Summer 2013 Newsletter

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THE MILLBURN KEY The Official Newsletter of the Millburn High School Key Club New Jersey District of Key Club International Division 14 Volume 4 Issue 3 | Summer 2013



A Note from the Editor PAGE 2

President’s Message PAGE 2

From Our LTG PAGE 3

What is Key Club? PAGE 4

Our Partners in Service PAGE 5

Upcoming Events PAGE 6

Reminders PAGE 7

District Executive Board Contact Information

Welcome back, Key Clubbers! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing summer, and came back rejuvenated and ready to serve. For the newcomers and freshmen, welcome to Key Club! I am the club editor, one of seven club board members excited for a fresh, new year of service. What you are holding in your hands right now is this month’s issue of The Millburn Key, Millburn Key Club’s monthly newsletter. It is the responsibility of the club editor to create the newsletters as well as the weekly agendas. If you have any concerns related to the newsletters or agendas, don’t hesitate to talk to me in person, or iMessage or email me at Every newsletter will be filled with important information and recaps of events in the past month, so be sure to pick up a copy at the first meeting of every month. The Millburn Key Club executive board, including myself, is working to make sure this year will be the best one yet. Let’s get ready for another fantastic year of Key Club service! Yours in Caring and Service,


Club Executive Board Contact Information

Allison Mak Millburn High School Key Club Editor 2013-2014

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Welcome to Key Club 2013-2014! I am so excited for the upcoming service year. I believe that with this fantastic group of officers and committee heads, we will break MHS records and have lots of success. As President, I want to overemphasize that communication is key. So if you have any issues, questions or comments, be sure to let one of the officers know. Also, if you have any ideas for service projects, fill me in! Before we can get into the bulk of Key Club this year, we have to focus on September paperwork. So, give your registration and dues in! If you're interested in going to Fall Rally at Six Flags, be sure to fill out that paperwork as well. Also, keep checking your email! This year one of our most important projects is getting the Kiwanis Club up and running. Basically, Kiwanis is the parent organization of Key Club: Kiwanis Clubs support and give opportunities to Key Clubs. Right now, we are in the process of building a Millburn-Short Hills Kiwanis Club. So, if your parents or any adults you know in the area are interested in community service and leadership, be sure to let them know that the Charter meeting of our new Kiwanis Club is on September 26! October is when we really get into the groove: UNICEF Box collections for Halloween, a humongous Talent Show, and more! We have loads of projects going on, so stay updated and stay excited! Yours in Caring and Service, Sylvia Levy Millburn High School Key Club President 2013-2014

FROM OUR LTG Hello Millburn Key Club! I would first like to welcome you back to school and hope everyone is off to a great start. Even though school is just getting into the swing of things, your officers and fellow division members have been hard at work planning and preparing for a record-breaking service year throughout the summer! As your Lieutenant Governor, I am proud to introduce our first division-wide event. On September 28th, we will be hosting a community Worldwide Day of Play event. This event will take place in a community park in Union, NJ. The goal of Worldwide Day of Play was developed by Nickelodeon in the early 2000s. We aim to have a great day of fun outdoors with elementary children getting active and off the couch. There will be tons of games, races and contests that YOU, Key Clubbers, can help with! I hope to see many of your faces! Have a great school year and thank you for serving your home, school and community! Yours in Caring and Service, Michelle Desjardins Union High School Lieutenant Governor of Division 14

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An overview of Key Club International, and our role in it • By Allison Mak, Club Editor

Key Club is actually the high school branch of Kiwanis International, which can be thought of as the “adult branch” sponsoring us. Key Club is an international organization represented in 31 countries, in which we are one club out of over five thousand. There are over 260,000 Key Club members worldwide! Within Key Club, there is an international board of trustees and a board of trustees for every state/district. Within every state, there are also several divisions, and each division has its own lieutenant governor; in New Jersey, there are 21 divisions. We are a part of Division 14 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International, along with Union, Columbia, Jonathan Dayton, ECLC of NJ, Summit, Madison and Chatham’s high schools. Our lieutenant governor is Michelle Desjardins, a senior at Union High School, and our officers are in constant communication with her at all times. She is a supervisor of our club as well as the other clubs in Division 14. Her job is to train the officers of every club and to serve as a liaison between each individual club in her division and the New Jersey District Executive Board. See page 2 for a description of her first divisional event!

Pictured above are the five members of New Jersey District Executive Board 2013-2014. From left: District Webmaster Yuya Ong, District Governor Ryan Clarkin, District Secretary Kelly Tran, District Treasurer Penny Xu, and District Editor Pak Chau.

The New Jersey District Board oversees all of the divisions in New Jersey. It consists of the District Governor, Ryan Clarkin; District Secretary, Kelly Tran; District Treasurer, Penny Xu; District Editor, Pak Chau; and District Webmaster, Yuya Ong. These five high school students were elected at District Convention this past year, and along with the lieutenant governors, they will ensure the success of the New Jersey District. The District Governor, Ryan Clarkin, is the most important member of the Executive Board. He presides over District Board meetings and represents New Jersey at international conventions and events.

