Milk Messenger: January/February 2020

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VOL. 102

The Heart & Engine of Chocolate

/ NO. 4







milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020




ON THE AGENDA: • Consideration of policy statements and resolutions • Election of two director- at-large positions on the MMPA board of directors • Recognition of MMPA’s 35- and 50-year members

THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.

• Presentation of Valued Partner Award

Meeting called to order promptly at 10 a.m.

• Announcement of MMPA Quality Award recipient


• Introduction of MMPA Outstanding Young Dairy Cooperators

333 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933



#M M P A20


14 Goals Set, Goals Met with USDEC

Secretary Tom Vilsack shares U.S. dairy’s export strategy with MMPA members.





Barry Callebaut, an MMPA customer, makes one out of every four pieces of chocolate produced in the world. With sights set on the future, the chocolatier is leveraging partnerships with suppliers in their “Forever Chocolate” program.

James Weber, 2019 OYDC, shares his adventure of representing MMPA at the NMPF Joint Annual Meeting and being named NMPF YC Advisory Council Chair.

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Financial Strength Allows for Connections and Innovation





Program and Event Highlights

What’s new with FARM 4.0?



Resources for the Dairy Community















“From milking procedures to caring for the animals and feeding, each employee provides consistent care following the same milking procedure and keeping an eye out for any cow acting abnormal.” ERIC & BRITTANY CARSON, OYDC FINALISTS (PAGE 26)


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

VOL. 102

/ NO. 4

Milk Messenger (USPS # 345-320) is published bimonthly by the Michigan Milk Producers Association, 41310 Bridge Street, Novi, MI 48376-8002. Periodicals postage paid at Novi and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Milk Messenger, PO Box 8002, Novi, MI 48376-8002. President and Chief Executive Officer Joe Diglio Managing Editor Sheila Burkhardt, Senior Director of Member and Government Relations


The long winter months, and our annual member meeting season, are now well underway. As a grassroots cooperative, every member—every farmer— can be active in MMPA by attending their Local meeting or holding leadership positions. Our theme this year, which will carry us through the Annual Report (see Milk Minute on page 6) and the Annual State Delegate Meeting (see meeting information on page 2), is: “Cultivating Connections. Driving Innovation.” Inherent in our theme this year, relationships play an important role in how MMPA is working on farmers’ behalf and collaborating with customers and the larger dairy community. This issue, we give you a closer look at two key types of connections we’ve cultivated with a customer and an industry organization.

On the cover Drops of decadent chocolate and the leaf of the plant from which they came, cocoa, grace our cover this issue. (Photo courtesy of Barry Callebaut.) Dairy is an essential element in many types of chocolate and our members’ high quality milk is increasingly used in chocolate making. Learn more about the world’s leading chocolatier and MMPA partner, Barry Callebaut, on page 20.

More stories inside In this issue, we also feature Secretary Tom Vilsack, the president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, who spoke at a recent MMPA meeting (pg. 14).

Editors Allison Stuby Miller, Communications Manager Emily Kittendorf, Communications Coordinator Advertising Manager Nancy Muszynski Publication Designer reZüberant! Inc., Stacy Love Printing Foresight Group, Stacey Trzeciak Publication Office MMPA Milk Messenger P.O. Box 8002, Novi, MI 48376-8002 p: 248-474-6672 f: 248-474-0924 w: Established in 1916, MMPA is a member owned and operated dairy cooperative serving dairy farmers in Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin and Ohio. An Equal Opportunity Employer – F/M/V/D Subscriptions: MMPA members - 50¢ per year Non-members - $5 per year

Learn more about what up-and-coming dairy farmers are up to in an update from

Circulation: 2,600

2019 Outstanding Young Dairy Cooperator James Weber (pg. 24) and two OYDC

(ISSN 0026-2315)

finalists (pg. 26).

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



Financial Strength Allows for Connections and Innovation JOSEP BARENYS, MMPA CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER


fter the conclusion of the 2019 fiscal year, MMPA remains in a strong financial position. Our financial performance indicators suggest that MMPA has a strong balance sheet and that we are over and above the expectations set for us by our financial institutions. Based on the trends we have seen in recent years monitoring these indicators, we are looking forward to an even stronger financial year to come, allowing MMPA to continue pursuing partnerships and remaining on the frontier of dairy innovation. MMPA’s strong financial position, key financial indicators and other financial details regarding fiscal year 2019 will be relayed in the annual report released in February. However, a synthesized view can be analyzed using two main performance indicators that our financial partners use to track our financial standing: working capital and net worth. JOSEP BARENYS, MMPA CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER

Our working capital is the difference between our current assets and current liabilities, taking into account the current effective cash flow of the organization at one point in time. MMPA has continued to exceed the expectations of our financial entities. In 2018, this strength allowed us to use our resources to finance Constantine’s expansion and drive innovation that has since resulted in numerous partnerships. This funding method allowed us to not have to ask for money from our membership in the midst of the expansion, but rather have the expansion operational at the time our memberowners began investing in the project, providing an overall benefit for our members. We understand that it has been a challenging economic environment for our members. Exceeding our financial institutions’ expectations for working capital has also allowed us to provide additional cash to our members on the advanced payment for their milk on a monthly basis. The extra amount of cash flow helps us better manage the advanced price our members receive allowing them to financially manage their own operations during periods of depressed milk prices. MMPA is also delivering in net worth, our overall value in the marketplace. The strength of this financial indicator helps us to manage our relationships with financial entities and allows us to successfully manage the organization. Our net worth is evidence of MMPA’s work in staying relevant in the market through building connections and continuing to innovate. When taking a step back and analyzing the market that we compete in, MMPA continues to perform above many of its peers in a variety of financial indicators. This analysis suggests that we are in a strong financial position within the marketplace at this point in time. In conclusion, 2019 was a year of significant financial improvements for MMPA. We are pleased to report this, given recent news from others in the marketplace experiencing financial uncertainty. Thanks to the strength of our balance sheet, we were able to advance more money to our members, refinance our debt and improve our overall financial situation. These results directly affect our members’ bottom lines, which is why the team at MMPA takes their efforts so seriously. We continuously manage costs and review it from a financial point of view to provide the greatest advantage to our members.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

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Ecocool Grain milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



What’s new with FARM 4.0? WE ASKED THE EXPERTS:

Emily Yeiser Stepp

Deb Gingrich

Doug Chapin

The National Dairy FARM Program Senior Director

MMPA Member Representative

MMPA Board Vice Chairman

After a rigorous 16-month stakeholder review, The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), with support from Dairy Management Inc., began implementation of the 4th version of the National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Animal Care program on January 1, 2020. The program is updated once every three years to ensure relevance to current industry best management practices and scientific research related to on-farm animal care. Farmers nationwide, cooperatives, processors, dairy veterinarians, animal-welfare experts and dairy-industry leaders were all represented in drafting and approving new standards.

FARM 4.0 focuses on the hot topics and issues surrounding animal care that align with customer and consumer concerns. The updated program targets practices including fitness to transport, calf care, non-ambulatory animal management and handling, euthanasia and stockmanship – areas that are sensitive practices on the farm, at high risk of lapses in training and of greatest importance and concern.

The fourth iteration of the FARM program’s standards continues to emphasize a strong veterinarian relationship (Veterinarian-ClientPatient-Relationship and herd health plan review), calf care, non-ambulatory, euthanasia and fitness to transport management practices, as well as disbudding prior to eight weeks of age. Additionally, FARM 4.0 outlines refined standards around continuing education for non-family and family employees with animal care responsibilities and pain management when disbudding animals.

Among the many changes is the requirement of annual cow care and training agreements and continuing education for both family and non-family employees. To comply with the program, calves must be offered water and starter feed by day three of life, along with receiving colostrum within six hours of birth. Disbudding must still be done by eight weeks of age via paste or thermal disbudding, but pain must also be mitigated. FARM 4.0 also requires written SOPs, SOPs that match appropriate farm practices and training documentation for a wider variety of farm practices than previously necessary.

As with previous versions of the FARM program, a robust suite of materials that include templates, FAQs, continuing education videos and other resource tools are available to help producers meet the outlined standards. These resources can be found on the FARM Resources web page and hard copy resources are also available upon request.

Many items that fell under Continuous Improvement Plans in FARM 3.0 have been elevated to Mandatory Correction Action Plans in FARM 4.0. These changes ensure that farms are giving the highest quality care possible to their livestock so that as an industry, we can help ensure a market for our products in the future.

NMPF’s FARM 4.0 launched the beginning of this year. I had the opportunity to help develop the program alongside several producers, co-op representatives and industry experts on the Animal Health and Well Being Committee. During the creation process, we took the recommendations of the Technical Writing Group and opinions presented during the open comment period, including MMPA’s submitted comments, and went through the proposals one by one. We worked together to develop a plan that all producers could achieve, no matter their climate, their facilities and their management style. The team had to ensure that FARM 4.0 could meet the needs and concerns of our customers, be manageable for our producers while also having the credibility to offer protection if tested. We’ve seen the FARM program be put to the test recently with undercover videos that attacked not only the farmer, but also their co-op and customers. The current FARM program offers protection and tools to navigate these challenging situations. I’d like to encourage all of our members to not only accept FARM 4.0, but to embrace and own it as a program that adds value and protection to our farms. Dairy producers have always been compassionate and conscientious caregivers to our animals and FARM 4.0 helps demonstrate that care to our customers.

Visit for more specifics about what's new with FARM 4.0. 8

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EVENTS January 23 Resolutions Committee Meeting, St. Johns

February District Meetings (see page 28)

February 6-8 Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference, Frankenmuth

February-April Dairy Care Academy sessions (see page 19)

March 11 Resolutions Committee Meeting, St. Johns

MMPA awards nine scholarships to students studying dairy


MPA recently awarded scholarships to nine dairy management students at Michigan State University (MSU). As a long-time supporter of dairy education, the MMPA annually sponsors scholarships for members, their children and employees enrolled at MSU. For the 2019-2020 academic year, MMPA awarded 9 scholarships, totaling over $20,000. The scholarship recipients were honored and introduced to MMPA members at the annual Leaders’ Conference on Nov. 22 in East Lansing, Michigan. “The legacy of our cooperative is made stronger by supporting the education of future dairy industry leaders. These scholarships encourage the next generation to develop new skills and pursue careers in the dairy industry,” said Joe Diglio, MMPA President & CEO. The scholarship fund aims to assist young students pursuing a career in the dairy industry. Scholarships are awarded based on academics, involvement in the dairy industry and letters of recommendation. The MSU scholarships available are for students enrolled in the Dairy Management Program. According to the MSU Institute of Agricultural

Technology, the program delivers innovative, educational programs that develop career-ready graduates through intensive, practical learning and skill enhancement. Students in the dairy management program, advised by Dr. Joe Domecq, undergo a two year, hands-on training program for careers in the dairy industry. A key component of the program is the completion of an internship at a dairy farm different than the student’s home farm. Scholarship applications for the 2020-2021 academic year are due Sept. 1, 2020. In continuation of MMPA’s efforts to support youth development and education, MMPA is a supporter of the Michigan Dairy Ambassador Scholarship and Leadership program and the Michigan Dairy Memorial and Scholarship Foundation.

