GML August 2018 - RID 3271

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ISSUE 02 - AUGUST 2018


“Whether you’re with Rotarians, Rotaractors, or in your community, show your Rotary pride. We have a great organization - and we can all Be the Inspiration” BARRY J. RASSIN

President 2018-19, Rotary International

ROTARY BASICS How to Run An Effective Club Meeting

Membership Development Ideas for Clubs

For clubs to have an effective club meeting following aspects will

Here are some steps you can take this month to attract new members and engage the ones the clubs already have

play an important role in organizing an engaging and interactive meeting. �

Club Meeting Agenda to be circulated at least 15 days prior to meeting by the Club Secretary upon approval by the Club President

Fellowship for 15 minutes before the commencement of formal meeting

Ensure meeting starts on time

To conduct effective weekly meetings, the sergeant at arms must keep the meeting running smoothly according to agenda

Before start of meeting ensure all equipment like mic, speakers, banners, flags, bell are ready

Following items are to be placed on the head table along with club and 4 way test standees alongside the head table

Club and Pakistan flags

Dong (Bell)

The meeting is called to Order by the President of the Club and recitation from Holy Quran

Please ensure a robust & respectful rendition of the National Anthem

You can also invite district dignitaries to attend your club meeting to discuss various facets of Rotary

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Run attendance sheet Club affairs, follow up on the last meeting points and current Agenda

Club Announcements by Club Secretary

This may be followed by the 4 way Test or the Rotary Pledge

Rotary information may be shared by the Chairperson of the Project or the office Bearers &/or the person leading the project

Have a pre-decided introducer and introduction of the Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker speech/Presentation (preferably short

Q/A session

and crisp) �

Recognition of Guest Speaker or Rotarians from other Clubs

Vote of Thanks by the host club. (pre decided)

Club Secretary to document minutes of every meeting and circulate them within 02 days to all members

� Invite prospective members � Ensure that prospective members feel important. Everyone should interact with them � Make your meetings FUN. Change up the agenda, make some meetings social events � Have a clear membership goal for your club, develop a strategic plan & establish a budget. � Hold a club assembly on membership to ensure every member is on board with the club plan � Reward Rotarians who bring in new members - recognize a job well done � Everyone needs a one minute “elevator speech” about Ro tar y. Prac tic e th em i n yo ur cl ub m eet ing s � Engage your entire club - work together to invite at least one prospect to each club meeting � Tell your club story in newspapers and/or on radio & TV. Promote and help district build Rotary’s public image � Invite family members to join - spouse, sibling, parent, and child. They already know Rotary � Strive to recruit more women into your club � Hold recruiting events with other Rotary clubs in your area for bigger impact � Advertise the service projects your club does that serve a need in the community � Conduct high-profile meetings. Invite the media to cover well known speakers � Club members to Participate in district membership seminar and district assembly. � Update your club’s classification survey - who’s missing in your club? � Ask the district membership development committee for help � Proudly wear your Rotary pin at all times � Do a monthly prospect roundup - ask every member to submit names to the club membership chair � Keep in touch with members who have resigned – invite them to participate as associates � Ask Rotarians to advertise Rotary in their business or profession � Conduct a Membership satisfaction survey if possible

Let’s work to strengthen Rotaract and smooth the transition from Rotaract clubs into Rotary. ~ Rotary International President, Barry J. Rassin




Please submit articles to: Tahira Ahmed Khan; cellular: +92 0332 2 4 10 5 8 5; eMa i l: g m l. d3 2 7 1@ g mai l .c o m Sagheer Ahmed; cellular: +92 321 2 4 16 0 3 4; eMa i l: g m l. d3 2 7 1@ g mai l .c o m Sa m a n L ai q A bb as i cellular: +92 300 8276451; eMail: Abbas Lavingia, line: +92 21 32635257; cellular 0300/321/345 8239019; eMail: Waqar Ahmed Shaikh; line: +92 21 34188539; cellular: +92 333 2343834; eMail: Jawaid Babar; cellular: +92 300 3313252; eMail:

You are welcome to make contributions to the GML. Clubs are requested to send club service project related description and two high resolution photographs to:

Fellow Rotarians, Greeting from the editor, A quality publication is important especially the one in which Rotarians can take pride and encourages them to do more in their clubs and can inspire more people to join Rotary. We at GML are doing everything possible to bring out a quality magazine month after month, and your motivation and appreciation is the driving force behind it. August is the Rotary month of “Membersh ip Development ”. Nothing engages a member more than a personal connection. Share GML with your contacts and provide us feedback for making it more useful for membership development. Wish all of you the RY 2018-19 and let’s make connections and inspire others to join Rotary.

