Flagship 03.23.2023

Page 14


USS Iowa gun tube #270 –

An amazing final journey, part 1 Followthe final journeyofthe historic USS Iowa Gun Tube #270 as it transits the roads ofPortsmouth, NorfolkandVirginia Beach fora final displaylocation adjacent to the Old Cape HenryLighthouse at Fort Storylaterthis summer PageA2


NAVSTA Norfolk’s Air Operations Department hosts STEM Day for local students



NORFOLK, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Air Operations DepartmenthostedaScience,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) dayforstudentsfromtheLandstownHigh School Governor’s STEM Academy at NAVSTA’sChambersFieldMarch17,2023

The STEM day event was arranged by NAVSTA Norfolk’s Air Operations Officer Cmdr Ray Gambel The event allowed the students to interact with Sailors and see some of the day-to- day components of the command air operations department.

“Iwashopingthattodaywouldhelpreinforce learning objectives that the kids are learning in their courses,” said Gambel.

“They have a unique experience here where they can interact with Sailors who apply the same concepts they are learning in their jobs 24/7.”

Thestudentsarrivedat10a.m.andwere greeted by Capt Janet Days, commanding officer NAVSTA Norfolk, as they offloaded the buses

“IknowAirBosshasanamazingprogram setasideforyou, saidDays “WhatIwould like you to do is have very questioning attitudes What I mean by that is that I don’t care what the question is, if there is some-

thing you’re curious about, something you don’t understand, that’s why Air Boss’s folks are standing by They are experts and they will explain it to you.

After the introduction by Days, Gambel escorted the students to the Air Operations building where they were split into groups, each going to a different location to learn about how STEM concepts can be applied to military operations and technology Some of the locations the students visited included the radar room, the air traffic control tower, the virtual air traffic simulator and the airfield where they saw C-2 Greyhound and E-2 Hawkeye aircraft.


look at the Navy as a possible career,” said Gambel.“IftheyendupjoiningtheNavyor anyotherbranch,theywillnotbeabletoget awayfromtheuseofSTEM.Wearealways testing or experimenting with new things and we work in environments that present uniquechallengesthattheycanapplytheir STEM knowledge to.”

The event concluded at 1 p.m., with the studentsloadingbackontothebusesheading back to their school.

FormorenewsfromNavalStationNorfolk, visithttp://www.navy.mil/local/nsn/

NSA Hampton Roads’ Sewells Point Golf Course receives noteworthy recognition


Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads

Public Affairs

Situated off of Terminal Boulevard in the centerofthebusymilitarycommunitynear

Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads sits a well-conditioned golf course that was recently ranked by Golfers Choice asaTop25courseinVirginia.

Sewells Point Golf Course was voted number 16 as the best courses in Virginia for2022

“We were very happy to get the recognition,”saidTomDozier,ProfessionalGolfers’ Association Golf Manager at Sewells Point GolfCourse.“SewellsPointhasalwaysbeen ahiddengemhereinNorfolk.”

The award and ranking originated from thereviewsofgolferswhoplayatthecourse Sewells Point Golf Course which Arnold PalmerplayedhisprofessionaldebutonNov. 21,1954,isan18-holechampionshipcourse with tree lined fairways and well bunkered

undulating greens It was designed by DonaldRossin1927

“It’s a fun and challenging course with four sets of tees to accommodate all levels of players,” said Dozier, who has worked at Sewells Point Golf Course for 41 years and hasbeeninstructinggolfsince1991.

In season, approximately 1,000 players frequentthecourseperweektoexperience the layout and amenities that Sewells Point GolfCoursehastooffer.

Capt David Bell, a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command-Portsmouth, has been a customer of the golf course since he got stationedinHamptonRoadsinJuly2017

“I really appreciate the conditions of the course and practice facilities,” he said “During the peak season, the course is kept inimpeccableconditionandcanplayasdifficultasanycoursearound Thegreenscanbe quick and the rough thick; both add to the characterofthecourse.

Bell credits the friendliness and profes-

sionalism of the golf course staff as part of whyhehascontinuedtocomebackandplay overtheyears “Iappreciatethelevelofcustomerservice that Tom, Mike and the rest of the pro shop staff delivers,” he said. “The shop has an excellent selection of top-level golf equipment and apparel They really run the shop like a professional organization. I play at other courses military and civilian public and private around Virginia, but none of them offer the overall golf experience that SewellsPointconsistentlydelivers.”

Thecoursefeaturesshortgamefacilities, a driving range, a fully stocked pro shop, banquet room, snack bar, and pavilion with 25 staff members to operate and maintain it ThereisalsoaPGAInstructorwhooffers privatelessonsandclinics.

“Sewells Point Golf Course provides a great escape for golfers of all experience levelsandages,”saidCapt.MattFrauenzimmer,CommandingOfficerofNSAHampton Roads “Tom and his team do a great job of

maintainingthecourseinpristinecondition and providing amazing customer service to thepatrons.Theyaremostdeservingofthis recognition.”

The golf course will be pretty busy with varioustournamentsandeventscomingup thisyearforthecommunity

“We will still make sure to open the tee in the afternoon so our men and women in uniformcangetaroundinafterwork,”said Dozier SewellsPointGolfCourseisamilitarygolf coursethatisopenfrom7a.m todusk,seven daysaweektothegeneralpublic.

“Thebestpartaboutworkinghereisbeing abletosupportthetroops,themen,women and families of those in the military, with a great place to recreate,” said Dozier “I’ve met and made friends with people from all overtheworld.Ithasbeenandisstilltrulyan incredible honor to serve and help so many peopleimprovetheirgames.”


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the first women of the Hospital Corps
3,1942 the U.S.Navyorganized the WAVES program.Itwas designed to address the chronic personnel shortages on the home front and to fill in the gaps caused bydeploying personnel to the Pacific and European theaters. PageA6
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VOL.30 NO 10 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comMarch 23-March 29 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 1
(March 17 2023) Cmdr RayGambel,Naval Station Norfolk’sAirOperations Officer,explains the landing mechanics ofa C-2 Greyhound to students from Landstown High School’s Governor’s Science,Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Academy,during a STEM dayat NAVSTANorfolk’s Chambers Field Mach17 2023.The event allowed students to see how STEM concepts applyto day-to-daynaval airoperations activities.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHT.MILLER)

USS Iowa gun tube #270 –An amazing final journey, part I

The USS Iowa (BB 61) has a proud early naval history of service to the United States by projecting our overseas strength and providing firepower soon after it was commissioned in early 1943 Iowa entered intoserviceatthemid-partofWorldWarII and was present at the surrender of Japan in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945 Later anothercalltodutywasissuedforservingin theKoreanconflictwhicheventuallyended withanarmisticeonJuly27,1953.

TheAmericanBattleshipisawonderment ofnavaltechnologyandprojectspowerfrom bowtostern.Specificallylookingbackupon Iowa’s construction at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, gun Tube #270 was installed in turret 1, left position till removal circa 1954 to be relined at the Naval Gun Factory, Washington Navy Yard and reproved at Dahlgren, Virginiaasareadyspare Fast forward 30 years and note that Iowa BB 61 and her sister battleships being the New Jersey (BB 62) Missouri (BB 63) and Wisconsin(BB64)areallreactivatedin1984 as part of the plan for a 600-ship Navy It is sometime shortly thereafter that 9 ready spare tubes arrive at the St Julien’s Creek Annex(SJCA)oftheNorfolkNavalShipyard (NNSY)tobeforwarddeployediftherewere everneedforvesselrepairs Irememberthis event well because I issued a small Public Works contract work order to prepare a 3-foot-deepstonefoundationbaseinagrass field before they arrived from Dahlgren for


In 1995 one of these nine tubes makes the trip to NNSY’s historic Trophy Park to whereitisdisplayedtoday,thatisTube#290 which served upon USS New Jersey BB 62 throughoutbothWorldWarIIandKorea.

In June of 2011, the Coast Defense Study Groupwasaskedtohelpfindsafehomesfor the remaining eight historic 16-inch/Mark 7 barrels at SJCA or the would be sold for scrap and cut into eight-foot sections At almost70feetlongandweighingnearly120

tonsitbecamequitethelaboroflovetofind groupsthatmightbeinterestedyettodateall havebeenrelocatedtoeitherformercoastal batteries to help interpret the battle on the homefront or adjacent to ships or memorialparks Soasanasideitisimportanttounderstand that Gun #270 was the first 16-inch/Mark 7 gun ever built and is special representing advancements of American naval firepower.Thefinalmulti-stepdestinyofsame shallbesummarizedasfollows thusmytitle

referenceofUSSIowa,GunTube#270-An AmazingFinalJourney,PartI.

Collaboration between the Navy and multiple private stakeholder organizations have already seen tangible portions of the visionaccomplishedlateJanuary2023

The existing uneven surrounding earth from when Tube #270 was repositioned in 2018 after three other adjacent tubes were removed was overcome by the US Navy’s finest,theSeabeesfromJointExpeditionary BaseLittleCreek-FortStory.Theyutilized skills with survey instruments to shoot elevationstodeterminecutandfillrequired beforeactivatingoftheirmassiveCaterpillar 120MRoadGrader

NextcamelocalcontractorBarnhartwith their self-designed 1 shot double gantry crane system capable of lifting 500 tons Powered by hydraulics this crane system never even recognized the almost 120 tons within the slings as it quietly lifted then loweredtheguntubeontoanequallyamazing120-wheelheavylifttrailer

A short night time road trip from SJCA to Marine Specialty Painting adjacent to NNSY followed soon thereafter It is here we shall seetheexistingcoatingsremovedandafresh coatofpreservationoverthenextmonthorso

What is next? Well, you can read about it here in a future issue of Service to the Fleet as we cover the USS Iowa Gun Tube #270AnAmazingFinalJourney,PartIIasittransits the roads of Portsmouth, Norfolk and Virginia Beach for a final display location adjacenttotheOldCapeHenryLighthouse atFortStorylaterthissummer.

Navy Civilian Hiring Events throughout Hampton Roads


NORFOLK, Va Navy Child & Youth Programs (CYP) and Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR) will hold hiring events in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Newport News Theeventswillincludeon-sitequalificationsscreening,interviews,andahuman resources orientation A tentative job offer maybeissuedthesameday.

„ Saturday March25

9a.m 1p.m.

NavalStationNorfolkMWR 1200FechtelerRd,Norfolk

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

„ Friday,March31

9a.m 12:30p.m.



„ Saturday,April1

9a.m 1p.m.



All applicants should bring their resume, a photo ID card, SSN card, and, if available, three references or letters of recommendation(twoprofessional onepersonal) CYP provides care for all ages including Child Development Centers (6 weeks to

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff

Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

Flagship, Inc.

MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution

5 years of age), School-Aged Care (6 to 12 years) and Teen Programs (13 to 18 years). Eligibleapplicantsmustbeage18andolder with a minimum of a high school diploma orGEDtobeconsideredforemployment.

MWR delivers programs and services to the military community that contribute to resilience,retention,readinessandqualityof life.Examplesincludemarinas,golfcourses, fitness centers recreation centers aquatics programs libraries special events, and galleys Eligibleapplicants16yearsandolder with all levels of education will be considered for a variety of flexible and full-time

MWR positions Operating hours at MWR facilities range from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. and shiftsmayincludeweekendsandnights

Navy CYP and MWR provide equal employment opportunities to all employeesandapplicantsforemploymentwithout regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,age,disabilityorgenetics

Visit www.navylifema.com/hiringeventstodownloadandcompletetheforms required to apply for Veterans Preference (VP)orMilitarySpousalEmploymentPreference(MSEP),andformoreinformation

The USS Iowa (BB 61) GunTube #270 is prepared forits final journey,departing NorfolkNaval Shipyard and St Julien’s CreekAnnexin early2023.(PHOTOSBYDANIELDEANGELIS)
& Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Do you know the amazing contributions women have made to the Military Health System and the care it provides? Learn all about it here: https://health.mil/womenshistory #womenshistorymonth #mhswomen 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

Austin presses ahead with recommendations from Suicide Prevention Committee

DOD News

Last year Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III established the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee, or SPRIRC, to investigate ways to address and prevent suicide in the military Today, the Defense Department announced that the secretary has implemented the first of the recommendations bythecommittee

“Secretary Austin is directing multiple immediate actions following the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent ReviewCommittee’srecommendationsand establishingasuicidepreventionimplemen-

tation working group,” said Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig Gen. Pat Ryder duringabriefingtoday.

The SPRIRC was directed to provide to thesecretaryaninitialreportbeforetheend of2022.Nowthatthesecretaryhasreviewed the report, he has directed the department to move ahead on a two-phase approach to implement some of the recommendations itcontains

As part of the first phase, Austin has directed implementation of 10 of the SPRIRC’s recommendations Austin has directed for instance that the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness expedite the hiring process for behavioral healthprofessionals

The secretary has also directed the DefenseHealthAgency,incoordinationwith the secretaries of the military departments to expand the availability of behavioral health care and to also improve processes toenhanceaccesstomentalhealthcare

As part of the second phase of implementation, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness will establish a Suicide Prevention Implementation WorkingGroup.

The working group will, among other things assess the advisability and feasibility of implementing each of the remaining recommendations by the SPRIRC, identify specific policy and program changes needed to implement each of the remain-

ingrecommendations,andprovidecostand manpowerestimatesrequiredtoimplement eachremainingrecommendation

TheinitialSPRIRCrecommendationsthe SECDEF has directed to be implemented Rydersaid,arethosethatcanbedoneimmediately by the department without any additional authorities. Implementation of additionalrecommendationswillcomeafter considerationbytheworkinggroup.

