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Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 3

R1.3 Instructional Practices

The modeling or guided practice is missing or inaccurate for the standard selected.

Modeling/Guided Practice is cursory e.g. “teacher will model the skill before the students”

Modeling/Guided Practice has details for demonstrating the skills or knowledge specific to the standard addressed.

Modeling/Guided Practice has details for demonstrating the skills or knowledge specific to the standard addressed.

Additionally, the guided practice provides additional methods of demonstrating the skills or knowledge for students who are diverse (ELL, cultural, students with IEPs, etc)

Danielson 3c, 3a

InTASC 5 & 8

CAEP elem 4, 2d

CEC 2020 5

WebQuest Activities Lesson/unit includes the components for a WebQuest to allow students to research a multifaceted problem/question

Webquest is inappropriate for the developmental age, or the questions to be answered do not provide

Webquest task is developmentally appropriate in subject and time for students. It presents an authentic and engaging problem which can be solved by the age group. The roles are defined, the resources are provided.

Webquest task is developmentally appropriate in subject and time for students. It presents an authentic and engaging problem which can be solved by the age group. The roles are defined, the resources are provided. There is an accommodation for ELL learners.

Webquest task is developmentally appropriate in subject and time for students. It presents an authentic and engaging problem which can be solved by the age group. The roles are defined, the resources are provided.

InTASC 5 & 8

CAEP elem 2c,

CEC 2020 5

Check for Understanding— Formative Assessment—How will you check on learning during the lesson?

How are you using multiple intelligences?

No assessments are listed A formative assessment is listed to check for understanding

Formative assessments are listed and varied along lines of student interests and/or multiple intelligences.

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

The methods of presenting the findings by the students are varied for diverse students AND there is an accommodation for ELL learners.

Formative assessments are listed and varied along lines of student interests and/or multiple intelligences. Candidate outlines use of students as

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