Published monthly by District Governor 3271, Pakistan. Circulation restricted to rotarians only.

Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. You’ll use online tools like Rotary Club Central to tell us when you’ve achieved other goals. To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year. Achievements will be compared with membership figures from 1 July 2018 and will be recognized after the 1 July 2019 numbers are final, on 15 August 2019. This year clubs can receive the Rotary Citation with Presidential Distinction when they achieve the Rotary Citation plus one to three additional goals.

Achieve at least 3 of the following goals: � �

The editorial board reserves the right to edit or reject the material for reasons of suitability, accuracy or space. If you have old file photographs of any memorable events related to Rotary at district or international level, you are welcome to share with the GML team.

The Rotary Citation recognizes Rotary clubs that support each of our strategic priorities by completing certain activities. Clubs have the entire Rotary year to achieve the citation’s goals.

District 3271 Membership Seminar Chief Guest PDG RT Arasu

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September 1, 2018 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Marriott Hotel, Karachi

Host Club: Rotary Club of Karachi Gateway

Rotary Coordinator - Zone 6B Concept, layout and printing by:

Achieve a net gain of 1 member Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new members: � Improve your club’s retention rate by 1 percentage point or � If your club’s retention rate was 90 percent or more in 2017-18, maintain it Achieve a net gain in female members Have at least 60 percent of club members report their birth dates through My Rotary Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club Conduct a classification study of your members’ occupations, and work to align your membership with the mix of businesses and professions in you community

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Message My dear friends and fellow Rotary leaders, As we look ahead toward Rotary’s new Strategic Plan, one thing is very clear: to build the Rotary of the future, we need to be working much harder to develop Rotary leadership for the future. That means engaging a younger generation in Rotary service, and doing more to welcome and encourage service-minded young professionals into the Rotary family. Fifty years ago, Rotary launched a program designed to do just that: Rotaract. In many ways, Rotaract has been astonishingly successful. Today, we have a quarter of a million Rotaractors, serving in about 10,000 clubs.

Rotary International President 2018-19 Barry Rassin

Yet as successful as Rotaract has been in its service and its growth, Rotary has largely failed to support Rotaract in becoming the incubator for Rotarians that we hoped it would be. Only 27% of Rotary clubs sponsor a Rotaract club, and only a tiny percentage of the talented and motivated people who serve in Rotaract go on to ser ve in Rotary. It’s my goal this year to turn all of that around: both by doubling (yes, you read that right-doubling) the number of Rotary club sponsoring Rotaract clubs, and making sure that every Rotaract club is fully embraced by Rotary. I want to approach that work in a strategic way, by building Rotaract clubs that are community based, with young people who are going to stay in the same area where Rotary clubs are already waiting to welcome them. If you’ve never thought of sponsoring a Rotaract club, we’ve got plenty of great resources to get you started, including our Rotaract Handbook. The most important part of sponsoring a Rotaract club is keeping the connection between Rotaract and Rotary strong. Hold joint meetings, run joint projects, and make Rotaractors welcome at your Rotary meetings. Treat Rotaractors as younger colleagues, and be open to the inspiration, knowledge, and new ideas they can bring to your service. Know the Rotaractors in your Rotaract clubs, keep track of which of them might be ready to join Rotary-and when they’re ready, invite them! Or be open to chartering a new Rotary club that might better suit their needs, and grow a more diverse, more flexible, and stronger Rotary. We’ve put together all kinds of resources to help you launch, and support, Rotaract in your community. If you’re ready to get started, click the link below to tell me you’re in-and take the first steps in your Rotaract journey. I’m in! Whether you’re with Rotarians, Rotaractors, or in your community, show your Rotary pride. We have a great organization-and we can all Be the Inspiration. Yours in Rotary,

Strong leadership, inspiration, and vision are critical to the successful performance. ~ Rotary International President, Barry J. Rassin

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Message Attracting new members is vital to Rotary’s long term success, and so clubs must put a great deal of emphasis on expanding their membership with enthusiastic and service-minded individuals. Let us remember that in reaching our goal of membership, none of us can effectively do so alone; there are others who are just as committed and passionate as we are. We must help and rely on one another. This is the sense in which Rotary is like a family. This extended family includes not only Rotarians but their spouses and other family members and former Rotarians who provide critical support to Rotary’s service efforts. However prospective members must have the desire and ability to serve and to meet the club's attendance requirements for its weekly meetings.

