Flagship 08.03.2023

Page 9

Rooted in maritime history: Stennis holds mast stepping ceremony The crew of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and members of Newport News Shipbuilding marked a major milestone in the ship’s RCOH maintenance period with a mast stepping ceremony July 26. PageA3

CenterMid-Atlantic (FRCMA)

readyfortransport backto its parent squadron,HelicopterSea Combat SquadronTwo,at Naval

one ofseven Fleet Readiness Centers devoted to the maintenance ofnaval aircraft and provides full-spectrum aircraft maintenance operations,possessing all of the keycapabilities required to maintain high-performance tactical aircraft in support ofwarfighterreadiness.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJORDANGRIMES)

FRC Mid-Atlantic completes 500th MH-60 Seahawk Planned Maintenance Interval


NRMA Public Affairs

NORFOLK,Va FleetReadinessCenter

Mid-Atlantic (FRCMA) held a celebration honoring the completion of their 500th MH-60 Seahawk helicopter to go through the Planned Maintenance Interval (PMI) processatNavalStationNorfolk,July31

Themilestoneachievementhighlightsthe importanceofFRCMAandtheroletheyplay infosteringinnovationandadvancementin navalaviationreadiness

Charles “Chip” Hatfield, a civilian employee of FRCMA, said the approximately 160 government civilians and contractors that work on the aircrafts are morethanjustmechanics.

“[A PMI] is almost a full disassembly of theaircraftthatiscompletedbysomeofthe most talented artisans in the world, said Hatfield. “Yes, we call the mechanics “artisans”becauseofthecomplexworkinvolved inrepairingandassemblinganaircraft…The final product, an MH-60, looks like a work ofartandisreadyforoperationalusebythe squadron.”

OnesuchartisanisSteveTurack,anaircraft examiner for the Norfolk team. Turack said hethinksthemaintenanceworkdoneonthe MH-60s that come in holds a high level of importancetomissionreadiness

“Ifyoudon’tdoperiodicmaintenanceon [theaircraft],corrosioncangetmuchworse,” said Turack. “The saltwater environment thattheseoperateinisverycorrosive sothe changes that we do to them and the repairs we make to the wiring and the airframe are whatkeeptheseaircraftsflying.

FRCMA’s completed MH-60 aircraft are returned to their squadrons to participate in operational missions around the world. Hatfield says the team of artisans are very proud of the work they do and their contribution to the Navy’s ability to complete its mission. The Norfolk location has been performingPMIsontheMH-60since2003.

FRCMA is one of seven Fleet Readiness Centers devoted to the maintenance of naval aircraft and provides full-spectrum aircraftmaintenanceoperations,possessing all of the key capabilities required to maintain high-performance tactical aircraft in supportofwarfighterreadiness.

Navy christens future guided-missile destroyer Harvey C. Barnum Jr.


The Navy christened the future USS Harvey C. Barnum Jr (DDG 124) during a ceremony at General Dynamics Bath Iron WorksinBath,Maine,July29

Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos DelTorodeliveredthechristeningceremony’sprincipaladdress

“I have always looked to Harvey Barnum as a personal mentor, someone whose judgementIvalueinallofmydecisionsand considerations includinginmycurrentrole asSecretaryoftheNavy,”saidSECNAVDel Toro “This man is among the most distinguished and accomplished public servants alive today. May we all be a bit more like him—and may the future USS Harvey C. Barnum carry forth his spirit and his story forever.”

Retired Marine Corps Col. Harvey C. BarnumJr.,receivedtheMedalofHonorfor heroismdisplayed duringanactionoutside KyPhu QuangTinProvince Vietnam.Serving with Company H, 2d Battalion and 9th Marines, he assumed command after the rifle company commander was mortally

wounded by a sudden enemy attack. Grabbingtheradiooffthedeadoperator,Barnum strapped it on his back, called the battalion commander and declared, “The company commanderisdown Ihavethefight. Rallyinghistroops,Barnumorganizedthedefeat of the enemy force and the successful evacuationofthedeadandwounded.

“What strikes me as Harvey’s most remarkablecharactertraitishishumility allwhoknowhimknowthereisn’tanounce of self-importance in him. He is kind. He is generous He is down-to-earth. He is a true friend, a good man, and a Marine’s Marine Hiswholelife he“hashadthefight. Andwe areallbetterforit.

This is the first U.S. Navy ship to honor Barnum.

“I stand here before you today as a gratefulAmerican,”saidthe83-year-oldBarnum duringtheceremony.“I’mgratefulthatIwas born, grew up, and still live in the greatest countryintheworld.I’mgratefulthatIhad the opportunity to serve this great country andweartheclothofaUnitedStatesMarine

TurntoUSSHarveyC.BarnumJr Page 7

BATH,Maine (JULY29 2023) Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelToro attends the christening ceremonyofUSS HarveyC.Barnum (DDG 124)July29 The ship’s namesake Col HarveyC. BarnumJr USMC (on the left)was aveteran ofVietnam and recipient ofthe Medal ofHonor The shipwas awarded onJune 3,2013,named in 2016 and the keel laid on May21 2021.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSHANNONE.RENFROE)

Best in the Fleet: USS The Sullivans wins 2022

Battenberg Cup After Two Surge Deployments

The crewoftheArleigh Burke-class guidedmissile destroyerUSSThe Sullivans (DDG 68)was named the best all-around ship in theAtlantic Fleet based on accumulation of achievements that included two successful surge deployments,July27 PageA6

VOL.31,NO 26 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comAugust 3-August 9,2023
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The 500th MH-60 Seahawkcompleted byFleet Readiness stands Station Norfolk,July31,2023.FRCMAis
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 1
An MH-60 Seahawkundergoing a Planned Maintenance Interval performed byFleet Readiness CenterMid-Atlantic (FRCMA) sits in a hangarat Naval Station Norfolk,July31,2023.

Hampton Roads Naval Museum receives highest national recognition: Reaccreditation from the American Alliance of Museums

Hampton Roads Naval Museum

NORFOLK, Va The Hampton Roads Naval Museum (HRNM) has achieved reaccreditation by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), the highest national recognition afforded the nation’s museums Accreditation signifies excellence to the museum community to governments funders, outside agencies, and to the museum-going public. The museum originally achievedaccreditationin2008.

Located in Norfolk, Virginia, the HRNM is one of 10 Navy museums operated by the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC)opentothepublicacrossthecountry The museum preserves and interprets the naval history of Hampton Roads dating fromthecolonialeratothepresentday.

AAMAccreditationbringsnationalrecognition to a museum for its commitment to excellence, accountability, high professionalstandardsandcontinuedinstitutional improvement. Developed and sustained by museumprofessionalsfor50years,theAlliance’smuseumaccreditationprogramisthe field’sprimaryvehicleforqualityassurance self-regulation and public accountability It strengthens the museum profession by promoting practices that enable leaders to makeinformeddecisions,allocateresources

wisely, and remain financially and ethically accountable in order to provide the best possibleservicetothepublic.

“ForHRNM,AAMaccreditationdemonstratesthemuseum’scommitmenttoprofessional excellence and affirms our vision to make history a core component of a Sailor’s education and to bring the American people closer to their Navy In preparation forthereaccreditationreview HRNM’spaid and unpaid staff, stakeholders, and leadership,workedtogethertocriticallyassessthe museum’s policies, procedures, and institutional culture in order to ensure that all activities meet the highest standards and bestpractices,”saidJohnPentangelo,Director of the HRNM. “The museum staff is so proud to hold this distinction and to serve our community here in the capital of the UnitedStatesNavy.”

Of the nation’s estimated 33,000 museums,only1,102(lessthan4%)arecurrently accredited. HRNM is one of six official Department of the Navy museums that are currentlyaccreditedbyAAM.

“In layman’s terms, especially given NHHC’slimitedresourcing this60%benchmarkshowsthatweoperateatthe“Smithsonian”levelofexcellenceinthestewardship of the collections in our care, service to the Fleet,andoutreachtotheAmericanPeople, throughallofoureducationaloutreachand

programming,”saidNavalHistoryandHeritageCommand’sDeputyAssistantDirector, NavyMuseumsDivisionJeffBarta.

Accreditationisarigorousbutrewarding processthatexaminesallaspectsofamuseum’s operations To earn accreditation, a museum first must conduct a year of selfstudy andthenundergoasitevisitbyateam of peer reviewers The AAM Accreditation Commission, an independent and autonomousbodyofmuseumprofessionals,considers the self-study and visiting committee report to determine whether a museum shouldreceiveaccreditation.

“This multi-year accreditation process ensures that we run our museums to the highestprofessionalindustrystandardsand bestpractices,”saidBarta.“Nationwide only around 3% of the nation’s museums meet the highly rigorous standards to be accredited.We’reveryproudoftheimmensework andtalentthatwentintotheeffort HRNM’s educationalprogramsareinsteadydemand, andtheteamhasbeenaskedbyFleetForces Command to contribute to the history education curriculum for our Chiefs and Sailors.Itdoesn’tgetmuchbetterthanthat.”

In 2019 HRNM opened a major new exhibit, “The Ten Thousand-Day War at Sea:TheU.S.NavyinVietnam. Theexhibit explores the role of the Navy during that conflict and shares the experiences of the

men and women who served during that turbulent era via oral history touchscreens HRNM is also the custodian of artifacts related to the Civil War shipwrecks of USS Cumberland and CSS Florida. Their robust educational outreach program serves the entireNavyfamily,includingcivilians,family members and retirees With 75 Navy and Military Sealift Command ships 34 air squadrons over 300 tenant commands and activities, and the largest concentration of flagofficersoutsideofthePentagon,Hampton Roads is truly the capital of the United StatesNavy NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for preserving, analyzing,anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage. It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and enduring contributions through our nation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services NHHC comprises many activities, including the Navy Department Library the Navy Operational Archives the Navy art and artifact collections underwater archeology Navy histories,10museums,theUSSConstitution repairfacility,andthehistoricshipNautilus

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Kaitlyn Hewett 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,
Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Don’t wait until you’re in crisis. Get help early ifyou’re struggling with your mental health: www.tricare.mil/MentalHealth #ConnectToProtect 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023
Chris Page avolunteerdocent at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum,interactswithvisitors in the museum’s gallery Page served in the U.S.Navyduring theVietnamWar,and is pictured providing some meaningful interpretation to some ofthe museum’s artifacts in theirexhibit“TheTenThousand-DayWarat Sea:The U.S.NavyinVietnam,1950-1975.”(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMAX
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Rooted in maritime history: Stennis holds mast stepping ceremony

USS John C. Stennis Public Affairs

NEWPORTNEWS,Va Thecrewofthe

Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

USS John C. Stennis(CVN74)andmembersofNewport News Shipbuilding marked a major milestone in the ship’s refueling, complex and overhaul(RCOH)maintenanceperiodwith amaststeppingceremonyJuly26

Theevent heldinaccordancewithalmost amillenniumofnavaltradition markedthe placement of Stennis’ new main mast, not only giving the ship a part of its identity back, but also providing a platform for new combat system capabilities and a safer way forSailorstoclimbthemast.

Speakers at the event included Capt. J Patrick Thompson, Commanding Officer of John C. Stennis, Lt Cmdr Marco Guidi Combat Systems Officer and guest speaker Ms. Jessica Gomez, Program Director for In-service Carrier Programs at Newport NewsShipbuilding.

“Thismaststeppingallowsustoacknowledge our past as we move into the future,” SaidThompson “Whilethemastofthedays ofsailrepresentedpropulsion,thenewmast you see here represents pure combat capability -the ability to guide an aircraft home on the darkest of stormy nights; the ability to communicate and share targeting data with other ships and aircraft via encrypted, jamresistantnetworks;ortheabilitytocoordinate offensive action with our Navy and Joint partners via low probability of interceptcommunications “

Thenewsquareandtaperedmast,which replaced the smaller round-shaped pole, provides a larger area to host state-of-theart defense and communications systems thatwillhelpcarrytheshipintothefuture.

“Thisteamhasputitsheartandsoulinto USS John C. Stennis, and we’ll continue to give our all to prepare her for the second half of her life,” said Gomez “When she leaves our shipyard to return to the call of duty,Stenniswillbeequippedwithupdated aircraft launch and recovery equipment to support the latest aircraft cutting edge combat systems to protect the ship and the mostadvancedcarrierITnetwork.

Thepracticeofmaststeppingisnotanew Infact,accordingtoTheSocietyforNautical Research, the tradition is likely to be as old asshipbuildingitself Datingbackmorethat 2000 years ago, the ritual has evolved over time and led to Vikings and seafarers of the north who would place coins amulets and

other offerings beneath the masts of their ship for good luck. Even the USS Constitution, one of the U.S. Navy’s six original frigatesauthorizedforconstructionbytheNaval Act of 1794, had coins placed beneath her mast in conformity with this time-honored navaltradition.

The practice continued even after the advent of steel-hulled ships, commemorativetimecapsulescontainingcoinsandother remembrancesofthecurrenteraweldedto themast“step”inlieuofcoinsbeingplaced beneathawoodenmainmast

“Evenashortceremonylikethismeansa lottoourSailorsandmyself,”saidGuidi.“So manyaspectsofourjobgobackthousandsof years,andmaintainingthesemaritimetraditions and ceremonies remind us where we came from. Although I work with some of themostadvancedsystemsontheship,Istill enjoythehistorictraditions.”

Items placed in the capsule, which was welded to the Stennis’s mast step after the ceremony,includedafullrosteroftheship’s crew, a commanding officer’s coin and the ship’smid-lifecoin

Unlikeothertypesofships,moderncarriers typically undergo mast stepping twice; once during initial construction, and then againwhentheshipgoesthroughtheRCOH process

The Stennis, however, is unique that this will be the ship’s third mast stepping, the second installment taking place in 2005 during a planned maintenance availability Items retrieved from the last time capsule, placednearlytwodecadesago,willbeplaced intheStennisRoomaboardtheshipforSailorstocomeobserveandreflectuponadifferenttimeinthecarrier’shistory.

“Ihadthepleasureofservingasthisship’s executive officer during its most recent deployment and saw the capabilities of this warship,” reflected Thompson. “Today, we see the next step in its transformation into the most technologically advanced Nimitzclass carrier in the fleet. The amount of hours and dedication put into not only the mast, but revitalizing this ship as a whole istrulyremarkable-thestrengthofourU.S. carrier force is a testament to each individualwhohasplayedapartingettingthisship backinthefight.”

The John C. Stennis entered RCOH at theNewportNewsShipbuilding,May2021, for its mid-life refurbishment, preparing the aircraft carrier for an additional 25 years of service

NEWPORTNEWS,VA(July26,2023) –Anewlyplaced mast sits above the island ofthe Nimitzclass aircraft carrierUSSJohn C.Stennis (CVN 74),July26,2023 John C.Stennis is in Newport

News Shipyardconducting Refueling and ComplexOverhaul to prepare the ship forthe second halfofits 50-yearservice life.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RD CLASSDANIELPEREZ) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 3 Free Install all bath remodeling projects 12 MONTHS NO payments &NOinterest Offer valid until 8/06/23 + UPGRADEYOUR SHOWER OR BATH &BEATTHE SUMMER HEATINSTYLE! BATH REMODELING DONE RIGHT From start to finish,weprovide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswillremove yourold unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. REAL REVIEWSFROMREAL CUSTOMERS 4.8/5 Based on 18,670 reviews 4.9/5 Based on 11,179 reviews 4.8/5 Based on 6,554 reviews (Company reviews across all branches as of 5/22/2023) OVER 182,924+ BATH REMODELING JOBS COMPLETED IN 1DAY 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 8/06/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Coast Guard rescues 11 after boat capsizes west of Oregon Inlet, North Carolina


PORTSMOUTH,Va TheCoastGuard rescued 11 people from the water Wednesday after an airboat capsized near Oregon Inlet, in North Carolina.

