January/February 2014 Newsletter

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THE MILLBURN KEY The Official Newsletter of the Millburn High School Key Club New Jersey District of Key Club International Division 14 Volume 4 Issue 8 | January/February 2013


DCON 2014 Introduction PAGE 3

LTG Elections Recap PAGE 4

Pennies for Patients Recap

Congratulations to Darren Khong for being elected Lieutenant Governor of Division 15 for the 2014-2015 service year! Flip to page 3 for more information.


Kiwanis “Share the Love” Event PAGE 5

Reminders PAGE 5

Officer Contact Information

The Millburn Key • January/February 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 8 • Page 1

Forms are due FEBRUARY 28 DCON 2014 begins MARCH 28 and lasts the whole weekend. Hand in your forms today before it’s too late! By Uma Sarwadnya I can’t wait for DCON this year. Last year, I had so much fun. I barely slept at all because there were so many fun things to do. I remember last year the bus ride was interesting to say the least. We all sang Sara Bareilles songs at the top of our lungs. I’m sure that the bus driver appreciated our musicality. Once we got there, we unpacked at the hotel and sat down in the main hall. The weekend began. It was the perfect combination of fun and work. In the morning there were different sessions according to your interest. At the time, I was just elected Treasurer for the next year and as excited as I was to be treasurer, I had no idea what it entailed. Lucky for me there was a seminar-“Handling Money Like a Boss” that I attended which taught me a lot. I learned how to handle money like a boss. In the afternoon there were election campaigns, for the new District Board. Each candidate had their own song and many threw out candy to bribe the audience. The rest of the day was pretty much free time, there were contests including a Talent Show but I spent most of my time at the pool. In the evening, after dinner there was an award ceremony and Millburn won two big awards, “Best Advisor” (Yay Mr. Cooperman!) and the “Platinum Single Service Award” for our Food Drive. On Friday night, there was a black and white dance and on Saturday there was a governor’s ball. The entire theme was the 1920s and it was amusing to hear gangster themed lingo in the speeches. By Sunday, I was sad to leave, but excited for next year’s DCON. This year the theme is “Destination: Service.” I cannot wait to meet all of my friends from last year and to hang out with Key Clubbers from all around New Jersey!

Scan this QR code to watch the DCON promotional video on YouTube!

Scan this QR code to visit the NJ Key Club website for more information about DCON!

The Millburn Key • January/February 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 8 • Page 2

Lieutenant Governor Elections

By LTG-Elect and club member Darren Khong

On January 18, 2014, our very own DARREN KHONG was elected Lieutenant Governor of Division 15 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International for the 2014-2015 service year. Congrats Darren!

Starting next service year, I will be the Lieutenant Governor of Division 15 of the New Jersey District for Key Club. What this means is that I will be looking over and representing the nine schools within our division. As well, I will be working alongside the other LTG representatives; in total, there will be 23 Lieutenant Governors who will be part of the 2015 New Jersey District Board. In addition, there will be others who fill the positions of District Editor, District Treasurer, District Secretary, and District Governor. Each position will hold similar responsibilities to the student board of each individual club, but on a much larger scale. The holders of these four state positions will be elected at this year’s District Convention (DCON) through a series of caucuses. At this year’s DCON, we hold a ceremony to send off the current District Board, and will induct the new elects to their new positions. Together, we will work all throughout the 2015 service year coming up with new ideas and projects that will allow us to do what we all do best: serve our community.

Darren will be in charge of all the other Key Clubs in our division in addition to our own, including Union, Jonathan Dayton, Chatham, Columbia, ECLC, Madison and Summit. He assumes his role after DCON, which marks the beginning of the new service year.

Above: Darren poses for a picture with the current LTG for our division for the 2013-2014 service year, Michelle Desjardins, who is a senior at Union High School.

The Millburn Key • January/February 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 8 • Page 3

By Nikita Verma

Pennies for Patients is a nationwide program run by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which encourages people everywhere to donate bits of spare change to help leukemia research. Over the past few months, Millburn High School’s Key Club has participated in spreading the word about this organization. We have helped this cause by assisting in a few ways. First, we encouraged all students to donate spare change for their homeroom teachers to collect. Additionally, a few Key Club volunteers offered to spend their lunch time helping to collect change outside of the cafeteria. It is easy to collect change from left over lunch money, so by enlisting volunteers to help collect this change we encouraged donations to this program. The beautiful part of this organization is that it stresses the huge impact even the fewest of cents can have. If everyone donates just a few pennies, we can work together to create a monumental difference. Just as its slogan “Kids making BIG change by collecting SMALL change,” says, even the smallest monetary value can help better the world.

The newly formed Kiwanis Club of Millburn is looking forward to hosting its first annual membership drive. The event is called, “Share the Love,” and it will be held at Regal Bank, located at 290 Millburn Avenue. The date for the event is March 20th, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The evening will be full of music, thanks to the talent of student musicians and Key Club coordinator Leonard Santos. There will also be refreshments, including wine and cheese, and participants are asked to bring a donation of new hats or gloves for those who are less fortunate. Key Club members who bring parents to this event are guaranteed service hours, so it’s a win-win for all! For more information, look up Millburn-Short Hills Kiwanis Club on Facebook or contact the Kiwanis Club at millburnkiwanis@gmail.com. The Kiwanis Club looks forward to seeing you all there.

By Olivia Estes Kiwanis Representative

The Millburn Key • January/February 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 8 • Page 4

President Sylvia Levy sylvia_96@hotmail.com

Reminders 

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DCON FORMS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 28! Get a copy after the meeting if you haven’t already. There are some forms that need to be notarized at a bank so please don’t wait until the last moment to hand them in! ELIMINATE WEEK is March 10th to March 14th! How will YOU celebrate Eliminate week? The deadline for the 30-hour requirement is DCON, which marks the end of this service year and the beginning of the new one. If you aren’t at 30 hours yet, you have a month to get there! Check each week’s agenda for more opportunities to earn those hours, and send any summer hours to Evanie Anglade (email to the right).

Vice President Karen Fich karenfich96@gmail.com Recording Secretary Evanie Anglade evanieluvdog4@gmail.com Corresponding Secretary Ilina Ghosh ilinaghosh@gmail.com Treasurer Uma Sarwadnya usarwadnya@gmail.com Editor Allison Mak allisonkmak@gmail.com Webmaster Sofia Fernandez-Poyatos blueraven20@gmail.com

Online Check the Millburn Key Club 2013-14 Facebook group or weekly emails for more information!

Lieutenant Governor Division 14 Michelle Desjardins michelled.ltg.div14@gmail.com Advisor Mr. Cooperman neil.cooperman@millburn.org Advisor Mrs. Nevola bridgette.nevola@millburn.org

www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS

The Millburn Key • January/February 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 8 • Page 5

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