April 2013 Newsletter

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THE MILLBURN KEY The Official Newsletter of the Millburn High School Key Club New Jersey District of Key Club International Division 14 Volume 4 Issue 1 | April 2013


Introduction of New Officers DCON was a lot of fun! Learn more on page 6.


DCON 2013 Recap PAGE 9

Reminders PAGE 9

Officer Contacts

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 1

MEET THE OFFICERS! PRESIDENT SYLVIA LEVY Hi Key Clubbers! I'm so excited to be your President for the upcoming service year. My goals for our club in the future include expanding community service and volunteer opportunities within the bounds of our town and county. This means increasing our focus on such events as soup kitchen visits, aid to Essex county elementary schools like the Millburn Regional Day School and other things. Along with the rest of the 2013-2014 board, I also wish to make the inner workings of the club more efficient in order to focus more on service. If you have any questions or suggestions for me whatsoever, please feel free to contact me at sylvia_96@hotmail.com. Along with Key Club, I love music, science and Chinese. Being Key Club editor for the 2012-2013 service year has given me insight into not only how our club works but also into how the New Jersey district-wide and International Key Clubs operate. With your help, I hope to make this another fun, inspiring and incredible year of service!


Hello Fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Karen Fich, and I am extremely honored to be serving as your Vice President for the 2013 2014 service year. Just so you know a little more about myself, I am a four-year varsity fencer and a Peer Leader. These activities, along with Key Club fill up my afternoons with nothing but fun! I have a few goals in mind for this service year. First off, I would like to increase membership by over 10%. I feel that by doing this, we will have more members at events, which shows how large and strong we are as a school club. Secondly, I hope to have a greater focus on Eliminate, our District Project. This includes more fundraisers and more restaurant nights to raise awareness for the cause. Last, but certainly not least, I, along with Sylvia, plan to implement a “Member of the Month” award. By doing this, we will be able to spotlight specific members for their hard work and dedication to this club. Their efforts should definitely be recognized! I look forward to a stupendous service year, and the best Millburn High School has ever seen!

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MEET THE OFFICERS! RECORDING SECRETARY EVANIE ANGLADE Hi! My name is Evanie Anglade and I am your 2013 – 2014 Millburn Key Club Recording Secretary. I’m also a sophomore this year and I play volleyball and the violin. I have been a member of this great club for about 2 years now, and this year I was committee head for bake sales and Smile Train. You might have recognized me standing outside of the gym urging people to buy cookies and brownies. My main goal for this service year is to update hours as efficiently as possible each month and make them public to you guys in a timely manner. I also would like to generally help the other officers keep this club organized and running smoothly. Over the years, I’ve realized organization really is key (haha! KEY Club), and when everything is in order, it’s much easier to locate information regarding member contact information, attendance, outside hours, etc. All in all, I am so glad to be one of your secretaries and I hope we all have a wonderful and giving service year. Thanks!


Hello everyone! My name is Ilina Ghosh and I will be your corresponding secretary for this year. I am very excited to be a bigger part of our Key Club community and I hope that I can help you all be more excited about Key Club too! I am a sophomore at our school who loves the color purple, organizing her room, music and falling (I’m quite clumsy). My goals for Key Club this year is to make it more organized and efficient than ever so that we can focus on its main purpose, the community service. I want to make sure that everyone feels welcome in our club and that we get more people to join in September. I love our club so much as well as its community and purpose. I want to create more opportunities for our club to interact with other groups of kids as well whether it be other clubs in our school or younger children. With our project this year continuing to be the Eliminate Project I hope our club can do Millburn proud and raise a lot of money and awareness for MNT. Never be afraid to come and ask me questions about anything and I hope I can help make this year for Key Club be better than ever!

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MEET THE OFFICERS! TREASURER UMA SARWADNYA Well hello there! My name is Uma Sarwadnya and I am your new Treasurer for the 2013-14 service year. To tell you a little about myself, I love cookies. I have such a sweet tooth and like I always say, chocolate soothes the soul. Outside of Key Club, I love playing flute and field hockey. I also love helping people, which is why I joined Key Club in the first place. As treasurer, some of my goals for this year include winning the Early Bird Award at DCON, which is an award given to those clubs who hand in their dues early. My other plans include improving the organization of the current treasury, as well as improving board-to-member communication. I believe that the Key Club members should be aware about how much money they raised at each fundraiser as quickly as possible, and I will do my best to make sure that this goal is achieved. In addition, I would like to maintain accurate financial records and note expenditures and establish a budget for each event to maximize profits. I am extremely excited for this new service year, and I look forward to working together as a club to make a positive difference in our community!

EDITOR ALLISON MAK Hi everyone! My name is Allison Mak, and I am the new club editor for the 2013-2014 service year. As editor, my primary responsibilities will be to create the weekly agendas for each meeting, as well as the monthly newsletters (like this one). Each agenda and newsletter takes hours of hard work, so I hope you all will take the time to read them! My goals for this service year are to make the agendas and newsletters fun and informative, as well as to increase the size of the club by 10 percent (so we can get an award at DCON!) through posters and orally spreading the word. Outside of Key Club, I am a swimmer and a violinist, and I also take Science Research and Chinese. I will be a junior in the 2013-2014 school year, and knowing all the responsibilities required of me as editor, I am fully prepared for a fun but hectic year! I promise that I will do my absolute best as part of the club board to help our club thrive and succeed. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email me at allison.millburnhskeyclub@gmail.com, or call/text me at (862)216-8652. 

