Flagship 07.27.2023

Page 13


Finally home after 80 years: CACO team supports WWII Sailor’s repatriation ceremony

In 1944,Aviation Ordnanceman 1st ClassAnthony Di Pettawas killed in actionwhile conducting airstrikes nearthe islands ofPalau.Hewas laid to restJuly11 2023 inWrightsville,N.J. PageA3

LEFT: NORFOLK, Va (Jul.14,2023) Participants running through colored chalkat the NAVSTANorfolk’s Morale,Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Annual ColorRun, July14 The MWR Annual ColorRun is a 5Kdedicated foranycause of choice.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2ND CLASSJOSEPHT. MILLER)


Torpedoman’s Mate 1st Class Matthew Armenta from MidAtlantic Regional Maintenance Center(MARMC) crosses the finish line in first place at NAVSTANorfolk’s Morale,Welfare and Recreation (MWR)Annual ColorRun,July14 (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN3RD CLASSHANNAH HERMES)

Naval Station Norfolk MWR hosts annual Color Run


NAVSTA Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va More than 300 Sailors and civilians participated in Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’sannualColorRun,July14

“TheColorRunisa5Krunthatgiveseveryonean opportunity to come out and run for their favorite causeofchoice.”saidAnthonyBenningtheNAVSTA NorfolkMWRFitnessDirector.“Wereceivemany requests for different causes so without excluding anyweaskparticipantstocomeouttoday.”

MWRhostsatleast5-7runsayear,includingthe BattleofMidway,RunwiththeChiefsandtheColor Runwiththeultimategoalofimprovingmoraleand increasingcomradery

“I think if people are willing to participate, then it does a pretty good job at affecting morale,” said Benning “Thiseventletsthemcomeoutwiththeir fellowSailorsandcivilianstohaveagoodtimeand makeamess.”

Duringthe event, participantslinedup onto the starting line while MWR volunteers stood by the

sidelines and held canisters of colored powdered chalkwhichweredispersedallovertherunnersas they ran, leaving behind a large cloud of rainbow dust. Once crossing the end, runners were doused againwiththevibrantpowder

In first place to cross the finish line was Torpedoman’s Mate 1st Class Matthew Armenta from Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC)whoranlastyearandwonfirstplace.

“I ran for the cause of inclusivity, hoping that everyone gets a chance to have a voice,” said Armenta.

CominginatsecondplacewasOperationSpecialist 3rd Class Adam Villaronga from USS Kearsarge (LHD-3),whoalsovolunteersfortheMWRTeam.

“Racesliketheseareachancetoclearyourmind, step outside of work and do something fun with your coworkers,” said Villaronga “This is actually myfirstColorRun.Ilovetorunandstayactive.

For more information on upcoming runs, visit the NAVSTA Norfolk’s MWR website at https:// www.navylifema.com/events and sign up prior to theeventorregisterinpersonthedayof

Pregnant Sailors and theirpartners practice stretches at a pregnancyclass hosted at Naval Station NorfolkJuly19,2023.Naval Station Norfolk’s Pregnancyand EarlyParenting Indoc covers a varietyoftopics and resources available to pregnant service members to assist them through theirpregnancyand postpartum period.BELOW: Sailors listen to a presentation about the available pregnancyresources offered bythe NavyMarine Corps ReliefSocietyat a pregnancyclass hosted at Naval Station NorfolkJuly19 2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST


Naval Station Norfolk hosts comprehensive Pregnancy and Early Parenting Workshop

CNMRA Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va Sailors assigned to various Naval Station Norfolk tennent commands attended a Pregnancy and Early Parenting workshop at Vista Point Center July 19

The day-long class introduced Sailors to a variety of pregnancy and postpartum supportprogramsandclassessuchasPreg-

nancy and Postpartum Physical Training (P3T) and the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society(NMCRS)BudgetforBabyclass Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Ayla Marhev, the coordinator for the class, said shewantedpregnantSailorstoknowsomebody has their back during a potentially nerve-rackingtimeintheirlives.

“A lot of our pregnant mothers this is theirfirsttime,andtheymaynotreallyknow what resources are available,” said Marhev

“Wearelookingoutforthem.Wearehereto supportthemthroughouttheirentirepregnancyandtheirpostpartumperiod.”

Theclasshasgonethroughtwoiterations withmoretocomeasitgrowsinpopularity

Personnel Specialist Seaman Annslie Camilo Aguila, one of the Sailors in attendance from Naval Station Norfolk, said she appreciated how the class covered so much material.

“With my first pregnancy, I just kind of

wentthroughit, saidAguila.“Iwashoping fornewinformationIdidn’thavebefore,and Ifeellikethisclasshelpedmewiththat.”

NavalStationNorfolkcurrentlyholdsthis class every other month, and they plan to expanditsavailabilitytosurroundinginstallationsinthenearfuture

For more information on this workshop followNavalStationNorfolkonsocialmedia.

Naval Medical Forces Atlantic Hones Mentor, Train, and Evaluate Program

During a 5-month period in early2023,Naval Medical ForcesAtlantic (NMFL) and U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) employed the Mentor Train,and Evaluate (MTE) Program on two ofthe largest ship platforms to improve the deployment readiness of organic fleet medical forces PageA6

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Norfolk native serves with U.S. Navy Patrol Squadron supporting maritime missions around the globe

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Petty Officer

2nd Class Eva Riccio a native of Norfolk, Virginia, serves with Patrol and Reconnaissance Squadron (VP) 8 based out of Jacksonville, Florida. The squadron’s primary mission is to undertake maritime patrol, anti-submarine warfare, and intelligence, surveillanceandreconnaissancemissions

Riccio, a 2019 graduate of Granby High School,joinedtheNavythreeyearsago

“IjoinedtheNavytofollowinmyfamily’s footsteps,”saidRiccio “Myfather Frederick, served15yearsintheArmyincivilaffairsand 12 years in the Navy as a boatswain’s mate

My oldest sister served in the Army in civil affairs and has been in since 2012 My aunt did 12 years in the Navy as a hospital corpsman and my grandfather is a retired Navy SeniorChiefwhoservedduringVietnam.”

Today,Riccioreliesuponskillsandvalues similartothosefoundinNorfolktosucceed inthemilitary

“Growing up, I learned that humility and respectwillgetyouthefurthestinlife,”said Riccio. “You always need to put your best footforwardandtaketheinitiativeinorder togetthejobdone.”

These lessons have helped Riccio while servingintheNavy VP 8 flies the U.S. Navy’s P-8A Poseidon multi-mission maritime aircraft. Designed tosecuretheU.S.Navy’sfutureinlong-range maritime patrol capability, the P-8A has transformedhowtheNavy’smaritimepatrol and reconnaissance force will man, train, operate and deploy, according to Navy officials Whiletheaircraftisalsoequippedwith high-quality weapon systems it also has an open architecture to allow for expansion P-8Adeployaroundtheglobetomonitorthe world’soceanswherevertheyareneeded.

This year commemorates 50 years of women flying in the U.S. Navy In 1973, the first eight women began flight school in Pensacola;oneyearlatersixofthem,known as “The First Six,” earned their “Wings of Gold.” Over the past 50 years, the Navy has expanded its roles for women to lead and serve globally and today our women aviatorsprojectpowerfromtheseaineverytype of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard aircraft. Our Nation and our Navy is strongerbecauseoftheirservice.


elingbyseaandaccesstotheinternetrelying onthesecurityofunderseafiberopticcables, Navyofficialscontinuetoemphasizethatthe prosperity of the United States is directly linkedtotrainedsailorsandastrongNavy

“Ourmissionremainstimeless-toprovide our fellow citizens with nothing less than the very best Navy: fully combat ready at all times, focused on warfighting excellence, and committed to superior leadership at every single level,” said Adm. Mike Gilday, ChiefofNavalOperations “Thisisourcalling And I cannot imagine a calling more worthy.”

ServingintheNavymeansRiccioispartof a team that is taking on new importance in America’sfocusonstrengtheningalliances, modernizingcapabilities,increasingcapacities and maintaining military readiness in supportoftheNationalDefenseStrategy

“The Navy contributes to our national defense by protecting our waters and being a quick response to adversaries that should notbethere, saidRiccio

Riccioandthesailorstheyservewithhave manyopportunitiestoachieveaccomplishmentsduringtheirmilitaryservice

“My proudest accomplishment is making the rank of petty officer second class in two years and being on deployments that included Bahrain in six months, a month in Alaska, two months in the Philippines and Japanforfourmonths,”saidRiccio “Looking atwhatI’vealreadyaccomplishedattheage of 21, there are a lot of people that I went to highschoolwiththatarestilldoingthesame thing and have not progressed in life Now, notonlyamItheyoungestsecondclassinmy command, but junior sailors who are older thanmelookuptomeandaskforguidance.”

As Riccio and other sailors continue to train and perform missions they take pride inservingtheircountryintheUnitedStates Navy

“Being in the Navy is being a part of the most chaotic family I’ve ever known,” said Riccio “Although we may have differences at times, we are all one big family and look outforoneanother.”

Riccio is grateful to others for helping makeaNavycareerpossible

“I would like to thank both my CO and XOforlookingoutformeandlettingmego backhometotakecareofafamilysituation, addedRiccio “I’mverygratefulforourleadershipbecausetheylookoutforusandtake careofuslikeonebigfamily.”

PettyOfficer2nd Class Eva Riccio a native ofNorfolk,Virginia,serveswith Patrol and Reconnaissance Squadron (VP) 8 based

Senior psychiatrist wins Sears Award for achievements in Navy Medicine


Naval Medical Forces Atlantic

PORTSMOUTH, Va Capt. John Van Slyke, the senior mental health executive for Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) earnedtheAdmiralH.JamesT.SearsAward forcontributionstoNavypsychiatry,May11.

The preeminent award has been presented every year since 1990 to senior psychiatrists, and this is the first time in 25 years that there are two Sears Award winners. Van Slyke was recognized alongside colleague Capt Paulette Cazares, the director of mental health at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Okinawa, by the Navy psychiatrycommunity.

“I am very humbled and grateful to be a recipient of the Admiral Sears Award,” said Van Slyke. “There are so many incredible senior leaders within the Navy psychiatry communityandtobeselectedamongstsuch anesteemedgroupofprofessionalsreallyis anhonor.”

For the past two years the Springfield, Missouri, native has been providing guidance and support to service members in the region as well as counsel to the NMFL commander on all mental health priorities andactivities.HisworkwithSpecialPsychiatric Rapid Intervention Team (SPRINT) contributessignificantlytothemedicalreadiness of the force by giving those members therapidresponseneededformentalhealth emergencies.

“Capt. Van Slyke embodies the epitome of theservant leader,” expressed Capt Elisabet Crumpler, the public health emergency officer assigned to NMFL and Van Slyke’s department head. “His attention to, and anticipation of, the needs of Navy and Marine Corps forces has led to improvements in how Navy Medicine and more specifically, behavioral medicine assets are deployedthroughouttheregiontobestserve our Sailors and Marines Not only does he work hard as a clinician, but he leads and

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

advises behavioral medicine colleagues in a compassionate and forward-thinking manner.”

Van Slyke was a member of a mental health working group with the Chief of NavalPersonnelandNavyCultureandForce ResilienceOfficethatresultedinthepublicationoftheMyNavyHRMentalHealthPlaybook, which is an important guide for Navy

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

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leaders and personnel in managing mental healthrelatedissuesatthedeckplatelevel.

“Icannotpraisetheworkandimpactthat Captain Van Slyke has had on, not just the boots-on-the-groundworkinanextremely challenging field, but also his impact on future policy in Navy Medicine,” stated Crumpler “He is highly deserving of this prestigiousaward.”


HeisalsoamemberofseveralNavyMedicine mental health related committees and civilianprofessionalorganizationsthatallow him to show his devotion to mental health, suchastheNavyPsychologicalHealthOperational Clinical Community and Advisory Board and serves as Co-Chair of the Amer-

(July21 2023) Capt.JohnVan Slyke,the seniormental health executive assigned to Naval Medical ForcesAtlantic,poses for an environmental portraitJuly21 2023 Van Slyke,a native ofSpringfield,Mo was recognized fortheAdmiral H.JamesT.SearsAward in 2023 for his contributions to Navypsychiatryand NavyMedicine.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSLEVIDECKER)
RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved After a traumatic event anyone can experience acute stress. Don’t wait until you’re in crisis to make your mental health a priority.www.health.mil/mentalhealth #ReachOutGetHelpGetBetter TurntoPsychiatrist, Page 7 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, July 27 2023

Finally home after 80 years: CACO team supports WWII Sailor’s repatriation ceremony

NORFOLK Va In 1944 Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Anthony Di Petta was killed in action while conducting airstrikes near the Palau islands Eighty yearslater,hewasfinallylaidtorestJuly11, 2023,inWrightsville,N.J.