Scholarship Recipients Wyatt Lamb of Jeddo, Michigan Calvin Minnis of Dansville, Michigan Shania Drake of Pigeon, Michigan Adam Jones of Mason, Michigan Olivia Walker of Lapeer, Michigan Kassidy Thelen of Westphalia, Michigan Jack Baker of Byron Center, Michigan Ian Black of Eagle, Michigan Mikayla Bowen of Hudson, Michigan

March 12 104th Annual State Delegate Meeting, Lansing

March 30-April 1 Young Cooperator Tour, Grand Rapids



milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

FARM Animal Care Program version 4.0 effective January 1


he fourth iteration of the National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Animal Care program went into effect January 1, 2020. Among the many changes include further emphasis on a written herd health plan and written protocols for common farm practices. The updated version ensures relevance to current industry best management practices and scientific research related to on-farm animal care. FARM 4.0 was finalized during a 16-month stakeholder review and open comment period that represented the opinions of farmers, dairy veterinarians, animal welfare experts and dairy industry leaders nationwide.

Learn more about FARM 4.0 from the FARM Program’s Senior Director, an MMPA member representative and an MMPA board member on page 8.

MMPA producers scoring 95 percent or higher on Grade A Surveys and Federal Check Ratings Bode Valley Farm Inc Benson Dairy LLC Wirth Farms LLC Samuel J Yonkman Dale A Brinks Ronald J Brinks Matthew P Deruiter* Kimberly D Deruiter* Gilde Farms LLC John Koch Gross Farms Inc Clark Dairy Farm LLC Garrett Beef Farm Leon Hamming Mark Diemer * Michale Bosscher Kevin Ardis Dick Haven Farms LLC Hillside Dairy LLC * Benthem Brothers Inc Buning Dairy Farm LLC *100

2020 Direct Deposit Schedule Current and past statements are available on the MMPA members-only website portal: To sign up for direct deposit, please contact MMPA member services at 248-474-6672 ex. 203.

January 17 and 27

July 17 and 27

February 18 and 26

August 17 and 26

March 17 and 26

September 17 and 25

April 17 and 27

October 16 and 26

May 18 and 26

November 17 and 27

June 17 and 26

December 17 and 28

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NMPF celebrates House passage of milestone bipartisan ag labor bill; focus shifts to Senate NMPF commended the House of Representatives for passing the bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act (H.R. 5038), before adjourning for 2019. The bill includes critical provisions to address dairy’s unique workforce needs and represents the first House-passed agricultural labor reform measure in more than three decades. NMPF thanked Immigration Subcommittee Chair Zoe Lofgren (DCA) and Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA), the lead sponsors of H.R. 5038, as well as the more than four-dozen co-sponsors drawn from each party, for their work on this legislation, which has drawn wide support from prominent groups in the agricultural, business, worker, and humanitarian communities. “The passage of legislation that helps address dairy’s unique workforce challenges is certainly a milestone and an opportunity we must pursue to the fullest,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “Agricultural labor reform is long overdue. With the House having acted it is now imperative that the Senate strive to fully address the needs of dairy farmers and all of agriculture, helping farmers do what they do best: feed our nation, and the world.” More than 300 dairy, agriculture, business, and agriculture-allied organizations urged House leaders in mid-November to bring the bill to

the floor for a full House vote, while more than 80 immigration and labor advocacy organizations called on their representatives to support the measure. The bill’s diverse backing ranged from the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights and the United Farm Workers to: The New York Farm Bureau, whose President, David Fisher said the bill “goes a long way towards addressing the workforce shortage that limits farmers’ ability to plant, harvest, and care for livestock.” The legislation “would take a significant step to ensure that New York agriculture is positioned to have a sustainable and reliable workforce that will support our rural economy.” The Cato Institute, whose analysis estimated the bill “would have saved H-2A farmers in 2019 about $324 million in labor expenses for H-2A workers alone.” The bill would “substantially reduce the illegal market for labor and increase agricultural production, without harming U.S. workers,” the organization said. And the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which stated the bill “would take important steps to address the growing struggle of agricultural employers to meet their workforce needs.” NMPF has begun discussions with senators on a bipartisan basis, working in partnership with other agricultural organizations. SOURCE: NMPF

“The passage of legislation that helps address dairy’s unique workforce challenges is certainly a milestone and an opportunity we must pursue to the fullest,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF” 12

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Advisory Committee DISTRICT 1 Art Riske, Hanover..............................517-524-6015 Clark Emmons, Fayette, OH.................419-466-4471 Brian Preston, Quincy.........................517-376-1350 Scott Ferry, Litchfield..........................517-214-3298 Jeff Horning, Manchester....................734-428-8610

DISTRICT 2 Danny Ransler, Gobles.........................269-628-4218 Dan Ritter, Potterville.........................517-645-7318 Richard Thomas, Middlebury, IN..........574-202-5198 Mark Crandall, Battle Creek.................269-660-2229 Michael Oesch, Middlebury, IN ...........574-825-2454

DISTRICT 3 Bill Stakenas, Free Soil........................231-425-6913 Burke Larsen, Scottville......................231-425-8988 Arlyn Walt, Coopersville......................616-837-8247 Tim Butler, Sand Lake.........................269-330-5538 Bill Gruppen, Zeeland.........................616-520-5143

DISTRICT 4 William Pirman, Skandia.....................906-869-4515 Dave Folkersma, Rudyard....................906-630-1957 Paul Ponik, Posen ...............................989-464-5924 Marvin Rubingh, Ellsworth.................425-533-8106 Jeremy Werth, Alpena.........................989-464-4022

DISTRICT 5 Tom Jeppesen, Stanton.......................989-506-5287 Bruce Benthem, McBain......................231-825-8182 Amy Martin, Leroy..............................231-388-0496 Robert Lee, Marion.............................231-743-6794 Mike Rasmussen, Edmore....................989-379-4694

DISTRICT 6 Jon Thelen, Westphalia.......................989-587-3951 Renee McCauley, Lowell......................616-283-6411 Steve Thelen, Fowler...........................989-682-9064 David Reed, Owosso............................989-723-2023 Mike Halfman, St. Johns......................989-640-1963

DISTRICT 7 Tracy House, Clare...............................989-621-6610 Philip Gross, Weidman........................989-289-0670 Jason Elenbaum, Mayville...................989-274-1974 John Bennett, Prescott........................989-345-4264 Rodney Fowler, Chesaning..................989-302-2299

DISTRICT 8 Mike Noll, Croswell.............................810-404-4071 Jeremy Sharrard, Peck.........................810-404-5076 Bryan Schulte, Ruth............................989-551-8200 Bill Blumerich, Berlin..........................810-706-2955 Darwin Sneller, Sebewaing.................989-977-3718

Director-At-Large Nominees Delegates at the 104th Annual State Delegate Meeting will elect two at-large members to serve a three-year term on the MMPA board of directors. The MMPA State Nominating Committee met and decided on the following four candidates for the two open positions after a review of applications and interview process: Bruce Benthem and Bruce Lewis for one position and Marv Rubingh and Kris Wardin for the second position.

Position One

Position Two

Bruce Benthem

Bruce Lewis

Marvin Rubingh

Kris Wardin

Local: Evart

Local: Hillsdale-Litchfield

Local: Upstate

Local: Mid-Michigan

District: 5

District: 1

District: 4

District: 6

Hometown: McBain, MI

Hometown: Jonesville, MI

Hometown: Ellsworth, MI

Hometown: St. Johns, MI

“Having kids involved

“I have the experience and

“I would like to help

“I appreciate what the

with me on the dairy

willingness to serve the

preserve and grow MMPA.

members have invested

and a son involved in

members of MMPA now

I would like to help make

in me so far and I would

brokering dairy gives

for my generation and into

strategic decisions that

like to continue to return

me insight into industry

the future for my sons’.”

enhance the strength of

on that investment with

happenings around the

Bruce Lewis has been farming


another term helping

since 1984. Today, he operates

Marvin Rubingh owns and

this co-op.”

Bruce Benthem has grown

3,100 acres and milks 700

operates 1,600 acres on

Kris Wardin operates 850

his herd from 30 cows to the

cows on Pleasant View Dairy.

Rubingh’s Dairyland LLC

acres and milks 500 cows

2,850 that he has today. In

He’s been active in MMPA

along with his wife, Jane.

on Evergreen Dairy Farm,

partnership with his family,

for many years, currently

He began farming in 1983

LLC. He serves as the current

Bruce operates 3,300 acres

serving as a delegate, a

and has grown his herd

MMPA Board Chairman and

on Benthem Brothers Dairy.

member of the Resolutions

to 400 milk cows. Marvin

has previously represented

He’s been a member of MMPA

Committee and the Hillsdale-

has taken an active role

his fellow cooperators as

for 38 years and has served

Litchfield Local Vice

in Michigan’s agriculture

District 6 Chairman, 2012

as a delegate, on the Advisory

President.Along with being

industry, previously serving as

OYDC, National Milk

Committee, Resolutions

an Outstanding Young Dairy

Antrim County Farm Bureau

Producers Federation YC

Committee and Nominating

Cooperator (OYDC), along

President and as a delegate

Chaircouple and on the

Committee. Bruce is also

with his wife, Jennifer, in

to the State Farm Bureau

Advisory Committee. Outside

active in his church and is

2005, Bruce was also named

Meeting. Within MMPA,

of MMPA, Kris also shares his

chairman of the McBain

MSU Dairy Farmer of the

Marvin currently serves as

voice within Michigan’s dairy

Year in 2013 and has received

President of the Upstate

and agriculture industries,

numerous other awards in

Local, President of District 4,

serving on the UDIM Board

recognition for his leadership

and sits on the Resolutions

and as a delegate for United

within the industry.

and Advisory Committees.