“While we recognize that suicide has no single cause, and that no single preventativeaction,treatmentorcurewilleliminate suicide altogether we will exhaust every effort to promote the wellness, health and morale of our total force, be there for one anotherandsavelives,”Rydersaid

Pentagon Press SecretaryU.S.AirForce Brig Gen.Pat Ryderconducts a press briefing at the Pentagon inWashington,D.C March 16 2023.(DODPHOTOBYU.S.NAVYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASS ALEXANDERKUBITZA) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 3 STARTED BY 25 SOLDIERS As long as thereare those who serve, USAA willbe theretoservethem. 5 SO S 13 MILLION MEMBERS AND GROWING 100 YEARS AND GOING STRONG 1MISSION THROUGHITALL Membership eligibilityand productrestrictions apply and aresubjecttochange.USAAmeans United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. No Department of Defense or governmentagencyendorsement. ©2023USAA. 291559-0223 SCAN HERE usaa.com/join

Norfolk Naval Shipyard hosts first Naval Sea Systems Command Project Superintendent Symposium

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Recently, Norfolk Naval Shipyard held the first of its kind Project Superintendent Symposium. The symposium was intended to be an immersive tailor-made experience in which all four public shipyards project superintendentscangetbacktothebasicsof ProjectManagementFundamentals(PMF). The symposium provided insights, strategies, and frameworks for shipyard project superintendents to help drive real impact while they lead their project teams for on-timedeliveriesbacktotheFleet.

“To date, there hasn’t been a mechanism foralloftheprojectsuperintendentsfromall fourpublicshipyardstocometogether,”said

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

Naval Shipyard Support Office (NSSO)

Deputy Director and Event Chair Leaha

Odom. “This event allowed over 40 project superintendents, carrier/sub program managers, and deputy project superintendents to come together as a community to learn together grow together develop a stronger project superintendent network andusingpositive,impactfulinfluence.”

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Operations Department Execution Manager (Code 300.2)MarkEvansadded,“Althoughproject superintendents communicate frequently via other methods, there is value in having aface-to-facemeetingtoestablishrelationships and have more in-depth discussions than would normally be possible via e-mail orphone.”

Leadership methods and styles, communicationmethods,sharedexperiences,frustrations, and best practices were shared through keynote engagements, fireside chats, small group workshops, large group

learningsessions,androundtableQ&A NAVSEADeputyCommanderforIndustrial Operations, (NAVSEA 04) Rear Adm. ScottBrown,wasoneofthekeynotespeakers for the symposium. “We can do much more within our shipyards to help improve our own operations,” Brown said. “People are our most important resource and we must do more at the shipyard level in terms of our people development. Our focus on people will enable all shipyard employees to more effectively serve in their vital roles gettingourshipsbacktotheNavy.”

Discussionsarealreadyhappeningtoturn theProjectSuperintendentSymposiuminto an annual event. Although the theme and topics for the next symposium are under development, it will be heavily weighted on what project superintendents want to discuss.

“While NSSO plans for the next sympo-

sium, we will endeavor to take care of our project superintendent community. We are empowering our four shipyards’ leaders to takecareoftheirpeopleandtheiravailabilities through relevant content and shared collaboration, to send them back out to the fight: renewed, refreshed, and ready,” said Odom. She concluded the event with: “Do it but don’t compromise principles; don’t compromisedoingtherightthing;holdfirm tothatandtakeastanceandbetheexample Your team will respect you for it, they will trustyoumore,andbewillingtogotheextra mile They see you listening, taking action, holding people accountable and building orinfluencingrelationships Ifyoudothese things, then the work is the relationship, theworkisyourbrand,andtheworkisyour ability to influence and tell your story That iswhatit’sallabout.”

Registration open for Joint Safety and EnvironmentalDevelopmentSymposium

Naval Safety Command

Registration recently opened for the 31st Annual Joint Safety and Environmental Professional Development Symposium (PDS)April17-21,2023

ThePDS hostedbyNavalSafetyandEnvironmental Training Center (NAVSAFENVTRACEN), will offer more than 100 sessions of continuing education topics in areas of safety, occupational health and environmental readiness by presenters and

keynote speakers from government agencies,industryandacademia

“We reached over 2,900 registered users and provided over 170 hours of training during last year’s event,” said NAVSAFENVTRACEN’s training support department head,AmandaCarter

Thesymposiumisaprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitytoshareinnovativeideas new trends and new information. Itis open tofederalpersonnel,federalcontractorsand students pursuing coursework in related fields Attendees must register with a .mil,


Attendees are often returnees, but those who participated in past symposiums may not have received updates regarding this year’s PDS if their email address changed withintheyear

“In particular we have received emails from past users with health.mil email accounts,” Carter said. “If your email has changed, make sure to register with your newemail Thiswilladdyourcurrentemail tothedistrolist.”

The online event is provided at no cost.

Registration includes access to virtual keynote sessions, access to over 100-plus virtualconcurrentsessions,continuingcreditsandaccesstorecordedsessions.Register here: http://jointpds.adobeconnect.com/ pds2023reg/event/registration.html (.mil, .govor.eduemaildomainsonly).

If you have any questions email NAVSAFENVTRACEN_JOINT_PDS@ navy.mil.

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023
Recently NorfolkNaval Shipyard held the first ofits kind Project Superintendent Symposium.The symposiumwas intended to be an immersive tailor-made experience inwhich all fourpublic shipyards project superintendents can get backto the basics ofProject Management Fundamentals (PMF).The symposium provided insights,strategies,and frameworks forshipyard project superintendents to help drive real impactwhile theylead theirproject teams foron-time deliveries backto the Fleet (PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST)
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Making WAVES: Remembering the first women of the Hospital Corps

U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

As the bus arrived in Bethesda, Md., on a summer afternoon in 1945, Frona Liston could not have been more excited. The 20-year old from North Canton, Ohio, had just graduated from basic training at Hunter College, N.Y., and was now about to begin Hospital Corps School at the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) Joining the Navy and serving in the Hospital Corps had been Liston’s wish since the attack on Pearl Harbor

“Ihadtheurgetodosomethingandhelp,”said Liston. “I felt this was my duty My brother had already joined the Navy, and nearly died during bootcampandgotoutonmedicaldischarge Ifelt like I had to pick up the ball for him.”

World War II brought new opportunities for civic-minded women like Liston who wanted to contribute to the war effort. And for the first time in Navy history, women could serve in a wide-rangeofoccupationalspecialtiesandrates under the auspices of the Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES) or the Women’s Reserve program. Among more than 97,000 Navy women who served during World War II, almost 89 percent were WAVES; the remaining were active duty and reserve nurses

The WAVES included the Navy’s first women physicians dentists allied health specialists medical administrators, and hospital corpsmen like Liston (who were referred to as CorpsWAVES).Outsideofnurses,CorpsWAVESwere the largest group of women to represent Navy Medicine during the war.

OnAugust3,1942,theU.S.Navyorganizedthe WAVESunderthedirectionofLt Cmdr Mildred McAfee a former president of the private women’s liberal arts college Wellesley The WAVES program was designed to address the chronic personnel shortages on the home front andtofillinthegapscausedbydeployingpersonneltothePacificandEuropeantheaters Initially, CorpsWAVESwererestrictedtocommandsand activitiesintheContinentalUnitedStates.After 1943,CorpsWAVESwerealsoassignedtoHawaii.

Among the Navy’s first CorpsWAVES was Stella Cerra, a 24-year old from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who enlisted in October 1942 After attending Navy boot camp at Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical (A&M) College in Stillwater, Oklahoma, she reported to Bethesda for Hospital Corps training

CorpsWAVESweregenerallyolderthantheir male counterparts Whereas men could enlist as young as 18, WAVES were required to be at least 20 years old A number of them like Cerra entered the service with either some college or experience working as technicians in medical and dental fields A number of the more tenured CorpsWAVESadvancedthroughthegradesmore expeditiously. Just two years into her career, on February 10, 1945, Cerra and fellow CorpsWAVES Barbara C. Unsworth became the first femalecorpsmenpromotedtothegradeofChief Petty Officer (Chief Pharmacist’s Mate).

Although many of the first WAVES went through basic training at Oklahoma A&M, and IowaStateTeachersCollegeinCedarFalls,Iowa, theoverwhelmingmajorityofthemwereindoctrinated at Hunter College in Bronx, N.Y. Popularly referred to as the “USS Hunter” during the war, the Navy commandeered the school in February 1943 From February 17, 1943, until the end of the war, USS Hunter received about 2,000 new WAVES seamen apprentices every two weeks Over the course of the 6-week training program, WAVES learned how to become sailors—theymarched,drilled,underwentphysical conditioning, and were introduced to Navy protocol, traditions, and customs

At Hunter, recruits were also classified into enlisted ratings Upon their request, those with backgroundsinscience,dentistry,nursing,pharmacy, or as technicians—and on the recommendation of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)—weredesignatedCorpsWAVESwith the grade of Hospital Apprentice Second Class (E-2). Those with additional experience and educationcouldbedesignatedHospitalApprentice First Class (E-3) or even Pharmacist’s Mate Third Class (E-4) before being sent to one of 17 naval hospitals for 4-weeks of “Hospital Corps School” training Upon completion, the CorpsWAVES were promoted in grade and then typically assigned to a naval hospital dispensary or senttooneof10enlistedtechnicianschoolsthen available to women.

After January 12, 1944, most prospective CorpsWAVES received basic training at Hospital Corps School at NNMC Bethesda, MD The

Newgraduates ofWAVES Hospital Corps School,NNMC

courseofinstructionoriginallylastedfourweeks and covered the topics of anatomy, physiology, first aid and minor surgery hygiene and sanitation, nursing, metrology, pharmacology and includedthreeweeksofwardduty Thefirstclass of 230 hospital apprentices graduated from the school on February 7, 1944 Every two weeks thereafterbetween230and240enlistedwomen were sent to the school.

The first African Americans entered the WAVES at the end of 1944 The following year inApril1945 RuthIsaacs KatherineHortonand Inez Patterson became the first African-Americanfemalecorpsmenwhentheygraduatedfrom Corps School. The WAVES program came to an end during post-war demobilization and the last class graduatedfromBethesda’sHospitalCorpsSchoolon

January 8, 1946

At its peak wartime strength in 1945 CorpsWAVES accounted for a quarter of all hospital corpsmenintheNavy AndasthewarragedoverseasandNavyhospitalspatientloadsgrewexponentially, these trailblazers went far to keep the beleaguered Navy Medical Department afloat.

Postcript: In June 1948, President Harry S Truman signed into law the Armed Services Integration Act granting all women the chance to serve in the regular military On July 7, 1948 former CorpsWAVES HM1 Ruth Flora of Bowling Green, Ky., was sworn into active duty, becoming the first female corpsmen to earn this distinction.

WiththeinductionofWAVESnearly90years ago,NavyMedicinetrulycameitsownandthere was no turning back. Today, the legacy of CorpsWAVES lives on in the careers of the 8,000+ women serving in the Hospital Corps who help ensureNavyMedicinecontinuestoprojectMedical Power in support of Naval Superiority


„ Decker Annabelle R, (PhM1c (W), USNR). Hospital Corps WAVES. The Hospital Corps Quarterly. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office June 1945 p23-25

„ “Enlist in the WAVES: Serve in the Hospital Corps. Washington,DC: Government Printing Office 1943

„ Godson,Susan.ServingProudly:AHistoryofWomeninthe U.S.Navy Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press.2001.

„ “JointheWAVES:Nowmorethaneverbeforeyou’reneeded in the HospitalCorps…”NAVPERS-NRB 48955- 29 June 1945

„ “The Women’s Reserve of the Navy.” The Hospital Corps Quarterly.Washington,DC: GPO 1944 p140-143.

the facilities work in the halls.

Required Qualifications: Some knowledge of Residence Hall building operations. Basic knowledge of facilities operations. Considerable knowledge of Excel and database programs- ability to create tracking/monitoring systems. Excellent communication skills -both written and oral. Demonstrated level of administrative/technical capabilities with strong computer skills. Strong management and organizational skills. Excellent teamwork, collaboration and capabilities to establish collegial relationships needed in the position. Considerable skill in problem solving issues and concerns for internal and external customers. Demonstrated ability to exercise appropriate judgment and maintain confidentiality.Considerable experience in office management, computer application responsibilities, and interaction with university students, faculty,staff and parents.

Preferred Qualifications: Some experience working in college or university housing, or residence life strongly preferred. Some experience in the use of Banner and StarRez. Some experience working with Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. Some experience with conducting and coordinating assessment efforts (qualitative and quantitative) and initiatives: Examples could include Survey Monkey,Student Voice, EBI, “home grown” instruments; QOL, etc. Some knowledge of university policies, procedures and processes. Demonstrated ability to summarize data and write executive level summaries. Bachelors in Business Management, Public Administration or related field

Conditions of Employment: Given the nature of the positions in Student Engagement &Enrollment Services that provide support to student services and/or student-centered programs, the employee occupying this position may be required to work during auniversity closing as directed by his or her supervisor.Theseinstances may include working from aremote location (i.e. telework, etc.).

This is an open until filled recruitment. This recruitment may close after the five-day required posting period when a suitable pool of applicants has been generated.

To review the full position requirements and submit an application, please visit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/18205 Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity,affirmative action institution.

Bethesda,MD ca 1945.Foreverytwoweeks,between February7,1944 and January8,1946,the school received up to 240 prospective CorpsWAVES (BUMEDARCHIVES) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 The Assistant Director of Housing Operations is amember of the Housing and Residence Life team specifically focusing on facilities management. The position works in various capacities to create planning and recording processes of all facilities work occurring in the Residence Halls to ensure timely and quality repairs, renovations, and preparations for all students. In addition to creating and maintaining the appropriate databases, the Assistant Director of Housing Operations will provide support for Housing and Residence Life, by researching best practices, establishing inventorycontrols, and assisting in the monitoring of compliance with University and Industrypolicies and standards. This position will work with staff to respond to feedback gathered via assessment practices; oversee the Electronic Room Condition Report process and work with the University Facilities Department to monitor work order requests. This position will independently initiate and coordinate the administrative functions for Housing and Residence Life and will be involved in coordinating and assessing the overall success of

First woman selected as CMF’s next senior enlisted leader


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet

MANAMA, Bahrain

On March 19, Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) announcedtheselectionofthefirstwoman to serve as the senior enlisted leader for the 38-nation naval partnership led by the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command(NAVCENT)inBahrain.