A Dare County, North Carolina, dispatcher contacted watchstanders at CoastGuardSectorNorthCarolinaatabout 10:15a.m.WednesdaytorelaythattheOBX

1,a20-footairboat,capsizedabouthalfofa mile west of Oregon Inlet. The dispatcher

also said various degrees of injuries were reported and that all passengers were reported to be wearing life jackets CoastGuardwatchstandersdispatcheda 27-foot Shallow Water Response Boat and a29-footResponseBoatfromCoastGuard Station Oregon Inlet.

An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew from Air Station Elizabeth City, North Carolina, also diverted from local training operations to provide oversight and on-scene communications

The Oregon Inlet rescue boat crews arrivedonsceneandimmediatelyretrieved one person from the water who had been pinned under the airboat and was suffering from a potential chest and head injury WatchstandersrequestedaDareCounty Life Flight helicopter crew to assist with transportingthepersontoSentaraNorfolk General Hospital while the Coast Guard crews retrieved the remaining ten people from the water The survivors were all taken to Station

Oregon Inlet where their care was transferred to awaiting emergency medical services personnel Two people were reported to have serious injuries

Commercial salvage towed the OBX 1 to Pirates Cove Marina in Manteo, North Carolina

The incident is under investigation by Coast Guard Marine Safety Detachment Nags Head.

Better Together: NAVIFOR summit links warfighter resilience to operational readiness

Navifor Public Affairs Office

SUFFOLK, Va Naval Information

Forces (NAVIFOR) hosted the inaugural Warfighting Resiliency Summit July 25-27, 2023,inSuffolk Va

Morethan150Sailorsandciviliansparticipatedintheevent representingNavyInformationWarfarecommandsfromaroundthe globe The summit is specifically aimed for IW leaders to engage with subject matter expertstodiscussthechallengesandopportunities facing IW Sailors in order to build strong cultures, drive performance and promotereadiness.

The theme for the summit, “Better Together,” emphasizes the connections between command leadership teams and Sailors in enhancing overall mental health and wellness During the summit, participants learned strategies to improve inclusion,promotementalandspiritualwellness, and enhance unity and connection within commands

NAVIFOR Commander Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbachstressedtheimportanceofactive participationintheeventtoattendingleaders

“This summit is a critical way to encourage leaders at all levels to share how they deal with mental health challenges, what they’re doing to build resilience, and how they’re developing connectedness in their commandstosupporttheirSailorsandbuild strongteams,”saidAeschbach.

Aeschbach also put out a call to action to all participants to engage in thoughtful discussionsandassessthemselvesandtheir teams “Your participation here is a key signal thatyoutakeveryseriouslyourresponsibilitytobuildconnected,resilientteams,”said Aeschbach “Whatmattersmostishowyou bring these tools and these conversations backtoyourcommandsandhaveauthentic necessary discussions with your deckplate leadersandSailors.”

The summit featured interactive workshops, peer-to-peer program discussions and several panel sessions for senior leaders and triads, in which junior officers and enlisted Sailors were encouraged to participate Discussion panels on mental health challenges inclusion, and leadership and family issues empowered attendees to give direct feedback on issues and challenges directlyrelatedtooperationalreadiness.

NAVIFOR Force Master Chief Laura Nunley affirmed the importance of this in-person,two-waycommunication.

“As the IW force master chief, I take very seriously my role, and the role of all our IW leaders in meeting with our IW Sailors aroundtheFleetandlearningwhatbarriers they have to performing to their full potential, said Nunley “This summit is meant to address these concerns head-on, with subject matter experts on hand to provide IW leaders valuable tools and resources on Sailor mental health, wellness, and resilience.”

“Thediscussionsovertheselastthreedays are absolutely essential to ensuring our IW Sailors from our leaders down to the deck plates are ready for any operation, said Nunley

Mental health promotion was a critical component of the summit, with experts on handtodiscusssleephygiene,theInterper-

sonalTheoryofSuicide,spiritualreadiness, and community identity The NAVIFOR force medical team also provided updates onwatchfloorstudiesandvariousNAVIFOR mentalhealthprograms

According to Lt Cmdr. Robert Torrison, NAVIFOR’s force mental health provider, the summit combined the topics of past mental health and diversity, equity and inclusion summits into one overall tool for anIWSailor’sleadership toolbox Withthe growingdemandforIWprofessionalsinthe Fleet, the summit promoted access to critical resources that ensure every IW Sailor is ready to meet the mission, in a climate that enableseverySailorandciviliantomentally andphysicallythrive.

“Thissummitputsrealactionbehindthe tenet that our people are our most valuable

resource and this is the responsibility of every leader,” said Torrison. “We must all work to create an environment that is open and conducive to having sometimes difficultanduncomfortablediscussionswithour people and that encourages them to come forwardwhentheyneedhelp.”

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at Https:// Www.Facebook.Com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at Https:// Www.Navifor.Usff.Navy.Mil

Sailors engage in an ice-breakerchallenge at Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) inauguralWarfighterResilienceySummitJuly25-27 2023,in Suffolk,Va (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJASONRODMAN/RELEASED) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023

Navigating the depths of information warfare: A journey with U.S. Navy midshipmen

SUFFOLK Va Midshipmen from the United States Naval Academy (USNA) and the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC)embarkedonauniqueeducational journey this summer as they toured various afloatandashorecommandsfocusedonNavy InformationWarfare(IW)

ThethirdannualMidshipmenIWSummer Cruise, sponsored by Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), aims to both educate these future naval leaders on the critical role ofIWtoNavaloperations,andpreparethem for service selection week, when they select what designator they want to serve in upon commissioning

The IW Summer Cruise also gives unique opportunities for IW leaders to connect and communicate with the midshipmen on how IW underpins all other warfighting operationsandthepivotalroleIWplaysinsupport of strategic competition, fleet design and distributedmaritimeoperations

The IW Cruise is in the midst of its third block, with nearly 80 Midshipmen taking advantageofthisfirst-handlookattheNavy’s IWcommunity thelargestgroupsofar This summer,forthefirsttime,thisgroupincluded NROTC Midshipmen, and is the first IW cruise that serves as an official midshipman qualification cruise required for commissioning.

Midshipman Cole Ellis, a Florida native currentlyattendingVanderbiltUniversity,has CyberWarfareEngineer(CWE)inhissights

“I recognize the diverse array of opportunitiestheNavyprovidesthatnootherbranch can: the opportunity to work in a fleet that is capable in the air on the surface of the sea below the surface in cyberspace and in specialwarfare, saidEllis “I’mexcitedtobe workinginarealisticenvironmenttofurther myabilitiesinthepillarareasofcybersecurity AsaverynewfieldwithintheNavy,IaminterestedinspeakingtomoreCWEofficersabout theirexperiencesthroughouttheirrespective careersandtheopportunitiesthey’vehad.”

During “Core Week”, the first week of the cruise midshipmen spent their time in the Hampton Roads area visiting local IW commandsandplatformstolearnhowIWas a whole contributes to the overall mission of theFleet WiththegrowingfieldofIWdesignators, the various opportunities provided duringtheIWcruisegivethesemidshipmen an understanding of IW capabilities, afloat and ashore, and how the different IW designators support the overall mission and other warfarecommanders.

Following Core Week, the midshipmen brokeoutintoindividual“strands”wherefor next two weeks they gained a more in-depth understanding of individual warfare areas, including CWE, Intelligence, Cryptology, Meteorology and Oceanography, and InformationProfessionalcommunities

Ineachinteraction,DayOneofCoreWeek includedthe“Welcome”introduction.Block

One was covered by Capt. Bryan Braswell, commander Naval Information Warfighting DevelopmentCenter (NIWDC), where he outlined NIWDC’s missionandtheimportanceofIWtotheFleet.

Afterwards, the group toured the two co-located IW commands, Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC) and Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM)inSuffolk Va

At NETWARCOM, the Midshipmen delved into the world of Assured Command and Control (AC2). There the Midshipmen discussedmissionprioritiesincludingmission

Norfolk Naval Shipyard


Naval Shipyard was then known, was an industrial powerhouse both repairing and constructing warships during World War II. This story highlights ten specific tank landing ships (LST) that were built at NNY and participated in the D-Day landings in Normandy,France79yearsagolastmonth.

Of the 20 total LSTs that NNY built, 12 wereconstructedandlaunchedinDryDock 8whileeightotherswerelaunchedfromthe buildingwaysstructure.

First, some background on how our yard contributed to the Atlantic and Pacific theatersduringWorldWarII(1939-1945).

During the war, 6,850 ships underwent repair overhaul alteration,modification,or conversionatNNY.Thisyardalsosupported therepairofsixmajorBritishwarshipsalong withotherAlliedvessels TheNorfolkshipyard also saw the commissioning and final outfitting of 85 vessels that were built at other yards as well as the construction of another101vesselsinitsownyard

Of the ships that arrived in Normandy NNYwasinvolvedintheconstructionoftwo destroyers threeminesweepers 50landing craftmechanized(LCM),andtentanklandingships(LST)thatenabledtheemployees ofNorfolk“totakethefightoverthere.”

The local shipyard workforce, in excess of 43,000 employees, worked around the clocktoproducevesselssuchastheGleavesclass destroyers USS Herndon (DD-638) and USS Shubrick (DD-639), Raven-class minesweeperUSSOsprey(AM-56) andthe Auk-class minesweeper USS Auk (AM-57), along with a multitude of other LCMs and LSTs Eachship contributedinitsownway tothesuccessoftheinvasiononJune6,1944 NNSYlaidthekeelforthefirstof20LSTs onJuly17,1942,andlauncheditsfinalgroup onFebruary7,1943 Eachkeelwas1,625tons and they were numbered LST 333 through LST 352 The keels were among the more than1,000builtduringWorldWarIIwhose designs met the demand for a draft deep enoughforoceantravelandshallowenough for beaching troops and equipment. These LST’scollectivelytookpartinthefullrange

assurance,cyberspacemaneuverandcommunicationsresiliency.AtNCDOCtheyexplored theintricaciesofDefensiveCyberOperations, orDCO,learningaboutthecontinuousbattle against sophisticated adversaries seeking to infiltrateanddisruptnavalsystems

The tour included a stop on the joint NETWARCOM / NCDOC watch floor charged with ensuring secure and reliable operations of all Navy networks The would-be IW officers learned how the two commands shared a cooperative working relationshiptosupporttheFleetinexercises, operations, and monitoring and mitigating networkcompromisesorcasualties

Commander, Naval Information Forces, Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach was on deck to greet the arriving Midshipmen, setting the pace by explaining how NAVIFOR is unique amongallNavyTypeCommands(TYCOMs)

“NAVIFOR and Navy Information Warfare is not about platforms We are about people teams of people. IW is critical to operations and integrated throughout the Navy on every platform, and is embedded in all warfighting areas the Navy has to offer,”saidAeschbach.“AcareerinIWissuch auniquevocationbecauseitallowsyoutotake part in nearly every aspect of naval and joint operations and reinvent yourself between billets.”

Aeschbach also discussed the three pillars of IW: AC2, Battlespace Awareness, and Integrated Fires, and how these three pillars support all the TYCOMs, as well as the CombatantCommanders

“NooneintheNavycaneffectivelyexecute theirmissionwithoutInformationWarfare, said Aeschbach. “In this dense and complex environment, our mission set is at its prime. No warfare area, anywhere in the world, can operate or succeed without the capabilities weprovide.”

To get a sense of how IW is integrated in afloat commands, midshipmen from Block One visited USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and USS New York (LPD-21) While on board IKE, the midshipmen interactedwithship’scompanySailorsandofficers as they toured the communications depart-


Midshipmen also met with Carrier Strike Group Two’s Information Warfare Commander (IWC), Capt. Mitchell H. Finke He is charged with creating the ability to influence deny, degrade or disrupt the decision-making abilities of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting friendly forces, as well as assessing the informationenvironmenttosupportwarfare commanders’objectiveswithintheComposite Warfare Commander construct. The CarrierStrikeGroupIWCisaseniorIWleadership position junior IW officers can aspire to when looking ahead at potential career pathoptions.

Midshipman Madison Schaefer from Youngstown, Ohio, is aiming at commissioningintheintelligencecommunity “TheIWCruisehasgivenmenewperspectivesondifferentroutesIcantakeasanintelligence officer We were exposed to many differentcareeropportunitiesandcommand locationswithineach communityduringthiscruise,”saidSchaefer. “Because everyone takes their own path andchoosesdifferentrouteswithintheintelligencecommunity,itmakesforamorewellroundedanddiversegroupofpeoplewithso muchknowledge.”

The summer cruise didn’t just offer classified briefings on a watch floor, in a conferenceroomoraninportcabin ThefutureIW officers got to experience the type of operations they may support in the Fleet by trying theirhandattheNavyExpeditionaryIntelligenceCommand(NEIC)VisitBoard Search andSeizure(VBSS)ClimbingTrainer,which Schaefersuccessfullynavigated

“The VBSS trainer was super cool. It’s not every day that you get to try to climb the same type of ladder that we use on our missions,” Schaefer said. “I will tell you, that tryingtoclimbathinladderthatisswinging, isextremelydifficult.”

The midshipmen also visited Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic (NCTAMS LANT) in Norfolk, where they were taught about the

scopeofresponsibilityfortheJointFleetTelecommunications Operations Center Watch Officer and the variety of services NCTAMS LANTprovidestothefleet,toincludetelecommunicationssupport,IPservices,navalmessagingservices,andtroubleshootingsupport

As the midshipmen explored the Fleet Weather Center Norfolk, they learned how meteorologyplaysacriticalroleinnavaloperations The importance of accurate weather forecastsformissionplanningandexecution becameapparentastheMidshipmenengaged withmeteorologists,bothofficerandenlisted, anddiscusseddataanalysis.

Midshipmen also learned about the role of IW at other Hampton Roads commands, including Naval Information Warfare TrainingGroupNorfolk,TheaterUnderseaSurveillance Command Atlantic, Naval Criminal InvestigativeService,SpecialReconnaissance TeamTwo,andvariousafloatcommands.

“The Information Warfare Cruise occurs everyyearinHamptonRoadsandtheNational CapitalRegionduringthreesummertraining blocks The goal of this cruise is to provide 1/C Midshipmen the opportunity to explore which IW designator they wish to select duringserviceselection, saidLt Cmdr.Jillian Homola, Instructor, Department of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, U.S. Naval Academy.“Duetothebroadscopeofcommandsin these locations, no two cruises are the same and the midshipmen have opportunities to learnaboutIW’sroleinFleetoperations,both afloatandashore EverycommandintheNavy employs Information Warfare and we want midshipmentolearnboththebreadthandthe depthoftheIWcommunityandjobopportunitiesavailabletothem.

NAVIFOR’smissionistogenerate,directly andthroughourleadershipoftheIWEnterprise,agileandtechnicallysuperiormanned, trained,equipped,andcertifiedcombat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER,COMPETE,andWIN For more information on NAVIFOR, visit thecommandFacebookpageathttps://www. facebook.com/navalinformationforces/orthe public web page at https://www.navifor.usff navy.mil.

ofamphibiousoperationsinEuropeandthe PacificduringWorldWarII

In the NNY periodical Speed Victory datedJuly5,1944,aphotoofNNY’sLST347 referred to the ship as an “Ugly Duckling” highlightinghowshecompletedhermission “somewhere in Europe.” The story goes on

to discuss how shipyard workers studied dailynewspicturesinordertofindinformationabouttheshipstheyhadworkedon.No matterwhatparttheyplayedinthebuilding ofeachship,theytookprideinknowingthat their ships were “over there” as a vital part oftheinvadingforce.

For those who would like to do more research, the ten NNY LST’s that directly participated in the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France were NNY built - tank landingships(LST):LST335,LST345,LST 336, LST 346, LST 337, LST 347, LST 338, LST350,LST344,LST351

Suffolk,Va -ViceAdm.KellyAeschbach,commander Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR),conducted thewelcome briefformidshipmen attending the 2023 NAVIFORInformationWarfare SummerCruise at the NavyCyberDefense Operations Command / Naval NetworkWarfare Command building (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED)
LST337-342 launching at DryDock8 on Nov.7,1942 (COURTESYPHOTO,NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 5
Our Yard History: 10 Norfolk Navy Yard landing ships went to Normandy

Commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic engages with Midshipmen aboard USS George Washington


Commander Naval Air Force Atlantic

Rear Adm. John F. Meier, Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic, spoke with Midshipmenparticipatinginsummertraining aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USSGeorgeWashington(CVN73)

“This summer you’re just learning what area you might want to go into,” said Meier. “I encourage you to follow people around. Ask questions Be curious Whatever your purpose is, the Navy has a way for you to serve.”