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 4


Hello, my name is Michelle Desjardins and I have been honored with the privilege of serving as the Lieutenant Governor for division 14 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Board of Trustees. Currently, I am a junior at Union Senior High School and I have been an avid key club member for two years now. Key Club has aided me in growing into a better person. To tell you a little bit about myself, I am a very outgoing person and a hard working student. I am enrolled in many Honors/AP courses and a member of National Honor Society along with French Honor Society. After school, I am on the sidelines cheerleading for my school's sports team or at student council meetings as I uphold the position of secretary for the Class of 2014. I love to be involved and find joy in helping others. I hope to achieve many successes as Lieutenant Governor during the service year and meet new people. I will be working very closely with Millburn High School and I know together we can make this service year a great one!

2013-2014 District board ► District Governor: Ryan Clarkin, Vernon Township HS District Secretary: Kelly Tran, Egg Harbor Township HS District Treasurer: Penny Xu, Parsippany Hills HS District Editor: Pak Chau, Egg Harbor Township HS District Webmaster: Yuya Ong, Tenafly HS International Trustee: Colten Meisner (Fort Worth, TX) LTG Division 14: Michelle Desjardins, Union HS

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 5

DCON 2013 By Karen Fich (vice president) District Convention this year was held at the Ocean Place Spa Resort in Long Branch, New Jersey. Not only were we greeted by hundreds of Key Clubbers from around the district, but from members of Kiwanis from all of International! The weekend started off with a lovely dinner. All Millburn members joined together at one table like the Key Club family of which we are truly a part. Later, we met in a huge auditorium–like room to be introduced to the members of the board of trustees. Afterwards, we heard a speech from one of New Jersey’s own past District Governors, Monica Gupta Jain, who gave us inspiration and motivation to keep serving the way we do as Key Clubbers. Later that night, we attended a “Meet the Candidates” session, where we learned more about the people running for the positions of the executive board of trustees. This includes positions like District Bulletin Editor, Treasurer, Secretary and Governor. After the session was over, we attended the Black and White Dance, along with hundreds of other Key Clubbers.

▲ Immediate-past District Governor Nicole Ventrone, left, and District Secretary, Celina Baquiran, worked very hard this year along with the District Board to ensure New Jersey District’s success.

Saturday morning, the Millburn Key Clubbers attended different workshops to learn more about the tiers of this large organization. We went to workshops that taught us more about fundraising techniques, the Eliminate Project, Circle K etc. Afterwards, returned to the auditorium to listen to the caucusing of the candidates. It was interesting to hear their ideas on how to change our district, and make it stronger.

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 6

DCON 2013 (continued from page 6) Later on in the afternoon, we joined in together at lunch. We all discussed the candidates and gave our input on who would be best for our mighty district. While our delegates, immediate-past President Marlee, and immediate-past Vice-President Chaerin went to vote, Sylvia, Ilina, Nina and Sofia participated in the talent show. Their performance was excellent! During the nighttime, we all got ready for the awards ceremony. We later joined together at dinner, and went to the auditorium. We were pleased to receive first place in Platinum achievement for our incredibly successful holiday food drive. Afterwards, we all attended the Governor’s Ball where raffle tickets were sold to dance with board members. Early Sunday morning, we attended the Eliminate Walk. All proceeds were donated to the organization. This fundraiser proved to be very successful! At our final meeting in the auditorium, immediate-past District Governor Nicole Ventrone retired all the Lieutenant Governors and members of Kiwanis retired the executive board of trustees. We then heard the results of the new members of the board for the 2013 2014 service year. Pak Chau is our new Bulletin Editor, Penny Xu is our new District Treasurer, Kelly Tran is our new District Secretary, and Ryan Clarkin is our new District Governor!

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 7

DCON 2013

The Eliminate walk held on Sunday morning was another opportunity for Key Clubbers to raise money for Eliminate.

Vice president Karen Fich and immediate-past District Governor Nicole Ventrone, from left.

DCON AWARDS For the 2012-2013 Service Year Distinguished President – Marlee Birnberg Distinguished Vice President – Chaerin Ahn Distinguished Secretary – Lyndsay Wittenberg and Ashley Wu Distinguished Treasurer – Harsimran Minhas Distinguished Editor – Sylvia Levy Domenico Gatti Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award – Mr. Cooperman Club Bulletin Award – 2nd place Platinum Single Service Achievement Award – 1st place – Thanksgiving Food Drive Golden Member Award – Karen Fich

The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 8


REMINDERS  A new service year has begun! In other words, you can now begin working toward the 30 hours minimum requirement for next year.  Smile Train cookie sales forms are due Tuesday, April 30th (today!). You can still donate ingredients to get hours. We will bake this Sunday.  Don’t forget to pick up a few Eliminate Hands to sell for $1.00 each! Every 5 hands is one hour of service and all proceeds go to the Eliminate Project.  Committee head applications are due May 4th online. See the Facebook group or talk to Sylvia for more details.  Webmaster applications are due to Sylvia or Karen today!

Join our Facebook group and visit our website for updates and important information!






The Millburn Key • April 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 1 • Page 9


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