NAVCENT Command Master Chief CelinaMillerwasselectedasthenextsenior enlistedleadertoreplaceU.S.MarineCorps Sgt. Maj. Cortez Brown in May. Brown has


WhenMillerassumestherole,shewillbe thefirstwomantoholdtheposition.

Miller enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1998

Over the course of more than 24 years of service MillerhasservedaboardshipsUSS Shippingport (ARDM-4), USS Ashland (LSD 48) USS Tortuga (LSD 49) and USS Halsey(DDG97).

In addition to tours at sea, she served as an independent yeoman at Naval Station Sigonella, Sicily; alongside the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan; and attended the Air

ForceSeniorEnlistedAcademyatMaxwell AirForceBase ShereturnedtoSigonellain 2014toserveasthemilitarypersonneloffice andcommandcareercounselorattheNavy SupplyFleetLogisticsCenter.

In2016,shewasselectedtotheCommand Senior Chief program and earned her master’sdegreeinscience Shealsoattended the Command Master Chief course in Newport, Rhode Island After completing the course, she became the first woman to serve as Halsey’s command master chief Miller has also previously served as the command master chief for U.S. 5th Fleet’s

Task Force 55, responsible for U.S. Navy surfaceforcesoperatingintheMiddleEast.

Multinational forces under CMF operate in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Northern ArabianSea,GulfofOman,ArabianGulfand Indian Ocean CMF is the largest multinational naval partnership in the world and helps ensure maritime security and stability across approximately 3.2 million square miles of international waters in the Middle Eastencompassingsomeoftheworld’smost importantshippinglanes

USS Bulkeley(DDG 84) is moored in Sal Island,CaboVerde,during a scheduled portvisit in support oftheAfrican Maritime Forces Summit (AMFS),Mar 19,2023.Hosted byU.S.Naval Forces Europe andAfrica (NAVEUR-NAVAF),theAfrican Maritime Forces Summit (AMFS) is a strategic-level forum that bringsAfrican maritime and naval infantryleaders togetherwith their international partners to address transnational maritime securitychallengeswithinAfricanwaters including theAtlantic Ocean,Indian Ocean,and Mediterranean Sea.(U.S.MARINECORPS


USS Bulkeley (DDG 84) arrives in Sal Island, Cabo Verde for African Maritime Forces Summit

U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S Sixth Fleet

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSBulkeley(DDG84)arrivedin Sal Island, Cabo Verde for a scheduled port visit,March19,2023.

The visit, held in support of the African Maritime Forces Summit, will include ship tours for more than 80 delegates from 38 nations The maritime leaders will also observe shipboard firefighting demonstrations, joint U.S. Coast Guard and Cabo Verdean boarding drills, and simulated bomb-disposal robotics conducted by U.S. Marines “It’s an honor to have our ship here in CaboVerdeasavisiblesignofwhatouralliancesrepresent,maintainingafreeandopen maritime environment. Our partnerships with Cabo Verde and other African maritime partners are key in fostering a global effort to ensure uninhibited access to the maritime domain while increasing security atsea,”saidCmdr RichardSlye,commandingofficerofBulkeley

While in Sal Island, the ship’s crew will participateincommunityoutreachactivities with students in Palmeira, including hostingshiptoursandplayingsportsgames The U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa Brass Band will also perform for students, which features a mixture of Afro-Portugese and traditionalsongs.

“ItisanhonorformetowelcometheUSS BulkeleytoCaboVerde’sshoresaspartofthe inauguralAfricanMaritimeForcesSummit being held in Sal. This ship visit represents another historic milestone in our ongoing efforts to strengthen the U.S.-Cabo Verde maritime security partnership,” said U.S. AmbassadortoCaboVerdeJeffDaigle.

AMFS is a strategic-level forum that brings maritime and naval infantry leaders together to address transnational maritime security challenges within African waters includingtheAtlanticOcean,IndianOcean, and Mediterranean Sea. AMFS is a new modelforAfricanseniorleadershipengagement,whichcombinesthethreeseniorleadershipsymposiumstraditionallyheldduring NAVAF’s annual regional express-series


AMFS participating nations include Angola Benin, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea,France,Gabon,Ghana,Guinea Bissau, Italy, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar,Mauritania,Morocco,Mozambique, Nigeria, Portugal, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe Senegal, Seychelles Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania The Gambia Togo Tunisia, the United Kingdom, and the United States Participants include heads of navy, coast guards, and naval infantries from four continents including Africa, Europe, North America, andSouthAmerica.

Bulkeley, homeported in Rota, Spain, is assigned as a U.S. Navy Forward Deployed Naval Forces-Europe (FDNF-E) destroyer. FDNF-Eshipshavetheflexibilitytooperate throughoutthewatersofEuropeandAfrica, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Arctic Circle, demonstrating their mastery of the maritimedomain.

Commissioned on Dec 8, 2001, the ship

isnamedinhonorofMedalofHonorrecipientRearAdm.JohnDuncanBulkeley who’s 55 years of naval service included action in boththePacificandAtlantictheatersduring World War II and the Korean War. BulkeleywasawardedtheMedalofHonorforhis actions as commander of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 3 in Philippine waters from December 7, 1941 to April 10, 1942 He died on April 6, 1996 and is buried at Arlington NationalCemetery.

For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve securityandstability

HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

Milleras the next Combined Maritime Forces senior enlisted leader Millerwas selected as the next seniorenlisted leaderto replace U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.Maj.CortezBrown in May2023.(U.S.NAVYGRAPHIC)
(March 19 2023) Graphic announcing the selection ofU.S.Naval Forces Central Command’s
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 7

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VAW-121 Changes Command in the Mediterranean


USS Boxer hosts U.S. Army War College International Fellows



USS Boxer (LHD 4)

USSBoxer(LHD4)hostedseniormilitary leaders from 38 countries during the U.S. Army War College International Fellows visittoSanDiego

The visit provided the International Fellows an intimate look into amphibious operations and how U.S. Navy and U.S. MarineCorpsintegrationisvitaltoeffective crisis response support, regional maritime securityanddeterrence

Before commencing a shipboard familiarization tour, the International Fellows were greeted by Rear Adm. James Kirk, commander,ExpeditionaryStrikeGroup3.

“As a graduate of the U.S. Army War College, it was an absolute privilege to welcome the International Fellows aboard USS Boxer,” said Rear Adm. James Kirk,

commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 3, who briefed the International Fellows on amphibious operations. “The opportunity todiscussstrategicleadershipandhighlight our expeditionary mission is invaluable. Exposing our international partners to the Fleetdirectlystrengthensinteroperability.

The International Fellows walked the flight deck and learned about the ship’s aircraft capabilities, including the ability to embark and support all Marine aviation assets including the MV-22 Osprey and the F-35B LightningII, the short take-offverticallandingmodelofthejointstrikefighter.

Thedistinguishedvisitorsalsotouredthe Combat Information Center and medical facilities,wheretheylearnedabouttheplatform’sabilitytoserveasacasualtyreceiving and treatment ship, supporting humanitarianassistancemissionsormasscasualties

Throughout the visit, the International Fellowswereabletointeractwiththeship’s

crew and learn firsthand about the U.S. Navy’sgreatestasset—itsSailors

“Each of us has a different experience in the military through our various branches, jobs and the countries we serve,” said Lt Cmdr Eugenia Rhone Boxer’s administrative officer and one of the tour guides “Whilemanyaspectsofourservicediffer,it wasinspiring to hearhowmuchwe have in commonwithourinternationalpartners.”

OneInternationalFellowsharedthattheir visitwasaneyeopeninglearningexperience

“It reinforces my view on the U.S. naval force,” said the International Fellow. “It’s truethatIwasimpressedbytheequipment, thetechnology,thelevelofprofessionalism, andthecommitmentofthepersonnel.”

The U.S. Army War College offers an International Fellows Program where each year approximately 80 senior military officers from around the world are extended an invitation from the Chief of Staff of the

UnitedStatesArmytoattendtheU.S.Army War College The Academic year is full of studying, research and fellowship as these officersareinstructedinareasrangingfrom military concepts and doctrine to national andtheaterlevelstrategies.

BoxerisaWasp-classamphibiousassault shipcommissionedFebruary11,1995andis thesixthshiptobearthename Boxer’screw is made up of approximately 1,200 officers and enlisted personnel and can accommodateupto1,800Marines

FormoreinformationorimageryforUSS Boxervisit:https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/ USSB-LHD4

Follow us on Facebook at: https://www facebook.com/ussboxer

Follow us on Instagram at https://www. instagram.com/ussboxer

Blueprint for success: A decade up the ladder at NAVFAC Washington

WhenJamesThompsonbeganhiscareer in the federal government as an air conditioning student trainee he never thought hewouldberunningthewholeshowasthe top civilian at Public Works Department South Potomac, Indian Head. And definitelynotafterjust10yearsintohiscareer While his story of early-life hardship may be all too common, Thompson’s perseverance is not. Today, he is recognized as a model leader and is putting in the work to help his teammates below him at Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)Washingtonclimbupthecareer ladder too

Structural Design

Thompson serves NAVFAC Washington asthedeputypublicworksofficerforNaval Support Activity South Potomac Indian Head. He attacks each day, waking at three o’clockinthemorningtomeditateandpray, workout,anddosomereadingandjournaling Hisroutineisstrict,andhemodelsitfor his four children to impart his “work now, playlater”philosophy.

“I try to instill not just a work ethic, but uplift and empower my children as well,” said Thompson “I do affirmations with them like, ‘Who can stop you? Only you.’ They see me meditate and I try and lead by example The same way I carry myself at work.

Thompson is just 33 years-old and was born and raised in Prince George’s County Maryland right outside of the District of

Columbia Heexperiencedadifficultchildhood he now credits for both his ambition and sense of humility

“You can call it a beautiful blessing now, but it was a rough upbringing,” he said.

“Homeless shelters No place to stay Kind of bouncing around,” he said. “My wife helped show me something different.”

He met his wife Denise, in 2008 She’s very extroverted. He’s not At least not in his private life Opposites attract ShewasastudentatMarymountUniversity,buildingthefoundationforherfuture. He was bouncing around from one dead


Thompsontooktheinitiativeandenrolled in trade school for HVAC at the College of Southern Maryland. During his introductorycourse NAVFACrecruiterscametothe college to interview students for a possible apprenticeshipwiththecommand

“I had no high expectations, but Denise strongly encouraged me to at least think positively and give it a try,” said Thompson “I know I don’t look like the ideal person who would come work for the government, but I poured my heart out. I basically expressed if they give me an opportunity, I’llgivethemareturnontheirinvestment.”

Soon after he received a call and was offered a job with NAVFAC Washington at NSASP, Dahlgren as an air conditioning studenttrainee

end job to another Shegraduatedandhadaplan.Hedidnot. But he knew he had to get one, and fast, if he wanted to stay with her “Basically, I was at the crossroads of life in 2011,” he said. “No situation of stable living, working for minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant as a means of getting to tomorrow.”

Hisroughupbringinglefthimfeelingthat he was only destined for dark days Things changed when he was introduced to the HVAC trade by a mentor who saw somethingspecialinhim.

The apprenticeship was a four-year programconsistingofclassroomcoursesand on-the-jobtrainingwithmentorsworkingin the production division at Dahlgren. Provingtobeanexceptionalstudent thecollege soon made him an instructor At one point, he was taking HVAC courses two nights a week as a student while teaching introductoryclassesontwodifferentnights

“Thebiggestticketwastheopportunityto teach,”hesaid “Tobeinthepositiontogive back when before I didn’t even see myself being alive by that point in my life Having thatopportunityalonewasagreatblessing.”

This young man from a humble backgroundwasinductedintotheNationalTechnical Honor Society obtained his master HVAC license, and after graduating from theapprenticeshipprogram,waspromoted

JamesThompson,deputypublicworks officer,PublicWorks Department South Potomac, Indian Head.(PHOTOBYMATTHEWSTINSON) SAN DIEGO (March 14 2023) – Capt.Brian Holmes,executive officerofUSS Boxer(LHD 4),speaks to seniormilitaryleaders from 38 nations touring the ship during the U.S.ArmyWarCollege International Fellowsvisit to San Diego.Boxeris aWasp-class amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSROLANDARDON)
TurntoBlueprintforsuccess, Page 2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 1
Matthew“Toe”Campbell relieved Cmdr Robert“Sluggo”Whitmore as commanding officerofVAW121 during a ceremonyabord the USS George H.W.Bush whiel on a scheduled deployment PageB3

NSWC Philadelphia Chief Technology Officer gives historical lecture as part of National Engineers Week

Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division

NavalSurfaceWarfareCenter,Philadelphia DivisionChiefTechnologyOfficer(CTO)Dr

Eugene“Michael”Goldagavealectureabout NSWCPD’shistoryasapartofNationalEngineersWeekonFeb.22,2023.