Di Petta called Glen Ridge, N.J., home beforejoiningtheNavyin1939 Overeighty yearslater hisremainswererecoveredand identifiedin2021throughProjectRecover, an organization dedicated to researching and finding the remains of U.S. service members killed in action during World War II.

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Casualty Assistance Officer (CACO) program not only ensures that families of Sailors who gavetheultimatesacrificefortheircountry receive unwavering care and support, but they also ensure that the Sailorreceives the honor and respect deserved for such sacrifice,evenafter80years

Lt Raymond Donnelly, the CACO assignedtotheDiPettafamilyandalsofrom Glen Ridge, N.J., commented there was a personal tie to why it was so important for himtocarryoutthisrepatriationceremony “WhenIheardthatthenextofkinlivesin GlenRidge IwantedtodoallthatIcouldfor thefamily, Donnellysaid “Iamhonoredto beapartoftheprocessforthefallenservice member, the family, and to represent the NavyforaWorldWarIISailor.”

Donnelly coordinated with local police departments and fire departments to support the funeral procession and escort the family through the Garden State ParkwayandNewJerseyTurnpike.Nearlyevery overpasswasmannedbylocalfireandemergencypersonnelonthedayoftheceremony

Susanne Nakamura, Di Petta’s niece, said Donnellyhandledeverydetailofheruncle’s homecomingwiththoughtfulexpertiseand treatedherasifshewerefamily.

“No one could have taken more care or accomplished[DiPetta’shomecoming]with greater skill,” Nakamura wrote in a handwritten letter to Donnelly “You taught me alotaboutthecharacterofthosewhoserve ourcountry.”

In 1944 Aviation Ordnanceman

1st ClassAnthonyDi Pettawas killed in actionwhile conducting airstrikes nearthe islands ofPalau. Hewas laid to restJuly11,2023, inWrightsville,N.J.,with the help ofNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic’s CasualtyAssistance Officer (CACO) program.(COURTESY PHOTOBYBRIANNEAUMACK)

ABOVE: Wrightsville, N.J, July 11, 2023 - Sailors supporting Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Casualty Assistance Officer (CACO) program, stand at attention July 11 in Wrightsville, N.J., during the funeral of Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Anthony Di Petta, a Word War II Sailor who was

killed in action in 1944 Di Petta was killed while conducting airstrikes near the islands of Palau. His remains were recovered and identified through Project Recover, an organization dedicated to researching and finding the remains of U.S. service members killed in action during WW11. LEFT: Lt Raymond Donnelly, a Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Casualty Assistance Officer, escorts Susanne Nakamura, niece and next of kin of Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Anthony Di Petta, during his funeral. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 27 2023 3 Free Install all bath remodeling projects 12 MONTHS NO payments &NOinterest Offer valid until 7/30/23 + UPGRADEYOUR SHOWER OR BATH &BEATTHE SUMMER HEATINSTYLE! BATH REMODELING DONE RIGHT From start to finish,weprovide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswillremove yourold unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. REAL REVIEWSFROMREAL CUSTOMERS 4.8/5 Based on 18,670 reviews 4.9/5 Based on 11,179 reviews 4.8/5 Based on 6,554 reviews (Company reviews across all branches as of 5/22/2023) OVER 139,471+ BATH REMODELING JOBS COMPLETED IN 1DAY 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 7/30/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s job fairs offer great opportunities for applicants

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

ThePortsmouthRenaissanceHotel’sballroom was buzzing with activity July 15, as job seekers from throughout the Hampton Roadsarea,showedupearlyforanopportunitytoworkatAmerica’sShipyard

“The shipyard offers excellent pay and benefits and there is greater job security in working for the government versus the private sector,” said Norfolk Naval Shipyard Department 900 Production Service SpecialistMichaelMillet “Thejobfairsare awonderfulopportunityforyoutocomeout andseewhereittakesyou.”

“Lots of training opportunities are also available through NNSY for someone that doesnothavemuchexperience,”saidUnited States Fleet Forces Human Resources Recruitment and Replacement Specialist KarenGeaumont.“Yougetpaidthroughthe apprentice program and there are promotional opportunities through each step of theprocess.”

Geaumont added, “When you come into the apprenticeship program you are a permanent, full-time federal employee and allofthebenefitsapply Thisisagreatopportunitywithgrowthpotential.”

In the last 12 months, NNSY has filled more than 750 vacancies through in-personjobfairs NNSY’s Administrative Services Division(Code1102)hasbeenmakingeffortsto

improvethehiringandonboardingprocess for the shipyard, in coordination with Fleet Human Resources Office (FLTHRO) The Office of Civilian Human Resources (OCHR), Norfolk is also on hand at all job fairstoassistapplicantswiththeirresumes

“OCHR’s role at the job fair is to review qualifications, so when applicants provide their resume to us we have the position description in Waypoints we look at the applicant’sresumeandseeifitmatchesthe qualifications in the system, said OCHR Norfolk, Supervisory Human Resources SpecialistDebraSawyer “Aslongasanapplicant has some qualifying experience, there is an excellent chance for a candidate to be selected.”

NNSY applicant Sandy Rodgers came to theeventwithherson.

“Wecamedownbecauseweweresohopefultomeettherecruitersandseewhatopen positionstheyhaveatNNSY, saidRodgers “They have such an array of opportunities and my son and I are very appreciative of them holding the job fair over the summer, so we have the time to come down and get informationontheirnewjobopportunities.”

“Wehavean absolutely awesomeorganizationatNorfolkNavalShipyardandit’snot only what we do, but how we support the U.S.NavyFleetsotheycanaccomplishtheir mission,”saidNNSYProductionResources Officer Captain Frank Gasperetti. “There is greatsatisfactionandprideinknowingthat when you come to work at America’s Ship-

yard you are a key contributor to national andglobalsecurity.”

“The shipyard is hoping to fill both parttime and full-time positions for welders, pipefitters, electricians, marine machinery mechanics, riggers and other production support positions,” said NNSY Supervisory Administrative Management Specialist DarleneBarnes.

“Today we have openings for all of our production jobs,” said NNSY Code 900A ProductionBusinessManagerUrsulaJones “NNSY also offers a “Help to the Worker” programforindividualswithnoexperience andallofourtradesarehiring.”

Jones continued, “NNSY is a wonderful place to work and it is a family-oriented organization. This morning I brought my husbandwhoislookingforajobandwehave ourkidswithustoo.

As part of NNSY’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, American Sign Language(ASL)InterpreterLaurenGonzalez participated in the fair to provide interpretationforthedeafandhardofhearing.

“I am so excited that we are able to partner with NNSY on today’s job fair as well as future fairs,” said Gonzalez. The shipyard wants to make sure that the deaf and hard of hearing community applicants are gettingtheservicestheyrequireandIwant to applaud NNSY for providing interpreters from the very beginning of this hiring process.” NNSY jobs are full-time and part-time

federal jobs with competitive salaries and benefits for employees and Apprentice School students As part of Navy and shipyard leadership’s push to improve Federal Wage System rates, pay rates have recently improved for much of the shipyard workforce.

Theshipyardislookingforciviliancandidates as well as individuals with prior militaryservice.

“If you have recently separated from the military,orretired,pleasecomedowntoone ofourjobfairs,”saidGasperetti “Youwillbe bringingalevelofexpertisethatweareseeking,alongwiththevaluesofhonor,courage, andcommitment.”

Gasperetti continued, “You already have thebaselineandleadershipskillsetsweare lookingfor socomeonoutandseetheamazingopportunitiesthatawaityou.

Upcoming Job Fairs

„ August12 9a.m.to3p.m.-Hilton NorfolktheMain,100E.MainStreet, Norfolk,VA23510

„ September9 9a.m.to3p.m.-Suffolk ConventionCenter 100E.Constance Road,Suffolk,VA23434

„ October21 9a.m.to3p.m.-Virginia BeachConventionCenter,100019th Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23451

„ November18 9a.m.to3p.m.-Suffolk ConventionCenter,100E Constance Road,Suffolk,VA23434

Joint Safety Council seeks to turn around mishap concerns

Naval Safety Command Safety

Promotions-Public Affairs


In the early afternoon on Dec 11, 2022 in Petronila, Texas, a 25-year-oldMarinelieutenantcrashedtheir motorcycle and was pronounced deceased onsite.

Two months later, on Feb. 10, 2023, during the early evening hours in Jacksonville, North Carolina, a Navy petty officer first class motorcyclist struck the rear of a vehicle Bystanders attempted lifesaving measures but were unsuccessful The rider waspronounceddeceasedatthescene

Theseareonlytwoofmorethan55motorcycle-related fatalities the armed services have experienced so far this fiscal year What can we do to reduce these mishaps and prevent further loss of our most valued resource our people? It is a question that is foremost in the minds of the Joint Safety Council.

By sharing and facilitating interservice lessonslearnedandbestpractices theJSCis addressingnotonlymotorvehiclemishaps, but other safety-related issues across aviation,afloatandgroundoperations

The Naval Safety Command hosted the JSC’s quarterly meeting on July 6-7. The council is comprised of representatives from all the armed services, including the National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of the Secretary of Defense and its newest member,theNationalSafetyCouncil.

TheJSCstoodupinAugust2022,withthe DepartmentoftheAirForceChiefofSafety, Maj.Gen JeannieLeavitt,leadingthecouncil. The council integrates with the DepartmentofDefense’sexistingsafetygovernance process,providingaconduittoelevateoperational safety recommendations to senior DoDleadership Leavitt noted this was her last meeting as chair and that Rear Adm. Christopher Engdahl, NAVSAFECOM commander, will nowleadtheJSC

The general acknowledged the ongoing

NORFOLK(July6,2023) Maj.Gen.Jeannie Leavitt,Department oftheAirForce ChiefofSafety and Commander AirForce SafetyCenter center leads a discussion during aJoint Safety Council meeting at the Naval SafetyCommand.TheJoint SafetyCouncil provides a dedicated structure to the Department ofDefense to ensure militaryoperational safetyremains at the forefront ofDoD riskmanagement decision-making and furtherenhances the department’s commitment to continuouslyimprove its safetyprogram and protect and preserve the safety ofourservice members and civilian personnel.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASS(SW/AW)WESTONA.MOHR)

challenge to reduce and prevent private motor vehicle mishaps specifically PMV-4 (carsandtrucks)andPMV-2(motorcycles) acrosstheservices,butnotedhowdataanalysiscanplayacrucialrole

Engdahl provided an overview of the command’s data analysis capabilities (modeling) program, demonstrating the


“I’m really excited to see how the Naval Safety Command is leading the way in data analytics,” Leavitt said. “We have a lot of data, and we’re beginning to standardize it, which will open up new opportunities

Now,weneedtoidentifyleadingindicators inordertopreventfuturemishaps.”

To aid in this effort, the council is forming a data analysis working group, which will further facilitate interservice analytical initiatives and create synergy through collaboration, resolve common issues and share methodologies, data findings, mitigation efforts and recommend initiatives and studiestotheJSC

If incidents start to trend negatively, Leavitt said it will be necessary to identify leading indicators and act accordingly to prevent future mishaps Developing methods to identify these indicators will be one oftheworkinggroup’sfirsttaskstoaddress

“We see that seatbelts are a concern peoplearenotwearingthem, saidLorraine Martin,NSCpresidentandCEO

What are the other leading indicators in PMV mishaps is it speed, complacency, distractionsorlackofsafetyequipment?

TheJSChopestoanswerthesequestions by analyzing motor vehicle data gathered fromtheservices

Thecouncilhadafullagenda,includinga reviewoftheservices’recentmishapsanda briefingonaproposedDoD-widemotorcycle mentorship program, with beta testing scheduledforAugust2023atMarineCorps BaseQuantico,Virginia.

Including external agencies, such as the NSC,addsadifferentperspectiveandhelps thecouncilrealizethatsafetyconcerns such as motor vehicle mishaps are felt nationwide,too

“We are all very interested in learning from our safety teammates and sharing lessons learned that our members bring to thetable,”saidLeavitt.

Engdahl reiterated Leavitt’s position on the JSC’s way ahead “We will continue to get better at sharing lessons learned from NAVSAFECOM and the other services,” he said “The move toward incorporating data analysisandstandardizingourdataamongst theServicesisjustoneofthestepsthecouncil is taking to ensure our forces remain ready,relevantandsafe.”

TheRenaissance Hotel’sballroomwasbuzzingwithactivityonJul.15,as jobseekersfrom throughout Hampton Roadsshowedupearlyforan opportunitytoworkatAmerica’s Shipyard
offering full-time andpart-time federal positionswithcompetitive salariesandbenefits
forboth employees andApprenticeSchoolstudents.
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, July 27 2023

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Not many people can say when the Navy recruiter came to their house the recruiter hadtobebroughtinbyasnowmobilewhen it was dark outside. Business and Strategic PlanningOffice(Code1200)ServiceAcquisition Programs Branch Head Matt Daigle experiencedjustthat.Atage17,hepickedup hisNavyrecruiterapproximatelytwoanda half miles from his house because the road was not plowed during the winter Other than hiking, snowshoeing or cross country skiingindeepsnow,therewasnootherway fortherecruitertogettothehouse

“I was born and raised in house with no electricity,” said Daigle “I lived in Fort Kent,MainewhichisrightontheCanadian border Wehadabigloghouseinthemiddle of250acresofwoodedlandthatoverlooked the mountainside Weusedpropanegas for lights and cooking and our running water was gravity fed. During the winter months, asnowmobilewasourmaintransportation.


