MIRROR | Rajab Sya'ban 1436 – Issue #15

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Rajab/Sya’ban 1436H Issue #15

The Day of Resurrection So observe the effects of the mercy of Allah - how He gives life to the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed, that [same one] will give life to the dead, and He is over all things competent. – Al-Quran, Surah Ar-Rum 30:50

“ The believer is the mirror of his brother. The believer is the brother of a believer: he protects him against loss and defends him behind his back.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Hadith 239


Assalamu'alaikum. Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin. Allahumma Solli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sohbihi ajma'in. In the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful. All Praise and Thanks be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. We ask Allah to send His peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as to his family and companions. Alhamdulillah, issue #15 and we are back online. It has been such an adventure and experience for us for the past two issues. Having achieved two milestones back to back – MIRROR Live followed by MIRROR Live: Print Edition, we could not have done them without your continuous support and believe in us. So from all of us at MIRROR, we thank you. In this issue, we continue from where we left off in issue #12, following up with the Articles of Faith, we are now at the fifth article, which is the believe in Judgement Day or the Day of Resurrection. May this issue be of benefit and serves as a reminder for all of us that this world is indeed temporary and we will soon return to The our Creator, Allah Most High and Exalted. Jazakumullah khair.



Religious Consultant/ Editor Ustaz Firdaus Ahmad firdaus@mirror-mag.com

Religious Consultant Ustaz Achmed Fahdly fahdly@mirror-mag.com

Creative Director Syaiful Sam'an syaiful@mirror-mag.com

On The Cover: Photo by Cole Patrick (via unsplash.com) https://unsplash.com/colepatrick

Marketing Manager Muhammad Ayyub Bin Abdul Kadir ayyub@mirror-mag.com

Writers Nur Khairunnisa Nurie Arba'ah Nur Khalisah Nur Syazreema

Creatives Nafisah Abu Bakar Fadilah Halim

Collaborators The Poets' Coffee

Contributor Tengku Ahmad Syamil

General Enquiries contact@mirror-mag.com

content 05 The Month



06 Under His Shade 08 Next Station 11 10 Major Signs 12 Magazine Launch Highlights 14 Meet: Agrobazaar 16 Food: KopieSatu 18 Arts: Aneesaa 22 The Poets’ Coffee



24 Hidden Beauty 26 Feature: The Turkish Cloth Official Showroom Opening 28 Feature: Dare To Dream 29 Feature: 11 Tips for the Muslim Backpacker


32 Musollah 33 What’s Going On?

the MONTH Alhamdulillah, to have covered the twelve months of the Islamic calendar, as well as sharing with you the mechanics of the Islamic calendar, here’s sharing with you a brief history of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar was first introduced by the close companion of Rasulullah (peace be upon him), Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). During his leadership of the Muslim community, in approximately 638 A.D., he consulted with his advisors in order to come to a decision regarding the various dating systems used at that time. It was then agreed upon that the most appropriate reference point for the Islamic calendar was the Hijrah, since it was an important turning point for the Muslim community. After the emigration to Madinah (formerly known as Yathrib), the Muslims were able to organise and establish the first real Muslim community, with social, political and economic independence. Life in Madinah allowed the Muslim community to mature and strengthen, and the people developed an entire society based on Islamic principles. *revised and republished from The Offline Issue


under his shade WORDS NUR KHALISAH

Have you ever imagined how it would be like if one day, all the mountains on Earth were to lift itself off the ground, with such a force, and then swirl in mid-air and crash every single thing in its path, until none of it is left, but just a stream of ashes?

There have already been signs all around the world, as reminders for us that this Day will come. But do we take heed? Most of us are still oblivious to our surroundings, but nevertheless, the day will come. It is called Yaumul Qiyamah, the Day of Resurrection.

Or have you ever imagined the fear in your heart, if only the Earth you are standing on were to shake so violently, and to have lightning strike everywhere, which blinds you when you turn up to look?

The seven groups of people under His Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There are seven persons whom Allah will shade on a Day when there is no shade but His. They are: a just ruler, a young person who grew up in the worship of Allah, a person whose heart is attached to the mosques, two persons who love each other who meet and depart from each other for the sake of Allah, a man whom a beautiful woman of high status seduces but he rejects her by saying I fear Allah, a person who spends in charity and conceals it such that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given, and a person who remembers Allah in private and he wept.” [Sahih Bukhari 629, Sahih Muslim 1031]

You might think that such things are absurd, and it would be insane if those things were to happen. But it is time to get real. Those are not mere wild imaginations, but instead promises made by Allah the Almighty, and He never breaks His promises. In the Quran and hadiths, it has been clearly said that the state of this Earth would slowly deteriorate – the Dajjal would appear and lead us astray, making us greedy for wealth and the easiness of the Dunya. When Prophet Isa ‘alayhissalam descend to this world and when Imam Mahdi comes along, peace would be restored on Earth, but not for long. Their presence are merely reminders for the believers to remain patient and keep the faith amidst the chaos on Earth. One day, the Earth would be destroyed and the whole living population would cease, just by a blow of Israfil’s trumpet. This trumpet can be heard from the East to the West and even from the outer space. There would be complete silence in the universe – no human population, no angels, jinns or syaitan, no animals or plants, no wind, no stars or planets; nothing left but only Him, Allah the Almighty. 6

