11 Tips to Finding the Right Day Camp
By Denise Yearian
ummer day camp is a place where children can learn new skills, acquire new interests and make new friends. But there is no one-size-fits-all camp. To find the right day camp for your child, consider these 10 tips.
Consider your child
variety of subjects. As their attention span develops, they may want to focus on a single activity. If you go with a specialty camp, find out how intense the program is. It may be labeled “specialty” but only have a one- or two-hour component with other activities scheduled in.
Talk it over and narrow the options based on your child’s interests and needs. Find out what he wants from the experience and together make a list of things he might like to do. Also consider his developmental needs. Is he ready for an all-day program? Would he be more comfortable in an intimate versus large group setting? If your child likes sports but has shown some interest in drama or art, encourage him to step out of his comfort zone. It may just spark a new passion.
Look at location
Gather info
Ponder program length
Attend camp fairs, or pick up a local camp guide copy. Circle programs of interest then comparison shop. Call each prospective camp to inquire about philosophy, daily schedule and other topics important to you. Invest this time up front and you may find a camp to stay with for several years.
Traditional or specialty
When choosing between a traditional versus specialty program, consider this rule of thumb: The younger the child, the more varied the activities should be. Children between the ages of 7 and 11 thrive in a setting where they can sample a 8 May 2021 •
Find a camp close to your job or home to shorten travel time and allow quick access to your child in an emergency. Convenience, however, shouldn’t be the primary factor. Balance your decision with what the camp has to offer. If your child really wants to participate in a given camp, consider your willingness to drive out of the way. Or see if there’s a neighbor you can carpool with. Program length should be viewed in light of the family and child’s needs. If your schedule dictates him having to stay a full day ask about before- and after-care. If he’s younger, find out about naps or quiet times. It’s also important to find out who runs the before- and after-care program. Is it the same staff your child has all day? What activities will he be engaged in during this time?
Scout out schedules
Before enrolling, ask about the daily schedule. What themes and related activities are planned? Will there be field trips or