This is one of the main reasons their house wasbuiltinanareathatdidn’thavecommon luxurieslikeelectricity,cabletelevision,and a telephone Being the youngest of six children, he knew that the lumber company life would no longer an option after his father passed when he was 12-years-old. Hedecidedtoventureoutintotheworldby joiningtheU.S.Navy

“MyfirstcommandwastheUSSConcord (AFS 5), a Mars class combat stores ship where I worked in the 600-pound steam plant and eventually becoming the Petty Officer in Charge of the auxiliary division (A-Gang) where I was a systems specialist who operated and maintained non-nuclear mechanical aboard the ship,” said Daigle.“Afteraboutfiveyears Itransferred to Brunswick Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine, where I was a Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) School instructor.”

At approximately his 10-year mark in the Navy,hedecidedtotakeanearlyretirement andgointolawenforcement.However,after suffering a knee injury during the testing phase he entered the ship repair industry AfterastintatBathIronWorks Bath,Maine, and at Oceaneering International, Chesapeake, Va., he started serving his country againasafederalemployeeforNavalSurface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division as its Technical Services Program Manager, managing Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)SUBSAFEContracts

In2015 DaiglemadeamovefromtheCity ofBrotherlyLovetoHamptonRoadswhere he assumed the Business Office’s contracting liaison position coordinating contract

supportfromallthecontractingauthorities untilCode400wasstoodup Currentlyheis the chair for the Acquisition Review Board (ARB)whereheisresponsiblefortactically and strategically assessing and approving overhead and depot and intermediate availability and emergent submarine and surface ship service contract candidates and strategy that are aligned with NNSY resources and capabilities He schedules ARB sessions for the that have assessed andauthorizedtheoutsourcingofapproximately38,000organicwrenchturningman days via service contracts so far this fiscal year Daigleisalsotheprogrammanagerfor the Service Requirements Review Board (SRRB),whichisacommitteethatvalidates whatservicecontractswouldbecontracted out TheSRRBalsodecidesanexitplanwith

any particular contract, to determine if it is work NNSY employees can do He schedules SRRB sessions where the board has assessed and authorized the outsourcing of approximately$153millionworthofservice contractssofarthisfiscalyear

“I enjoy what I do because I get to work with so many people throughout the shipyard,” said Daigle. “Whether if it’s helping someone put together all the necessary documents together for a project or to ensure top quality for the project is being met. It’s really rewarding helping someone toaccomplishtheirgoal.”

Aiding others doesn’t stop at the shipyard’s gates for Daigle He takes his love of riding motorcycles and combines it with his attachment to the Chesapeake/Virginia Beach Combat Veteran’s Motorcycle Asso-


“I am a combat veteran, so I ride with Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association,” said Daigle “We are a 501(c)(19) non-profit organization and we ride and raise money through events and donations and turn it rightbacktoveteransprogramswesupport. We recently got back from riding to Colorado Springs and back for our national annualmeetingandItypicallyaverageover 8,000milesperyearfortheCVMA.”

Whether it be on his 2020 Harley DavidsonRoadGlideorsittingathisdeskatNNSY, Daiglewillcontinuetoserveothersuntilhe isunabletoserveanymore.

Daigle stated, “I believe charity first begins at home for me home are veterans and America’s Shipyard and I am proud to serveboth.

Shipyard Spotlight:
Daigle Business and Strategic Planning Office (Code 1200) ServiceAcquisition Programs Branch Head Matt Daigle is NorfolkNaval Shipyard’sJune 2023 Shipyard Spotlight (PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 27 2023 5 Auto Home LifeBanking Credit Cards We do that, too. Need abank accountorcredit card? USAA has that. Insurancecoverage foryour car,home or other belongings?USAAhas that. Looking foradviceand discounts?USAAhas that, too. All in one spot and all with award-winning service. In stments/Insur Not aDeposit •Not FDIC Insured •Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed Underwritt •May Lo Value Membership eligibilityand productrestrictions apply andare subjecttochange.Property and casualtyinsuranceprovided by United Services Automobile Association (USAA), USAA CasualtyInsuranceCompany, USAA GeneralIndemnityCompany, Garrison Property and CasualtyInsuranceCompany, basedinSan Antonio Te ;USAALimited (UK) and USAA S.A. (E ope) and is ilable onlytop ligible forp perty and casualtyg up membership.Each mpanyh sol financial sponsibilityf its np ducts.C ages subj ttothe te dconditio of the policy. Life insur nd annuities pr ided by USAALifeI Company, SanAntonio,TXand in NewYork by USAA LifeInsuranceCompanyofNewYork,Highland Falls,NY. All insuranceproducts aresubjecttostate availability, issue limitations and contractual terms andconditions.Each companyhas sole financial responsibilityfor its ownproducts.Credit cards areissued by USAA Savings Bank and iced by USAAFederal SavingsBank.Other bank products ep vided by USAAFederal Savings Bank.Both banks eM ber FDIC. Allc dit ds bjectt ppr l. No DepartmentofDef go nt ag yendorsem t. ©2023USAA.292575 -0423 Find out whatUSAAhas foryou. usaa.com

NavalMedical Forces Atlantic hones Mentor,Train, and Evaluate Program


NavalMedical Forces Atlantic

NORFOLK,Va. —During a5-month periodinearly 2023,Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) and U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC)employedthe Mentor, Train,andEvaluate(MTE)Programontwo of the largest shipplatformstoimprove the deploymentreadinessoforganicfleetmedicalforces.

The MTE program, which started as a pilotprojectin2021, is in the initialoperational capability stage whereitisbeing incorporated into the Optimized Fleet Response Plan (OFRP). MTE consists of theplanningandexecutionofscenariosand simulations whereteams of subject matter expertsguideandassesscurrentandfuture medicaldepartmentcapabilitiesafloat “Thegoalistomaximizeshipboardmedical capabilitiesthroughthe use of subject matterexpertsandhigh-fidelitysimulation drills,” explained Capt. KathyKyser,the NMFL regional chief medical officer and


Medical personnel from Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Portsmouth and Fleet Surgical Team (FST)8participatedinpier-side trauma drills with ship medicalpersonnel aboard Wasp-classamphibious assault ship USSBataan (LHD 5) andNimitz-class aircraft carrier USSDwight D. Eisenhower (CVN69).Theeventsincludedsimulations of surgeryinthe ship’soperatingroom (OR), ahead trauma patient, activationof thewalkingbloodbank,andamentalhealth scenariorequiringamedicalevacuation.

“Thetrainingaboardthe Bataanwas the firsttimeweadded multiplesimulationsto themedicaldrills,”saidKyser.“Thefleettells us what their training needsare,and what drillstheyneedinordertokeepskillssharp.”

Theparticipantswerethenevaluatedby NMFL staff,aswell as surgeons and fleet medicalofficersfromUSFFC,NavalMedical Forces Pacific (NMFP), NavalSurface Forces Atlantic, NavalSurface Forces Pacific,andCommander,TaskForce(CTF)

80whoservedasmentorsandproctorsfor the training

“Weevaluatedthe teams basedontheir ownstandardoperating procedures, described Capt. Stephanie Higgins,the NMFL chiefnursing officer.“Immediate feedbackisgivenduringthescenariosalong withadebrieffortheentiremedicaldepartmentonareas for improvement as well as accoladesforexcellentprocesses.”

After the training,the MTEteams providedreal-timefeedbackandafter-action reportsthatidentifiedweaknessesandreadinessgapstobuild opportunitiesfor future knowledge,skills,and abilities(KSAs) and forimprovingreadinessproficiencyonoperationalplatforms

“Each ship is different and that is why it is important to conduct the training on multiple platforms,” stated Terri Shambach, the NFML lead for improvement sciences.“We have been able to go out and helpthefleetmakeinternalimprovements through MTE.

The MTE teamsalso conducted train-

ings aboardNimitz-class aircraft carrier USSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN)77underway andUSSGeraldR.Ford(CVN)78pier-side.

ThenextMTE willbeled by NMFP in San Diego aboardNimitz-classaircraftcarrier USSTheodoreRoosevelt(CVN71)

NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet,Marine and Joint Forcerequirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces duringcombatoperationsandpublichealth crises.NMFL provides oversight for 21 NMRTCs,logistics, and public health and dental services throughout the U.S. East Coast, U.S. Gulf Coast, Cuba,Europe,and the Middle East.

Navy Medicine —represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilian health careprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to the warfighter on, below, and above the sea, and ashore.

NORFOLK,Va.(Feb.16,2023)Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USSBataan (LHD 5) Medical Department Sailorsperform asimulatedx-rayaspartofa pier-side trauma training exercise,Feb. 16,2023.The medical exercisewasconductedaspartofa NavalMedical ForcesAtlantic and U.S.Fleet Forces Command-driven effort to alignwithand support fleetand joint requirements,and to improve deployment readiness oforganic fleetmedical departments.During the evolution,the ship’s medical staffparticipated in severalmedical scenarios and received real-time feedbackin orderto build enhanced knowledgeand skillsets (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSDARRENNEWELL) Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING 6 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, July 27,2023

ican Psychoanalytic Association Service Members and Veterans Initiative. Additionally,hehas served as president-elect andpresidentoftheVirginiaPsychoanalytic Societyforthepasttwoyears.

“I hope Ican continue to be an advocate for the continuedadvancement of mental health awareness,including working to increasetheaccesstoqualitymentalhealth care,”saidVan Slyke. “I have heldnumerous leadership positionsinstate,regional and national professionalorganizations,all whichareplatformsthathaveallowedmeto beanadvocateformentalhealthawareness andtreatment.”

The Sears AwardreflectsVan Slyke’s passionforimprovingmentalhealthcare.

“I am aproponent of listening to my patientswitha‘thirdear’towhatisgoingon at both aconsciousand unconscious level, explainedVanSlyke.“Myinterestisinwanting to understand my patientsatadeeper level, and to be able to provide them tools andinsightbeyondmedicationmanagement ormoresupportiveinterventions.”

The journey for the path of psychiatry


“Overa one-weekperiodwhile performing an externship on the psychiatry service at the then NavalMedical Center Bethesda in 1993, Ifeltthe call,”reflected VanSlyke

“I had the opportunity to shadowseveral Navy mentalhealth providers in theoutpatientandinpatientsettingsandthecompassionatecaretheyprovidedtotheirpatients, somewithveryseriousmentalillness,really inspiredme.WhileIwenttomedicalschool withanopenmind as to what specialty to choose,I felt calledtopursue acareer in Navy Psychiatry and when Idid several psychiatry rotations as amedical student, mychoicebecameclear.”

Everycareerhasitschallenges,moments thatthreatentoderailallthatonehasworked for.Twenty-threeyearsago,VanSlykeexperienced alife-changing moment during his general medical officertour aboard Sacramento-class fastcombat supportship USS Detroit(AOE4).

“The mostchallenging period for me occurred very early in my career; Iama two-time head and neck cancer survivor,” statedVanSlyke.“Mygeneralmedicalofficer tour onboardUSS Detroit wasinterrupted in 2000 due to an unexpected diagnosis of squamouscelltonguecancerwhichrequired


Afterseveral months of recovery,hewas abletoresume his Psychiatry Residency at NavalMedicalCenterPortsmouth(NMCP) inthe fall of 2000. However, ayear laterat the start of his thirdyear,heexperienced arecurrent, moreextensivecancer that required further surgeryand severalweeks ofradiationandchemotherapytreatment.

“With the support of familyand the NMCP Psychiatry ResidencyProgram, I battledbacktoresumeresidency,asmygoal and passion had alwaysbeentobecomea psychiatrist,”saidVanSlyke BeingacancersurvivorhasprovidedVan Slykewithaunique perspective of having been apatient facing alife-threatening illness,andthatunderstandinghasallowed him to takeanapproachtohis patients that israre

“Desiring adeeper understanding of psychodynamicaspectsofpsychiatrytocare for my patients andinpart spurred by my ownexperiencesasacancersurvivoriswhat ledmetopursuepsychoanalytic trainingat the Washington D.C. PsychoanalyticInstituteoftheContemporaryFreudianSociety,” said VanSlyke. “The process of psychoanalytic training for mefostered agreater understandingofmyown lifejourney,and

inmanywaysfurtheredmydevelopmentas aphysician,psychiatrist,leaderandmentor.”