Every summer, rising 3rd and 2nd Class Midshipmen from Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) units from colleges across the country participate in a four-week career orientation training (CORTRAMID) that acquaints them with the Navy way of life across several different

communities by showcasing them exclusively for one week over the course of the fourweeks

Midshipmen are introduced to the Navy surface community, submarine community,aviationcommunity,andMarineCorps community During the week of July 17-21, 90midshipmenwereintroducedtothenaval aviationcommunity.

“Idon’tcomefromamilitaryfamily andI mostly just wanted a challenge when I first startedapplying[fortheNROTCprogram],” said Midshipman 3rd Class Drew Diguglielmo, a Midshipman from Notre Dame NROTC. “I’ve always wanted to feel like I was part of a big community and to do somethingthathelpsmorepeoplethanjust myself,soIfiguredthismightbearoutethat Imightfindthat SofarI’vehadanawesome timelearningabouteverythingandmeeting newpeople.”

During their naval aviation week, the

Midshipmen visited several helicopter and strike fighter squadrons, attended briefs, visited the Landing Signal Officer School, experienced flight simulators, and were abletoexperiencesomeactualflightsonan MH-60 helicopter and a T-34 plane. They wrappeduptheirweekonboardtheGeorge Washington, listening to Meier speak, then exploringthecarrierinsmallgroups.

During Meier’s speech, he touched on his career in naval aviation, the challenges he faced as a leader, and shared some of the wisdomhegainedalongtheway.

“You’ve had the opportunity to see a lot this week pertaining to naval aviation, but firstandforemost,you’regoingtobeanofficer,” said Meier “Never lose sight of that. Neverlosesightofthestandardyouset,your behavior howyouupholdothers orhowyou treatpeoplewithrespectanddignity Those attributesofbeinganofficerarethefoundation.Thathastobethefoundationforevery-

thing Thenyourchosenfield,whateveritis whateveritisthatyoudo,doittotheutmost ofyourability Pursueperfection.Beharder onyourselfthananinstructorwilleverbe.”

“I think it was an incredible opportunity to hear [Meier], and not something that a lotofpeoplegettoexperience,”saidDiguglielmo “Even if I wasn’t going to be going into the Navy he’s is someone with a lot of knowledgeandsomeonewhocanteachme alotevenifIdecideit’snotmycareerpath.”

Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT) is responsible for seven nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, 54 aircraftsquadrons,1,200aircraftand43,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel basedontheEastCoastoftheUnitedStates It provides combat ready sustainable naval airforceswiththerightpersonnel,properly trainedandequipped withafocusonreadiness, operational excellence, interoperability,safety,andefficientresourcing.

Best in the Fleet: USS The Sullivans wins 2022 Battenberg Cup after two surge deployments

Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command


The crew of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSTheSullivans(DDG68)was namedthebestall-aroundshipintheAtlanticFleetbasedonaccumulationofachievements that included two successful surge deployments,July27.

Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. FleetForcesCommand,presentedthe2022 Battenberg Cup award to the crew of The Sullivansduringaceremonyheldaboardthe shipatNavalWeaponsStationYorktown.

“Themotto:‘Westicktogether’isembodied every day onboard this highly lethal, ready, and effective warship,” said Caudle “The Sullivans’ exceptional achievements as a front-line combat ship in the Atlantic Fleet are a direct tribute to the steadfast leadership dedication, and consistently high performance of the wardroom, the chiefpettyofficers,andtheentirecrew.”

Since 1977, the Battenberg Cup award is presented annually to a ship or submarine selectedbythefleetcommanderasthebest all-around in the Atlantic Fleet, based on accumulationofcrewachievements

The Sullivans met the demanding requirements of a carrier strike group deploymenttotheU.S.FifthandSixthFleet areas of operations Supporting multiple combatant commanders The Sullivans supported multi-national exercises, operating seamlessly with Allied and Coalition NaviesandJointU.S.services.

WhileintheU.S.SixthFleetareaofoperations,TheSullivansdeployedaspartofthe Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group 21 inresponsetotheongoingUkraine-Russia conflict and navigated over 20,000 nauticalmiles operatingintheIrish,North,and Baltic Seas In the U.S. Fifth Fleet area of operations, The Sullivans was instrumental in the seizure of 170 tons of explosive material and contraband en route from

Iran to Yemen, provided robust support to a merchant tanker hit by an attack drone, andprovidedairandmissiledefenseforthe 2022FIFAWorldCup.

“The pride and professionalism of this crewiswhatmakesthiswarshipsospecial, said Cmdr A. C. Wood, commanding officer, USS The Sullivans (DDG 68). “This crew continues to perform above and beyond, demonstrating that we are ready tofightandwinwaratsea.”

In addition to two impactful deployments The Sullivans was recognized for heroperationalperformancewiththe2022 BattleEffectivenessaward,fourCommand Excellence awards, the Force Health and Wellness (Green H) award, the Marjorie SterrettBattleshipFundAward,andmultiple Command and individual unit level awards

Two other commands were nominated forthe2022BattenbergCup;USSNewport News (SSN 750) and USS George H. W. Bush(CVN77).

In 1905, British Rear Adm. Prince Louis ofBattenberggiftedthesilver-platedtrophy to North Atlantic Fleet Commander Rear Adm. Robley D. Evans to serve as a challenge cup in athletic competitions among the men of the North Atlantic Fleet. The USS West Virginia (BB 48) won the last challenge cup in a cutter race before both the ship and trophy sank during the Pearl HarborbombingsonDec.7,1941.Afterthe ship’s restoration, the trophy was held by the USS West Virginia until its decommissioningin1947

Later, in 1978, a new competition was established to honor the operational efficiencyandfightingspiritofU.S.Navyships andsubmarinesintheAtlanticFleet.

TheSullivans(DDG68)isthesecondU.S. NavyshiptobearthenameofthefiveSullivan brothers who perished in 1942 during theNavalBattleofGuadalcanalwhentheir ship, USS Juneau (CL-52), was sunk by a JapaneseSubmarine.

NORFOLK,Va (July21 2023)- RearAdm.John Meier Commander NavalAirForceAtlantic,center speaks to midshipmen aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73).Everysummer midshipmen from the NavalAcademyand NROTC programs around the countryare assigned to different Navycommands to participate in drills,standwatch,and get further acquaintedwith the different platforms the Navyoperates andwith the Navywayoflife.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSTATYANAFREEMAN)
YORKTOWN,Va (July27 2023)TheArleigh Burke-class
destroyer USSThe Sullivans (DDG 68) leadership and BlueJacket oftheYearaccept the Battenberg Cup fromAdm.Daryl Caudle,commander U.S.Fleet Forces Command, during a ceremonyheld aboard the ship at NavalWeapons StationYorktown,July 27 2023.The Battenberg Cup has been awarded annuallysince 1977 to the ship or submarine selected bythe fleet commanderas the best all-around in theAtlantic Fleet based on accumulation ofcrewachievements.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTCHIEFLAURENHOWES) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 3, 2023


The ship’ssponsor is Barnum’s wife,Martha Hill, who, in thetime-honoredNavytradition, christenedthe ship by breaking abottle of sparkling wineacrossthe bow. Before christeningtheship,Hillwelcomedandthankedthecurrent membersoftheship’screw,knownastheplankowners “Wewill rest well at night protectedbythe security that youwillprovidewhileyou’reSailingtheseasoftheworld,” saidHill.

ServicetoDDG-124isafamilyaffair.AlongwithHillservingastheship’ssponsor,herdaughter,LisaHill-Godin,isthe MatronofHonor.Additionally,theMaidsofHonoraretheir twogranddaughters,JessicaGodin-CenzalliandHopeHill, andgreat-granddaughter,MackenzieGodin Arleigh Burke-class destroyers arethe backbone of the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet, providingprotection to America around the globe.These highlycapable,multi-mission shipsconductvariousoperations,frompeacetimepresence to national security,providing awide range of warfighting capabilitiesinmulti-threat air,surface,and subsurface domains.Theseelements of seapowerenable the Navy to defend American prosperity and prevent futureconflict abroad.

MoreinformationArleighBurke-class destroyerscanbe found here: https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/ Display-FactFiles/Article/2169871/destroyers-ddg-51/

BATH,Maine (JULY 29,2023)BATH, Maine (JULY29, 2023)Secretary ofthe NavyCarlos DelToroattends the christening ceremonyofUSS HarveyC.Barnum (DDG 124)July 29.The ship’s namesake,Col HarveyC.Barnum Jr USMC,was a veteranofVietnam and recipient ofthe Medal ofHonor.The shipwasawarded on June 3,2013,named in 2016,and the keel laid on May21,2021. (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYCHIEFMASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST SHANNONE. RENFROE)

from Page 1 www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, August3,2023 7
USSHarvey C. Barnum Jr
8 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, August3,2023




Naval Air Station Sigonella

NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA, Italy This summer, Naval Air Station Sigonella had the distinct honor of becomingthefirstinstallationoutsideoftheU.S.to introducetheUSO(UnitedServiceOrganizations)CanineTherapyProgram.

“Withemotionalandmentalhealthlisted as some of the top issues that face activeduty military families today, utilizing therapydogstohelpservicemembersstruggling with the challenges of military life is just another creative way in which the USO is supporting the military community,” said Danielle DeSimone, USO content marketingmanager.

Although the NAS Sigonella USO is the first to institute the USO Canine Therapy Programoverseas,theorganization’salready well-established,successfulprogramframework in the U.S. put the USO team here at ease. “I think it could be extremely successful overseas, because this is where service members are most often separated from their pets and families,” said Margaret McCullough, USO center manager, NAS Sigonella.

The USO team at NAS Sigonella believes the new program will help fill the void many service members face when it comes to permanent change of station moves and otherlifestressors

“There will be more canine therapy programs throughout Europe the Middle East and the Africa region,” said Sabrina Pulido, USO Area Director NAS Sigonella. “The benefits of pet therapy have proven to be so beneficial to service members that theUSOwantsittobeaccessiblewherever we are.”

Therapy dogs are known to lower blood pressure, reduce stress and release oxytocin and phenyl ethylamine, an anti-depressant.TheUSOstartedtheprogramasaway to assist service members with navigating the stresses of military service. The Canine Therapy Program falls within the USO’s mission to support service members and militaryfamilies “Dogsbringhappiness theybringjoyand they connect you to things you love,” said LuisaMazzella,AreaManager,USOItaly& Spain “Peoplearegoingtohavethatconnection when they come into the USO, being able to pet the dogs will provide that time away from the stressors Allowing them to recharge,reconnectandregroup!”

NAS Sigonella’s Canine Program will be open to service members military families andanyonewhohasaccesstotheUSO.The plan is to keep this program running for as long as possible, and open the opportunity forindividualstogettheiranimalscertified andvolunteerfortheprogram. “Mypersonalgoalistomaketheprogram assuccessfulaspossibleintermsofitbringing a lot of joy,” said McCullough. “I want thisprogramtoexistlongpastitsstart.”

Canine Therapy will be advertised via NASSigonellaUSO’scalendar andtherewill be weekly meet and greets with the pups Service members should refer to the USO’s monthly program flyers, banners and AFN radioannouncementsformoreinformation onCanineTherapy.


U.S., allied, and partner nation forces to deploy and respond as required, ensuring security and stability in Europe Africa and Central Command. For more news and information from NAS Sigonella, visit https://cnreurafcent.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-Sigonella/orhttps://www.facebook.com/nassigonella/

Fall Protection

LEFT: NAVALAIRSTATION SIGONELLA,Italy(July21,2023) - Margaret McCullough,USO centermanager,poses fora photowith Oliverand Morgan,therapydogs forNavalAirStation Sigonella’s USO. ABOVE: Oliverand Morgan pose fora photo at the USO terminal.NAS Sigonella’s strategic location enables U.S.allied,and partnernation forces to deployand respond as required to ensure securityand stabilityin Europe,Africa and Central Command. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATION2NDCLASSKELSEYS.CULBERTSON)

USS Winston S. Churchill holds change of command ceremony



Capt. Ryan O’Loughlin relieved Cmdr. Brian S. Anthony as command officer of USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81), July 28,duringaceremonyheldaboardtheship.

RearAdm.JamesAiken,Commander,U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet, served as the time-honored ceremony’s presiding officer witnessing the ceremonial transfer of command leadership fromAnthonytoO’Loughlin

Anthony served as the commanding officer since November 2021. He was fully responsible for ensuring the Winston S. Churchill was manned, trained, equipped and ready to fight. “In War: Resolution. In Peace:Goodwill”theCommand’smottowas aguidinglightthroughouthistour.

Anthony highlighted the hard work and dedication of his command, emphasizing waterfront leadership and expertise in goodwill.

“To be great in the Navy, requires great sacrifice,” said Anthony. “As you move through your career, you will be met with many hard decisions When you reach that point, it will be up to you to decide where your priorities lie You must consider your goals familylife andtheNavy’smission.You should be able to look back on your Naval career and know that you made the right sacrifices.”

AnthonyrecountshistouronboardChurchillintermsofpushingforwardthephilosophical ideals of former U.S. Secretary of DefenseJamesMattis

“Someofthedefiningmomentsduringmy timeincommandwasourabilitytoworkwith theresourceswehadandmaximizethemto get things done,” said Anthony. “As Mattis said, ‘Focus on training the young Marines we had, not worry about the ones we didn’t have…IwouldmakedowithwhatIhad,and not waste time whining about what I didn’t have.’ Working through adversity allowed Churchill to be successful leading the crew torallytogetherformissionreadiness.”

O’Loughlin most recently served as DivisionChief,WesternEurope&Balkans,Joint Staff J5 Strategy, Plans and Policy Deputy DirectorateforEurope-NATO-Russia.


MAYPORT,Fla.(July28,2023) - Cmdr BrianAnthony(center) salutes RearAdm.JamesAiken,Commander,U.S.NavyForces Southern Command,U.S.4th Fleet,during a change ofcommand ceremonywhere hewas relieved byCapt.Ryan O’Loughlin as the Commanding Officer ofthe USSWinston S.Churchill (DDG 81),July28 2023 USSWinston S.Churchill is the 31stArleigh Burke Class destroyerto be built forthe U.S. Navyand the fifth U.S.warship to be named in honorofan English subject The ship is capable offighting air surface,and subsurface battles simultaneously (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBRANDONJ.VINSON)

include USS O’Kane (DDG 77) as the Damage Control Assistant and USS Russell (DDG 59) as the Fire Control Officer He servedasOperationsOfficerofUSSForrest Sherman(DDG98)andUSSMonterey(CG 61), making her maiden Ballistic Missile Defensedeployment.

He was the Executive Officer of and commanded USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98), where he was awarded the 2019 Vice Admiral James Bond Stockdale Award for InspirationalLeadership Whilecommanding Forrest Sherman, his crew earned the

Battle “E. He has deployed to Fifth, Sixth, and SeventhFleets, includingoperationsin theArcticCircle.

Unique to the fleet, Churchill is the only U.S. Navy ship to have a Royal Navy officer assignedpermanentlytoship’scompanyasa symbolofthepartnershipbetweentheBritish and American navies It is also the only U.S.Navalvesseltoflyaforeignensign-the Royal Navy’s White Ensign is flown alongside the Stars and Stripes Churchill is the fifth U.S. warship to be named in honor of anEnglishsubject.