Each of the board members, including the lieutenant governors, is required to make a minimum of 10 newsletters. You can find them at the NJ Key Club website:

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PARTNERS IN SERVICE By Allison Mak, Club Editor Millburn Key Club plays an active part in many international and local organizations through our efforts every year. Our club is sponsored by Millburn Kiwanis, a network of adults throughout the Millburn-Short Hills community that our club organized last year. Now, with our very own Kiwanis, our club will be able to rise to new heights and accomplish more than ever before! Our District Project this year is the same as last year: our funding will go to The Eliminate Project, a partnering of Kiwanis and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus throughout the world. MNT kills over 60,000 innocent infants each year, but it is easily preventable. Just $1.80 can provide the three necessary immunizations to protect one mother-baby duo from MNT. In the past, Kiwanis and UNICEF have successfully eliminated the problem of iodine deficiency from the world entirely, and now they are looking to do the same for MNT. Their goal is to raise $110 million by 2015, which will immunize over 100 million mothers and protect their future babies. This year, New Jersey district hopes to raise $93,180.61 for Eliminate. We also do some fundraisers for UNICEF itself, including the Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF program every year. March of Dimes is another large organization that we help with. March of Dimes is devoted to helping to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Key Club raised more than $116,000.00 for March of Dimes in 2011 alone, and although it is a lofty precedent, we hope to exceed that this year. The Children’s Miracle Network is a statewide project that helps children’s hospitals throughout the state stay financially healthy for all sick patients. Our Club visits the local Children’s Specialized Hospital a few times each year, and we will continue doing so this year. Our club also does an annual Holiday Food Drive in November and December to collect food for the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, located in Hillside, NJ. Last year, we collected almost seven thousand pounds of food for the food bank. Millburn received first place, the Platinum Single Service Achievement Award, as a result of our efforts at District Convention 2013.

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UPCOMING EVENTS New Jersey’s annual Fall Rally is coming up on October 13, 2013 at Six Flags! Fall Rally is an extremely fun event where thousands of Key Clubbers all over the state get to meet each other and enjoy the rides at Six Flags. Attendees will also get to meet the District Board, learn more about the District Project and listen to motivational speakers. There will also be the “Tools for Schools” fundraiser going on at the same time, so don’t forget to bring school supplies to donate. This year’s theme is “Superheroes of Service,” so get your capes and masks ready for the time of your life!

Fall RTCs (Regional Training Conferences) will be on September 22, 2013 at Livingston High School from 9am-1pm. Come join your officers to bond as a district with other Key Club members and officers and to learn more about Key Club! This year’s RTCs even feature a quirky scientific theme for the whole district.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7:00pm – Back to School Night Saturday, October 19, 2013 – Key Club’s Annual Talent Show November to December – Holiday Food Drive

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REMINDERS Hello and welcome to Millburn Key Club 2013-2014! In every newsletter, there will be a section dedicated to important reminders for the whole club. Be sure to check on the reminders section in every issue so you don’t miss anything important!  VERY IMPORTANT: REGISTRATION FORMS AND DUES are due TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2013. Registration forms AND dues must be handed in on time for you to be considered an official member of Key Club; without the forms, you will not receive credit for being in the club. Hand in your forms anytime this week to any officer, up until next Tuesday’s meeting.  FALL RALLY REGISTRATION is due along with your dues. If you are interested in attending Fall Rally (and you all should be!), check the appropriate box on your registration form. Fall Rally costs $45.00 per person if you do not have a season pass to Six Flags.  WEEKLY EVENTS (Good Neighbors Program, Winston Tutoring and Read & Lead) will begin shortly. The weekly agendas will provide more details. The committee heads for these events are as follows: o Good Neighbors Program: Sarah Lippman o Winston Tutoring: Meghna Patny, Lyndsay Wittenberg o Read & Lead: Rachel Legow, Shuang Chong, Andre Guacelli Contact the respective committee heads if you are interested in attending these weekly events.  BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is on Thursday, September 19, 2013 beginning at 7:00pm. We will need many volunteers to help guide parents in the hallways and distribute directories for the PTO. Sign up after the meeting or with an officer if you would like to help. You will receive hours for your service!  KEY CLUB TALENT SHOW is coming up soon!

IMPORTANT LINKS  For updates and more information concerning Millburn Key Club, join our Facebook group or visit our website (currently under construction):  For more information concerning New Jersey District of Key Club international, visit the district website (also under construction):; Facebook page:; or follow them on Twitter at @njkeyclub.  For more information concerning Key Club as a whole, visit  Visit to see every published issue of the Millburn Key in all their color and glory!

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Contact your club officers at or at their individual emails with any questions, comments or suggestions!

President Sylvia Levy Vice President Karen Fich

New Jersey District Executive Board Contacts District Governor Ryan Clarkin

Recording Secretary Evanie Anglade Corresponding Secretary Ilina Ghosh

District Secretary Kelly Tran District Treasurer Penny Xu District Editor Pak Chau District Webmaster Yuya Ong Lieutenant Governor Division 14 Michelle Desjardins The board members will be able to answer any questions that your officers cannot answer. If you have a question or concern, don’t hesitate to contact them!

Treasurer Uma Sarwadnya Editor Allison Mak Webmaster Sofia Fernandez-Poyatos Lieutenant Governor Division 14 Michelle Desjardins Advisor Mr. Cooperman Advisor Mrs. Nevola

The Millburn Key • Summer 2013 • Volume 4 Issue 3 • Page 7 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS

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