VanSlykehas always hada zealfor what hedoes andhas neverlet anyofthe obstacles in his waystophim, rather they have elevatedhissuccess

“Pursueyourpassionandwhatyoulove,” advised VanSlykewitha smile.“Do what youcan to takeonleadershipand other responsibilities becauseyou want to make adifference.Ifyou enjoywhat youdo, the chances areyou willexcel, andthe success willfollow!”

NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia,deliversoperationallyfocusedmedical expertise and capabilities to meetFleet, Marine and Joint Forcerequirements by providingequipment,sustainmentandmaintenanceofmedical forces during combat operationsand publichealthcrises.NMFL provides oversight for 21 NMRTCs,logistics,and public health and dental services throughout the U.S. East Coast, U.S. Gulf Coast,Cuba,Europe,andtheMiddleEast.

Navy Medicine—represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals—provides enduringexpeditionary medical supportto thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore

Psychiatrist from Page 2 www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, July 27,2023 7

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CARTAGENA,Colombia (July14 2023) East-coast based U.S.Naval SpecialWarfare Operators (SEALs) and Colombian special operations personnel pull a combat rubberraiding craft aboard the LosAngeles-class fast-attacksubmarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) during UNITAS 2023 Hosted thisyearbyColombia,UNITAS is theworld’s longest-running maritime exercise bringing together multinational forces from 20 partnernations,training in joint maritime operations that enhance tactical proficiencyand increase interoperability.Naval SpecialWarfare Group 2 produces trains, supports and deploys theworld’s premiermaritime special operations commandos to conduct full-spectrum operations and integrated deterrence that support national objectives (U.S.NAVY

Navy SEALs enhance maritime dominance with partner forces in Colombia

ByLt.j.g MartinCarey Naval Special Warfare Group Two CARTAGENA, Colombia East-CoastBased Naval Special Warfare Operators (SEAL) showcased their capabilities and strengthened international partnerships during their participation in the multinational exercise UNITAS 64 As part of the exercise, SEALs trained alongside partner nation special operations forces in submarine operations, visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS), and close quarters combat (CQC),reaffirmingtheimportanceofcollaborationinmaritimedefensestrategies

UNITAS, an annual joint exercise, brought together naval forces from 20 nations in Colombia to enhance interoperability and increase the collective capabilitytorespondtoevolvingmaritimesecurity challenges The event kicked-off with an opening ceremony where Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro delivered remarks.

“WhenIassumedofficeasthe78thSecretary of the Navy in August of 2021, I made enhancingstrategicpartnershipsoneofour Department’s top enduring priorities,” said DelToro “Trust,proficiency,andinteroperabilityarecoretenetsofourpartnershipsas we work together to advance our common interestsintheWesternHemisphere,maintaining the stability and security necessary foreconomicprosperity.

Naval Special Warfare’s (NSW) involvement in UNITAS demonstrated the United States Navy’s commitment to maritime dominance and showcased the crucial role playedbyspecialoperationsforcesinachievingthisobjective.TrainingalongsideColombian special operations forces, the SEALs practiced landing and launching combat rubberraidingcraftboatsontotheLosAngeles-Class attack submarine USS Pasadena’s (SSN 752) stern deck, refining their tactical abilitiesintheoperationaldomain “UNITASprovidedauniqueopportunity

to work with SOCSOUTH aligned special operations forces in the region, to advance our skills and train toward contingency operations,” said the SEAL commander on the ground overseeing the training. “Working alongside our partner nations adds another degree of interoperability, while demonstrating to our allies why we remain the partner of choice in the SOUTHCOM AOR,andsendsamessageofaunitedWesternHemisphere.

During UNITAS, the SEALs engaged in rigoroustrainingexercisesalongsideBrazilian,Chilean,Colombian,Dominican,Ecuadorian, French, Paraguayan, and Peruvian special operations counterparts, exchanging best practices and tactics to strengthen their collective abilities. During CQC the SEALs honed their skills in operating in confined spaces, a critical aspect of maritime special operations. The VBSS training focused on refining techniques for board-

ingandsearchingvessels,ensuringtheyare ready to protect international law and safeguardallnations’inherentrighttofreedom oftheseas.

PartnershipslieattheheartoftheUnited States’nationaldefensestrategy,andNSW’s engagement in UNITAS 64 exemplifies this principle By working alongside partner nations they fostered strong relationships,deepenedmutualunderstanding,and improved operational effectiveness This exerciseservedasatestamenttotheUnited States’ commitment to maritime security and operating everywhere international lawallows UNITAS,whichisLatinforunity,united, or oneness was conceived in 1959 when representatives at the first Inter-American Naval Conference in Panama agreed to conduct an annual maritime exercise with oneanother PriortoUNITASIin1960,U.S.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm.

Burke reviewed preparations for the multinationalexercise Hecommendedplanners for their progress, especially in building compatiblecommunicationsystemsamong navies, and predicted that UNITAS would build strong relationships among sailors of theWesternHemisphere.

The Colombian navy hosted this year’s UNITAS which featured 26 warships/ vessels, three submarines, 25 aircraft (fixed wing/helicopter),andapproximately7,000 people from 20 partner nations Forces conducted operations off the coast of Cartagena,Colombia,andashoreinCovenasand Barranquilla,Colombia.

NavalSpecialWarfareGroup2produces, trains supports and deploys the world’s premier maritime special operations commandos to conduct full-spectrum operations and integrated deterrence that supportnationalobjectives Formoreinformation,visithttps://www.nsw.navy.mil/

Defense Department expands Child Care in Your Home program


The Defense Department expanded the Child Care in Your Home program, formerly known as the in-home child care pilot. The program provides fee assistance for full-time, in-home child care providers Theprogramexpandedfromfiveto11locations and now includes lawful permanent residents and family members as possible in-homeproviders.

The Child Care in Your Home program islikethefeeassistanceprogramcurrently in place for service members using community-based care facilities; however, the child care is provided in the service member’s home The program covers fulltime care for a minimum of 30 hours to a maximumof60hoursofchildcareweekly

In this second year the fee assistance program expanded to eligible families in six new regions with the highest demand and longest waitlists for DOD-facilitated child care. These locations are:

„ ColoradoSprings CO

„ Seattle/Tacoma,WA

„ Jacksonville/Mayport,FL

„ FortWaltonBeach,FL

„ Fayetteville,NC

„ LasVegas,NV

Thefeeassistanceprogramremainsavailableinthefiveoriginallocations Thoselocationsinclude:

„ NationalCapitalRegion

„ Hawaii

„ SanDiego,CA

„ Norfolk,VA

„ SanAntonio,TX

“The Defense Department knows that easyaccesstohigh-quality,affordablechild care is critical for the well-being of military children and for the peace of mind and mission readiness of their parents,” said Patricia Montes Barron, deputy assistant secretaryofdefenseforMilitaryCommunity and Family Policy “The DOD is committed toensuringthatparentscanfindthequality, licensedcarethat’srightfortheirfamily.”

Stacey Young, director for the office of Military Family Readiness Policy, noted thatmilitaryfamilieshaveuniquechildcare needsthatmustbemet,andthedepartment is continuing its efforts toincreasethe variety of child care options available for militaryfamilies

“Child care continues to be available through installation child development centers and family care homes as well as school-age care programs, and military families now have additional options,” Young said. “In addition to the Child Care inYourHomeprogram,theDODisexpanding provider eligibility in the community-based fee assistance program, Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood-PLUS, to broaden the pool of providers eligible to receive fee assistance on behalf of militaryfamilies Thedepartmentalsoprovides military families with free, online access to a nationwide database of more than a million caregivers through the Military OneSource website Military families now

have an easier way to search for quality hourly, flexible and on-demand child care that meets their individual needs.”

To learn more about military child care programs, visit the Military OneSource ChildCareResourcespageathttps://www militaryonesource.mil/leaders-service-providers/children-youth-and-teens/childcare-resources/

About Military Community and Family Policy: Military Community and Family Policy is directly responsible for establishing and overseeing quality-of-life policies and programs that help our service members, their families and survivors be wellandmission-ready.MilitaryOneSource isthegatewaytoprogramsandservicesthat supporttheeverydayneedsofthe5.2million service members and immediate family membersofthemilitarycommunity These DOD services can be accessed 24/7/365 aroundtheworld

uarterdeck NRL helps astronomers track new stellar phenomenon The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s VLITE telescope has helped astronomers confirm findings of a new stellar phenomenon that challenges current scientific understanding of the physics of neutron stars. PageB6 ABOVE: CARTAGENA,Colombia (July14,2023) East-coast based U.S.Naval SpecialWarfare Operators (SEALs) and Colombian special operations personnel drive combat rubberraiding crafts inwaters nearCartagena during UNITAS 2023 ABOVE RIGHT: East-coast based U.S. Naval SpecialWarfare Operators (SEALs) and Colombian special operations personnel drive a combat rubberraiding craft alongside the Los Angeles-class fast-attacksubmarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) during UNITAS 2023 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 1STCLASSBILLCARLISLE) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 27 2023 1

NIWC Pacific employee earns Women of Color STEM Technology All-Star award

Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific

This month, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)Pacificleadershipannounced a Center recipient for a Career Communications Group’s (CCG) 2023 Women of Color Science,Technology,EngineeringandMathematics(STEM)TechnologyAll-Staraward: Wanda Lam, a systems engineer from the Command & Control and Enterprise EngineeringDepartment.

Technology All-Stars are accomplished women of color in mid-level to advanced stagesoftheircareerswithmorethan15years ofexperience.Awardeesarechosenfortheir excellence in their workplaces and communities

As the lead for a high-visibility program supportingaChiefofNavalOperations-level effort to provide Naval Operational Architecture to the entire fleet, Lam is responsiblefor“themanagement,coordination,team design,processimprovement,andefficiency in support of implementing NIWC Pacific’s strategic goals, said Mike McMillan, NIWC Pacificexecutivedirector.

“Ms. Lam led the United States Marine CorpsCommonHostingEnvironmenteffort and provided engineering and policy guidance Ms. Lam brought together the best capabilities of industry and the Department ofDefensetoresetthewaytheNavysecurely delivers new software. The consequences of this effort are revolutionary, reducing software integration and delivery times from monthsandyears,todaysandweeks.”

Lam says she’s honored to receive the recognition. “This award is very special to me, especially when I read about the CCG’s unique mission and their awards To me, it is not an individual recognition but a reflectionofwhoweareandwhatwedoatNIWC Pacific. We are a multi-cultural and diversifiedcommunityofhighperformingscientists, engineers, financial analysts, and support specialists who are striving for success We bring technologies and capabilities to the warfighter Iamhonoredtobeselectedinthis categoryfor2023.Iamthankfulformyleadershipwhobelievedinmeandotherwomen atNIWCPacific.”

When asked to clarify her role Lam said “my ‘official’ title is computer scientist. Currently, I am a systems engineer Systems

engineering focuses on designing, integrating and managing complex systems over theirlifecycles ThatisexactlywhatIdo The systemcouldbesinglepurposeorasystemof systems with thousands of users And that’s thefunofworkingatNIWCPacific Wehave an infinite number of systems to work on basedonyourareaofinterest.”

LamstartedherSTEMcareerattheCenter asafront-enddeveloperwithinthesoftware developmentfieldforeightyearsbeforetransitioningtothesystemsengineeringfield.She has worked with all armed forces multiple DODandfederalagencies aswellasindustry partners since joining NIWC Pacific, where she started as a contractor for two years


“The people and culture at NIWC Pacific are the main reasons for me to love what I am doing But what inspires me every day is seeing that my small contribution is being usedbythepeopleinthefirstlineofdefense forourcountry.”

NIWC Pacific’s mission is to conduct research, development, engineering, and support of integrated command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance cyber, and spacesystemsacrossallwarfightingdomains and to rapidly prototype conduct test and evaluation, and provide acquisition, installation,andin-serviceengineeringsupport.

NSAW recognizes outstanding Sailors and civilian, promotes police officers


Naval Support Activity Washington

Naval Support Activity Washington

(NSAW) recognized the Sailors and civilian employees whose work supports more than 110 tenant commands and activities across the National Capital Region including the Washington Navy Yard, the Naval Observatory, Naval Research Laboratory and Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Arlington, Carderock and Suitland - on July 18 at the Admiral Gooding Conference Center Two of the command’s first responders were also promotedattheceremony.Capt.MarkBurns commanding officer,thankedrecipientsand familymemberswhoattended.

ThaitiaWard-BrookswasfirsttoberecognizedwithaLengthofServiceAwardandpin for her 15 years of loyal service to the federal government;policeSgt.JermaineArmstrong wasrecognizedfor10yearsofloyalservice.

Culinary Specialist 1st Class Winesha Pierre was selected at the NSAW Sailor of theQuarterfor“outstandingperformanceof duties”servingasvenuemanagerforNSAW.

“Petty Officer Pierre was instrumental in planning and executing a luncheon for the former Secretary of Defense at the Visiting Flag Quarters,” according to the award citation. “Additionally, she raised $3,000 for the 2022holidayparty.”