A just ruler Justice is a very important concept in Islam and it needs to be applied in all matters without exception. It has to be carried upon every single thing and person, no matter if they are Muslims or not, or if they are our friends or our enemies. A ruler would be the primary disposer of justice to those under his authority. Thus, the concept of justice would be the most crucial thing a ruler has to observe. If they were able to do that, they would be honoured with Allah’s Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah.

the day of resurrection

A young person who grew up in the worship of Allah A person in his youth would be most vulnerable to become trapped and lost in the temptations of the world, and to stray away from His path. One of the most common worldly distractions would be entertainment. Many youths grow up thinking that their youth is the peak of their life where they can enjoy, and that they would go back to the right path and obey His commands only when they get much older. But such is life; there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come. Thus, those who spend their youthful days in His path, and remain steadfast throughout are indeed blessed by Allah, and would receive His Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah. A person whose heart is attached to the mosques There has been much emphasis on the rewards given to those who spend their time in worship in the mosques. One of which is that a person “does not take a step [towards the mosque except that because of it, he is raised by one rank and one sin is removed from him. Then when he prays, the Angels do not cease supplicating for him [for] as long as he remains at his place of Prayer [sayings]: O Allah send blessings upon him, O Allah have mercy upon him...” [Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Saheeh alBukhari (eng. trans.) vol. 1 p.352 no.620).] However, this does not mean that Muslims should be confined to the mosques. Instead, this emphasises that mosques should be at the heart of a Muslim community and that the people of the mosques should make His house a welcoming place for all. Two persons who love each other, and meet and depart from each other for the sake of Allah One of the things in this world that allows a believer to taste the sweetness of faith is to love one another for the sake of Allah alone. To love for the sake of Allah is to overlook a person’s appearance, how rich or poor he is, where he comes from, his skin colour, and instead to love him for his faith, because he too has faith in his heart, and only that matters. “Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent says: “Those who have mutual love for the sake of My Glory will have pillars of light and will be envied by the Prophets and martyrs.” [Sahih, Sunan at-Tirmidhee & Musnad Ahmad (5/336-7).] A man whom a beautiful woman of high status seduces but he rejects her by saying, “I fear Allah”. The Prophet, may peace be upon him, once said, “The world is sweet and green and verily Allah is going to install you as successors upon it in order to see how you act. So avoid the allurement of women: verily the first trial for the Children of Israel was caused by women.” [Narrated by Aboo Sa’eed al-Khudree & collected in Saheeh Muslim (eng. trans.) vol.4, p.1432, no.6606] One of the biggest temptations in this world, which leads people to Hellfire, comes from women. Thus, a man who puts his faith higher than the temptations of the world would attain His Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah. A person who spends in charity and conceals it such that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given This describes someone who goes the extra mile to ensure that he is prevented from riya’. Riya’ is a sickness in the heart where someone does deeds just for the sake of getting recognition and praises from people, and not to please Allah.

It is in man’s nature to desire and enjoy the praise of others. Thus the great measures taken to ensure that one’s intention is always pure and deeds are done solely for His sake would ensure that he is safe under the Almighty’s Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah. A person who remembers Allah in private and he wept To cry because of fear for Allah’s punishments, or because of the awe you feel from His love would be the most sincere expression you can ever experience. It comes from deep within, under layers of ego and selfishness, where you realise that at the end of the day you are just a slave and Allah is Most Great. Our Prophet, may peace be upon him, once said “If you knew what l knew, you would laugh little and weep much.” [Narrated by Abu Hurairah and Anas & collected in Sahih al-Bukhari (eng. trans.) vol.8, p.326-327, nos.492 and 493] Strive to be under the His Shade There is nothing we want more, or nothing we need most, than to be under His shade on the day where there is no shade except for His. There are so many things you can do and then pray that Allah accepts it, and that you can be under His Shade on Yaumul Qiyamah. Some of the things we can do are: 1. To start looking at people through their hearts and not their outer appearances. Simply said, don’t judge a book by its cover. There is some beauty in it, some sort of sincerity, to create new friendships solely because of Allah. 2. Spend more time in the mosques, do your prayers in congregation. Be involved in the activities in the mosques. Almost all mosques have their own youth wings where youths can improve to become better Muslims by gaining knowledge through Islamic classes or recreational activities. 3. Be a volunteer at a mosque. Find out the volunteering opportunities that are available, especially in the coming month of Ramadhan. Bring along your friends and families and share the goodness. 4. Make it a habit to donate to the mosque each time before you leave the mosque. One day it will become a norm until you cannot remember if you have donated, and you will want to donate just to ensure that you have. 5. Always find time to reflect on yourself, and what you have done for the day. Count your blessings and not your worries, and always aim to be a better Muslim. For all the mistakes you have done, ensure that you will not repeat them. Find some alone time with Allah, and always make du’a that everything you do would be accepted by Him. In the second chapter of the Quran, verse 186, Allah has said (which means): And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. The Day of Resurrection is also known as Al-Haqqah, which means ‘the day that verifies the truth of what men doubted about’. In chapter 69, verse 1 to 3, Allah said (which means), “The sure thing! What is the sure thing? And what would make you realize what the sure thing is!” May Allah protect us from the evils of the world, and may He make us among the seven groups of people who He gives shade on the day there is no shade, except for His. Ameen. 7


You are trying to find a seat amidst the horde of people. Your leg is aching from a tiring day at school. The MRT’s bone-chilling temperature is only adding to the pain that you have to endure. Even the cold is not enough to cool the heated thoughts on your mind. No seat and the train is now moving, picking up its speed and going faster. Just like humans who are always racing for time from one station to another. With every stop, he yearns for the next, always seeking for something better. But what’s their definition of ‘better’? What a shame for them, whose travel is always for the sake of money as they unknowingly neglect love. For them, they are in a race to have in their hands the different coloured papers with different numbers printed on them so that they are able to satisfy their desires with them. Whether their desires bring them to goodness or otherwise, you will never know for sure. But for them, time is money. Everything else is jaded and money is their only motivation. Blinded. As though they are blinded from the understanding that time should be surrounded with love. For without love, how will their actions be done out of sincerity? And wouldn’t it be tough to live this life when your actions are not sincere? Don’t they know that true wealth is richness of the heart? True wealth is what you invest into 8

your heart, it isn’t what you invest into the bank account. The essence of material wealth is only temporary.