NSWCPD Chief Engineer Adam “Scott” Freednerhelpedkickoffthelecturewithhis openingremarks

“The theme of this year’s celebration is ‘Creating the Future’, and I couldn’t think of amorefittingwaytodescribetheeffortsand accomplishments of our engineers here in Philadelphia and across the Nation. Collectively, we bring present and future warfighters the systems and products required to expand the advantage over our adversaries,” Freednersaid

He added, “Whether it be keeping the nation’s current carriers, submarines, and surface fleet on point, providing muchneeded system modernization or researching, developing, and testing systems for the future.Youreffortsarerecognizedacrossthe Navyenterprise.” Freedner also recognized NSWCPD’s longest-servingengineerDanMillerandthe newest engineering hire Chris Heckman as partoftheevent’sopeningremarks

Golda began his lecture by dedicating his presentation to the memory of Capt David Brant McGuigan (Ret), first Commanding Officer of the Naval Ship Systems EngineeringStation(NAVSSES),thepredecessororganizationofthePhiladelphiaDivision.

“Capt McGuiganmorethananyonewasa ferocious champion of this organization. He stood up the Naval Ships Systems Engineering Station when it was nothing more than a single block on a PowerPoint presentation down at headquarters and he put together a teamthatestablishedalotofthetraditionswe don’teventhinkabouttodaybutareapartof ourDNA,”Goldasaid

He continued, “The way we look at supportingthefleet.Thewaywelookatinnovation. The way we look at accepting challenges Those can be traced directly back to Capt.McGuigan.

Golda connected the theme of this year’s NationalEngineersWeektoNSWCPD’spast ashestartedhisspeech.

“I know that this week’s theme is ‘CreatingtheFuture’,butwe[NSWCPD]havebeen creatingthefuturesincewewereestablished backin1910,”Goldasaid

TheCTOsharedwiththosepresentinthe Melville Room in Building 77L and those attending virtually the history and importanceoftheroom’snamesake

“In the late 1880s, the United States Navy

Blueprint for success

from Page 1

towagegradeairconditioning(AC)mechanic in October 2015. Less than six months later, hewaspromotedagaintoACworkleaderand was serving directly under the supervisor of theHVACshopatDahlgren.

Climbing the NAVFAC Ladder

Thompson was just getting started. He continuedtotakeavarietyoftrainingcourses both on and off the job and pursued mentorshipforhispersonalandcareerdevelopment. He also attended several NAVFAC processdriven training sessions and leadership courses

“The best training was the newly developed leadership program,” Thompson said. “It was tremendously helpful in my transition to a leadership role within NAVFAC TheMyers-Briggsassessment,bookreports, group projects, 360-self-assessment discussionaboutconflictresolutionandmorewere amazing.

Yet he wasn’t just acquiring all the knowledge he could consume, but building the foundation for his future.

“After listening to (NAVFAC Chief Engineer) Mr David Curfman’s speech describing his own career path, I set a career goal for myself to achieve a [Senior Executive Service] position with NAVFAC.”

He took his next step toward that goal in 2017,whenhewaspromotedtoHVACsupervisor. Establishedinaleadershiprole,Thompson managed the largest work center within the productiondivision Hewouldremaininthe position for three years, except for a threemonth rotation in 2019, in which he took on atemporarydutyassignmenttoserveasfacility branch head. His success as a supervisor and the experience gained as acting facility branch head paved the way for his promotiontoproductiondivisiondirectoratPublic Works Department South Potomac, Indian Head,in2020 Oneyearlater,Thompsoninterviewedfor the deputy public works officer job and beat out a competitive field to become the top civilianinhispublicworksdepartment

Still Under Construction

“Ilikethe‘Amazonreview,’”saidThompson. “So, I would always bother my superiorsandaskwhatwasgoingonintermsofmy performance.”

BillWindusservedinuniformasthepublic worksofficeratNSASPwhenThompsonwas still taking his first steps at NAVFAC Washington

“Jameswasincrediblysharp,professional, andwasrecognizedforhisleadershippotential,” said Windus “Every time we gave him moreresponsibility,hemetandexceededthe

Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division’s (NSWCPD) ChiefTechnologyOfficerDr Eugene Golda gives a presentation on NSWCPD’s historyduring National Engineers Weekon Feb.22 2023.National EngineersWeekcelebrates the positive contributions produced from a diverse group of engineers.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSGT.JERMAINESULLIVAN/ RELEASED)

wasnotmuchtolookat TheNavycouldn’t makeadecisionwhethertheywouldgamble on machinery propulsion or if they were going to stick with those sails because it was tradition In 1887 the President [Grover Cleveland] reached deep within the Navy engineering community and selected a relatively junior officer and promoted him to Admiral, Adm. George Wallace Melville,” Goldasaid

Headded,“Atthatpoint,Melvillewhohad beenaCivilWarcombatveteran,wasalready an internationally acclaimedarcticexplorer and was also an exceptional engineer He tookcommandand movedtheNavyintothe modernera.” Melville’s drive to innovate is a founding principle that still exists in the NSWCPD The drive to innovate was instrumental in numerous breakthroughs throughout the 20th century and continues revolutionizing naval machinery technology in the 21st century accordingtoGolda

OneofthemanyNSWCPDbreakthroughs was the move to oil-powered ships from coal-powered ships and the numerous advancesneededtokeepthosenew,oil-fired boilersoperatingsafelyandefficiently.



While Thompson wakes up every day at threeo’clockinthemorning,heisalsoprone tosendoutworkemailsat11o’clockatnight Work-life balance was a recurring theme of the Amazon-style reviews he received from supervisors,mentors,andpeers

“They let me know ‘Hey James, you have to be balanced, Thompson said. “They all know I’m trying to be successful but finding thatbalanceisrealsuccess.”Thompsoncould nothelpbutlaugh.“I’mstillworkingonit.”

ThompsonandWindus,nowacivilianand the deputy public works officer at Dahlgren, worktogetheraspeers.

“I think we complement each other very well, me with my active-duty background and James with his background coming up through the shops in production division, Windus said. “He is a fantastic leader for IndianHead,andthequintessentialexample forourproductiondivisionworkforceofhow youcanmoveupinthepublicworksdepartment organization through hard work and perseverance.”

Change Orders

Thompson is focused on change, both for histeamatIndianHeadandfortheNAVFAC Washington mission at NSASP After all, he hasexperience.

“For me, there was no amount of money youcouldpaymethatwouldequalthesatisfactionIgetfromonepersonsayingIhelped them, or if we fix up a facility, or make an impact in some other way to support the mission.” Thompson said “It’s a feeling of joy.Likeachievingnirvana,inaway.

Tofacilitatechange,Thompsonusesmultiplestrategies Hehoststeamlunchesforwage grade employees and subordinates, both to field questions and to share his story He fosters relationships, from the first in-brief with new staff members to out-briefs with thoseleavingtheprogram Notthatthereare many HewantstheAmazonreview good bad andugly andwantstoknow“whatdid wedowell,whatcouldwedobetter,andwhat wouldmakethemcomeback.”Healsospends alotofhisearlymorningpersonaltimereadingreportsfromthefield

“I ask a lot of questions when I talk to the team,” Thompson said.“Idon’ttry tomicromanagethembutshowthatI’vebeenactively reading their reports and try to help them come up with innovative ways to get around theirchallenges.

Anopen-doorpolicytypeofleader,hegoes on walkabouts on base and looks for opportunitiestotalktohisteamintheirworkenvironments Ithelpsthatmostofthemalready knowhimwell.

Maximum Impact

Howdoesaleadermakealastingimpacton their workplace? For Thompson, it all starts withmakingthelivesofhispeoplebetter

“James makes Indian Head feel like a home,” said Samuel Che, laborer at Indian

the best way to atomize that fuel, to turn it into a mist so it would burn effectively, and that resulted in the first Philadelphia patent. The patent application was submitted in July of 1915 and awarded March 1918 We continue to be a patent-based organization protecting Navy intellectualproperty,”Goldasaid.

The story of NSWCPD is filled with the engineering advances created by past and present Navy engineers working to further the Navy’s missions Sharing that heritage to encourage an innovativespiritiswhatkeepsGolda coming back to give these lecturesandlearnmoreinthe process.

“ToquoteCapt McGuigan, ‘We just don’t push the paper from one side of the desk to the other.’ We do real engineering, hands-on engineering wrench-turning engineering If a ship in the fleet needs helps with its machinery, this organization will put people on a plane 24/7 365 to go anywhere in the world to help that ship,” Golda said. “I think that says so much about the people of NSWCPD To be able to talk a little about what the team here has accomplished is always a pleasure It was really a lotoffuntolearnmoreaboutwhoweareand whatwe’vedone.”

Machinery Research, Logistics, and Ship IntegrityDepartmentHeadDawnWaregave theevent’sclosingremarksasshecelebrated herimpendingretirementafter35yearswith NSWCPD.

“Engineersareinnovators,sobebraveand takethatleapoffaiththatwillstretchyouand put you on a journey to new and rewarding adventures You’llenduplikeIhave inplaces you would have never dreamed you would be,”Waresaid NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team doestheresearchanddevelopment,testand evaluation, acquisition support, and in-serviceandlogisticsengineeringforthenon-nuclearmachinery shipmachinerysystems,and related equipment and material for Navy surface ships and submarines NSWCPD is also the lead organization providing cybersecurityforallshipsystems.

Head,whoworkedwithThompsonwhenhe wastheproductiondivisiondirectorandstill serveswithhimtoday

“He set standards and told everyone what he expected from them and stuck to it,” said James Day, performance assessment representative, who worked directly underThompsonwhenhewastheACwork leader at PWD South Potomac Dahlgren. “He turned the shop around while he was in that office, and from what I see, he’s making adifferenceatIndianHeadaswell.”

“It has honestly been a pleasure watchingJamesgrowfromanapprenticetowhere he is now,” said Crystal Saunders, supervisory management analyst at Dahlgren, who has known Thompson from his first days at NAVFACWashingtonandwatchedhimgrow on the job “The employees look up to him youngandold. Thompson is not afraid to share both his story and blueprint for success with those who will listen. He seamlessly comes across aspositiveandfocused,butmostimportantly, heisgenuinelysomeonewhohasbeenthere anddonethatandnowservesasamodeland motivator

“James is younger than me and I know his story how he came up in life,” said Day. “I looked up to him because he is a great motivator When you’re down, he knows how to bring you back up He encouraged me to succeed, and he still does to this day. He is always checking in on me or asking if I need guidanceonanything.IfIhadtoselectateam, he would be the first teammate I choose. If I needsomething healwaysanswersthecall.”

The Why

These days, Thompson is focused on the here-and-now, working to grow in his role as DPWO at Indian Head. Recently, he spearheaded a vocational career fair at his alma mater, connecting a new crop of young jobseekers with opportunities to serve at NAVFAC Washington. He also happily continues to serve as a mentor and motivationalspeaker,onandoffthejob Long-term, he aims to continue climbing the NAVFAC ladderthroughservicetoothers

“My ‘why’ is: before I depart from this Earth,notfocusingonwhatIcanreceive,but instead what I can give,” said Thompson. “I feellikeanyonecanbeabossorasupervisor and bark orders, but not everyone can be a leader and inspire change It takes sacrifice discipline, planning and self-accountability, but no matter your background or external obstacles,anythingispossible.”

AtentpoleofNAVFAC’sstrategicplanisto grow as a learning organization and develop theworkforceforthechallengesofthefuture. Thompson’seffortstocapitalizeonopportunitiesprovidedbyNAVFACWashingtonhave not gone unnoticed, and he is recognized as a leader and a model for the entire NAVFAC workforce Finally, Thompson said, “NAVFAC saved andchangedmylife.”

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:

Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832

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2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

VAW-121 changes command in the Mediterranean



Matthew “Toe” Campbell relieved Cmdr Robert “Sluggo” Whitmore as commanding officer of Carrier Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121. The change of command ceremony took place above the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS GeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77)duringascheduleddeploymentintheU.S.SixthFleetarea of operations, March 16, 2023 Capt. Alex “Waldo”Hampton,commander,CarrierAir Wing(CVW)7,presided.

“Cmdr Whitmore did an amazing job leadingourmostvaluableasset ourpeople - through a rigorous pre-deployment work up cycle and for the duration of the 2022 to 2023 deployment, said Hampton “His relentless efforts to maintain peace and stabilityinsupportofouralliesandmissions intheU.S.Sixthfleetareaofresponsibilityis atestamentofhisleadershipandprofessionalism. Congratulations to Cmdr Campbell IlookforwardtoseeingyouleadtheBluetailsaswefinishstrongfortheremainderof ourdeployment.

Whitmore, from Norwalk, Iowa, and a graduateofTheCitadel,theMilitaryCollege of South Carolina, assumed command of VAW-121 in Jan. 2022. He led the Bluetails during their 2022-2023 deployment with CVW-7,aboardGeorgeH.W.Bush

“I am extremely proud of the hard work and dedication of the Sailors chiefs and officers of the Bluetails,” said Whitmore “During this deployment our squadron accomplished unprecedented tasking and we not only strived but excelled thus catapultingourcommunityintothefuture.Servingasthecommandingofficerhasbeenthe honor and privilege of my life I wish nothingbutsuccessforCmdr Campbellandthe BluetailsofVAW-121.”

DuringWhitmore’stenure,thesquadron completedavigorouswork-upcycleculminatingina2022-2023deployment.VAW-121 deployed in support of priority U.S. Sixth Fleet tasking In total, they accumulated 1,530totalflighthours,565carrierlandings and 503 sorties while under Whitmore’s leadership Campbell, from Cleveland, Tennessee, and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, praised Whitmore’s leadership andaddressedthesquadronaboutthefuture oftheBluetails.