SURFLANT mans, trains and equips assigned surface forces and shore activities, ensuring a capable force for conducting prompt and sustained operations in support of United States national interests TheSURFLANTforceiscomposedofnearly 80 ships 17 pre-commissioning units and morethan30shorecommands For more SURFLANT news and photos visit facebook.com/SURFLANT, www surflant.usff.navy.mil, and Twitter - @ surflant

Working Group Updates
NAS Sigonella becomes first overseas base to implement USO Canine Therapy Program Program
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 1
Representatives from across thewarfare communities and Marine Corps comprise the Navy’s Fall ProtectionWorking Group which met at the Naval SafetyCommandJuly18-20 to reviewcurrent policies. PageB4

LIFE IN THE “BARRACKS”: Klamath Falls and the Navy’s forgotten Filariasis problem

U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

“Filariasis in the personnel of our Armed Forces is a problem which has arisen since operations were started in the South and Central Pacific area.”

~Vice Adm. Ross McIntire, Navy Surgeon General, to Hon. William Stigler (D-OK), June 20, 1944

TutuilaIsland,Samoa,1880 Afterconducting a thorough medical survey of the island, USSAlaska’smedicalofficerThomasHiland reported that four-fifths of the population over the age of 45 suffered from a condition marked—in severe cases—by skin/tissue thickening, swelling of limbs (elephantiasis) andscrotalswelling(hydrocele).

Decades away from the discovery of the actualcause,Hilandattributedthecondition to the “warm, moist climate” of Tutuila and advised use of quinine, rest and purging In sixcasesofhydrocele,heandfellowphysician Asst.SurgeonS.H.Griffithsurgicallyremoved ahypertrophiedmassweighing40pounds!

Today, we know this horrifying disease by the name lymphatic filariasis A potentially chronic condition, filariasis is caused by parasitic roundworms that can be transmittedbyAedes,AnophelesandCulexspeciesof mosquitoes According to the World Health Organization(WHO),theWucheriabancrofti parasite is responsible for 90 percent of lymphaticfilariasiscasesworldwide

When injected into a host’s bloodstream, the microfilariae (larval stage worms) can grow up to four inches in length and lodge in the lymph glands where they continually reproduce over a lifespan of 5 to 7 years Theseblockagescanleadtoanaccumulation oflymphfluidleadingtoelephantoidenlargementoflimbsandbodyparts

Most individuals who contract filariasis, however, remain asymptomatic and diagnosisisusuallyonlymadethroughidentification ofmicrofilariaeinbloodsmears Lessthan10 percentofcasesactuallymanifestinelephantiasis

Although the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps has never been overrun with the disease it hasnotbeenimmunetoiteither Remarkably, between 1915 and 1945, there were only two yearsinwhichSailorsandMarineswerenot diagnosed with filariasis. In World War II—

with the swell of deployed military populations in areas endemic with filariasis—Navy physicians diagnosed some 12,040 cases. Of these,over90percentwereMarines.

Filariasis not only comprised an individual’s lymphatic system and ultimately their wartime readiness, it posed a serious psychological threat for service personnel who feared manifestations of elephantiasis, spreading the infection and subsequent social stigma Navy doctors also reported an overwhelming,yetunfoundedfearofsterility amongafflictedpersonnel

Althoughtherewasnocureforthedisease, Navy medical researchers noted that the cooler climates at higher altitudes made for amenableconditionsintherecoveryprocess. InApril1944,theNavy inconjunctionwith the Marine Corps—established a special rehabilitation and research facility in Klamath Falls Oregon, specifically for filariasis patients.

Located4,200abovesealevelandalongthe Southern Pacific Railroad line in Southern Oregon, the 800 acre-facility was composed of80buildingsandcouldaccommodateupto 5,000patientsatonetime Dueinparttothe sensitivitiesofinfectedpersonnel,themedical facility was dubbed a “Marine Barracks” ratherthanahospitalorrehabilitationcenter.

Between April 1944 and November 1945 the Marine Barracks at Klamath Falls averaged2,110patients,theoverwhelmingmajority being Pacific War veterans with filariasis, although relapsing malaria cases were also admitted.

Typically, patients underwent a threemonth“supervisedreconditioning”program to strengthen immune systems that would be fighting the parasite For Cmdr Lowell Coggeshall, the Chief Medical Officer of the “Barracks,” it was imperative to keep the patients active and their minds occupied. As he remarked, “. .they must be kept busy enoughtoeatwell,andtiredenoughtosleep well. The stronger they are, the better they cancombatanyailments.”

Most patients were ambulatory and were required to perform normal garrison activities and close-order drills under medical supervision. There were endurance hikes upMountShasta,constructionworkonbase and vocational therapy—some patients even served the nearby community as auxiliary firemenandharvestedcropsinlocalfarms

Under Coggeshall’s direction, Klamath Fallsalsotookpartincooperativeeffortswith

the National Research Council and Public Health Service in evaluating chemotherapeuticandothertreatmentsforthedisease.

Filariasis was never considered grounds forautomaticdischargefromtheserviceand most patients were returned to active duty Special notations would be placed in their health records requesting their return to Klamath Falls should relapse occur Starting in October 1944, Klamath Falls admissions were added to a first of its kind, a “Filariasis Registry”inordertokeepthemundersurveillancewhileonactiveduty.

With post-war demobilization, a rapidly dwindlingpatientpopulationandaminimal risk of relapse, military officials determined thatKlamathFallswasnolongerneeded.On February 28, 1946, the Marine Barracks at KlamathFallswasdisestablished.

Although no longer a concern facing the U.S. Navy filariasis remains a serious public health issue world-wide According to the World Health Organization, as of 2023, lymphaticfilariasisisendemicin44countries and over 882 million people remain threatened by the disease Preventive chemotherapyremainstheleadinginterventionagainst filariasis Even though there is still no cure, infectedindividualscantakethedrugsalbendazoleanddiethylcarbamazine(DEC)which can eradicate microfilariae in the bloodstreamandpreventtransmission.


„ Coggeshall, L.T (1946). “Filariasis in Servicemen; Retrospect and Prospect,” JournaloftheAmericanMedicalAssociation


„ Glauser, F. (1945) “Filariasis in Returning Marines,” United States Naval Medical Bulletin44(1),21-36.

„ Hiland,T.(1882)“MedicalTopographyand Sanitary Reports.” Sanitary and Statistical Report of the Surgeon-General of the Navy for the Year 1880.

Washington: Government PrintingOffice,263-265

„ Lymphatic filariasis fact sheet (1 June 2023).WorldHealthOrganization.Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/ fact-sheets/detail/lymphatic-filariasis

„ Matthews R.P.(1992-1993).“Takingcareof their own: The Marine Barracks at Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1944-1946. The Oregon HistoricalQuarterly93(4),342-367

„ Thomas, G.C. (1945) “Successful rehabilitation of filariasis patients.” BUMED News Letter5(11),10-11.

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832

JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792

Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268

Yorktown: 757.847.7806

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Officials discuss layout ofthe Marine Barracks at Klamath Falls,1944 Cmdr Lowell Coggeshall,the ChiefMedical Officerofthe“Barracks,”is standing on the right From 1944 to 1946 the Marine Barracks served as a rehabilitation facilities forPacificWarveteranswith filariasis and relapsing malaria. CourtesyofOregon Historical Society (PHOTOBYANDRÉSOBOCINSKI)
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Four NUWC Division Newport employees share their career inspiration during speaker series presentation


During the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport’s July 12 presentation of the storytelling series “The Knot: Stories from theWorkforce,”fouremployeessharedwhat influenced them at a young age to pursue theircareerpath.

With the theme “Born to Do This” as the premise Dr Lauren Freeman a senior oceanographer in Ranges, Engineering and Analysis Department; Activity Chief Information Officer (ACIO) Steve Masterson, head of the Corporate Operations Department’s Information Technology Division; andSensorsandSonarSystemsDepartment employees, Chris Carr, a technical project manager, and Dr Christin Murphy, head of the Signal Processing Algorithm DevelopmentBranch revealedtheiroriginalsources ofinspiration

‘The ocean has always been my favorite place’ Dr Lauren Freeman, a resident of Portsmouth,RhodeIsland,hasbeenfascinatedby theoceansinceshewasveryyoung Growing upinSouthernVirginianeartheChesapeake Bay,muchofherchildhoodwasspentatthe beach shesaid.

“That’swhenIfellinlovewiththeocean,” Freeman said. “I explored the sandy shorelines every day. I watched how the water movedthesandandhowthebarrierislands were being reshaped. I loved how the fish would align into a current and try to make different pathways through the sand and mudsothewaterwouldflowcertainways.”

Freeman excelled at Lafayette High SchoolinWilliamsburg,Virginia,whereshe graduated as valedictorian After applying to a dozen colleges, she accepted a scholarship from the University of Miami to study marinebiology

“HavingnevertraveledoutsideofVirginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia, it was mind-blowing to be in a big city and see palmtreeseverywhere,”Freemansaid “And unlike the Chesapeake Bay, the water was clear Youcouldactuallyseewhatwasunder thesurface.

AttheUniversityofMiami,Freemanmet people who were just as excited to learn about the ocean as she was. In her junior year,shestudiedinNewZealandandimmediately joined the scuba diving club, which becameherfavoritehobbyinMiami.That’s how she met her future husband, Simon Freeman.

“HewasthemostpassionatepersonIever met about the ocean, Freeman recalled. “We would stay up until 3 or 4 in the morningtalkingaboutseaslugsandfishbehavior and how you catch different kinds of fish if you’reonacertainsideofaneddy.”

Throughout her senior year in Miami, Lauren remained in touch with Simon, despitelivingonoppositesidesoftheglobe Whenitwastimetodecidewheretopursue herdoctoratedegree Laurenreceivedoffers from prestigious colleges Meanwhile, she wished to reunite with Simon, who also aspiredtoearnadoctorate Whenoneofthe schools, Scripps Institution of OceanographyinSanDiego,agreedtoacceptSimonas well,thedecisionbecameaneasyone

During their studies, the couple spent a month on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel doing scientific diving and data collection, followed by shore-based research on the main Hawaiian Islands That data allowed Laurentopublishsomeofherfirstpeer-reviewedresearchpapersoncoralreefsoundscapes

“While I was doing my post-doctorate research, I realized that there were some cool features in the sound that told you whetherornotthecoralwashealthy, Freemansaid.

After their studies, the couple accepted positions at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., and a few years later, the Freemans looked for opportunities elsewhere They considered a return to SanDiego,butultimatelydecidedtoworkat DivisionNewport

Shortly after starting her job, Lauren wrote an 80-page proposal to the Defense AdvancedResearchProjectsAgencytostudy how marine biology can be used to detect unmannedunderwatervehicles(UUVs).

Within six months of being hired, fundingforthefive-yearPassiveAcousticDetection through Reef Ecological Soundscapes projectwasapprovedandherresearchwas underway.

“Wedoalotofpassivesensingandambient biological soundscapes,” Freeman said. The key is understanding how the biology responds to UUVs and how we can use that datatotrackUUVs.”

Freeman now leads a soundscape team forTaskforceOcean,whichisfundedbythe OfficeofNavalResearch.

“The10-year-oldLaurenwouldbepleasantlysurprisedtoknowwherehercuriosity hasledher,”Freemansaid.“It’sexcitingtobe on the edge of discovery of what’s happeningintheocean,whichhasalwaysbeenmy favoriteplacetobe.”

‘The medium changed. And we had to changewithit’

When Steve Masterson a resident of South Kingstown, Rhode Island, first was approached to speak at “The Knot under the BorntoDoThis theme,hewasn’tquite sure his story fit the bill. Raised in Richmond, Rhode Island, he originally wanted tobeanarchitectorgointographicdesign.

“Being a CIO (chief information officer), being a computer engineer, they just weren’t mainstream professions,” he said. “They were professions, they just weren’t mainstream.”

A child of the 1980s Masterson fell squarelybetweentwogenerations Generation X and the Millennials and this mini-generation, those born between 1977 and1983,camewithitsownmonikercoined


“We’re described as having an analog childhood and a digital adulthood, and we had to transition that at arguably the worst time of our lives,” Masterson said. “We’re alreadytransitioningalotofstuffasteenagers Wegrewupwithrotaryphonesandwe hadcellphonesinhighschoolandcollege.”

Video games were a big part of Masterson’s childhood, and as the computer age ramped up in the early 1990s, his interest waspiqued Hecreatedwebpagesandweb content, did some coding and admittedly downloaded video games illegally to his stepfather’sexpensivePC

“Itwasforeducation,soitwasreallyOK,” Mastersonjoked.“ButIhadtolearnhowto covermytracks.”

When it came time to go to college, Masterson, a member of a family with humblemeans knewhewasa“stateschool kid” and chose University of Rhode Island, whereheinitiallymajoredincivilengineering Thateducationalgoallastedalltheway until orientation, when it “poured buckets”overthecourseofthosefewdaysinthe summerof1998.

At that orientation, an instructor explained to the incoming students the benefits of being a civil engineer, including field work and facing the elements For Masterson,thosecommentsreallyhithome thoughnotinagoodway.

“IknowforafactIdon’tlikethat,because I’m experiencing that right now. That’s not for me,” Masterson said. “I immediately wenttotheBursar’sOfficeandchangedmy major.”

Afterspeakingwithafriend,hesettledon computerengineering

“A very well-thought decision to change my major during orientation, but it worked out, joked Masterson, who celebrated 21 yearsatDivisionNewportinJune

HiscareerstartedintheCombatSystems Department before a brief stint as a deputy department head in the Sensors and Sonar SystemsDepartment.In2021,hebecamethe head of Information Technology Division andtheACIOforthecommand.

Mastersonservedastheprojectmanager responsibleforthedevelopmentandlaunch of Division Newport’s Rapid Innovation Center “We architected it, and we built it,” hesaidofthespacethatopenedin2014 “Iwantedtobeanarchitectandadifferent mediumemerged,andthat’smystory,that’s the Xennial’s story The medium changed. Andwehadtochangewithit.”

‘You know what? I want to work for the DepartmentofDefense’

ChrisCarr,aresidentofNewport,Rhode Island,grewupinasmallSouthernCaliforniadeserttownnestledbetweentwoU.S.Air Forcebases,andbothofhisparentsservedin that branch of the military His mother was anairtrafficcontroller,hisfatheramember ofthespecialweaponsrecoveryteam.

“I was born living the military life, Carr said.

Theporchofhisboyhoodhomeprovided afront-rowseattoviewthetestingofaircraft or missile defense systems While that provided a level of entertainment, there wasn’t much else to do in the community of Acton, which then had a population of roughly 5,000 people So Carr spent much of his youth playing video games (and still does).

By the time he finished high school and began to chart a career path, he wanted to bring together his two passions video gamesandthemilitary

“I’m going to go to school and I want to make MILSIM (military simulation) video gamesfortheU.S.military,”Carrsaid.

He attended a community college and knocked out a number of his core classes though when he reached his first coding course, Carr ran into trouble, struggling to figure out how to get a certain program to work.Afriendarrivedtohelpjustbeforethe assignment was due and, after examining it

forjustfiveminutes,solvedtheissue That’s when Carr knew computer programming wasn’tinhisfuture.

He changed his major to mechanical engineeringandwasacceptedto11schools. To choose, he created an NCAA Tournament-stylebracketandflippedacoin,eliminatingoneschoolatatime.

“I eventually landed on Cal State Northridge,”hesaid

Luck must have been on Carr’s side, because he was presented a career-defining opportunity. He was part of a team that designed from the ground up a working unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Carnard-styleaircraftcouldidentifytargets onthegroundandcommunicatethatinformation back to a ground station, allowing it to be actionable intelligence for the U.S. military. The Cal State Northridge students took their aerial project to a competition at a Navyairbasetoseehowitstackedupagainst UAVsfromotherschools

“It was really cool, and that was one of the points where I was like, ‘You know what?IwanttoworkfortheDepartmentof Defense,’”Carrsaid

Thatdidn’thappeninitiallyasCarr’sfirst joboutofcollegewasperformingengineering tasks for a recreation vehicle company But he was persistent, sending out 400 resumes over the course of six months, and one of those landed in the hands of Al Armstrong, head of Division Newport’s Surface and Aviation Systems Engineering Branch.