KyleHammondsreceivedaspotawardfor his tireless support of command leadership and “outstanding contribution to mission success,”accordingtothecitation.

Jennifer Smith, NSAW Security Forces, waspromotedtothepolicerankofsergeant;

her husband Steve attended the ceremony andpinnedonhernewrank Aaron Samchunk, NSAW Security Forces waspromotedtothepolicerankofmajor;he was pinned by NSAW Security Forces Chief Col ByronBailey.

NSAW said goodbye to three Sailors, including Pierre, who received end of tour awardsfortheirworkatthecommandbefore movingontoanewassignment

Chief Fire Controlman Kyle Gregory received the Navy and Marine Corps CommendationMedalforservingasleading chief petty officer from March 2021 to July 2023 Gregorycontributedtotheinstallation of three counter-unmanned aerial system projects and “attained authority to operate for two naval support activities and seven supportfacilities,”accordingtothecitation.

ChiefMaster-at-ArmsBrianCobbreceived a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for serving as leading chief petty officer from August 2020 to August 2023 “He led a security force of 183 Sailors and civilianpersonnelinsafeguarding33,000federal employeesacrosssevenbasesintheNational CapitalRegion,”accordingtothecitation Pierre, already recognized as the command’sSailoroftheQuarter,receivedthe NavyandMarineCorpsAchievementMedal for serving as building manager from April 2021 to September 2023 “She conducted 90 fire inspections and corrected 55 maintenance actions, resulting in zero discrepancies, accordingtothecitation.

After the presentation of awards and promotions, Burns provided updates to the groupandthankedmembersofthecommand

for their responses to NSAW’s Command ClimateSurvey Whilethecommandcarefullyconsidersall thefeedbackitreceived,Burnssaidthesurvey indicatedtheneedforadditionalanti-suicide training, especially for the command’s first respondersintheSecurityForces “Thatjumpedoutatme,”hesaid.

As part of the command’s response, Security Forces are partnering with Baltimore County to offer suicide prevention training for first responders on Oct. 4, in addition to theresourcesofferedbytheFleetandFamily SupportCenterandregularNavy-widetraining “We offer the training, but we’ve got to go toit,”Burnsadded “We’vegottoparticipate The biggest line of defense against suicide is foreachofustolooktoourleftandrightand checkonourshipmates.”

NSAW’s senior enlisted leader, Command Master Chief Jay Jackson, announced upcomingexamsforSailorsandencouraged themtobeprepared

“Examinations are coming up, he said. “For those of you taking the examinations, for those of you who have Sailors taking the exams:masterwhatyoucancontrol.Nobody can take the test for them, nobody can study for them. The better they score on that test, thebetterthechancesfortheiradvancement. Thatistotallywithintheircontrol.”

Jacksonalsoannouncedupcomingtraining forfirstclasspettyofficers chiefpettyofficers andofficers toimprovethecommand’sevaluationwritingskills.

Congratulations to all who were recognizedandpromoted!

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy

The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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(PHOTOBYALANANTCZAK) Maj.Aaron Samchunk,center Naval SupportActivityWashington SecurityForces at his promotion during the command award ceremonyJuly18 with NSAWChiefofPolice Col.Byron Bailey,left,and NSAWCommanding OfficerCapt.MarkBurns,right (PHOTOBYANDREWREVELOS)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, July 27 2023

Recruiter lives the dream to help others create their own


Commander, Navy Recruiting Command


“Living the Dream,” is a phrase that gets thrown around quite often ForoneNavypettyofficer heactually islivingthedream,itjustwasn’tinitiallyhis

Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Gerard Joseph Portez chose to fulfill his father’s dreamwhenhedecidedtojointhemilitary Portezwasinhisthirdyearofcollegewhen afriendaskedifhewantedtojointheNavy

That’s when he remembered his father’s dreamandhowhehadalwaysbeeninspired bymenandwomenwhoweartheuniform.

“MyfatheralwayswantedtojointhemilitarywhenhewasinthePhilippines,butjust neverhadtheopportunity,”saidPortez.

Portez was born and raised in Laguna, Philippines, along with his younger sister When he was 15 years old, his family immigratedtotheUnitedStates

“I did not know what life would be like,” saidPortez.

Ultimately Los Angeles became his home He attended, and graduated from, St Genevieve High School, where he also participatedinhip-hopdance Althoughhe thoughtaboutjoiningthemilitaryafterhigh school, he felt he didn’t have the courage to push through and went to college instead. Afterhisthirdyear,hewastiredofperforming the same routines every day, and after talkingwithafriend,herealizedhewanted to do something bigger than himselfand be able to help his parents financially It was that conversation that changed his life In an instant he was on his way to fulfilling his father’s dream, while creating a life he himselfhadonlydreamedof

Portez’s first duty station was on board the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Chosin (CG 65), homeported in San Diego. After his tour was complete hewalkedacrossthepiertoanotherTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS CapeSt George(CG71).Bytheendofthose back-to-backtours,Portezhadadvancedto pettyofficersecondclass

“I didn’t get a chance to go to any ports becausebothshipswereintheyardsinEverett, Washington, but I worked hard, which helped me advance during my first enlistment,”saidPortez

Well on his way toward petty officer first class Portez’slong-termgoalistobecomean officer and retire with thirty years of naval service.

“It wasn’t until I joined the Navy that I realized what the Navy could do for me, such as help me become financially stable and continue to go to college without any loansordebts,”saidPortez

It was afterhissecondtouron aship that Portezdecidedtobecomearecruiter

D)D News

Three words are often used to succinctly describethetightbondbetweentheU.S.and SouthKorea:Wegotogether

Thephrasehaslongheldspecialmeaning on the Korean Peninsula, where more than 28,000U.S.servicememberscurrentlyserve alongsidetheirKoreanallies

Now, seven decades into the alliance, the three words carry added significance “We go together denotes a durable partnership between the two nations and a pledge to continue to stand together in the face of pressingchallenges

“[O]ver the past seven decades, our alliancehasgrownstrongerandmorecapable, and the cooperation between our people, our commitment to one another has grown deeper across every aspect of our partnership,” President Joe Biden said in April as hewelcomedSouthKoreanPresidentYoon Suk Yeol to the White House for an official state visit marking the 70th anniversary of thealliance

Bidensaidthetried-and-truepartnership offers proof of a “future filled with unimaginableopportunityandendlesspossibility.”

“Nothing nothing isbeyondourabilitytoreachwhenournationsandourpeople standunited,”hesaid.“Wehaveproventhat timeandagainoverthelast70years.

The alliance traces its roots to the devastationcausedbytheKoreanWar.

On June 25,1950, North Korean troops, backed by China and the Soviet Union, stormed across the 38th parallel, the line of demarcation separating Republic of Korea to the South and the Democratic People’s RepublicofKoreatotheNorth.

Concerned by the brazen communist aggression, the United Nations Security Council authorized, for the first time, the formation of a multi-national force to repel furtherinvasionfromthenorth.

TheU.S.providedmostofthetroopsthat made up the multinational U.N. Command. The U.S. Army deployed a total of eight divisions to the peninsula throughout the 37-monthwar.

More than 33,000 U.S. troops were killed and103,000woundedinfightingthatlasted until the July 27, 1953, Korean Armistice, which ceased hostilities and established a DemilitarizedZonealongthe38thparallel.

Yoon honored those American’s who sacrificedtheirlivesindefenseoftheKorean people as he spoke on the sun-drenched South Lawn in April during his official arrivalceremonyattheWhiteHouse

“Whydidtheysacrificetheirlivesforthis faraway country and for the people they nevermet?Thatwasforonenoblecause:to defendfreedom,”Yoonsaid.

“The ROK-U.S. alliance was forged in bloodasaresultofourfightforfreedom,”he said.“TheROK-U.S.allianceisnotatransactionalrelationship;itdoesnotoperateforthe sakeofmereinterest TheROK-U.S.alliance isanallianceofvalues,standingtogetherto safeguardtheuniversalvalueoffreedom.”

Despite the cessation of hostilities between North and South Korea brought

“There are so many opportunities in the Navy such as travel, medical and tuition assistance for us,” said Portez. “I became a recruiter to offer these same opportunities topeopleinourcommunitytobetterthemselves. Whether they want to go to college now,later,orpasstheopportunityforcollege onto their kids, I want them to be able to havethatchoice.”

Since being a recruiter, Portez has returned to college to complete his education. He is currently attending Thomas Edison University where he is 18 credits away from earning his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology.Onceheisfinishedwithhistour of recruiting, Portez is looking forward to returning to the fleet in Japan, hitting the deckplateswithhisshipmates,andgoingon deploymentstoseevariousportsaroundthe world. In the meantime, Portez is a part of theFilipinoAmericanCommunityofColorado and volunteers with Team Rubicon, whichisanorganizationknowntoColorado


Portezsaidhisfavoritepartaboutrecruiting is how he can relate to an applicant as he too once walked through the very same door asking for information Now, he is the personontheothersideofthetablehelping anapplicantseethebenefitsandopportunitiestheNavycanprovide

“Initially,itwashardformetobeinfront of people and talk but remembering how it wasformebeforeIjoinedhelpedmerelate better with the applicant,” said Portez. “I work in a community that is very similar to theoneIgrewupin.Itispersonalformeto dothebestjobpossible.”

His hard work and love of the Navy have earned him a Six Shooter award, sourcer of themonthforApril&May2023andaNavy Achievement Medal as a monthly incentive. Additionally, his dedication and leadership led his station to earning Station of theMonthforApril2023

“I am grateful to the Navy for the opportunity to work with people that are willing to raise their hand and perform the oath of enlistment just like I did at one point, said Portez.

Portez may not be living THE dream, but heisredefiningwhatitmeanstolivehisown.

NTAG Rocky Mountain encompasses the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and parts of Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, and Arizona,providingNavyRecruitingservices frommorethan30dispersedoffices

Navy Recruiting Command consists of a commandheadquarters twoNavyRecruiting Regions and 26 Navy Talent Acquisition Groups that serve more than 1,000 recruiting stations across the world. Their combinedgoalistoattractthehighestqualitycandidatestoassuretheongoingsuccess ofAmerica’sNavy

on by the 1953 armistice a peace treaty has neverbeensigned.

Following the armistice, the U.S. and SouthKoreasignedaMutualDefenseTreaty which, to this day, underpins the alliance betweenthetwocountries.

Under the treaty, the U.S. committed to aidingSouthKoreaintheeventofanattack and has maintained a continuous presence of land, air and sea forces on the peninsula capable of responding to North Korean aggression.

Todate,theU.S.remainsasSouthKorea’s foremostdefensepartnerandthetwocountries have for years completed large-scale, combined exercises aimed at enhancing joint operability and deterring provocation intheregion.

SouthKoreahasalsobeenakeyU.S.partner in conflicts abroad deploying troops in support of U.S.-led efforts in Vietnam, Iraq andAfghanistan SouthKoreaholdsMajorNon-NATOAlly status with the U.S., entitling them certain benefitsintermsoftradeandsecuritycooperation.

In 1978, the two countries formed the CombinedForcesCommandwhichformalized the U.S. and South Korean joint planning staff developed in the late 1960s as an adjunct to the United Nations Command andUnitedStatesForcesKorea.

The CFC serves as the warfighting headquarterswithoperationalcontrolovermore

than600,000servicemembersrepresenting both nations The command stands ready to provide coordinated defense through combined air, ground and naval forces on the peninsula should it come under attack fromthenorth.

Since its formation, CFC has conducted majorfieldtrainingandcommandpostexercises including Ulchi Freedom Guardian an annual drill that trains CFC personnel through state-of-the-art wargame simulations. The U.S. and South Korean joint drills have also included combined live-fire exercises that mobilize thousands of U.S. and SouthKoreantroopsandhundredsofweaponssystems In a joint communique issued by U.S. SecretaryofDefenseLloydJ.AustinIIIand SouthKoreanMinisterofNationalDefense Lee Jong-Sup following the 54th Security Consultative Meeting between the U.S. and South Korea, the two sides pledged to continue enhancing their combined exercisestostrengthenthealliance’sreadinessin thefaceofincreasingprovocationbyNorth Korea. “We still face ongoing challenges from North Korea, including its dangerous and destabilizing missile testing program, and from others who would undermine the rules-basedinternationalorder,”Austinsaid in April as he welcomed Yoon to the PentagonduringhisvisittoWashington.



“The ROK and the United States have a sharedvisionrootedinfreedom,democracy and the rule of law,” he said “Our alliance standsasapillarofafreeandopenIndo-Pacific and I’m confident that we will move forward together, and I look forward to charting an ambitious path to advance our sharedprioritiesintheIndo-Pacific.

During,Yoon’slatestvisittoWashington thetwocountriesoutlinednewstepsaimed at bolstering the longstanding U.S.-South KoreandefenseallianceinthefaceofgrowingnuclearthreatsposedbyNorthKorea.