District Governor 2018-19 Irfan Qureshi

Clubs usually maintain a list of the types of businesses and professions in their community and seek candidates to fill classifications not already held by an active member of the club. We want to make sure that Rotary memberships lasts. And that means making sure that our clubs are sustainable i.e. they’re going to keep going strong long after we ourselves have left them.

Now, I’d like to close by quoting something I once heard President-elect Ron say, which was that,

In this Month of Rotary Membership the best thing we can do for Rotary is to make sure that Rotary continues to grow, continues to go from strength to strength, not just this year or next year, but for many years and many generations of Rotarians to come. Yours in Rotary,

“Friendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built and tolerance is the element which holds it together.” - My Road to Rotary ~ Paul Harris

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018


District Governor, 2007-08, District 3270 Member, Rotary International PolioPlus Committee Chair, Rotary International PolioPlus National Committee for Pakistan Advisor, Endowment & Major Gifts for Zone 6B Member, Health Major Gifts Initiative Committee Member, Arch Klumph Society (AKS)

The urge of serving community and helping the underprivileged is something which grows on an individual right from childhood days. I just not carry this desire but put it into action whenever and whenever a need arose, for my support whether it be monitory or otherwise. Till today in my life I have joined various institutes where I put in my time and money to serve the underprivileged. On top of the list is “Rotary International”. I have been involved with Rotary for more than 23 years. Many at times I have been asked this question “Why I joined Rotary”, in latter part of my life, today for the first time I would like to answer this question. I was invited by several Rotary Clubs of Karachi, attended their meetings but did not find their Projects meaningful. Finally, in early 90s PP Shiraz Sachedina invited me for a lunch meeting to the Rotary Club of Karachi - here I found comparatively and sustainable community projects and thus I became, a member of the Rotary Club of Karachi for serving the community, “because working for humanity is universal, it holds no boundaries, no cultures and no religion; it brings me closer to people who are also involved in the same field and gives me great pleasure to work with them.” Eradication of polio has been a passion for me and I have worked courageously and selflessly since I became a Rotarian.

Co-Chair, District Rotary Foundation Committee Rotary Club of Karachi Sunset Millennium

My passion for Rotary has been a journey of self-realisation. Realising how blessed I am compared to many in this world and how grateful I am to have the opportunity to bring about positive change in our communities just by giving a little in the form of my time, money and expertise. The more I give in Rotary the more I gain in my life.

I am passionate about community services and being a Rotaractor, we not only need to

District Rotaract Representative 2019-20, District 3271 Rotaract Club of Karachi

inspire society in the service we do, but we also need to inspire each other and work together as one to build a great and more vibrant Rotaract Family.

Let’s work to strengthen Rotaract and smooth the transition from Rotaract clubs into Rotary. ~ Rotary International President, Barry J. Rassin

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Governor’s Official Visit to Rotary Club of Karachi Creek Governor Official visit of Rotary Club of Karachi Creek was held on July 22, 2018. President, RCK Creek Rehana Naseer outlined the last year performance of the club along with goals for the Rotary year 2018-19. DG Irfan appreciated the efforts of members of RCK Creek. PDG. M. Iqbal Qureshi, Assistant Governor, Dr. Shahida Zaidi, District Additonal Secretary, Sagheer Ahmed and Assistant Governor, Amjad H. Siddiqui was also present.

District Music Fellowship Committee in Association with Mauseqaar Organizes Amateur Musical Night District music fellowship committee in association with Mauseqaar organized Amateur Musical Night at Royal Rodale Club on Jul 6, 2018. The event was attended by large number Rotarians who appreciated the singers and Ms. Shazia Alam, Co-Chair District Music Fellowship Committee for organizing such a wonderful event.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and work for their dreams. ~ PRIP Bill Boy

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

District Installation Ceremony Rotary International District 3271 Installation Ceremony was held on July 21, 2018 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. District Governor Irfan Qureshi and his district team including District Secretariat, Assistant Governors and Presidents were installed for the Rotary year 2018-19. An overwhelming response of participants was received at the Ceremony. The audience appreciated, a very well organized and interactive installation ceremony which was followed by sumptuous dinner and melodious musical evening.