Producers Inc.

nation and world.”

Grain Company Board. He’s a 1980 graduate of MSU with certificates in dairy and crops.






milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020


xports were the focus when Secretary Tom Vilsack, President and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), was invited to speak at MMPA’s recent

Leaders’ Conference held in East Lansing, Michigan.

“I should start by saying thank you to all of you for the investments that you’ve made with USDEC because you have been an integral part of what we refer to as our next five percent plan,” Vilsack said, sharing about dairy exports and their impact on dairy producers. MMPA together with other cooperatives and institutions raised $4 million for USDEC that was used in three basic areas: hiring more people, forming more partnerships and doing more promotions around the world. “The next 5% has really three basic goals: we want to increase the volume of sales outside the U.S., we want to increase the value of those sales and we want to increase the percentage of milk solids produced in this country that’s going into the export market,” he said. Vilsack said U.S. dairy producers are good at what they do, and as they continue to increase milk production, U.S. Dairy must find more markets for milk, cheese, ingredients and other dairy products. “With 95 percent of the world’s population living outside the United States, that’s where a significant part of our future business lies, so, this became an opportunity for us that we wanted to explore deeper,” said Vilsack.

New Hires Thanks to funds from state and regional checkoff organizations, including the United Dairy Industry of Michigan, USDEC hired more business development professionals in critical export growth regions to assist U.S. exporters to increase their international sales. “We went into markets like the Middle East/North Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea, and hired people with intimate knowledge of the retail and the food manufacturing sectors in an effort to better understand individual markets so we can sell more U.S. ingredients and more cheese,” said Vilsack. USDEC also hired an application specialist in the important market of Southeast Asia, who is trained in new product development, which will open up business opportunities. Regulatory affairs was another hiring focus, with USDEC bringing on a specialist in Singapore to provide even greater technical assistance and guidance on import requirements and regulations in Southeast Asia.


“The next 5% has really three basic goals: we want to increase the volume of sales outside the U.S., we want to increase the value of those sales and we want to increase the percentage of milk solids produced in this country that’s going into the export market.”

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Partnerships Also, thanks to state and regional checkoff organizations, more funding has been provided to establish global partnerships in export markets with key academic and culinary institutions such as the Food Innovation and Resource Centre of Singapore Polytechnic and China’s Jiangnan University. Food technologists at these universities have been working with U.S. dairy suppliers to develop innovative product concepts suited to specific tastes of consumers in Southeast Asia and China to create business opportunities for U.S. Dairy. he said. USDEC also established partnerships with culinary influencers, who have extensive ties with retail and foodservice in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Culinary partnerships help amplify U.S. Dairy’s presence in these markets and raise the visibility of U.S. Dairy with aspiring and established chefs.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

“We also have doubled down on our promotions,” Vilsack stated, including significant marketing and promotions as a result of important partnerships, including Costco North Asia. This particular effort has extensively showcased U.S. cheese in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, as well as Mexico. In addition to Costco promotions, a high-end food retailer in Japan has been promoting U.S. cheeses, which Vilsack pointed out recently received a huge promotional boost when a U.S. cheese for the first time ever won “Best in the World” and the U.S. won the most medals ever at the World Cheese Awards competition last October in France.

We also have doubled down on our promotions, including significant marketing and promotions as a result of important partnerships, including Costco North Asia.

“We walked away with 131 medals and we also walked away with the determination that the Rogue Creamery in Oregon had the best cheese in the world, much to the chagrin of our French friends,” Vilsack said, adding the award provides an opportunity for the U.S. to further market award-winning cheeses overseas.

USA Cheese Guild / USA Cheese Specialist™ Certification Program Vilsack said USDEC has a long-term strategy to promote and market U.S. cheese to food leaders in key export markets. Called the USA Cheese Guild, “We are basically training and educating chefs and food industry professionals with a deeper knowledge of U.S. cheese.” In 2019, three partners rolled out the USA Cheese Specialist curriculum for culinary students: Daelim University College in South Korea, Hattori Nutrition College in Japan and National

Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism in Taiwan. They joined the USA Cheese Specialist partner from 2018: the International Centre for Culinary Arts in Dubai.

Product Branding Branding is another ongoing emphasis. Our competitors such as New Zealand, Australia and European companies are very good at branding their products, but products from the United States have not been branded as well. “While a greater focus will be placed on cheese, we want a stronger branding of U.S. ingredients in the health and wellness area as well,” Vilsack added.

Sustainability “Sustainability is a story that the U.S. can tell better than anyone in the world,” Vilsack said.

You are the only producers using an international certified animal welfare system, the FARM program. Trust me when I say, this is something people are paying attention to, for sure, in the markets that we are interested in. “I think there is a real bipartisan motivation on both sides to get this done.” Vilsack continued, “I think it will get done and when it does, obviously we will get the benefits of Canada’s Class 7 pricing system going away with a new pricing system in Canada that will provide greater access to U.S. dairy products. The trade deal also strengthens our relationship with Mexico and establishes new protections for common cheese names from the EU’s attempts to confiscate use of generic cheese terms such as parmesan and feta, said Vilsack.

According to Vilsack, much of the population in Asia is concerned about climate change and when hearing about U.S. Dairy efforts to decrease emissions, capture and convert methane gas and renewable farming practices, customer interest is piqued. He believes that U.S. Dairy’s sustainability record could be positioned as a unique selling point among customers.

Vilsack commented on China’s retaliatory tariffs saying that had the United States approached and addressed objections about China’s unfair trade practices with coalition of other countries, the U.S. government could have achieved more success and the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China could have been less damaging.

“There are no producers—no producers—in the world that have the kind of message that you have,” Vilsack said. “You are the only producers using an internationally certified animal welfare system, the FARM program. Trust me when I say, this is something people are paying attention to, for sure, in the markets that we are interested in.”

Results and Reasons for Optimism

USMCA and China According to Vilsack, the bottom line on the passage of the United StatesMexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is that the administration needs it, the House Democrats need it and the country needs it. As of early January, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the free trade agreement in late December and the FTA now awaits action in the Senate.

In the first few years, USDEC’s goals were more volume, more value and a greater percentage of production to the export market. “All three of those goals were met,” Vilsack said. “On the volume side, anywhere from 150,000-300,000 metric tons more product has been sold.” He also said the value has increased every year. “The first year it was roughly $600 million more in product and the second year it was roughly $750 million more and for the first nine months of 2019 we are up $970 million in U.S. exports.”

the Canadians establishing a Class 7 market, “We were still able to increase volume, increase value and increase percentage,” Vilsack said. He also said there is a big reason for optimism in 2020: that being the opening of USDEC’s first-of-its kind U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence (CDE) in Singapore. Phase two of the five percent plan will be implemented next with the same goals of more volume, value and percentage going into the export market, but with a different approach. The United States already owns about a 22% market share of Southeast Asia’s sizeable dairy import sector. We believe that by upgrading our capabilities in Southeast Asia, we can expand our market share to as much as one-third— worth about $100 million of additional business activity annually. Vilsack said the CDE will serve as a venue and center that U.S. Dairy will utilize to engage and network with partners, promote collaboration with customers and serve as a resource for members active in Southeast Asia and Singapore, which Vilsack says is a research and development hub for beverage and food manufacturers in the region. “This will allow us to display the versatility and incredible functionality of the products we produce for export,” he said.

Despite the recent unanticipated market situations in retaliatory tariffs, increased competition from the EU and milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



What You’ll Learn at Dairy Care Academy


airy Care Academy is an MMPA program designed to help members meet training requirements for the FARM program. The interactive, day-long training teaches participants about milking practices, dairy stockmanship and calf care. MMPA farms can send employees or family members to any or all of the three sessions offered. The program is offered free to MMPA members and their employees. For all six trainings being held throughout the region, doors open at 9:30 a.m., programming begins promptly at 10 a.m., and training ends at 3 p.m. Visit to register and find a training near you.



February 12:

February 27:

March 18:

April 2:

Topeka, IN

Manchester, MI

Carson City, MI

Cass City, MI

Cletus Yoder Farm 7360 Indiana 5 Topeka, IN 46571

Freedom Township Hall 11508 E. Pleasant Rd. Manchester, MI 48158

St. Mary’s Parrish 404 N. Division Carson City, MI 48811

Charmont Lanes 6138 Cass City Rd. Cass City, MI 48726

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

ACADEMY Dairy Care Academy is a FREE MMPA program designed to help farms meet training requirements for the F.A.R.M. program. The interactive, day-long training is coming to an area near you and will include three sessions covering milking practices, dairy stockmanship and calf care.






Effective two way communication between cow and human promotes safe and efficient animal handling.

The key to reducing mastitis infections is prevention. Milkers directly influence milk quality and udder health.

Noises, isolation and bad past experiences stress cows out.

Practicing proper udder prep techniques sets the cow up for good milk let down, allowing her to milk out quickly and effectively.

Good dairy stockmanship increases overall milk production and herd health.

April 15:

April 30:

Falmouth, MI

Whittemore, MI

Falmouth Community Center 219 E. Propser Rd. Falmouth, MI 49632

Whittemore Fire Station 621 S. Bullock St. Whittemore, MI 48770


Learn more at or by contacting Emily Keranen at or 248-474-6672 ex. 203.

Calf housing should be clean, dry, draft free and well ventilated.

The quality of colostrum is greatly impacted by timely collection, equipment cleanliness and storage conditions. Along with rinsing and washing, proper equipment cleaning also includes a second rinse, drying and sanitizing before use.

