices The provider ensures that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of InTASC standards relating to instructional practice at the appropriate progression levels.

Evidence demonstrates how candidates are able to assess (InTASC Standard 6), plan for instruction (InTASC Standard 7), and utilize a variety of instructional strategies (InTASC Standard 8) to provide equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students. Providers ensure candidates model and apply national or state approved technology standards to engage and improve learning for all students.

How Alignment is assured: The Assessment Coordinator in consultation with Program/Discipline Chairs, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, and appropriate Technology Standards. The Assessment Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing Watermark - Taskstream. This standards database is maintained by the Assessment Coordinator so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, or assessments.

Evidence Overview

Use of Assessment as Part of the Quality Assurance System: The following assessments are designed to demonstrate that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of InTASC standards relating to instructional practice at the appropriate progression levels.

Details of Assessment Administration


Undergraduate and graduate Initial

BA Music Education - Instrumental K12/Vocal K-12

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K12)

BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education &Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

Graduate Initial

Elementary Education 1-5/Mild to Moderate

Secondary Education/Mild to Moderate

 Biology

 English

 Chemistry

 General Science

 Mathematics


Content Lesson Plans

Methods Classes Content Area Lesson Plans

ED 302 Methods &Strategies for Teaching

Elementary Math,

ED 360 Science &Social Studies Methods & Strategies for Teachers,

SCI 320 Science Methods for Secondary Education


MATH 350 Math Methods for Secondary Teachers, SS 406 Methods of Teaching Social Studies, MUS 401 Music Education, KNES 301 Elementary Strategies & Methods of PE, KNES 317 Methods & Strategies/Teaching Mid/Sec PE,

EDPT 513 Methods for Teaching Secondary English

EDPT 520 Methods for Teaching Secondary Mathematics and Science

Curriculum Design Project

EDPT 551 Methods for Teaching Elementary Grades


Utilizing Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching aligned to the InTASC standards, grounded in a constructivist view of teaching and learning, undergraduate candidates demonstrate competency in this lesson planning assessment. This proprietary rubric is used where candidates create a lesson plan using the Danielson Lesson Plan Template, and facilitate the lesson in an authentic field experience. The course instructor reviews the lesson plan, provides feedback on the lesson plan, observes the teaching event, provides additional feedback based on the candidate’s facilitation of the lesson and scores the lesson plan.

This assessment measures the candidate's knowledge and skills in development of a comprehensive curriculum project. Graduate students demonstrate their competency in lesson planning and an understanding of the content covered in each lesson activity. The course instructor reviews the Curriculum Design Project, provides feedback on the lesson plan, observes the teaching event, provides additional feedback based on the candidate’s facilitation of the

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

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