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “ Richness does not lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self).” (Sahih Muslim) Lavender. Before the door could be fully opened, people rush out with haste. Their shoulders brushing against those who are barging into the train. Their modesty is at risk because of what they chase. But all of that is not a concern as long as they are able to enter the train. And in the midst of their hurry, the train picks up its speed, chasing for time that never stops running. Next station, Kallang. At long last, you see an empty seat. You notice that no one else is in need of the seat more than you. You settle down, relieved. In front of you, you see a Malay lady who is dressed inappropriately. Does she not treasure herself? Perhaps she is in the midst of changing for the better. You make istighfar as you struggle to harbour good thoughts. You look down and decided not to look at anything else anymore. This journey is filled with trials. What the eye sees, the heart will see it too. And the eye that looks

next station

at what He has prohibit, will cause the heart to harden. With fatigue, and the lull of the constant motion from the moving train, you become drowsy, and hunched down slightly in your seat to nap for a while.

Narrated An-Nu’man bin Bashir: The Prophet (peae be upon him) said, “There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.” (Sahih al Bukhari) Aljunied. You are still enveloped in the grogginess of slumber but the announcement and noise of the crowd woke you up. Help keep our stations and trains clean. Please do not eat or drink in stations or on board trains. Thank You. Passengers need to be reminded although there are posters in each cabin which clearly shows that eating and drinking is not allowed. In this journey, all of us are forgetful and are always in dire need for reminders. But sometimes, there are those who would rather pretend that they are unaware. We need knowledge, we need to be corrected, and we need to be reminded. Or else we will not be able to realise our mistakes and forever be swept away by the waves of falsehood. Next station, Paya Lebar.

And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. (Surah Adh Dhariyat, verse 55) A portion of passengers continue to eat or drink despite being well aware of the regulations in the train. A portion of us still commit sins even though we are well aware of the repercussions in the Hereafter. Many do not heed regulations given by Allah when it is this regulation that will benefit you in this world and the Hereafter. Islam is not simply a religion of peace, it is here to regulate peace. Islam is definitely not a religion of war, it is here to regulate war. And without regulations, the day and night will not come after each other in fashion. Without regulations, the Earth will not be able to orbit the sun in its intricate manner. And without regulations, this world we live in will be in chaos. But there are still those, who knows, however, choose to be ignorant. Paya Lebar. You close your eyes, shutting yourself out of your surrounding as you make dzikr. It is better for you to make dzikr as opposed to daydreaming while waiting for time to pass in your journey. Moments later you reflected on what you’ve just learnt in school today – The Day of Judgement. You unzip the bag that is on your lap and take out the notebook where you write your notes in. In between its pages, you pull out the pre-reading material that were given to you earlier in class. In the name of Allah, and you started reading. Day of Judgment This is number five in the Six Articles of Faith in Islam. It is the last day of life in this universe. However, it is door to the beginning of eternal life

in the Hereafter. That will be the day where everyone will be resurrected. Believers on that day, will await to be hosted in Paradise. In surah Ad-Dukhan verse 40, Allah says (which means), “Indeed, the Day of Judgement is the appointed time for them all.” EVENTS ON THIS DAY First Trumpet The sounding of the first trumpet proclaims that the Day of Judgment, as promised by Allah, has finally come and that the Hereafter has begun. Everyone has been informed of this great Day and what it holds, and has been warned that they would be brought to account. The unexpected sound, which is unlike anything ever heard before, will cause people to realise that their time is up, for it indicates the beginning of infinite fear, terror, and hopelessness for the unbelievers. In Surah Az Zalzalah Verse 1 to 5, Allah says (which means): When the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake, And the earth discharges its burdens, And man says, “What is [wrong] with it?” - That Day, it will report its news, because your Lord has commanded it. Confronted by the Day of Judgment, unique events will be witnessed after the trumpet is sounded: the devastation of Earth and the heavens, and the destruction of the universe and all of its contents. After which, Allah will recreate the heavens, the world, and humanity anew. Allah, who created the heavens, Earth, and all the worlds, certainly has the power to create the likes of them. Second Trumpet and Resurrection of Body Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: Between the two blowings of the trumpet (there would be an interval of forty). They said: Abu Huraira, do you mean forty days? He said: I cannot say anything. They said: Do you mean forty months? He said: I cannot say anything. They said: Do you mean forty years? He said: I cannot say anything. Then Allah would cause the water to, descend from the sky and they (people) will sprout like vegetable. The only thing in a man which would not decay would be one bone (spinal cord) from which the whole frame would be reconstituted on the Day of Resurrection. (Sahih Muslim) On this Day, it has been decreed for all living beings to die, everything will stay like that for as long as Allah decrees, which is described as forty without specifying whether that it is forty years, forty months or forty days – Allah knows best. Bodies will decay within this period until there is nothing left but the bone from the base of the coccyx, which is a round bone at the base of the spine. Allah will then send a cloud that will release rain, and when the water reaches this bone, the body will grow from it like a plant grows and they will be recreated from this bone, just as Allah 9