Online at Email Emily Keranen at Call Emily Keranen at 248-474-6672 ex. 203 milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



The Heart & Engine of Chocolate


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



Chocolate. It’s a moment of joy, a mood-booster, a celebration, a comforter. The tantalizing mix of cocoa, sugar and milk captivates people around the globe every day and fuels a $103 billion industry. Behind one out of every four pieces of chocolate in the world is the Swissbased Barry Callebaut Group, according to Kevin Ogorzalek, the chocolatier’s manager of sustainable sourcing. “We are the heart and engine of the chocolate industry,” Kevin Ogorzalek said to MMPA members during a presentation at the Leaders’ Conference held November 22, 2019.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



A global footprint An MMPA customer, Barry Callebaut is a multinational corporation established through the merger of Belgian chocolate maker Callebaut and French chocolate producer Cacao Barry. “We are a growing business. We are a global business,” Ogorzalek said, noting the company has over 175 years of chocolate heritage. Today, the world’s leader in chocolate manufacturing and cocoa processing, Barry Callebaut operates 62 factories worldwide and employs over 12,000 people. Chocolate has a complex and storied process that begins with the cocoa bean. Grown in hot rainy areas near the Equator, farmers harvest cocoa beans for Barry Callebaut, who then processes the beans into cocoa liquor. Like milk, cocoa is broken down into fat and protein in the form of cocoa butter and cocoa powder, says Kaitlin Nolan, Barry Callebaut dairy sourcing manager. Depending on the end use, Barry Callebaut then adds sugar, milk, fats, nuts and other ingredients to the cocoa butter and powder to develop finished and semifinished products. A business-to-business company, Barry Callebaut sells its products to food manufacturers and artisanal and professional users of chocolate, such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs, bakers, hotels, restaurants or caterers.

High quality dairy While dairy is only one facet of the chocolate making process, Nolan says high quality dairy ensures they can consistently produce high quality chocolate. “Milk is very important because to make great milk chocolate you need to ensure you have that milky flavor. The taste and mouth feel that comes from the milk is very important,” she said. All suppliers, MMPA included, go through an approval process with Barry Callebaut’s sensory department, who examines taste, smell and mouth feel of the products.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

farmers are stewards of their land, Ogorzalek says they hope to learn from farmers by partnering with suppliers like MMPA. “Knowing that MMPA has 100 percent participation in the FARM animal care program is fantastic and something you should be extremely proud of,” Ogorzalek said. “You also have some of the highest quality milk in the country with low somatic cell count.”


“We have a three-way sensory test to make sure milk is fresh and up to standards,” Nolan said. “We test the milk powder, of course, but also the finished chocolate.” Barry Callebaut sources significant volumes of dairy in the Americas, according to Ogorzalek. Dairy ingredients used in chocolate include powder (skim, whole and buttermilk), whey products, butter fats, lactose, milk and whey proteins, and casein and caseinate.

Partnering for Forever Chocolate With a global footprint and a wide range of sourced ingredients, behind each chocolate bar is a complex web of relationships and impact on the planet. With a goal of ensuring chocolate is around for future generations, Ogorzalek says Barry Callebaut is on a sustainable sourcing journey. “We don’t see this as a top down approach, we see this as an opportunity to learn together to grow together,” he said.

In further partnership, Barry Callabaut recently sponsored a handful of MMPA farms to participate in a pilot project with a feed additive, Agolin. Chipping away at Barry Callebaut’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the blend of plant extracts is designed to optimize feed intake and digestion. Ogorzalek says results have been positive so far by reducing methane emissions and increasing farmers’ profitability.

Through their “Forever Chocolate” program, Barry Callebaut is partnering at every level of their supply chain to make “sustainable chocolate the norm by 2025.” Their targets include lifting 500,000 cocoa farmers out of poverty and producing their products with 100 percent sustainably sourced ingredients.

“We are seeing a range of financial benefits for all farmers participating in the pilot,” he said. “We also see this as an opportunity to build trust as we go on the journey of sustainable sourcing together. We are learning what works, what doesn’t work and sharing costs in the process.”

“Everything we do in our sustainable ingredients sourcing efforts focuses on verifiable economic, social and environmental continuous improvement,” Ogorzalek said. “We also do it in our own operations. I want to demonstrate that we at Barry Callebaut are walking the walk.”

Moving forward, Ogorzalek says Barry Callebaut is looking to expand with companies like MMPA who are willing to collaborate for long-term sustainability. “We want to ensure future generations will have chocolate,” he said.

Internally, Barry Callebaut is implementing renewable energy in their factories, reviewing their ocean fleet and land freight to reduce emissions, and investing in their cocoa and non-cocoa supply chains. One project reduced natural gas use at a manufacturing facility by bio digesting cocoa shells, which were previously discarded.

Recognizing the contributions of MMPA members, Ogorzalek concluded with gratitude toward dairy farmers and the role they play in the chocolate making process. “Thank you for providing quality products for Barry Callebaut so that we can continue to grow together.”

In addition to investments in their own operations, Barry Callebaut is working with all its ingredients—including sugar, vanilla, nuts and dairy—on sustainability. Acknowledging dairy milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020




In early November, Kylie and I had the privilege of representing MMPA alongside fellow members Paul and Nancy Pyle at the 2019 National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.


ur program started with the 2020 NMPF advisory council meeting where Kylie and I sat alongside a group of young dairy cooperators focused and engaged in discussion. It was an excellent icebreaker to the ensuing conference as we familiarized ourselves with like-minded individuals that we would continue to connect with over the next few days. The day included a presentation titled “The Media: (How to) Deal with It” hosted by NMPF’s senior vice president Alan Bjerga. He discussed the methods employed by different parties during interviews and how we can use these opportunities to promote our industry and positively affect the story being created. The conference was jam-packed with a wide variety of speakers covering a vast number of topics. Allyson Perry, from Center for Food Integrity, hosted a consumer panel of 8 individuals randomly selected from the New Orleans area; Steve Lerch, a former employee of Google, talked about how to understand dairy consumers; Don Schindler brought three media experts to learn about their take on the story of dairy; and Emily Yeiser-Stepp, from the FARM program, gave updates on 4.0 and how we can use it as a tool against animal activist videos. Kylie and I’s favorite presentation was University of Nebraska’s Ron Hanson who shared his emotionally charged stories of his past and experiences he


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

experience. I want to thank MMPA for allowing us to hear from an outstanding, knowledgeable speakers and meet with fellow dairymen from across the nation. I’d like to personally thank Jessica Welch, Sheila Burkhardt, Paul Pyle and Nancy Pyle. These four individuals helped guide us and made our time in New Orleans memorable.


has encountered with farm ownership transition. Dr. Hanson shared with me that he will be speaking in Traverse City for Farm Bureau and I strongly encourage fellow members to attend if their schedule allows. Before heading home, our final order of business was our 2020 YC Council meeting to elect our board members. I am thrilled to share that MMPA will hold the chair position for the second year in a row! I am following in the footsteps of Paul and Nancy Pyle as National YC Council Chairman and am very honored to be chosen to help lead such a talented group of young individuals. Our trip was an exciting, fast pace and an engaging opportunity that I am so happy Kylie and I were able to

As with other similar events I’ve attended in the past, the networking and personal connections are the most valuable part of the whole experience. I can attest to our MMPA members that you are represented by an incredible cohort of staff at MMPA. You have a board of directors that are highly engaged in this industry and the wellbeing of your co-op and your future. The entire dairy industry is working together for a promising future. As we look towards 2020, I am eager to share with you the upcoming YC events that I am helping to plan. The annual YC tour is going to be held in Grand Rapids on March 31 to April 1. The overnight event will provide young cooperators the opportunity to tour an MMPA customer’s large-scale cheese plant. The agenda is filled with a variety of tours and fun events that will allow attendees to meet fellow young cooperators, develop relationships with the board of directors and meet the MMPA staff that work on your behalf. I highly encourage any MMPA member or their employee under the age of 40 to join me in exploring West Michigan.

YOUNG COOPERATOR TOUR: EXPLORE WEST MICHIGAN MARCH 31 – APRIL 1, 2020 Join fellow young cooperators to experience


downtown life and the entire dairy processing

Space is limited to the first 50 people.

chain in a jam-packed two-day exploration of the Grand Rapids area. From farms to plants to

Register online at Or call 248-471-2135.

HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Make hotel reservations for the night of March 31 at the Holiday Inn

everything in between, explore West Michigan’s

Grand Rapids Downtown by calling 616-235-7611. Attendees are

nooks and crannies to find more than tall

at the Holiday Inn Grand Rapids Downtown. Call and share the code

buildings and downtown lights. Attendees will tour an MMPA customer’s cheese plant, chat about sustainability tactics on fellow members’ farms and discover the inner workings of Zeeland Farm Services.

responsible for the cost of their rooms at a subsidized rate of $112

“MMPA” to make your reservation. Meals and bus travel are covered by MMPA.


Brad and Nicole Wren, 2019 OYDC Runners-Up Paul and Nancy Pyle, 2018 OYDC


Jeremey and Deanna Beebe, 2018 OYDC Runners-Up

Visit to learn more. #MMPAYC20


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



THE FIVE: What makes a difference on your farm? 1. Consistent care “From milking procedures to caring for the animals, each employee provides consistent care following the same milking procedure and keeping an eye out for any cow acting abnormal. We work close with our nutritionist to ensure we are reaching our goals, while maintaining healthy cows and making minimal ration changes.”


OYDC FINALISTS Eric & Brittany Carson

HOMEFIELD: Hesperia, Michigan

THE FACTS: Eric and Brittany are leaders within their community. Eric is a graduate of MSU’s dairy management certificate program and is a member of the Newaygo County Fair Dairy Committee, Newaygo County Fair Board, Newaygo County Farm Bureau and MSU Extension Advisory Team. Brittany also has the interests of their community at heart as an employee of Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial.

THE FARM: Eric and Brittany farm 450 acres and milk 180 cows on their farm Carson Acres LLC. Sustainability is at the core of the farm’s mission with the goal of producing crops and milk of the highest quality with respect to the animals, people and land that produce it. Eric and Brittany are proud members of the Muskegon Local in District 3.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

2. Quality forages “We strive to put up the best forages because without quality feed it’s hard to achieve our herd goals. From picking the correct hybrids of seed corn that will work nicely in our rations, to maintaining a consistent cutting window for alfalfa (26-28 days), we work to feed our cows the highest quality forages possible.” 3. Genetics “Genetics play a big role in our herd. We are 100 percent AI bred herd and we select bulls that have good feet and legs, while also increasing milk production, fat and protein. By being a mostly closed herd and raising all of our own heifers, we have been able to develop some very productive cow families.” 4. Activity monitoring “To help better manage our herd, we installed SCR activity monitoring in 2017. With the system, we have been able to diagnose sick cows quicker before there's even visual signs, pick up on the cows who may not show signs of heat, and determine how the cows like a ration change or how heat stress affects them.” 5. Cow comfort “In 2012, we built a modern freestall barn with larger stalls, wider alleys, curtain sidewalls and fans has allowed us to keep cows around longer and worry less about air movement. We remove any foreign matter from the stalls at each milking (3x), add new sand every ten days and clean each drinker at least once a week.”

