December 2013 Newsletter

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THE MILLBURN KEY The Official Newsletter of the Millburn High School Key Club New Jersey District of Key Club International Division 14 Volume 4 Issue 7 | December 2013


Typhoon Haiyan Relief Effort Recap PAGE 3

Lieutenant Governor Elections PAGE 3

Millburn Key Club ran two very successful fundraisers this month—Operation Typhoon Haiyan and the Holiday Food Drive. Read more on pages 2&3!

Holiday Food Drive Recap PAGE 4

Upcoming Events and Reminders PAGE 4

The Eliminate Project PAGE 5

Important Links PAGE 5

Officer Contact Information

The Millburn Key • December 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 7 • Page 1

TYPHOON HAIYAN RELIEF In early November 2013, 11 million people were unprepared for the wreckage Typhoon Haiyan (or Typhoon Yolanda, as it was called in the Philippines) would cause. Many were left homeless, injured or dead in its wake. And like we did for the Japan and Haiti disasters in past years, Millburn High School Key Club teamed up with several other school clubs to raise funds to support the victims. Red Cross Club, Far East Asian Club and the senior class worked with Key Club for the past few weeks. Volunteers walked through town in the freezing cold on November 23, 2013 selling PAGASA shirts and collecting donations. Thank you to everyone who came out to help out! Despite our success, our fundraiser is by no means over—contact an officer or Ms. Siegel if you still want to buy a t-shirt. They are $10.00 each and feature the PAGASA design, shown at the right, designed by member Shannon Peng.

The Millburn Key • December 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 7 • Page 2

Lieutenant governor elections! So what exactly is a lieutenant governor? A lieutenant governor (LTG) acts as a liaison between the clubs in their divisions and the district executive board. Millburn is in Division 14, and our 2013-2014 lieutenant governor is Michelle Desjardins, a senior at Union High School. Michelle works with the officers of Division 14, which includes Millburn, Chatham, Columbia, ECLC, Jonathan Dayton, Madison, Summit and Union. She attends each district board meeting representing these schools and relays messages between us and the district board members. With her help, we are able to maintain effective communications so that New Jersey District of Key Club International is able to accomplish more and more each year. Are you interested in running for lieutenant governor? Elections are coming up on Saturday, January 18th, 2014 at 1:00pm and are taking place at the Maplewood Library. Contact an officer for more information if you’d like to run!

2013-2014 lieutenant governors and the executive board make up the District Board of New Jersey, and they work together throughout the service year to help New Jersey District succeed.

HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE By club member Victoria Mak There’s no better way to get in the holiday spirit than to give back to the community! On November 22-24, Millburn High School Key Club members devoted an hour or more of their time to aid impoverished people by standing outside ShopRite and collecting both food and monetary donations, all of which will be donated to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. Despite the freezing temperatures, many students participated in the event. Throughout the day, the pile of goods accumulated drastically, ranging from massive frozen turkeys to cans of nonperishable food items. The amount of food totaled almost four thousand pounds and donations totaled almost two thousand, and every member that helped out went home with a sense of satisfaction. Inevitably, true happiness really is giving it away.

The Millburn Key • December 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 7 • Page 3

Upcoming events New Jersey District Convention 2014 is coming up on March 28, 2014 at Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch, NJ. This year’s theme is Destination Service. There are several fun contests, workshops and events associated with District Convention. More information to come—in the meantime, learn more about DCON by scanning the QR code or visiting the NJ Key Club website (

Scan to learn more! 

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LTG elections are coming up January 18, 2013. Contact an officer immediately if you would like to run. One of the DCON contests is the scrapbook contest, and we need to begin making our club scrapbook. The scrapbook is a compilation of pictures and descriptions of the major events we accomplished this year. We will begin scrapbooking soon, so keep an eye out for further notice.

Our Typhoon Haiyan fundraiser is STILL GOING ON. If you haven’t already, please bring in $10.00 and buy a PAGASA t-shirt to support our cause. All Entertainment Books and Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes should have been returned and money collected.

The eliminate project By Vice President Karen Fich You may be wondering what the Eliminate Project is. I mean, you have been hearing so much about it, but you are scared to ask what it is because you might look silly. Well, have no fear, Karen Fich is here! The Eliminate Project (officially our district project for the second year in a row) has joined forces with UNICEF and Kiwanis International to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT). This disease has egregious effects on many families. It takes the lives of over 60,000 innocent babies and a significant amount mothers’ lives every year. The newborn babies who suffer from this disease have painful convulsions and sensitivity to light and touch. The goal of the Eliminate Project is to make MNT obsolete by 2015. To succeed in doing so, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. In order to do so, syringes, safe storage, vaccines, transportation and thousands of skilled staff are necessary. Each vaccine is worth 60¢, and each mother needs 3 vaccines; that is $1.80 to save all of her future children. The termination of this disease brings the beginning of better health for many families. Now you are probably thinking, “this disease is horrible, and I want to help. It’s only $1.80 to save a life. That is ridiculous.” Well, I have some good news for you! We can all help Eliminate accomplish their goal! If you have any ideas as to how we can raise more money and save more lives, contact an officer immediately through Facebook, text or in person and you too can make a difference. The Millburn Key • December 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 7 • Page 4

President Sylvia Levy Vice President Karen Fich Recording Secretary Evanie Anglade Corresponding Secretary Ilina Ghosh Treasurer Uma Sarwadnya

Scan this QR code with a QR reader on your phone to visit our club website!

Don’t forget to join our Facebook group, “MHS Key Club 2013-14” and view all of these newsletters in full color at For more information:

Editor Allison Mak Webmaster Sofia Fernandez-Poyatos Lieutenant Governor Division 14 Michelle Desjardins Advisor Mr. Cooperman Advisor Mrs. Nevola 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS

The Millburn Key • December 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 7 • Page 5

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