2018 Media Kit
Mi Familia Magazine is dedicated to inform, educate and entertain young Hispanic families by encouraging and promoting the growth and respect of our own Hispanic cultural value.
EVENTS Office | Houston 281.890.9006
Advertisement and Sponsorships Why advertise? The Hispanic population in Houston is growing and we are here to help you reach it through advertisement on our print and digital magazine. Your ad will be featured on the print and digital magazine at no extra cost. Add an advertorial to tell our readers more about your business and gain the readers’ trust. Sometimes advertisement and advertorials will not be enough. That’s why we are involved directly with the community through our family events. Why sponsor our events? This will create direct contact with the community by setting up a booth or going further and sponsoring an event to expand your presence before, during, and after the event.
Mi Familia Magazine delivers powerful relationships that influence, inspire and endure. The Mi Familia Magazine experience is based on trusted editorials, complemented by relevant advertising. This dual immersion between editorials and ads satisfies the interests and passions of our readers. The reader’s commitment to this dual immersion results in superior levels of ad receptivity, online search, purchase intent and extraordinary engagement in and sharing both editorials and ads.
In Mi Familia Magazine you will find the following sections: Para Tí (For You)
Hi Tech
Mi Bebé (My baby)
Mi Historia (My Story) Story about a figure in our community who has stood out throughout the years and has made a difference one way or another.
Mi Vida en Palabras (My Life Through Words) Our cover story of the featured front cover family. Families from diverse backgrounds tell their stories about their success over life’s many obstacles with the goal of inspiring and motivating our readers.
En Familia (Family Time)
Mujer Moderna (Modern Woman)
Sabor (Culinary Critic) Recursos (Resources)
Made to target parents directly. Interesting articles that are of great use; Advice on raising children, and ideas to improve your relationship. A section where you will find all the whereabouts for babies. Practical advices on how to welcome your new addition to your family.
A bit of everything. Cooking, beauty tips, and entertainment focused completely on the up-to-the-minute woman.
El Rincón Bohemio (Bohemian’s Corner)
A small corner where we remember great stories that we one day heard from our elders and from songs. Also, some history where our ancestors participated in directly.
We could not leave this section out. Staying on top of the latest technology trends and keeping you informed.
Keeping family unity is our priority in this section. Living in a comfortable and functional home, sharing family time together, and helping each other keep a good family atmosphere.
A guide of activities that are of interest to the family.
Calendario de Eventos (Calendar of Events)
Mi Familia Magazine targets the young Hispanic families. User Profile
Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Our Publication
Male 33%
Female 67%
4% 13% 11% 3% 2%
8% 28% 21% 8% 2%
Marital Status Married 76%
12% 41% 32% 11% 4%
Mi Familia Magazine is the only regional monthly magazine dedicated to serving and empowering Hispanic parents. Its message targets young Hispanic parents by addressing family-oriented issues living in a culturally diverse city. Mi Familia Magazine separates itself from the national titles by offering features about local Hispanic concerns, cultural connections, resources and listings. We offer readers topics with international scope and local relevance, from Hispanic families to Hispanic families. This thought provoking and service oriented editorial package is complemented by targeted advertising that gets parent’s attention while they are thinking about their family’s needs. Unlike most publications, the ads aren’t a distraction; they’re an additional resource for our readers.
Our Distribution view map Mi Familia Magazine is distributed every month in locations frequented by Hispanic family consumers like grocery and retail stores, schools, libraries, churches, health clinics, etc. Monthly circulation: 30,000 magazines
Some distribution points: Houston Public Libraries, Harris County Public Libraries, Dental Clinics, Neighborhood Centers, Family Clinics, Tacos del Julio Restaurants, Rey del Pollo, Doneraki, Mamacita’s Restaurant, etc.
Mi Familia Magazine digital fReaders can enjoy our magazine on the go on their smartphones, iPads, and other tablets. fImpressions: 2M+ * fMonthly Email Blast to our subscribers fMFM digital is promoted and advertised on Facebook. fMFM is the Spanish digital magazine with the highest impressions, readers & page views in Texas according to issue.com.
www.MiFamiliaMagazine.net Monthly Visits: 40,398+ Page views: 140,058+ Hits: 1M+ **
Social Networks *MFM digital statistics provided by issuu. **Web statistics provided by Webalizer.
EVENTS We work with non-profit organizations, charities, local Chambers of Commerce, and community leaders by covering their social, business or gala events. Besides our community events, we create and organize our own events. MFM Events: kMi Familia Fest kMujer Admirable kBaby Shower kFather’s Day Celebration. Sponsorships are available for each event where we promote your company with your marketing materials, your logo, display banner, etc.
Community Events
Community Events
Spring Break Int’l Women’s Day Health Fair
Career & Education Expo
Deadline July 27
Fiestas Patrias
Mujer Admirable
Prom Recycling
Mujer Admirable
Breast Cancer
Fiestas Patrias Festival
Mother’s Day Babes
Mi Familia Fest Spring/ OCTOBER Deadline September 21 Easter
Thanksgiving Gifts Guide
Mi Familia Fest Hispanidad
Father’s Day Summer Vacations
Baby Shower
Christmas Depression
“Día de los Muertos” MECA Festival
Deadline May 25
Independence Day Weddings and Quinceaneras
Father’s Day Celebration DECEMBER
Back to School
Mi Familia Fest Summer
Deadline January 26
Deadline February 23
Deadline March 23
Deadline April 27
Deadline June 22
Deadline August 24
Deadline October 26
Deadline November 23
Deadline December 28
New Year’s Resolution Posadas & Pastorelas
Love and Friendship
Ad Sizes & Dimensions Ad Sizes Width Height
Bleed Information
Full Page
½ H. Page ½ V. Page
7.375” 3.625”
5” 10.125”
Trim Size
¼ H. Page ¼ S. Page
7.375 3.625”
2.425” 5”
Live Area
1/8 H. Page 1/8 V. Page
3.625” 1.75”
2.425” 5”
1 SuperSaver
Advertising Material Requirements: • We prefer to receive ads in InDesign (packaged with all fonts included) or Adobe Illustrator so we can make changes to the files if requested and convert the files properly to our settings. We will also accept: PDF, EPS or TIFF file formats. Please make sure you embed the fonts when providing a PDF file format. • All images should be 300 dpi. For more information on placing your business in Mi Familia Magazine, please contact your account executive at 281.890.9006 | info@mifamiliamagazine.net
281.890.9006 PO BOX 37228 Houston, TX 77237 info@miFamiliaMagazine.net www.MiFamiliaMagazine.net