THE FIVE: How do you reduce energy consumption on your farm? 1. Parlor efficiency “To make sure that we are using as little energy as possible in our parlor, we maintain routinely and keep the cooling system up to par. We also switched to a variable frequency drive vacuum pump that uses limited amounts of energy.” 2. LED lighting “On our farm, we started to, and are still in the process of, upgrading all lighting systems to LED lights. We have already seen a lower energy bill and are looking forward to an even lower one in the future as our lights continue to slowly be replaced.”


OYDC FINALIST Jeremy Karsten

HOMEFIELD: Posen, Michigan

THE FACTS: Jeremy is continuously looking toward the future with ways to improve himself and his farm. He’s an MSU graduate with a dairy management certificate and has also completed a hoof trimming course. During his college years, Jeremy was an MSU Dairy Club member and today is involved with Michigan Farm Bureau as a county board member.

THE FARM: Jeremy farms 1,000 acres and milks 250 cows as a partner with Skudlarek Dairy. He strives to provide a pure, high quality product for consumers, while maintaining a profitable business that supports the growth and development of their employees. Jeremy is a member of the Hillman Local in District 4.

3. Sustainable field practices “We have reduced tillage for field preparation, which not only reduces the amount of fuel our tractors use, but also decreases the amount of time needed to prepare fields for planting. We also have a refined harvest processes to maximize utility of equipment and fuel.” 4. Utilizing pasture “We pasture our heifers and dry cows which saves us a large amount of fuel and equipment associated with harvesting feed for them. This practice also reduces our feed costs by utilizing nature’s resources.” 5. Electric golf carts “To get around the farm, we use electric golf carts. They provide useful transportation, are incredibly handy for chores, and also have great style while reducing our fuel usage.”

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020





1 Thurs., February 20, 2020 2 Mon., February 17, 2020 3 Wed., February 5, 2020 4 Fri., February 21, 2020 5 Tues., February 18, 2020 6 Wed., February 5, 2020 7 Thurs., February 20, 2020 8 Wed., February 19, 2020


11 a.m.

Gene Davis Banquet Center, 3575 Francis St., Jackson

11 a.m.

Blue Gate Restaurant, 195 N. Van Buren St., Shipshewana, IN

11 a.m.

Golden Corral Buffet & Grill, 1788 Sternberg Rd., Muskegon

11 a.m.

Audie’s Restaurant, 314 Nicolet St., Mackinaw City

11 a.m.

New Hope United Methodist Church, 7296 Nine Mile Rd., Remus

11 a.m.

Agro-Liquid Fertilizers, 1130 S. DeWitt Rd., St. Johns

10:15 a.m. Valley Plaza Resort, 5221 Bay City Rd., Midland 11 a.m.

Liberty Lanes, 100 Kristian St., Sandusky

y r i a D revenue protection

Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan, has been named MMPA’s RECOMMENDED INSURANCE PROVIDER for Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance. American Farm Bureau Federation in cooperation with American Farm Bureau Services, Inc. developed this new policy to protect your farm from unexpected declines in milk prices and production. Our team of dedicated Crop Insurance Specialists are ready to explain this policy and illustrate what it can do for your farm. Protect your farm today by calling (800) 544-CROP for more information or to locate a Crop Insurance Specialist near you! RECOMMENDED PROVIDER


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020


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Let’s solve the puzzle together. Call 866-666-7626 Email Visit milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020




Congratulations to all Quality Award Winners 41310 BRIDGE ST. NOVI, MI 4 8 3 7 5

41310 BR NOVI, MI

PH: 248-474-6672

PH: 248-4




MPA members also continue member farms to coach milkers on the Each year during the local to shine in the National farm and address any opportunities for meeting season, MMPA Dairy Quality Award improvement with the farm team. 5 December 2015 of which recognizes members that (NDQA) program, the21,results In addition, MMPA member will soon be announced. MMPA member produce high quality milk representatives can work with members farms continue to be well represented 2016 Adrian Local Meeting 2016 Adrian Localgoals Meeting to achieve quality by developing every day. For the 2019 nationally for very high quality milk. a mastitis management plan. The fiscal year, over 45 percent* MMPA can beYou a are valuable partner forannual meeting attend the annual meeting of the Adrian Local to be held: invited to attend the of laboratory the Adrian Local to be held: Novi and/or the Veterinary members looking to improve their of MMPA members earned Diagnostic Lab (VDL) can culture , January 12, 2016 Date:animal Tuesday, January milk quality and care. Last 12, 2016 milk samples to identify mastitis a quality award (269 Bronze year, MMPA rolled out their all, 1360 W Beecher (M-34), Adrian, MI Location: UAW Hall,Dairy 1360 WCare Beecher (M-34), Adrian, MIa key part of the plan. pathogens, level awards, 78 Silver Academy where participants learn about Along with pathogen screening, mastitis eting will begin with lunch being served at 12:00 noon. Time: The meeting will begin with lunch being served at 12:00 noon. milking practices, dairy stockmanship level awards, and 24 Gold management plans are developed using and calf care. The Dairy Care Academy a number of different factors such as nity for you level to receiveawards). the latest information and developments happening within our This is an opportunity for you to receive the latest information and developments happening within our team links learning technical skills

of lactation ofofficers the initial infection, mbers will also have the opportunity to vote for officers and delegates to represent ourcooperative. Members will also have thestage opportunity to vote for and delegates to represent our with real life local experiences reinforce oming year. during this to coming year. number of new infections, number of

the message of great animal care. The chronic infections, changes in udder Ken Nobis, MMPA President, will be our guest speaker. milking practices session emphasizes health over the dry period, housing and g will receive an MMPA beverage tumbler. In addition, a gift certificate for an MMPA jacket Members attending will receive an MMPA beverage tumbler. In addition, a gift certificate for an MMPA ja how great udder prep can impact en away as a door prize. or shirt will be given away as a door prize.milking equipment evaluations, udder overall milk quality. The knowledge prep evaluations, teatknow endhow scoring, nd mail the enclosed reservation card, so we will know how many to plan for lunch. Please complete and mail the enclosed reservation card, so we will many to plan for lunch. participants gain canyou becan easily applied attend your Local Annual Meeting. We hope attend your Local Annual Meeting. and the list goes on. Maintaining good to their own operation to produce See you there! animal health records makes it much great quality milk. Dairy Care Academy easier to develop an effective mastitis emphasizes mastitis prevention through management plan. ary Gary Stout, good cow hygiene andSecretary outstanding Adrian Local Congratulations to those members udder prep protocols that clean who earned a quality award this year. and stimulate cows before attaching Members can get more details on milking units. Learn more about these training sessions on page 18. Member MMPA’s member services by calling their representatives are available to all member representative. *371 total quality awards

President, will be our guest speaker.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

2019 MMPA Quality Awards Local meetings this season will include presentations of quality awards to 371 members for the production of outstanding quality milk over the last fiscal year. Bronze, silver and gold awards will be presented to those members who met the established criteria for each award.

Bronze quality awards are presented to MMPA members who met both quality premium categories (10,000 or less raw bacteria and 20,000 or less PI count) and maintained a somatic cell count of 250,000 or less for nine or more months out of the previous fiscal year.

Silver quality awards are presented to those members who met the same criteria as in the bronze award category for 12 months out of the previous fiscal year.

Gold quality awards are presented to members who met the same criteria as in the silver award category and averaged a somatic cell count of 100,000 or less during the previous fiscal year. B 01314 M ,IVON -842 :HP

.TS EGDIRB 01314 5 7 3 8 4 IM ,IVON Members who have received a quality award for five, 10, 15, 20 or 25 consecutive years are noted in the listing. 2766-474-842 :HP



Adrian Local

Marlin Martin


Gross Dairy Farms Inc


Titus B Zimmerman

Chase Crest Hill Farms LLC

Norman & Sarann Byler

Glen H Miller

Hammond Dairy Farm LLC

Hartland Farms Inc (10)

Bronze Scott D Norden

Vanderploeg Holsteins II LLC

Halbert 5102 ,12 rebm eceD Dairy Farm LLC

Albern Olson

Ladine Dairy Farm LLC

Koutz Dairy LLC

Thomas & Heather Wing

gniteeM lacoL naBruce irdA 610Carey 2 & Amanda

Marvin Farms Inc

Steven G Hochstetler

Matthew Smith

S & T Farms PTP Local Timothy D Brasher:dleh eb ot lacoL nairdA eht fo gniteem launna eht dnetta ot detivni eBlossomland ra uoY Double Eagle Dairy Inc Whelan Farms Bronze Dragt Farms (25)

Alma Local Gold

02 ,21 yraunaJ ,yadseuT William Hough61Dairy Inc

J :&etAaD Koebel Farm LLC Mike J Van Wanzeele

IM ,naiAmmon rdA ,)43-RMMartin ( rehceeB W 0631 ,llaH WAU :noitacoL

Bebow Dairy Inc Farm #2

Gamble Dairy Farm LLC

Constantine Local Gold Larry M Hershberger

gniteeMKarllaMcBontrager oL nairdA 6102 Gerald M Martin (5) :dleh eb ot lacoL nairdA eht fo gniteem launna eht dnett