“I’m extremely humbled and honored to be the 47th commanding officer of the

ADRIATIC SEA(March 17 2023) Sailors assigned toAirborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121 splash Cmdr RobertWhitmore, commander VAW-121,aftera change ofcommand ceremony,March 8,2023.During the ceremonyCmdr MatthewCampbell relieved Cmdr RobertWhitmore as commander VAW-121.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 and the George H.W.Bush CSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 are Strike FighterSquadron (VFA)

Bluetails,” said Campbell “This was unlike any deployment the E-2 community has ever seen and every step of the way, this squadronperformedexceptionally Itisone hundredpercentduetotheSailorswehave at this command. It is the Sailors that motivate and drive me My only goal is to foster an environment where they can grow and develop personally and professionally and truly feel like they are being taken care of Many thanks to commander Whitmore for leavingmewiththeabsolutebestHawkeye squadroninthefleet.

George H. W. Bush is the flagship of

CarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)10 GeorgeH.W. Bush CSG. CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).

TheshipsofDESRON-26withinCSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarragut(DDG99) USSTruxtun(DDG103) and USSDelbertD.Black(DDG119)

The Squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard George H. W. Bush are the “Sidewinders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA)

86 the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103 the “Knighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Pukin’ Dogs” of VFA-143, the Bluetails” of VAW-121,the“Patriots”ofElectronicAttack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, andthe“Grandmasters”ofHelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

TheGeorgeH.W.BushCSG isonascheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africaareaofoperations employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defend U.S., allied and partnerinterests

NPS student operational insight and faculty collaboration advances hypersonics applied research

In a small area 4 inches by 4 inches to beprecise inaNavalPostgraduateSchool (NPS)researchlaboratory,auniquely-capablefacilityissupportingfoundationalhypersonics research and preparing U.S. Navy and MarineCorps officers toadvance, integrate,andemploytheseaservices’emerging hypersoniccapabilities

Under the leadership of NPS’ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) department and with sponsorship by the Office of Naval Research, recent improvements in the NPS Supersonic Wind Tunnel (SSWT) laboratory have made the facility fully capable of conducting long duration high supersonic testing and experimentation, advancing NPS’ support to the Navy’s ForceDesignimperatives asoutlinedinthe Chief of Naval Operations’ (CNO) NavigationPlan(NAVPLAN)2022.

“Hypersonicsystemsprovideacombination of speed, maneuverability and altitude that enable highly survivable, long-range, rapid defeat of time-critical, heavily-defended and high-value targets,” CNO Adm. Mike Gilday commented during an early 2022 visit to industry partners developing hypersonictechnologies “Deliveringhypersonic weapons continues to be one of the Navy’shighestpriorities,whichtheNavigationPlanmakesclear.”

“Ourresearchcapabilityisuniqueamong academic institutions in the United States,” said Dr. Garth Hobson, MAE professor and PrincipalInvestigatorfortheSSWT “You’d have to go to NASA or the big Air Force research laboratories to match these capabilities Wecanrunthewindtunnelforhalf an hour at a time at Mach 4 and that allows ustodoverymeaningfulexperimentation.

Thiscapability,combinedwithNPS’abilitytoconducthighly-classifiedresearchand the intellectual and operational capital of its faculty and officers, positions NPS to be a critical enabler in meeting future force requirementsintherealmofhypersonics

In recognition of its role in educating mid-career officers in warfighting applications and applied hypersonics research, on Dec 8, 2022, NPS was officially welcomed intotheUniversityConsortiumforApplied Hypersonics (UCAH), a collaborative network of more than 100 universities and 150 industry partners actively working in thefield.MembershipinUCAHhasalready bornefruit,withcollaborativeeffortsunderwaybetweenNPS theUniversityofArizona and North Carolina State University initiatedthroughthisengagement

“Membership in UCAH opens up a wide spectrumofopportunitiesforNPStoengage in basic and applied research essential to helping the United States remain competitivewithouradversariesinthischallenging discipline,” stressed Dr Kevin Smith, NPS ViceProvostforResearch

“The national effort in hypersonics will undoubtedly generate advances in many existing and new technologies with applicationsthatcanhelpsolveoperationalproblems of warfighting,” he continued. “NPS participation in UCAH can help accelerate


Supersonic vs Hypersonic

A Mach number is generally understood as the ratioofairspeedtothe local speedof sound: “Mach 2” refers to twice the speed ofsound;“Mach3”isthreetimes,andsoon

The speed of sound, however, is not a constant. The “local” speed of sound depends on a variety of factors including thealtitude temperatureanddensityofthe surrounding air For example, the speed of sound at sea level at 59 degrees Fahrenheit is 761 miles per hour. At a height of 20,000 meters and minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s 660 miles per hour. The term “supersonic” refers simply to a speed higher than thespeedofsound. At high speeds around Mach 5, however, thingsgetratherpeculiar Thesurrounding air molecules break apart and turn into an electrically-chargedplasmawiththekinetic energyoftheaircraftchangingtoheat,yieldingintensevariationsinairdensityandpressure that materialize through a series of shockwavesandexpansions


“Something becomes hypersonic when it’s in air that can no longer be treated as ‘perfect. Thingsstarttoreactandyoustartto worry about how hot things get, explained Ben Nikaido, a computational fluid dynamics expert with NASA’s Ames Research Center who is working on his doctorate at NPSwiththeSSWTteam.

“There really is no absolute line in the sandthatsayseverythingbeyondthisspeed is hypersonic and below it is supersonic It’s a large gray area with a lot of overlap,” Nikaido explained. “For example the air is so thick at sea level that even when you’re flyingsomethingatMach2or3,youcanstill gethypersoniceffects.”

Mitigating such extreme forces and temperatures for air-breathing aircraft or missiles, let alone maintaining command andcontrol,isnosmallfeat.However,breakingthroughtothehypersonicsidepresents a host of tactical and strategic advantages namelythroughunmatchedspeedanddifficultytodetectanddefend.

“While the U.S. Navy currently uses the Aegis Combat System on Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga-class cruisers to defend ships at sea, high-energy lasers are becomingmoreimportanttoourlayereddefensive against rapidly evolving threats,” said Navy Lt Cmdr Brian Curran, a Ph.D. candidate in laser physics and executive director of the Meyer Scholar program. “To lead effectively and fight decisively, NPS is working to develop officers who are technologically competentandconfidentintheemployment ofadvancednavalwarfaresystems.”

A Mighty Wind Thankstoathree-yeargrantbytheOffice of Naval Research (ONR) Code 35 Naval Air Warfare and Weapons, ONR’s innovative naval prototypes division, Hobson and his team have spent the last year renovating,reconstitutingandrecalibratingvarious


Thecomplex adecommissionedengine test cell which dates back to 1956 now consists of three massive pressure vessels of compressed air at several hundred psi. Operation is powered by a powerful electric motor and multiple compressors that pump the high-pressure air into air dryers before converging in a plenum chamber, from which it blasts at Mach 4 into the 4 inch-by-4 inch test section at temperatures nearminus300degreesFahrenheit

Additionally, with a grant provided by the NPS Foundation, the installation of a specialized air heater allows air speeds to beincreasedthroughMach5.

Over the next year the team will focus on modeling and investigating the elemental physics of hypersonics, Hobson says Drawing extensively on Xerox’s first liquid metalprinterandasmallpowderbedmetal printer,NPSengineersareabletofabricatea widevarietyofcomponentsoutofdifferent metals including aluminum and titanium, predict their performance using computational fluid dynamics and see how they performunderhypersonicconditions.

Crucialtothisprocesshasbeenthework of NPS Aerospace Engineering student U.S. Navy Ensign G. Forrest Dawe, who has developed a method to measure internal conditions to further streamline the newly-upgradedwindtunnel

The newly-commissioned ensign is attending NPS as a Shoemaker Scholar meaning he’s on a fast track to earning his master’s degree right after his undergraduate degree at Boston University and before attending Navy flight training in Pensacola, Fla. He aims to become a test pilot, so not

onlyisheintimatelyinvolvedinthescience ofhypersonics,hecouldbeapractitionerof hypersonicflightaswell.

“During the course of the supersonic wind tunnel upgrade our team ran simulationsonitandpredictedthattherewould be vortex conditions along the sidewall, he explained. “So my thesis involved using a probe to measure velocity and pressure alongthewindtunnel.”

All of this initial research is in preparation for the third year of the ONR grant for experimentingwithhypersonicpropulsion. Specifically,theteamwilldevelopandmodel asolutiontoavexingprobleminhypersonic research anengine“unstart,”whichisthe violentbreakdownofengineinletairflowat hypersonicspeeds

“In other words, an ‘unstart’ is when a supersonicinletreversessupersonicairflow within a nanosecond,” Nikaido explained. Onthebestofdays,thisresultsinpowerloss oftheaircraftandasuddenifnotviolentyaw.

“We do the research to generate novel ways of preventing this from occurring all the while learning a lot about the physical underpinning of supersonic airflow. Hobson said. “There are many challenges associated with hypersonic speeds The value of our research is not only to develop solutionstoimprovinghypersonicflight,but todoitalongsideourmilitarystudentswho contribute operational insight while they gain technical understanding to develop effectiveconceptsofoperation.”

Such aircraft, and the leaders ready to employ them, are on the horizon with NPS and its SSWT laboratory playing a critical roleinhypersonicsinnovationthroughgraduateeducationandresearch.

143,VFA-103,VFA-86 VFA-136 ElectronicAttack Squadron (VAQ) 140,VAW-121,HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The George H.W. Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 3
Aeronautical engineering student U.S.NavyEnsign G.Forrest Dawe analyzes the results ofa test on the school’s SupersonicWindTunnel (SSWT) forhis thesis into flowcharacterization. Recent upgrades to the SSWTfacilityallowNPS researchers to execute newfoundational research thatwill help graduating students in the advancement and employment ofthe service’s emerging hypersonic capabilities.(U.SNAVYPHOTOBYJAVIERCHAGOYA/RELEASED)

NMFP augments Casualty Receiving Treatment Ship, enhances capabilities

Naval Medical Forces Pacific

Members of various commands and amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4) medical department participated in a medical exercise implementing a Casualty Receiving Treatment Ship (CRTS) mission aboardBoxeratNavalBaseSanDiego,California,March6-10

“We’reheretoexercisetheCRTSmission, which is Role 2 afloat for U.S. Navy,” said Cmdr JustinCampbell forcemedicalplanner Naval Surface Forces Pacific (SURFPAC).“TheMarineCorpshastheirmedical battalions, and Navy Medicine has done a lot of great work supporting the medical battalionsinIraqandAfghanistan.Butaswe start to pivot and look at distributed maritimeoperationsintheIndo-Pacific,it’smore important that we start to exercise the full capabilityoftheCRTSmission.”

Whencalledupon,suchasamajorconflict scenarioorduringamasscasualtysituation, BoxercanbecomeaCRTS Theexercisewas designed to test and integrate the various entities that comprise the CRTS: a Fleet Surgical Team, an M+1 augmentation, and themedicalteamorganictotheship.

Boxer is an amphibious assault ship and serves as the cornerstone of an amphibious ready group (ARG). A Fleet Surgical Team(FST)isembarkedtotheBoxerwhen deployed with the ARG, to augment the ship’smedicaldepartment.

Fleet Surgical Team-5 (FST-5), which is organictoSURFPAC,ismadeupofapproximately an 18-person team capable of operating at least one of the operating rooms on a ship like Boxer. However, Boxer has a capacity for four operating rooms requiring manning augmentation to become fully operationallycapable

“When the FST embarks on Boxer with the ship’s medical department, the only

surgeonsandnursesarewiththeFST,”said Capt. Corey Gustafson, officer in charge, FST-5. “You can quickly become overwhelmed in a mass casualty scenario, or if we’reatconflictandexpecttoreceivecasualties. The CRTS gets activated to augment thiscapability.

TodosoSURFPAChasapartnershipwith NavalMedicalForcesPacific(NMFP),who participatedwithdevelopingandscheduling theexercise NMFPsourcedandembarked theM+1outofNavyMedicineReadinessand Training Command (NMRTC) San Diego, whichwasdesignedasanaugmentingforce totheCRTS

The M+1 is an 84-person team that helps bringtheshiptoitsfullcapabilitytoreceive, treatandregulatecasualtiesasaCRTS,and isaNavyMedicineplatformthatisreferred toasCRTS-9fromNMRTCSanDiego.

“Over the past few days, we’ve been testing how to integrate (augmentees) in with the Boxer team and the FST,” said Lt Cmdr Paul Flood, senior medical officer USS Boxer. “I think we’ve done significant improvementsandhavealotofgoodlessons learnedonhowtointegrateandwhatthings areneededtoimprovetheplatform.”

Withinthe84personnel,CRTS-9ismade up of additional general surgeons, orthopedicsurgeonsandoralmaxillofacialsurgeons; along with anesthesia and perioperative services to provide a more robust surgical capability; and management of medical surgicalpatients,intensivecarepatientsand generalwardpatients

“CRTS-9 is a composition of doctors, nurses and corpsman that can be deployed and integrated with a ship such as an amphibious assault ship to help complement the medical capabilities to provide additional surgical services Intensive Care Unit services, ward services and ancillary services,” said Cmdr Benjamin Drew, general anesthesiologist, NMRTC San

Diego, and officer-in-charge of CRTS-9 “So,itaugmentsandalsoamplifiesthemedical capability to provide damage control surgery, and resuscitative services, both to the ship as well as to the supported units fromthatship.”

During the exercise, the CRTS personnel have been providing robust surgical responsetoavarietyofsimulatedcasualties

When bringing together such a diverse fieldofspecialtiesfromamixofdepartments withinNMRTCSanDiego,someofthegoals are mutually understanding their capabilities,improvingorganization,andoptimizing surgicalandmedicalresponse

Inaddition,thepersonnelassignedtothe CRTS-9workdailyatNavalMedicalCenter San Diego, or subordinate branch medical clinics The shipboard environment presentschallengesthatsomemaynotbeaccustomedto

“Living in a ship is very different than that of a hospital or that even in an austere environment, on land, said Drew “In this environment, we may have less resupply and less of a capability for medical evacuation,aswell We’remuchmoreconstrained by the existing infrastructure of the ship, so ourteammustidentifythosechallengesand comeupwithsolutionstoeffectivelyoperate andexecuteourmissionaboardtheship.”