Rotary is committed to ensuring that no child will ever have to suffer the lingering and disabling effects of polio. ~ Bill Gates

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018 DISTRICT SECRETARIAT


I will ask you to be inspired by our motto of Service Above Self, and to inspire others to action through Rotary. ~ Rotary International President, Barry J. Rassin

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018


“Friendship is a natural and willing servant….There is no reason…why the great power of friendship should not be harnessed to do its part in the world’s work.” ~ Paul Harris

Governor’s Monthly Letter

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and work for their dreams. ~ PRIP Bill Boy

Issue 02 - August 2018

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Eradicating polio is the ultimate in sustainable service. It must remain our number one priority. ~ PRIP Ian Riseley

Issue 02 - August 2018

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

For many of us, that inspiration has been the work that has united all of Rotary, for over 30 years: our work to eradicate polio. ~ Rotary International President, Barry J. Rassin

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Membership Development Drive & Interactive Meetups District Chair Membership Attraction & Engagement, PDG Akhter K. Alavi initiated Membership Development meetings from the start of Rotary year 2018-19. These meetings with the club Presidents were held through their respective Assistant Governors and proved very interactive and constructive. Presidents and Assistant Governors enthusiastically attended and shared their views with District Membership Chair and the District Governor. The main objective was to strengthen and increase District membership with maximum support from Club leaders & Assistant Governors. The Meet-ups were hosted by PDG Akhter K. Alavi which were held at Sind Club & District Governor Secretariat, House of Abdullah. Assistant Governor Dr. Shoaib Sobani also hosted one of the membership meet-up at his residence. These meetings in specific covered following topics; � � � � � � �

Imparting Rotary Knowledge Start Rotary mentorship program, senior rotarians to play an important role of mentor in their clubs Encourage members from diversified field Increase women membership in rotary Young members to be motivated to join Rotary Building Public image Invite Rotary Alumni

These meet ups will help in increasing strong membership drive. Similer meetups will soon be exercised in clubs outside Karachi.

Let us keep that spirit of teamwork and cooperation always in our mind to take forward. Be the inspiration to achieve what we have aspired for the year. ~ Basker Chockalingam

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Independence Day Celebrations - August 14, 2018 Rotary Club of Karachi Cosmopolitan celebrated Pakistan Independence Day at . Panah provides shelter and solace to women who are victims of domestic and societal injustices and empowers them to take the path of socio-economic independence. DG Irfan Qureshi highly appreciated the efforts of RCK Cosmopolitan and Panah to support women against societal injustices.

Rotary Club of Nawabshah organized flag hoisting ceremony at the Nawabshah Community Center.

Rotary Club of Karachi Crown and Kolachi Independence Day celebration at

Rotary Club of Karachi Lighthouse organized tree plantation drive part of their Independence Day celebration.

Let us continue to Make a Difference and Be The Inspiration for Doing Good in the World. ~ Gulam A. Vahanvaty


Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Nawabshah Installation ceremony of Rotary Club Nawabshah was held at Syed Kazim Shah Farm Village, Nawabshah on 28th July 2018. Governor Rotary District 3271 Irfan Qureshi was the chief guest of the ceremony. DGE Rais Khan, District Trainer & ARC Zone 6B, PDG M. Saleem Rao, District Secretary, PP Waqar Shaikh, PP Syed Tahzeeb Kazmi, AG Saeed Ahmed Tanwar and a large number of rotarians attended the ceremony. The rotarians and other guests appreciated the welcome gesture of the host and the lavish ambiance. The District Governor specially acknowledged Rtn. Syed Fasih Shah for his generous hospitality.

Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Nawabshah Executive Installation ceremony of Rotary Club Nawabshah Executive was held at Gymkhana Nawabshah on 28th July 2018. District Governor Irfan Qureshi was the chief guest on the occasion. President, Rotary Club of Nawabshah Executive, Zulfiqar Aziz Memon, District Trainer & ARC Zone 6B, PDG M. Saleem Rao, District Secretary PP Waqar Shaikh, PP Syed Tahzeeb Kazmi, AG Saeed Ahmed Tanwar and Senior Observers from European Union Election Observation Mission, Ms. Sylwia (Poland), Mr. Joseph (Austria) and rotarians attended the ceremony. DG Irfan Qureshi installed the newly inducted members of the club.