Carl Zook (10) Michael M Graber

6102 ,21 yraunaJ

IM ,nairdA ,)43-M( rehceeB W 0631 ,ll Freeman E Yutzy

Vernon R Miller Spring Lake Farms LLC .noon 00:21 ta devres gnieb hcnul htiw nigeb lliw gnit .noon 00:21 ta devres gnieb hcnul htiw nigeb lliw gniteem ehT :emiT Mervin Martin Lamar J Eash Chippewa Local Ephraim & Esther Martin (5) Paulen Farms Inc David H Miller Tjerk Okkema dna noitam rofni tsetal eht eviecer ot uoy rof yti ruo nihtiw gnineppah stnempoleved dna noitamrofni Friesen tsetal eLegacy ht eviecFarm er ot LLC uoy(5) rof ytinutroppo naSilver si sihT ruo nihtiw gnineppah stnempolevedThaddaeus Coning ruo tnFarm eserpLLC er ot setageled dna srecfifo rof etov ot ytinutroppo eht evah osla lliw sreb ruo tneserper ot setageled dna srecfifo rof etov ot ytinutroppo eht evah osla lliw srebmeM .evitarTaylor epoocCreek Silver Mark Wiles Matthew D Miller .raey gnim .raey gnimoc siht gnirud lacol Judge Dairy Farm Inc Ryan J Litwiller Justin Meyers Pleasant Local .rekaeps tseug ruo eb lliw ,tnediserP .rekaeps tseug ruo eb lliw ,tnediserP APMM ,siboClare-Mt N neK Pine Hills Dairy LLC (15) Gordon H Behrenwald Daniel M Martin ekecM aj APMM na rof etacfiitrec tfig a ,noitidAlvin da nIL.rLambright elbmut egareveb APMM na eviecer lliw j APMM naOberlin rof etacFarms fiitrec LLC tfig a ,noitidda nI .relbmut egKenneth areveb AVredenburg PMM na eviecer lliw gnidnetta sreGold btm .ezirp rood a sa yawa n Gross Farms Inc (5) . e z i r p r o o d a s a y a w a n e v i g e b l l i w t r i h s r o Chad Peters Joni Borkholder Newlyn Toews Ronald & Kevin Litwiller .hcnul rof nalp ot ynam woh wonk lliw ew os ,drac nCentral oitavresMichigan er desolcnMilk e ehProduction t liam dna e(5) telpmoc Silver esaelP .hcnul rof nalp ot ynam woh wonk lliw ew os ,drac noitavreser desolcne eht liam d Bronze .gniteeM launnA lacoL ruoy dnett .gniteeM launnA lacoL ruoy dnetta nac uoy epoh eW Double-B Dairy Tara Anthon Cattle & Management (5) Willie Yoder Jr Barry-Eaton Local !ereht uoy eeS Bronze Bronze Jerry D Lehman Chapin Family Farm LLC Clark Dairy Farm LLC (10) Gold Alvin D Bontrager Louis & Ronald Brecht Jack Evans Dorvin Shaum Crandall Dairy Farm LLC yr Wilson Centennial Farm LLC Bollinger Farms LLC


TLC Dairy

yraterceS ,tuotS yraG lacoL House nairdADairy LLC

Andrew E Mast

Raymond & Miriam Kuhr

Samuel Jay Bontrager

Pixley Dairy Farm LLC (5)

Garrett Beef Farm

Daniel A Bontrager

Corey & Gary Nielsen

Burdock Hills Dairy LLC

Le Var Farms LLC (15)

Omer M Miller

Bruce A Litwiller

Endsley Dairy Farms LLC

John Koch

Vanderploeg Holsteins LLC (5)

Cary Dairy Farms Inc

Stevens Farms


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



Constantine Local Bronze (cont. from page 31) Jonathan J Yoder Snider Farms LLP Nathan E Miller James L Borkholder Frye Family Farm LLC Ezra L Bontrager Indiana Logistics Inc James & Sarah Delagrange Raymond L Miller Devon Ray Yoder Steven D Miller Vernon E Miller Ernest L Mast


Robert & William Gehring


Chester J Petzold

Arnold Schuman

Eric J Frahm

Rose Valley Dairy LLC

Roger M Weiss

Starward Farm

Meadow Muth Farms LLC (10) Greg & Tim Wolak Edward, Sandra & Steven Adamic Harmonie Farms LLC

Grand Rapids Local Bronze Klamer Farms Inc

Jackson County Plus Local

John Byma Jr


Dale A Brinks Tacoma Dairy Inc

Hillman Local

Riske Farms



Risky Endeavor Dairy LLC

Grand Valley Farms

PH: 248-474-6672

Skudlarek Dairy Farm LLC

Clona Farms LLC


Christensen Farms

Choate’s Belly Acres

Dodde Dale Farms LLC Wirth Farms LLC Gilde Farms LLC

Leon Hamming

Harvey & Lamar Yoder

Bode Valley Farm Inc

41310 BRIDGE ST. NOVI, MI 4 8 3 7 5

Todd Hemmingson


Jacob W Weaver

Matthew & Kimberly Deruiter

Ervin J Lehman

Booms Dairy LLC

Butterwerth Dairy Farm LLC


Vernon D Yoder

Joe D Stutzman David N Miller

Van Polen Farms Yonkman Dairy

Ervin Lee Yoder Joseph December 21, 2015P Zbytowski

Michael L Bosscher (5)

Ronald J Brinks 2016 Adrian Local Meeting Lamar J Miller Clydes S Miller (10)

Ruben R Hochstetler

all, 1360 W Beecher (M-34), Adrian, MI

Alva Lengacher

Zuiderveen Farms LLC Garlomar Farms Inc Hillside Dairy LLC

eting will begin lunch being served at 12:00 noon.Aris Dairy Farm LLC Tobywith E Yoder

Leon R Hochstetler

Gingrich Meadows Inc

41310 BR NOVI, MI

PH: 248-4


Kalamazoo Local Silver Clearview Dairy Farm LLC Chris, Kristina, Hans & Patricia Langmaack

Nathan & Jodie Mitchell


Godfrey Farms Inc

Melvin T Puschel

2016 Adrian Local Meeting Craig & Linda Jo Newland

Kevin, Karen & Travis Zbytowski

Oudman Dairy

Benthem Brothers Inc attend the annual meeting of the Adrian Local to be held: Allen Yoder David L Dezeeuw Neal L Borkholder

, January 12, 2016 A Hochstedler Timothy

David J Leavine


Leland F Lehman

Joseph E Miller

R L S Dairy Inc

Bowman Farm LLC (5)


David E Hochstetler

Eric & Ashley Kennedy

Evart Local

Raymond D Yoder

Floyd O Bontrager


Deford/Clifford-Mayville Local

Werth Dairy LLC

Bernard Baker (5)

Lucas LLC meeting of the Adrian You are invited to Dairy attendFarms the annual Local toFarms be held: Cloverdale LLC Chippewa Dairy LLC


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lansing Local

Hillsdale-Litchfield Local

Silver Location: UAW Hall, 1360 W Beecher (M-34), Adrian, MI Silver


Chris D. Langmaack (10)

Ferris Farmswill begin with lunch being served at 12:00 noon. The meeting Fogle Farms (10)

Bronze Bronze Mark F Diemer D Mast nity for you Ervin to receive the latest information and developments happening within our This is an opportunity for you toLLC receive the latest information and developments happening within our Herman’s Holsteins Dairy LLC mbers will also haveSthe opportunity to vote for officers Benson and delegates to represent ourcooperative. Members will also have the opportunity toDavid Harley Schrock vote lyon for officers and delegates to represent our Easterday Dairy Farm oming year. Philip D Bontrager local during this coming year. Dick Haven Farms LLC Sonray Acres Donald Lindsey Kevin P Ardis (5) Milton Bontrager (10) President, will be D our guest speaker. Ken Nobis, MMPA President, will be our guest speaker.Ri-Val-Re Genetics LLC (5) Dick Haven Farms LLC Rufus B Zimmerman Lyon Farm LLC Huron Local

g will receive an MMPA beverage tumbler. In addition, a gift certificate for an MMPA jacket Members attending will receive an MMPA beverage tumbler. In addition, a gift certificate for an MMPA ja Grindstone Farms LLC Yoder Kubiak Family Farms en away as aVerlin door Jprize. or shirt will be given away as a door prize.



Ervin O Miller

Edward & Darlene Gingerich

David E Yoder

Frankenmuth Local

Paul W Miller


Maynard & Laura Lehman (5)

Richard R Wardin

Wakiana Dairy Inc

Weber Family Dairy LLC

Ernest & Erma Wengerd

Krafft Farms LLC

Jason W Zimmerman

Haubenstricker Dairy Farm LLC

William C Mazure

Glen R Mast

Thistle Dew Dairy

Oak River Dairy LLC

Martin Yoder Jr (5)

Petzold Dairy Farms LLC

Daniel Van Erp

Clarinda Farms LLC

Leroy H Miller

K & K Kern Farms LLC

John C Richmond & Sons Dairy Farm

Ives Farms

nd mail the enclosed reservation card, so we will know how many to plan for lunch. J Kurtz Meeting. attend your Lavern Local Annual

Marten Family Dairy LLC (5)

Volmering Family Inc reservation card, so we will know how many to plan for lunch. Please complete and mail the Dairy enclosed We hope you can attend your Local Annual Meeting. Risch Farms Loren J Mazure Zielland Farms See you there! Kundinger Farms Inc Albert J Gusa

Gary Stout, Secretary Adrian LocalBronze

Livingston Charter Local Silver Donal Farm LLC


Bon-Tek Operations LLC Larry & Karen Adams


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

Mid-Michigan Local


Larsen Farms

U.P. West Central Local


Welter Dairy Farms LLC

John & Kathryn Troyer


David M Varosi

Devon Miller

Pirman Corner Farm Inc

Owosso Local

Upstate Local



Ritter Farms LLC

Rubingh’s Dairyland LLC

Leroy O Zimmerman (15) Anson K Martin


Cumper Dairy Farms Frederick & Candice Inbody (5)

Tumbleweed Dairy LLC

Rick L Sutton

Sanborn & Sons LLC (10)

Matthew J Fischer

Diller Farms (5)

Glen & Dale Phillips Farms


Richard J Fettig (5)

Steenblik Dairy Inc

Green Point Dairy LLC

Weil Dairy Farm

Douglas K Warner (5)

Laverne & Maribeth Zimmerman & Sons

Green Point Dairy LLC

Mid-Thumb Local

B 01314 M ,IVON


-842 :HP

Adkinson Farm


Weaverland Farms

Steven C Roth Wieber Dairy LLC Andrew J Feldpausch Leroy & Stephanie Schafer (5) Green Meadow Farms Inc (10)

Bronze Lamb Dairy Farm Susan K Stewart Tracy & Theresa Sohn Andrew A Brown Blumerich Farms William & Virginia Ankley

Nobis Dairy Farms Houska Farms Inc

Muskegon Local

Green Meadow Farms Inc (10)


Higgins gniteeM lacoL naSueann irdAM 6 102

Riverview Dairy LLC T & H Dairy II


David Sovis


Braid Farms Inc Cole Riverview Farms Inc .TSaline-Ann S EGDIRB 01314 Arbor 5 7 3 8 4 IM ,IVON