The training experience has also been a greatbenefittotheship’screw aswell

“My biggest takeaway in the training element is understanding the roles of those on the other side,” said Chief Hospital Corpsman Rochelle Cannon, Medical Leading Chief Petty Officer, USS Boxer. “We are shipboard medicine, so we never get to see that higher echelon of care. We usually give patients the best level of care that we can then we medevac them off the ship But having a surgeon here or having the full staff here going through everything asifwe’redeployedhasbeenverybeneficial


Military medical platforms are classified bytheMilitaryHealthSystemrolesofcareto describebattlefieldmedicalandhealthcapabilities The military organizes health-service support capability across the theater of operations, communications zone, and home station to provide medical care from Roles1-4.

Role-4 capability represents the most definitive medical care available, such as those provided by U.S. and overseas-based military medical treatment facilities while Role-3assetsusuallyactinageneralsupport roletoanentiretheaterviceasingleunit.

Role-1 units are usually a direct support capability supporting their owning unit, whileRole-2unitscanfunctioninageneral supportordirectsupportrole

Assigned to Expeditionary Strike Group 3,BoxerisaWasp-classamphibiousassault ship commissioned Feb. 11, 1995, and is the sixthU.S.shiptobearthename Boxer’screw is made up of approximately 1,200 officers and enlisted personnel and can accommodate up to 1,800 Marines The amphibious capability of the Navy and Marine Corps teamhasbeendemonstratedinabroadrange of operations including foreign humanitarian assistance operations, noncombatant emergency evacuations, natural disaster response the recovery of downed aircraft and personnel, counter-piracy and strike operations,anddiversesupporttoourpartnernations.

Naval Medical Forces Pacific provides oversight for 10 NMRTCs on the West Coast and Pacific Rim that train, man, and equip medical forces, primarily in military treatment facilities Globally, NMFP overseeseightresearchlaboratoriesthatdeliver research expertise in support of warfighter healthandreadiness.

USS Charleston participates in exercise La Pérouse 2023

Command Destroyer Squadron 7

BAYOFBENGAL Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Charleston (LCS 18) participated in joint training exercise La Pérouse 2023 with six Allied and partner nation navies in the Bay of Bengal, March13-14

La Pérouse is a multilateral exercise designed to enhance cooperation in the field of maritime surveillance, interdiction, and air operations by progressive training and information sharing The French Navy, represented by Mistral-class amphibious assault ship FS Dixmude (L9015) and La Fayette-class frigate FS La Fayette (F 710), hostedtheexercise.

“It is vital that the Indo-Pacific remains free and open, connected, prosperous secure, and resilient, said Cmdr Spike Lamson, commanding officer, Charleston Gold Crew “Every opportunity we get to work with our regional Allies and partners helpstostrengthenthatgoal.”

Additional participants included Indian Navy Shivalik-class stealth frigate Sahyadri (F49) and Komandarm Fedko-class replenishment oiler INS Jyoti (A58), Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Akizuki-classdestroyerSuzutsuki(DD117), Royal Australian Navy Anzac-class frigate HMAS Perth (FFH 157), personnel from the Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Navy offshorepatrolvesselHMSTamar(P233).

The ships met at sea to conduct force integrated training and practiced a range of surface and air warfare events to include live-firing exercises coordinated tactical maneuvering flight operations simulated air-to-surface combat exercises and communicationsdrills ExerciseLaPérouse demonstrated combined combat capabilities and seamless coordination between

Participant ships ofjoint training exercise La Pérouse 2023 sail in formation in the BayofBengal,March 14 La Pérouse is a multilateral exercise designed to enhance cooperation in the field ofmaritime surveillance,interdiction operations and airoperations byprogressive training and information sharing The Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Charleston (LCS 18),part ofDestroyerSquadron 7,is on a rotational deployment operating in the U.S.7th Fleet area ofoperations to enhance interoperabilitywithAllies and partners and serve as a ready-response force in support ofa free and open Indo-Pacific region.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFROYALNAVY)

regional Allies and partners underscoring the commitment to peace, security, and stabilityintheIndo-Pacific

Attached to Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7, Charleston is on a rotational deployment, operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability with Allies and partners serve as a ready-responseforceinsupportofafreeand


As the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed DESRON in Southeast Asia, DESRON 7 serves as the primary tactical and operational commander of littoral combat ships rotationally deployed to Singapore, functions as Commander, Task Force 76⁄3 Sea Combat Commander, and builds partnerships through training exercises and

military-to-military engagements as the executing agent of the Commander, Task Group Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training.

7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion

SAN DIEGO (March 8,2023)
Hospital Corpsman 2nd ClassJazmine Strain,assigned to NavyMedicine Readiness andTraining Command San Diego (NMRTCSD) and a native ofClaxton,Georgia, inserts
a tracheal tube into the mouth ofa simulated trauma patient during a mass casualtydrill aboard USS Boxer(LHD
SurgicalTeam Five and NMRTCSD Sailors participated in a two-daymass casualtydrill simulating Boxeras a casualtyreceiving treatment ship (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSKELSEYJ.HOCKENBERGER)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

NAS Pensacola Arresting Gear completes annual certification

Naval Air Station Pensacola Public Affairs

ing closing runways used for training and routine operations

to jointly spread out the kinetic energy of a landing aircraft.

According to NAS Pensacola Arresting Gear’s Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launch and Recovery) (AW/SW) Bryan Carter, the ALRE certification inspection consisted of an intensive review of NAS Pensacola maintenance publications and records documentation, continuing with theinspectionofeacharrestinggearengine and associated equipment.


In addition to performing a comprehensive overhaul of five arresting gear absorbers, Sailors assigned to the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola’s Air Operations Department’s Arresting Gear division completed its annual Aircraft Launch and Recovery (ALRE) Annual Certification Inspection March 6 through 10 Theweek-longinspection,conductedby a Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) CarrierAirFieldSupportUnit(CAFSU),is athoroughevaluationoftheairstation’s12 E-28arrestinggears Butinadditiontothis annualinspection,NASPensacola’sarresting gear division Sailors also performed a comprehensive overhaul of five arresting gear absorbers, a complex process involv-

The air station’s arresting gear team’s efforts ultimately resulted in significantly reducing the equipment’s discrepancy list and scoring exceedingly high on the annualinspection,somethingNASPensacola Aircraft Maintenance Officer Lt Jorge Pavon said is indicative of the important work these Sailors do each day.

“It’s easy to forget about the gear until an emergency happens and it’s needed,” Pavon said, “but these Sailors know that what we do can save lives and assets, and the professionalism and dedication of the men and women who put in 14-hour days and weekends to ensure this annual recertification was successful speaks volumes of their commitment to their jobs to each other and to the Navy.”

Pavon also said that CAFSU inspectors

were impressed with the installation’s arresting gear division, citing Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launch and Recovery) 2nd Class (AW/SW) Athena Carter’s leadership of her team in an ‘on-the-spot’ discrepancy correction during the inspection as well as the division’s Quality Assurance (QA) work center Pavon said NAS Pensacola’s Arresting Gear division’s QA procedures were exceptional, and the CAFSU inspectors intend to use this as a learning hub for other U.S. Navy airfields

The E-28 shore-based emergency arresting gear is designed as a land-based emergency standby gear for arresting hook-equipped aircraft. These units are installed on the runway for the purpose of safely arresting an aircraft in the event of an aborted takeoff or emergency landing Theenormousunitsconsistofarotary, hydrodynamic energy absorber designed

“Recertifying was just one goal,” Carter said.“Wewanttomaintainthesafestoperating arresting gear to provide to our local squadrons and visiting aircraft. Every action they take each day is to make sure that in the event arresting gear is needed, it’s functional, safe and capable of protecting the pilots and aircrew who rely on us each day.

NASPensacola,referredtoasthe“Cradle of Naval Aviation,” is designed to support operationalandtrainingmissionsoftenant commands, including the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (NATTC); NavalAviationSchoolsCommand(NASC); Marine Aviation Training Support Groups (MATSG)21and23andservesastheheadquartersfor NavalEducationandTraining Command (NETC).

Independent Duty Corpsman: A department of one



Commander, Littoral Combat Ship Squadron One

PACIFIC OCEAN Assuming duties typically reserved for a chief petty officer and tending to a crew of more than 100 is an intimidating prospect to many Sailors However, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Seo Song does exactly that every day aboard Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Mobile (LCS 26) as the Independent DutyCorpsman(IDC)

Independent Duty Corpsmen work independently to safeguard the health and welfareofthecrew

Being an IDC on an LCS comes with myriad duties and responsibilities Some are more observable than others, such as sickcallandmedicaltraining Manyothers, likedailywatertestingandabi-weeklypest surveys, are relatively unknown among fellowshipmates

“The work is stressful because all of the responsibility and accountability lies completely with me,” said Song. “There are daysIaskmyself:WhatdidIgetinto?”

A native of Los Angeles Song has served 15 years in the Navy with assignments as a Corpsman on six other vessels including Cyclone-class patrol ship USS Whirlwind (PC-11) and the hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH-19).It’shistimebeingthesolemedical care provider to Sailors underway that havemadeSongintothehospitalcorpsman heistoday

“It’s so important to keep an open mind whentreatingapatient,andtocomefroma placeofsympathyandempathy,”saidSong “Get adjusted to your command and crew, butalwaysbereadytoadjustandadapt.”

Even as a seasoned IDC, Song considers histimewithMobileavaluableopportunity forprofessionalandpersonalgrowth

“The structure and the manning are different, explainedSong.“Sotheexpectationsandthereforethestressforthecrewis different.SailorsonanLCScanhavealotof obligationsoutsideoftheirrate SoImodify mycareplanandhowIapproachpeopleso Icanmeetthemwherethey’reat.”

TypicalofanIDC,Songreportsdirectlyto the commanding officer and executive officer.Cmdr MatthewShaw executiveofficer ofMobile,saysheunderstandsthepressure Songisundertocareforcrewandmeetthe operationalneedsoftheship

“The job can be a heavy burden because alleyesareonhimforthecareofeverybody here,” said Shaw. “The crew feels safe with himandknowshehastheirbestinterestsin mindifanythingweretohappen.”

With almost a year on Mobile Song has developed a strong relationship with his shipmates. It’s because of that, he says, that he feels obligated to continuously improve andprovidethebestcareforthecrewasthe onlyhospitalcorpsmanaboard.

“He’s doing phenomenal and the crew loves him,” said Shaw. “That’s the most importantpart.”

Littoral Combat Ships are fast, opti-

PEARLHARBOR Hawaii (March 11,2023) Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Seo Song a native of LosAngeles,serves aboard Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Mobile (LCS 26) Blue Crewas an Independent DutyCorpsman (IDC) serving the health andwelfare ofthe entire crew Littoral Combat Ships are fast optimally-manned,mission-tailored surface combatants that operate in near-shore and open-ocean environments,winning against 21st-century coastal threats Mobile is currentlyunderwayconducting routine operations in U.S.3rd Fleet (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSVICTORIAGRANADO)

mally-manned, mission-tailored surface combatants that operate in near-shore and open-oceanenvironments,winningagainst 21st-century coastal threats LCS inte-

grate with joint, combined, manned and unmanned teams to support forward-presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrencemissionsaroundtheglobe


For commands expecting inbound personnel who will be submitting a PCS voucher, be suretoadvisethemoftheTemporaryLodgingExpense(TLE)extensionrecentlyapproved forHampton VirginiaandNewportNews Virginia.TheeffectivedatesfortheTLEextensionarecurrentlyfor14Feb2023to31March2023 TLEisanallowanceintendedtopartially paymembersforlodgingmealexpensesincurredbyamemberordependent(s)whileoccupyingtemporarylodgingintheContinentalUnitedStatesinassociationwithaPermanent ChangeofStationmove InalocationwithapprovedTLEextensions,aservicemembermay beeligibleforadditionaldaysofTLEallowance

PENSACOLA,Fla NavalAirStation (NAS) Pensacola’sAirOperations Department’sArresting GearDivision’sAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launch and Recovery) 2nd Class (AW) Caleb Myers inspects a sprocket on one ofthe installation’s 12 E-28 arresting gears Mar8 during theweek-longAircraft Launch and Recovery(ALRE) inspection.Conducted bya NavalAirSystems Command (NAVAIR) CarrierAirField Support Unit (CAFSU),the annual recertification is a thorough evaluation ofthe airstation’s arresting gears,maintenance procedures and records documentation. (PHOTOBYBRUCECUMMINS,NAVALAIRSTATIONPENSACOLA)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 5
Temporary Lodging Expense extension approved for military PCS vouchers

CNRMA Hosts ESC Meeting at JEBLC

VIRGINIABEACH,Va.(March 15,2023) RearAdm.Scott Gray Commander NavyRegion MidAtlantic (CNRMA),speaks to CNRMA’s installation commanding officers during an Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Meeting atJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little CreekMarch 15.The ESC Meeting emphasizes the ChiefofNaval Operations,Adm.Michael Gilday’s call to action principles,which challenge leaders at everylevel to“Get Real,Get Better and Get Busy” (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSMADDELINHAMM)

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (March 14 2023) Adm.Daryl Caudle,Commander U.S.Fleet Forces Command,speaks to CNRMA’s installation commanding officers and departmental leaders at an Executive Steering Committee Meeting atJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little CreekMarch 14 The ESC Meeting emphasizes the ChiefofNaval Operations,Adm.Michael Gilday’s call to action principles,which challenge leaders at everylevel to“Get Real,Get Better and Get Busy” (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJORDANGRIMES)

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

Broadway’s National Tour of Hamilton returns

Pierre Jean


stars as

Get ready Hampton Roads for the triumphantreturnofBroadway’sNationalTourof HamiltontoChryslerHall.Itstartsofficially March28andrunsthroughApril9th,witha staggering16performances.