Carrwasofferedajobandmadethemove from Southern California to Southern New England.Oneofhisfirstbigassignmentswas performinghumansystemintegrationwork for the Littoral Combat Ship Anti-SubmarineWarfarePackagein2014.

He showed the audience a picture of himself sitting in a kiddie pool on the deck oftheUSSFreedom(LCS-1)smokingacigar

“That was the moment I decided this job is pretty cool,” Carr said “I think I’m going tostickaround.”

‘Foralittlegirlwithaplasticbucket,itwas atreasuretrove’

Dr Christin Murphy, a resident of Portsmouth,RhodeIsland,doesn’tremember how old she was when she fell in love withtheocean,butsherememberswhereit happened onasmall,rocky,seaweed-coveredbeachontheedgeofLongIslandSound, near where she grew up in East Northport, NewYork

“For a little girl with a plastic bucket, it was a treasure trove,” Murphy said. “I wantedtodiscovereveryorganismalongthe shore.Irememberflippingoverrockstofind hermit crabs, picking up periwinkle snails and poking their little trap doors, plucking the thistle threads on mussels and picking upbarnaclesthatwouldclosethemselvesup tightuntilyouputtheminabucketofwater andcouldcoaxthemout.

Murphyrecognizedpatternsonthebeach. She learned that the organisms that seal themselvesupwerefoundfurtherfromthe water and more mobile animals appeared close to the water. She also discovered egg cases,bones,andshellfragmentsofanimals that lived in deeper waters. Those animals remainedoutofreachuntilMurphyearned herdivingcertificationatage14

On a high school trip to Costa Rica, Murphy conducted field research for the firsttime.Sinceitwasn’tpartoftheclassshe wastaking,shebeggedherteacherstoallow hertocountfishonacoralreef “Ihadnoideahowtodoareefsurvey,but I thought if I read enough books I would figureitout,”Murphysaid.

Murphyknewshewantedtobeamarine biologist since she was 5 years old, so her mainconsiderationwhenchoosingacollege was getting to conduct hands-on field research.

“New College of Florida was the perfect place for me,” Murphy said. “Their under-

graduate educational philosophy was built uponindependentresearch.”

The best advice Murphy received in collegewasfromherundergraduateadvisor whomsheassistedonastudyofmanatees

“I was so enamored with his work that I told him that I wanted to do what he does,” Murphysaid.

“HetoldmeIneedtofindmyownlineof questioning and I need to find a field that is expanding,notclosing.”

In writing her thesis on spatial navigation in coral reef fish, Murphy referenced a laboratory in Spain that was known for its research on fish brains. After receiving a FulbrightScholarship,shejoinedtheLaboratoryofPsychobiologyattheUniversityof Sevilleforayear Murphylearnedalotabout neuroscience, but she also learned that she didn’t want to dissect brains for the rest of herlife

Murphyreturnedtoherroots.Shebecame ateacheronaschoonerfortheOceanClassroom Foundation for two years, traveling back and forth from Maine to the Caribbeantwotofourmonthsatatime.Integrating the environment into her lessons, she taught high school students how to think likeamarinebiologist

While she felt at home on the ocean, Murphy decided to dive back into research byattendinggraduateschoolattheUniversity of South Florida. A National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship enabled Murphy to conduct doctoral research with a seal named Sprouts at the Pinniped Cognition and Sensory Systems LaboratoryinSantaCruz,California.

Having accomplished everything she envisioned when she was 5 years old, Murphy wasn’t sure what to do next, until shewaspresentingherresearchataconference in New Zealand and met Division Newport biologist and oceanographer Dr Joy Lapseritis, a scientist and head of the Ranges, Engineering and Analysis Department’sUnderseaModelingBranch

When Murphy realized that Lapseritis wasworkingonsimilarresearch,shewrote aproposaltoconductpost-doctoralresearch atDivisionNewport Adecadelater,Murphy heads up the Bio-Inspired Research and Development Lab at Division Newport, where she leads a multi-disciplinary team ofresearchers

“Thepointofwantingtobecomeamarine biologist when you’re a kid isn’t to become one, it’s the cultivation of ‘awe,’ ” Murphy said.“It’sbeingexcitedaboutsomething.”

A video from the event can be viewed here: https://www.dvidshub.net/ video/891744/four-nuwc-division-newport-employees-share-their-career-inspiration-during-speaker-series-presentation

NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869

Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas,aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island employs a diverse highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals,aswell as talented business, finance, logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 3
FourNaval UnderseaWarfare Center(NUWC) Division Newport employees shared theirlife stories during“The Knot: Stories from the Workforce,”with the theme“Born to DoThis”onJuly12 2023.The speakers are Steven Masterson (from left),head ofthe Corporate Operations Department’s InformationTechnologyDivision and activitychiefinformation officer; Dr Lauren Freeman,a senioroceanographerin the Ranges Engineering andAnalysis Department; and Sensors and SonarSystems Department employees Chris Carr a technical project manager and Dr Christin Murphy,head ofthe Signal ProcessingAlgorithm Development Branch.(PHOTOBYDAVIDSTOEHR)

Working group updates Fall Protection Program

Naval Safety Command

NORFOLK, Va Representatives from acrossthewarfarecommunitiesandMarine Corps comprise the Navy’s Fall Protection Working Group which met at the Naval Safety Command July 18-20 to review currentpoliciesinplacefortheFallProtectionProgramandproposeupdatestoChapter 13 of OPNAV M-5100.23 Additionally, the working group reviewed and updated the Department of the Navy’s Fall ProtectionGuide Falls from height are the second-leading unintentionalfatalworkplaceevent,accordingtotheNationalSafetyCouncil Workers intheconstructionindustryaremostatrisk, withthemostnonfatalcasesinvolvingdays awayfromworkand20%ofallnonfatalfallfrom-heightcaseseachyear

In its first year, NAVSAFECOM’s local area assessments noted 168 fall protection discrepancies, ranging from poorly maintained handrails to a lack of a unit fall protectionprogram.Since2017 theNavyhas incurredfourfatalfalls ofwhichthreecould have been mitigated under the Fall Protection Program, based on data from the Risk Management Information safety reporting system. These statistics underscore the importance of the working group’s purpose. During the first two days, the working groupconductedacomprehensivereviewof OPNAVM-5100.23 Chapter13 andOPNAVINST 5100 19F Chapter 13 in an effort to update the chapters to reflect changes in regulatoryrequirements

“The intent is to eventually merge these twochaptersintoonecohesivechapterthat encompasses all fall protection requirements for all warfare areas, providing the end user a singular document for all fall protection requirements,” said Charles Gum, Shore Directorate deputy director NAVSAFECOM. Requirements that are specific to a particular warfare area or community will be added as an addendum tothesingularchapter.

Forming one, cohesive fall protection chapter across all warfare communities will make it easier to understand and allow peopletoaccessjustoneplacetofindpolicy, saidGum.

Before the group got started, Gum provided a quick refresher of the current safetyandoccupationalhealthhierarchy:

„ Department of Defense Instruction (6055.01-SOH)

„ DoN Safety Program (SECNAVINST 5100.10)

„ NavySafetyProgramManual(5100.23)

„ Community-Specific Safety Guidance (OPNAVINST5100.19,3750 etc.)

„ Headquarters/Immediate Superior in Command(ISIC)Guidance,LocalStandard OperatingProceduresandInstructions

Gum noted OPNAV M-5100.23 provides

NORFOLK(May11,2023) Operations Specialist SeniorChiefPettyOfficerLuke Mckenzie,assigned to the Naval SafetyCommand and Marine Corps StaffSgt.AshleyLeachman,assigned to MarineAviation Logistics Squadron 12 demonstrate a fall-arrest rescue as part ofthe Competent Person forFall Protection Course.The Naval Safetyand EnvironmentalTraining Centerholds the Competent Person forFall Protection Course to train and equip Navypersonnelwith the knowledge and skills needed to prepare and implement fall protection and prevention plans,and fallarrest rescue plans and procedures (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS(SW/AW)WESTONA.MOHR)

the “what” in the regulatory requirements

The instruction outlines the Echelon 1 perspectiveandisspecificinsomeareasonly toensureconsistencyanduniformity

TheHeadquarters,ISICandlocalinstructions describe the “how, what and who” performs the requirements spelled out in the OPNAV instruction. Every organization executes its processes a bit differently These local instructions allow organizations to tailor their processes in a way that worksbestforthem,aslongastheymeetthe requirements,saidGum.

“The5100.23istheNavy’stop-tierinstruction,” said Gum. “One of the reasons we’re merging is to alleviate the end user from havingtofindmultipleinstructions;5100.23 will be the one instruction. No longer will people say, ‘I’m from the afloat community, so I’m only going to read the afloat instruction.’

Gumnotedtherewasatimewhen5100.23 was named the ashore manual

It no longer saysthatinordertoreinforceitistheNavy’s

overarchingOccupationalSafetyandHealth Manualthatallothersafetymanualsacross allwarfareareasshouldalignto

The working group also focused on removing duplicative or obsolete information from the instructions Proposals were made to clarify and remove ambiguous phrasing and ensure processes were up to date and aligned with current policy For example, the working group removed themandatoryminimumcumulativetraining-hour requirements for various positionswithinthefallprotectionprogramand replacedthemwithtrainingsyllabustopics requiredforthepositiontoallowcommands moreflexibilityintrainingtheirpersonnel.

The last two days of the meeting were spent revising the Fall Protection Guide, whichwaslastupdatedthreeyearsago

“There’s been a misunderstanding that theguideisactuallypolicy anditisnot, said Gum “There is guidance in the front of the guidethatleadspeopletobelieveitispolicy. It was intended to be designed as a guide

nottomimicpolicy Thatunderstandinghas beenblurred.”

To correct this perception, the group updated the glossary and removed obsolete and duplicate definitions Proposed commentsweremadethroughoutthedocumenttoremoveanylanguagethatwasdirectiveinnature

The group also clarified sections and terminology throughout, tightening the verbiageandensuringconsistency.

“The guide is an important asset for SailorsandMarines,andwebelievetheupdates will enhance their fall protection programs and serve as a complement to the OPNAV policy,”saidGum.

The updated Fall Protection Guide is expected to be released to the naval enterprise in late September 2023 The updated Chapter 13 of OPNAV M-5100.23 will be released next year due to the time it takes forallstakeholderstoconcuroncontent

USS Gravely returns to homeport in Norfolk following COMPTUEX


Carrier Strike Group Two


ThecrewoftheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) returned home to their families and friends on July 25, 2023 after completing their composite training unit exercise(COMPTUEX).

COMPTUEX is an intense multi-week exercisedesignedtofullyintegrateacarrier strike group as a cohesive, multi-mission fightingforceandtotesttheirabilitytocarry out sustained combat operations from the sea SuccessfulcompletionofCOMPTUEX certifiedGravelyfordeploymentalongwith the Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE) Carrier StrikeGroup(CSG).

During this underway the USS Gravely wastested evaluatedandcritiquedthrough a series of exercises that progressively increased in complexity. The crew worked to build resilience, technical competence andtacticalconfidence Fromairdefenseto electronicwarfaretohelicopteroperations, GravelySailorsworkeddiligentlytobecome apartoftheIKECSGteam

“Thishasbeenachallengingandrewarding experiencefortheGravelycrew,”saidCmdr Brian Sanchez, USS Gravely’s commanding officer.“Dayinanddayout,theteamcontinueshoningskillsandtraining.Whetherwe’re running a general quarters drill, practicing medicalemergencyresponses,orexercising any of our several warfare capabilities, the team has given their best effort and is better everydaybecauseofit.”

IKE CSG is comprised of the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower(CVN69),oneguided-missilecruiser and four guided-missile destroyers These units operated together to build cohesion, demonstratetheirabilitiestooperateatsea, and defend the country’s assets and allies Gravely provides support in a multi-domain capacity across surface warfare areas to ensure the strike group can effectively carryoutitsmissions

With COMPTUEX complete Sailors can reflect on the hard work they put forth and lessons learned along the way. They will have a chance to enjoy their family, friends and loved ones before heading out fordeployment.

“There is no doubt in my mind that our crewisreadyforthechallengesthatdeployment will bring,” said Sanchez. “Their enthusiasm and professionalism are what continuetodrivethesuccessofthisteam.”

AMH-60RSeaHawk attachedtoHelicopter MaritimeStrikeSquadron74 preparestoland aboardthe USSGravelyJuly2,2023.Theship isunderwayintheAtlanticOceanparticipating intheCarrierStrikeGroupFourComposite TrainingUnitExercise.COMPTUEXisanintense, multi-weekexercisedesignedtofullyintegratea carrierstrikegroupasacohesive,multi-mission fightingforceandtotesttheirabilitytocarry outsustainedcombatoperationsfromthesea. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSRAYMCCANN)

ABOVE:ATLANTIC OCEAN (July7,2023) U.S.NavyMachinist Mate 2nd Class EdwardWalter left and Information SystemTechnician 3rd Class Rein Farenbach participate in a general quarters drill aboard theArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Gravely(DDG 107)July7,2023. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSRAYMCCANN)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 3, 2023

USS Laboon returns to homeport following COMPTUEX


Carrier Strike Group Two

NORFOLK,Va USSLaboon(DDG58) returned to its homeport of Naval Station Norfolk July 25, 2023 after completing its composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) as part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE) Carrier Strike Group (CSG).

COMPTUEX is an intense, multi-week exercisedesignedtofullyintegrateacarrier strike group as a cohesive, multi-mission fightingforceandtotesttheirabilitytocarry out sustained combat operations from the seaandisthefinaldeploymentcertification exerciseforCSGs

Laboon combined operations with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight

D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS PhilippineSea(CG58),theArleighBurke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Carney (DDG 64), USS Mason (DDG 87) and USS Gravely (DDG 107), and the Italian Navy Carlo Bergamini-class frigate ITS Virginio Fasan(F591)tocompletetheCSG

“COMPTUEXwasanexcellentopportunitytopracticehigh-endwarfightingagainst a dynamic adversary,” said Cmdr Henry Eshenour, Laboon’s commanding officer “This enabled us to demonstrate meaningfulskill-growthoverthepastmonth.”

COMPTUEXtestedthecrew’sabilityand flexibility through simulated combat environments that represented potential realworldscenarios.Throughaseriesoflive-fire exercises, Laboon practiced engagement of

its onboard weapons systems which help preparetheshiptoprotectitselfandfriendly assets

The crew also completed eight days of flight operations supported by the “Dusty Dogs” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 7 and the “Swamp Foxes” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)74 assignedtoCarrierAirWing(CVW)3.This coordination and practice is crucial to fleet logistics,replenishmentsandsupportingthe aviationwarfarearea.

Additionally, Laboon conducted seven replenishment-at-sea evolutions with USNSSupply(T-AOE6)andMilitarySealift Command’sfleet-replenishmentoilerUSNS JohnLenthall(T-AO189).Theseevolutions allow the ship to refuel and resupply at sea andarecriticaltoprolongingtimeintheater

andproperlyequippingtheshiptoconduct themission.

“The high-end warfighting training during COMPTUEX challenged the team to work together, think critically and build on the lessons learned during the last year,” saidCmdr EricBlomberg,executiveofficer of Laboon. “Complex scenarios tested our ability to fight through casualties protect theshipandstrikegroup andworktogether with our allies and partners to ensure we arereadyforourupcomingdeploymentand readytoaccomplishanymissionassigned.”

With the end of COMPTUEX, the hard work and dedication of the crew indicate thatLaboonSailorsarereadyfortheupcomingdeployment.

Naval Oceanography prepares fleet leadership with ‘O-4 Milestone At-Sea

Command, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography


Recently, U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (Naval Oceanography) hosted its bi-annual ‘O-4 Milestone At-SeaSeminar’forLieutenantCommanders in the Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC)Officercommunitywhowillhold keyleadership-positionsthroughouttheU.S.