next station

created them the first time, for He is able to do all things. Then Angel Israfil will blow the Trumpet to signal the Resurrection, and the souls will return to their bodies and will come forth from their graves and hasten to the place of gathering. In Surah Az Zumar Verse 68, Allah says (which means), “And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on.” Gathering for the Judgement In Surah Taha Verse 111, Allah says (which means), “And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice.” In the Quran Allah states that the believers’ faces will be radiant and they will be gazing at their Lord, whereas the unbelievers will not even raise their heads as they are in the state of shame. Both believers and non-believers will assemble in the Mahsyar as they wait to be judged and trialled in front of Allah. During the long journey and wait at Mahsyar, some people will be protected from the blazing heat, where the sweat of all humans will flood the desert. There are 7 types of people who would get protection from the heat of the sun on this day. But the unbearable wait will cause the people to look for those who are of high status to intercede for them with their Lord so that He might relieve them of the distress that they are suffering from and come to pass judgement amongst them. They will first approach Prophet Adam (peace be upon him)., but he will excuse himself; then they will approach Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him)., but he will excuse himself, then they will go to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), but he will excuse himself; then they will go to Prophet Musa (peace be upon him), but he will excuse himself; then they will go to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him), but he will excuse himself. Eventually, they will approach Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and he will say, “I am fit for that.” So he will intercede for the people in the place of gathering, so that judgement may be passed. This is the station of praise and glory which Allah has promised to him.

Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Every Messenger is endowed with a prayer which is granted and by which he would (pray to his Lord) and it would he granted for him. I have, however, reserved my prayer for the intercession of my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection.” (Sahih Muslim) 10

The Judgement and Books of Deeds Deeds are recorded by two angels: Raqib (on the right) and Atid (on the left). Everyone will receive his or her record on the Day of Judgement. Not a single deed can be denied, for everything is recorded. It is this record that will inform people of what they have prepared for themselves in the Hereafter. The believers will receive it in their right hands, and the unbelievers will receive it in their left hands. The Judgement will be just and each deed, no matter how small, will be accounted for. The believers will receive their books in great joy. In Surah Al Haqqah Verse 18 to 24, Allah says (which means), “That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgement]; not hidden among you is anything concealed. So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, “Here, read my record! Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account.” So he will be in a pleasant life - In an elevated garden, its [fruit] to be picked hanging near. [They will be told], “Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past.” “ Allah does not expect perfection from us, He calls on us to strive to the utmost to worship Him and to live righteously. Out of His Mercy, God pardons whom He wills in the Hereafter. In Surah Al Ankabut Verse 7, Allah says (which means), “And those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will surely remove from them their misdeeds and will surely reward them according to the best of what they used to do.” You are in a daze as the train moves fast on the railway. What was supposed to be a light read is now making you cringe. You gather your thoughts together, looking around your surroundings. Your eyes now look towards the Active Route Map Information System, trying to figure out which station you are at. As you squint your eyes, you hear the announcement. Next Station, Alam Barzakh. This journey is not bringing you back home to your loved ones, it’s bringing you back Home, to The One.

Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah” and then remained on a right course - the angels will descend upon them, [saying], “Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised. (Surah Fussilat verse 30)


Hudhayfah ibn Usayd Ghifari, the companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) , said,

“Allah’s Messenger came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He asked: What are you discussing? (The Companions) replied: We are discussing (the subject of) the Last Hour. Thereupon he said: It will not come until you see ten signs. And (in this connection) he made a mention of the ‘smoke’, ‘Dajjal’, the ‘beast’, the ‘rising of the sun from the west’, the ‘descent of Jesus son of Mary’, ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘sinkings of the earth in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia’ at the end of which ‘fire would burn forth from Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly’ (i.e., the place where mankind will be assembled for judgment).” (Sahih Muslim) Here, then, are the ten major Signs of the Last Day as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him): 1. Dajjal — the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, 2. Gog and Magog, 3. Smoke, 4. The beast of the earth or land (most likely the holy land), 5. The sun would rise from the west, 6 - 8. Three sinkings of the earth • one in the east • One in the west • and One in Arabia, 9. A fire would come out of Yemen and would drive people to their place of assembly (for judgement), 10. The son of Mary would descend. It has to be noted that these signs were not given by the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in their chronological order of occurrence.


MAGAZINE LAUNCH Issue #14 – MIRROR LIVE: PRINT EDITION. Friday, 27th March 2015 Agrobazaar 37 - 43 Sultan Gate Alhamdulillah, MIRROR is grateful for another milestone event. We hope issue #14 has been of benefit for all of our readers. Thank you readers for your kind continuous support.