Hamilton is a musical with a very unique concept, created by Lin-Manuel Miranda who wrote the music, lyrics and a book. He combineshiphop R&B pop,soulandtraditional style show tunes to tell the story of one of America’s founding fathers, AlexanderHamilton.

As Lin said in The Atlantic magazine, “Hamilton is about America then, told by Americanow.”Hecast,non-whiteactorsas the founding fathers and other prominent historicalfiguresandtheyhelptotellHamilton’sstory

This incredible musical has won eight DramaDeskAwards includingoutstanding musical.Andthen,atthe70thTonyAwards,

Hamilton broke all the records by receiving 16 nominations and winning 11 awards includingBestMusical

Yiorgo: There are three cast groups: the PhilipCast,theAngelicaCastandthePeggy Cast,intheNorthAmericanTourofHamilton and with us today from the Philip Cast, is Pierre Jean Gonzalez, who stars as Alexander Hamilton. Welcome Pierre to the Hampton Roads Area. We will start with ourfirstquestion Whyshouldpeoplecome and see Hamilton live since they can watch it on Disney+? What will they see, hear and experience live that they can’t get from the TVperformance?

Pierre Jean Gonzalez: Thank you so much Yiorgo I am so happy to be here. I first want to say that the Disney+ performance is an iconic company and cast who reallycreatedthisshowandreallysolidified it for the world. And it also allowed us the performers who saw it, to fall in love with thesecharacters

tells us all about it

What I think is very special about every company, every individual in a Hamilton company show, you are able to see this showthroughsomanydifferentartists’eyes, interpretation of the characters and make them shine That’s something that I really love about this show. I watch other Hamiltons,othercompaniesandIamstillinaweof other people’s choices and vocal renditions of songs It’s one of those shows that you can watch over and over again and you will consistently find something new on stage This show really allows the actors to have funandbringthemselvestothecharacter.It alsoallowstheaudience,everytimetheysee a new company or show to see something fresh and new I think that is why Hamilton is doing so well right now and it is such a cool experience It has a high demand in the world because of the story music and theartistsjumpingintoitarebringingtheir ownauthenticselves


youtellusaboutthestorywithoutgivingtoo muchaway?

PJG:Hamiltontheplay followsthestory ofAlexanderHamilton,oneofourfounding fathers It’sactuallybasedonanovel,Chernow’sbiographyaboutAlexanderHamilton What Lin-Manuel Miranda did is take this man’slifestory,embellishitabitandturnit intoakindofepicdrama,soapopera,movie experience It shows his journey of how he created the banks of America, his relationshipwithhiswife withGeorgeWashington and how his life ended essentially in a duel with Aaron Burr We start off with that in the beginning of the play, so it’s not something we are trying to hide, plus it is a part ofhistory.Thestoryistoldthroughhip-hop and R&B songs. It’s an epic, amazing, beautifulstoryandsomuchfun

Y:Youandalltheotheractorsareportraying real and historical figures How do you

to Chrysler
PressRelease Join us for our Annual Spring Fling and Easter Egg Hunt April 8th and 9th from 10am-5pm.VisitwiththeEasterBunnyand enjoyavarietyofactivitiesincludingachildren’s easter egg hunt, farm tour hayrides petting farm treewalk adventure There will be a DJ with music costumed characters onsite from 11am-3pm and a Vendor Village! Additional activities not included in admission are pony rides, animal feed and bird feed sticks Tickets can be purchased in advance onlineathuntclubfarm.com.Costis$15per adult $18 per child age 3+ and $8 per child age 2 and under. Hunt Club Farm is a 32-acre family-owned farm in the heart of Virginia Beach - just 5 miles from the Virginia Beach Oceanfront at 2388 London Bridge Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 We provide Agricultural based education and entertainment for our local community Come check out our Birdwalk Aviary where you can purchase a bird feed stick and feed hundreds of birds by hand or try our TreeWalk Adventure where you can climb through the treetops and learn all about ourwoodlandfriendswhile8-12feetinthe air!Wearealwaysaddingnewthingstothe petting farm so be sure to come to see us often. Whether you’re looking for somethingdifferenttodowithyourkids aplace tohostapartyorevenaseasonalfarmfestival- Hunt Club Farm is the place to be! Hop over to our Spring Fling and Easter Egg Hunt! INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty A beautifully baked beef dinner Manyfamilies crave savoryand deliciousweeknight meals.This Beef Tenderloinwith Roasted Cauliflower and Spinach Salad is a meal thewhole familycan enjoy.PageC4 TurntoHamilton, Page 3 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 1
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Harlem Globetrotters return to the Chartway Arena March 25th with two shows, Hammer Harrison tells basketball stories


The long tradition of the Harlem Globetrotters returning to the Chartway Arena continues March 25th with two games at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM against the Washington Generals The Harlem Globetrotters2023WorldTourispresentedbyJersey Mike’s Subs and you can see your favorite Globetrotter stars showcase their amazing basketball skill, incredible athleticism and just outright, a fun, good time for all. This truly unforgettable experience also includes the opportunities for more fan interactions with the Magic Pass, Meet & Greet Pass and Celebrity On-Court Pass

For tickets and more info go to https:// www.chartwayarena.com/events/detail/ harlem-globetrotters-2023-world-tour

Yiorgo: With us today is Harlem Globetrotter star Hammer Harrison. Hello Hammer,whatshouldpeopleexpecttosee who have never been to a Harlem Globetrotters game before? Hammer Harrison: When we go out there, we give it our all. We don’t know whatpeoplearegoingthroughandourgoal is to make sure we take their mind off it. Wewanttomakesuretheyenjoytheirtime withus Weonlygettwohourstoentertain our fans, so we want to make sure they get a memory they will never forget. Coming to a Harlem Globetrotters game is not just watching a basketball game, it is so much more. Fans can interact with us We have a Magic Pass where fans come out and get personalandupandclosewithus askquestions,andshoothoops WehavetheCelebrity-On Court Pass, and more, so go to our websiteatharlemglobetrotters.comtoread and see all the events that we have and the bonuses that fans can get. And on top of all that, after the game, we provide a picture and autograph session. Overall it is a great experience so bring your kids and your family.Weentertainfromseventoseventy It does not matter how old you are, you are going to love the Harlem Globetrotters

Y:Whereareyoufromoriginallyandhow did you get the nickname “Hammer”?

HH: My first name is Donte I originally got my nickname of “Hammer” because of my powerful dunking abilities and nailing everyshot.IgrewupinBrooklyn NewYork and I currently reside in Tampa, Florida Y: You had a very traumatic, life changing moment at the age of 11. Can you tell us about it?

HH: I got into a situation and I broke all my right fingers, wrist, and both legs So I wasnotintosportsasmuchafterthatevent. WhenIwasaround16-17,Igrewsixinches in one year and that’s when I actually picked up a basketball. Having that minor setback inspired me to go harder because I knew I had a lot of time to make up Kids that were my age were way more skilled than me So I worked hard in the morning, in the afternoon and even sometimes at night to get my skills right and to get to my ability that I am right now

Y: How were you first introduced to the game of basketball?

HH: I would watch the greats like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant on TV They definitely inspired me to become a more skillfulplayer.Iwatchedalotofgamefootageandtriedtoreplicatesomeofthethings I have seen growing up

Y: You are one of our own. You attended Hampton University Why did you choose to go to HU and what is a fond memory of your time there?

HH: The best thing about my 2 years at Hampton was that I was sought after for my basketball talents and was offered a 2 year full scholarship to play Division 1 basketball This opportunity meant the world to me and my family because I was a firstgenerationcollegegraduate Oneofmy fondestmemorieswasgettingtheopportunitytofaceoffagainstHowarduniversityat Madison Square Garden at the Big Apple Classic in front of my family and friends Atthetime thatwasthebiggeststageIhad ever competed on.

Y: Were you a fan of the Harlem Globetrotters growing up and if so who were some of the players that you admired?

HH: In my adult life I definitely took the time to watch all the old footage of Curly Neal, Meadowlark Lemon, Marques Haynes and watching those old shows it was very astonishing I could only imagine ifIsawthemasakidwhattypeofimpactit would have on me

Y: What was the tryout process like in joining the team?

HH: It was just like any basketball team tryout. We did our stretches and drills and then we did our individual stations and scrimmages They are not asking you to spin a ball on your finger They did want to see a couple of my dunks but mostly we lookedforgreatpeopleandgreatbasketball players and great entertainers People ask,

didyouknowallthetricksbeforeyoucame ontheGlobetrotters?Thehonestansweris no I came in as a great basketball player. I playeddivisiononebasketballatHampton University.Iwasandstillamahardworker very disciplined and I listened. So when I came into the Globetrotters, I listened to the vets I followed their lead and worked my butt off every single day learning the tricks,newdunksandhowtocommunicate and entertain people I would say my communication skills werethemostimportanttraitIgainedjoiningtheteam.GrowingupinBrooklyn,Iwas not a very social person. But after travelingtheworldandpeopleseemestanding6 footnineinchestall,alotofpeoplewantto askquestionsandengageinaconversation.

Once I tell them I am a Harlem Globetrotter,everybodyhasastoryabouttheHarlem Globetrotters and that’s why I love it so much and keep it going

Y: What’s your favorite part of being on the team? Do you play pranks on each other?

HH: We usually save our pranks for the court, we like messing with the fans We areonebigfamily Whenarookiecomesin, we the vets are going to teach you. When I see a rookie come in, I put them under my wing and teach them some tricks, how to communicatewithpeopleandhowtomake people happy. It’s so fun touring with the team. We are away from our normal families so out on the road, all we have is each other We have a really intense schedule, we play everyday and are gone from four

to six months a year straight, so when you see somebody down, we like to pick each other up

Y: What have been some of the most fascinating places that you’ve been with the team?

HH:Ohman Ihavebeentoover60countries around the world. The most fascinatingplacewasAustralia Iamarealoutdoors person and into adventure and Australia is a pretty adventurous place I actually went bungee jumping there in New Zealand.

When we played at the Barclays Center, in Brooklyn my hometown city was really special. In 2012, we were the first sporting event to open the Barclays Center after Jay-Z performed. That was a memorable moment for me Growing up in Brooklyn, being a shy kid, to now performing at the biggest Center that Brooklyn has to offer And of course there’s nothing like performingatMadisonSquareGarden,but performing at Barclays did it for me

Y: What have been your fondest memories so far of being on the team?

HH: I am living some of my fondest memories right now on the court I came into this organization as an all-around player. I was only known for my fancy dunking ability, a strong powerful dunker I did a lot of low post moves, a lot of high flying slam dunks my first couple of years ThenIbecameabetterballhandler Sonow Iamoneofthetopballplayersontheteam andthat’sbecauseofhardworkandthevets teaching me

Around my 9th-10th year with the Harlem Globetrotters, I became a showman,soIfollowedinthefootstepsofMeadowlark Lemon. I’m the voice of the crowd, kind of the leader out there, interacting with the fans and putting smiles on their faces The feeling and reaction I get out there is my mental high. I love it, I love it.

Y: Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

HH: Being in this showman position. I’ve worked my whole career to be in this position. I couldn’t do this when I first got here, it took years and years of practice I’ve played well over 1000 games with the Harlem Globetrotters. Each time I go out there it’s the best.

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

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and photos
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

prepare, have you researched Hamilton’s story?

PJG: I started off reading Ron Shernoff’s biography, the same book that Lin read and based Hamilton on. My biggest thing was, I went to go see it, I studied and looked back into Lin-Manuel’s work as well. For myself asanactor aresearcherbecauseasanactor you are a researcher first I wanted to make sure for myself, I knew the whole story beforeIsteppedintohisshoes I’mnotgoing tolie,Iwasterrified.Istartedoffasastandby on the Philip Cast Tour and that meant I coveredHamilton,BurrandtheKing.

Y: Tell us about the audition process for Hamilton getting to be in it and finally gettingthelead.

PJG:Theauditionprocesswasabitcrazy and intense Looking back at it now, they werereallytryingtoseeifIwascapableand ready I actually went a total of seven times The first one was the initial open call, then I finally got called in to do a general audition, then after that, I didn’t hear anything for a while I got another call back to read forHamiltonandtwoothercharacters They did not even add Burr yet. After that I did a little dance call, then they called me back for Burr stuff After that I had another callback to do Hamilton, Burr and Mo Madison Thatwasthelastinitialroundandthen

Register now for the 2023 Norfolk State of the City address


The State of the City is the premier annual forumforNorfolk’sbusiness,civic,andcommunityleaders.The2023address deliveredbythe HonorableKennethCooperAlexander Norfolk Mayor,willhighlightkeybusinessdevelopment initiatives,providestrategicmunicipalprogress updates,addresschallengesandopportunities, andprovideaglimpseintotheCity’sfuture

WHEN: Registration&Networking: 11:30am-12:00pm Lunch&Program:12:00pm-2:00pm


HiltonNorfolk|TheMain 101EMainStreet Norfolk,VA23510


Thiseventisopentothepublic,butadvanced registration is required. Cost is $60 for Chambermembersand$80forprospectivemembers.

Table Sponsorship is $850 Register online at https://web.hamptonroadschamber.com/ events/NorfolkState%20of%20the%20 City%202023-686/details

Press is invited to attend to cover the event. Press box and seating in the designated press area will be provided. Pre-Registration is required. RSVP to Lauren Roberts Carter at lroberts@hrchamber.com

Due to the high volume of attendance and limited space, we ask that cancellations be receivedatleast3businessdaysbeforetheday oftheeventtoavoidbeingcharged.

