1 minute read

Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 3

R1.3 Instructional Practices

InTASC 7 & 8

CAEP elem 3c & 3f, 4

CEC 2020 6.1, 6.2, 5.2

Stated Objectives – How are you letting students know where they are expected to know or do by the end of the lesson?

No objectives provided, or objective provided did not match the standard chosen

The objective is provided, but it is not observable (e.g., “The student will know _______” or “the student will understand _______”

A brief statement that accurately describes what students are expected to know and do by the end of the lesson

A statement that accurately describes what students are expected to know and do by the end of the lesson, and goes further by tying it to future learning—how will it help the students’ academic future?

Danielson 1c, 3a


CAEP Elem 4b

CEC 2020 5

Input — What Background Knowledge should students have already? What should students already know?

No discussion of background knowledge needed

Acknowledgment that background knowledge is necessary

A factual description of what background knowledge is needed.

Danielson 1a, 1b


CAEP elem 1a

CEC 2020 5.1, 5

Academic Vocabulary—What key terms and new vocabulary words should students comprehend in order to master the important points of the lesson?

No vocabulary is provided

New vocabulary terms are listed

A factual description of what background knowledge is needed. Candidate explains concisely and factually why that knowledge leads to this lesson, and includes possible positive cultural knowledge that students may bring to the lesson

New vocabulary terms are listed with an idea of how to ensure students understand them.

New or possibly unfamiliar vocabulary terms are listed with an idea of how to ensure students understand them.

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

Danielson 1a

Modeling/Guided Practice Modeled Practice- how will you demonstrate what you want them to do/learn?

How will you provide scaffolding for students—How are you making sure students have it right?

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