27Gold 66-474-842 :HP


Lambarth Farms LLC


Alfred E Gingerich Joseph & Mary Gingerich Themm Brothers Boss Dairy Farms Inc (5)


West Michigan Local

Breuninger Farms LLC


Horning Farms LLC

Dennis Raterink



Edward & Jane Mamarow

Nienhuis Dairy Farm LLC

5102 ,12 rebmeceD

Paul Marion & Family

Sunrise Local Gold

Cedar Lane Dairy Farms Maple Glaze Dairy:dLLC leh eb ot lacoL nairdA eWayne ht fo gnHecksel iteem launna eht dnetta ot detivni era uoY Bennett Dairy Farm LLC Dutch Meadows Dairy LLC Norris Dairy Farm Inc Anschuetz Dairy Farm 6102 ,21 yraunaJ ,yadseuT :etaD Stony Creek Dairy LLC (15) Beuschel Fruit & Dairy Inc Mark R Ramer William C Platte Farms IM ,naiStakenas rdA ,)43-M ( rehcInc eeB W 0631 ,llaH WAU :noSilver itacoL Berlyn Acres II LLC Riverside Dairy LLC Derek .noon 00:21 ta devres gnieb hcnul htiw nigeb lliw gniteem ehT :emiTBrewer MSU Dairy – Dept of Animal Sci Slater Farms 88th LLC Gallagher Dairy Farm Inc Joel & Samuel Brubaker


Bronze Pyle Dairy Farm Inc

gniteeM laco Ln airdA 6102 Kuperus Dairy LLC Welchkin Acres :dleh ebRobert ot laco& L William nairdA eGruppen ht fo gni(5) teem launna eht dnett

Arlyn J Walt (15) Timothy Baker

6102 ,21 yraunaJ

IM ,nairdA ,)43-M( rehceeB W 0631 ,ll .noon 00:21 ta devres gnieb hcnul htiw nigeb lliw gnit

Naaman Martin

ruo nihtiw gnineppah stnempoleved dna noitamrofni tsetal eht eviecer ot uoy rof ytinutroppo na si sihT ruo nihtiw gnineppah stnempoleved dna noitamrofni tsetal eht eviecer ot uoy rof yti Simon Dairy Farm LLC ruo tneserper ot setageled dna srecfifo rof etov ot ytinDonald utroppoAeBeattie ht evah osla lliw srebmeM .evitaBronze repoocruo tneserper ot setageled dna srecfifo rof etov ot ytinutroppo eht evah osla lliw sreb Barry & Angela Stout .raey gnim aey gnimoc siht gniruLemajru d lacol Dairy Farm LLC Koppenol Dairy Farms.rInc

Lew-Max LLC

Stephen Burkholder

Farm .rekaeDavey ps tseDairy ug ruo eb lLLC liw ,tnediserP APMM ,siboWeber N neKDairy Farms LLC (5)

.rekaeps tseug ruo eb lliw ,tnediserP

W-R-L Daniels Farm LLC

Dairy ekecM aj APMM na rof etacfiitrec tfig a ,noitidda nI .relbmut egareveb APMM na eviecer lliw j APMM na rof etacfiitrec tfig a ,noitidda nI .relbmut egDan arevMauer eb APM M naLLC eviecer lliw gnidnetta srebtm .ezirp rood a sa yawa n .ezFarms irp rood a sa yawa nevig eb lliw Ron trihsDiehl ro Ackerberg Nicholas Clark

Mid-Sanilac Local


.hcnul rof nalp ot ynam woh wonk lliw ew os ,drac nHoltrop oitavresDairy er desLLC olcne eht liam dna etelpmoc esaelP .hcnul rof nalp ot ynam woh wonk lliw ew os ,drac noitavreser desolcne eht liam d .gniteeM launnA lacoL ruoy dnett . g n i t e e M l a nA laLLC coL ruoy dnetta nac uoy epDouble oh eW B Dairy SlowpokeunFarm Gold

Schultz Dairy LLC

Silver Sharrard Farms LLC Muxlow Dairy Farm

Doug & Shelly Ekkel Mark Rottier Sunglow Dairy LLC Dewey Farm LLC Andrew, Casey & Glen Sparks

Brad and Nicole Wren (5)

!ereht uoy eeS

Keith & Emily Martin Reetz Dairy LLC

yraterceS ,tuotClemens S yraG Dairy Farm Inc lacoL West nairdEnd A Dairy Inc


J & B Dairy LLC

Edward Joe Lawler


Timothy Mater (15)

Lavon Hoover

Slater Farms Baseline LLC

Wenkel Farms

Reba Zimmerman & Sons

Robert T Wackernagel

Joseph E Kauffman

Green Point Dairy LLC

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



Fuel Up to Play 60 Program News The year of 2019 saw many changes for the dairy industry, consumers and the American Dairy Association Indiana (ADAI). Thanks to partnerships, events and conversations, ADAI piqued an interest in those consumers hungry for information. We are proud to show the public the real story of dairy thanks to our farmers producing a safe, nutritious product every day of the year. A special thanks to MMPA for letting us share our successes with you throughout the year! We’ll be highlighting our programs and events made possible by our dairy farmers each issue. Connect with us at any time through social media, @INDairy! To kick of the new year, we’re featuring the Fuel Up to Play 60 program in partnership with the National Football League, which celebrated 10 years in schools in 2019. In that time, the program has reached over 73,000 schools nationally. Here in Indiana, 1,486 schools have participated, impacting 812,158 students. Grant funding has supported 150 Indiana schools to help further


dairy consumption with food service equipment, breakfast in the classroom, food sampling, dairy nutrition education, farm tours and more! In 2019 alone, ADAI provided 23 Fuel Up to Play 60 school grants, reaching 12,987 students! Two district grants were also awarded to supporting a larger effort, with M.S.D. Pike Township receiving the Hometown Grant, funded by our partners at the Indianapolis Colts, to help expand school breakfast to warm food options. Southwest Allen County Schools receiving blenders for smoothies and breakfast carts for each of the district’s elementary schools.



milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

We also welcomed Quenton Nelson as our Fuel Up to Play 60 Player Ambassador in 2019. The offensive

guard is a lifelong supporter of dairy - his mother remembers buying 4 gallons of milk a week for him while he was growing up! As the Player Ambassador, Quenton positively influences students to eat healthy and stay active. He understands and promotes the importance of a balanced diet with the power of dairy. Lesson plans about including dairy in a healthy lifestyle through Young Minds Inspired to 5,000 Indiana educators, resulting in 6,500 downloads! Student activity sheets were created for grades 3-7 and 8-12, based on the Fuel Up to Play 60 “Breakfast for Everyone” Play. A link to these resources can be found on the Fuel Up to Play 60 webpage at


Resources for the Dairy Community A new year, a new decade and a new opportunity to promote dairy! At the United Dairy Industry of Michigan we are committed to connecting consumers with the dairy foods you provide and sharing how you care for your cows and natural resources. We know many of you are doing great things in your communities to bridge the gap with those around you and share how important dairy is in our diets. Below is a list of resources available to you as you continue talking about dairy.

Dairy Producer Grants Dairy Promotion Grants are once again available to Michigan dairy farm families and employees to conduct promotional events in local communities to remind consumers of the joy dairy brings. The dairy foods covered by the grants must be a visible addition to the event. Each Michigan dairy farm can apply for up to $1,500 towards the purchase of dairy foods and support items for local events.

Promotional Materials Toolkits

Communication Workshops

UDIM has promotional items available to help you spread the good word about dairy. If you would like to order promotional and educational materials, call the UDIM office at 517-349-8923. Tell us about your event, the number of attendees and the age group and we will send you a promotional kit that best suits your event needs. We have a dairy item for every event and every audience!

As consumers become more interested in how their food was grown, sharing with them what you do becomes increasingly more important. UDIM provides communication trainings for farmers and industry representatives around the state to arm the dairy community with the tools, materials and resources to connect with consumers and share the truth about dairy.

Dairy Promotion Toolkit

Want to learn more about dairy promotion programs? Dairy Promotion 101 meetings allow dairy farmers to meet the UDIM team, learn how programs positively impact consumers and discover how to get involved promoting dairy in their area. Contact the UDIM office to schedule a meeting for your farming neighbors. .

The newly-redesigned dairy promotion toolkit at https://www.milkmeansmore. org/dairy-promotion-toolkit/ provides content to use on social media to celebrate dairy, shares tips on how to host a successful farm tour and provides lots of resources to incorporate into your dairy events! All events suggested in the toolkit can be personalized to fit your farm and your community.

Dairy Promotion 101 Meetings


Webinars Do you want to answer questions about the nutrition of dairy? Have you received a question about dairy you want help answering? In 2020, UDIM will host webinars to arm the MI dairy community with communication tips, share new resources and provide new ways to talk about dairy. The webinars will provide an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session and will be recorded to view later. In January, we will release the full list of webinar topics and dates. milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020




freeliners Freeliners Policy The Freeliners column is open to current MMPA members who wish to advertise—at no charge—goods or services relating directly to their dairy farm operations. • An item submitted will be published for no more than two consecutive months (one month, unless otherwise requested). After that, it will be withdrawn. • It will be published again for no more than two consecutive months only if the member resubmits the item by writing or calling the Novi office. • Reference to a name of a firm or other commercial enterprise with which a member is involved will be deleted, with permission of the member. • If the member does not wish such deletion, he/she may choose to have the item published as a Classified Ad at the regular per-line rate.

FOR SALE: SERVICE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS. Call Steve Alexander, 810-622-8548 evenings or 810-404-8548. FOR SALE: 18 REGISTERED HEIFERS starting to calve end of December. 989-467-0330. FOR SALE: MUELLER 3000 GALLON MILK TANK, (2) 5hp scroll compressors $15,000 or best offer. 100 gal. Freheater $2000 or best offer. Uddergun system $3000 or best offer. Double 8 Germania Protime Herringbone Parlor, all stainless steel, rapid exit, including (2) 7.5hp lobe pumps and 3-inch pipeline, $8000 or best offer. 810-348-5500. FOR SALE: 500 GAL. MUELLER MILK TANK with washer and 5 hp. compressor, about 4 years old. Milk veyor with 150 ft. of hose. Semen tank. Elmo vacuum pump. 231-843-8871. FOR SALE: COMPLETE DOUBLE 10 MILKING PARLOR, 3” low line with 20 AFIMILK MPC milk meter assemblies with control pad and meter body individual ID antenna’s. Surge plate cooler, Boumatic Airstar 5 hr 3 phase adj speed drive vac. pump. All for $25,000 or piece out call Larry at 989 640 3371.