#mirrortoanother 12





Situated in the heart of Kampung Glam area, with its fun coloured wall and beautifully lit veranda, Agrobazaar is hard to pass by without getting unnoticed. Offering a one-stop place for coffee, dining, even buying of farmers’ products and more, Agrobazaar is definitely the place to visit. MIRROR had the opportunity of having the launch of our fourteenth issue at Agrobazaar’s lovely veranda. We had such a wonderful occasion accompanied by the peaceful and calming atmosphere of the veranda. We had the privilege of having a chat with brother Dani, a representative from Agrobazaar to learn more about Agrobazaar and what they have to offer. Share with us the story of Agrobazaar? Through a Malaysian government-funded initiative, Agrobazaar Singapore brings to the progressive Southern nation the fruits of Malaysian agriculture. Food is a very large part of the Malaysian culture and life, and this is represented in the extensive menu boasted by Agrobazaar Singapore. Every dish in our menu delivers, truly, the authentic taste of Malaysia. Coupled with the produce lovingly grown and cultivated on home soils, 14

the establishment strives to provide the ultimate Malaysian agricultural experience to the foodie wanderer. What can visitors expect during their visit to Agrobazaar? Agrobazaar Singapore prides itself on being a bustling hub of promotion solely for Malaysian grown and Malaysian produced goods. Our shelves are lined with the best of Malaysian fruit, with high-quality local favourites for your exclusive fruit-dining pleasure. Our coffee is home-grown and homeroasted to mirror the style of artisanal brews so popular in today’s world. At Agrobazaar Singapore, one might expect to find the very heart of Malaysia – its food, its agriculture, its hospitality, and most of all, the culture that binds it all together. Agrobazaar’s signature/s. Malaysia have such a wide variety and selection of traditional dishes. Every state in Malaysia offer different and unique specialties and tastes so in order to equally promote each state’s specialty, here are some of our signature dishes for the locals here to experience, namely Ayam Perchik Terengganu, Gulai ikan bawal Kedah, Opor daging pahang, Oxtail asam pedas Melaka, Satay & the famous Agro Chendol. For selected local products, the recommended item is our original Madu Tualang & traditional ready to cook paste such as our beef rendang and seafood sambal tumis paste. Last words for our readers. Come visit us at Agrobazaar. We ensure that you will experience the true flavours of the Malaysian culture from both our traditional cuisine as well as our tropical fruits, presented to you at their best.

meet: agrobazaar

Signature Dishes From left to right : Agrobazaar’s signatures – Gulai ikan bawal Kedah, Opor daging pahang, Satay & the famous Agro Chendol.

The Veranda The veranda is definitely the unique trademark of Agrobazaar. The space is open to catering for a wide range of events, from corporate to personal and even commercial. At a maximum capacity of 200 pax indoor and outdoor, the veranda has been the choice of venue for wedding reception, company workshop, seminar and even commercial celebrity entertainment event. Not forgetting the Launch Event for MIRROR Live: Print Edition. For bookings or viewing of the veranda, Agrobazaar is only a phone call away at +65-5391 9841. Or if you are near the Kampong Glam area, head on down to Lot 37-43, Sultan Gate, Singapore 198485.

Agrobazaar’s Sunnah Food Package Consisting of three different types of Pure Tualang Honey and a packet of nutritious Granola Cereal, this Sunnah Food Package would definitely make a good start to your day. All pure and home grown in Malaysia, these healthy products give you access to the natural taste at the comfort of your own homes. With Ramadhan right round the corner, the Sunnah Food Package would make the perfect meal for both sahur and break-fast. So many reasons for you to visit Agrobazaar. Definitely a place that would not disappoint. Experience for yourself today the authentic Malaysian culture, locally!




“KOPI SATU!” is a common phrase you would hear at a regular coffee shop as customers shout for orders. Well that order is the very name of this hip and trendy cafe originally from across the causeway. Taking a name from a local phrase close to the heartlands, this coffee house aims at bringing to centre stage home-grown and home-roasted coffee that mirrors the style of artisanal brews well known today. Nestled in †he ground floor of Agrobazaar, KOPIESATU welcomes you to a cosy contemporary setting while offering a menu so local, adding the Malaysian heritage to every item possible. Definitely a place for those seeking for something modern yet grounded by the roots of local heritage. In this FOOD segment, we share with you KOPIESATU’s three signature set dishes that are hassle free and guarantees you the experience of fusion between culture and contemporary. 16

Address: Lot 37 – 43, Sultan Gate Singapore 198485 Opening Hours: 10am to 10pm daily Telephone: 63919841

food: kopiesatu

BREAKFAST SET The Breakfast Set offers a humble yet savoury experience. This set comprises of the traditional banana leaf wrapped Nasi Lemak with a side of kaya and cheese bun. Completing this set meal is the old-school and all time favourite teh tarik. With ingredients made from home grown produce, this typical local breakfast is filled with freshness, allowing you to enjoy the kampung taste in a hip and trendy environment.

THE ‘HOT’ SET Choose your favourite coffee and pair it with a slice of Durian Rainbow Cake. Unlike your usual rainbow cake, the taste of natural home grown quality durian brings this rainbow cake to a whole new level. Washing it down with the coffee of your choice is like the icing on the cake, not literally. A definite must try especially during colder days or after a long day at the air-conditioned office.

THE ‘COLD’ SET Some days, we just like it cold. With the climate that we are living in, this set would be of great help to get us cooled down. Comprising of three muffins and a cup of ice-blended coffee, this simple treat is perfect for all ages. Cupcakes are too mainstream. Have a muffin instead. Well, make that three. Choose your muffins from a variety of flavours that are packed with freshness of ingredients. Complement them with a tall cup of ice-blended coffee of your choice. A perfect combination indeed for the residents of this tropical climate. 17


“Verily in the remembrance of Allah, hearts will find peace.” [13:28] In this issue’s MEET, MIRROR had the privilege to get personal with the duo behind Aneesaa, and find out more about their beautiful tasbih bracelets.



