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Grambling State University Standard One Compendium

R1.3 Instructional Practices

Content Area


Lesson Plans

No candidates completed the assessment for this course.

Data from Table 7 labeled SS 406 Methods of Teaching Social Studies indicates that Education major enrolled in the Social Studies Methods course know how to assess and plan instruction of their content area (InTASC 6, 7 and 8). Spring 2023, the mean score of all candidates for these assessments was 4, placing their performance at the Highly Proficient level. Prior to Spring 2023, the course had not been taught since 2012 because there were no candidates in the field of Social Studies eligible for the course.

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) EDPT 551Methods for Teaching Elem Grades

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)-English

EDPT 513 – Methods for Teaching

Secondary English


Secondary Education & Spec. ED (Mild/Mod) Math & Science (EDPT 520

Methods for Teaching Secondary Math and Science

Data from table labeled “Table 11 Curriculum Design Project demonstrates candidates know how to assess and plan instruction of their content area (InTASC 6, 7 and 8) Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these assessments was 92, placing their performance above the target of 80-89%..

No candidates completed the assessment for this course.

Data from table labeled Table 10 Methods for Teaching Secondary Math and Science demonstrates candidates know how to assess and plan instruction of their content area (InTASC 6, 7 and 8)) Candidates performance scores ranged from 96.66 to 100 percent. Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these assessments was 97.5 percent, placing their performance within the effective proficient range.

Praxis II PLT

Data from table labeled “Praxis II PLT”” demonstrates candidates' knowledge and understanding of educational practices. Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for Test code 5622 for Grades K -6 for these assessments ranged from 161 to 173 with 10 candidates tested placing their overall performance above the target score.

Data from table labeled “Praxis II PLT”” demonstrates candidates' knowledge and understanding of educational practices. Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for Test code 5623 for Grades 5-9 for these assessments ranged from 188 to 190 with 2 candidates tested placing their overall performance above the target score.

Data from table labeled “Praxis II PLT”” demonstrates candidates' knowledge and understanding of educational practices. Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for Test code 5624 Grades 7-12 these assessments ranged from 163 to 172 with 3 candidates tested placing their overall performance above the target score.

Continuous Improvement

Focus Area(s):

Focus Area 1: All course instructors of methods courses require submission and review of a lesson plan. Additionally, the instructor gives feedback on the plan and scores the lesson plan. However various methods are used to complete the task. To ensures that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of InTASC standards relating to instructional practice at the appropriate progression levels, focus areas will include: (a) use of the Danielson Lesson plan template by all instructors in all method courses; (b) use of the Danielson rubric to rate all lesson plans and (c) directions given to candidates will be consistent. Data will be analyzed by InTASC standard as well as appropriate content standards.

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