I got called in the final time to do it in front of all the producers They were all there except Lin They had a camera on and they said Lin is behind this camera watching It was an hour of material. I’ll never forget it. We went through every single song twice At that point I remember feeling, I’ve given

everything We don’t get much feedback in theroom.Wehavetotrusttheworkthatwe have done, let it go and move forward And then I got the call that they wanted me to come and cover Hamilton, Burr and then they asked me to do the King song on tape andthenIgottheofferthenextday.

IwasastandbyandIcoveredthosethree partsandIjoinedthePhilipTourattheend of2018 Iwasdoingitforaboutayearanda halfandthenIgotpromotedtobeHamilton in October 2019 and they told me I would take over in 2020 Let that settle in. March 2020.IwassupposedtodebutMarch21stor 28th. I took a three week absence from my company at the end of February. I was like let me take some time and of course that’s wheneverythingstartedtoshiftwithcovid.

In my mind, this will be over in a couple of weeks I’mabouttodebut,thisisgoingtobe amazing and it turned into 18 months with no work. To have that dream just snatched away in a second, it really shifted a lot of thingsforme Y: As a performer, do you have a favorite moment,segmentorsceneinHamiltonthat you can not wait to play and hear that audiencereaction?

PJG: Yes, it’s in Act II and it’s more like a section where Hamilton gets attacked with a lot of information and has to make a decisionofoutinghimselfabouteverythingthat hehasbuiltorallowingthisthingtogoover hishead.Itissuchamusicalmomentmusically, and also what a ride to go through as

an actor. Those three songs have some of the best raps and they allow me to just lose myself on stage. Also I’m not going to lie, it feelsgoodbecauseatthatpoint,thereisonly about20minutesleftintheplay.Itisafterall a three hour play. So I am very happy when we get to that part when we get to that part becauseweknowwearealmostdone.


Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Editors Note: A limited number of $10 HAMILTON lottery tickets will be made available for each performance To enter the digital lottery use the official app for HAMILTON, now available for all iOS and AndroiddevicesintheAppleAppStoreand theGooglePlayStore.Thelotterywillopen at 10 a.m. every Friday and will close for entry at 12 p.m. the next Thursday prior to thefollowingweek’sperformances Winner and non-winner notifications will be sent between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. every Thursday for the upcoming week’s performances; winners will have two hours to claim and pay for their ticket(s). Lottery tickets may bepickedupatWillCallwithvalidIDbeginning two hours prior to the performance Voidifresold;maximumoftwoperpatron.


MuddyPrincessiscomingtoVirginiaBeach, VA on Sunday, May 21st 2023. The 2023 editionofthe5kobstaclemudrunfor woman has got even bigger, muddier and better with 18+ obstacles Thisrunismadeforwomenofallsizes,ages andfitness-levelsfrom7yearsoldonwards. Youdon’thavetobeWonderWomantojoin Muddy Princess - run, jog or walk the course Muddy Princess is 100% Fun, 100% Teamwork,75%Challengeand0%Competition.We don’t focus on fastest times or competitions, we focus on fun so be prepared to run/walk/ crawl/climb/slide/balanceandlaughyourway tothefinishline

MuddyPrincessisoneofthebestthingstodo in Virginia Beach, VA in 2023 Grab your girlsquad and create muddy memories with your friends colleagues familyandsupportthefight againstbreastcancer Starttimesare8amand1pm Ticketsstartat $49. VIP tickets and group discounts are available For more information and to purchase ticketsvisithttps://www.muddyprincess.com/ events/virginia-beach-va/

Hamilton from Page 1 (PHOTOBYJOANMARCUS) Hamilton starPierreJean Gonzalez. (COURTESYPHOTO)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 23, 2023 3
It’s time to get dirty in the fight against breast cancer! The Muddy Princess 5k obstacle mud run for women is Sunday, May 21

A beautifully baked beef dinner


Many families crave savory and delicious weeknight meals After a long day of work and school, it’s time to gather around the table to share a mouthwatering meal and memoriestogether

For something truly wholesome, try this Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Cauliflower andSpinachSalad It’safullmealthewhole family can enjoy, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it makes it to feed all the smiling faces This meal has layers of flavor and sneaks in a few vegetables like spinach and cauliflower, but even picky eaters can’t resist tryingit.

Startwithabeeftenderloinanddrizzleit generouslywitholiveoil.Add2tablespoons ofpepper Flipandrepeatontheotherside.


Next, add one head of cauliflower to a mixingbowlwithfiveshallotscutintoquarters.Add2tablespoonsofoliveoil;mixwell withsaltandpepper,totaste Addthistothe baking sheet with the beef tenderloin and bake18-25minutes.

Whilethat’scooking,add3tablespoonsof olive oil to a mixing bowl with lemon juice Dijon mustard, salt, pepper and baby spinach.

To plate, add baby spinach salad first then the cauliflower and shallot mixture and,finally,thatjuicy,perfectlycookedbeef tenderloin. Garnish with cranberries for a splashofcolor.

This meal is satisfying and only requires some mixing bowls and a largesheet pan to make cleanup a breeze so you can focus on what really matters most: time with your


Findmorerecipesandsavorymaindishes atCulinary.net

Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Cauliflower and Spinach Salad

Servings: 4-6

„ 1beeftenderloin(4pounds),wrapped withbutcher’stwine

„ 9tablespoonsoliveoil,divided

„ 4teaspoonspepper,divided

„ 1headcauliflower

„ 5shallots,quartered

„ 2teaspoonssalt,divided

„ 3tablespoonslemonjuice

„ 2teaspoonsDijonmustard

„ 1package(5½ounces)babyspinach

„ driedcranberries,forgarnish

Heat oven to 475 F. Place beef on baking sheet. Rub 4 tablespoons olive oil and 2 teaspoonspepperintobeef Bake12minutes

In large bowl, toss cauliflower, shallots, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper to combine Scatter vegetables around beef and bake 18-25 minutes, or until desired doneness is reached. Allow meat to rest 15 minutescoveredinaluminumfoil.

In medium bowl, whisk 3 tablespoons oliveoil,lemonjuice,mustardandremaining salt and pepper until combined Add spinach;stiruntilcombined.

Serve by layering spinach topped with cauliflower and shallots then sliced tenderloin.Garnishwithdriedcranberries

Seasonal spring asparagus elevates this cheesy tart


You can almost feel spring in the air, and with the warmer weather comes delicious, delectable foods From casseroles to fresh fruits and wholesome vegetables a change of season offers something to look forward tofornearlyeveryfoodie

Aspringdishthatissuretoimpressisthis CheesyAsparagusTart.Ithasmeltycheese, cookedasparagusandanunderlayerofpuff pastrybakedtogoldenbrownperfection.

Start by cooking your asparagus on the stovetopin5cupsofwaterfor5-8minutes. Then soak it in an ice bath until cooled. Transfer to a mixing bowl to add vegetable oil, salt and pepper for tasty, seasoned veggies

Now it’s time to work with your puff pastry Sprinkle some flour on a flat countertop Roll out the thawed puff pastry to

a 16-by-10-inch rectangle Move to a lined baking sheet and prick with a fork to create athin,flakytexture Bakearound12minutes andcool

The final steps: mix the cheeses shallots egg yolks nutmeg, salt and pepper Spread thismixtureacrossthepastryandlayasparagusoverthetop.Bake5moreminutes.

For a little extra flavor, add lemon zest overthetart.

This tart is a perfect appetizer before Sundaybrunchortocutupandtakeoutside forsomealfrescodiningthisspring.

It’sgotgooey,meltedcheeses,isseasoned well and has hearty asparagus on top Plus, it’s a yummy way to add vegetables to your kids’diet(andyours too).

Findmorespringrecipesanddiningideas atCulinary.net.

Cheesy Asparagus Tart

Servings: 8-10

„ 5cupswater

„ 1poundasparagus

„ icewater

„ 2teaspoonsvegetableoil

„ ¼teaspoonsalt,plusadditional, totaste,divided

„ ¼teaspoonpepper,plusadditional, totaste,divided

„ flour,fordusting

„ 1sheetfrozenpuffpastry,thawed

„ 1cupgratedfontinacheese




1tablespoonshallot minced

„ 2eggyolks

„ 3tablespoonsmilk



„ 1lemon,zestonly


In large skillet, add water and asparagus. Cook 5-8 minutes until asparagus is bright green.


In large bowl, mix drained asparagus vegetableoil,saltandpepperuntilcombined.

Flour surface area. Using rolling pin, roll out pastry to 10-by-16-inch rectangle Transfer pastry to parchment-lined baking sheet Prick pastry with fork. Bake about 12 minutes,oruntilgoldenbrown.Coolslightly onbakingsheet

Inlargebowl,mixfontinacheese,gruyere cheese,shallot eggyolks milk,nutmegand salt and pepper to taste until combined. Spread cheese over pastry leaving 1 inch around edges Lay asparagus over cheese mixture Bake5minutes,oruntilcheesehasmelted. Sprinklelemonzestovertartandserve

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 23, 2023

Retiring soon? Get to know your TRICARE options at March 30 webinar


Are you or your sponsor getting ready to retire?Now’sagreattimetomakesureyour TRICARE coverage will be ready too Join us for a webinar, “Using TRICARE After Retirement, on Thursday, March 30 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. TRICARE experts will walk you through your TRICARE plan options andwhatyouneedtodoavoidagapinhealth coverage You’llalsohaveanopportunityto askquestions Signupnowtoattend

The webinar will cover TRICARE plan optionsforthesetypesofretirement:

„ Service members who completed 20 or moreyearsofactiveserviceoraremedically retiredbefore20years

„ National Guard and Reserve Component members who completed 20 or more years ofqualifyingservicewhentheyreachage60

„ RetiredReservistswhomaybeeligiblefor retirementpaypriortoage60

As described in the TRICARE Retiring from Active Duty Brochure and TRICARE RetiringfromtheNationalGuardorReserve Brochure, you can expect some changes with your TRICARE coverage after retiring In addition to new health plan options,

you’llhavenewoptionsforvisionanddental coverage Retiring from active duty and retiring fromtheNationalGuardorReserveatage60 are both TRICARE Qualifying Life Events (QLEs).WhenyouhaveaQLE,youhave90 daystomakeeligibleenrollmentchangesto yourTRICAREhealthplan

“Knowing your health plan options and how to enroll after a QLE is a great way to planaheadforretirement,”saidZellyZim,a programanalystwithTRICAREPolicyand Programs at the Defense Health Agency “Joining this webinar will help you under-

stand what steps you need to take if you’d liketokeepyourTRICAREcoverage.”

Registration for the March 30 webinar is limited, so don’t wait to sign up Regiser onlineathttps://register.gotowebinar.com/ register/2301384919183713112

WouldyoulikethelatestTRICAREnews sent to you by email? Visit the TRICARE Subscriptions page today, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news,andmore: https://public.govdelivery com/accounts/USMHSTMA/subscriber/ new

5 Sleep habits essential for heart health

FromFamilyFeatures/AmericanHeart Association

In the days following a time change due to daylight saving time, research shows a markedincreaseinheartattacksandstrokes. However, losing sleep anytime can be a majorriskfactorforcardiovasculardisease.

“Gettingagoodnight’ssleepeverynightis vital to cardiovascular health,” said Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., Sc.M., FAHA, past volunteer president of the American Heart Association and chair of the department of preventive medicine the Eileen M. Foell Professor of Heart Research and professor ofpreventivemedicine,medicineandpediatricsatNorthwesternUniversity’sFeinberg School of Medicine. “Adults should aim for an average of 7-9 hours and babies and kids needmoredependingontheirage Unfortunately, we know as many as 1 in 3 people do notgettheirrecommendedamountofsleep eachnight.”

According to Lloyd-Jones, the amount of sleepandqualityofsleepareimportant,and bothcanhavesignificantimpactsoncardiovascular health, as well as overall health. In addition to increasing risk for cardiovascular conditions like heart attack and stroke, lack of sleep may also put people at risk of thingslikedepression cognitivedeclineand obesity Research in the “Journal of the American Heart Association shows maintaining a consistent sleep pattern may play an importantroleinpreventingcardiovascular disease Researchers found falling asleep at different times or sleeping an inconsistent numberofhourseachnight,evenvariations of more than two hours a night within the same week, were tied to developing hardenedarteries knownasatherosclerosis

“We know people who get adequate sleep manage other health factors better as well, such as weight, blood sugar and blood pressure,” Lloyd-Jones said. “The American Heart Association recently added sleep to the list of factors that support optimal cardiovascular health We call these Life’s Essential8andtheyincludeeatingahealthy diet,notsmokingorvaping beingphysically

active and getting adequate sleep, along with controlling your blood pressure and maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol and lipids, healthy blood sugar levels and a healthyweight.

Consider these small changes in daily habitsthatcanmakeabigdifferenceinsleep quality:

„ Make healthy living a habit: Eat a balanced diet, get regular physical activity and manage stress to support a healthier night’ssleep

„ Set the alarm for morning and night: Sticktospecifictimestogotobedandwake upeachdayandcommittoaconsistentsleep schedule as much as possible Along with a wake-upalarm,tryabedtimealarmtoindicateit’stimetostartwindingdown.

„ Establish bedtime habits: Once your bedtimealarmgoesoff,moveintoafamiliar ritual,likebrushingyourteeth,washingyour faceortakingawarmbath.

„ Relax and unwind: Take a few minutes to destress Consider reading journaling

meditatingorlisteningtomusictoeaseinto agoodnight’srest

„ Take a technology break: A bedroom freeoflightandtechnologyequatestobetter sleep,sokeepyourphoneandotherdevices away from the bed. Try logging off your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime

Learnmoreabouttheimportanceofsleep forhearthealthatheart.org

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