Tell us more about the story behind the name Aneesaa. The origin of Aneesaa is ‘Aneesa’, which means ‘someone who brings calmness, peace and love to everyone’. We added an extra ‘A’ at the back as both our names start with that letter. We are very drawn to its meaning, hence the reason why we chose this name. We also want this to be the reason for us to behave and act like an Aneesaa when we deal with buyers and the people around us. This also encourages us to become better muslimahs.

Before we start, we would like to thank the beautiful souls behind Aneesaa for making time for MIRROR, and for allowing us to take a peek into Aneesa’s thoughts as they venture along their journey in this business.

What are some of the challenges you have faced, and what keeps you going? It can be pretty disheartening when some people do not understand the way we price our tasbih bracelets. Aneesaa does not put a price tag on the tasbih bracelets. This teaches us to put total reliance on Allah and make us believe that rizq comes from Him alone. Even if a customer gives us little or nothing, it is still rizq. Our customers’ du’as mean a lot to us and they are the ones that keep us going.

Firstly, when did Aneesaa started, and how? Aneesaa really started when the both of us rekindled our friendship back in September 2014. We knew we wanted to do something together, for the right purpose. We wanted to make something that we need, and something that can benefit others too. We could not decide what to do, so we went back and forth with the planning. One day, we tried to make tasbih bracelets on our own after failing to find one that we truly like. That was when it hit us that this is probably something we would like to do together. Earlier this year, The Shawl Label (@theshawllabel) held a tea party and that gave us an opportunity to make our very first batch of tasbih bracelets. From then on, we received feedback from friends and family, suggesting that we start a business of tasbih bracelets, so that we can further spread the message of dhikr, and to encourage the habit of dhikr to the muslim community. Why do you want to encourage the habit of dhikr? We want everyone to realise and understand the importance of dhikr (remembrance of Allah). We have been to classes together and it was in those classes where we realise the true meaning of dhikr. In ayah 28 of surah Ar-Rad, it says: “Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah, for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find satisfaction.” We hope that by having these tasbih bracelets on our wrists, it will help us to remember Him as often as possible through our speech, thoughts and actions. 19



MashaAllah. That is ulitmate tawakkal in His plans! Does Aneesaa have any future plans? This question is actually the hardest to answer because honestly, we have none. Our only goal is to reach Allah through dhikr and to encourage as many of us as possible to do the same because that is our ultimate purpose in world. Before we end, what would you like our readers to know about Aneesaa, or about dhikr? First things first, Aneesaa loves giving salam and hugs to our buyers! Hahaha. On a more serious note, this is what we would really like everyone to know: In ayah 191 and 192 of surah Al-Imran, it says: “Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the succession of night and day, there are indeed messages for all who are endowed with insight, (and) who remember Allah when they stand, and when they sit, and when they lie down to sleep, and (thus) reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “O our Sustainer! Thou hast not created (aught of) this without meaning and purpose. Limitless art Thou in Thy Glory! Keep us safe, then, from suffering through fire!” These ayahs are telling us that the ways of remembering Allah is vast and it can be done anytime, anywhere, and in all circumstances in our daily lives. This is the habit we hope to plant in everyone. Even the slightest remembrance of Allah is considered a dhikr. Remembering Him should not only be for a specific time only, for example during salah. It is 24/7. Remembering Allah outside of salah will make it easier for us to attain khusyuk in salah. Only through the remembrance of Him, we 20

would be able to have peace in our hearts and be guided to the Truth. Every second that we breathe is an opportunity for us to worship our Maker, The One who remembers us and who would never leave our side even when we forget Him. So why not we busy our hearts, minds and tongues with the remembrance of Him? MashaAllah, what a timely reminder! We hope that this segment has been beneficial for you as much as it has been for us. Thank you, again Aneesaa for your time! May Allah grant Aneesaa success, ameen. To find out more about Aneesaa, follow @helloaneesaa on Instagram!

GET YOUR VERY OWn TOTE BAG AND BADGES! contact@mirror-mag.com




By Time


hidden beauty: A Tutorial

hijab tutorial Things needed: Satin shawl 1 safety pins 6 straight pins


Take the shawl and put on the non-shiny side on your head. One short end and a longer end.

Take the shorter end and pin it. Ensure that the other end is pinned too.

For top part, put the shawl slightly in the middle of your head. Secure both sides with pins.

Take the longer end and twist it so that the satin side will be facing to the front. Then bring it up to your head.

It will somehow look like a hoodie.

hidden beauty: A Tutorial

You can leave it like this (if you prefer having loose hijab by securing with one straight pin at the top of your head)

Adjust the lower part to cover your chest and neaten it.

Secure two pins at both sides.

Tada! You're done! Simple isn't it?