• Freeliners must be received by the 10th of the month preceding desired month of publication.

WANTED: KUHN KNIGHT OR BOTEC HORIZONTAL MIXER with 500-600 cu.ft capacity. Would consider Supreme or Penta Vertical of the same size. Call or text Jeff at 616-634-2958.

PTO and Automatic Start Generators 1-800-248-8070 M-40 South Hamilton, MI 49419

Concrete Grooving and Texturing Call: Jeff Brisky - Owner Toll Free: 1-800-294-1202


Cell: 1-716-353-1137

No bull.

Co-Products Menu

Soybean meal, canola meal, hominy, oat hulls, wheat midds, citrus pulp, malt sprouts, beet pulp, soybean hulls, cereal feed, cottonseed, distillers, gluten feed, wet feeds and more!


products available

Contact merchandisers at ZFS, Inc: MI/IN/OH: 866.888.7082 WI: 800-523-6760


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020


classifieds Classifieds Policy Cost for classifieds is $25 for the first 35 words and then $5 for each additional word. Payment due with order. All ads must be received by the 10th of the month preceding desired month of publication. MMPA neither sponsors nor endorses products or services advertised in the Milk Messenger.

OPPERMAN GROOVING: We can fix your scabbled floors. Diamond sawed grooves, no hammering or cracking of concrete. No hoof damage. Call Opperman Grooving Inc., Portland. 517-647-7381.

Calf blankets When the temperature drops and the snow starts flying it is important to keep those baby calves as warm as possible. Calf blankets by Udder Tech are perfect for the task. These blankets are made of water resistant nylon and feature a single or double layer of Thinsulate insulation. The single layer has a CLO (clothing insulating value) of 1.67 while the double blankets feature a 3.8 CLO value. These unique blankets are designed to stay on the calf, are easy to put on and take off and can be machine washed and dried. They feature quick release buckles, no Velcro to get matted, an extra strap length for growth and a belly strap to keep the blanket snug when lying down. Blankets are available in three sizes: small, regular (medium) and large. The regular size is available in either double or single insulation and the small and large are double insulated only. STOCK NUMBER











travel Michigan and other states. No interest payment terms.





Est. since 1987. Call 1-800-365-3361.





DAVIDSON CEMENT GROOVING, INC: NO water needed. Wider, rougher grooves for better traction. We also offer


texturing for your previously grooved floors. 3 operators will

CONCRETE GROOVING BY TRI-STATE SCABBLING, home of the 2” wide groove. Best traction, lowest prices. 800-554-2288.

If you have any questions about these or other products, please call 989-317-8370. A SURE WAY TO KEEP YOUR COWS UPRIGHT! Concrete grooving/texturing provides high quality traction in new and old concrete, fast service. Call for your below pricing 989-635-1494. BLUE RIBBON HOOF TRIMMING, LLC. FOR SALE: NEW & USED MILK TANKS. We stock all sizes, makes, models. Special prices to co-op members, corporate & private farms. Contact us anytime day or night. Special on 2000 gal. Muellers for $13,900 & up. 2700 & 4000 gal. Muellers call for quote. 800-558-0112. STRAW & DRY HAY (large & small bales). Feed Oats,

THREE WAYS TO ORDER MMPA MERCHANDISE FROM THE FARM SUPPLY STORE 1 Place your order through your milk hauler 2 Call in your order: Duane Farmer, Supervisor: 989-317-8370 Toll Free: 877-367-6455 Orders (Novi): 800-572-5824 then dial 2 3 Fax in your order: 989-317-8372

Feed Barley and Corn Silage. Delivery Available. 989-723-1886 or 989-277-1414. ALFALFA HAYLAGE (excellent & fair grades) & CORN SILAGE. 989-723-1886 or 989-277-1414.

CHEMICAL, SANITIZER AND TEAT DIP CONTACTS These are SERVICE personnel only. Order your supplies through your hauler.



everyone warm and producing if there is a power

24-Hour Medical Emergency Hotline: 1-800-328-0026

outage. Call Brent at 248-770-5122.

Service Message Center: 1-800-392-3392


Service Representatives:

fly control and cement grooving. Gibson Hoof Care

» Pat Mitchell – 517-403-0928 - 7273 N. Rollin Hwy., Addison, MI 49220

(Tom) 989-239-6843.

» Jason Wolfe – 540-553-5755 - 1890 Canter Drive, Riner, VA 24149

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020



MMPA Field Staff

Novi Headquarters

Dean Letter, Allegan, Member Services Director......................231-679-0337 Steve Lehman, Ithaca, Raw Milk Compliance.............................989-330-1638 Kendra Kissane, Byron Center, Sustainability........................... 248-880-4234

Main Office Local line..............................................................................248-474-6672 Toll free................................................................................800-572-5824

Ben Chapin, Remus, Field Services Manager........................... 989-289-0731

President and Chief Executive Officer Joe Diglio.......................................................................................ext. 202

Christy Dinsmoore, Vassar, Supervisor.....................................248-513-7920 Frank Brazeau, Oconto, WI......................................................... 906-250-0337 Ashley Herriman, Herron............................................................269-245-6632 Laura Gucwa, Bad Axe................................................................ 248-826-6294 Elyse Martin, Charlotte.................................................................810-701-6460 Sarah Michalek, Dewitt, Supervisor.........................................248-305-0537 Lyndsay Earl, Ludington, Animal Care.........................................231-519-2455 Deb Gingrich, Leroy, Animal Care/Sustainability......................248-520-3580 Emily Peacock, Otisville, Animal Care........................................ 248-826-7243 Brandon Ewers, Coldwater, Sustainability.................................. 231-414-4539 Lindsay Green, East Lansing, Animal Care /Sustainability ......989-488-8159 Dave Brady, Grass Lake, Supervisor...........................................517-937-9061 Ed Zuchnik, Three Rivers.............................................................. 269-967-7351 Brittni Tucker, Eagle.....................................................................248-880-3785 Joe Packard, Manchester, Animal Care.......................................248-520-3481 John Lehman, Elsie, Bulk Tank Calibration................................248-444-6775

Chief Financial Officer Josep Barenys...............................................................................ext. 240 Member and Government Relations Sheila Burkhardt...........................................................................ext. 208 Management Information Systems Andrew Caldwell...........................................................................ext. 304 Sales James Feeney................................................................................ext. 258 Laboratory Supervisor Patti Huttula.................................................................................. ext. 219 Quality Sudeep Jain...................................................................................ext. 249 Manufacturing Kaylan Kennel......................................................................248-880-5413 Member Services Emily Keranen...............................................................................ext. 203


Human Resources Kelly Kerrigan................................................................................ ext. 301

Novi (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) In Michigan............................................................................800-572-5824 Toll Free.................................................................................800-233-2405

Credit/Insurance Cheryl Schmandt........................................................................... ext. 210

Ovid (Daily, 6 a.m.-10 p.m.)............................................... 989-834-2515 Constantine (Daily, 7 a.m.-10 p.m.)................................... 800-391-7560

Farm Supply - Mt. Pleasant Supervisor: Duane Farmer, Mt. Pleasant Main Line................................................................................989-317-8370 Toll Free..................................................................................877-367-6455 Orders (Novi)..................................................... 800-572-5824, then dial 2 Fax.......................................................................................... 989-317-8372 Merchandise Coordinator, Energy Auditor Katie Pierson, Mt. Pleasant.................................................. 989-289-9686 Farm Supply Sales Representative Jake Riley, Mt. Pleasant......................................................... 248-912-5070

Communications Allison Stuby Miller.......................................................................ext. 296 Emily Kittendorf............................................................................ext. 234 Supply Chain Therese Tierney..............................................................................ext. 217 Member Relations Jessica Welch................................................................................ext. 303

Manufacturing Plants Constantine, Michigan

Dave Davis, Plant Manager...................................................269-435-2835 Ovid, Michigan Ron Steinhorst, Plant Manager............................................. 989-834-2221 Middlebury Cheese Company, Middlebury, Indiana Bela Sandor, Plant Manager...................................................574-825-9511

If you are unable to reach your assigned member representative, please contact the representatives listed in your area. Your assigned member representative is listed on your quality statements or can be found by visiting and searching by your producer number.


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

Board of Directors Officers Kris Wardin, Board Chairman Doug Chapin, Board Vice Chairman Eric Frahm, Treasurer Joe Diglio, President and CEO Josep Barenys, Asst. Board Treasurer Todd Hoppe, General Counsel Directors-At-Large Kris Wardin, St. Johns 989-640-9420 Gertie van den Goor, Marlette 989-550-8453 Carlton Evans, Litchfield 517-398-0629 Mark Iciek, Gladwin 989-387-4767 Aaron Gasper, Lowell 616-291-4092 District Directors 1 Hank Choate Cement City 517-529-9032 2 Tim Hood Paw Paw 269-657-5771 3 David Pyle Zeeland 616-772-1512 4 Corby Werth Alpena 989-464-5436 5 Doug Chapin Remus 231-349-4059 6 Tony Jandernoa Fowler 989-593-2224 7 Eric Frahm Frankenmuth 989-652-3552 8 Scott Lamb Jeddo 810-327-6135


Submit your Member Moment to

Glistening black noses and fuzzy brown heads, they’re Jerseys in January enjoying the flurries. They don’t need to worry, their bedding is warm and winter’s throwing them a party complete with white confetti. PHOTO: KATHERINE WEBER, VASSAR, MICHIGAN WORDS: EMILY KITTENDORF


milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020

milk messenger / JAN-FEB 2020


P.O. Box 8002 Novi, MI 48376

YC TOUR 2020: EXPLORE WEST MICHIGAN “MMPA members and employees under the age of 40 are invited to join us on an adventure exploring the Grand Rapids area this spring. We will tour several locations, including a customers’ cheese plant, and we will take on the town to create

Visit to learn more.

a space for young cooperators to engage with their peers and their cooperative.” – JESSICA WELCH, MMPA MEMBER RELATIONS COORDINATOR

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