Under the newly unveiled “Washington Declaration,” the two countries have committed to engaging in deeper dialogue and information sharing efforts and announced the establishment of a nuclear consultative group to strengthen nuclear deterrenceeffortsontheKoreanPeninsula.

Biden called the declaration a “prudent step” toward deterrence and in response to NorthKorea’sadvancingnuclearthreatand a symbol of the U.S. unwavering commitmenttoSouthKorea.

“As our troops say, who still proudly serve together in the ROK to this day: ‘We gotogether’, BidensaidontheSouthLawn. “MaywecontinuethatrefrainoftheRepublicofKoreaandtheUnitedStatesforallthe daysahead.”

Personnel Specialist 2nd Class GerardJoseph Porter a recruiterassigned to NTAG RockyMountain.(COURTESYPHOTO)
‘We Go Together:’ U.S., South Korea mark 70-year alliance
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 27 2023 3
Marines assigned to 3d Marine Division and Republic ofKorea Marines hold the opening ceremonyforKorean Marine Exercise Program (KMEP) 23.3 in the Republic ofKorea,March 27 2023.KMEPis a series ofcontinuous-combined training exercises designed to enhance the ROK-U.S. Alliance.(U.S.MARINEPHOTO)

U.S. Navy to commission littoral combat ship CanberrainAustralia

TheU.S.Navywillcommissionitsnewest Independence-variant littoral combatship (LCS), the future USSCanberra(LCS30), duringaninternationalcommissioningceremony, at 10:00 a.m. AEST on Saturday,July 22 (8:00p.m. EDT on Friday, July 21)atthe RoyalAustralian Navy Fleet Base Eastin Sydney,Australia. TheHonorableCarlosdelToroU.S.SecretaryoftheNavy,willdeliverthecommissioning ceremony’sprincipal address. Remarks will also be provided by His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley,AD, DSC,Governor-Generalofthe CommonwealthofAustralia;the Honourable RichardMarles,MP, DeputyPrimeMinisterof Australia;theHonorableCarolineKennedy U.S.AmbassadortoAustralia;Adm.Michael

Gilday, U.S. Chief of NavalOperations; Vice Adm. Mark Hammond, RoyalAustralian Chief of Navy;and Mr.Larry Ryder,Vice President of Business Development and External Affairs,Austal USA. The ship’s sponsor is Australian Senator, theHonourable MarisePayne,the former Australian MinisterofForeignAffairswhoattendedthe ship’s keel laying ceremonyatAustalUSA’s shipyardinMobile,Alabama,in2020.

Independence-variant LCSarefast,optimally-manned, mission-tailored, surface combatantsthatoperatebothclosetoshore andinopen-oceanenvironments.LCSintegrate with joint, combined, crewed, and unmannedsystemstosupportforward-presence,maritime security,sea control, and deterrencemissionsaroundthe globe.The USSCanberra’ssister ships,USS Jackson (LCS 6), USSGabrielleGiffords (LCS 10),

USSManchester (LCS 14), andUSS Mobile (LCS26)areallcurrentlyondeploymentin theIndo-Pacific. LCS 30 will be the 16th commissioned Independence-variantLCS.Itisthesecond shipnamedinhonorofthecityofCanberra, andcommemoratesthemorethan100years ofmateshipbetweentheU.S.andAustralian allies. The firstUSS Canberra(CA 70) was namedinremembrance of the Australian heavy cruiser HMASCanberrathat sank duringtheBattleofSavoIslandwhilefighting side-by-side with U.S. navalforces.CA 70 wasthe firstU.S.Navyshipnamedfor a foreigncapital. ThefirstUSS Canberra(CA 70)received sevenbattle stars for her service in World WarII.InMay1958,Canberraservedasthe ceremonialflagship for the selection of the UnknownServiceman of WorldWarIIand

Korea. Canberra wasdecommissioned in a ceremonyonFeb.2,1970,atthe SanFranciscoBayNavalShipyard.OneofherpropellersispreservedattheLosAngelesMaritime Museum,whiletheship’sbellisondisplayat theAustralianNationalMaritimeMuseum. Media maydirect queries to the Navy Office of Information at (703) 697-5342

More information on the Littoral Combat Ship Program can be found at: https:// www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/ Display-FactFiles/Article/2171607/littoralcombat-ship-class-lcs/

The ceremonywill be livestreamed at: https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/32033 Thelinkbecomes activeapproximately ten minutes prior to the event at 10:00 a.m. AESTonSaturday, July 22 (8:00p.m. EDT onFriday,July21).

Get Smart about business Localbusiness news at your fingertips24/7. Insidebiz.com 4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, July 27,2023

Medal of Honor Highlight:

Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Oscar Nelson

When a boiler exploded on Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Oscar Frederick Nelson’s gunboat in 1905, he didn’t hesitate to act. He pulled three men from the inferno and kept the crisis from potentially endangering people onshore. His courage earned him the Medal of Honor.

Nelson was born on Nov. 5, 1881, in Denmark to parents Peter and Eliza Nielson. He had two siblings who were also born in Denmark. At some point in the 1890s, the family dropped the “i” in their last name and emigrated to the suburbs of Minneapolis.

According to the Brainerd Daily Dispatch out of Brainerd, Minnesota, Nelson worked in Northern Pacific railway shops in the town before enlisting in the U.S. Navy in 1899.

On July 21, 1905, Nelson was serving as a machinist’s mate 1st class on the USS Bennington, a gunboat that had arrived in San Diego harbor from Honolulu. While the ship was docked, a boiler exploded. Nelson explained in a 1917 Quad City Times article that out of 22 men in the ship’s engine room, he was the only one to survive.

“I was blown back over the steering engines and found myself lying with three men on top of me,” Nelson said in the newspaper, which is based out of Davenport, Iowa. “Boiling water was escaping from the steam pipes. The bulkheads were caved in, and I could feel the boat sinking. I was forced to grope my way about [because] the engine room was so full of steam.”

After Nelson escaped, he regrouped, then rushed back into the inferno that was the engine room to drag three men out of it. Unfortunately, they didn’t survive. Since the ship was only about 300 feet

from shore, Nelson said it was also imperative that he flooded the powder magazines.

“In the magazines were 13 tons of smokeless powder and 10,000 rounds of 6-inch shells of the armor-piercing kind,” Nelson said in a 1914 Brainerd Daily Dispatch article. “Had the contents of the magazine exploded, a great portion of the waterfront of San Diego would have been blown up.”

According to the Quad City Times, when Nelson delivered the third man he’d tried to rescue to the upper deck, he was grabbed by attendants from various steamers that came to help. They rushed him to a hospital.

The Bennington sank shortly after that. It was hauled to shore by tugboats for repairs; however, later that year, it was decommissioned and sold for scrap, according to the Naval History and Heritage Command.

The explosion killed 67 of the ship’s men and injured 49 others, reports showed.

For his bravery that day, Nelson received the Medal of Honor. It was presented to him on Jan. 6, 1906, by Nicholas Longworth, the son-in-law of President Teddy Roosevelt.

Nelson remained in the service afterward, serving on the torpedo boat destroyer USS Paul Jones, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. He was honorably discharged a few years later.

According to Minnesota’s St. Louis County Historical Society, Nelson eventually moved to Duluth, Minnesota, and worked for more than two decades for the Army Corps of Engineers. He retired in 1950.

At some point he married Anna Dahl, and they had a daughter, Beatrice.

Nelson died Sept. 26, 1951, at 69 years of age. He is buried in Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis.

Nelson’s Medal of Honor can be found in the Depot of the Veterans’ Memorial Hall Gallery in Duluth.

Crews work to remove the dead from the USS Bennington after a boiler explosion off the coast of San Diego, California, July 21, 1905. Photographed and published on a stereograph card by C.H. Graves, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (PHOTO BY NAVAL HISTORY AND HERITAGE COMMAND) Navy
a machinist’s mate on the USS
in July 1905 when a boiler exploded, killing dozens of his shipmates. Nelson dragged three sailors from the engine room and kept the explosion from causing more damage. He earned the Medal of Honor. (ST. LOUIS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY) Former Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Oscar Nelson, a Medal of Honor recipient, poses for a photo with his wife, Anna. (ST. LOUIS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume. Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 27, 2023 5
Petty Officer 1st
Oscar Nelson was

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory helps


The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Very Large Array (VLA)Low-bandIonosphereandTransient Experiment(VLITE)telescopehashelped astronomersconfirmfindingsofanewstellar phenomenon that challenges current scientific understanding of the physics of neutron stars The object is believed to be an ultra-long period magnetar, a rare type of star with extremely strong magnetic fields that can produce powerful bursts of energy, a finding that was published today in Nature.

NRL’s VLITE was developed in collaboration with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in 2014. VLITE operates on the VLA as a stand-alone instrument for ionospheric and astrophysical studies VLITE’s 18 antennas collect over 6000 hours of data per year which are archived at NRL. Originally it was implemented to constantly monitor the Earth’s ionosphere tostudydisturbancesthatcanaffectitsuch asgeomagneticstorms,seismiceventsand

gravitywaves.Bythisconstantsurveillance, it can be used as a tool to detect transient blips, bursts of radio waves from cosmic sources that are elusive without constant observation.Understandingthesephenomenamayleadastronomerstoabetterunderstanding of the Universe

In September 2022, an international teamofastronomers,ledbyCurtinUniversityandtheInternationalCentreforRadio AstronomyResearch(ICRAR)inAustralia discovered the stellar object (named GPM J1839-10) using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) The discovery set off an intense world-wide effort to understand GPM J1839-10 NRL astronomers quickly reprocessedstoredVLITEdata,identifying previously hidden emission from the stellar object. Armed with the VLITE results, astronomers scoured archives and traced the emission from the source back more than three decades to 1988

“Thisenigmaticobjecthasbeenhidingin thedatafordecades wejustdidnotknow we had to look for it until its discovery by the MWA”, said Dr Simona Giacintucci,


NRL Research Astronomer GPM J183910emitsafive-minutepulseofradiowavelength emission every 22 minutes and it’s been doing this for at least 33 years

“Findings like this are exciting because they highlight the gaps in our understanding of the physics of these extreme stars knownasmagnetars,”saidDr TracyClarke, NRL Research Astronomer and VLITE Project Scientist. “Current understanding says this object should not emit radio wavesandyetwearedetectingthemacross several decades and we are not sure why. That is an exciting mystery.”

Astronomers believe GPM J1839 10 is a form of rare neutron star with extremely powerful magnetic fields “Astronomy is one of those bizarre professions where we are not able to go to our objects to study them,” Clarke said. “We are interested in howmanyoftheseareoutthereandwhere they are located. That is directing future research.

VLITEhasexceededitsoriginalmission fulfilling initial hopes of making discoveries just like this NRL astronomers will

continue to search data sets produced with VLITE to lead future discoveries and a better understanding of the Universe with the fascinating objects it contains NRL’s instrumentation and cutting-edge research supports the mission of the Navy andDepartmentofDefensewhilecontinuing to contribute to science worldwide.

About the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NRL is a scientific and engineering commanddedicatedtoresearchthatdrives innovative advances for the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps from the seafloor to space and in the information domain. NRL is located in Washington, D.C., with major field sites in Stennis Space Center, Mississippi,KeyWest,Florida,andMonterey,California,andemploysapproximately 3,000 civilian scientists, engineers and support personnel.

For more information, contact NRL Corporate Communications at (202) 480-3746 or nrlpao@nrl.navy.mil.

new stellar
Artist impression ofthe magnetarthatwas discovered bythe MurchisonWidefieldArray(MWA) radio telescope and otherradio facilities around theworld that helped confirm the discovery Looking backin time using archival data from NRL’sVLITE instrument on theVLA,NRLastronomerswere able to time the radio bursts backto 2018 The inset timeline (top right) ofVLITE archival observations shows the MWAdiscoveryas a red bar,blue dots areVLITE data sets searched and thumbnails ofthe magnetarshowwhenVLITE detected the emission.MeerKAT- Credit: South African RadioAstronomyObservatory(SARAO),GranTelescopio Canarias - Credit: Daniel López/IAC,MurchisonWidefieldArray- Credit: MarianneAnnereau,Giant Metrewave RadioTelescopeCredit: NCRA,Australian SKAPathfinder- Credit: CSIRO/DragonflyMedia,AustraliaTelescope CompactArray- Credit: CSIRO,Parkes RadioTelescope,Murriyang - Credit: CSIRO,VeryLargeArray - Credit:AUI/NRAO (PHOTOBYU.S.NAVALRESEARCHLABORATORY) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, July 27 2023
astronomers track
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MetaphorsoftheHeart outdoorinstallation at the Hermitage Museum & Gardens.(PHOTOBYLINDSAYCOLLETTE)


Original music, poetry, dance, inspirationalstories,andmorewilldebutthisSaturday, all inspired by our current exhibition, EchoesoftheHeart!