It was such a delight when MIRROR was approached by The Turkish Cloth, one of our merchants during MIRROR Live, to be part of their Official Showroom Opening. MIRROR had a wonderful time working together prior to the event as well as during the Official Opening itself. It was a colaboration that we would not soon forget. With the theme surrounding the love for mothers, the event encouraged ladies to bring their mothers along for this opening sale, in the hopes of mother and daughter bonding while shopping. Building up to the event, we shared postings on topics related to mothers, ranging from quotes to fun facts about mothers. Together collaborating in this event were several other local fashion labels, namely all Pretty, byCarniolan and Lully Selb. Not forgetting Homebakery Workshops with their beautifully decorated and delicious home made cakes and pastries. Alhamdulillah, it was so nice of the ladies from The Turkish Cloth to offer MIRROR a booth during the event. We took the opportunity not only to share on our magazine, but also printed a limited edition mini issue in commemorating mothers. We share in the issue the story of an obedient son by the name of Uwais Al-Qarni. Being the first ever event by The Turkish Cloth, they received such warm and encouraging turn out to the extent that they held an extended sale on the following week! May Allah Most High grant The Turkish Cloth continuous success, amin. As the official magazine for the event, here’s sharing with you a glimpse of what went on during The Turkish Cloth Official Showroom Opening. 26

feature: the turkish cloth official showroom opening



dare to dream When speaking of high fashion, rarely does modesty come to mind. Well as a matter of fact, ironically, modesty should be the highest form of fashion. That is indeed one of the objectives of Modest Wear High Fashion Runway, coming to you in the month of June. This event, organised by M&Z Empowerment Institute, Wayan Retreat and Modena Events, aims to encourage local designers, models, talents, artistes and entrepreneurs to come out of their comfort zones and pursue their dreams and life path. Themed “DARE TO DREAM”, this event aims to encourage everyone to dream bigger not just for themselves but for the higher good with what they can do. The event is in support of Harun Ghani Education Fund where part of the proceeds will be donated for the education of the children whose parents are in prison. Other supporting organizations include SHEIKHA HUB SINGAPORE and ROSE VALLEY. The runway will showcase works by ten designers, from their latest collections of trendy modest wear lines. Local designers Aly Rizq, byCarniolan, Damalee Signatures, Estrealis, Lully Selb, Nadiah Latiff and The Turkish Cloth, amongst others, will be there to present to you their amazing designs. Walking down the runway to showcase these designs will be models from MODVeil, the first Modest Model Management company in Asia. A collaborator for this event, MODVeil is based in Singapore. Its primary focus is to promote ‘Models in Modesty’ for the local and global High Fashion Modest Industry. MODVeil Models Management pioneers a new kind of model breed that carries off ladylike, gracefulness, demure modesty with aristocratic aplomb. MIRROR is privileged to be the supporting media for this event. An event that is definitely not to be missed by all you hijabistas out there. We will be sharing with you more in the days to come, insyaAllah. Meanwhile, get your tickets today! Ticket bookings can be done via Eventbrite through the following link: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/dare-to-dream-hi-tea-modest-wear-highfashion-runway-tickets-16969222401 For booth enquiries on event day, please contact the organisers at the following numbers: 90612079 / 94747240.


Feature: Travelogue

11 Tips for the Muslim Backpacker BY TENGKU AHMAD SYAMIL

1) Purify Your Intention Why backpack? Why travel? There are infinite reasons people might give but a verse from Surah al-Hajj:46 provides a perspective from revelation: “Do they not travel through the land so that their hearts (and mind) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind but their hearts which are in their breasts.” Ultimately, your intention shapes your entire backpacking experience. Continuously keeping our intentions pure ensures that we are conscious of Allah swt in all situations from start to end, whether we are marveling at the magnificence of His creation or witnessing scenes of those in hardship and poverty.

3) Find Good Food Food is another concern for the Muslim Backpacker. At the end of the day, we are responsible for our own food choices. To us, the most important thing is to make informed decisions, especially in countries where there are no “halal certs” to rely on. In Nepal and India (especially), we mostly stuck to vegetarian cuisine although one good way of finding halal food is simply to ask a local Muslim, perhaps at random mosques like we did. Of course, another issue is hygiene; be cautious especially if your stomach is unaccustomed as one of the last things you want is to fall sick while backpacking.

2) Guard Your Prayers As Muslims, taking care of our prayers should be a priority for all of us and backpacking should be no different. Before the trip, research on timings and qiblah directions for the places you plan to visit, as well as conditions for jama’ and qasr divinely made for ease of the traveller. Sometimes, you find yourself performing prayers in the most unexpected of places like we did here at Bara-Gumbad Mosque. Built in 900 AH/1494 CE, it today no longer hosts worshippers. Thanks to a kind archeologist however, we were able to pray where, in a different age, others too stood in worship.

4) Get A Guide (if you can afford it) Guides tend to be expensive and might seem like a luxury your average backpacker can’t afford. But here’s the thing: a good guide gives you insights, perspectives and experiences that you would never have otherwise been able to obtain. Guides throughout #asmtrvl came in many shapes and sizes; from wizened old men with incredible tales of longdead kings to one of our member’s childhood friend from Nepal, all of our guides provided real depth to our travels no guidebook could ever give. 29

11 tips for the muslim backpacker

5) Plan Your Trip Backpacking is about adventure but at the same time, a good adventure involves good planning as well. With so much stuff to see and do, every backpacker should come up with a short list of things that are unmissable so that you will be able to budget both time and money for the group. The Taj Mahal was one such place on our own list, and having it there meant that the choice to stay an extra night in Agra so we could witness the monument was an easy one to make.

7) Take Care Of Your Buddies In a foreign land surrounded by strangers speaking foreign languages, one of the few connections you have to home will be your travel buddies. (Unless, of course, you choose to go solo.) Benefits of having a good travel buddy include but are not limited to: someone to rant to if homesickness or other calamities strike, a familiar face, reminders to pray on time and keeping you in line, safety in numbers, someone to take photos with and also stronger friendships after it all.

