May 2013 Newsletter

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THE MILLBURN KEY The Official Newsletter of the Millburn High School Key Club New Jersey District of Key Club International Division 14 Volume 4 Issue 2 | May 2013


President’s Message PAGES 3-4

Smile Train Recap PAGE 5

Kiwanis Karnival Recap

SMILE TRAIN was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who sold, donated or baked! Read more about Smile Train on page 3.


Upcoming Events PAGE 7

Reminders PAGE 7

Officer Contacts

The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 1

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Key Clubbers, I am so excited for our service year and I hope you are too! We have a fantastic group of officers, committee heads and members in general. My main goals for this 2013-2014 service year are to get everyone even more involved in service and to emphasize volunteering alongside fundraising. I hope to increase our membership and turnout at crucial as well as weekly events. To start this service year, the officers and many Key Clubbers are involved in planning and preparing for our Spring Bash. For more information on this event, see the article under “Upcoming Events” on page 6. This is the first annual Spring Bash that we are hosting and I really encourage all members to not only come and volunteer but get all of your friends and family to come. I really hope that we can make Key Club history with this project. I also really hope to increase volunteering in the greater-Millburn area. I want our weekly events to become very important. The officers are also trying to expand opportunities like volunteering at New Eyes for the Needy and the Millburn Regional Day School. However, this will be much easier if we have some support from the adult community here. Therefore, I ask you to ask your parents and any Millburn-Short Hills adult you know if they are interested in becoming a member of our town’s new Kiwanis club. It will serve to give us more opportunities for local service and help us with our own events. We almost have enough members to declare the Millburn Kiwanis Club official, so I ask you to help us build their membership up. The summer is almost upon us, so I urge you to keep serving your community and world through Key Club and other volunteering and fundraising events. We have such a dedicated group that I am certain this year will be a successful and fun one. Stay tuned and come back next year! Yours in Caring and Service, Sylvia Levy Millburn High School Key Club President 2013-2014

The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 2


395 cups of flour 350 eggs 350 cups of chocolate chips 175 teaspoons of vanilla extract 18 batches of cookie dough 300 packages 1500 chocolate chip cookies 300+ happy people 3 cleft lip surgeries


On Sunday, May 5th, at 11:00am, Millburn Key Clubbers gathered at Olivia Estes’ house ready to make more than a thousand chocolate chip cookies from scratch in just a few hours. We did this to support Smile Train, an organization dedicated to give children born with cleft lips a second chance in life. Children born with cleft lips are discriminated against for their whole lives and suffer problems with eating and speaking. Although a surgery to fix their lips is relatively inexpensive, only $250.00 per surgery, most families cannot afford it. Smile Train works to change their lives by providing surgeries free of charge, funded by donations from people like us. There was so much work to be done! We had to make cookie batter, scoop it onto cookie sheets, bake them for fifteen minutes, wait for them to cool, then wrap and tie the fresh cookies with pink and blue ribbon and label the packages with names and homerooms. It seemed impossible to get the whole thing done in time, but with a lot of hard work and some cookie-eating in between, we baked and packaged every last cookie in about 10 hours. The kitchen quickly became a mess of cookie batter, flour, eggs and cooling racks, and it took a lot of work to clean up! Millburn Key Clubbers had been hard at work selling cookies for just under a month, and in total we sold about 300 orders of cookies to students (and teachers!) of all grades. All of our customers eagerly awaited their fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies to be delivered to them on Monday, and we caused many happy smiles with our Smile Train cookies! Special thanks to Olivia and her family for letting us make a mess of their kitchen. We couldn’t have done it without you!

The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 3


We raised a grand total of

$844.25 That’s enough for

3 cleft lip



The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 4


By Sofia Fernandez, Club WEBMASTER On the cloudy Saturday of May 11th, our high school’s Key Club attended Livingston’s annual Kiwanis Carnival in hopes of helping the carnival to be fun and successful. The cloudy weather did not dim our spirits. The Kiwanis Carnival was a great success! From 11a.m. to 1p.m., the carnival was open to just the members and families of the Association of Retarded Citizens of Essex County (ARC) and other similar organizations. All of the rides, games and food were free. Our enthusiastic Key Clubbers were stationed around the carnival cheering on participants in games and giving out delicious funnel cakes.

We met many other Key Club members from other schools and worked with them to make the carnival as successful as it was. Thanks to everyone who came!

In addition, we met the high school Key Clubs from West Orange and Livingston, who were also eager to help at the carnival. It was a great experience for our Key Clubbers to interact with the disabled and help Livingston’s Kiwanis.

The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 5


Lollipops are here! If you haven’t already, pick up a bag of 10 lollipops to sell for $1.00 each. These lollipops are only available for a few weeks, and they are one of the easiest ways to earn hours  See Uma Sarwadnya or Michelle Zhan if you need a bag, or if you have finished selling one and need another. Happy selling!

SPRING BASH SAVE THE DATE! Key Club’s first annual Spring Bash is coming up this Friday, June 7th from 2:45pm to 5:00pm in the new gym! It will be a carnival-like event, with many fun activities such as face painting, eating contests, cake walks, darts, water balloon tosses, and more, complete with prizes and barbecue. The Spring Bash will be in honor of the last day of Eliminate Week and our final fundraiser to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus for this school year. This is going to be Key Club’s biggest event of the year, so invite all your friends to join the fun! Join the Facebook page for the Bash (the link is in the Facebook group) and invite your friends to it as well. Directors of the Spring Bash booths have been contacted via Facebook message. All directors should get to their booths right away on Friday. See you all there!

The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 6

REMINDERS  The SPRING BASH is coming up THIS FRIDAY, June 7th from 2:30pm to 5:00pm in the new gym! Come and bring your friends for food, fun and games!  Keep selling your lollipops, and see Uma Sarwadnya or Michelle Zhan if you have any questions.  Congratulations to all 2013-2014 committee heads! See any officer if you have any concerns regarding committee head positions.

Join our Facebook group and visit our website for updates and important information!



The Millburn Key • May 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 2 • Page 7 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS

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