Arrive early and stay after the performancesSaturdaytoenjoyself-guidedtours Complimentary light bites and desserts included with entry courtesy of Yummy Goodness. Craft beer and wine will also be available for purchase. Doors open at 6pm, eventbeginsat7pm.Guestsunder18admitted only with a parent or guardian. Tickets are$18formembersofthemuseumand$24 fornon-members

Featured Performers Include:

„ LeilaStephanie(actress&actingcoach)

„ JoanneHiggins(ventriloquist)

„ LoganVath(singer/songwriter)

„ LibbyKurz(storyteller,formernurse)

„ UrsiSalkey(soundbathfacilitator)

„ MalouAvelino-Silva(HeartAttack Survivor&AmericanHeartAssociation Volunteer)

„ MyronSimonJr (dancer,NorfolkState University)

The magic of Night Echoes

Have you stopped by our free weekly exhibitionevenings,NightEchoes,yet?The captivating experience continues EVERY Tuesday night from 7:30-10:30pm Guests are welcome to bring lawn chairs blankets food, and non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy on the grounds No registration is required toenjoy!

NightEchoesisoneoftheprogramsoffered aspartofourClaudiaBueno:EchoesOfThe Heartexhibition.We’reopenlateweeklythis summer to offer even more opportunities to enjoytheimmersiveexperience.

Internationallyrecognizedartist,Claudia Bueno creates stunning, interactive worlds that call forth our most intimate, foundational emotions and gives them seemingly limitless space in which to fully bloom. Metaphorandbiologyareforevermarriedin worksofsound,light,circuits,motors,wind and film. These mystical, immersive environmentsreflectherpersonalcommitment tohealingandinnergrowthandourcollective fascination with the building blocks of our inner worlds—energy, consciousness andspirit.

Buenofindsawellspringofinspirationin ourinnate,personalconnectiontothenaturalworld—thetwisting,aspiringbranchesof

Max Media Hampton Roads presents KINDFest 2023 at The Military Aviation Museum


HAMPTON ROADS, Va Max Media Hampton Roads is proud to announce KINDFest 2023, a charity event aiming to cultivate awareness andsupportfordozenslocalcharitiesintheHamptonRoadsarea.Thisevent will be taking place on Saturday, August 19th at Military Aviation Museum inVirginiaBeachfromNoon-4pm.

KindFest will bringtogetherourcommunity local businesses andorganizations onaday to growawarenessforimportant causes fostering kindnessandcompassion.Withavibrantatmosphereandaline-upofengaging charities, this event promises to be a powerful platform for promoting philanthropy and making a positive impact This free to the public, family &pet-friendlyeventwillshowcaselocalcharitiesastheyexhibittheirinitiatives,sharingtheirmission,impact,andopportunitiesforinvolvement.

In addition to supporting local charities, KINDFest will feature food trucks KINDFest Crushes from Back Bay Bew House live music from the Tiki Bar Band, vendors, family activities and more. In addition to all these featuresLawEnforcementAgenciesfromalloverSouthernVirginiawillbe participating in multiple plane pulls to raise money for the Special OlympicsofVirginia.

Join us at KindFest and be a part of this transformative event! Together, let’smakeHamptonRoadsamorecompassionateandcaringcommunity

FormoreinformationpleaseemailJoeAmado DirectorofMarketing& PromotionsforMaxMedia HamptonRoadsatamado@maxmediva.com

Max Media’s Norfolk-Virginia Beach properties include Country WGH-FM (97.3 The Eagle), AC WTWV (92.9 The Wave), Urban Adult HitsWVBW(100.5TheVibe) WVSP(PriorityAutoSportsRadio94.1)and WGH-AM(FOXSports1310)

acypresstree;theinfinitelycurioustentacles of an octopus; the factory chambers of the heart;thedelicatewingsofabirdofprey;the neural pathways and confluence of arteries thatturnenergyandbloodintothoughtand action. Each work is ultimately and essen-


The Hermitage Museum & Gardens is located at 7637 North Shore Rd., Norfolk, VA 23505 For more information visit TheHermitageMuseum.org or call 757.423.2052

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

Experience enchanting evenings at The Hermitage with live entertainment and the magic of ‘Night Echoes’
EnjoylivemusicperformancesandriverfrontviewsatTheHermitage.(PHOTOBYLINDSAYCOLLETTE) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 27 2023 1

The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online.

Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/

Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/

Preparing your children for kindergarten

Beingreadyforkindergartenisaboutfarmorethanwriting names and reciting the ABCs It is also about building a foundation for deeper conceptual thinking, curiosity, creativityandsocialandemotionalskillsthatcanhelpchildrenduringtheirearlyschooldaysandalsoinlife

For parents, this transition can be nerve-wracking and raisequestionsabouthowtobestpreparetheirchildrenfor thenextstepintheireducationaljourneys.

Dr Lauren Starnes, senior vice president and chief academic officer at The Goddard School, and Lee Scott, chairpersonofTheGoddardSchool’sEducationalAdvisory Board recommendhelpingchildrenprepareforkindergartenwiththefollowingadvice:

Building strong routines and foundations for learning:

„ Languageandliteracy:Practicewritingbymakingplace cardsforthedinnertable Foryoungerchildren,itcanbethe firstletterofeachperson’snameorfunscribblesonthecard.


„ Mathematics: Count while you work. Ask your childrentoputawaytoys Astheywork,youcancountthetoys together

„ Science: Make yard cleanup fun. As you clean the yard talkabouttheleavesandwhytheyturncolorsandfalltothe ground.Pilethemupandjumpin.

„ Executivefunction: Incorporate your children in planning for the family. Help your children stay organized with a daily or weekly chart. Have your children make the chart with you. For younger children, you can use drawings or picturesinsteadofwords.

„ Creative expression: Sing and dance while you work. Make up songs or repeat favorites as your children go throughafewbasicchoressuchasputtingclothesaway

„ Social-emotionaldevelopment:Buildasenseofresponsibilityandcaringforotherswithrealorpretendpets.Take thedogforawalk,feedthecatorwaterthepetrock Taking care of a pet can help children develop a sense of responsibilityandempathyforothers

„ Healthy development and well-being: Daily routines help your children practice fine motor skills while doing a fewchores suchassettingatable helpingyoucookbymixing orstirring puttingtheirclothesonorbrushingtheirteeth.

Incorporating Playful Experiences:

„ Puzzles: Solving puzzles supports the development of skillssuchasconcentration,self-regulation criticalthinking andspatialrecognition.

„ Boardgames:Playinggamesprovidesanumberofbenefits for children, including supporting memory and critical thinking, helping them learn to take turns and count, and developingearlylanguageskills

„ Blocks:Blockbuildingsupportscreativity,cognitiveflexibility, planning and organization Take some time to build withblocksusingdifferentshapesandcolors

„ Clay: Children need to develop fine motor skills beyond using devices Few things are better for developing fine motor skills than modeling clay. Learning to sculpt with clay also builds creativity, artistic expression and strategic thinking

„ Recycledmaterials: Inspire creativity by finding things around the house to build with, such as cardboard, paper, papertowelrollsandplasticbottles.

For more actionable parenting insights, guidance and resources - including a webinar with Scott focused on kindergartenreadiness-visitGoddardSchool.com

Easy tips for keeping your pets pest-free

ByFamilyFeatures& VCAAnimalHospitals

Naturally curious, many pets sniff and exploreotheranimalsandobjects,unaware they may expose themselves to potentially harmfulparasitesandconditions According totheCompanionAnimalParasiteCouncil,1 in100dogstestedpositiveforheartwormin 2022,andmorethan1in4indoorcatswere positiveforheartworminfection.

External parasites - including fleas, ticksandmitesfoundoutdoorsoronother animals - and internal parasites such as heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms can wreak havoc on your pet’s health and well-being

These parasites can feed on dogs and cats, causinghealthissuesthatrangefromminor skin irritation to severe organ damage and evendeathifleftuntreated.Someparasites can also be contracted by people, making diagnosis and prevention even more important.

Though prevention is the best approach, treatmentissometimesrequired.Interventionismosteffectivewhenstartedimmediatelyaftera parasiteisdetected.Work with yourveterinariantotailoraprogramspecific toyourdogorcat’sbreed,age,behaviorsand environmental factors, and consider these tipsfromtheexpertsatVCAAnimalHospitals, which has more than 1,000 locations across North America that cared for more than4millionpetslastyear,tohelpprevent parasitesinyourpets

„ Provide preventative medications. Based on their specific risk factors dogs and cats should be on year-round parasite control programs that treat infections such as heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, ticks and more. Parasite prevention medication options range from topical to injectableandoral.

„ Visitthevetannually Yearlyvisitsallow yourveterinariantotake noteof changesin your pet’s health and alter his or her parasite control program as necessary Your vet can tell you which parasites to watch for basedonyourlocation,howtheseparasites canbetransmitted,andwhichpreventative productsaremostappropriate Additionally,

newer,moreaccurateparasitetestscanalso identify parasite strains that may affect people and pets Remember, dogs and cats age faster than humans, so annual exams withdiagnostictestingaretheequivalentof humansvisitingthedoctorevery4-5years

„ Watch for warning signs of parasites

Some pets infected with a parasite don’t showanysignsofillness However,common signs of infection include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite or blood in your pet’s stools.Coughingordifficultybreathingmay also accompany heartworms Also consult your veterinarian if your pet excessively

scratches, chews or licks his or her coat or ears, or persistently shakes his or her head. Seeing your vet as soon as possible can get yourpettreatmentandhelppreventspreading the parasite to other animals. Puppies andkittensareespeciallyatriskforparasites sincemostcontractthemfromtheirmothers whilenursingandtheirsmallsizeputsthem atgreaterriskforsevereillness

„ Groom regularly. To reduce the risk of coat contamination and increase the likelihood of catching fleas, ticks and coat abnormalities quickly, be sure to periodically groom your pet, or have him or her

professionally groomed. It is particularly important to inspect your dog or cat after playingoutsideorwithotherpets

„ Clean up after your pet Since most intestinal parasites spread through contact withfeces,it’scrucialtodisposeofanywaste in your yard or pet’s litter box within 24 hourstoavoidexposureandreducetherisk ofenvironmentalparasitecontamination.A contaminatedyardcanbeasourceofexposureformanymonthsasparasitescanlivein thesoilforextendedperiodsoftime.

Findmoretipsforparasitepreventionand treatmentatVCAhospitals.com.

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, July 27 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 27 2023 3

Watermelon is a summertime staple. What’s hidden behind the sweetness?

American Heart Association News

Whetherthey’reservingassnacks atafamilyreunionorpropsinalatenight comedy act, watermelons and funjustseemtogotogether Buthow does watermelon hold up healthwise?

Smashingly you might say.

“I’m definitely impressed by its health benefits,” said Tim Allerton, a postdoctoral researcher at Louisiana State University’s Pennington BiomedicalResearchCenterinBaton Rouge

Fruit is always part of a healthy diet. But watermelon’s combination of nutrients makes it special Allerton said.

Make mornings a breeze with time-saving breakfasts


Mornings can be hectic enough with wake-up calls, preparing for work, getting thekidsreadyandsomanyotherdailytasks Addintheneed(ordesire,atleast)foranutritious breakfast and starting a new day can feeldownrightexhausting.

Makeyourmorningseasierwithdelicious, better-for-you meals you can make ahead of time using simple ingredients like Success Boil-in-Bag Tri-Color Quinoa, which offers aheat-safe,BPA-freeandFDA-approvedbag andiseasilypreparedinjust10minutes.You don’thavetoknowhowtopronouncequinoa to enjoy its light, nutty flavor packed with proteinandallnineessentialaminoacids

As a good source of fiber it’s a perfect solution composed of a medley of red, black and white quinoa that can make these Ham, CheeseandZucchiniBreakfastCupsabreeze They’reanidealon-the-gosolutionforweekdaybreakfastbitesthatfityourbusyschedule CookupabatchaspartofyourSundaymeal prepandenjoyaweek’sworthoftasty,simple cupsfortheentirefamily Oncethecombination of green onions cheddar ham quinoa andmorehavebeencookedandcooled,they canberefrigeratedforupto1week.

For a creamier, fruity, dairy-free option, these Quinoa Overnight Oats make for a satisfying breakfast you can grab from the fridge and take to the office Loaded with whole grains, bananas, blueberries and pomegranate, they’ll provide the energy youneedtogetthroughthedaywhilesaving

time in the morning

Thesetastytreatscanalsolastupto1week in the refrigerator, but remember to wait to add any crunchy toppings, honey or syrup until you’re ready to enjoy so those favorite ingredients stay fresh longer Another pro tip: Once you’re done preparing your sweet nutritious breakfast for the week ahead, divide evenly into four resealable to-go containers to make weekday mornings as easyaspossible.