The two-day seminar was designed by Rear Admiral Ron J. Piret, Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command and staff to develop METOC Lieutenant Commanders who will be assigned to: Aircraft Carriers; Amphibious WarfareShips;andStrikeGroupFlagStaff

“We [Naval Oceanography] understand valueintheprofessionaldevelopmentofour next-generation of METOC Officers, who will ultimately shape and maintain Naval Oceanography’s role within the Navy’s greater mission,” said CAPT Erin Acosta NavalOceanographyChiefofStaff

The 11 board-selected METOC Lieutenant Commanders were able to meet directlywithPiret,andotherkeyleadership, engaginginopen-discussionaboutexpectationsofMETOCleadershipat-seaandgrasp thetotalwarfightingabilityofNavalOceanography.

“It is important to our Navy’s mission successthatthecoreofour[METOC]leadership understands the full gamut of Naval Oceanography’s technical capabilities whichiswhytheseminaritselfissoimportant,”saidAcosta

Lieutenant Commanders attending the seminar toured Naval Oceanography’s subordinate commands at Stennis Space Center, and were given in-depth briefs of unmanned systems and high-performance computersusedinactualoperations

“Among other useful resources we have madeaccessible,theseminaroffersachance forMETOCleaderstobecomemorefamiliar with the processes and procedures of how theNavy’sFleetengageswithNavalOceanography,”Acostasaid


METOC Lieutenant Commanders who attendedtheseminar,andtheirprospectiveshipplatforms:

„ LTLaurenBaguley(Breuer) (CVN73 USSGeorgeWashington)

„ LCDRJamesGriffin(LHD2 USSEssex)

„ LCDRCaseyBurgener(ESG-7)

„ LCDRCynthiaWilliamson (CVN72 USSAbrahamLincoln)

„ LCDRJessicaWasserman (LHD1 USSWasp)

„ LCDRJeremyBullard(CSG-11)

„ LCDRMelissaJonMoore (CVN76 USSRonaldReagan)

„ LCDRErikaFee (CVN68 USSNimitz)

„ LCDRKelseyRowe(CSG-8)

„ LCDRStephanieGeant (CVN69 USSDwightD.Eisenhower)


Naval Oceanography has approximately 2,500 globally distributed military and civilianpersonnel,whocollect,processand exploitenvironmentalinformationtoassist Fleet and Joint Commanders in all warfare areas to guarantee the U.S. Navy’s freedom ofactioninthephysicalbattlespacefromthe depthsoftheoceantothestars.

Squadron (HSM) 74 aboard theArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Laboon (DDG 58)July12 2023.The ship as part ofthe Dwight D.EisenhowerCarrier Strike Group is underwayin theAtlantic Ocean participating in the CarrierStrike Group FourCompositeTraining Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX).COMPTUEXis an intense,multi-weekexercise designed to fullyintegrate a carrierstrike group as a cohesive,multi-mission fighting force and to test theirabilityto carryout sustained combat operations from the sea.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY
ATLANTIC OCEAN (July12 2023) U.S.NavyBoatswains Mate 3rd ClassJerronJohnson,from NewOrleans,signals to an MH-60RSea Hawkhelicopter,attached to the“Swamp Foxes”of HelicopterMaritime Strike MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJACOBHILGENDORF)
STENNIS SPACE CENTER Miss.- Recently U.S.Naval Meteorologyand OceanographyCommand (Naval Oceanography) hosted its bi-annual ‘O-4 MilestoneAt-Sea Seminar forLieutenant Commanders in the Meteorologyand Oceanography(METOC) Officercommunitywhowill hold keyleadership-positions throughout the U.S.Navy’s Fleet ofShips and Submarines.The two-dayseminarwas designed byRearAdmiral RonJ. Piret Commander Naval Meteorologyand OceanographyCommand and staffto develop METOC Lieutenant Commanderswhowill be assigned to:Aircraft Carriers;AmphibiousWarfare Ships; and Strike Group Flag Staff (PHOTOBYLT BILLYPETKOVSKI) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 5

NMFSCCommandervisits NAMRUSan Antonio


SAMHOUSTON—Capt.WilliamBrafford, commander,NavalMedicalForcesSupport Command (NMFSC), joined by Command Master Chief Veronica Brittenum, visited and toured facilities of NavalMedical ResearchUnit (NAMRU) SanAntonio at theBattlefieldHealthandTraumaResearch Institute and Tri-Service Research Laboratory In April2023, Braffordwas appointedas the40thChiefoftheNavyDentalCorpsand assumed duties as NMFSC commander on May25,2023.

NAMRUSan Antonio’s missionisto conduct gap drivencombat casualty care, craniofacial, and directed energyresearch to improve survival, operationalreadiness, andsafetyofDepartmentofDefense(DoD) personnelengagedinroutine and expeditionaryoperations

ItisoneoftheleadingresearchanddevelopmentlaboratoriesfortheU.S.Navyunder the DoD and is one of eight subordinate research commandsinthe global network oflaboratoriesoperatingunderNavalMedicalResearchCommandinSilverSpring,Md

JOINTBASE SANANTONIO-FORTSAM HOUSTON–(July25,2023)–Cmdr.DrewHavard,deputydirector,Craniofacial Health and RestorativeMedicine(CHRM),Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio,joined byDr.Luis Martinez,aresearchmicrobiologistassignedtothe NAMRUSanAntonio’s Biomaterials Department,briefs research on ElectrospunAlveolarRidgeGrafts to Capt.WilliamBrafford,commander,Naval Medical Forces SupportCommand (NMFSC).InApril 2023,Braffordwas appointed as the 40th Chiefofthe NavyDental Corps and assumedduties as NMFSC commanderon May25,2023.NAMRUSanAntonio’s mission is to conductgap driven combat casualtycare,craniofacial,anddirectedenergyresearchtoimprove survival,operational readiness,andsafetyofDepartmentofDefense (DoD)personnel engaged in routine and expeditionaryoperations.It is one ofthe leading research and development laboratoriesforthe U.S.Navy underthe DoDand is one ofeightsubordinateresearchcommands in the global networkoflaboratoriesoperating underNavalMedical Research Command in SilverSpring,Md.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYBURRELLPARMER,NAMRUSANANTONIOPUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED)

USSNormandy arrives in Rijeka, Croatia



RIJEKA,Croatia —The USSNormandy (CG60),apartoftheGeraldR.FordCarrier StrikeGroup,arrivedinRijeka,Croatiafora regularly scheduled port visit and mid-deployment voyage repair (MDVR), July 26 2023.

TheportvisittoRijekaprovidesanopportunity to strengthen the United States and Croatia’srelationship,and offers achance to further demonstrate the United States’ commitmenttoitsEuropeanregionalallies andpartners,whilealsoallowingNormandy to begin her scheduled mid-deployment maintenanceavailability

“Itisanhonor to choose Croatia as Normandy’smid-deploymentmaintenance availability port,”saidCapt. ErrolA.Robinson, commanding officer,USS Normandy “Porting in Rijekaenables us to makethe necessary repairs during deployment periods and to continue to demonstrate the interoperability we have with our Croatian partners.Moreover,theofficersandcreware extremelyexcitedtoexplore Rijekaand its wonderfulculture.

While in Rijeka, Normandy’s Sailors will have the opportunity to tour the city and surrounding areas and to experience the rich history and cultureofCroatia. They willalso be able to participateinacommunityrelationsprojectwhilein-country,organizedbytheship’sReligiousMinistryTeam, comprised of Lt.Brandy Brownand Religious Program Specialist 2ndClassCarrie


The lastU.S.Navyvessel to visit Croatia wasthe first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), flagship of the GeraldR.FordCarrier StrikeGroup.Ford hostedareceptionfordistinguishedvisitors whileanchoredoffthecoastofSplit,Croatia, June27,2023 CSG-12,GeraldR.FordCSG,isonascheduled deployment in the U.S. NavalForces Europe-Africaareaofoperations,employed by U.S. Sixth FleettodefendU.S., alliedand partnerinterests Normandy is apart of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier StrikeGroup (GRFCSG). The GRFCSG is comprised of Gerald R. Ford (CVN78), Carrier Air Wing (CVW)

ADRIATIC SEA(July11,2023)TheTiconderoga-class guidedmissile cruiserUSSNormandy(CG60) breaks formation following aphoto exercise July11,2023.Normandyis part ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrikeGroup and is on ascheduleddeployment in the U.S.NavalForcesEurope area of operations,employedbySixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied,and partnerinterests.GRFCSGiscurrentlyparticipatinginNeptune Strike,amultiyear effort focusedonharmonizing U.S.and NATO planning teams to transfercommand and control ofAlliednaval and amphibious forces to STRIKFORNATO,inorderto provide assurance,deterrence,and collectivedefense fortheAlliance.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION


8, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2, the Information WarfareCommander,and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSNormandy(CG60)

The ships of DESRON-2 within the GRFCSGare the Arleigh Burke-classguided-missile destroyers USSRamage (DDG 61),USSMcFaul(DDG74),andUSSThomas Hudner(DDG116).

The squadrons of CVW-8 embarked aboardGerald R. Ford arethe “Tridents” of HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC)

9, the “Spartans” of Helicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron(HSM)70,the“BearAces” of Airborne Commandand Control Squadron(VAW124),the “Ragin’ Bulls” of Strike FighterSquadron(VFA)37,the“Blacklions” of (VFA-213), the “Golden Warriors” of (VFA-87),the Tomcatters”of(VFA-31),the “GrayWolves” of Electronic Attack Squadron(VAQ) 142, and the“Rawhides”ofFleet LogisticsSupportSquadron(VRC)40.

Forover80years, U.S. NavalForces Europe-U.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR-

NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging afoundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity andstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility.U.S.Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF,and employsmaritime forces throughthe full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

6 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, August3,2023
NORFOLK,Va.– U.S.Sailors,Marines,and Coastguardsmen,assigned tovarious militarycommands in HamptonRoads,wererecognized bythe HamptonRoads ChamberofCommerce during areception held at theWaterside Marriott HotelJuly26 in Norfolk.NavalStation Norfolk’sCommanding OfficerCapt.JanetDayswas aguest speakerat the event,which recognized military personnel from local commandswho have excelledinthe performanceoftheirduties.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSMADDELINHAMM) Local SailorsrecognizedatHampton Roads Chamber reception YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, August3,2023 7
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 3, 2023

On iberty

Elevate summer recipes with the enjoyable crunch of pecans Iconic fortheirflavorversatility,pecans are a tastyaddition to summertime recipes.Trythese

Grilled Pork Chops with Peach Pecan Salsa & Spiced Pecan Grilled Peach Salad with Goat Cheese for a nutty crunch. PageC4

Attucks Jazz Club Returns for 2023-2024 Season

Presented by Virginia Arts Festival and SevenVenues featuring top jazz artists in an intimate club setting at Norfolk’s historic Attucks Theatre


TheAttucksJazzClubReturns!Presented by the Virginia Arts Festival and SevenVenues the Attucks Jazz Club transforms an intimate upstairs space at the historic Attucks Theatre and brings some of the genre’s most talented players to Norfolk. With comfortable open table seating, and the Club bar, the Attucks Jazz Club is the perfect way to enjoy a Saturday night it’s thewayjazzwasmeanttobeheard!

TheseriesiscuratedbypianistandeducatorJohnToomey,alegendamonglocaljazz fans whose namesake trio performs with thefeaturedartistineachAttucksJazzClub show.Whenhe’snotmakinghistoryhimself, Toomey teaches Jazz History and Jazz Improvisation at Old Dominion University, where he also directs the Jazz Combo and Jazz Choir Before settling down at ODU, Toomey toured with jazz trumpet legend MaynardFergusonaswellasvocalistsMark Murphy and Rene Marie Regular players in the trio include bassist Jimmy Masters, who has enlivened the region’s jazz scene for more than three decades, and drummer TonyMartuccioutofWashingtonD.C.

All performances begin at 7:30 pm. The Attucks Theatre is located at 1010 Church St., Norfolk. For more information and to buyticketsvisitwww.vafest.org

TicketsforAttucksJazzClubarejust$25 andmaybepurchasedonlineatwww.vafest. org, by phone at 757-282-2822 or by visiting the Virginia Arts Festival box office located at 440 Bank Street in Norfolk between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday; also availableatTicketmaster.com

Additional Attucks Jazz Club performanceswillbeannouncedsoon.The20232024AttucksJazzClubline-upincludes:

Alex McArthur, vocalist

Feat TheJohnToomeyTrio


“Alex McArthur is the real deal…the ‘sizzle’… and the ability to smoothly glide from note to note A treasure.” (Buffalo Rising)

With a passion for finding the story in every song, this Buffalo-based vocalist has shared her rich, soulful sound in clubs and festivals throughout New York, including a star turn as Billie Holiday in a production oftheheraldedplayLadyDayatEmerson’s Bar and Grill Hanging on every note, audiences follow her as she weaves an irresistibletrailthroughmelodiesinrepertoirethat

spansthestandards Hearthisextraordinary singerinherAttucksJazzClubdebut!

Dominique Eade, vocalist

Feat TheJohnToomeyTrio


“Dynamic mesmerizing…easilyoneofthe finest vocalists on the contemporary jazz scene.”(TheWashingtonPost)

Poetic and passionate, this singer, composer and improviser blends vocal virtuosity with a songwriter’s straightforward emotional sensibility, creating music that has garnered critical acclaim, inspired audiences andservedasacreativesignpost for generations of singers The New York Times called Eade “an exceptional singer who weighs a chanteuse’s coolness against a jazz musician’s exploratory instincts.” The Atlantic Monthly recognized Eade for her “rich voice and effortless delivery” while the Boston Phoenix called her music “sublimeanddaring.”Shehasperformedin clubs concert halls and festivals through-

outtheU.S.,LatinAmericaandEurope,and her recordings have made the top ten lists at Billboard, NPR, Entertainment Weekly, DownBeat magazine and more. Catch this starattheAttucksJazzClub!

Chris Whiteman, guitar

Feat TheJohnToomeyTrio Saturday,November11,2023,7:30pm

“Gorgeous…with an ‘old school’ attitude thatharkensbacktoapossiblysimplertime when tone and taste were king.” (TheJazzGuitarLife.com) New Jersey-born but Richmond, Virginia-bred,ChrisWhitemanhasbeendescribed manytimesasanoldsoul,adevoteeofclassic jazz who finds new depth and delight in the Great American Songbook, the standards that have defined jazz for generations.Aperformerandeducator,soloistand sought-aftersideman,Whitemanhasplayed venuesacrosstheU.S.includingNewYork’s famed Blue Note, Birdland, the Hollywood Bowl, Monterey Jazz Festival and more.

WarmupaNovembernightwiththemellow soundofthisextraordinarilygiftedguitarist!

About Attucks Theatre: Located on Norfolk’s historic Church Street, one of the oldestthoroughfaresinthecity,theAttucks Theatrewasoriginallyknownasthe“Apollo oftheSouth.”

Designed by African-American architect HarveyJohnson,thetheatreopenedin1919, andshowcasedahostoflegendaryperformers such as Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, MamieSmith,NatKingCole,andReddFoxx. The Attucks Theatre is named in honor of African-AmericanCrispusAttucks,thefirst American patriot to lose his life in the 1770 Boston Massacre. For 34 years, the theatre remained a vibrant performing arts facility but ceased functioning in 1953 In 1977, the UnitedStatesCongressdeemedTheAttucks TheatreaNationalHistoricLandmark,and afterarestorationperiodofthreeyears,the theatre was reopened in 2004 by a partnership between the City of Norfolk’s Department of Cultural Facilities and the Crispus AttucksCulturalCenter Inc.

The Gathering IV brings together wrestling legends and fans this weekend in Charlotte, North Carolina, David Crockett shares wrestling stories


Wrestling fans rejoice The Gathering IV istakingplacethisweekendAugust3rd-6th at the Hilton University Place A who’s who of wrestling legends and royalty will be there. From Kurt Angle to Ricky Steamboat,fromJimRosstoDavidCrockett,from DiamondDallasPagetoGeraldBrisco,from JJ Dillon to Tully Blanchard and so many more. This is your opportunity to mingle, talk, get photo ops and autographs, see great wrestling, take part in amazing panel discussions, and do much much more. For alltheinfogotohttps://www.crowbarpress. com/tmartpromotions/?fbclid=IwAR0TKZiHt2X2anzKMT6YU5rOxXnMV39YhQndfTQgwlLCln9uOlhk7x0YVGQ

Yiorgo: With us today to tell us all about itis legendary promoter and TV host David Crockett,ofthefamedJimCrockettPromotions David, why did you agree to do GatheringIV?