6) Prepare For Changes No matter how much we plan though, Allah is the Best of Planners. Backpacking brings you out of your comfort zone and inevitably, the unexpected is going to happen. From upset stomachs and delayed trains to attending a wedding celebration we were invited to by Salim, our friend in Jaipur, we learnt to accept and appreciate all that happens as part of your backpacking experience, and part of His Plan.

8) Meet New People On the other hand, meeting new people is also an inevitable and important part of backpacking. Whether a local elephant herder or fellow backpackers from Australia, everyone has a story to share that will widen your horizons and help you to empathise with others a bit more, even if they are different from you.


11 tips for the muslim backpacker

9) Give More Especially if you are visiting a country as affected by poverty as India is, try your best to make a difference by simply giving. Make time to visit homes for the underprivileged or be slightly less aggressive in bargaining prices if you feel like the person might need it more. A useful rule of thumb to avoid feeling cheated is to only pay what you can for what you want, and nothing more. Even though you might end up paying more than whatever the “actual price� is, this principle means walking away is always an option, and if you do, the seller might just give in to your budget. If not, then perhaps whatever it is was not meant for you.

10) Have a Notebook Keeping a notebook helps you to plan, record and reflect throughout your entire backpacking trip. During #asmtrvl, we held regular sharing and reflection sessions but even without these, bus or train rides are perfect opportunities to pen down any thoughts and experiences you would like to remember. Write all of it down, because no matter how momentous an event feels at the time, we humans tend to forget.

11) Grow At the end of it all, backpacking is an experience that you must simply do to understand what it is about. No amount of tips we read before our journey could get rid of the mix of emotions in our hearts before we set off but when we finally returned home, all of us found within ourselves changes. Whether in obvious or subtle ways, we all grew in understanding about ourselves, our friends, the world and through all this, of our role here in this life. Beyond backpacking, perhaps the most important thing is to come back with eyes, ears and hearts more open than ever before.

11 TipS for the Muslim Backpacker 31

MUSOLLAH "Guard strictly the (five obligatory) prayers, especially the middle Salaat (Asar). And stand before Allah with obedience.” - Surah al-Baqarah 2:238

Gardens by the Bay 18 Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore 018953

Direction: The musollah is located right beside Texas Chicken at the Supreme Dining Area. Look for a small room (white door) which states ‘Musholla’. Nearest Toilet: Beside the Supreme Dining Area Provision: All amenities provided. Capacity: 5 people Remarks: Combined praying area for male and female.

Big Box 1 Venture Avenue, Singapore 608521

Direction: Proceed to the carpark basement 1 and look for a signage that states ‘staricase L’. Turn right and you will see the prayer rooms. Nearest Toilet: Level 1 Provision: Prayer Mats, Sarong and Telekung Remarks: Female room might be locked. Ablution place is provided.

Universal Studios Singapore 8 Sentosa Gateway, Singapore 098269

Direction: Musollah is located just beside Battlestar Galactica. There is a small room for prayer stated ‘prayer room’ with ablution facility provided. Capacity: 6 Male, 6 Female Remarks: Segregated praying areas for male and female.

Listing courtesy of alMusolla SG. Pictures credits to the respective owners. 32

WHAT'S GOING ON? Listing courtesy of IslamicEvents.sg

Lord of the Worlds Date: Saturday, 30 May 2015 Time: 7:30 pm to 11 pm Venue: Royal Palm, Singapore Flyer 30 Raffles Avenue, Singapore 039803 Organised by: Syiok SG Talk by: Ustaz Noor Deros, Ustaz Taufiq Radja Nurul Bahri and Ustaz Muhammad Nuzhan Abdul Halim

Fees: S$48 Lord of the Worlds This 3.5 hours event will be focusing on Allah SWT and part of His kingdom, Jannah & Jahannam. We will be concentrating on the following three main segments: Preparing for Akhirah: This segment focuses on Allah's mercy towards mankind and how to gain His pleasure. This segment will also touch on the life in Jannah. The Final Test: The Final Test refers to Al-Hisaab. This segment will mention about how the situation will be like at Padang Mahsyar and how mankind will be questioned. The Bonus segment: ‘Shaytan's final khutbah' and Allah's promise.

National Service Workshop Being A Muslim In NS Date: Monday, 1 June 2015 Time: 8 am to 2 pm Venue: Abdul Razak Mosque 30 Jalan Ismail, Singapore 419285 Organised by: B2M

Fees: Free National Service Workshop - Being A Muslim In NS Many Muslims are concerned about life in NS, especially on whether one will be able to guard the 5 daily prayers, which is a critical obligation that one must fulfill. With knowledge and will, one will be able to do so, for there are indeed people who have gone through the toughest trainings in the jungle and the sea, while not missing even a single prayer in those 2 years. Elder brothers, with guidance by our local teachers, will share their little experience on how one can go through the thick and thin of NS life in serving our dear homeland, while maintaining one's obligations to The All-Merciful, especially concerning the 5 daily prayers, which is and will always remain the pillar of our blessed religion.

Super Muslim Camp 2D1N Date: Monday, 8 June 2015 Venue: Masjid Hajjah Rahimabi Kebun Limau 76 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328835 Organised by: Masjid Hajjah Rahimabi Kebun Limau

Fees: S$25 Super Muslim Camp 2D1N Forget about being the Avengers, Batman and Spider man. How about being the superhero to your Ummah! Here's a 2D1N Pre-Ramadhan Camp just for you to train up and prepare yourself for Ramadhan with your family. To be a superhero, you got to start somewhere.



coming soon. #29daysofblessings








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