To find more weekday morning solutions using easy-to-make whole grains, visit SuccessRice.com

Ham, Cheese & Zucchini

Breakfast Cups

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes

Servings: 12

„ 1bagSuccessTri-ColorQuinoa

„ nonstickcookingspray

„ 1cupshreddedcheddarcheese

„ 1cupshreddedzucchini

„ ½cupdicedham

„ 2eggs

„ ¼cupeggwhite

„ ¼cupslicedgreenonion


½teaspoonsalt „ ¼teaspoonblackpepper

Preparequinoaaccordingtopackagedirections Preheatovento350F.



In large bowl, combine shredded cheddar cheese, shredded zucchini, diced ham, eggs, egg white, sliced green onion, salt and black pepper.Mixwell.Spoonbatterintoprepared muffintin.

Bake 25 minutes Cool 5 minutes then removetowireracktocoolcompletely

Quinoa Overnight Oats

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1bagSuccessTri-ColorQuinoa

„ 2cupsalmondmilk

„ 1cupquick-rolledoats

„ 2bananas mashed

„ ½teaspoongroundcinnamon

„ 1cupfreshblueberries

„ ½cuppomegranateseeds


In large bowl, combine almond milk, oats, bananas and cinnamon. Stir in quinoa and blueberries

Cover and refrigerate overnight Divide among four serving bowls and garnish with pomegranateseeds.

Tips: For added sweetness, drizzle with honey, maple syrup or agave syrup, to taste

For a grab-and-go breakfast, combine overnight oats mixture and divide in resealable, single-serving jars or containers Seal and refrigerateovernight

It’s a rich source of minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It’s also a good source of vitamins C and A (plus beta carotene, which helps produce vitamin A), and it has fair amounts of vitamins B1, B5 and B6

You get all of that for only 46.5 calories per cup

Befitting its name, watermelon is about 92% water which suggests why ancestral watermelons were carried in Africa’s Kalahari Desert as long as 5,000 years ago This is a treat with a lineage: Modern-looking versions are depicted in ancient Egyptian tombs.

Where watermelon really stands out is in its concentration of certain antioxidants, which regulate cell-damaging free radicals in the body “Our body has its own antioxidantsystem,butithelpstogetaboost from our diet,” Allerton said. “And watermelonisagoodsourceofthose antioxidants.”

Lycopene, which gives watermelon its reddish color is one of those antioxidants along with vitamins C and A. Lycopene also works asananti-inflammatoryandhasbeen linked to lower stroke risk. It is most abundantincookedtomatoproducts, butwatermelon’slycopenelevelsare about40%higherthanrawtomatoes

Watermelon also has glutathione, which Allerton called a “versatile, global antioxidant.”

And watermelon is high in an amino acid called citrulline, which has been a focus of Allerton’s research. “Watermelon is pretty unique because not a lot of foods are high in this,” he said.

In a small 2013 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry citrulline in watermelon juice was credited with helping relieve sore muscles in athletes Citrulline also is linked to the production of nitric oxide, which is important for the health of blood vessels Severalsmallstudiessuggest citrulline in watermelon extract couldlowerbloodpressure,although those effects were seen in people eating the equivalent of more than 3 pounds of watermelon a day for six weeks

That’s a lot of watermelon. But asidefromthegeneralideathatoverindulgence in anything is a bad idea, Allerton said there’s no downside to enjoying it.

Even though it has natural sugar and a high glycemic index a measureofhowfastsugarentersthe bloodstream it has a low glycemic load. That means its actual effect on blood sugar is small. And it will fill you up faster than, say, a bowl of cookies

All nutrition and science aside, afficionadosofthefruitjustenjoythe taste Superfan Mark Twain wrote, “It is the chief of this world’s luxuries kingbythegraceofGodoverall thefruitsoftheearth.Whenonehas tasted it, he knows what the angels eat.”

Allerton prefers his straight up, but he adds that watermelon juice retains many of the benefits of the whole fruit because so much of the fruit is water already Thatmakeswatermelonworkwell in smoothies Or you can turn it into a fruit salsa.

Experts agree the secret to finding a ripe one is to look for a creamy yellow spot from where the watermelon sat on the ground. If the spot looks more white than yellow, then the melon may not be fully ripe Weight also is a sign of quality the heavier the better

But most experts say you can’t learn much about a watermelon’s ripeness from thumping one So you can probably leave that to the comedians

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, July 27 2023

NHB Preventive Medicine takes the bite out of West Nile Virus

Readiness and Training Command Bremerton

There’salwaysabuzzwithNavalHospital BremertonPreventiveMedicineduringthe summermonths

The Preventive Medicine team is undertaking their seasonal surveillance and prevention for West Nile vector control on NavyinstallationsinthePacificNorthwest

According to Lt Anurag Sharma, NHB Preventive Medicine department head and environmental health officer West Nile virusistheleadingcauseofmosquito-borne diseaseintheUnitedStates

It’s most commonly transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito It can cause health issues such as encephalitis - inflammationofthebrain-ormeningitis,whichis inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, just to name a few Mosquitos become infected with this virus by feeding oninfectedbirds,”saidSharma.

Dealing with mosquitos is not just trying to eradicate a nuisance Preventive Medicine measures are predicated on maintainingoperationalreadiness.Theregion-home totheNavy’sthirdlargestfleetconcentration - is a widely diverse locale of shore, surface and sub surface Navy assets which are all primarilycenterednearPugetSound.

All that water which in places becomes stagnant, soggy and sodden, can be prime breeding ground for mosquitos But not if PreventiveMedicinehasasay.

“The safety and wellbeing of the service members as well as their families is our top priority,”statedSharma.“Duetooursurveillance,weareproactivelyabletomakesound judgementsonprovidingthemostappropriate medical care for the population within the base as well as providing real time data forthelocalcivilianpopulation.”

“Operationalreadinessdegradationcould occurifservicemembershavebeenaffected bytheWestNilevirus,”Sharmaadded

The Navy Entomology Center of Excellence notes that West Nile virus was initially isolated in 1937 and has been known to cause human illness in Africa, WestAsia andtheMiddleEast.Humanand animal infections were first documented in the Western Hemisphere in 1999 when outbreaksofWNVencephalitisinhumans werereportedintheNewYorkCitymetropolitanarea,NewJersey,andConnecticut. Since those initial outbreaks, there have been more than 37,000 cases and approximately 1,500 deaths in the U.S.

The Preventive Medicine team actively places traps from Naval Magazine Indian Island to Manchester Fuel Depot, operated bytheNAVSUPFleetLogisticsCenterPuget Sound Fuel Department, located on Naval BaseKitsap-Manchester PreventiveMedicine’ssurveillanceprotocol calls for setting up CDC carbon dioxide (CO2)lighttrapsconcentratingonareasthat would generate large swarms and possible breedinglocationsofmosquitos

“Each trap is left over night to provide the best opportunity for trapping region specific species of mosquito. CO2 simulates exhalation that attracts mosquitoes to well dense areas to feed or take a blood meal. As all insects are attracted to light, this helps create a camping environment or what is considered a feeding frenzy for female mosquitoes When captured, the traps are collected for identification of gender speciesandassaytestingtoprovide realtimeinformationofdiseasepresencein the area, explained Sharma.

Although the summer months tend to be relatively dry in the Pacific Northwest, the rainyseasonsproducestandingwaterwhich provide the ideal environment for mosquitoestobreedin.

The traps are put out for 24 hours and placedprimarilyinareaswithlimiteddrainage and are near a populated area. Before the heat of the day and at dusk is when the mosquitosareoutseekingameal.


Whatdomoving,gettingmarried,having a baby, and retiring from active duty have in common? They’re all TRICARE Qualifying Life Events, also known as QLEs QLEs can affect your TRICARE coverage

Join TRICARE Thursday, Aug. 10 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET for the “Moving Marriage and More: What TRICARE QLEs Mean for You” webinar

“You’re likely to have multiple TRICARE QLEs throughout your life,” said Sarah Kern-Wilson, a health system specialist in the Defense Health Agency’s TRICARE Health Plan Customer Support Branch. “Youcan plan for some, but others may be less expected. So it’s important to knowwhatcountsasaQLEandwhattodo if you or a family member has one.”

As outlined in the TRICARE Qualifying Life Events Fact Sheet, you can make eligible changes to your TRICARE health plan within 90 days of a QLE. If you have a TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select plan, a QLE may be your only opportunity to change your plan outside of TRICARE Open Season.

During the webinar you’ll learn the types of family, military, and government-directed changes that count as QLEs. TRICARE experts will walk you through some of the most common QLEs, including:

„ Moving

„ Getting married

„ Giving birth or adopting a child

„ Retiring

„ Becoming eligible for Medicare

The presenters will share how these life changes may affect your eligibility and steps to take after you or a family member has a QLE. You’ll also have a chance to ask

“Theywon’tbeoutduringtheday They’ll get dehydrated which is why they tend to comeoutatduskorneardawnandarecalled vampiresbysome,”saidHospitalCorpsman 1st Class Justin Tyler Simmons, Preventive Medicine department leading petty officer andpreventivemedicinetechnician

There are a number of practices which anyone can put in place, at home as well as away, to help reduce the risk of attracting mosquitos

“To mitigate mosquito populations nearby, it is recommended to remove any open containers that can be used as a water collectionpointsuchasemptybottles,planters,barrelsandtroughs,”Sharmanoted “When going outside during the evening timeindampareas,itshighlyrecommended towearlightercolorclothingasmosquitoes


a CDC carbon dioxide (CO2) light trap which is used forNaval Hospital Bremerton’s Preventive Medicine team in helping conduct seasonal surveillance and prevention forWest Nilevectorcontrol on Navyinstallations in the Pacific Northwest.LEFT:Asurveillance sign ofthe times…Naval Hospital Bremerton’s Preventive Medicine is placing CDC carbon dioxide (CO2) light traps forWest Nilevirus surveillance during thewarmersummermonths in theirannual effort to lessen the mosquito threat. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYDOUGLASHSTUTZ,NHB/NMRTCBREMERTON PUBLICAFFAIRSOFFICER)

are attracted to dark colors,” continued Sharma. “Scents such as peppermint, cinnamon,cedar,citronella,lemongrass, catnip, and patchouli will help deter mosquitoes when outside or if you plant thesearoundyourgarden.”

“Lavenderandmintoilalsohelpsabate the mosquitos A light zapper works too but keep it away from food and pets,” addedSimmons Sharma affirms there are pet friendly plantsaswelltohelpsafeguard,“notonly yourselfbutourfurryfriendsandkeepthese bitingnightmaresatbay.”

Thechallengingaspectofplacingthetraps isthatweatherconditionsplayasizablerole inthesuccessoftheprocess

“Ifit’swindy,theCO2won’tbecentralized where we want it to be by the trap and the mosquitoswillnotbeattractedtocomefeed. Ifitrains,themosquitoswon’tfly,”HospitalmanMiguelCantusaid.

The placement of traps can also be a Catch-22situation

“We want to set them in well-populated areas But we can’t because it’s a well-populated area. Traps have been misidentified beforeandsomeparentshaveraisedconcern about them being close to their children, saidSimmons As history has shown, insect-borne

diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and leishmaniasis have long posed a threat to military personnel. Allied troops in World War II suffered more than 617,000 cases of malariawithover3,800deaths It’salsobeen estimated that one in five U.S. soldiers who deployed in-country Iraq were bitten by sandfliesandinfectedwithleishmaniasis

Although the West Nile Virus is the main concerninthegreaterPugetSoundarea,for those servicemembers deploying overseas, Sharma attests that there are a number of otherprevalentdiseasestobeawareof,such as chikungunya, zika virus, yellow fever, easternequineencephalitis,westernequine encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon virus and LaCrosseencephalitis.

CompileddatabytheCentersforDisease Control and Prevention shows that there have been 36 reported human disease cases of West Nile virus so far in 2023 One case each in Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oregon, South Carolina and Wyoming; two cases in Georgia and South Dakota; 25 in Arizona.

NHB’s Preventive Medicine plan is to continuetokeepthetallyatzerointheirarea ofoperationastheycontinuetodotheirdue surveillancediligence.

“And not become the meal ourselves,” quippedSimmons.

Skeetersnare prep…Hospital Corpsman 1st ClassJustinTylerSimmons,Preventive Medicine department leading pettyofficerand preventive medicine technician (right) is assisted byHospitalman Miguel Cantu in preparing
questions Registration for the Aug. 10 webinar is limited, so don’t wait to sign up If you can’t attend this webinar, keep an eye on TRICARE Webinars for a recording To learn more about QLEs, check out Life Events Would you like the latest TRICARE news sentto you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, and more.
how qualifying life events work at August 10 TRICARE webinar JoinTRICAREThursday,Aug.10 from 1 to 2 p.m.ETforawebinar “Moving Marriage,and More:WhatTRICARE QLEs Mean forYou. Thiswebinar will discuss the types ofchanges that count asTRICARE Qualifying Life Events (QLEs) andwhat to do afteryou have a QLE. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 27 2023 5
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