David Crockett: It’s all about our great, loyal fans and giving back to them They supported usbackthenandnowstill Ilove meeting,listeningandansweringtheirquestionsastheyremembermomentslikeNikita giving me the Russian Sickle or Ric Flair’s incredible interviews, or the many interviews that Bob Caudle and I or Tony Schiavone and I did with so many of our great wrestlers It’salsoanopportunityformetoseealot of my old friends that with some, I have not seen for many many years Father time also continues to take so many great wrestlers away from us and we never know if this is the last time we will see each other The promoterfortheGatheringMartinDamato doesanexcellentjobyearafteryearwiththis great event. I encourage all wrestling fans to come out to The Gathering IV you will definitely see and interact with many great wrestlersfromyouryouth

Y: When will you be there and what will youbedoingatTheGathering?

DC: I am very grateful to Highspots, the premiergotocompanyforeverythingwrestlingrelateditems,forbringingmein.Iwill be at the Highspots table on and off from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. During that time I will be doing a co-photo op with Jim Ross thatstartsat11:25andwhenwefinishIwill

gobacktotheHighspotstable.Thenat3:00 PM I will be doing a virtual signing with Highspots for fans throughout the world thatcannotbethere.

Y: Speaking of reminiscing with the fans let’sdiverightintoit.Ienjoyedwatchingyou David, because you were like one of us You wouldgetsoexcited.

DC:Throughitall,Iamafan Icannotnot be a fan. I didn’t want to know then and I don’t want to know the outcome now Jim Ross is another one like me Don’t tell me anything, I don’t want to know. We always had fun with the interviews that we did. Many times I felt like I was a human mic stand holding the mic there, and you know, especiallytheoneswetapedatTBSSaturday morningandairedat6:05PM,Oh,Lord,that was just out of this world, out of this world! Youneverknewwhatwasgonnacomeoutof the wrestler’s mouth You just didn’t know Like the time when the Mulkeys won, and they thought they screwed up and they were afraid they were gonna get fired You had Abdulah the Butcher eating raw liver And of course Ric and Roddy Piper on the mike was pure gold. And the Four Horsemen were incredible They would pick up oneachother,anditwastrulyentertaining Theywerenotregurgitatingwords,theyall hadmeaning Icouldgobackandwatchand laughandsmile,andsometimestrytokeepa straight face With Ric, we were promoting forthegirlswherehe’sgoingtobe andwhat hotel he is staying at, and when the party’s goingtobe,that’sRic.

The Four Horsemen, they didn’t have a time limit. Gene Anderson for the longest timewaskeepingtimeanditwasliketrying to pull the bike away from when they were clickingsotospeakwhentheywereonaroll, Icouldjustjustletthemgo lovedit.

Y:OneofmyfavoriteRiclineswas,“Don’t wrapmeup David.”(Laughter)

DC:(Laughter)Yup,becausehecouldsee the stage manager you know given him the rap.

Y:Howaboutafavoritestoryortwoabout youandRic?

DC:WewereinNewYorkCity,itwasmy birthdayandRicandArnandTullyheldme down at the Hard Rock Cafe and poured,

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Elf brings holiday magic to Norfolk with a sparkling live film concert celebrating the 20th anniversary


NORFOLK, Va The spirit of the holidaysiscomingtoNorfolkinabigway!This holiday season, CineConcerts and Warner Bros Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, in partnership with Innovation Arts and Entertainment, are bringing Elf in Concert to Chrysler Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 8. This event is part of a festive tour across 31 cities worldwide, featuringtheVirginiaSymphonyOrchestra performing John Debney’s heartwarming scorelivetopicture,projectedontoa40-foot moviescreen.



NORFOLK,Va WhisperConcertsand

SevenVenues are delighted to announce the 20th Annual Patriotic Festival Country Weekend featuring performances by countrymusicsensationsZacBrownBand, HARDY and Bailey Zimmerman. Performances will take place Friday, May 24 throughSunday,May26attheScopeArena indowntownNorfolk.Three-dayticketsand singleshowticketsforallconcertsgoonsale Friday,August4at10a.m.attheScopeArena box office, Ticketmaster.com and PatrioticFestival.com

The 2024 Patriotic Festival Country Weekendscheduleisasfollows:

„ BaileyZimmerman

Friday May24 2024at7p.m

„ HARDY Saturday,May25,2024at7p.m.

„ ZacBrownBand Sunday,May26,2024at7p.m.

In addition to three nights of concerts, theScopeArenaPlazaandupperconcourse will feature military exhibits and corporate displaysthroughouttheweekend.Thetimes forthesepre-showactivitiesare:

„ ScopeArenaPlaza 5p.m. 9p.m.|May24-26,2024

„ ScopeArenaUpperConcourse 5p.m. 9p.m.|May24-26,2024

For more information on military exhibits, corporate displays and pre-show activities visit https://patrioticfestival.com/ military-zone.html

Zac Brown Band is a multi-platinum, GRAMMY Award-winning, Southern rock group led by front man, Zac Brown. Throughout their career spanning more thanadecade, Zac BrownBandhashadsix consecutive albums reach the top 10 of the Billboard 200 and five consecutive albums debut at #1 on Billboard’s Country Albums chart. To date, the group has won three GRAMMY Awards including Best New Artist in 2010, sold more than 30 million singles, nine million albums, amassed over ten billion catalog streams, achieved 16 #1 radio singles and are the second act to top

ney in 31 cities starting from November 17 andculminatesinagrandfinaleonDecember29 Performanceswilltakeplaceaticonic venues nationwide, with Norfolk’s Chrysler Hall being a significant part of this holidaycheertour Foracompleteperformance schedule and location details visit the officialwebsite

Elf is consistently ranked among the top holidaymovies.Debney,whohasworkedon someofthemostsuccessfulfilmsofalltime including The Passion of the Christ, Iron Man 2, The Jungle Book, and Hocus Pocus, expresses his enthusiasm: “I’m so thrilled tobeworkingwithWarnerBros Discovery Global Themed Entertainment and Cine-

Concerts on the upcoming Elf in Concert

Writing the score was a true highlight of mycareer Seeingthejoythatthemusicand film brings to audiences each year is truly wonderful. Elf has really become a modern classic and bringing this into concert halls worldwideisanabsolutehonor Iverymuch look forward to presenting this unforgettable concert experience to live audiences worldwide!”

ElftellstheheartwarmingstoryofBuddy, a human raised among Santa’s elves As an adult,heembarksonajourneytoNewYork in search of his real father, bringing with him an infectious holiday spirit. Get ready Norfolk,towelcomethemagicofBuddythe

Elf at Chrysler Hall on Friday, December 8 at7:00p.m.!

Tickets for Chrysler Hall’s Elf in Concert on Friday, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. can be purchasedattheScopeArenaBoxOfficeand atTicketmaster.com.Formoreinformation visitSevenVenues.com.

Forticketingandfurtherinformation,visit theofficialwebsite Facebook:facebook.com/ElfinConcert

Twitter:@CineConcertsLLC Instagram:@CineConcerts Hashtag:#ElfInConcert

boththeCountryandActiveRockformats Zac BrownBandhasheadlinednineNorth American Tours and currently holds the record for most consecutive sold-out showsattheiconicFenwayPark.Symbolic of their massive success at the ballpark in July 2022, Zac Brown Band was inducted into the Fenway Music Hall of Fame, joining music icons Paul McCartney and Billy Joel. Since their debut, Zac Brown Band hasdevelopedareputationwithcriticsand fans alike as one of the most dynamic live performers markedbystrongmusicianship that defies genre boundaries Zac Brown Band Official Website

Big Loud Records heavy-hitter HARDY has never been just one thing. Uncaging a newchapter,HARDYsoaredtonewheights withthereleaseofthemockingbird&THE CROW, his critically acclaimed half-country, half-rock sophomore album, adding to overtwobillioncareerstreams.Thedichotomous 17-track effort debuted top five all genre on the Billboard 200 Albums chart andkingedsevenadditionalBillboardcharts in its first week, including Top Country Albums,TopRockAlbums,andTopAlbum Sales.A three-timeCMATriple Play award

recipient, HARDY is the reigning ACM SongwriteroftheYear,the2022BMICountry Songwriter of the Year, and a two-time AIMP Songwriter of the Year HARDY has written 12 #1 singles since 2018 including his own double platinum #1 single “ONE BEER”feat LaurenAlaina+DevinDawson, and chart-topping, platinum Dierks Bentley + BRELAND collaboration, “Beers On Me.”HehaspreviouslytouredwithThomas Rhett,MorganWallen,FloridaGeorgiaLine, JasonAldean,ColeSwindell,andmore,and isheadlininga19-date nationwide,sold-out runnowonthemockingbird&THECROW Tour HARDYOfficialWebsite

Bailey Zimmerman has surged to the forefront of 21st century country music withthereleaseofReligiously TheAlbum., arriving as not only the biggest all-genre streaming debut since 2021, but also the biggeststreamingcountrydebutofalltime Deriving its name from his rapidly rising current country radio single, “Religiously,” the LP entered at No 3 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and No 7 on their all-genre Billboard 200 chart. The project also features his multi-Platinum, No 1 debut single, “Fall In Love,” as well as his

most recent multi-Platinum hit, “Rock And A Hard Place,” which spent a whopping six consecutive weeks at the top of Billboard’s Country Airplay Chart. Both tracks were alsoincludedonhisrecord-shatteringdebut EP, Leave The Light On, and their success propelled the breakout superstar to close out 2022 as the year’s only country artist to receivetwoPlatinumcertificationsfromthe RIAAandpromptedBillboardtonamehim as their No 2 Top New Country Artist and No 4TopNewArtistOverall.The2023ACM Awards New Male Artist of the Year nomineeandCMTMusicAwardsmulti-nominee has ignited television audiences across the country with show-stopping performances on Good Morning America, Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, Jimmy Kimmel LIVE! and the 58th Academy of Country MusicAwards andincitedcriticalapplause from Forbes Rolling Stone Los Angeles Times, Billboard, American Songwriter andmanymore.Withmorethantwobillion streamstodate,BaileyZimmermanisouton theroadnowwithMorganWallenaspartof hismonumental2023OneNightAtATime Tour, and already selling out football stadiums coast-to-coast including SoFi Stadium inLosAngeles WrigleyFieldinChicagoand FenwayParkinBoston.BaileyZimmerman OfficialWebsite

For more information about the 2024 Patriotic Festival Country Weekend, visit SevenVenues.comandPatrioticFestival.com

About the Patriotic Festival: The Patriotic Festival is an annual military celebration to honor our armed forces personnel andtheirfamilieswiththreedaysofmilitary exhibits,corporatedisplaysandconcertsby nationalcountrytouringartists Foundedin 2004,theeventisoneoftheregion’slargest military celebrations and Hampton Roads highest attended summer music festival. In 2022, the Patriotic Festival relocated to Norfolk, Virginia, which is also home to the world’s largest naval station, Naval Station Norfolk. The three-day festival has hosted some of the nation’s top entertainers including Morgan Wallen, Sam Hunt, JasonAldean,CarrieUnderwood,Miranda Lambert,LukeCombsandKaneBrown.For moreinformation and acomplete weekend schedule,visitPatrioticFestival.com

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 3, 2023
Whisper Concerts presents the 20th Annual Patriotic Festival Country Weekend featuring performances by Zac Brown Band, HARDY and Bailey Zimmerman
Three-Day Tickets On Sale Friday, August 4 at 10 a.m.!

Chilean sail training vessel Esmeralda to visit downtown Norfolk waterfront Sunday,

Aug 6-10

PressRelease NORFOLK,VA TheChileanNavy’ssail training tall ship ESMERALDA returns to Norfolk,Virginia,Sunday,August6through

Thursday, August 10, 2023 This will be the ship’sonlyU.S.portstopduringit’s2023sail trainingcruise

Arriving at 10AM on Sunday, August 6, 2023, the 372’ vessel will dock at Otter Berth next to the Waterside District at 333 WatersideDrive,ontheDowntownNorfolk Waterfront.

The ESMERALDA will be open to the publicforfreetours:

„ Sunday,August6,20232PM 6PM

„ Tuesday,August8,20232PM 6PM

„ Wednesday,August9,20232PM 6PM

The ship will depart Norfolk at 4PM, Thursday,August10,2023.

The ESMERALDA was launched in 1953 and serves as the training ship for the Chilean Navy During her visit to Norfolk she willcarryacrewofnearly300midshipmen, enlistedsailors,andofficers Shehasvisited more than 300 ports worldwide, acting as a floating embassy for Chile The ship has participated in numerous international maritime festivals, including OpSail 1964, 1976 and 1986. ESMERALDA has been a frequent visitor to Norfolk, with its last visit being in June 2017 as part of Norfolk Harborfest FormoreinformationabouttheESMERALDA tall ship visit, as well as additional eventsthroughouttheyear,includinghours, park regulations and parking, please visit Festevents.orgorcall757-441-2345

ESMERALDA’s visit is sponsored by Norfolk Festevents Ltd., and the City of

The Gathering

from Page 1

it must have been a whole bottle of scotch intomebecauseIwassodrunk,thenextday too It was horrible horrible He did that to me Also,withtheplanecrashin1975 afterwards, Ric and I were in the same hospital room. With his back broken the way it was, he would ask my wife Valerie to move the sheetjusttogettoadifferentposition

Y: I’m gonna get a little bittersweet here. It’ssadthatyourbrotherJimCrockett,God Rest his Soul, is not with us anymore. God bless you for convincing him to do Conrad Thompson’s Starrcast IV event a few years ago How did he react when he saw all the loveandsupportfromthefans?

DC:Hewastotallyamazedandwhenthe fansstartedaskinghimquestions,talkingto him asking for autographs and pictures, he said, “I don’t believe this I always thought thatwefailed.”andIsaid,Well,insomeways we did, but treating the fans the right way, we did the very best job The fans love us Theylovedwhatwedid.Theywishthatwe had kept it up but we did not, and he just couldn’t get over how the fans treated us in Baltimore. I said, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for years I miss him and wishthatwe’dworktogetherinsteadagainst each other Again, that’s in the past, I can’t liveinthepast.

Y:AndthankstoyourandConrad’skindness,Jimmy’swillingnessandConradbringing both of you in, you guys did have the happyendingthereattheend

DC: Yes we did. And I pushed Jimmy because he didn’t want to do it. And he did thatgreatinterviewwithConrad.Iwaswith Jimmyhislastday,upuntiltheygavehimthe morphine, and he went to sleep and never wokeup

Y:YourdadJimCrockettSenior GodRest his Soul started Jim Crockett Promotions back in 1931. Did you always wanted to be anannouncer?

DC: Oh no, I didn’t start out to be an announcer I wanted to be behind the camera We were taping our shows at the WRALTVstudioinRaleigh,NorthCarolina. Jim Goodman, who at that time was Executive Vice President, came to us and said, “You guys need to start your own television production You’re taking up a good 3 days ofallofourtapemachines,personnel,andso forth,andtheycouldmakealotmoremoney onhavingwhattheycalloneoffs.”


I started learning about behind the camera andtheTVcameraitself,audio,lightingand how to run the graphic machines I learned from Wayne Daniel who was a master in the tape room, how to do replays on the tapemachines Hewouldputupadotandit wouldrewindbacktothatdotandthat’show he created the ins and outs of our program, going into commercial break, going into an end que Eventually we found a truck in eastern North Carolina that was for sale. It belongedtoanevangelist.Weboughtit,tore everythingout,puttapemachines,andthen reallyoneinch,halfinch 3quarterinchAttachi Panasonic and Sony. And then we had aboutfive,twoinchmpexmachinesbackat our building, and several other three quartermachines Whenwecamebackatnight, wehadlikeanumbilicalcordfromthetruck that would go in We hooked it up to all the machines and spent the night dubbing We wouldthenputinterviewsintothetapesfor the different cities and send them out by 4 o’clockthatafternoon.Itwassomething

Y: What interested you the most about whatyouweredoing?