Rotary is an exceptional organization whose members do extraordinary things every day. RI General Secretary, John Hewko

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Issue 02 - August 2018

Installation Ceremony at Hyderabad Joint Installation Ceremony of Rotary club of Hyderabad Qasimabad & Hyderabad Galaxy along with four Rotaract clubs Qasimabad Hyderabad, Hyderabad Galaxy, Hyderabad Superior and Jamshoro Optimists was held on July 29, 2018. District Governor Irfan Qureshi was the Chief Guest at the ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by District Trainer & Assistant Rotary Coordinator - Zone 6B, PDG M. Saleem Rao, District Secretary, Waqar Ahmed Shaikh, District Rotaract Representative, Rana Asad, AG Malik Saeed Tanwar and large numbers of Rotarians & dignatories. In his speech DG Irfan Qureshi highly appreciated the service projects of the Rotary clubs and especially the enthusiasm and energy of the rotaractors.

Mosquito Nets Distribution Drive & Hepatitis Awareness Walk Rotary Club of Khairpur distributed Mosquitoes Nets and organized Hepatitis Awareness Drive in July 2018. The Mosquitoes net distribution project was aimed at reducing the incidence of malaria, particularly among children and senior citizens. Rotary Club of Khairpur also conducted an Awareness walk on Hepatitis in collaboration with Hepatitis Department, Civil Hospital Khairpur with screening and vaccination for School kids.

World Family Day Awareness Walk Rotary Club of Khairpur Dates Valley and District Population Welfare Office, Khairpur organized "World family day Awareness” walk and seminar at Khairpur Medical College on 11th July 2018. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Phulpoto, District Health Officer, Khairpur was the Chief Guest and Mr. Tarique Azam, District Population Welfare Officer, Khairpur was the Guest of Honor. The efforts of RC Khairpur Dates Valley was highly appreciated by the District Health Officer for promoting Health awareness in the region.

We’ve learned that the higher we aim in our Rotary service, the more we can achieve. ~ PRIP Ron D. Burton

Governor’s Monthly Letter

Installation Ceremony District 3272 District Governor Irfan Qureshi attended Installation Ceremony of District 3272 held at Nishat Hotel, Lahore on 7th July 2018. PDG M. Faiz Kidwai, PDG Aziz Memon and PDG M. Saleem Rao also attended the ceremony.

Issue 02 - August 2018

District Announcements PDG Col. (R) N. D. Tanwir is designated as Advisor to Governor 2018-19. Cell: +92 300 823 8372 eMail:

Rtn Mrs Naila Masood is designated as District Co-Chair, Music Fellowship Committee 2018-19. HC: Rotary Club of Karachi Cl: Banker Cell: +92 300 261 4283 eMail:

International Recognition

District Chair, Public Image PP M. Abu Majid Idris

It is a matter of pride that Rotarian Saman Laiq Abbasi, District Joint Secretary & District Chair, Public Safety was selected out of 7 nominees from Pakistan for Occupational Safety, Health Management & Work Environment Program by (AOTS) Govt of Japan in Tokyo.

HC: CI: Add: Cell: eMail:

She was invited by Rotary Club of Yoneyama Tokyo Japan and exchanged souvenir from Rotarian KobuYashi.

Club Announcement

Karachi Karsaz Communication, Media 63-B, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi 0300-8282022

Rotary Club of Karachi Kehkashan

Rtn. Aziz Mansoor has unanimously elected as President of the club for year 2018-19 in place of deceased President Engr Ikram-ul-Haq Siddiqui.

CI: SP: Add:

Banking Nasreen Aziz A - 145/1, Block 13-C Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi Off: 021-34550910, 34556331 Fax: 021-34325770 eMail:

BD: November 23 WD: December 19 Res: 021-34961740 Cell: 0345-2103104

Obituary Rotary District 3271 expresses its profound grief and prayers on passing away of our Rotarians, , Past President, Rotary Club of Karachi Metropolitan and , President, Rotary Club of Karachi Kehkashan. May the departed souls rest in eternal peace.

Let us keep that spirit of teamwork and cooperation always in our mind to take forward. Be the inspiration to achieve what we have aspired for the year. ~ Basker Chockalingam

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