DC:Iwasmoreinterestedinthehands-on portion of it, then the theory behind it and learningwhatthemachinecando,whatthe

Norfolk, with support from the US Navy, USCG, Virginia Pilot Association, Robins Marine LLC, W.F. Magann Corporation, WatersideMarina,andCityCruisesNorfolk NorfolkFestevents,Ltd.,basedinNorfolk, Virginia,isaprivate,not-for-profitorganizationdedicatedtocreatingthemostdynamic

camera can do. I even started working with an Attachi handheld. And you’re expected to have your right hand up working on the lens. It was a job, And we started with four camerasandeventuallywehadfive.

At one point we just used light zones on Jenny Towers to light the ring and we were producingtheseshowsinhighschoolGyms Rec. Centers small arenas to get our audience.Wealsowantedthefanstoleavehappy, sowehadmaineventsforthembesideswhat we taped. We did our interviews down at ringside Keeping an audience became a problem.Ihadamotive,becausepartofthe company was mine, so I had to figure out thequickestandbestwaytodoit,anditwas baptismunderfire.

Y: Where were you born and what are some of your early recollections working withyourfatherinthefamilybusiness?

DC: I was born here in Charlotte, and baptized by my grandfather He and my grandmother were missionaries in Korea. MymotherwasborninRobins,NorthCarolina but grew up in Korea with them Eventually they went to Bristol Tennessee and that’s where my father was from and that’s how they met. What I remember is that my parents would run restaurants along with wrestling and other entertainment When school was out, I would get to go with my father to the restaurant early in the morning and help buss tables. I remember the first time I was bussing and picked up this money that was on the table He slapped my hand, oh my word He said, “That’s not your money that’s for the waitress. I was five at the time and the highlight for me for wrestling was on Saturdays we would go to Lexington, South Carolina at the YMCA I was a fan so I was yelling and screaming at thewrestlersinthering Comingbackhome, wewouldstopatabarbecueplace,getsome food, and I would be asleep before we got backtoCharlotte,neverabletostayawake.

Y: You actually wrestled for a bit. How did your parents feel about it who trained you, and what was that like? Did the boys takecareofyouordidyouhaveto“payyour dues”?

DC:IwastrainedbyGeneAnderson,Ole some, Johnny Heidemann, and Rip Hawk didsome,notawholelot.Peopledon’trealizehowhardthatringis Thoseropeswith the steel cables in them, wow I was just a preliminary guy and the boys beat on me Daddy said that nobody in our family was on the other side of this I was an amateur wrestler,IwasnotmarriedsoIwasaround Thunderbolt Patterson, Jerry and Jack Brisco and that group I wrestled Johnny Heidemann, Gene and Ole Anderson, Rip Hawk, Swede Hanson. Wrestling Swede was something He would say, “slam me slam me,” he tried to get me to slam him five or six times I was blowing up I was at HighPointforTV,itwasBruteBernardand SkullMurphyandIwasoneofthejobguys for their match and Brute Bernard said to me, “No one has ever done a better job for me.” I took that as a complement.

Y: After your dad’s passing, how was it decided who would handle the many responsibilities of Jim Crockett Promotions and what were those responsibilities foreachone?

DC:Jimmywastheboss HewasthePresident of the company. You need a dictatorship That’s the way dad had it. You can’t have many bosses. Sometimes in a family you don’t listen well to each other so there weretimesthatyouwouldgoouttotheback ofthebuildingandsettleit.

Y:YoumeantotellmethatyouandJimmy andJackiewouldhavesomeshootmatches?


Y: On a serious note, later on, during and after the sale of JCP to Turner, there was a period of time when you and Jimmy were

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notthebestofterms Whatbroughtthetwo ofyoubacktogetheragain?

DC:Lifeisjusttooshort,that’swhy.Heis my brother and I love him. I don’t see how people can hold grudges the way they do Everyone knows I fought tooth and nail not to sell to Turner and yes, I always had a bad taste in my mouth I just didn’t like it, anditfurthersplitthefamily That’sanother conversation


DC: The family was split before that.

Dusty Rhodes and my brother Jimmy went to Texas, when Jimmy bought the Mid-South territory from Bill Watts That justopenedacanofwormsasfarasthedebt thatBillhad.Wedidn’tdoourgooddiligence and then people would start doing crazy things like at some of our events we would have David Allen Coe, Wayland Jennings and Hank Williams Junior Why are you doing this? It’s a wrestling event and you’re paying them $100,000 more plus production for just one or 2 songs If that’s what you want, then do a concert and separate thetwoout


DC: It started with the Rock and Roll Express. We did the Rock and Roll Express Tour They were on a bus, we went to high

school stadiums and wrestled, we had the cheerleaders ride on the bus with chaperones and the radio station sponsor and it was a hit. So they said, why can’t we do this for our big event “The Great American Bash.” It was in the spring and the summer and it really was good. Of course we didn’t go national with it but in the Carolinas and Virginia,itreallyworked.Butwhenyoutake it to high cost cities your cost triples And outside is risky business, you know, in the springandsummer,becauseoftheweather

And when Jimmy purchased the second plane, he named it Stardust and I think you could only seat six So who’s gonna suck up towhomtogetonthejet.Now,I’dratherfly commercialunlessIreallyhadsomethingto do Butyeah,thatreallystarteditanditsplit thefamily,itsplitthewrestlers.Whogetsto rideandwhodoesn’t Itwasn’tright.

Youknowthat’swhyIdecidedlastyearat this time to do Ric Flair’s Last Match event withConrad,sowecangooutinafittingway.

Y:Whataneventitwasandwewillcover thatinournextinterview.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

David Crockett (left) andYiorgo.(COURTESYPHOTOBYYIORGO)
Start now at PlayOurNews.com Listen to our top news stories for free. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 3
The Chilean Navy’s sail training tall ship ESMERALDAwill dockin downtown Norfolk,August 6-10 (COURTESYPHOTO)

Elevate summer recipes with the enjoyable crunch of pecans

As families and friends gather on patios and decks to enjoy the warmth of summer and meals fresh off the grill, manyaresearchingforthatperfectingredientthatcancomplementsalads,appetizers,maincourses,dessertsandmore.

This year, you can turn to pecans to elevatemealsandgiveyourguestssomethingtoraveabout Iconicfortheirflavor versatility - shining in a wide range of profiles from sweet and spicy to salty smoky and savory - they’re a tasty additionforfavoritesummertimerecipes

From an enjoyable crunch to comforting creaminess and a satisfying chew, pecans deliver a perfect bite and texture. These Grilled Pork Chops with Peach Pecan Salsa, for example, areloadedwithfreshflavorsforaneasy nutritious warm-weather meal.

Taste is just the beginning - pecans also pack a nutritious punch with a unique mix of health-promoting nutrients and bioactive compounds Known for their rich, buttery consistency and naturally sweet taste, pecans have a longstandingtraditionasanuttopping They’re sprinkled atop this Spiced Pecan Grilled Peach Salad with Goat Cheese for a refreshing seasonal salad with a nutty crunch.

To find more recipes that take summer entertaining to the next level, visit EatPecans.com.

Grilled Pork Chops with Peach Pecan Salsa

Cook time: 25 minutes | Servings: 4

„ 4bonelessporkloinchops (each1-inchthick)

„ ¾teaspoon,plus⅛teaspoon, koshersalt,divided

„ freshlygroundblackpepper,totaste

„ 2mediumpeaches diced

„ ⅔cuprawpecanpieces

„ 2tablespoonsredonion,diced

„ 2tablespoonschoppedfreshbasil

„ 1teaspoonmincedjalapenopepper

„ 2teaspoonslimejuice

Season pork chops with ¾ teaspoon salt and blackpepper,totaste.


Grill pork chops until browned, about 5 minutes Flip and cook 5-6 minutes until food thermometerinsertedincenterregisters135F.

Transfer to plate and rest at least 5 minutes untilinternaltemperaturerisesto145-160F.

Gently stir peaches, pecans, onion, basil, jalapeno,limejuiceandremainingsalt.

Add salsa on top of each pork chop with remainingsalsaonside

Spiced Pecan Grilled Peach Salad with Goat Cheese

Prep time: 5 minutes | Cook time: 50 minutes |

SpicedPecans: „ 1largeeggwhite „ 3tablespoonsdarkbrownsugar

„ 1teaspooncinnamon „ ¼teaspooncayennepepper „ ¼teaspoonkoshersalt

„ 2cupspecanhalves

Servings: 4

Salad: „ ¼cup,plus2teaspoons,extra-virginoliveoilorpecanoil,divided

„ ¼cupwhitewinevinegar

„ 1teaspoonDijonmustard

„ ¼teaspoongarlicpowder

„ ⅛teaspoonkoshersalt

„ pepper,totaste

„ 2largepeaches,halvedandpitsremoved „ 6cupsmixedbabygreens(suchasarugula,springmixandspinach)

„ 4ouncessoftgoatcheese

To make spiced pecans: Preheat oven to 275 F. Line rimmed baking sheet withparchmentpaperandsetaside

In medium bowl, whisk egg white, brown sugar, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and salt until well combined. Fold in pecans and mix until evenly coated in mixture Spreadinsinglelayeronpreparedbakingsheet. Bake45-50minutes,stirringoccasionallyuntilpecansarefragrantandgolden brown.Allowtocoolcompletely


Insmallbowl,whisk¼cupoliveoil,whitewinevinegar,Dijonmustard,garlic powder,saltandpepper,totaste.Setaside.

Brush cut sides of peach halves with remaining olive oil and grill until grill linesappearandpeachesbecometender,3-5minutes.Removepeachesandcut intoslices

Dividegreensamongfourplates Topwithgrilledpeachslicesandgoatcheese

Divide 1 cup spiced pecans evenly among salads and reserve remaining cup for snacking Drizzleeachsaladwithvinaigrette

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 3, 2023

Beat the back-to-school rush: TRICARE preventive health checks for kids


FALLS CHURCH, Va – Summer is a greattimetotakecareofhealthcheckupsfor yourkids Yourchild’sschoollikelyrequires studentstogetanannualhealthexamandbe up to date on vaccines With a new school yeararoundthecorner,don’tdelaymedical appointmentsforyourkids

“Most schools have mandatory health standards children must meet each school year,” said Jeannine Pickrell, RN, nurse consultant for Disease Management & Population Health at the Defense Health Agency “It helps to get required back-toschoolhealthchecksbeforethelastminute Summervacationisalsoaperfecttimetoget otherhealthcareservicesforyourkids,like dentalandeyeexams.”

Whetheryourchildneeds aschool physical or you want to check on their development, TRICARE covers many preventive health services at no cost to your family Belowisimportantinformationaboutbackto-schoolcheckupsforyourkids.

Follow school health care requirements

Check with your child’s school for their health policy. Depending on these requirements,youmayneedtoschedulemorethan oneofficevisitforyourchild.

For the youngest children, TRICARE covers well-child exams from birth until age 6.Startingatage6,TRICAREcoversphysicals required for school enrollment. TRICARE doesn’tcoverannualsportsphysicals,which areseparatefromschoolphysicals.

Evenifyourchild’sschooldoesn’trequire aphysical,kidscanstillgetpreventivecheckups AnnualHealthPromotionandDisease Prevention(HP&DP)examsareavailableto anyTRICAREenrolleeoverage6.

TRICARE also covers routine immunizations, also known as vaccinations Your provider will review your child’s immunization records to confirm your child is up to date and meets school requirements

You can get covered vaccines from any TRICARE-authorized provider at no cost. However, you may have to pay copayments or cost-shares for other services received during the same office visit. You can also get some covered vaccines at no cost at TRICARE retail network pharmacies

Cardiac Arrest vs.HeartAttack

ByAmericanHeartAssociationNews/ cpr.heart.org



CARDIACARRESToccurswhentheheart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly Cardiac arrest is an “ELECTRICAL” problem Cardiac arrest is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) Withitspumpingactiondisrupted,theheart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and otherorgans

WhatHappens? Seconds later, a person becomesunresponsive,isnotbreathingoris onlygasping.Deathoccurswithinminutesif thevictimdoesnotreceivetreatment.

WhattoDo?Cardiacarrestcanbereversible in some victims if it’s treated within a fewminutes.

First call your local emergency number andstartCPRrightaway

Then, if an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as soon as possible.

If two people are available to help, one should begin CPR immediately while the other calls your local emergency number andfindsanAED Cardiacarrestisaleadingcauseofdeath. Cardiacarrestaffectsthousandsofpeople annually with about three quarters of them occurringinthehome


A HEART ATTACK occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. A heart attack is a “CIRCULATION” problem. A blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reachingasectionoftheheart.Iftheblocked artery is not reopened quickly, the part of theheartnormallynourishedbythatartery beginstodie

What Happens? Symptoms of a heart attack may be immediate and may include intense discomfort in the chest or other areasoftheupperbody,shortnessofbreath, coldsweats and/ornausea/vomiting More often, though, symptoms start slowly and persist for hours days or weeks before a heartattack Unlikewithcardiacarrest,the heart usually does not stop beating during a heart attack The longer the person goes withouttreatment,thegreaterthedamage.

Theheartattacksymptomsinwomencan be different than men (shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting,andbackorjawpain).

What to Do? Even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, call your local emergency number Every minute matters! It’s best to call your local emergency number to get to the emergency room right away Emergencymedicalservices(EMS)staffcanbegin treatmentwhentheyarrive uptoanhour

At retail network pharmacies, make sure a pharmacist gives the vaccines to avoid potentialout-of-pocketcosts.

Get additional wellness checkups

There’smoretoyourchild’swellnessthan aroutinephysicalcandetect Usethisextra timetocheckallaspectsoftheirhealth.

For example, you can schedule an appointment with your child’s dentist YourTRICAREhealthplandoesn’tinclude dentalcoverage However,activedutyfamily members and National Guard and Reserve familymemberscanpurchasedentalcoveragethroughtheTRICAREDentalProgram

(TDP) TDPcoverstworoutinedentalcleanings in a consecutive 12-month period for childrenages1andolder,asdescribedinthe TRICARE Dental Program Handbook You canenrollinTDPatanytime

Yourchildmayalsobeabletogetaroutine eye exam. This depends on their beneficiary status, health plan, and age Children of active duty service members can get annual eye exams Children of retired servicememberswithTRICAREPrimecan getroutineeyeexamseverytwoyears

Some children are also eligible for dental or vision coverage through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). If your child has FEDVIPcoverage,besuretofollowtherules ofthatplan.

Find a provider

Doyouneedtofindanewdoctorordentist foryourkids?TRICARE’sFindaDoctortool can help you find nearby providers. If you haveTDP youcanusetheFindaDentisttool tosearchforlocalTDPnetworkdentists

Whenyouvisittheprovider,makesureto mentionanyconcernsaboutyourchildren’s health.Bytakingtimethissummertofocus onyourchildren’shealth,youcanhelpthem getofftoagoodstartthisschoolyear

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates news andmore

soonerthanifsomeonegetstothehospitalby car EMSstaffarealsotrainedtorevivesomeone whose heart has stopped Patients with chestpainwhoarrivebyambulanceusually receivefastertreatmentatthehospital,too.

WhatistheLink?Most heart attacks do notleadtocardiacarrest.Butwhencardiac arrest occurs, heart attack is a common cause Other conditions may also disrupt theheart’srhythmandleadtocardiacarrest.

Whetheryourchild needs a school physical oryouwant to checkon theirdevelopment TRICARE covers manypreventive health services at no cost toyourfamily
Fast action can
lives. For
informationonAmericanHeartAssociation CPRtrainingclassesinyourareagotoheart.
org/cpr Followus:facebook.com/AHACPR
(COURTESYOFTHEAMERICANHEARTASSOCIATIONNEWS/CPR.HEART.ORG) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 3, 2023 5
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